4Q'09 Jef and Kathy's Activities 1Q 2010 2Q'10
Mar 2010

On the 1st, back to office for a long day. Did 3.5 mile long block loop hike from house after work.

Tiki resting after night-time hike

Dad sent these pix of a renovation project he and Elsa were doing at his Nevada St. house:

On the 2nd, drove Holley and Kathy to SD for their doctor appointments. Along the way, stopped at theatre and reclaimed my found wallet, still undisturbed and did some shopping. Had a nice lunch at Pampas Grill (Argentine restaurant).

After 2 hour visit at Children's Hospital, it was determined that Holley will need back surgery this summer.

On the 3rd, back to work for another long day at office. Picked up car from Tito's (fixed steering glitch).

On the 4th, another lonnnnng day at the office.

On the 5th, after working at office, drove to SD, shopped, won at tennis with HH against Gerry and Edwin: 6-0, 6-4, 6-2. Lost 5 at poker.

On the 6th, hiked up to spur and back with Kathy -- about 400' vertical, 3+ miles. Went to theatre to see play based on Bradbury's short story, "The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit".

Note green tint of desert

Barrel cactus bloom

Final uphill push

High point (1070') at the spur, we retraced our tracks from here -- altho we almost took the wrong ridge back

Wildflowers are late this spring due to cool weather

After the play -- Austin, the director, in background is retiring at end of this season

Kathy and Shirley V

Russ, one of the 6 'wearers of the ice cream suit' wearing the suit is at left

On the 7th, the threatening weather on prior day delivered a good rain.

On the 8th, back to work at office for another long day. Weather was windy.

On the 9th, another long day at office with continued wind and cool weather.

Windy, but pretty sunset -- looks like fire below clouds

On the 10th, Kathy drove Jeep to Ocotillo Wells, but didn't make it -- wind advisory was in effect, but we didn't know about it. Kathy got blown to edge of road and subsequently lost control after fishtailing and when she pulled over to shoulder to slow down, it was too steep and the Jeep rolled, comming to reast about 100' from the road on its side:

Skidmark disappears when Jeep started to roll

Kathy sitting by wreck

Car is totalled, but Kathy walked away with only some bruises.

On the 11th, Kathy was feeling better and so went and did a couple of home care patients, but was hurting by mid-afternoon. Amanda II passed 220K when Jef drove to office this day.

On the 12th, after some work at office, Jef drove to SD, did some shopping, played a little pickleball and won 15 at poker. Dropped off Stacey b'day and x'mas gifts.

On the 13th, took it easy. Kathy took turn for worst.

On the 14th, took Kathy and Holley to Cathedral City to see 3D IMAX film, Alice in Wonderland, which was awesome! Kathy used wheelchair in mall and theatre. Then did some shopping on the way back, hitting mall for Holley to get jeans and Kathy to get new purse, then Target, Jensen's (to get grape leaves), and Stator Bros. to pick up St. Patty's day sale stuff (mainly corned beef @ .99/pound and cabbage @ .15/pound). When we arrived home, Rusty came over and helped us make dolmades (a Turkish dish made by stuffing grape leaves) -- everyone helping in cooking, talking, drinking.

We actually parked in front of the IMAX theatre on the road!

Holley, Rusty, Kathy consuming dinner

The dolmades

On the 15th, Kathy decided to cancel all appointments, as she was having too much trouble walking. She got into "breakfast-making mode" and started making Holley breakfast before school every day this week. Jef brought home walker from work, and Kathy used that mostly to get around house.

On the 16th, Jef trimmed grapevines and then went to office to do a little work. He hit curb when turning in to parking lot at Mall and destroyed R front tire, and so had to put on spare.

On the 17th, Jef went to office while Kathy fiddled around back yard. Jef dropped off wheel to get new tire and defective propane tank to get full replacement. After returning home, he made nachos and Jef and Kathy went to Club Circle for a St. Patty's day happy hour celebration with variant of TP group.

Happy hour at end of spur road on golf course near sunset

Looking S towards Deep Well

Our shade disappeared, so eventually moved to look away from sun

Looking towards condos inside circle

On the 18th, Jef did a little weeding, clean-up in back yard, until allergies pushed him to work at office for a while.

On the 19th, Jef and Kathy did major cleaning in back yard. Found the old trashcans still had lots of water and were source of mosquitoes. Went to office to prepare for work next week. Dropped off stuff at thrift store. Holley went to Mt. Empire for her 3rd softball game. Stopped by Tito's to recover some stuff from Jeep. Did draw for tournament the next day.

On the 20th, Jef and Penny won all 3 matches in tournament, making it to finals the next day. Gerry came over with Brenda and did the same with his partner, Sandi K, but skipped finals next day due to attending finals at Indian Wells. Gerry and Brenda stopped over at house on way out of town that afternoon. We then went to Padre Font statue in Galleta Meadows and met "statue group" for happy hour, where we saw the Rickards off on their Ireland trip. Jim and Grace stayed with us long enough to see the Space Station fly overhead at 8:13.

Happy hour circle at Padre Font statue

Marge horsing around

Hint of a fair sunset - although all clouds were contrails

Padre Font statue with moon above

Jim, Grace, Kathy and Jef stayed til after dark to see space station fly over

Track of space station ca. 8:15pm

On the 21st, Jef and Penny lost in finals to Al and Joanne, after falling behind 0-3, catching up at 4-4 and 6-6 before losing 8-6. Since this is a double-elimination tournament, we decided winner with a tie-breaker. We immediately fell behind 0-5, then got 2 points, fell to 2-6, and then won 6 points in a row to win the finals! Hauled away a lot of leftovers from potluck. Then went over to Dawn's for another happy hour.

Winners Penny and Jef at award ceremony

Dawn's new Amish Heat Surge unit

Dawn's reorganized living room

Dawn showing Kathy her new project, a streetcar model

Dawn's paddle boat in Jef's display case

On the 22nd, Kathy went back to work at the office. Jennifer helped out this afternoon.

Cool clouds this day

On the 23rd, Kathy was worse than the day before, but went to work, anyway. Jennifer again helped. Jef finally got the replacement tire for Amanda II. By the end of the day, Kathy was convinced her problems were back-related.

On the 24th, Kathy stayed home, not able to walk without a lot of pain.

On the 25th, Kathy still in a lot of pain. Jef went to office, did some work, and brought home the wheelchair in the early afternoon, just before taking Kathy to doctor. Kathy used wheelchair for rest of day. On way home from doctor, drove by flower displays on Henderson Canyon Road and at Indianhead Ranch.

Henderson Canyon Rd

Indianhead Ranch

Kathy wheeled around looking for a desert lilly

Tapir statue

Kathy finally found this desert lilly

Kathy spotted this entire hillside covered in lupines

On the 26th, Jef and Kathy drove Holley to skool and then drove over to Indianhead Ranch to see flower display there in the morning. Jef wrenched his back pushing Kathy's wheelchair in the sand. She treated him after getting home, before Jef went and worked at office.

Lupine covered hillside at Indianhead this morning

Kathy cruising along

Field of desert dandelion in former agricultural field

On the 27th, hung around home this day, as Kathy was hurting.

On the 28th, cooked up 2 batches of chile and stayed home.

On the 29th, Kathy started back to work, seeing 3 patients at office. She was wheeled up from parking lot, and mostly walked around office using a hiking stick.

On the 30th, drove to SD to get MRI for Kathy. Did some shopping.

Bottom of Montezuma Grade

Field of desert dandelions in a neighbors front yard

Kathy is proud of these euphorbia blooms

On the 31st, got cable internet installed at home, then off to work. Kathy saw 5 patients this day.

Feb 2010

On the 1st went to office for a long day at work.

On the 2nd, another long day at the office. Afterwards went on a 3 mile, 45 minute hike with Kathy and Gypsy, Tiki.

On the 3rd, another long day at the office.

On the 4th, had dizzy spell while returning from walk from PO, and barely made it back. Kathy took my blood pressure, and it was high. Had problems rest of day, but Kathy gave me a BP med and I finally got to sleep, and felt better the next day.

On the 5th, a long day at the office. Skipped going to SD, due to health issues and bad weather. Went to Carmelita's with Kathy for dinner. More rain this week!

On the 6th, stayed home and took it easy. Went on hike with Kathy that night, but bailed after about 0.8 miles, due to not feeling well again - high BP. Jef helped Kathy by clipping overly long teeth of Cuddles and Sweetpea. Sweetpea was in bad shape from not eating.

Bird on ocotillo, front yard

On the 7th, went to Med Center and got prescribed blood pressure meds, as blood pressure was actually high at doctor's. Also found hemo levels were still low at 11.9, so upped the iron supplements. Stayed home and watched Superbowl with Holley and Kathy. Made "from-scratch" pizza.

On the 8th, went to office, and started taking blood pressure meds. A surprise rain shower appeared this afternoon in what started out to be a beautiful sunny day. Later that night, Kathy made progress with saving Sweetpea from starvation (tooth problems addressed 2 days prior) by spending hours syringing slurry down her throat.

On the 9th, feeling better. Another long day at the office. The 2nd of 3 straight days of mixed good and stormy weather.

On the 10th, another long day at office.

Sun illuminating new snow on Toro

On the 11th, another long day at office. Noticed emergency vehicles handling an accident at closest intersection from work for several hours. This was a broadside hit Caldwell hitting Holladay.

accident scene

Kathy hand-feeding Sweetpea -- note the green mess

On the 12th, after working at office, drove to SD, did some shopping, lost at tennis with Gerry, 4-6, 2-5 (against Hank and Sid), won 17 at poker.

On the 13th, mostly took it easy, but did come and do some work at office.

On the 14th, after taking it easy at home, went on 1h 20m hike (3 miles, 500+ elevation gain/loss) with Kathy from HellHole trailhead, doing R&H to Surprise Canyon loop. Something happened during hike: 4 emergency vehicles at trailhead, 2 rangers, and a Lifeflight helicopter. After returning home, Kathy bar-b-qued fish/pork/chicken to cover most dinners for the upcoming week. Found my new blood pressure medicine had vanished.

Early agave bloom and ocotillo bloom

Taking old R&H trail back to road -- near hike point of hike

Patch of white rocks

Kathy descending down toward road, note green groundcover

Paramedics arriving at trailhead

Verdant desert

Lifeflight helicopter coming in for a landing, 0.5 miles from road

Some emergency vehicles at trailhead

On the 15th, President's Day, Kathy did one home care before going to the office for a new patient, got replacement BP medicine and then we left with Sweetpea to see the vet in El Centro (back teeth growing into tongue was diagnosis, fix), then kathy saw a patient on way home.

On the 16th, a long day at the office.

On the 17th, Kathy had 4 home-care patients before going to office for another long day.

On the 18th, another day at the office. My side of bed kept not holding air, and by this time was useless -- I depended on a foam matress placed underneath:

Air bed

On the 19th, after working at the office, went to tennis club for the draw for straight doubles tournament the next day.

On the 20th, met Gerry and Brenda who came down for the tournament, gave them a tour of home/work. Managed to stay alive in tournament with partner Doug Baker, losing first round to H Maier and Ron Roybal 2-8, but winning next 2 rounds. Took Kathy out to Carmelita's for dinner.

On the 21st, was eliminated from tournament by Larry W and Ron R, 4-8. Stayed for award ceremony, went home and walked 3 miles by myself in wind -- saw a rainbow, on walk, tho.

On the 22nd, determinined problem with my side of bed was defective connection, so ordered new air chamber. Then off to a busy day at office.

On the 23rd, did another long day at work. Finished first draft of tennis newsletter.

On the 24th, another long day at office. Did 2nd draft of tennis newsletter with new tennis tournament format.

On the 25th, perfected new tennis tournament format on a long day at office. No solid food this day in preparation for capsule endoscopy next day.

On the 26th, drove to SD for doctor visit. Swallowed camera, went shopping, and then saw "Shutter Island" at movies. Returned recorder to doctor's office. Stopped to get sandwich, ordered, and then found wallet was missing, so drove away, called HH to get theater number, and informed them wallet may have been lost there. HH took me and papa Don out to dinner at Pho's (Vietnamese). I had some really good noodle soup. HH loaned me something to play poker. Lost 2.

On the 27th, got dressed up for "Woody" tournament, but it was delayed to next day due to off on on rain, so caught up on work at office.

On the 28th, won the 4.0 division of Woody tournament, staying for award - a "1st annual Woody Tournament" cap.

Woody winners

Sample wood racquet play

At the award ceremony

Winner and runner-up of highest women's division

Mom would really have loved to be in this one! She took me to the courts a couple of times when I was about 8 or 9, and encouraged me, inspired me to eventually pick up a racquet. All racquets were wood back then. I miss her!

Jan 2010

On the 1st, went over to Bernie's and did some chores there, splitting some logs, but injured thumb, so stopped bleeding and iced it. That afternoon, drove to SD, dropped Holley, Tiki, and Kathy at Stacey's and then drove to Escondido where Jef won 4 at poker.

On the 2nd, after a late start, went to see Avatar in 3D with Stacey, Holley, and Kathy. Awesome!!!! Drove back to Borrego, stopping to get some Greek Chicken and did some grocery shopping.

On the 3rd, rested!!!!

On the 4th, back to the office for a long day.

Sunset this evening

Flock of birds

On the 5th, an easy day, just caught up on some paperwork. Hiked a Borrego Spur loop (1h 20min), but Jef struggled with fatigue, possibly due to oncoming cold and anemia.

On the 6th, another long day at the office.

Weird clouds this afternoon
These are remnants of jet contrails

On the 7th, Jef did the clinic with Murph Jenson subbing for Luke, Gretchen Magers, Lee, and Jaroslav. Saw exhibition afterwards, and then back to office. Due to anemia and chest congestion, did not do well at clinic.

On the 8th, after leaving work early, Jef drove to SD with his cold, shopped, played pickleball (lost 2 close games) and won 12 at poker. Drove Holley back home, arriving around 11pm.

On the 9th, went to clinic, where Jef found out hemo-levels were down to 10.7, about 70%. Took it easy rest of day and saw a couple movies at home.

On the 10th, still taking it easy, but went to office to catch up on paperwork, including this journal.

On the 11th, back to work at office.

On the 12th, a light day at the office.

On the 13th, drove Kathy to SD. She was out of it all day -- effects of coming down with my cold. Saw doctor, who recommended a new type of shot in her back. Had lunch at Shoguns, before returning home. Weather was drizzly most of the day.

At Shogun

On the 14th, cancelled all of Kathy's patients for rest of week, and came in to office for paperwork after taking Kathy to Dr., after which she spent time in bed.

On the 15th, came in to office to catch up on paperwork. Holley, by now, is also showing cold symptoms. Kathy spent day in bed.

On the 16th, took it easy. Kathy spent all day in bed.

On the 17th, assembled Dawn's display case with great difficulty. Made soup (asparagus/squash/tomato/onion) and delivered it to TP potluck, where we played the "lame" Survival game. Jim's team won. Kathy stayed home in bed.

Display case after nearly completing assembly

On the 18th, drove Holley and Kathy to SD, where Kathy got her shot (actually 6!). We stopped and got some Jack in the Box on way home -- not too good this time. It rained heavily all the way from Walmart in La Mesa to home. We got about 1" of rain this day.

On the 19th, back to work. Kathy struggled to make it thru 6 patients. It rained off and on this day. Here are some pictures I took on walk back from pharmacy.

On the 20th, cleaned gutters at home in preparation for the "storm of the century" due this night. Then, an otherwise quiet day turned busy with another new patient.

On the 21st, worked at office, dealing with 2 new patients. This was a big rain day. Below are 2 pictures showing the effects of that rain:

On the 22nd, after another long rainy day at office, including a new patient, did draw at tennis center with assistant, Mike S.

Snow on Toro Peak is visible thru clouds

Small rainbow to right of Fonts Point (from the Mall)

On the 23rd, participated in tournament with partner Charlotte Rice. We lost 9-7, 8-4. Skipped potluck in favor of staying at home with Kathy who was still not feeling well. Drove Holley to school dance at Palm Canyon Resort.

Holley's dress for dance

Holley just before leaving

Toro Peak from the Mall

Looking out from Kathy's desk

Looking out from lobby

On the 24th, covered finals at tennis center. Took updated pictures at tennis center. Spent rest of day at home.

Close to 4" of rain weighed down the wheelbarrow

S shaped cloud -- probably a contrail hit by turbulence

Toro Peak at sunset

On the 25th, a long day at the office. Stopped by Dawn's and set up her exercise bike.

Took this hard sharp material from under my injured thumbnail -- although it resembled glass in shape and hardness, it was actually only hardened blood!

On the 26th, a long day at office. Created a slide show for tennis center, after completing tennis newsletter.

On the 27th, worked at the office.

On the 28th, worked at office.

On the 29th,got out early after seeing a nice sunrise, and took some pix. Then, after work, drove to SD, did some shopping, lost at tennis with partner Gerry agains Sid and Hank: 5-7, 3-5. Then won 10 at poker.

Sunrise this morning

House in early morning light

On the 30th, took it easy at home.

View of Borrego from Crawford overlook, shortly after midnight

On the 31st, stayed at home and did home improvements: re-built guest room toilet, installed new seat in guest room toilet, replaced a GFI recepticle on room addition along with an exterior cover.

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