>Journal Index
4Q'10 Jef and Kathy's Activities 1Q 2011 2Q'11
Mar 2011

On the 1st, another busy day at the office with 2 new patients (2nd day in a row with this!). Wired half of down payment for Big Rock house to escrow company (Jef's first wire of funds). Too late getting home for a walk.

On the 2nd, a long day at the office was shortened by 2 cancellations. Signed final escrow documents for Big Rock house when notary came to our office. Too late getting home to go for a walk.

On the 3rd, a not-so-long day at the office shortened by another cancellation.

On the 4th, after working at the office went to RB for tennis, splitting sets with partner Gerry against Hank and Edwin. Won 12 at poker at Henry's.

Hank at tennis

On the 5th, spent most of the day cleaning and preparing for Mary Ann's dinner visit. We had a nice dinner that evening.

Holley is behind Jef, Mary Ann and Kathy are annoyed at Jef taking a picture at dinner

On the 6th, the "Happy Hour with the Animals" gang had a "Lot warming party" next door to our WestStar house, as Jen and Jerry had just purched the 2 lots totalling 2.5 acres.

Clouds that evening preceding the incomming windstorm

On the 7th, Up to 75 mph winds hit the valley causing some wind damage. We worked a long day at the office. Jef's work computer was a problem this and the next day after the profile was damaged.

Strong winds hit the valley this morning causing a blackout on WestStar

Mist near the mountains caused this nearly horizontal rainbow

Wind caused tape holding this fiberglass duct insulation to come loose

Cool sunset this evening

On the 8th, worked at the office.

On the 9th, got overflowing branches into dumpster and added more before pickup this morning. Worked a long day at the office.

On the 10th, installed styrofoam around heat pump intake ducting, repairing wind-damaged insulation nearby. Used up a roll of foil tape around unprotected batting above living room. Then worked at office.

After completing duct insulation for the day

On the 11th, a long day at the office for Kathy, but Jef had to go to SD to pick up keys for new house from realtor, Carol. Did shopping along the way, split sets at tennis with partner Gerry against Hank and Edwin, 3-6, 6-2. Won 12 at poker.

View from dining room of our new house

Side patio

Looking out to street from front door

Jef's car in new driveway

Our new house

Flower in front yard

Roses just outside kitchen

Another view from front yard

Jef at RB tennis courts


On the 12th, fixed Holley's toilet and 2 breaks in irrigation at WestStar house. Starting cleaning preparing food for Shirley T's going away party the following day.

Kathy noticed big cracks in ground by one of the front mesquites indicating it was close to blowing down!

On the 13th, scrambled to finish cleaning up house for Shirley's 11am party when we found out daylight savings had stolen an hour of our time! About 10 showed up for Shirley's little party. Jill brought pasta salad, Marianne brought 3 super-fancy cakes, Jef made deviled eggs, Kathy made 2 batches of croisant snacks. Jef brought over a plate of leftovers to Grace & Jim's St. Pats party where there was about 10 TP-ers. Grace gave Jef a tour of the bus.

Shirley's going away party

Awesome food for dinner -- here is table 1...

...and table 2

Grace in her bus

Grace sitting on upper deck of bus

Picture of this bus while in service at right and another bus showing original color -- green

Bus near bus stop

On the 14th, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 15th, another long day at the office. Snuck out before sunset to take a few pix of wash plants blooming at the bottom of the Montezuma Grade:

This chuparosa caught my eye the past few time I drove by

My diet since January has been sandwich for lunch and salad for dinner -- most salads have been in the Greek style, as this one (before putting on my salad dressing)

On the 16th, Kathy was too worn out and sore to come to work, so cancelled all patients, drove to work, left car and walked home, emailed some flower pictures I took along way to tennis club. Then walked back and took a lot more pix. Drove home.

Desert Stars

Fremont Pincushions

Trail before heading up steep section

Patch of desert dandelions

Common phacaelias

Patch of Desert Stars

After descending into Country Club Wash

Lone golden poppy in phacelia & chuparosa

At the old country club

Return trip late afternoon - dead grass backlit by setting sun

Sahara mustard - nasty invasive species

Passing country club going uphill

Patch of chias

Barrel cacti blooms with creosote blooms in background

Going upwash

Colorful blend: blue phacaelia, yellow brittlebush, and red chuparosa flowers

Patch of Monkey Flowers

Ghost flower

Tiny flying insects inside a tiny Whispering Bells flower

Descending trail to the Mall, here is creosote in front of Indianhead

View of the Mall



Rusty sunset colours this evening

Nearing the Mall

Fremont pincushions dominate this area

Moon over Fonts Point

Location of start of Spur Trail is across the street fromt his fire hydrant near Carmelitas

On the 17th, wore my St. Pats T-shirt to work - a light day at the office, except for catching up with filing and paperwork. Air was thick with humidity this day.

On the 18th, after working at the office, the Koerners called and Jef set them up in the guest house for the weekend. Then he did the draw at the office with the McNamaras.

On the 19th, Jef was eliminated at the BSTC mixed doubles tournament with partner Janna 5-8, 6-8, and spent the remainder of the day at home with Kathy. Went out to dinner with Kathy at el Borrego that evening.

On the 20th, met with realtor at WestStar house to discuss potential sale. Then attended finals at the tennis club and returned home. Had corned beef and cabbage that evening.

Holley found this baby snake in her bathroom sink!

On the 21st, worked a long day at the office. Rain hit the valley during the previous night and continued off and on during the day.

Kathy called and made me drive to take pix of this horizontal rainbow

Rainbow over our WestStar house

On the 22nd, worked another day at the office, but finished before dark, so had time to hike with Kathy in Glorietta Canyon. We just hiked up over the pass into the next wash and back -- getting back to car as it was getting dark. Just before getting back to car, Kathy tripped and avoided serious injury, but did hurt her back in the process.

Some flowers on way up, after sun went behind mountains

Who's hiding behind that brittlebush??

Kathy hiking up towards pass

...who IS that???

This ocotillo grabbed Jef - looks pretty sexy...


..uh, oh! it's got Kathy!

hey, wait a minute! I know her!!


Wooly daisy


This is the only native fern in the valley

On the 23rd, another long day at the office.

Weird clouds at the Mall this evening

Possible horizontal tornado in this cloud?

On the 24th, noticed it had rained the night before. An easy day for Jef at the office, but Kathy not feeling too well, so cancelled half her patients.

On the 25th, after working half a day at the office, Sid drove out and we loaded up mom's old truck with a couch and other stuff. We all drove to Santee and set up camp in the new house. Altho we saw rainbows this morning, we did not get much precipitation this day.

This rainbow lasted a couple of hours this morning!

On the 26th, Sid came over to house and we knocked out a hole in the wall (where the old door was recently filled). We bought a new door, doorknobs and some other stuff. Sid also did some weeding and mowed the lawn. We could not complete cutting out the door, lacking a saws-all. That evening we went out to dinner with Stacey and her friends at Michaels. When we got home, we celebrated with a (belated) birthday cake, made by Marianne.

Before cutting out door

Our new camping bed

Note camping table in dining room

Eating an excellent meal at Michaels

Stacey's birthday cake

On the 27th, Sid came over again -- bringing a Saws-all, and we installed the new door. Also did some other work on the house. Afterwards, Sid and Jef toured the park behind the house, finding where teenagers hung out on a slab high on the hill behind our house. Sid stayed for dinner, after his ex failed to buy him a birthday dinner the night before. We cooked our first meal at the new house.

After door was installed (no trim yet)

Very of house from teenager hangout

Sid on hangout slab

View of trail along Big Rock

Jef pointing out new house

View from last house on Big Rock

Our mowed lawn

Creek going thru park

Note wall buttress being undercut by creek

Tennis courts seen from the hangout

On the 28th, we packed up and drove home, doing a little shopping on the way out. Jef snapped a few pictures near Henshaw of the fields of flowers on the way back:

On the 29th, back to work -- starting a very hectic 4 day week.

On the 30th, another long day at the office.

On the 31st, Kathy had a long day of mostly homecare patients. Jef got to catch up on paperwork. When Kathy was coming home, she stopped for a snake in road in front of driveway. It was under her car, so she had to stop and protect the gecko the snake was after.

Snake didn't leave area -- it wanted gecko in Kathy's hand

Snake appeared to be non-venomous

The gecko was later released
Feb 2011

On the 1st, Kathy wasn't feeling well, so Jef went to office and cancelled everybody. Then spent most of day at office catching up on work. This was a beautiful 70°F day, but forecast was for 20°F cooler temperatures following day!

On the 2nd, even tho Kathy had severe weakness in her left hand, she worked a full day at the office. A cold front had moved over the valley this day, and high was only about 50°F.

On the 3rd, Jef drove Holley to skool at 7a.m. this morning with temperatures in the mid-20s! After returning home, he noticed frost had killed much of the bougainvillea in the front yard. Kathy was also getting back pain along with left hand weakness, but did a full day at work, but was somewhat grouchy. Holley went on field trip to tour campi of UCSD and SDSU.

On the 4th, after working at the office, Jef drove to San Marcos, did some shopping, went to Henry Sr.'s house, and found poker was at Henry Jr.'s. Had a drink while Henry reminisced about the higher quality of people who lived in his era, especially his bomber group in WWII, and then we drove to Junior's house and Jef lost 3 at poker -- only 3 people showed.

Sunset at Hank Sr.'s house

On the 5th, Kathy saw a couple patients, Jef caught up on some paperwork -- including dealing with house purchase.

On the 6th, we got as much rest as could be had between chores. Jef worked on ocotillo xmas lights - re-doing them.

On the 7th, drove Kathy to doctor in SD, where she got another epidural. Had lunch at Casa de Machada -- an awesome top sirloin salad. Did some shopping on return to Borrego.

Panorama from Crawford Overlook this afternoon

Re-done ocotillo lights

On the 8th, another grueling day at the office.

On the 9th, another grueling day at the office.

On the 10th, a somewhat light day at the office, but Kathy had a bunch of homecare patients.

On the 11th, after working at the office, Jef drove to SD, but chaos was rampant due to a major accident blocking I-15. Due to the bottleneck, poker was cancelled, so after playing some 2 on 1 tennis with Sid and Gerry, Jef spent more time shopping and returned home early.

On the 12th, Jef installed some duct insulation, Kathy saw a patient of 2 and Jef helped Kathy plant 8 roses. Stacey stopped by and went to Anahi's wedding reception. Holley went to a sleepover with a friend, leaving Jef and Kathy to go to a dinner party with Mary Ann, playing 3 hands of "Rummacube(sp?)" - Jef won 1, Kathy 2, shutting out Mary Ann and Laurie.

Newly planted roses

Stacey in her wedding reception dress

Partially trimmed giant mesquite tree in back yard

Finishing dinner at Mary Ann's

On the 13th, stayed home all day, did some more duct insulation.

On the 14th, a very long day at work. Jef and Kathy exchanged cards and small gifts.

On the 15th, drove Kathy to doctor for her 3rd epidural of the series of 3. Had lunch at Vietnamese restaurant and did some shopping.

2 of several quail walking on wall -- about 100 live in surrounding trees

On the 16th, Jef had time to continue installing duct insulation before going to the office.

Holley fancied this sunrise, so I took some pix, altho probably too late to catch it at its best

Jef gave this orchid to Kathy for Valentine's Day -- it resembled the orchids he remebered from Landa St. and looked very healthy with about 10 flower stalks!!

Progress on insulation

On the 17th, another long day at the office. Will and Umberto completed the huge project of trimming the big mesquite. Besides work, Jef also contended with loan facilitators, trying to get a loan approval for the Big Rock house all week.

Halfway trimmed tree - Will and Umberto would complete the task next day, cutting off the branch that was leaning on the veranda

Jef did some touch-up on duct insulation

On the 18th, a storm front moved over the valley, producing a little rain in the afternoon while Jef and Kathy toiled at the office. A soaking rain occured that evening as Jef, Jan and Gary completed the draw for the tournament. With a low turnout, Jef was able to meet Kathy for dinner at El Borrego.

Sunrise this morning

Trimmed tree after Will and Umberto completed this giant task

Small shower before the big storms hit over the weekend

On the 19th, rain clouds parted in time to start the torunament 2 hours late. A sub was found, so Jef didn't have to play. Barb W came by with Maine relatives to look at our house with some wine and cheese. Kathy and Jef had to scramble to clean house that afternoon.

Snow revealed below clouds over Toro

Still rain lingering over the mountains

Rain in Tubb Canyon

Rays of sunlight

Swamped back yard that night

On the 20th, after more rain the prior night, a beautiful sunny day saw the tennis tournament thru to its conclusion.

Snow capped Toro Peak at tennis center

Watching one of the finals on Sunday

Mike and Lonnie won in finals, but lost tie breaker. Note snow-capped 5000' San Ysidro Mtn in background

Clouds over Toro

Snow retreated to higher altitudes all day - up to 4500' late this afternoon

On the 21st, back to work at the office for another long day.

On the 22nd, a moderately short day at the office. Will started filling gaps in windows and trimming more trees.

On the 23rd, a moderately long day at the office. Will completed NW windows inside, took out dying tree, trimmed palms and filled up just emptied dumpster.

On the 24th, a long day at the office.

On the 25th, after a half day at the office, packed up and drove to SD where we checked into the DoubleTree in downtown SD. We had dinner in Little Italy near the hotel at the "Princess of Snails" pub.

Sunrise this morning

At the "Princess of Snails"

View from hotel room

In the hotel room

Plane landing at Lindberg

On the 26th, Kathy attended an all-day seminar on home care. Jef and Holley took it easy until checking out at 1pm. They then did a little shopping. After picking up Kathy, drove to Poway and linked up with Stacey at her apartment. We had dinner at a local sushi restaurant and went for a 1 hour walk that night.

On the 27th, Holley went to Stacey's church - both noticed a little snow on side of road from previous night! After a not-so-good lunch at Coco's, we packed up and headed home. About 4 miles short of Santa Ysabel, hit bumper-to-bumper traffic. Turns out it was caused by "snow tourons". Snow was seen within 4 miles of Ramona along side the road. Traffic improved after passing Santa Ysabel, and within 2 miles of that town, it completely opened up. We stopped and checked out the snow on S-2 before getting home.

Descending to Santa Ysabel

Creek near Santa Ysabel


Kathy tossing snowball at Jef

Holley running across snow covered field


Kathy, Holley, Jef

Kathy throwing snowball at Holley

Don't you eat that yellow snow!

Getting back in car

Snow rapidly vanished as we descended to Borrego

Meanwhile that day, dad and Elsa erected dad's version of the star atop the San Jacinto Monument


On the 28th, Back to work at the office -- a long day with 2 new patients.

Jan 2011

On the 1st, mostly took it easy, but went over to house and replaced 2 automatic valves while new renters moved in.

Front patio thermometer shows frigid temperatures at the start of this year

On the 2nd, mostly took it easy.

View from neighbor's living room after we dropped off calendar

Our road decorations this cool evening

On the 3rd, back to work at the office. We had a pretty full schedule for the week.

On the 4th, another day at the office.

On the 5th, worked at the office.

On the 6th, worked on and off at the office, as Jef attended tennis clinic in the morning, and snuck out to see about 30 minutes of the exhibition game in the afternoon (featuring French Open doubles champ, Murphy Jenson).

Interesting shading on mountains this day

Cool clouds this afternoon

On the 7th, worked on and off at the office, starting tennis tournament injured (sore knee). Won 2, lost 1 this day.

Fonts Point seemed to be darkened in shadows here

On the 8th, continued tennis tournament, winning 2 and losing 1 again. Went to banquet that evening with Kathy & Holley.

Kathy and Holley keeping warm by fire at the AB Tennis Center banquet

On the 9th, finished last set of tournament, losing, but finished in middle of group with a 32-31 record. Attended award ceremony.

at the awards ceremony

On the 10th, back to work for a long day at the office. Will and Umberto returned to finish the stucco job.

On the 11th, after work had a great dinner at Marianne's with Kathy and Chuck and Shelly. Will and Umberto finished the color coat for entire house this day.

Forgot to take pic of interesting clouds this sunset, but remembered later -- this is pale shadow of those clouds

On the 12th, back to work -- a long day. Will and Umberto got Walt's old hot tub, delivered it to Sewanee house, removed old one, and put it by dumpster.

On the 13th, another long day at the office, finally had a chance (at end of day) to update this journal and tennis newsletter update. Will and Umberto started cutting down 1 tree and doing major trimming on big tree in back.

Old hot tub ready to be cut up and put in dumpster

On the 14th, at the end of a long day at the office, met Gary and Jan and we did the draw at our office. For the first time, posted teams and match times online.

At sunset this evening

On the 15th, started the tennis tournament with partner Peg, losing 1st in tie-breaker and winning 2nd, but dropped out at that point, letting Sheldon take my place. Had lunch and watched some tennis while at courts.

New stucco colour

Stump of dead eucalyptus, on which we plan to put a table top

Holley with her boyfriend, Kyle, before going to a dance this night

On the 16th, what would have been mom's 83rd birthday, Jef skipped viewing rest of tennis tournament and Kathy, Jef & Holley drove to SD and met Stacey at her new apartment. We then met Carol, a realtor, at the Big Rock house, and viewed it. We noticed while there that Kathy's bumper was in danger of falling off, so on way home, got string and duct tape at Walmart and repaired it.

Stacey's new apartment

Checking out Stacey's new apartment

Babbling brook behind Big Rock house

back yard of Big Rock house

Big Rock house from street

Sunset this evening at Santee Walmart

After patching up bumper on Kathy's car

On the 17th, back to work at the office. Heard that owner of house we looked at prior day had accepted an offer. That evening rescued Sally, who fell off her bed and couldn't get up that evening. This evening, Jef started a diet at 210#: only a sandwich for lunch and salad for dinner.

On the 18th, a long day at the office, typing 6 or 7 reports.

On the 19th, another long day at the office.

On the 20th, yet another long day at the office.

On the 21st, worked at office til about 1, abandoned Kathy with a bunch of patients and drove to SD for optometrist appointment. Split sets at tennis 7-5, 5-7 with partner Edwin against Gerry and the Hankster. Won 23 at poker.

Dumpster being emptied this morning

On the 22nd, Kathy saw a couple of patients, Jef did some work at office, cosmetically fixed up Kathy's crash site after a complaint from person living nearby. Went with Kathy to Carmelitas to get some Albondigas. Kathy suspected her purse might have been swiped during the 3 minutes we were there, as she couldn't find it anywhere the next day.

On the 23rd, Kathy did a lot of cleanup work at the house. That afternoon, drove to Jan & Sally's to install lights, spent about 30 minutes weeding at Sewanee house. Rearranged furniture that evening at WestStar.

Finally, Jef's double chair makes it into the house!

New room finally has furniture!

On the 24th, another long day at the office. Jef weighed in at about 203# 1 week after starting diet - 7# less.

Last surviving bit of orchid taken from Landa St.

On the 25th, worked at office til afternoon, drove Kathy to Dr. in SD. While at Dr., agent called and said seller had accepted our offer for house on Bigrock, so stopped by, checked out outside, walked around area, and met future neighbor, Danny, who was practicing with his band. Had dinner at a local eatery, Michaels Grille, where I had a "New York Salad" -- a cut-up steak in a green salad. As Jef is dieting at this time, this was a perfect meal, and it was great. Then drove back to Borrego.

Covered patio in back yard

360° panorama of backyard

Part of backyard to store eyesores

Looking away from backyard at nearby hills

Looking at backyard from Mission Trails

Walking down to creek behind back yard

The creek

Another view of creek with marginally protected (from floods) wall at back of yard at leftend of backyard at left

Part of creek where the house can be seen

Kathy walking to Bigrock Park

One view at park

Another view at park

The tennis courts

Looking towards house from courts

Jogger on Mission Trails trail

Kathy on trail

Kathy walking on same trail a few hundred yards beyond last pic - note radio towers on top of Cowles Mtn., 1000' higher than this point

The house from Danny's driveway

Front yard

Pictures taken by realtor of inside:


Living room

Bedroom 1

Bathroom 2

Bedroom 2

Bedroom 3

Back patio


On the 26th, another killer day at the office -- as landlord demanded our front lobby and 2 closets be emptied. We had lots to throw away and move to our offices, causing massive clutter. Kathy didn't get home til about 10pm, as she had to wait for ambulance for her last patient, who had fallen at 1pm, and couldn't get up, nor call, as phone carrier cancelled her phone when she was last in the hospital.

On the 27th, another day at the office - not too busy for a change!

On the 28th, after working at the office, drove to SD, did some shopping, lost at pickleball, and won 14 at poker. Was pretty tired, but decided to return home via Cuyamaca for the first time in many months. While not sufficiently alert for the relatively unfamiliar route, noticed I was coming into a curve too fast, and managed to lose control and swerve off the road hitting a small bush on the embankment. As car was perpendicular to and sticking into the roadway, immediately started the car, backed up, got on the road, and continued with a short delay -- perhaps losing 1 minute from the total trip time.

On the 29th, fixed my licence plate, which had lost a bolt while backing out of bush. Took it easy most of the day.

Licence damage and minor scrapes from prior night minor crash

On the 30th, drove Kathy and Holley to Santee, where we put down a deposit and signed papers to purchase house on Big Rock. Also met Ted there, and he did our home inspection for us. Then drove to Valley Center, and spent a wonderful evening with Mary Ann, where she cooked us another fancy meal and we played cards in her daughters really fancy house. We spent the night there.

It was raining when we arrived at Mary Ann's daughter's house

House from back yard

Mary Ann and Kathy walking by living room

Breakfast nook, where we played cards

On the 31st, Mary Ann made us a fancy breakfast before we headed down to Kathy's doctor, where she got another epidural. After that we did some shopping, picked up some Greek chicken/salad for dinner, did more shopping and drove home.

After the rain, a beautiful day!

Fancy grand entry

Mary Ann in kitchen with dining room at right
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