Journal Index
3Q'11 Jef and Kathy's Activities 4Q 2011 1Q'12
Dec 2011

On the 1st, a slow, cool, overcast day at the office.

On the 2nd, with a hole in the schedule, Kathy and Jef hiked the length of the spur, hiking back in the wash. THis was Jef's first hike since his knee problem after lots of hiking prior weekend. After work, Jef, Jan and Gary did the draw for the tennis tournament.

Kathy with Hellhole Canyon in background

Snow fell in mountains over this week

On the 3rd, Jef played in tournament, losing 4-8 to eventual winners H Maier & Curt H, winning against Al & Don 8-6, and losing against Larry & Ed. Jef and Kathy went to potluck - Jef brought a salad.

At the potluck

On the 4th, Jef went over and watched finals at tennis club.

On the 5th, a light day at the office.

On the 6th, a busy day at the office.

Eileen brought in her chichuahua puppies

On the 7th, a moderate day at the office.

On the 8th, a busy day at the office.

On the 9th, after a half day at the office, packed and drove to Santee.

Stopped in Santa Ysabel for bread and gas at sunset

On the 10th, Jef braved holiday shoppers and stocked up on things -- the larders at both houses were low. Jenine came over for dinner and worked on Kathy.

On the 11th, Jef worked on xmas presents (Stacey got the idea of making each other gifts rather than buying them). Later that day Stacey and Holley went out and got a tree.

After erecting tree in corner

Decoration commenced shortly after

Stacey making final adjustment on star

Holley & Stacey

On the 12th, a soaking rain hit both Borrego and Santee. Kathy, who hadn't felt good all weekend felt better this day, but we skipped hiking due to the weather. We drove home that evening.

On the 13th, back to work for a long day at the office. Snow was down to 5000' on surrounding mountains.

Sunset this evening

Panorama of sunset with Weststar house in foreground

On the 14th, Jef picked up Mazda - problem was rat-eaten wires. Tito asked if we had any calendars, so Jef said he'd try to put one together in next week. After a medium day at the office, Jef and Kathy did a 3.5+ mile loop hike under clear starry skies with Tiki and Gypsi.

On the 15th, Kathy went to doctor and then to office for a long day.

On the 16th, had another long day at the office. We got some rain this day.

Mostly dreary, but sun is visible in Rockhouse Canyon

Panorama of balcony showing some dampness from rain

On the 17th, mostly took it easy, but did some work on gifts.

On the 18th, Jef did some more work on gifts. Late that afternoon, Jef and Kathy braved the chilly weather and went on their 3.5+ mile loop hike.

Panorama taken on Country Club Drive around sunset. This is about 360° and shows road going both ways. Kathy & Gypsi are on road at right

On the 19th, kathy only had to work the afternoon, only 1 cancellation.

On the 20th, a long day at the office with only 1 cancellation.

Eileen brought her puppies to therapy this day

On the 21st, a long day at the office, but with 2 cancellations.

On the 22nd, another long day at the office, but with 3 cancellations.

On the 23rd, Jef and Kathy packed and drove to SD after a short day at the office.

On the 24th, Jef worked on completing the girls gifts, but didn't quite finish. Jef and Kathy went on a hike up to service road and back. Kathy cooked a pork roast that night.

Kathy at high point of hike

Clear enough this day to see Coronado Isles in Mexico

I-Pod zombies

On the 25th, everybody exchanged gifts they made for each other. A few were not quite done - Stacey's design for Jef's T-shirt was amazing, but the transfer failed to transfer to the shirt. Jef had a few things left to do on everyone's presents, but would delay those things for a later day. One present (for Kathy was left in Borrego). Jef and Kathy repeated the hike they did prior day, and Holley came most of the way. After a fancy dinner (see below), the girls gave a concert (SAMPLE AVI CLIP - 1Mb).

Jef gave away these 3 combination 'device charging-nitelite-jewelry-hanging-framed picture' boxes made of mostly recycled materials

Christmas dinner was filet-mignon roast (very rare), Stacey's potatoes, Kathy's brocolli dish, Jef's salad

Holley made Jef this mug

On the 26th, Jef went shopping -- inadvertantly leaving 1 shopping bag back at TJs. Then, after walking for the 3rd straight day, we packed and drove back to Borrego. The girls came down later that nite. Apparently they had a cookout in back yard, making smores. They grabbed Kathy's other gift, which was in a couple paper bags, but fortuneatly didn't burn it.

Last little hike on Cowles before leaving Santee

On the 27th, Jef and Kathy had a long day at the office. Kathy started getting a sore throat and was convinced she had a cold by the end of the day. Holley had a couple friends over, and from the wreckage in the living room, it looked like another smores party.

On the 28th, Jef was going to finish completing Kathy's original present, a new massage tool, but it was taken. As it was wrapped in paper bags, Jef feared it was burned, but after checking near both fire areas, it was found. Jef completed it and presented it to Kathy. Jef walked to work and put in these journal entries, besides doing some work.

We surveyed the escalation in construction activity at the old country club while hiking this evening

On the 29th, Everyone enjoyed the last day before Stacey and Holley had to go to Santee.

On the 30th, Jef and Kathy worked one last day this year at the office - a full day. That evening, they started preparing for the party.

On the 31st, spent most of the day preparing for NY Eve party this evening. There were about 14 people who attended, including Steve F, who stopped by on his way home from hiking Mile High Peak.

Went over to Sewanee and noticed renters were still there - found out later they needed to stay another month

New Years Eve party at WestStar house

Also happened to be Jan's birthday!

Cutting the cake - baked by Kathy

Kathy & Jan

Nov 2011

On the 1st, another busy day at the office.

On the 2nd, a long day at the office. Jef passed 232K on Amanda II just before arriving home from work.

The community put on a "Day of the Dead" festival right below us. About 100 people enjoyed the displays and live music.

On the 3rd, Kathy was out sick for the day, so the busiest day of the week got cancelled for Kathy. Jef stayed at the office for most of the day, but got home in time to burn half a box of medical records with Kathy in the back yard.

Panorama of front of house this morning

New walkway

Put excess landscaping materials around this tree trunk

Kathy's new GP, Gigi

Burned med records at sunset after getting home early this day

On the 4th, stormy weather hit the area and we got a few scattered sprinkles. Will completed a few projects this day: putting remaining piles of trimmings in back yard into dumpster, completing bulb garden protection wall, trimming last tree with major dead branches. Meanwhile Jef and Kathy worked a moderate day at the office before packing and driving to Santee -- thru rain most of the way. Jef won 14 at poker at Craig's on a rainy evening.

New step put in at same time as walkway

Completed bulb garden protector

New walkway looking out from house

After Kathy's light fell off (from her collision with trailer hitch at tennis club on Oct. 29), Mac screwed it on with deck screws

Wind was blowing up dust in valley this afternoon

Panorama of threatening weather at Mall

Panorama of Weststar house this afternoon

After Will crammed in a bunch of debris in dumpster

On the 5th, Jef installed drape hangers, Kathy cleaned house. That evening, went on quick 1+ mile hike with doggies just before Jenine came over for dinner and worked on Kathy.

Mums turned out to be light purple, and were still going strong this weekend

On the 6th, Jef mowed the lawn. Then Jef and Kathy took doggies on usual 1h 20m hike (To access road and then returned via Mesa). Then Jef and Kathy went shopping, getting home in time for Sid to drop by -- then Jef and Sid went to Cazadores. They brought home a Mexican feast, and watched an episode of a new post-apocalypse series while eating dinner.

Starting back from high point of hike

Due to intermittent rain, Kathy made a hat from a shopping bag

Kathy looks very sheikh!

On the 7th, Jef worked on pix. Before packing and heading home, took doggies on 1 hour hike at sunset.

Near end of hike, returning with city lights illuminating darkness -- this was 'fall back day'

Jef got a couple of sticks of wood to finish off bench (not cut or fastened yet)

2 of 3 drape hangars jef put up prior day

Vines on our back wall displaying fall colours

Note bird of paradise blooming in back yard

Packing up before heading to Borrego

On the 8th, back to the office for a long work day. Noticed storms over weekend had dropped some snow on mountains.

On the 9th, had a moderately long work day.

On the 10th, another long work day. It was overcast, but pleasant outside. Highs for past week were in vicinity of 70°F. Went on a hike exploring trail behind old country club and making loop by descending steep hillside down to wash to circle the old country club.

On the 11th, after working at office, drove to SD -- mostly in the rain, won about 16 at poker -- I think.

Lots of folds occured after Sid got 4 7's showing in this 7-card stud hand

On the 12th, took it easy, did some chores at Weststar. Went over and assembled Jan's new exercise bike this evening.

This turned out to be a very rainy day

Jill came over to help Kathy get her mom's sewing machine working

Before assembling Jan's new bike

After assembly

On the 13th, Kathy saw 1 patient and we went on a 1 hour hike, stopping by old country club where a big event was happening. We talked to guard and found it was a photo shoot, apparently with some top models.

Looking back at county club after remembering (late) to take pic of photo shoot camp (about 20 RVs were there!)

On the 14th, had a hole in the schedule at the office so dropped by the happy hour that was next door to our house.

Happy hour with animals group had happy hour next door to us

On the 15th, had a medium busy day at the office.

Kathy's phone was lost all day. Jef found it that evening here next to front porch

On the 16th, had another medium busy day at the office.

On the 17th, our busy day became lighter with 2 cancellations, but we did have to start 2 new patients. Had time to walk up Borrego Spur between patients.

Panorama high up on trail

Panorama featuring Kathy walking down trail in middle

Shorted version of this panorama

On the 18th, after working a medium day at the office, Jef drove to SD - stopping at Staters to pick up a lot of Thanksgiving supplies, including a 21# turkey. Then lost about 7 at poker.

Unusual clouds in this panorama Jef took at Mall just before leaving for SD

On the 19th, took it easy. Kathy wasn't feeling well, but by late afternoon was able to attend Jan's "Candle Party" which was catered with some nice chinese food. We took home enough for 2 meals of leftovers.

Funky sunset panorama this evening

Kathy getting in car

Clouds seen thru Kathy's windshield as she drove

At the candle party

Jan with her doggies

On the 20th, after taking it easy most of the day (Jef did pack the dumpster pretty full), went on hike with Kathy, Tiki & Gypsi, which turned out to be a 2h 40m hike with about 800' vertical. We hiked up Country Club trail finding that this ridge hit Montezuma, but we had to descend down near the road to intercept the high point of the Borrego Spur trail. We hiked this trail back to churches and then home. There was a fiesta going on at the Methodist church. We barely got home before dark.

Jef spooked the nearby quail while cleaning up front yard this morning

After several months, this previously almost impassible area behind walls has been cleaned out

Country club from trail behind it

We saw these other hikers (the first time in our many hikes we actually saw other hikers on this trail), and found they started not far from our house

On the 21st, back to work at the office, working a not-to-busy day.

On the 22nd, due to a cancellation, we had over an hour to hike late this day. We left from the office, hiked up to the cross, over the high point of this ridge, down "Country Club Pass", over to the spur trail, up that for about 1/4 mile, and back down to the office -- about a 1h 15m 3+ miles 600' vertical hike. We then finished a long day at the office.

On the 23rd, we had a short day at work and then drove to Santee for a long Thanksgiving weekend.

Intersecting contrails shows possible collision point had planes been there at same time!

On the 24th, we prepared the Thanksgiving feast most of the day. Stove turned itself off when cooking turkey, so that caused a 1 - 2 hour delay. We enjoyed dinner at about 9pm. Kathy (again) said it was the best turkey she ever made. Stacey made her twice stuffed baked potatoes, or some such thing. Kathy made her usual string bean casserole. Jef opened a can of cranberry sauce.

Stacey and Holley fooling around while parents slaved over hot stove?....

...No... here they are helping? ....

...oh, never mind!

Jef and Kathy in their "Sunday best"

Our turkey-day feast

On the 25th, Jef worked on processing scanned pix and did some woodwork. Jef and Kathy went on a 1.5 hour hike that afternoon -- only our usual Mesa loop hike.

Kathy near high point in this hike

Very clear this evening -- those are Isla Coronados (Mexico) in distance

Coronodo bridge is barely visible in this pic

Returning from hike, spring is evident in Santee this time of year

On the 26th, Jef continued processing scanned pix, mowed the lawn, and Jef and Kathy went on another 1+ hour hike.

On the 27th, Jef continued processing scanned pix, did some woodworking getting breakfast nook a little closer to completion.

On the 28th, Jef continued processing scanned pix, and before returning to Borrego, Jef and Kathy went on a short hike up to water tower and back.

On the 29th, back to work at office for a long day. Jef had foot problems. Got home at 9pm and Kathy did a little treatment on it.

On the 30th, had a full day at office, but fairly light. Went out to dinner with Jan at Carmelita's.

Oct 2011

On the 1st, went outside to catch the sunrise, seeing some cool sunbeams. But, by the time we got going, the clouds were gone, and it was in the heat of the day, temperatures hit 100°F when we went on our 1.5 hour hike. Kathy had to stop and douse herself and the dogs with water every mile or so. The "Great Fire" was evident over the mountains -- about 2000 acres burned between Shelter Valley and Mt. Laguna.


Sunbeams were evident in this photgraph

We did get some colour this morning

This is a layered panorama with wide angles both horizontal and vertically

This captures the contrast of these sunbeams

Kathy hosing down Gypsi

Hosing down Tiki

Walking sans leashes with "Great Fire" plume in background

Great Fire plume

Old Hugh Woods Supermarket has been gutted in preparation for renovation - it will retain the original shape due to historical protection

Same intersection in 1973

On the 2nd, took it easy, other than doing a few chores, such as packing in more branches into the dumpster.

On the 3rd, took pix of cool clouds early this morning before going back to work at a long day at the office.

Note the rainbow at the bottom of this cloud!!

A closer view of the rainbow

Panorama showing more of the cloud

There were still some clouds left at sunset

On the 4th, another long day at the office.

Panorama of clouds late this afternoon

On the 5th, Jef got up early to record an awesome sunrise for Kathy's birthday. Before heading to the office for another long day at work, Jef moved a towel rack at a patient's house. Jill made a birthday cake for Kathy, left it at the house, and Jef lit candles and presented it to Kathy that night after work.

This is a "stacked panorama showing these clouds go from the horizon to straight up in the sky

These clouds kinda look like a firey comet entering the atmosphere

One of Kathy's current patients is a car buff, so these pix were taken to show him her '64 Dodge Dart -- these 2 pictures show the only dent

The interior has not been cleaned for years

This more than 180° view is taken in front of our office

Still had clouds this evening

Jill made a dot-matrix rendition of Kathy's actual age with these candles

Kathy by her cake

All candles were extinguished in this breath

Along with her gifts, Kathy also got this mask

On the 6th, another long day at the office.

On the 7th, after a half day at the office, packed up and drove to Santee. Jef won 23 at poker, and got a ride home with Craig.

One lone cloud was seen this day over Toro Peak.

On the 8th, Jef mowed and weed-ate the lawn. Also started on the nook project. Jenine came over that evening and worked on Kathy's shoulder. Jef worked on making all the panoramas on this page. Jef wasn't feeling well, so went to bed early. Kathy took dogs on a 1.5 hour hike most of the way up Cowles after midnight. After returning home, she worked in kitchen for another 1.5 hours before Jef dragged her into bed when she was "sleep cleaning".

On the 9th, Jef worked on the nook project. Later that evening, Holley made Kathy a cake, which didn't retain its shape, but was good. Kathy again got a chance to make a wish and blow out candles.

The nook at this point -- Kathy and Stacey rejected it, and so it will be modified in next iteration.

Jef re-did the lighting in the back patio to work off a switch and doubled the number of lights.

Stacey and Holley's Halloween decorations after rains beat them down -- more was added following day

Stacey gave Kathy another STUPID guinea pig for her birthday

Holley adding candles to cake mass

Holley either lighting candles or burning her mom's nose?

...and all had a good time

make a wish?

...okay I'm ready

Blowing out candles

On the 10th, Kathy drove Holley to skool. Stacey claimed possible cold was coming on, and so Jef and Kathy were the only ones to take dogs on hike, going on a 1.5 hour hike.

Wild buckwheat was still blooming

Dunno what flower this was, but it was similar to a penstamen

Dunno what flower this was, but it's a common bushy perenial weed

Crossing the creek -- dogs were off leash for nearly the whole hike

Walking down Mesa Rd.

We stopped and took pix next to this waterfall

Someone had planted some flowers in this wild place!

We found the hedge of mums in front yard were whitish

Bees buzzing in mums

These kinds of lilys have been blooming all year it seems

One of our pineapple guavas (Feijoa)

Decorative garlic still blooming

Roses are STILL blooming!

On the 11th, went back to work a long day at the office (until 9pm).

On the 12th, another long day at the office - completed this journal up to this day. Another warm spell with highs around 100°F.

On the 13th, another long day at the office. Jef picked up Jeep at Perry's and (again) took pic trying to match 1973 photo:

looking up Palm Canyon from Circle

Same intersection in 1973

Gutted market

Panorama of intersection

On the 14th, after working at the office, took doggies on walk, but ran into neighbor Julianne who invited us in for a glass of wine. Gypsi was scared of Julianne's doggies and after we dragged her in, she had the poop scared out of her in the middle of Julianne's living room (found this out AFTER having glass of wine in Julianne's back patio). Then Jef and Kathy met Jan and Rebecca at El Borrego for dinner.

Panorama of sunset at Julianne's patio

Julianne and Kathy talking

Dusk that evening in downtown

On the 15th, took it easy So with the hike severely abbreviated, we then went over to Jan's to watch a 3D Movie (Tron) and have dinner.

On the 16th, took doggies on a 2.5 hour hike, going beyond Borrego Spur peak over to just above S-22, then back along the spur and down behind churches. Kathy wet the doggies down a couple times, as temps were in high 90°Fs.

Just after turn-around point by Montezuma grade - Kathy heading back

Jef & Kathy

Kathy with Gypsi

Jan gave us a couple of "Doggy Sundaes" - here are Gypsi and Tiki consuming them

On the 17th, started a long work week (over 30 patients scheduled).

On the 18th, did what turned out to be the busiest day at the office.

On the 19th, still a busy day despite a couple of cancellations.

On the 20th, had an early cancellation, but another reschedule kept us working into the night at the office.

Kathy had giving the Texas Sage's a lot of water the prior week, so they bloomed like crazy this week

On the 21st, after working at office for half a day, drove to Santee. Jef got ride up to Hank Srs., where he had some spaghetti (and brought leftovers home for Kathy). Jef won about 13 at poker.

Noticed this Nopal in front yard was covered with this parasite

Will had completed painting the front trim the prior day, as seen in this panorma of front of house

Will also made this box (to be screened) to protect Kathy's bulbs - Jef never got around to even starting this project after buying materials a year prior!

On the 22nd, took it easy, mostly. Went on 1 hour hike with doggies.

Tons of mums still blooming at Big Rock house

On the 23rd, Jef mowed all lawns and modified breakfast nook yet again, mostly took it easy. We had pizza delivered for dinner.

On the 24th, got ready to leave Santee, went on an 80 minute hike with doggies, drove back to Borrego.

On the 25th, Will came over and completed or nearly completed several projects: re-seating, re-framing & caulking A/C in guest house, trimming dead branches on a couple of trees, trimming oleander trees in contact with house, loading dumpster with branches and pool (Kathy gave up on above ground pools), screening protection box around Kathy's bulbs, finishing trim on final window (dining room). Jef and Kathy had another long day at the office.

On the 26th, another busy day at the office.

On the 27th, another busy day at the office. Umberto finally showed up and he and Will completed the walkway and a side step this day.

Umberto digging concrete prior to placing stepping stones

Completing job late in afternoon

Side step

On the 28th, after a long day at work (actually during, as Kathy worked late this evening), Jef got Ken and Mike to help with the draw for the tennis tournament. Due to a low turnout of 22, we decided to have a round-robin, which allowed everyone to play lots of tennis.

New walkway on 2nd day

Panorama with new walkway

On the 29th, Kathy hung out in bed all day as Jef played in tournament, winning 2 matches in the morning and losing 2 in the afternoon -- Jef and Janna failed by a small margin to make the cut for semifinals the following day. Jef was having cramping problems later in the day with highs in the 90s. Jef and Kathy brought a chicken dish to the potluck and Halloween party at the clubhouse. Both Jef's and Kathy's team only found 14 objects in Peg's scavenger hunt that night, losing to Sandi and Curt, who found 18.

Costume contest participants

Loading plates at potluck

On the 30th, Jef watched the finals at the tennis center. That evening, Jill came over and we checked out our hot tub. Afterwards, she dragged us to her neighbor's house where a 5th grade Halloween party was going on. We missed the fireworks, but got to see the candle-powered balloon launch:

It eventually flew out of sight -- rising until the candle went out, probably 10 minutes later

On the 31st, we went on a morning hike before going to work, exploring trail behind country club. Then we wore our Halloween "costumes" to the office. Kathy got Halloween candy. After a light day of work at the office, Ashley and friend came by to say hi in their costumes. Jef updated his costume during the day.

Found this sleeping circle before going off trail, cutting down to wash, and looping around old County Club

By the end of the day, this was Jef's completed costume

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