1Q Jef and Kathy's Activities 2Q 2009 3Q 2009
1Q Apr May Jun 3Q 4Q
Jan Feb Mar Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Jun 2009

On the 1st, another long day at work.

On the 2nd, after another long day at work, attended the all-school concert at the high school. Holley had a couple of solos with the Middle School band.

Holley's solo


Award-winning high school band

On the 3rd, we celebrated our 3rd anniversary by taking it easy all day at home and exchanging gifts and cards.

On the 4th, Holley got her cards from us for birthday #15. She had already received a new saxophone from us a week earlier as her gift. We had long day at work. When taking Holley home took a pic of cool clouds. Same clouds were present hours later when I took out trash:

On the 5th, after work, played poker at Dawn's with Holley, Kathy, Jan, Sally. Holley and Kathy were big winners.

On the 6th, with the help of Maurice, removed old window in front of house. Later that afternoon, framed the opening for the new window. Kathy worked all day cleaning Sewanee house for renters. Brought in Patti's old couch and shipped out Kathy's old one. We were both exhausted this day.

On the 7th, completed installation of ceiling fan in addition, capped irrigation dribbler in new pool location. Rusty came over and helped install new window in front of house. That evening, Kathy baked a cake for Holley's birthday, and we had the ceremony with Stacey participating by phone.

Cool moonrise this evening

On the 8th, nearly finished spackling around new window on outside. Ran out before finishing inside. Back to work. Took pix outside afterwards, as there was a nice sunset. After returning home, went on hike with Kathy -- Jef was fatigued, but completed the 4+ mile hike.

Kathy sitting in boat to empty shoes of debris

Cool clouds that night

On the 10th, after doing a few projects on our day off, attended Holley's graduation from Middle Skool. Kathy, Stacey, Holley and I went out for dinner at Carlees afterwards.

Holley entering the staging area

Getting 1st of 4 awards

With her music peers and their awards

Writing award

Silver certificate (greater than 3.5 GPA)

With proud sister and mom

College and middle skool grads

Nice sunset by Carlees

Everyone arriving

"If looks could kill" stare by Stacey

Fooling around

On the 11th, after work, dropped by Gages for pizza and watched end of 4th Laker/Magic finals game. Then hiked a about 3 miles around local circle with Kathy and Tiki, witnessing a cool moonrise:

on the 12th, Kathy was sick. After work, drove to SD, did some shopping, lost at tennis 2-6, 5-7 with partner Sid against Hank and Gerry. Won 13 at poker, plus half the bad-beat, bringing home an extra 57.

On the 13th, completed inside spackling of new window in old section of house. Then, with help from Maurice and Nico, took out old and installed new window in original bathroom. Kathy cleaned at my house, alongside renter.

On the 14th, took it moderately easy, doing a few projects. Enjoyed final weekend in 3 week stretch of unusually mild, but windy weather for Borrego. High this day was forecast to be 89°F! Later that day, drove to my house and de-bugged it (including beehive in hot tub). While driving there, we saw some dark objects way off in the distance, and so on way back we stopped and hiked up Anzio towards area of these dark spots. Here is what we found:

On the 15th, back to work.

On the 16th, another full day at work.

On the 17th, after doing some painting on outside of addition, went with Kathy and Holley to a "progressive dinner", where we had the first course (appetizers) at Tish's, 2nd course (soup and salad) at Jan and Sally's, 3rd course (main dish - corned beef and cabbage) at our house, and 4th course (deserts) at Tony's. Excellent food and interesting conversations. Attendees: Cynthia, Tony, Jan, Sally, Holley, Jef, Kathy, Tish.

Tish and Jan at Tony's

Talking around desserts

On the 18th, another long day at work. Plumber came over and fixed some leaks, improving situation at swamp cooler with a better valve, and much less 1/4" copper tubing.

On the 19th: work, shopping in SD, played some pickleball winning some, losing some, lost 1 at poker.

This dog played soccer while we played pickleball

On the 20th, with help of Maurice and Nico, installed pool. Kathy did final cleaning of Sewanee with Terrice. With help of Cody, moved some furniture from Sewanee to Weststar and moved a couple of doors to Sewanee. Helped Kathy with a patient, despite both of us being exhausted. Dad flew to Texas, arriving late due to bad choice of flights and plane break-downs (10 hours!).

Texas Rangers in bloom

"Johnson Star" prior to grouting

On the 21st, finished painting outside of addition. Got a father's day card from Holley. Took it easy the rest of the day.

On the 22nd, back to work.

On the 23rd, a light day at work.

On the 24th, our day off, used up entire bag of grout, but only covered about 3/4 of tiles in addition. Hiked up to a new hill for us, covering about 3 miles or so.

Middle ridge is our normal route to Borrego Spur

Kathy went on additional up/down hike while Jef collapsed at summit

rock art at top of hill

On the 25th, started trim in part of addition where grout was done, and then off to work.

Moon set after work at "The Mall"

On the 26th, after work, drove to SD. Won in tie-breaker at tennis in singles set against Hank. Won 1 at poker.

On the 27th, patched the only leaking area I found on pool. Helped Kathy with one patient, and then went out to Carlees for dinner -- trying seafood salad, pretty good.

On the 28th, replaced 3 remaining crappy automatic valves in back yard. Finished grout in addition. Temperature/humidity was so high that Kathy turned on A/C for a few hours.

On the 29th, completed cutting trim for addition. We had a few drops of rain on this hot muggy day. A medium day of work.

On the 30th, anther long day at work. Here's a picture of Stanlunds when we finished at Jack's place:

Moon set after work at "The Mall"

May 2009

On the 1st, after work, drove to SD, did some shopping, and was big winner at poker, winning 11.

On the 2nd, went with Donna and Kathy to Palm Canyon. We hiked about 2 miles, helping Donna over boulders, and taking frequent rests.

Desert Hibiscus

Kathy and Donna before crossing creek


Bee on Desert Lavender

Desert Monkey Flowers



Unknown little flowers

After returning home, Kathy and Holley finished baking cookies for bake sale to benefit the band, and we all went to concert to hear band play and sell baked goods. Met Jill, Rusty, Kathy and Rick there. Jef put some cookies on plastic chair and took 1st load to campsite. After returning to car, found chair in road, and Kathy picking up cookies, complaining wind picked up chair and it hit her in the face. After finally getting settled, since we were 15 minutes late, and 30 minute concert was over 15 minutes later, everybody left, but Kathy, Holley and Jef. Kathy stayed to sell baked goods by hauling them around the circle.

Our group (Jill, Rusty, Kathy and Rick) at Cinco de Mayo festival at circle

Holley performing

Later on the 2nd, went out to dinner at Carmelitas, which was fairly crowded -- unusual in May.

Kathy tried to help this run-over king snake

On the 3rd, did some clean-up work at home.

At 3a.m. on the morning of the 4th, Kathy drove Holley to skool for her weeklong trip to Catalina. Later that morning, before sunrise, washing machine overflowed, so Jef spent an hour diagnosing problem, finding no problem. Went to work for another busy day. After discussing problem with patients, determined it must have been a temporary glitch, so later that night re-installed washing machine.

On the 6th, after doing a bunch of catch-up work on our 'day off', we met Dawn at Jan and Sally's house, where we celebrated Dawn's upcoming birthday.

At Jan and Sally's

On the 7th, after another hard day's work, Kathy and Jef hiked about a mile up the Borrego Spur and back to office.

Looking towards town from Borrego Spur in moonlight

On the 8th, after another hard day at work, drove to SD, did some shopping, lost 4 straight sets at pickleball with partner Tim against Craig and Sid. Then had quick tour of Stacey's new apartment, before heading home.

On the 9th, did a little work at the office. Helped Kathy with patient. While talking to dad, he noticed his surgery incision was leaking lymph, and so he wound up going to urgent care. We went out to Glorietta and had the, probably, last potluck of the season.

TP group

Moonrise reflected in hood of truck

Kathy acting screwy

Jef and Kathy in moonlight

Kathy on top of hill acting screwy

On way home, Kathy drove thru Ocotillo Forest, and we took a few pix, enjoying a perfect night.

In the Ocotillo Forest under a full moon

On the 10th, Stacey arrived. Got about half the tiles cut for new 'Johnson pentastar' emblem for addition. Then we all went out to brunch at the Krazy Coyote.

Mother's Day at Krazy Coyote

On the 13th, drove to SD where Kathy saw her doctor, and we saw a lawyer to review dad's situation. After shopping, met Stacey at her work in Santee and had dinner with her at a nearby Mexican restaurant.

On the 14th, another long day at work. Went to open house at the skool, meeting a few of Holley's teachers.

On the 15th, skipped going to town, working a long day. Found Holley had messed around with my camera a few days later:

On the 16th, Kathy and Terese cleaned house. Did one homecare, but Kathy fell asleep a few times while working on him. Ordered pizza, and Pam gave us a free frozen yogurt, to let Kathy know machine was working again.

On the 17th, drove to LA, dropped off wheelchair at dad's. Took some pix, brought back some 'stuff'. Went to Gage's for a Texas Bar-B-Q.


Holley and Jill at BarBQ

Kathy and Holley

Returned to a long day at work.

On the 19th, dropped car off at Tito's and walked home (about 4 miles). Took a few pix:

Velvet something

Close-up of spurge

Later that evening walked another 3 miles with Kathy.

On the 20th, drove Kathy, Gypsy, and Holley to Brawley. While Gypsy had an infected tooth removed, we shopped and had late lunch at Jalisco's in El Centro.

On the 21st, did another long, hard day at work. Later that night Jef and Kathy did a 4 mile loop in their neighborhood.

on the 22nd, after work, drove to SD, did some shopping and won 23 at poker.

On the 24th, Kathy, Holley, and Stacey drove to Ramona to pick up RX for parasite infecting all of us -- Stacey had brought it home a few days earlier when she picked up Holley to see No Doubt concert. We did a lot of laundry and took RX that night.

On the 25th, had a nice Memorial Day dinner with a visiting Stacey.

On the 29th, drove to SD, went to the dentist for cleaning. After shopping, attended poker at Hank's house, winning 6.

On the 30th, agreed on lease for renting Sewanee house. Took Kathy for dinner at Assagio's, as this was their last weekend of the season.

On the 31st, mostly took it easy. Despite fatigue, went on moonlight 4 mile hike with Kathy this night.

Apr 2009

April fools day was a day off work. Jef did some trim work on new addition and yardwork out front. Later that day, Jef and Kathy went hiking up Glorietta Canyon.

While Jef snapped a few pix in meadows, Kathy took Tiki for a quick walk

Trailer of guy who scarred up Glorietta and blocked main road

Kathy and Tiki at start of hike

Jef and Kathy near pass

Kathy on a side hike

Kathy carried Tiki after Tiki caught some cholla

Possible book cover shot

Not a good idea

Sphynx Moth caterpiller

Kathy partaking in desert lavender?

This larkspur added a blue component to flora

On the 2nd, back to work.

On the 3rd, after work, drove to SD, did some shopping, and then won 37 at poker.

On the 4th, mostly took it easy. Did some chores at the house, especially getting new satellite router working after an hour on the phone. Vacuumed out old computer that is now Holley's. Took Kathy to dinner at Assagio's.

On the 5th, fixed the irrigation coming out of house, adding another shut-off valve and linking 3 lines into one valve that seems to be working. Then finished trim in addition.

On the 6th, back to work.

On the 7th, drove Kathy to SD to get another epidural. Had a great lunch at Casa Machada. Did a some shopping before returning home. On way, stopped near Henshaw and took a few pix, but was running late, and missed other better photo ops on way.

Patch of flowers with Lake Henshaw in distance

Poppies mixed in with the "LYF's"

Kathy checking out flowers

Later that night, Jef took some pix in front yard under a full moon:


On the 8th, started sanding drywall in new room, and then drove over to bottom of Montezuma and snapped a few pix. Then back to office to update websites.

Ocotillos blooming late this year with Indianhead in background

Later that day, drove over to view new sculptures around Indianhead Ranch, and then over by the Mall where I took a few ocotillo pix:

New Sun God sculpture opposite Indianhead Ranch entrance

New boar sculptures in Indianhead Ranch

Looking toward Borrego Spur

Looking toward Indianhead

Moonrise that evening

On the 9th, finished sanding drywall, causing dustfall all over house. Later that morning, we had a cancellation, so we could attend an award ceremony at the Middle School. Holley received 3 awards. Here she is receiving an award for band:

Walls ready to be painted

We felt 2 3 magnitude earthquake this afternoon at work, which we found occurred only a few miles from us. After work that evening, we braved some chilly wind and did our usual 4+ mile loop hike with Tiki and Desi.

On the 10th, amid a busy workload, we found much more work needed to be done for taxes and not much time was left.

On the 11th, spent the day painting room addition, using up remainder of primer and buying and applying some Navajo white. Installed one of new sconces. Dawn came over and the 5 of us had a nice Easter dinner.

Painting nearly done

On the 12th, installed 2nd sconce, spent much of day recoverying from prior day. Had Dawn come over and join family for a nice Easter dinner, featuring Cornish game hens.

Stacey hiked up with us behind country club that afternoon

On the 13th, drove to Julian to get taxes, and got IRAs deposited and taxes (using an extension) sent out later that day. After work, drove to L.A. and spent night with dad.

Desert Senna and Ocotillo blooms were evident up towards Yaqui Pass

On the 14th, drove dad to hospital, and went with him for tests until he wound up in a room at St. Judes. Spent rest of day at his house. Walked around neighborhood, here is house from other side of hill (only 2nd floor roof is visible -- palm is just to left of house):

On the 15th, dad called about 5:30 a.m. that he was being taken to surgery, but they gave his clothes to security. Drove down to hospital and reclaimed his clothes. Waited for over 3 hours before he reached recovery room. Spent about half an hour with him, but he was "under the influence", so spent another night at his house. Spent about 5 hours scanning and processing pictures.

On the 16th, met dad midday in recovery. He was awake this time. Stayed with him for about 3 hours, finally leaving after he was ensconced in a room with a telephone. Talked to Kathy while there and found out Borrego had been rocked with a magnitude 4 quake that day!

On the 17th, met dad at hospital, found his wallet had been lifted, but managed to get him out and drove him home. We packed and left for Borrego. Set up dad in Holley's old room, and did the draw at the tennis center.

On the 18th, drove dad to Sewanee to look at house. While there, we found car cooling system was shot, but rand temp into the red and got back home. Drove Jeep, and played in tennis round robin, winning one and losing one. Took dad and Kathy to banquet at Tennis Center that night. Holley was all day at Magic Mountain, returning at 4a.m. the following morning!

While showing dad my Sewanee house, we found this flyer, slid under door had been caught and levitated on a spider web!

Tennis banquet

On the 19th, pulled hamstring in first tennis match and dropped out. My sub managed to win the set, despite coming in a game where I was losing 3-1, but the set score was even at 6-6. Our team came in last place, losing 19-17-13. Kathy came down with stomach flu that day, so we skipped TP potluck in Glorietta.

Our losing team

On the 20th, had to cancel all of Kathy's patients, and started catching up on paperwork. Dad started on his memoir of his days as an aerospace engineer, working on the bizarre Cyclodyne project.

On the 21st, cancelled all of Kathy's patients and did more paperwork. Mortared new room in a couple of places where floor did not match, installing ramps at these locations. Tried to keep traffic off these ramps while they dried.

On the 22nd, got dad started on project to make the Johnson star pattern for tile emblem in new room. Kathy still sick.

On the 23rd, cancelled all of Kathy's patients and got her a couple things to help get her back on track.

On the 24th, Kathy returns to work, doing all but last patient. She started developing severe cramping in her toes during the day.

On the 25th, drove dad back to L.A., got him set up with food, loaded the wheelchair and some other stuff in car, and drove back. Did shopping both coming and going. Wrong turn on 57 sent me down to Fullerton, a 20+ mile detour.

Stopped by one of sculptures on way back and took these pix

On the 26th, installed border tiles in new room. Showed the Sewanee house to Maurice and Teresa for possible rental.

On the 27th, a long day at work.

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