2Q Jef and Kathy's Activities 3Q 2009 4Q
Sep 2009
On the 1st another long day at work.

On the 2nd, Kevin came over and we took out last 60-year-old window in Holley's room, and replaced it with a fairly good window taken out in last room addition project. Kevin replaced a broken screen, and we called it a day in the early afternoon, as it was pretty hot out.

Kevin working on removing old window

Old window about ready for removal

New window

On the 3rd, used up remaining spackle on outside new window and finishing up inside parts of prior 2 windows. Then off to work.

On the 4th, after a long day at work, went over and watched Holley's first cheerleading game. The Rams lost 49-20. Then we all packed up and drove to Stacey's in SD, where we spent the night.

All BS cheerleaders on their cheer-boxes

Holley at left doing a cheer

Waiting for something to cheer about

Cheering after a Ram's touchdown

Cool clouds that night

On the 5th, met Stacey and her work and had some Oggi's. Bar-b-qued that night, finally eating around midnight.

On the 6th, did all our shopping for this trip in SD. Later that night, went down to the pool to Bar-b-Q. Then back at Stacey's apt., Jef got a birthday cheesecake.

Stacey cutting Jef's b'day cheese-cake

On the 7th, all 4 of us packed up and went to Dog Beach along with Tiki and Marley. Had some awesome sandwiches from Chris's Liquor. Did some body-surfing and Jef and Holley managed to get significantly sunburned. That evening, Holley, Kathy and Jef packed up and headed back to Borrego, leaving Marley and a check to pay for his deposit at Stacey's apt.

Getting ready to leave Stacey's apt.

On the 8th, back to work.

On the 9th, a light workload at the office.

On the 10th, a heavy workload at office.

Borrego sunset this evening

On the 11th, after working most of the day, Jef drove to SD, did some shopping, found tennis had been cancelled, and proceded to win 12 at poker.

San Diego sunset this evening

Borrego Valley view from Crawford overlook at about 12:30a.m. -- moon is behind the clouds

On the 12th, Jef finally cut out the 6 valves on the side of the garage, moved and installed 4 others nearby. Jef and Kathy went to Carmelita's for dinner this nite.

On the 13th, Jef cobbled together a temporary fix for Rich's irrigation, replacing a broken 6 station controller with a 4 station, relocating a 4 station controller, and spreading the load on both controllers. Also replaced 2 valves at the, currently, rental house. Later that afternoon, Jef started cleaning the garage before going to work.

On the 14th, back to work.

On the 15th, another long day at work.

On the 16th, drove Kathy to doctor in SD. Had lunch at Casa Machada -- really good! Jef scraped a small section of Kathy's car, trying to avoid one of several bad drivers observed that day. Did some shopping before returning home.

On the 17th, another long day at work, after installing window sill in Holley's room.

On the 18th, after work, drove to Escondido and lost 12 at poker.

On the 19th, completed and attached emblem on table.

On the 20th, started on emblem background tiles for table. Built door for lower swamp cooler.

On the 21st, continued on emblem background and then had another full day at the office.

On the 22nd, cut final background tiles on table emblem, and a moderate day at work.

On the 23rd, cemented on remaining emblem tiles, spackled inside wall of recently installed window. Then made cover for lower swamp cooler.

On the 24th, spackled wall-side part of new swamp cooler cover. Then another busy day at the office.

On the 25th, after working at office, drove to SD, did some shopping, lost at tennis with partner Sid 2-6, 3-6, against Gerry and HH. Lost 5 at poker.

Pirate theme at poker

Orion rising over Borrego from Crawford Overlook at about 12:45a.m. on the 26th

On the 26th, cut some tiles for table side and installed moulding on new swamp cooler cover.

On the 27th, woke up in the afternoon and mostly took it easy. We took Holley to Dr. to see about her back problems. Jef also found out that his hemoglobin levels were back in normal range. Dropped by Gage's and had some drinks and discussed future camping plans at Agua Caliente.

On the 28th, Jef cut more table side tiles and installed on one side of the table. Then a busy day at the office.

On the 29th, did some spackling of swamp cooler cover, and then after working a not-so-busy day at the office, Jef got home early and installed 2 more sides of table with tile. Then noticed a nice sunset caused by a cool front moving in. Shortly after that, Kathy got home, and we went on power hike, doing the usual 4+ mile loop at a fast pace.

Gibbous moon to right of clouds

At end of hike we saw these sculptures newly put up at one of our neighbors

On the 30th, Jef put last tiles on side of new table, did finish spackling around newly installed window, and started on cutting tile for remaining area on top of table. Then went to office for a couple of patients.

1Q 2Q Jul Aug Sep 4Q
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Oct Nov Dec
Aug 2009
On the 1st, despite not feeling well, drove with Kathy to Julian, did some wine tasting, got a sandwich, and hiked a 7 mile loop from West Mesa Trailhead, going up/down over 1000', hitting Airplane Monument on the way. Airplane Monument is STILL a beehive.

At top of first grade

Thousands of protective sleeves for new pines planted after the fire... only a small percentage still lived

Butterfly snagged in tunnel spider web

Unburned section near "Burnt Pine Junction"

Kathy was not happy with vegetation taking over parts of trail

...and with Jef taking too many pictures!

Airplane Monument is STILL a beehive

Vine flowers and a beetle

Wild buckwheat flowers

Kathy by creek at end of hike with red columbines and stinging nettle right above her head


Other red flowers

Weird flowers

Killer bee on vine flower

"Miller Time"

On the 2nd, despite being wiped out, did some work at office and house.

On the 3rd, back to work. Still not feeling well.

On the 4th, didn't do much on day off.

On the 5th, went to Medical Center for some tests to determine fatigue.

On the 6th, back to work, started using some prescribed meds.

On the 7th, went to work, skipping trip to San Diego due to fatigue.

On the 8th, did a little tile work in back.

On the 9th, mostly took it easy, but did a little more tile work.

On the 10th, back to work.

On the 11th, went in for follow-up visit to Medical Center, finding out I had severe anemia, and got more tests. Started new meds. Then worked another day in office.

On the 12th, took it easy on day off.

On the 13th, Jan suggested I go to emergency room, so we all packed up and went to Mercy in Hillcrest. After a 2 hour wait, got into treatment area of Emergency Room, where I stayed for another 9 hours, getting a Cat Scan with contrast, which suggested possible Atelectasis in lung. Also got blood tests which showed similar anemia. Kathy talked doctor into having me admitted, and at 1 a.m., got a room.

Jef in ER

On the 14th, got several blood tests, colonoscopy, endoscopy (after drinking 1 gallon of "delightful" concoction, GoLytely). Due to finishing this late afternoon (under anaesthesia), and late night the night before, slept until next morning.

On the 15th, got picked up (another wheelchair ride) for more tests: X-ray, ultra-sound, and Fluoroscope. Then Kathy came (with my clothes) and we walked to pharmacy and stopped for a Greek lunch (which waiting for drugs to be ready). Picked up Holley at the Mall, stopped at Stacey's new apartment, stopped to see Stacey at work, and then drove to Borrego.

On the 16th, took it easy, continuing on anti-biotics, iron pills.

On the 17th, back to work.

On the 18th, dropped by Medical Center, more tests, and got RX for itches (possibly allergic to antibiotics), and then back to work.

On the 19th, cut remaining tiles for backyard project.

On the 20th, back to work.

On the 21st, another day at work.

On the 22nd, completed installing final tiles in backyard project.

On the 23rd, completed mortar ramps in tile project. Then did major pruning in backyard.

On the 24th, a long day at work, catching up on this journal at the end of the day.

On the 25th, started work on tiling former dining room table (now sitting outside and falling apart). Then another day at work.

On the 26th, after cutting final cementboard pieces for table tile project, spent most of day in bed. Wandered in for follow-up at Med. Center. Caulked and installed cementboard on former dining room table.

On the 27th, did a 4 mile/400' vertical test hike to Borrego Spur in the morning (1h 20m) to test endurance -- an improvement was noted (went solo to let Kathy catch up on her sleep). Then went to Med. Center for blood tests to determine actual improvement over past week (later found to be 10%), and then off to work.

At top of hike, high up on Borrego Spur

On the 28th, another day in the old grind.

On the 29th, took it easy.

On the 30th, started working on design of table tile project. Noted sore calves, which Kathy determined was my doing too hard of a hike 3 days prior.

Sunset had smoke from some fire, perhaps the L.A. Station fire this evening

On the 31st, back to work.

Backyard tile project up to this day

Table tile project after cementboard has been attached

1Q 2Q Jul Aug Sep 4Q
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Oct Nov Dec
Jul 2009

On the 1st, drove Kathy to San Diego to see doctor. While there, had a nice sushi lunch with Stacey.

At Shogun's

After getting home, Kathy found a 'dog trophy': this dead rabbit

On the 2nd, Tiki managed to get a spinal chord injury, so Jef and Kathy made the trek to Brawley around midnight to see Dr. Howard.

On the 3rd, early in the a.m., we left Tiki at Dr. Howard's. It was odd that when we got there shortly after midnight, several people were working at the vet's on the roof, doing roofing, due to that being the only time the temperatures up there were tolerable.

At the vet

On the 4th, drove to SD with Kathy and Holley to visit Stacey over the holiday weekend. Jef's camera ran out of juice after the first picture taken at our stop at Schwaesdale's winery in Ramona, which was closed. We had a nice bar-b-que at Stacey's that night.

At the winery

On the 5th, Kathy and Jef hiked Cowles Mtn from Barker. It took an hour to reach the summit, as Jef is way out of shape. Kathy cooked Canneloni that night.

On the 6th, before packing and returning to Borrego, we determined Stacey's new apartment was infested with bedbugs, which were enjoying a resurgence in the world at this time.

On the 7th, back to work.

On the 10th, after work, Jef drove to SD and won 6 at poker.

On the 11th, Jef installed a shade over big swamp cooler on WestStar.

On the 12th, Kath and Jef hiked about 7 miles on the PCT near Ranchita.

Wild buckwheat in full bloom at start of hike

More than 3 miles into hike

Hiking back

View of Ranchita from 3 mile mark of hike

These looked like wild hollyhocks!

Giant 4 O'Clocks were blooming when we got back to trailhead

On the 13th, back to work after Jef installed 10 tiles in back yard.

On the 14th, determined my cel phone account was being looted by fraudulent charges.

On the 15th, drove Kathy to Palm Desert to talk with some people and we did some shopping and had a sushi lunch at Musashi's. After returning home, we met Rusty, had a few drinks over pizza and Kathy showed him the ropes of house-sitting for our upcoming vacation. Our main satellite box failed this evening.

On the 16th, noticed a very large swarm of bees was about to settle in our hot tub. I got out my bee-suit and we dissuaded the bees from settling there with a good amount of Malathion. Walked satellite guy thru problems with box, and he wound up replacing it. Then our last full day at work before vacation. Underground weather reported a high of 114.4° this day, the hottest of the year so far.

Nice sunset this evening

On the 17th, completed work, prepared to set off on 10 day adventure to So. Utah. While on the road, Holley, Kathy, Stacey and Jef decided to spend 1st night in Las Vegas. Lunch at Robertos in Needles. Jef thought it was good, but others didn't like it. Arriving in Las Vegas at midnight with temperature still in the 100s, the Flamingo, the desired destination due to the fancy pool there was full. On a hunch, Kathy decided to call the first hotel we saw when leaving the parking lot, Platinum, and found they had rooms. We checked in, and were upgraded to a suite at only $133/night. The suite had a full kitchen, jacuzzi, living room with large screen TV, anteroom, and OUTSIDE PATIO!! The suite was larger than most 1 bedroom apartments.


Driving up to Vegas

On the 18th, had excellent lunch at hotel, tried out pool area which was amazingly good, and it was so nice and we didn't have a long drive to Zion, so we stayed another night at hotel at same rate.

On the 19th, checked out of the Platinum and drove to Mesquite. Didn't connect up with Joanne, but did some shopping and had some great sushi there. Then drove to Zion, checked into Lodge in park, and hiked up to upper Emerald Pool, getting back to lodge just before it got completely dark.

Our Zion Lodge cabin

in the cabin

leaving from lodge

Taking pictures at lower pool

Upper Emerald Pool

Scenery in waning light

our Lodge

On the 20th, took shuttle to Narrows and hiked up to end of paved trail. Jef waited while Holley, Kathy, and Stacey hiked up a few hundred yards in the river. Checked out of of lodge, walked across to river, and had lunch at a beach. Stacey got stung by a nasty fly. Drove to north rim of Grand Canyon, and after waiting over an hour, our room was ready. Enjoyed the best cabin in the park, hanging out on front porch, and walking to Bright Angel Point. We had a great dinner at lodge.

At the Narrows

Having lunch on Virgin River

Stacey just after getting stung

Checkerboard Mesa -- leaving Zion

Bright Angel Point

Cabin 301

Lodge fire as seen from our front porch

Scorpio and lights of south rim from our front porch

On the 21st, sat on porch and bragged to envious passerbies that we got room only 3 days prior (obviously a cancellation). Hiked about 3 miles along rim toward campground. Checked out, had lunch at lodge, and drove to hotel near Panguitch. Drove into Bryce and stayed long enough for sun to come out just before sunset at Bryce Point. Drove back to hotel.

Lookout spur on rim trail

Wildflowers with canyon in background

Wildflowers seen on way out of park

Some places had great wildflower displays, but no place to stop and take pic




Shower plume in distance from Bryce Point

After sun came out just before sunset

Rainbow from prior shower plume

On the 22nd, checked out of hotel, drove to Bryce and had breakfast at Ruby's Inn. Hiked Navajo Loop down Wall Street and up the next canyon. Kathy slipped near bottom and scraped her shin, but a park volunteer materialized at that time and administered first aid. Drove thru Grand Staircase National Monument and Capitol Reef, and made it to Moab. We settled on the Sleep Inn and stayed there for 3 nights. We had 2nd rate Pizza Hut pizza the first night.

Going down "Wall Street"

"Scene of the Crime"

Owie and rescuer

Mossy Cave

On the 23rd, drove to Arches and did Window hike, but girls revolted at temperatures in 100s at midday, so we cut hikes short that day, and drove back to hotel. We tried to time going to Delicate Arch in Arches at sunset, but arrived too late. We still did the 4 mile hike, took some nice pix and got back to car just before it got totally dark.

In shade of North Window

On the 24th, arranged an easy raft trip down the Colorado near the Castle Valley Winery, which everybody enjoyed. For dinner that night we ate at the 4 star Sunset Grille, a converted mansion several hundred feet above Moab. It was built by the town's first millionaire, and had awesome views.


Sunset Grille

On the 25th, we checked out and high-tailed it all the way to Mesquite. Checked into the Virgin River 1 minute before Joanne invited us to stay at her place. We later met her for drinks at her house and talked for over an hour before going back to hotel.

On the 26th, checked out of hotel and started home. Jef thought it a good idea to bypass Vegas on way back, but this slowed us down about an hour and cost $6 to go thru Valley of Fire State Park. Ran into traffic on I-15 about 10 miles from border. We stopped at Primm, which was very crowded, to gas up and have some lunch. We got back on freeway, but traffic picked up and we made it to turnoff, going by way of Amboy. At 29 Palms, Jef thought it wise to go thru Joshua Tree NP, but failing to get map and missing turnoff, we had another almost 1 hour delay -- but got to see the part of the park we haven't seen before. We finally arrived home just after dark.

On the 27th, left much of baggage to roast in garage, as Holley found signs of bedbugs in Moab hotel. Stacey found she still had a big bedbug problem when she got home the prior night. Jef got some work done after over a week of paperwork at office needed attending.

On the 28th, Kathy was disappointed with cleaning job this day, so spent rest of day and next cleaning house.

On the 29th, got oil changed in Mazda -- it was down to about 1 quart after 8K miles, including a couple months of hot summer weather.

On the 30th, back to work with a light load of patients. Holley connected with an old friend who was in town. Stacey found the bedbug problem was due to her neighbors who were living in overcrowded conditions.

On the 31st, Jef woke up with nasty cramp in L calf, which took a long time to resolve. After a few hours at work, drove to SD, won at tennis with partner Sid against Hank and Bernie: 6-4, 6-2. Lost 12 at poker.

STACEY'S PICTURE ALBUMS from our vaction this month:







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