1Q'10 Jef and Kathy's Activities 2Q 2010 3Q'10
June 2010

On the 1st, walked to had a busy day at the office, going over the spur, middle ridge. After work, walked home over spur, eastern route, getting home after dark.

On the 2nd, had another long day at the office.

On the 3rd, worked at office on a short day.

On the 4th, left Kathy with a bunch of patients, and drove to SD, where I got a filling fixed and crown started. Then did a lot of shopping. Noticed my favourite trailhead is now a construction zone with restricted entry. Then won 6 at poker.

On the 5th, found the pump in new swamper was broke. Later, after working a bit at office, found the hardware store sold its last pump 20 minutes before I arrived there.

On the 6th, took it easy. We had a delayed ceremony to celebrate Holley's 16th birthday.

Holley and here birthday cupcakes

On the 7th, back to work at office.

On the 8th, walked to office the short way and returned over the spur.

Kathy's new orchid with anthurium blooming in background

On the 9th, drove Kathy to SD to see MD and did some shopping. Had dinner at Rubios.

On the 10th, walked to office. Took some pix of nice sunset on walk back home:

On the 11th, after work, drove to SD -- needed to detour to Santee to get swamp cooler parts as they were not stocked in Poway. Did some more shopping and then lost 6 at poker. Papa Don was back for first time after re-starting chemo.

On the 12th, took it easy, never leaving house, but did install new pumps in swamp coolers.

On the 13th, walked to office and worked on this and other webpages. That evening, while we were at home, Borrego experienced it's first moderately large earthquake in decades: a 4.9 magnitude centered in Coyote Canyon about 20 miles from us.

On the 14th, another day at the office.

On the 15th, walked to/from office. That evening while preparing dinner, we experienced another large earthquake, similar to the one that occurred 48 hours prior. This one was a 5.7, but was located about triple the distance away (near Ocotillo). The many earthquakes we felt in the past 2 months were aftershocks from the "Easter Quake" - a magnitude 7.2 south of Mexicali.

On the 16th, did some work at office.

On the 17th, walked to/from office. Kathy reported swamp cooler was broken. Then entire town had an electrical glitch where one of the 2 110V lines broke down (to 40V) after a tranformer blew. Had to run an extension cord to other office to get power for phones/computer. Then, after another hour, had a complete blackout until about 3:30 in afternoon.

On the 18th, after work, drove Holley to SD, did some shopping, played some pickleball, and lost 10 at poker.

Holley watching pickleball play

On the 19th, took it easy, but did some work at the office. Emailed dad my Father's Day gift to him, a bio of his life:


On the 20th, took it easy and stayed home all day. Replaced swamp cooler motor and got it going a couple of times, but after that it never moved. Holley made me a nice Father's day card, leaving a big mess in the living room. Kathy reported she had a toothache all weekend.

On the 21st, drove Holley to skool for her Cheerleading camp in SD. Did some work at office before finding Kathy got sick, and so we cancelled all patients this day.

On the 22nd, Kathy was still reeling from stomach flu from prior day, but forced herself to see the 2 new home care patients. Jef walked to/from office.

About a dozen SDG&E vehicles were at Mall as I walked home -- apparently some big work would happen there during the night

On the 23rd, Kathy felt a bit better and worked some at office. About this time, the cool spells petered out and high temperatures of over 100°F became the norm, typical of Borrego in the summer.

On the 24th, Jef left too late to walk to office. Mesquite beans started falling around this time. Holley returned from Cheer camp this afternoon.

On the 25th, worked a little at office and then drove to SD, got crown installed at dentist, then did some shopping. Arrived an hour early at Henry's place, where he regaled me with stories of his experiences flying about 18 missions in bombers over Germany in 1944. Won 10 at poker.

Henry's B-17 model

On the 26th, took it easy all day. Not up to doing much. Kathy and Holley went to pool.

Kathy wanted me to take a picture of moonrise, but my little camera isn't up to this task

On the 27th, installed higher capacity pump on roof swamp cooler. Went to office and worked. Then worked on web stuff.

On the 28th, Jef got 1st 5 gallons of roof paint on roof (just the pail, not the painting). Then off to office for a moderately busy day.

When you sit under our mesquite tree, you hear an occasional thunk -- mesquite beans dropping from tree. You might want to sit somewhere else: this one landed on its point and embedded into this picnic table

On the 29th, helped John the plumber install new D/W before driving Kathy and Holley to SD. Kathy got her "nerve block" shots to hopefully correct her major back pain. Had dinner at Ichiros. We were there just after 5, and so got happy hour prices, but still managed to spend $100. Did some shopping and got home after 10pm. Jef was sleepy going in and coming back. John had also replaced valve on swamp cooler which had been leaking badly.

On the 30th, back to the office for a long day.

Kathy's bruised back after her "nerve block" procedure prior day
May 2010

On the 1st, decided to take some flower pix in nearby Ocotillo Heights, then went to Kentucky Derby party in hangar at Air Ranch.

Watching Derby

Darien(at left) sampling potluck at her party

Kathy cleaned the entire house this night - very dissatified with cleaning ladies prior day - these are the swiffer pads after she finished

On the 2nd, took it easy most of the day, but did manage to do a lot of trimming of oleanders by house.

Holley decorated our remaining eggs

On the 3rd, took new route walking to work, going up canyon at end of Rocking Chair. This was difficult, because it was rugged, and forced me to go over a tall hill. Wound up linking up with Spur Trail. Total hike took 1h 10min. Found out major Medicare snafu this day. After work at office, Kathy drove us home.

On the 4th, cut mesquite branches interfering with grapes on the veranda, then off to work. Started trying to fix Medicare snafu.

Colourful patch of gilia in wash at end of Rocking Chair

Looked down on original route over spur

On the 5th, cleared mesquite branches threatening guest house roof. Worked at home with Kathy on Medicare snafu before doing some work at office. Went to Cinco de Mayo party at Laughlins, but cut it short as Kathy couldn't come.

Saw this "Red Racer" snake while driving home this day. Stopped to take this picture...

...and wound up chasing it into this bushy patch

On the 6th, another long day at office, continuing work on Medicare snafu.

On the 7th, worked at office. Then took off for Escondido, did some shopping, and lost 3 at poker. Stacey and Alicia were home when I returned -- to celebrate Mother's Day weekend with Kathy.

On the 8th, did a little yardwork, then went to office to further update this journal and the new FLOWER PAGE, along with a little work. The girls went to pool for a good part of the day. Kathy got Stacey to help with haircuts for Desi and Marley before the birthday cake ceremony. (Delayed birthday cake for Stacey -- she was sick back in March).

This spider was sneaking up on Stacey while she was helping with haircut - she squashed it, tho

Cutting Desi

Make a wish

Blow out candles

On the 9th, Stacey, Holley, and Alicia made Kathy a nice breakfast for Mom's Day. They all then went to pool again. Jill arrived and stayed a while this afternoon. Stacey and Alicia drove back to SD with some leftovers that afternoon.

Holley horsing around

Stacey and Holley

Mother and 2 daughters

Alicia, Kathy, Holley, Stacey

Windy this evening

On the 10th, drove Kathy to SD where we did some shopping and she saw her doctor. We then spent over 2 hours at Home Depot trying to order windows, a dishwasher, and some paint. Ate at Rubio's on way home.

On the 11th, worked another day at office.

On the 12th, Kathy got latest Medicare snafu resolved. Then walked to office, getting ride home after work.

One of Kathy's cacti blooming this morning

On the 13th, walked to office this time trying new route going straight down from low pass. Still took almost an hour, tho.

Route of hike to work this day

Partial sundog (looking up back towards pass)

Paloverde at sunset

On the 14th, after working at office, drove Holley to SD where we both did some shopping. We went to Craig's and played pickle ball. Stacey picked up Holley and took her to dinner. Lost 2 at poker.

Craig and Nancy's new patio cover

On the 15th, lazed around home all day. Spackled brickwork near guesthouse and fixed Holley's broken drawer. Kathy grilled pork chops outside this evening on new camping grille after big one ran out of propane.

On the 16th, after lazing around house most of the day, walked to the office and did a little work.

Gilias were still out in force in places this month

On the 17th, went back to work at office for a moderately busy day.

Sunset this evening

Holley with cheers painted on her face (Rams, #1)

On the 18th, walked to/from office. Short day, only 3 patients.

On the 19th, after working at office, went to skool concert which featured Holley on Alto Sax in the high skool jazz band, and in the chorus.

Holley in chorus (1st from right, back row)

Holley playing in Jazz band

On the 20th, worked at the office.

On the 21st, after working at the office, drove to SD, played pickle ball (despite sore shoulder). Lost 5 at poker. Craig and Nancy supplied hot dogs.

On the 22nd, took it easy most of this very windy day.

Kathy is proud of these snapdragons

Texas Rangers starting to bloom

On the 23rd, took it easy this morning, then walked to office with spur loop. The high for this day, about 70°F was probably a record low! (for Borrego).

On the 24th, starting a week of highs in the 80s (unheard of for late May in Borrego), worked at office on a very long day (6 patients), getting home after 9p.m.

On the 25th, got a call from St. Richards Catholic Church. Then needed computer fixed, so stopped by on way to work: device not found on pc -- couldn't fix then, but after getting to office, found online suggestion to unplug computer: to reset board. After a long day at office, walked home over spur. Met Kathy on Tilting T (with Tiki and Gypsy), and we walked home together.

Pulled this wasp? off my chest in bed this night

On the 26th, had an easy day at the office. After we both collapsed from exhaustion for a couple hours that evening, ate dinner out by the chiminea that night. As chiminea was next to a patch of beavertail cacti, I wound up with many of those pesky little stickers in legs and arms!

On the 27th, didn't walk to work due to a time contraint and busy day at the office, so Kathy and Jef walked about 2 miles after he got home at 9p.m. Jef and Kathy had been having a salad for dinner just about every day of the week for the past few weeks. This day, for the first time, it was mostly spinach.

On the 28th, Kathy woke up with a sore hip, and concluded a prior suspicion on her part that walking aggravated something in her hip joint. This was a busy day at office, and the high was under 80°F! Jef drove to SD to shop and won 30 at poker.

On the 29th, stayed at home, mostly, and installed screen door on back patio, sans automatic door closer, which was not found this day. Kathy made canteloni and Jef got to eat some before collapsing in bed at 10.

On the 30th, Jef walked to the office to get some bleach. It spilt jostling on way home, but nearly all of it made it home.

On the 31st, mostly took it easy. Kathy cooked ribs for Memorial Day, and Jef scanned in some old yearbooks.

Apr 2010

On the 1st, took pix of cool sunrise before driving Kathy to doctor in SD about 8am. When we hit Culp Valley it started to snow medium hard. When we crested the grade, snow was starting to accumulate. It continued to snow for about 20 miles, until just W of Santa Ysabel. By the time we reached SD it was sunny! Doctor visit included my walking/running to/from MRI place to get results they promised to get to doctor (but failed to). Afterwards, picked up Stacey at her work and took her to Callahan's Pub and Brewery in Mira Mesa, where we enjoyed a nice lunch. Then drove to Ramona to drop off RX, which we found had an error, so we had to drive all the way back to doctor in SD to get it redone.

Red sky at dawn

Clouds grew by a couple hours later dumping snow in these mountains

Sun shining thru our front door

Front of house in early sunshine

Lake Henshaw on trip back

Bottom of grade this afternoon

On the 2nd, back to work at office. Late that afternoon, Jef drove to SD, did a little shopping. Won 16 at poker.

State of brittlebush blooms this afternoon

Cattle and meadow flowers just off S-2

On the 3rd, drove Sweetpea to vet in Brawley, where her giant pimple was treated. After getting back, Jef mostly cut up and disassembled pool in backyard. Gerry and Brenda came down and we went out to lunch at Krazy Coyote before doing a wildflower tour, hitting Henderson Canyon, Coyote Canyon, and Indianhead.

Field of desert sunflowers east of the Blu-Inn

Colorful section west of Ocotillo Wells

Kathy looking out of burned out part of Palms at Indianhead

Outskirts of Cactus Gardens in Coyote Canyon

Think this helicopter landed at el Divisadero

Lupines on hillside

Good pic I think

looking at beavertail blooms after getting home

On the 4th, after a relaxing day, Kathy cooked ribs and a pie for Easter dinner. Some excitement this afternoon with a 7.2 magnitude rocking Baja about 100 miles away was a significant quake even in Borrego.

On the 5th, Ramon completed backyard cleanup. Went to office for a long day at the office.

On the 6th, another long day at the office.

On the 7th, took it easy most of the day and drove over to Glorietta Canyon with Kathy and took some pix. Very cool:

On the way home, drove over bumpy road in Yaqui Meadows to see dino statues. Kathy had a tough time with this with her aching back this day.

Blooming Desert Senna with Borrego Sink in background

On the 8th, another day at the office.

On the 9th, after work drove to Ramona to shop and pick up RXs. Then drove to SD. Noticed just after arriving in SD that smoke was coming from engine. After shopping some more, checked oil and it was okay. Went to Craig's, won with Craig at pickle ball against Ken and Tim in shortened 5th set. Lost 6 at poker.

On the 10th, took it easy at home.

On the 11th, took it easy at homeand then went for a 2 mile walk with Kathy -- 2 laps with 3 spurs around circle.

Cool cloud during 1st lap

Cloud was even cooler on 2nd lap

On the 12th, woke to find it had rained a bit this morning. Took a few pix at bottom of grade before a busy day at office. Kathy tried exercise bike after work for 15 minutes, and that seemed to help aches quite a bit.

Brittlebush flower

Desert Chicory flower

Fagonia blooms

Ocotillo blooms

Landscapes at bottom of grade

On the 13th, a busy day at office. Jennifer helped quite a bit. Kathy worked 45 minutes on exercise bike after work.

Kathy is proud of getting this orchid to bloom 2 years after getting it

Kathy started packing and wrapping infected wound starting this night

On the 14th, did some work, started 3 new bank accounts (2 IRAs and savings account), and sent in taxes. Kathy got a massage. Then went rushed home with anti-bee materials when Kathy reported a bee infestation in house. Sprayed bees. Dropped off Mazda at Titos to find cause of smoke coming off engine -- apparently oil leaking on engine. Walked to office, did some more work. Sealed cracks where bees might get in on back of house.

On the 15th, bees were back, so stuffed a rag in large crack and sprayed it with anti-bee stuff. Walked to work, taking lots of pix along way. Another day at the office.

Kathy wanted to buy and fix up this house, but was beaten to it

She also is interested in the old country club building

Desert Monkey flowers

Creosote flowers and seeds

Looking up Country Club Canyon with Indianhead Peak in distance

Indigo bush flowers

Nearing pass

Blooming Crameria with rock daisys to right

Ghost flower

Poppys affected by wind

Rock daisys

Bristly gilia

Creosote bloom

Whispering bells


Killer bee in Barrel Cactus bloom

Blue phacelia

Desert chicory

On the 16th, after working at office, Carole dropped by, so I took her home so that Dick and her could set up to camp at our house for the weekend. Then went to tennis club to see if anyone wanted to hike -- but 90 degree heat prevented anyone from wanting this, so went back to work. After that did draw at tennis club with the Romeos helping.

On the 17th, lost in 1st match 8-1 with partner Hank to Jim M. and Doug. Then beat Sheldon and Ed, after Hank embarassed our team by blowing up on court, 9-7. Beat Al and Jeff M. in a tie-breaker. Took Holley and Kathy to the banquet which featured some very usual festivities in honor of JaNell's 80th birthday.

Dogs were barking at this big bird in eye-high nest this morning -- Kathy thinks it a dove

Jef and Kathy at banquet

JaNell blowing out her 8-decade candle

Just after this "code enforcement officer" arrived amid boos to shut down party, he started stripping in front of the guest of honor

On the 18th, teamed up with Jeff M. (replacing Hank, who bugged out prior afternoon), and beat Mike S. and Curt H. in tie-breaker. Then lost to Gary E. and Pete A., 8-3. Stayed for finals and then took Kathy to clinic for consultation. Took it easy for rest of day.

Pete and Gary, who eliminated us earlier in day, lost in a close finals

On the 19th, back to work at office. Jennifer helped out, so not too hectic.

Paloverde in full bloom this day

On the 20th, worked at office. Kathy was not too demanding, so got a lot of paperwork done.

Weird spider-webbish clouds caused this sun dog this afternoon

Storm clouds replaced the thin clouds that earlier caused the sun dog

Kathy doing some paperwork at office

On the 21st, Jef and Kathy went to the clinic. Kathy got a couple shots to kill some pain and Jef got some more tests done. Later Kathy saw 1 home care patient and Jef walked to the office.

Healthy ocotillo

Starting up wash

This is ridge to high point of spur

The low pass to town

Horse watering trough from old country club

Looking back down wash near turnoff to pass

Trail to pass goes up from wash about 1/3 from right up to right corner

Looking west from Post Office

Cool effect of setting sun thru clouds

Rainbow over end of spur

Looking back down wash came up on

Looking toward spur

Rain drops falling

On the 22nd, another long day at office, but Jennifer helped.

It was a cold drizzly day

Snow levels were below 4000'. Here is 4000' Webo Peak, capped in snow

A fair amount of rain fell this morning

Rain shower in Clark Valley

On the 23rd, temperatures warmed back up to the 80s. After working at office, Jef drove to SD and did some shopping. At Hank Sr.'s place found poker was cancelled, so drove straight back.

Took a few pix of wildflowers on the hill on way to SD. Flowers were fading, but still nice

On the 24th, took it easy at home most of the day.

On the 25th, stayed home most of day, went to clinic: Kathy got another shot, Jef's blood results were good -- 1st cholesterol test and iron was in reasonable range.

One of Kathy's potted plant flowers

One of Kathy's cactus flowers


On the 26th, a medium busy day at the office.

On the 27th, disovered bees were back, so donned bee-suit and spackled large crack in fascia where they were getting in house. Then off to the office. Jennifer came down to help and clean.

After spackling to keep bees out

Dogs had killed this varmint -- couldn't identify it -- no ears

Larvae were eating at it already

Saw these cool clouds, so wound up taking a walk around sunset

This orchid plant was dying before these blooms fully came out, so Kathy cut them off and put them in water, after which they came fully out

On the 28th, went to doctor with Kathy, where she got more shots. Then walked to work. Low short way took about 35 minutes to get to Mall from home. Fixed vacuum cleaner and did some paperwork. Took some pix on way back, mostly to add to new flower album. Moderately windy day.

Took a few pix on walk home

Ocotillo, Brittlebush (foreground), and Paloverde all in bloom (by house on Tilting T)

On the 29th, back to work at office with a fair load of patients, so Jennifer helped. Very windy this day, again.

On the 30th, walked to work. Worked at office til late afternoon. Walked home going over spur and down middle ridge.

Kathy working out this afternoon
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