Return Trip 7/25 - 7/26/09
July 25, 2009Moab
We left the hotel and drove straight to Mesquite. In Mesquite, we stayed at the Virgin River Casino and then met Joanne for some drinks. We also gathered around dad and Leny's old organ.

July 26, 2009Moab

After spending the night at the Virgin River Casino, we drove back home thru Amboy. Kathy got a speeding ticket on 15, so Jef decided to take the scenic route by Lake Havasu. This turned out to be a mistake. We had to pay to get thru a State Park on the way that we didn't have time to explore. It was also a windy and slower route.

Holley in back seat nearing Amboy

We stopped to take a few pix of this "Shoe Tree" just outside Amboy

Experimental picture of some make-up thingee

Stacey after getting back to San Diego -- here probably in OB

Grand Canyon
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