3Q'10 Jef and Kathy's Activities 4Q 2010 1Q'11
Dec 2010

On the 1st, another day at the office.

On the 2nd, another day at the office.

On the 3rd, after a long day at the office, did the tennis draw with Gary and Jan.

On the 4th, won both matches at club, winning both matches and making it to finals the following day. Took Kathy out to dinner at Carmelitas.

On the 5th, watched some finals at club, lost in finals to Tom and Bill, who we beat prior day (5 - 8), and in tie-breaker (1 - 7).

Lost in finals to Tom and Bill

On the 6th, back to work at the office.

On the 7th, another busy day at the office and the start of a deluge of new patients: 6 this week!

New rock front of house taking shape

Umberto at work

On the 8th, another long day at the office.

Barbara slipped and hit her head, but was okay

On the 9th, a moderate day at the office, but with the deluge of new patients, it turned into a long day of paperwork! Walked to work this day, due to the road department paving WestStar in front of our house.

Will and Umberto completed the grouting this day

On the 10th, after working at the office, Jef drove to SD, did some shopping, rendezvoued with Jennifer, exchanging charts for a fax machine, and then spaghetti dinner at Henry's, where he won 5 at poker.

New asphalt on WestStar

Jef got up early and took pictures of fall colour in the ocotillo forest

Jef, Kathy, Barbara all wearing BPT T-shirts in our gym

On the 11th, Kathy saw a few patients this day, and Jef took her to El Borrego (Mexican) for dinner.

On the 12th, Kathy woke Jef up early to take a picture of the sunrise. After taking a few pix, the camera vanished! (so no pix for a while). Kathy saw one patient on what was supposed to be a rest day. Here are pictures of that sunrise after camera was returned from unknown(yeah, right!) borrower on 12/17/10.

On the 13th, a long day at the office. Did a 2.5 mile walk that evening, sans missing camera.

On the 14th, drove Kathy to SD for some xmas shopping and getting her nerve block procedure. We had lunch at Pho's in Linda Vista (Vietnamese).

On the 15th, a moderate day at the office. Altho Kathy had to be helped out of bed this morning, she was unstoppable once she got going. Amazing sunset, but Jef's camera was still lost.

On the 16th, a long day at the office on this mostly cloudy day. Will and Umberto completed part I of the WestStar stucco job. The road department smoothed out the new paving on WestStar this morning.

On the 17th, after working at office, Jef drove Holley to SD, did some shopping, including procurement of the xmas tree, lost 14 at poker.

On the 18th, after returning home from SD, Jef immediately found the mysteriously missing camera. Later he worked over at Sewanee, completing filling in trench for conduit and repairing broken irrigation. Did some clean-up there to show house for renter.

Completed (except for trim) portion of new exterior of WestStar house

Re-doing old stucco on original portion of house (Umberto fixed flaws and is patching here)

On the 19th, tried to take it easy, but Jef and Kathy had to wrap presents. Jef did some catch-up work at the office.

On the 20th, back to work for a long day at the office. Witnessed a spectacular rainbow that morning, but didn't have camera. Later took a picture of a fair rainbow. We had precipitation at various times this day.

Rainbow at Mall

Panorama at Mall with rainbow

On the 21st, after arriving at work, it started raining, and rained all day -- remnants of a major storm that dumped record amounts along the coast and in the mountains. Uploaded the release CALENDAR to this website. Created and uploaded this year's Christmas Card.

On the 22nd, a long and somewhat rainy day at the office.

One of the rainbows this day

Fonts Point this afternoon

Panorama including rainbow

Foggy in some spots of Borrego this day

Indianhead rising above clouds

Water leaking in new room from below

On the 23rd, had a long day at the office. Stacey and Marley dropped by the house to stay over the Christmas weekend.

On the 24th, brought tree inside house, and decorated it. That evening, went out to Carmelitas for dinner with Holley, Stacey, Jef and Kathy (one of the few restaurants that was open). On the way, drove by luminario display at the Roadrunner.

On the 25th, got up and had a leisurely time opening presents under the tree, while consuming coffee and bagels. Stacey: clothes, camera accessories, frappe maker. Holley: cell phone, ipod touch, clothes, stuff. Kathy: clothes, jewelry. Jef: pannini maker, clothes. Went on a little walk that afternoon, and Stacey tried out her new macro zoom lens. Later that day, had feast with Shirley V: prime cut prime rib (with horseradish sauce), Stacey's mashed potatoes, salad, brocolli caserole, biscuits. Holley and Stacey put up remaining Christmas lights, lining the whole driveway.

Recently decorated tree, and fire going Christmas day

Previous rains allowed this brittlebush to bloom in December!

Stacey photographing this chuparosa bush with her new lens

We all gathered around as Stacey photographed this chuparosa on our walk

Blooming creosote by the chuparosa blooms

Chuparosa close-up

On the 26th, did some work at Sewanee. Met one of interested renters there and house was rejected by them. Jef burned a lot of debris while there.

On the 27th, back to work at the office for a long day. At the end of it, showed house to other possible renters.

On the 28th, another long day at the office.

On the 29th, a long day at the office with some scattered rain and lots of rainbows! Made first pannini sandwich with new pannini maker.

Rainbow at about 1:20pm

Panorama at about 1:20pm

Rainbow at about 2pm

Panorama around 2pm

Panorama around 2pm at corner of building

On the 30th, a shorter, but seemingly long day at the office. That evening, Jef and Kathy talked to potential renters about some troubling facts, and despite not being completely satisfied, agreed to rent the Sewanee house on a month-to-month basis.

On the 31st, Jef noticed Kathy was late, so called her. She said she was stuck in the bushes, so he assumed she parked too close to oleander at home and her coat was stuck. After 10 more minutes, he called again, and she said she was still stuck in bushes. He asked where, and she said somewhere on the road to work. He rushed home and found her car in the middle of the road, having just been pulled out of "the bushes". Apparently, she had lost control going around curve, and there was still some residual frost on road from cold night before! She drove it to work, but Jef noticed car was driving cockeyed. He later took it to Tito's. Later it was determined car wasn't totalled and Tito got it drivable locally until parts came in. After a half day at work, we hosted a small New Year's Eve party at home. Carol, Wally, Jill, Rusty, Jan F, Janna, Aden, Hannah were the guests. There was no more than 10 people at the party, as Holley was spending the night with the boyfriend's grandparents, after going on a 4-wheeling expedition with them that afternoon.

Skidmarks are where car skidded sideways after hitting ice in shadows

Car hit steel posts protecting fire hydrant at glancing angle -- yellow paint rubbed off on front licence plate!

After car was pulled out of bushes

Note snow on Toro Peak. Two-leftmost skidmarks are from two front tires -- car skidded almost sideways and almost missed the posts.

Kathy pouring first drink -- nobody made it in the 5 to 6pm start time!

Our "spread" before guests doubled this amount of appetizers

The party centered in the kitchen
Nov 2010

On the 1st, Kathy was sick with stomach flu-like symptoms, so cancelled everyone and took her to doctor. Did some work at office.

Kathy making Albondigas

Jef's first portion of Albondigas

On the 2nd, Kathy was still recovering, so cancelled every patient again. Did some work at office.

At the Laughlins

Watching election returns

On the 3rd, Kathy returned to work for a medium hard day at office.

Will moving scratch coat material from wheelbarrow to Heriberto who is working behind tree here

Just after scratch coat put on house

On the 4th, after a somewhat light day at the office, went for a 3 mile walk, and stopped at Laughlins and stayed for drinks and food at an election-night party.

On the 5th, a busy day at office. Jef took off late afternoon, and with some motivation from Ferrari behind him, made good time getting to SD. Did lots of shopping before winning 2 at poker.

On the 6th, took it easy this morning -- Kathy completed 14 hours of sleep! We skipped Papa Don's memorial this day, as Carlsbad was too far to go with us both fatigued after another long week. We did some chores at home, including defrosting the freezer in closet, went to Ocotillo Wells and checked out jacuzzi that Walt was getting rid of. Then drove to East Butte area and walked up to goat trail with Kathy and Gypsy. Kathy slipped and badly scraped her shin on this walk. Kathy grilled some steaks for dinner.

Kathy and Gypsy testing out jacuzzi

Heater/pump of what could be my new jacuzzi

Kathy explaining why Ocotillo Wells is so much better than Borrego

Jef stuck in wreckage of dunebuggy implanted in ground at Walt's place

Starting the hike

Some ocotillos were blooming in November!

Walking up trail

A giant is chasing Kathy!

The same stunted ocotillo we photographed 5 years prior

Kathy thinks this would make a great tent site

Kathy got Gypsy to lick her wounds

Most of the way back to car

On the 7th, tried catching up on paperwork at office.

On the 8th, had another long day at the office. Then went to happy hour with sculpture group at house in Indianhead Ranch.

Looking down at part of happy hour group from roof

Kathy noticed these windfall Mexican limes on road by Indianhead home where tree was right by the road.

On the 9th, Will and Umberto came back to slap on the stucco brown coat. After another day at the office, walked over 3 miles with Kathy, Tiki, and Gypsy around the Country Club area.

On the 10th, another day at the office. Will and Umberto completed the stucco brown coat this day.

On the 11th, after a full day at the office, packed and drove to Stacey's in SD where we spent the night after having a nice dinner at McCarver's.

Stucco after brown coat was completed

At McCarvers with Kathy, Holley, Oscar and Stacey. Jef had a "Ty Cobb" salad AND sandwich. Good!

On the 12th, woke up early and got to Lindberg a couple hours before our flight. Kathy got a couple of Bloody Mary's in order to sleep thru the flight. We found we failed to get ticket printed early enuff to sit together. Jef was in worst seat beside a fat passenger at the very back. After arriving in Houston, dad met us at baggage claim and Jef drove dad, Kathy, Holley, and Stacey to the San Jacinto Monument and "the Texas" battleship museum. Then Kathy drove us to Elsa and dad's Houston house (after failing to find her "Tuna-can elephant sculpture"). The 6 of us went out to dinner at an Italian Restaurant with some good food.

Drinking Bloody Marys at the San Diego Airport

San Jacinto Monument (taller than Washington Monument!)

Jef, dad, Kathy, Holley, Stacey

Text describes origin of Republic of Texas

Stacey taking pix

Dad's "Cube" parked near "the Texas" with San Jacinto Monument in background

Kathy by "the Texas"

Kathy, Holley and Stacey


Fire Ant mound near the Texas

On the 13th, we got up and drove to Dickenson where we toured Elsa's Yupan St. house and dad's Nevada St. house. Kathy, Elsa, Holley, and Stacey walked down to the Bayou. We then drove to Galveston, where we had an outstanding meal at Willy G's before walking around old Galveston. Elsa procured a 20 minute horse-drawn carriage ride for all of us. We then drove to the Bolivar Island Ferry and took it to Bolivar Island during sunset. We saw the cruise ship docked near the restaurant we ate at earlier get underway while enjoying a great sunset on the ferry. We turned around on Bolivar and took ferry back. We drove home at this time. Jef and Stacey took photos of about 100 pages of dad's picture album pages.

Angled photo of dad's mom, Judith, taken at Houston house

Dad at his computer

Dad's photos given to him by Jef about 15 years prior

Elsa's Yupan house

New fungus pointed out by Elsa

More fungus

Behind the house

Poison Ivy growing up a tree on Yupan Street

Note dad's slab work outside Elsa's garage

inside Elsa's garage

Elsa pointing out what was to be dad's living space

Problem corner: tree falling on house had pushed footing of house down in this corner

I assume dad put in these tiles at base of stairs

upper deck

dining room with drywall removed

Kitchen seen thru bathroom wall!



dining room

We drove over to Nevada Street and toured dad's house. Note: these pictures may be useful in case Jef has to go back and get these houses ready to sell, as dad and Elsa are now living pretty far away and would probably need help in that process.

Back patio looks like a new shade cover was recently installed?

Back patio from back yard: guava and banana trees

Decrepid shed in back yard

Note exterior plumbing on side of house

Dad's back on dad's back ... patio

Progress on dad's chandelier project, based on star atop San Jacinto Monument

Deck between house and garage

Dad's workbench in his garage

Franciscan dishes from LA in dad's kitchen

canned food as art

kitchen seen from living room

tiny room at front of house: bedroom for pygmys

small bedroom


master bedroom - nice and big! resembles Landa St. bedroom, only bigger!

House as seen from Nevada St.

On the bayou

looking at a dead fish

After leaving Dickenson, we drove to Galveston and had a great lunch at Willy G's:

Waiter in background looking with daggar eyes, and thinking "I bet they're messing with Texas!"

Light fixtures were pretty cool in this restaurant.


Cool buildings!

Real gaslamps!!!

Elsa procured a carriage for us!

Stacey got to ride on top

Holley and Kathy bundled up

The restaurant at sunset

Looking back at cruise ship from ferry

Dad's Cube on Ferry


Holley and Stacey near bow

Elsa looking at dolphins and such at sunset

Elsa on banjo

Miller time at Houston house, Kathy watching pies cook in defective oven

On the 14th, we got up early, said goodbye to dad, and Elsa drove us to the airport. Kathy failed to get a drink at the airport due to Harris County restrictions on drinking on Sunday mornings, but we did manage to sit together, as Jef printed out ticket the night before. After landing, Kathy rushed back to plane from restroom when she discovered she forgot her purse. Hank picked us up and drove us to Stacey's. Jef managed to communicate to Hank that his cell phone fell out of his pocket in Hank's back seat by calling his phone, and Hank drove back after only driving a few blocks. We then found Stacey's key was left at the apartment, after getting Marley excited and barking non-stop. The office was closed, so we walked over to the Thai Basil Bistro for lunch. Finally we got Stacey in her apartment, and drove back home.

On the 15th, back to work. We managed to catch the tail end of the sculpture happy hour group (at the horses), after work.

Happy hour with the animals -- tonight at the horses

On the 16th, Jef fixed a broken dribbler, stuffed more branches in the dumpster, and went to the office.

On the 17th, drove Holley and Kathy to SD for doctors appointments. Holley got another x-ray. Had lunch at Ichiros. Did some shopping.

Holley's September X-ray from front

Holley's November X-ray from side -- note length of screws!

On the 18th, back to work at office - long day.

On the 19th, worked at office til mid-afternoon, Jef drove to SD, got some bread at Dudleys for Kathy and Holley. Lost at pickleball, but won 1 at poker.

On the 20th, arriving around 1 a.m. in Borrego from SD, noticed temperature gauge in car was maxed out. After sleeping, went to Shelter Valley with Kathy, where she met Rebecca and after dropping me off at Jennifer's, drove to Butterfield. Jef discussed contract work for BPT with Jennifer, who was preparing house for 60 people over Thanksgiving, and then drove to Butterfield, where after Kathy was done with patient, they looked over the resort for possible mini-vacation during coming year, before driving back to Borrego.

Chinchweed blooming at Jef's house this day

Jennifer in her grandparent's kitchen

One of the 2 living rooms in this 4000 sq.ft. house!

Outdoor patio area

Chinese? pistacio trees with full fall foliage

One of several goats foraging on the property

Fall is here!

At the Butterfield Ranch, threatening clouds in the mountains

One of the pools at this resort

Later that afternoon we went for a walk - this rainbow followed us for first 10 minutes

Kathy, Gypsy, Tiki on WestStar -- Jef unfortuneately had left camera on macro, so this was out of focus

Rainbow at Tilting T and WestStar

Rainbow at Tilting T and Broken Arrow

Heading up to Country Club

On the 21st, Jef did some chores, including preparing to replace a leaking valve, completing the emptying of the pool, getting some firewood, and putting more debris in dumpster.

While picking up Holley from a sleepover party, this rainbow was seen in Coyote Canyon this morning

On the 22nd, Jef ordered rock, grout, and other stuff for front of house while at work. Jef drove Holley to her spanish tutor and noticed engine temp. maxing out, so drove it to Tito for repairs. Walked 2 miles to office, finished work for the day, and walked home (total of about 4.5 miles).

On the 23rd, Jef walked to work over Spur route, as car was still in shop. Cool front still moving thru with chilly winds.

Unusual clouds this day

Still a little snow on Toro from storm that went thru a few days before

Getting down near lowest part of Spur Trail

Continuation of Spur Trail to Mall

On the 24th, Jef got ride to work with Kathy as there was a very early patient and Jef's car still in shop. Finished working at office for rest of week, taking off Thanksgiving and Black Friday.

at start of hike

This ocotillo looked extremely soft and fluffy, much like a "Teddy Bear Cholla", due to lots of rain in prior 2 months

High point of hike -- Holley at right is running after Gypsy after she let go of leash

Good grief, Jef! More pictures? Really??

Getting ready to eat

After food arrived

Thanks for all the good things

On the 25th, we spent most of the day cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Jef spent a couple hours cutting some firewood, which we burned this evening. We went on a 3.5 mile walk with visiting Stacey and Marley, and Holley with Tiki, and Kathy with Gypsy while the turkey cooked. Dinner was excellent this evening.

On the 26th, after taking it easy in the morning, we packed and drove to SD where we camped at Stacey's apartment.

Stacey got the jump on putting up decorations

Stacey's "mantle"

Alicia's "Frosty" decoration "high-5's" Stacey

On the 27th, we went out and looked at a few homes in the SD area. That evening Jef and Kathy had dinner at the Brigantine.

On the 28th, we all went out to see the latest Harry Potter movie (Deathly Hallows, Part I), which was okay, but somewhat slow. Then Holley, Kathy, Gypsy and Jef drove back to Borrego.

On the 29th, back to the office, with some fireworks happening with our office neighbor (shouting and such), which caused us to call the cops, again.

On the 30th, another day at the office.

Oct 2010

On the 1st, after seeing a couple patients in the office, Kathy went home to pack. When it came time for Jef to leave, a deluge started coming down. After school, Jef and Kathy picked up Holley and we all drove to SD to pick up Stacey. Due to the Miramar Air Show completing at the time of our arrival, it took an extra half hour to get out of the area. We drove up to the Lawrence Welk Resort in Escondido and checked in.

Individual raindrops visible in this pic

Someone running for cover

Puddles back at home

Kathy wouldn't stop, so Jef got these pics looking out sunroof while driving to SD

Our suite at Lawrence Welk

Kathy and Stacey cooked us burgers this night

On the 2nd, we drove over and checked out Fallbrook, having lunch at JJ Purdy Landers Irish Pub. After returning to our suite, we checked out one of the pool areas, where a movie was playing. We took advantage of Jef's waterproof camera while there. Afterwards, Jef collapsed in bed. Kathy bar-b-qued some chicken ka-bobs.

Looking out front window: I-15 is low on the hill

Holley and Kathy on our patio: golf course in background

Kathy pointing to nearby mountain

We parked by this fountain while in Fallbrook

Eating in pub

Pub from outside

Cool chairs!

Fake flowers forming flag on Fallbrook hillside

Avocado Fudge?

We needed to replace a cup in a set, but this was somewhat different

Crossing Main Street

Stacey and Holley in some sort of combat

Holley in spa

Stacey in spa

Underwater pix in pool

Back in the spa

On the 3rd, we checked out of the Welk resort and immediately checked out the winery next door: The Deer Valley Winery and car museum. Shortly after leaving winery we all apparently annoyed Kathy to the breaking point, so she stopped the car on the freeway onramp and stormed off, saying she was walking home. After walking about a mile, she relented, and got back in the car, but we decided not to go wine tasting in Temecula, but instead had a nice wine-tasting outing at the Bernardo Winery, having lunch at Cafe Merlot. We dropped off Stacey and drove home.

Old Helms Bakery truck in front of Deer Valley Winery

Lunch at Cafe Merlot

One of several kinds of weird flowers at the Bernardo Winery

Vines were only for show -- grapes were never harvested

Fermenting room

Jef in old barrel

Heading back to car

On the 4th, Kathy stayed in bed, recovering from her cold (caught at end of prior week, probably from Jef). Holley took her recently caught cold to school. Jef stopped by office and noticed it was good we weren't there: carpet was being installed.

On the 5th, Kathy continued taking it easy recovering from her cold, but was feeling better. Jef went to work to catch up with paperwork.

On the 6th, Kathy skipped all patients due to her cold today, but went with Jef to the parent-teacher conferences at the skool.

New carpet in gym

Gym machines in lobby

Other gym view

Clutter in hall

Other view of clutter this day

Remains of Kathy's b'day cake (baked by Jill)

On the 7th, Kathy was to return to work, but all patients cancelled. She came in anyway and supervised clean-up from the carpet installer replacing carpet in gym and closet.

House we were sitting this week

Jef finished trenching this morning

Remains of palm near Jef's house that was struck by lightning prior weekend

After tweaking gym machines in gym after carpet people failed to restore them to their exact previous locations

On the 8th, a full day's work at the office. Jef left for SD that afternoon and did some shopping -- the most important part was to obtain RX booklets at Kinkos. He then won 7 at poker.

On the 9th, Jef and Kathy met Jan, Janna, and Jennifer at the office, where they did a chart audit. Several problems were found and some things were fixed. We catered the event with burgers from Kendall's. That night, Kathy made dolmates.

Jef bought Kathy these Zinnias prior afternoon -- but with 4 planted in this small pot, they all died within a week

Jef bought Kathy this cool orchid prior afternoon in SD

On the 10th, Jef and Kathy took it easy most of the day. They walked to Gage's for house-sitting chores that night. Kathy made some chili.

Tiki likes to burrow in fresh laundry

On the 11th, back to work at the office, after cancellations, Kathy only saw 2 patients this day. She finally got a proper diagnosis for her urinary infection (after 3 weeks), and got the appropriate medication.

On the 12th, spent a long day at the office.

On the 13th, spent a medium long day at the office.

On the 14th, drove over to Sewanee house and found a dead, liquified, mouse stinking up the house. Then another medium long day at the office.

Neighbor's statues as seen in 3 mile walk this evening (including stop to pet-sit at Gage house)

You have to scrape up a liquified mouse!

On the 15th, Holley noticed a flood in back patio. Jef determined problem to be a blown float valve on roof swamper. This also caused flooding in the room addition in the still unknown leak location. Jef drove to SD and won 3 at poker. He then spent the night at Stacey's.

Dumpster arrived at WestStar this day (photo taken 4 days later)

On the 16th, Jef left Stacey's and drove to Vista to see Papa Don, who recently had a failed chemo run, followed by a stroke. He spent about an hour with Papa Don, son Jeff, and daughter-in-law Atso(sp?). That afternoon, replaced float valve in swamp cooler on roof that had caused the flooding the prior morning.

Jef at Jeff's house to see Papa Don

Papa Don being interviewed by student film crew in 2003

On the 17th, took it easy at home.

Kathy found this 3/8" conenose in bed this morning!

On the 18th, after a long day at the office, we went over to the new "Gold-panner" statues and met the "Statue Group" for happy hour. While sitting around and talking, we saw lightning flashes over the mountains, altho no clouds!

Gold-panner and his mule statues

Are those real nuggets???

Statue group happy hour

On the 19th, we got some close lightning strikes and a deluge of showers, totalling about 1". The leak in the room addition was still prominent. After a medium long day at the office (where Kathy's severe itching caused her to declare war on those conenose bugs by fogging them when she got home), we met the statue group at El Borrego for Taco Tuesday.

Dead eucalyptus tree -- to be removed in next few months

This sign washed down river a ways - Palm Canyon Drive at the Mall

Deepwater was on both sides of street!

15' from edge of road, and still sending out a rooster tail!

Taco Tuesday at El Borrego

Panorama shot -- note the guy in blue moved during the shot

On the 20th, despite very early morning showers, only a few sprinkles were experienced this morning. A small rainbow was viewed and showers were noticed near Fonts Point. Jef fogged the main bedroom and garage in hopes of eliminating the source of "Conenose bloodsuckers" that have been biting Kathy without mercy over the past couple weeks. Another medium day at the office, where Jef started getting ready to move stuff out of office in preparation for replacing carpets. Holley's report card showed improvement with a GPA of 3.29.

Looking down Palm Canyon -- Fonts is in sun, but off to the left is a major shower!

A little rainbow this morning

Looking east at home

On the 21st, in wet, but sunny conditions, Will and Umberto arrived to start the stucco job this morning. Then off to the office for a light day.

Start of paper/lathe work on stucco job

Wall before being paper/lathed

On the 22nd, Will and Umberto mostly completed papering and installing lathe on the rear wall of house and side of garage. After Jef worked at the office, he drove to SD and did some shopping. Lost single set at tennis (in tie-breaker) to Gerry and Edwin with partner Hank. Then lost 2 at poker after feasting on Henry's spaghetti dinner.

On the 23rd, the office and 2 treatment rooms were torn apart and put back together while carpet was installed. Kathy overdid it. Jef and Kathy had dinner at Carmelitas after mostly completing getting the office back in shape.

On the 24th, mostly rested from grueling day before. Kathy struggled with back pain.

On the 25th, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 26th, Jef filled up the dumpster with yard waste up to the brim before going to the office for a busy day.

While getting up in middle of night, Jef felt something on his back, swiped it off, spent a minute getting glasses and turning on light so he could see what it was: ANOTHER CONENOSE! It landed on its back and so didn't run away before Jef could take its pic. This was the biggest yet at over 1/2" long

...after squishing

Much more dew was on grass earlier, but Jef had to take Holley to skool and get gas, so only a little remained in this pic

SDG&E installed a new "Smart" meter this morning

During carpetting phase a few weeks earlier, Kathy found these magnetic signs at the office. Now we have 2 "Courtesy Shuttles"!

On the 27th, Will and Umberto returned to continue to wrap the house in preparation for stucco (doing the front of the house). Kathy worried she was coming down with another bug, but went to work a busy day, anyway.

It is rare that we have grass coming up in October!!!!

Panorama of backyard

Completed paper/lath on back wall this morning

"Pigpen" prior night with her new hairdew. Below are some messes she made in prior 24 hours!

Living room



Guest house bedroom

On the 28th, Jef drove Holley (aka "Pigpen") to skool, housekeeper to house, worked at the office. Later found out that Papa Don had passed away prior night.

On the 29th, after working at office, Jef did draw for BSTC tournament. This time bringing McNamaras to office to work in quiet, but still took too long.

On the 30th, played in tennis tournament with partner Peg Lieb. Lost 8-5, 8-3.

Driving to tennis center this morning, threatening clouds were over the mountains. Altho it rained heavy in SD, nothing ever made it to Borrego -- a beautiful Borrego Days weekend

This B-25 started Borrego Days Parade this year

Positioning to head E on Palm Canyon Drive

Ranger plane turned on its siren just as it flew down Palm Canyon Drive at the Tennis Center

Parade is just over this hill

Parade start location

"On deck" area for parade

Anahi was a passenger in this rodeo queen truck

OW float

SCA types

Last "Air Sculpture", an offroading enthusiast, with artist Ricardo Breceda

Bagpipers ended the parade

Packing up to leave


On the 31st, watched finals at tennis club. Took it easy rest of the day.

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