2Q'10 Jef and Kathy's Activities 3Q 2010 4Q'10
Sep 2010

On the 1st, installed 2 window sills and started trim in hall window. Then dropped Mazda off at Tito's for oil change and repair of burned out headlight, walked to office for a hectic day.

On the 2nd, worked another day at the office.

On the 3rd, after working at the office, Jef drove to SD to do some shopping. Played some tennis, winning with partner Edwin against Gerry and Brenda, 6-1, 7-5. Lost 8 at poker. Picked up computer from HH, who managed to salvage files and disk, but motherboard was fried.

On the 4th, mostly took it easy, but Jef started on insulating a duct in very hot weather this afternoon. The duct sleeve had to be cut apart and re-assembled, and so was not a time-saver.

Jef noticed a bulb-shaped bug. He squished it easily and blood exploded out of it. Obviously a blood sucker, but of unknown type -- later determined to be a "Bloodsucking Conenose"

Kathy tried her new indoor BBQ with some chicken for first time this night

New indoor BBQ

On the 5th, Jef worked on window trim and webpage for dad (recovering salvaged pictures from 2007). Kathy cleaned house most of day.

On the 6th, Jef made dad a preliminary webpage portraying the history of the Landa Street house for his 90th birthday present (this day). Jef and Kathy went to office for the one patient, and afterwards Kathy and Holley took Jef to Borrego Springs Resort for his birthday lunch. Kathy took Jef on walk to Gages to check up on their house: dogs were locked in garage with no food/water and chewed-up rat poison container was in middle of garage. After getting home, Kathy made Jef some choc-chip cookies, predicting Holley would consume half of them by next evening. Checked out pool and hot tub that night: Kathy thought pool too cold, and that's why we tried the hot tub, too.

Before main course arrived

After main course arrived

Holley tipped them off that it was my birthday, so this free complimentary cake

after blowing out candle

Kathy spotted this rattlesnake in middle of Country Club Rd. (right in her path) on walk back from Gages this night

On the 7th, a long day at the office. Jef went on a number of errands, such as dropping off and picking up Holley from skool, picking up a patient's daughter from Elementary skool, checking on Gage's dogs to make sure they weren't sick or dead, from incident from prior night, etc.

Replacement sign on front door -- some patients were confused at last one

View from gym late in day

On the 8th, had a light day at the office, caught up on paperwork.

On the 9th, another light day at the office, still catching up on paperwork.

On the 10th, after working at office, drove to SD, did some shopping, won at tennis with partner Edwin, against Gerry and Hank: 6-4, 7-6. Got 529 pounds of cement tiles to continue walkway to pool. Won 10 at poker.

On the 11th, installed the new cement tiles, getting the 3' wide walkway about 60% (or 11') to pool from outside of patio. Then, spent a large part of the day cleaning up around house for bonfire party in the evening. Jan F and Janna brought over 4 kids. We had dinner outside that night (bbq ribs and chicken) and burned a box of medical records, mostly from 2002. Kids had s'mores with marshmallows cooked over the bonfire.

Kids fooling around before dinner

dinner in process of being served

at the dinner table (maiden voyage of this table for dining)


Chairs around bonfire

Kathy with her poker

Ash in air evident from pool

Jef in front of bonfire

Aden eating a s'more

Hanna roasting marshmallow

David roasting marshmallow

Aden and Savanna posing after eating their s'mores

On the 12th, installed a few feet of ducting insulation at an inlet junction. Mostly took it easy this day.

Bloodsucking Conenose bug noticed in our bed this day -- several over past few weeks. When gently squeezed they explode their blood. Length: about 1/4". This was a juvenile -- bugs can reach 1". They are rat parasites and were probably brought in by the dogs

On the 13th, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 14th, Jef walked to/from office, and then later that night went on 2 mile hike with Kathy, for a total of about 7 miles. He tried (mostly successfully) using shoe inserts to counter a painful foot problem that had been bothering him for the past 2 weeks.

On the 15th, another busy day at the office.

On the 16th, after another busy day at the office, attended open house at the high school.

On the 17th, packed and left for San Clemente. As Holley's cheer coach never returned out airbed, we had to buy another. This was a difficult task so late in the year, but at the 2nd store, we found a more expensive version of our last bed ($80). After arriving at San Clemente State Park before sunset, we set up camp on tent site #73. Harold, who made sure we had the site earlier this day had left, taking Kareem home after a surfing accident.

On the 18th, we rendezvoused with Sandy K, Marla, and Barbara (Harold's Harem) and Jef joined them for some tennis. Kathy and Holley left for a walk and found a couple of cool treasures at a yard sale. Sheldon stopped by and played some tennis (he was in town helping brother Doug move out). After tennis, Jef met Kathy and Holley at the beach, where he spent a couple hours. Later that evening, Jef, Kathy, Holley met Sandy, Marla and Barbara and drove to the pier where they has a nice dinner and watched the sunset. That night, Jef, Kathy and Holley had a nice fire at their campsite.

Practicing volleyball by our beach camp

Several trains passed by while we were at the beach

Good waves in background

Line of people in background were getting baptized in ocean

Holley watching a surfer

Looking north

Kathy watching a surfer get closed out of curl

Holley chasing ball as surfer attempts to catch a wave

Our table at the pier to watch sunset

During the sunset

Holley and Kathy by fire

Kathy and Jef

On the 19th, Jef played tennis again with Harold's Harem and then packed up the campsite and drove home, stopping on the way for a late lunch at the Hideout near Lake Henshaw.

Holley's solution to illuminate picnic table at night (Jef's tent light was a gift from Stacey).

Tent site 73 just before being broke down

These bushes were at campsite, and Kathy will attempt to grow them from seed in Borrego

Holley at the Hideout

looking out front window

Interesting wall hangings

Us at our table

Outside of "The Hideout"

Working water wheel at the Hideout

On the 20th, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 21st, worked at the office.

On the 22nd, another day at the office.

On the 23rd, picked up Holley at skool and took her for physical at Med. Ctr. After dropping her off back at skool, helped Kathy clean house (vacuumed and steam cleaned floor).

Another Bloodsucking Conenose bug found in bed this day

On the 24th, did some work at office before going to SD, shopped and when tennis was cancelled had dinner with HH and Julian at "Cheeseburger Cheeseburger" (I had a "Serious Cheeseburger" - the 1/2 pounder). Then won 15 at poker.

On the 25th, took it easy at home. That afternoon, tried doing work on roof and by pool, but it was too hot to do much. Had a couple of beers over at Janna's with Kathy and then visited Shirley that evening.

On the 26th, took it easy at home after installing rest of brick walkway to pool this morning. Later helped Kathy clean pool on this very hot(108°F) day. Installed 8 solar lights in backyard. Walked over to Gage's with Kathy, Tiki, and Gypsy that evening (house sitting chores) -- about 3.5 miles round trip.

After completing walkway to pool

New solar lights at twilight

On the 27th, did some spackling on window before going in to a long day at the office. Jennifer helped.

Kathy felt something squishy when walking up driveway on a 1 hour walk to the Gages

On the 28th, worked another day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

On the 29th, Kathy drove Holley and Jef to SD for Holley's and Kathy's doctor appointments. In between Jef dropped off paperwork at Sid's house and then met Stacey and went out to lunch with her. We had some poor Lebanese food. We did some shopping before returning home. Jef lost his cell in chair while at Gage's house (they found it next day).

Dropping off Stacey back at her workplace after lunch

On the 30th, a big thunderstorm passed over Borrego with lots of lightning and some rain. We lost power for about 20 minutes at WestStar. Jef painted the inside trim of new hallway window before going to office. Jennifer again helped out there. Weather was cloudy all day, but temperatures still hit 100°F, as warm air continued to enter region in this hot September.

Sunrise this morning between storms

Aug 2010

On the 1st, Holley was able to be sat up and took a couple steps. Jef and Kathy spent the nite -- the only one where Holley was the only patient in the room.

Holley's X-ray before surgery

Holley's X-ray after surgery

Holley's "Band-aid" before being changed for 1st time

On the 2nd, Holley walked a few steps to a wheelchair and sat outside for a while. She walked a few steps back to her bed. Jef spent the nite.

On the 3rd, Holley was able to walk over 100' from her bed and back unassisted. Kathy spent the nite.

Holley's 2nd roommate, Daisy

Oscar and Stacey

Flowers from Gage's(left), Elsa and Bob(middle), Kathy (right), Kathy and Holley napping with playground outside window

Stacey, Kathy, and the new, taller Holley

A volunteer played harp music for Holley's walk - Note that Holley is now 2" taller than her sister

On the 4th, Holley walked about half a mile thruout the hospital. Kathy spent another nite.

On the 5th, Holley gave Sees truffle boxes to 4 of her nurses, with notes. She and her last roommate, 6-year-old Avery, exchanged gifts, as well. Avery appologized profusely for keeping everyone away with her cries of pain during the night, and drew Holley some pictures. That afternoon, Holley was discharged from the hospital. We drove her back to Stacey's apartment. That evening Kathy cooked some marinated chicken on the BBQ.

Avery gave Holley these pictures she made this day

Kathy cooking on the grille

On the 6th, Holley continued recuperating at Stacey's. Jef went to pickleball that evening, mostly losing. Lost 3 at poker.

On the 7th, Jef drove to Borrego to put out any fires, finding the mailbox overflowed, the shredder was mysteriously running at the office, 20 or so phone messages, etc. After completing his chores, Jef drove back to SD that evening.

On the 8th, took it easy most of day at Stacey's. Stacey and her friend Julie went snorkling at the Cove, borrowing Jef's "Tough" camera. Stacey spoke of the sea lion that swam a couple feet under her, and was glad to escape with her life:

Sea lions near cove

Julie (Stacey's friend) with sea lions in background

A fish in murkey cove water

On the 9th, Jef took Kathy to oral surgeon where 2 teeth were removed with Kathy knocked out (hopefully the correct ones). Kathy was zonked for rest of day.

On the 10th, took it easy most of day at Stacey's. Holley continued to improve.

On the 11th, after packing, drove home to Borrego in 2 cars. Near Scissor's Crossing, Stacey's car was hit by a buck, causing $300+ in damages. Entire trip took 4.5 hours with about 3 stops, including shopping.

On the 12th, Jef went in to office -- getting a bin to carry overflow mail from PO, and did some work.

Damage to Stacey's Scion from deer prior night

On the 13th, Jef was late getting to dentist, but got a crown installed. Then did some shopping, split at tennis with partner Sid against Hank and Gerry, 4-6, 6-1. Won 9 at poker.

On the 14th, Jef checked out Sewanee and found rodents had knocked out wires to 2 valves -- put in temporary fix on those. Did some work at office.

On the 15th, Stacey took off for SD early. Jef replaced a leaking valve. Took it easy most of the day, but late in the afternoon, Jef prepared WestStar roof for painting (another 100 sq. ft.). This day became the first hot/humid day of the summer. Humidity peaked the following day and then gradually diminished.

On the 16th, before driving to office, Jef painted another 100 sq. ft. of roof. Then a long day at the office.

On the 17th, drove Kathy and Holley to SD, where Holley had her first post-op exam. We had a great lunch at Shogun's and got the car washed. Drove back to Borrego, unaware that a gym patient had been locked in our suite this evening (we found out about it later... the sheriff and fire department were at the scene).

On the 18th, Jef walked to office and worked there until about 6:30. Besides hearing of the prior night's fiasco, QuickBooks crashed, but Jef had backed it up recently. Jef then walked home over spur, taking pictures of nice sunset:


looking E to Fonts Point

walking down Tilting T Wash

Clouds above Tilting T house

Looking up Tilting T

Looking W towards Montezuma Grade

On the 19th, Jef got dropped off at work as Holley and Kathy went to register and pick up Holley's schedule on first day of school. He walked home that evening.

On the 20th, after working at office, Jef drove to SD and did some shopping -- filling up most of his available cargo space, mainly with insulation for ducts. Won 3 at poker.

On the 21st, started wrapping the box-shaped adapters of output ducts to house with styrofoam insulation, completing 1 of the 6. Sweltering temperatures drove me indoors for rest of day.

On the 22nd, did 2 more of the 6 output duct-adaptors, wrapping them with syrofoam insulation.

Foreground duct base was done prior day

3rd duct adapter after completed

On the 23rd, Will came over and we replaced 2 windows in back of house. Then off to work for a full day at office.

After taking out first window

missing window from inside

After new window installed

After 2nd window installed

Moon rising over eastern T-storms this evening

On the 24th, Will came over and we replaced 3 windows in front of house. Then off to work for a slow, easy day at the office.

Will working on bedroom window replacement

After bathroom windows were replaced

On the 25th, walked to office, did a little work, but mostly took it easy. Then walked home around 6 so that we could have a not too unreasonably late dinner (normally dinner is at an absurdly late hour).

On the 26th, filled pool with water. Then off to office to do paperwork for most of the day. Took some sunset pix of storm clouds in distance, noticing much lightning this evening. Holley and Kathy drove to visit Jan and Sally, but when they weren't there, they decided to have a drink at the Arches, and who was there? Jan and Sally. As Jef finished taking pix, he found out where Kathy was and drove over to the Arches. Later that evening, Jef and Kathy tested the pool until early the next morning.

Part of old pool is clean flooring to get to new pool

Thunderhead building behind new pool (not yet full here)

Thunderstorms to east

Thunderhead building over Whale Peak

T-storms behind Fonts

T-storms from front yard

T-storms with nearby house in foreground

Having drinks with Jan and Sally

On the 27th, a long day at work for Kathy. Jef left in afternoon for SD to go shopping. Played tennis: 2 sets with partner Sid against Brenda and Gerry, winning 6-1, 6-0, then with partner Brenda against Edwin and Gerry, losing 2-9. Had a light dinner and beer at Wings and Things with Brenda and Gerry before completing shopping.

On the 28th, cut sills for 2 new windows. That evening Kathy, Holley and Jef drove to Palm Springs, had dinner at TsingTao, saw movie Inception (pretty good), and did some "back-to-school" shopping with Holley.

Jef and Kathy in front of Palm Springs movie house

On the 29th, widened one of the 2 sills and sanded both. Checked out condition at Sewanee house. Fixed dribbler for grapefruit tree, dug a little more of trench for conduit, digging up some narcissus bulbs, which I brought over to Kathy's house for planting. Jef was wiped out that evening, and so skipped going on long walk with Kathy that nite.

On the 30th, back to work -- another long day. After returning home, went on marathon 5 mile hike with Kathy, Gypsy and Tiki, going over spur on moonless nite with dying flashlight. Tiki slowed us down, but we managed to return home in exactly 2 hours.

On the 31st, Jennifer came over and Kathy showed her some things that she could help with in housecleaning, and then we all went to office. Jennifer helped out and cleaned the office. Jef put on a couple of coats of varnish on the 2 sills before completing another long day at the office.

July 2010

On the 1st, drove Kathy to dentist in El Centro. He was incapable of doing what was promised, so we did some shopping and had lunch on the way back. Jef walked to office that afternoon when temperature was about 108°F, but it was so dry, that he didn't start sweating until about half an hour in to the hike.

On the 2nd, another busy day at the office. After work, we packed, and after Stacey arrived from SD, the 4 of us drove to Desert Hot Springs and checked into the Miracle Springs Resort for a 3 day weekend.

On the 3rd, took it easy. We had a bar-b-que (Terriyaki chicken shish-ka-bob). Temperatures for weekend were ideal -- not too hot and very dry.

Stacey and Holley eating dinner

Kathy eating her handiwork

On the 4th, we braved the crowds on the Palm Springs Tram and hiked about 3 miles on the Desert View and Nature trails at the top. Spent rest of day at hotel. Kathy grilled us some awesome burgers for dinner. We failed to see much in the way of fireworks that night, but Kathy managed to burn her thumb on a sparkler.

Kathy at base of Tram about to get her ear licked by magical bighorn

Holley with base station in background

Stacey with uphill view in background

At the top hiking Desert View Trail

Parasite flower near top of Palm Springs Trail

Time delayed photo of us with Desert Hot Springs off in distance

Another hiker snapped this shot - note Holley and Stacey's "hiking shoes"

Mountain lupines

Stacey brought her good camera

Jef laying down on rock with great view to south

View of Palm Springs to Indio

View looking S; looking at map, the tiny patch of lake that is visible may be Lake Hemet. South of that (probably beyond mountains) is Anza

Wildflowers near a young fir

Stacey got a closeup of this lizard

Wildflower with fly on it

Stacey taking another pic

Kathy prospecting for fools gold

Holley counted tree rings on this fallen log -- about 150 of them

The meadow

After returning to car, we stopped to take a few windmill pix

...back at the spa

We remembered Jef's camera was waterproof: here is Jef and Kathy from underwater

Kathy set up camp by the children's pool

Kathy underwater

Jef from below

Jef and Kathy below the surface

On the 5th, hung around the resort until after 3 in the afternoon, at which time we drove straight to Borrego. Stacey grabbed Marley and drove back to SD.

Holley and Stacey decided to experiment with underwater photography, too

Both above and below water surface

Bubbling Stacey

Holley underwater

Stacey emoting underwater

Holley expelling nose gas

Stacey lost her arms

...Oh, wait, there they are

Holley bizarro

Stacey and Holley

Bubbling Holley


Stacey and Kathy

Holley and Kathy

"Cool" Holley and Stacey



On the 6th, Jef walked to/from office for a full work day, going over mountain each way, and getting home in the dark.

On the 7th, another very busy day at the office. Had a big magnitude 5.4 earthquake while at office (13 miles away in Coyote Canyon). Kathy and patient ran to doorway -- Jef stabilized refrigerator so it wouldn't fall over. A few things fell off tables.

On the 8th, Jef walked to/from office. On the way home, connected with Kathy (and Tiki,Gypsy), and added to hiking time, doing over 4.5 miles that evening.

On the 9th, after working at office, drove to SD, played some tennis, winning 7-5, 6-4 with partner Sid against Hank and Gerry. Then after winning 20 at poker, forgot to pick it up, so unless I do get it back, I lost 10.

On the 10th, started removing stump of grapefruit tree blocking where Kathy wanted to place the pool, stopping after daylight vanished.

On the 11th, completed removing stump, placed pool and started filling. Meanwhile made a mess preparing the first section of roof for painting.

The hole after removing stump (back right)

The pool after filling halfway (due to unlevel base, that was the most we could fill it)

On the 12th, back to work at the office. Went in pool that evening. Despite a bit of humidity haze, stars were nice.

On the 13th, Jef walked to/from office. On the way home, connected with Kathy (and Tiki,Gypsy), and added to hiking time, doing over 4.5 miles that evening.

On the 14th, another day at the office.

On the 15th, drove Kathy and Holley to SD, so Holley could have a pre-op consultation with doctor. Had lunch at Panda Country restaurant and got some Greek Chicken for that night. As we were leaving, skies clouded over and we has some precip. Around Ranchita, we saw multiple lightning strikes (sometimes several simultaneously) and drove thru a deluge. It looked like Borrego had got some precip before we arrived home.

Holley with a model of her spine with the new hardware after the surgery

On the 16th, after working at office, drove Holley to SD, did some shopping, split sets (7-6,6-7) with partner Hank vs. Gerry and Edwin. While losing 9 at poker, Oscar picked Holley up for Stacey.

The storm we missed the prior day also blew over some trees. This potted palm was a casualty

On the 17th, after getting up at NOON, started painting the roof, while draining pool in order to move it. Moved pool. We had 6 guests that evening for a lasagna dinner (Carol, Wally, Aiden, Jan, Janna, Hanna).

On the 18th, not much get-up-and-go, so didn't do much. Fiddled more with pool placement and got ready to go up on roof. Went to town, did a little work at office, did some shopping.

On the 19th, got up and painted roof for a couple hours -- another 30 sq.ft. in a critical area. Then off to the office.

On the 20th, noticed major problem with electricity in guest house, so ran extension cord to power the irrigation controller on the guest house. Then walked to the office. Temperature got over 110 this day with humidity bottoming out at 20% (pretty high).

Cool sunset this evening

On the 21st, Jef got up early and applied another 1.5 gallons of paint to roof and diagnosed problems with Sewanee irrigation: SE irrigation system needs (probably) new wiring. Then drove Kathy to SD, where we picked up Holley and took her to get an MRI. Oscar tagged along, with us. We then did a little shopping, getting a new vacuum cleaner. We then drove to Stacey's work, and while waiting for her, Jef assembled the vacuum. We then went to a Tandoori restaurant located in the same industrial area. Food was good. Dropped off Stacey, Holley, and Oscar at Stacey's apartment and drove back to Borrego.

About 35' of NW roof edge are now painted - note most of the gravel is piled up out of the way, and the rough texture formed by painting over gravel that is stuck to roof

We waited about 30 minutes waiting for this Indian Restaurant to open

On the 22nd, Jef walked to office again. Temperatures reached mid 100's with relative humidity only dropping to 25%.

On the 23rd, Jef drove straight to SD to diagnose problem with tooth. It was determined tooth was fractured in 3 places and needed a crown. He stayed at dentist to get temporary crown put on, did some shopping (including lumber and conduit) and lost at tennis (had glasses instead of contacts), 2-6, 4-6 with partner Sid against Hank and Gerry. Lost 7 at poker.

On the 24th, Jef was wiped out and so didn't do much.

On the 25th, Jef was still somewhat wiped out, but went up on roof, and moved gravel out of way and blew dust.... unfortuneately he blew dust next to the swamp cooler, and it got sucked into the house (Kathy complained that added 4 hours of work to her clean-up efforts that day). Then painted about 12 sq. ft. of roof (difficult terrain with dust near swamp cooler and greasy dust near oven vent). Made table for the purpose of 1) covering skylight to reduce summer heat-up, and 2) covering automatic valves. Kathy worked all day cleaning house, watering, and finding problems with irrigation (Jef helped in this). Jef went over to Sewanee and found the garage controller was kaput. Also started digging trench for conduit to valves 1, 2. That night, Jef helped Kathy clip Desi.

On the 26th, Jef worked 2.5 hours at Sewanee. 1) finished digging trench, 2) glued 50' of conduit, layed in trench, 3) pulled 14ga 3 wire Romex thru conduit, 4) hooked up valves 1, 2, 5) tested system -- found it had a major break, so dug around problem area for later fixing, 5) determined pine wasn't getting water, 6) hooked up controller in garage, re-wired the 2 valves, getting them to work. Then off to the office for a long day. One problem was the Gym A/C was not cooling, so Jef turned it off for an hour (to let ice that was probably stopping it up to melt), and turned it on and then it worked. That evening Kathy found WestStar backyard valves hadn't come on -- Jef figured out and corrected that problem.

On the 27th, Jef went to Sewanee, and 1) fixed break in line 1, 2) fixed pine tree dribbler, 3) found a new break on one line by garage and started digging down to it, but it would take too long, so left it for another day. Then walked to office for an easy day (only office patient cancelled).

After pulling control wire and wiring on 2 SE valves

On the 28th, Jef worked on fixing irrigation line break discovered prior day, completing task along with eliminating a dribble to a tree that died earlier in the year. About 2 hours were needed to dig and cut roots around break, as roots tend to do great around line breaks (in addition to causing them). Also calibrated a few dribblers. During this and prior day, we were packing for a week stay in SD. Kathy did several homecare patients before going to office. After a long, full day, we(Jef, Kathy, Holley, Gypsy, Tiki) drove to SD to stay with Stacey.

After fixing line break

On the 29th, took Holley for her final pre-op appointment. That evening we cooked Holley her 'last meal' before going under the knife. She chose fried chicken.

Holley testing her lungs

Holley's "Last Meal"

On the 30th, took Holley to Children's, where she had her surgery to straighten her spine. The surgery took about 7 hours. Rather than wait around, we went to Santee and climbed the back side of Cowles Mtn (about 5 miles, 1000' up/down). After returning to the hospital, Holley was out of surgery and we rendezvoued with her in her room. We all stayed til after 10pm and Kathy spent the nite.

Jef, Kathy on Cowles Summit

On the 31st, most everybody was there all afternoon. Stacey spent the nite with Holley.

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