Journal Index
1Q'11 Jef and Kathy's Activities 2Q 2011 3Q'11
June 2011

On the 1st, Kathy was not feeling well, so Jef cancelled all her patients and worked at the office.

On the 2nd, Kathy still was not feeling well, so cancelled all patients this day and worked at office.

Texas rangers(sage) was in full bloom this day

So many bees were harvesting nectar that these bushes were fairly noisy!

Drained pool this weekend, as cover sank, allowing algae to form above it

On the 3rd, did a little celebrating for our 5th anniversary and then after working a bit at the office, drove to SD, did some shopping, stopped by house. Then played with partner Edwin, winning 6-4, 3-4 against Hank & Gerry. Won about 5 at poker.

On the 4th, mostly took it easy. Went shopping for Holley's presents with Kathy at Borrego Outfitters and then went to potluck of Interact group at the Springs. This group's purpose was to get kids involved in community service, and this potluck was to celebrate a successful season. Jef forgot his camera, so no pictures at the potluck.

Holley's "birthday cake" was the pile that remained of one of the cakes she brought to the potluck earlier in the day. It had 17 lighted candles

On the 5th, Jef used up the rest of the foamboard on insulating the ducting, retaped areas in need of it, and wound up burning himself with 2 hours of sun. Then took it easy for rest of day.

On the 6th, back to work another long day at the office.

Took a pic after noting about a half dozen quail on our sand pile (note they scooted down as I took out my camera) -- note the 2 rascally rabbits

On the 7th, another long day at the office. Weather continued to be very mild for this time of year -- the first half of the month of June was forcast to average about 91°F, about 10°F below average.

On the 8th, another long day at the office. Tried the pre-cooked chicken at Center Market for dinner. Pretty good, and salad this evening was awesome.

On the 9th, a long day at the office was softened by 2 cancellations. Temperatures finally climbed to the high 90°F's.

On the 10th, figured out how to raise/lower spring loaded bed in guest room and transported it to Jan & Sally's, so Jan could sleep near Sally's hospital bed, as Sally is terminally ill. A short day at the office before heading to Santee for a long weekend. After arriving, we got some Greek chicken & salad and then went on a 1 hour hike with the 3 dogs (Holley was "good", and so didn't want to hike). We feasted on Greek chicken - Stacey came down late that evening.

Saw roadrunners at both home and at Jan & Sally's this morning

Holley picked up this docile 3-legged blue-bellied lizard soon after arriving home in Santee

Gladiolas in full bloom in back yard

Holley's new bed after installating in her room

Holley opening gifts from Stacey - a new outfit

Honey badger DON'T CARE! - Stacey's entire department at work wore these today

Stacey's surprise birthday cake for Holley - a cookie monster cake

Making a wish

Blowing out those 17 candles!

On the 11th, after sleeping late in our new even more comfortable bed, Kathy, Stacey & Holley went to the spa, and Jef did some home improvement shopping. He spackled poker table cracks and closet in master bedroom, especially around new shelf. We had chowder for dinner with a nice bottle of wine given us by Jan & Sally - Variation #3 from Shadow Mountain.

Kathy showing off her toe job from the spa

Picture of a new flower seen on today's hike up Cowles (a 45 minute hike)

On the 12th, the girls went to church while Jef went shopping, getting a coffee maker, some cool new tools, a Kokopelli, an umbrella beach chair (purportedly for Kathy - but she thinks it was for Jef), molding, pest weapons, etc. Sid came over and the 2 worked for 7 hours on: 1) sanding + varnishing furniture made last time and new shelf, 2) installing interior frame around garage window + moulding & spackle around that, 3) installing 2 shelfs & 2 hangar rods in Stacey's closet, and 4) mowing back lawn. Sid stayed for dinner that night: fish, baked potatoes, salad, with a Murphy Goode claret ("All in"). Kathy christened the house with a fire in the wood burning stove. She thinks the chimney is dirty as we wound up setting off all smoke alarms in the house.

Kathy swapped tops with Holley - the new cover was a premium one - here are the varnished nite-stands after sanding/varnishing them

Jef had to keep moving clothes off Kathy's new shelf to finish it (trim + spackle + varnish), but Kathy kept throwing stuff back on!

Jef completed this window framing project himself while Sid varnished

Stacey's new finished closet

Kathy's new Kokopellis in dining room window

Holley had changed the settings on Jef's camera - he didn't fix 'em until following afternoon

Jef + Kathy by fire

Jef + Sid & Kathy

On the 13th, we took a day off work and slept late. Kathy took Holley to local high skool to get registered for next year. Jef did some spackling in Stacey's closet, poured about 0.8 gallons of pain on poker table. He found out the pain must be sucked up by the spackle, as depressions soon appeared in those areas of the table. However, this time, the table was level, thanks to a recently purchased torpedo level and shims under the legs. Jef wound up doing most of the packing. Kathy wound up starting new projects when everyone else was ready to leave, and due to her 'dramamine haze', she stubbornly refused to leave while continuing to prune and fix irrigation problems. Jef replaced a few water guzzling sprinklers with dribblers to appease her. Also Jef managed to catch a gopher in a trap and re-set the trap. He failed to flood them out earlier, and also put poison in each of the 4 holes he found in the front yard.

Poker table after spackling cracks

Poker table after pouring paint - depressions are already starting to form near spackle

Caught gopher

Kathy & Jef by glads

Kathy working in her 'dramamine haze'

On the 14th, back to work a long hard day at the office. We both rushed over to Jan and Sally's, as Sally was showing signs of expiring soon, so we stayed there til after 10. Jan procured food for us and we downed a nice bottle of Alexander Valley Vinyards -- a red wine of some kind. Sally recovered somewhat, so we left Jan and her 2 daughters to continue the vigil.

On the 15th, we had another long day at the office. We walked with the dogs that evening over to look at a replacement Jeep, walking about 4.5 miles, and driving home in Amanda II, as this was a car-shuttle walk.

Prospective Jeep

Stange bug found in sink -- between a flying ant & an earwig (with the tail)

On the 16th, Sally passed away early in the morning. We worked a long day at the office as Kathy orchestrated the Jeep purchase, movement, and engine-transplant. Jef got his oil changed in Amanda II, then later met AAA tower and got Jeep towed. Kathy's guinea pig, Cuddles, was having serious health problems and passed away as Kathy was trying to inject pre-chopped food down his throat - Kathy thinks he had previously had a stroke, explaining his being unable to swallow. The food had blocked air from getting to his lungs, and he died peacefully in her arms. Kathy was very sad, and Cuddles was frozen so that he may be buried in Santee (so Borrego coyotes can't dig him up).

Jeep being towed from Desert Sands

On the 17th, another day at the office. Jef stopped by Perry Tire and arranged for them to tow white Jeep from Tito's themselves, so that they would be able to start the engine transplant. With poker/tennis cancelled for the week, Jef stayed in Borrego and took Kathy out to El Borrego, where they dined in the sculpture garden.

By the big dino sculpture at El Borrego

Kathy by the prospector statue

Our dining table - I had the Modelo

Kathy was thinking of getting this one for Santee - it's only $300

Jef, Kathy & friend

On the 18th, Jef drove to SD, stopped at Santee - fixed (again) cracks in poker table, this time with caulk, and then did some shopping. Drive back to Borrego, and mostly took it easy. Jill came over for dinner - red curry chicken.

Jill visiting

Kathy bar-b-q-ing at sunset

On the 19th, Jef used up all the fiberglass (completing the round ducting) and all of the Flexforce tape (still needs another to complete the job). Stacey came over with hominy and pie. Kathy started cooking posole, the occasion being Father's day (for Jef). Then visited with Jan (Jef and Stacey transported bed back to house), taking down a grab bar previously used by Sally. Stacey & Holley made jef a papa's day card featuring South Park's Kenny, we had dinner and Stacey left. This was the last cool day (highs below 100).

This bird was found dead this morning in our driveway.... by evening, only a few bones and feathers remained

Fiberglass insulation is cut and taped on securely

Then wrapped completely with tape -- not quite finished here - ran out of tape

On the 20th, Jef noticed Holley had misplaced his camera protector (a gift from Holley) and misplaced recent pictures on camera this morning, so no updates on past couple days until both were found the next day. Then back to work at office on a warm day. Temperatures again surpassed 100°F getting in vicinity of 110°F. Temperatures were forecast to be even higher for rest of the week. At the office, we only had 3 patients, but one was new.

Leftover "Father's Day" posole while reading journal of this day before this picture was added

On the 21st, Jef went to office and found 2 patients had cancelled due to flu-like symptoms, so a slow day. Also another hot day, getting to the high 100s in the morning, as this journal is being updated.

On the 22nd, the hottest day of the year so far with a high in the mid 110°Fs. Will brought over a heavy-duty chipper and cleared out all the branches remaining in the front of the house that were leftover from his trimming projects the prior month - making 2 piles of wood chips. Being the hottest day of the year, virtually none of the piles in the back were chipped. Jef helped by cutting a path between the western oleander row and the wall by cutting oleanders and moving branches to the chipping area that morning. However, since he was up at first light (3 hours before Will came, and the nicest time to be doing this), Jef was too tired that afternoon to help, and took a little nap on a slow day at the office. Kathy had major head trauma while failing to duck under a trailer hitch on a 5th wheel while seeing a patient. She thinks she may have had a concussion, and the patient wound up giving her a towel to soak up the blood coming from a deep puncture in her forehead. Ashley and Holley spent many days and nights together so far this summer, spending this night at our house.

Kathy harvesting grapes from atop the veranda

We stopped at one bowl, as more ripening was needed

On the 23rd, another hot day, expected to be about the same high temperature as the prior day, Jef and Kathy had a slow day at the office before heading to Santee for another 3 day weekend.

Jef has finally cleared a path around this part of the wall

These piles of chips were to be dispersed around oleanders, but Ramon came by next weekend and thru them all in dumpster :(

On the 24th, after working at the office, we finished packing and drove to SD. Gypsy got sick and thru up all over the back of Kathy's car in Lakeside. After Stacey got home, we all went out for dinner at Michael's. Jef tried the chicken caesar this time. Kathy and Jef got frozen yogurt. Jef ate his right away, but Kathy saved hers for later that night. She fell asleep and it spilled all over her that night, but the dogs licked most of it up.

We helped Stacey move a load of boxes after arriving in Santee - this is her old Poway apartment

On the 25th, helped Stacey move her furniture by getting rental truck, driving to Poway. Stacey and Holley helped Jef move couch big chair, entertainment center, and a few miscellaneous items into moving truck. Jef drove this to Santee home, and Stacey helped him unload it. Jef and Stacey returned truck, and Jef tried to take it easy the rest of the day. Disposed of caught gopher (from setting trap in front yard prior day). Jef and Stacey got Greek chicken/salad which we all snacked on for lunch and we had other stuff for dinner at home this evening.

On the 26th, while Kathy and the girls went to church, Ted came over and Jef went over desire to turn back patio into part of house. After a couple of beers he went off to figure this out. Later, Jef got a bunch of things at HD and Lowes: seat cushions, counter top (installed in garage), slug stuff, 1x4's to reinforce gate so Tiki can't squeeze thru (installed this day). Then instead of getting any rest, Jef got dragged off with Holley and Kathy to the OB Street Fair, where we purchased a few items - Kathy got a tank top and Jef got a couple Tony Bahama silk shirts. We picked up supplies at Stumps and had an awesome carne asada dinner this night.

Mexican primrose with dirt from Kathy, who was salvaging bulbs before construction commences on this patio room

Starting down an alley on way to street fair

Kathy stopped at times to look at flowers

she liked this one

and this was behind it ... we might get plants like these for Santee house some day

On a side street at the street fair, Kathy grabbed a piece of chalk...

... and started scribbling

Kathy by the pier

This is the closest we got to the surf this day

Starting the return trip

On the 27th, took it easy. Then went on a little hike with the dogs. It wound up being over an hour. We took all dogs off leash and Gypsy soon after bolted into the bushes and would not come back. Kathy continued up shouting after Gyspy and Jef doubled back a couple of times. The second time (after 20 minutes of looking), he found Gypsy about where she took off from. He took her back home and returned to Kathy to continue the hike with Marley and Tiki. Then everyone packed and left for Borrego, doing some shopping on the way.

Starting on hike

This is about where Gypsi took off into the Chaparal -- and where she finally returned 20 minutes later

This back patio on back of the house at end of Big Rock could be similar to what we have Ted turn our new patio into

On the 28th, after a long day at the office we didn't do anything. One of our medical referers was killed in a traffic accident this morning.

After Kathy organized a final push to harvest ALL the grapes

A few clouds were evident at sunset this day

On the 29th, after a long day at the office, We went over and looked at the new Jeep -- still waiting on a few details (new clutch plate, for example) -- after talking to Arnold. That evening, we picked the rest of the grapes.

Kathy talking to Arnold about details of engine swap

50 yards behind the new Jeep lies the old Jeep

All the old parts (including the engine) were tossed in the old Jeep

On the 30th, after a long day at the office, Kathy, Holley, her friend Ashley, Jef, Tiki and Gypsi drove to Santee. Gypsi didn't have any problems this trip.

May 2011

On the 1st, after arriving home from cannon party, drove back to Borrego after doing a little shopping along the way.

On the 2nd, had a long day at the office, but Kathy only had a total of 4 patients all day, so Kathy and Jef had time to catch part of Holley's softball game. The Rams lost to Calipatria 21-8. The quality of play? Can you imagine little league?

On the 3rd, another light day at the office.

Jill gave Jef and Kathy each a "growing cowboy" from her Texas trip -- here he is about to dive in...

... and the growing commences!

Taken on Jef's walk to skool to see Holley's softball game -- by XL station in distance there was an accident with 3 police cars at the scene

Field of gilias

Gilia are one of the last lingering wildflower of late spring

At conclusion of softball game

Holley's team

On the 4th, a moderate day at the office.

Cowboy after 2 days of growth

On the 5th, after another fairly light day at the office, Jef took Kathy and Holley out for Mexican on Cinco de Mayo. Carmelitas was closing down early due to some electrical issue, so went to El Borrego, which also was closing early. We settled for the bottom of the barrel, Pablitos. While there, the electrical power went out for the entire downtown area (explaining why the other 2 restaurants were closed early) at exactly 9pm. We finished dinner with candle light and had to pay by check.

Cowboy reaching full size

Kathy at blackout during dinner at Pablitos

On the 6th, after a half day at the office, we packed up and all(Jef, Kathy, Tiki, Holley) drove to SD for a Mother's Day weekend in Santee, leaving Gypsy and meeting Stacey at the house. That evening, Jef played pickleball for a bit before losing 17 at poker. He got a ride from Sid back to Santee.

Cowboy at full size

On the 7th, with no 1/2 & 1/2 in house, Jef walked to nearest quicky mart, finding best route to get there on return trip. Then started doing chores in Santee. Also went on 1.5 hour hike, going up main trail and then exploring around the Mesa end of the trail, where we found a new trailhead. That night, Kathy and Stacey cooked some California chicken and spiced potatoes for dinner. Kitchen sink backed up after Kathy tried putting mint branches thru garbage disposal.

Large patch of black sage in bloom

Patch of monkey flower blooms

Stacey,Holley,Kathy going uptrail

Monkey flowers

Blue dick flowers

Thistle flower close-up

Close-up of black sage flowers

Close-up of chamise flowers

Closer-up of chamise flowers

Chamise in bloom

Holley with Tiki

Marley, Stacey & Kathy returning to trailhead


Hanging out in Holley's Santee disaster room

On the 8th, Sid came over and we did some home improvement/maintenance work: 1st we did some shopping, getting new clippers, wood, a snake. We installed a new shelf in master bedroom closet, insulated and plywooded a small part of attic(about 20 sq. ft.), repaired Craig's old pool table, and tested out the weedeater. Jef tried snake, but could not open kitchen cleanout with medium set of pliers he had. That night for Mother's Day dinner, Kathy wanted crab enchiladas, so Stacey and Holley went shopping and cooked up a nice feast for dinner.

Nobody stops for photographers in this family!

Looking back down trail

Front yard after returning from hike

On the 9th, Jef used the weedeater to move the entire back yard, and trim edges in front. Kathy drove herself to doctor, but was obsessed with cleaning, despite being in a semi-zombie state, and delayed departure until late that afternoon. Kathy was completely out of it all afternoon while Jef drove back to Borrego.

Mowed back yard panorama from back patio

Mowed back yard

Mothers day flowers in breakfast nook

Mowed and edged front lawn

Kathy and Stacey came up with matching accessories for guest bathroom, Jef lowered mirror for 'dwarfs' ;)

Somewhat fixed poker table with idea for moulding border

On the 10th, back to work for a very busy day. Will and Umberto fixed flaws in guest house in preparation for finish coat in a couple of days. After work, Kathy and Jef continued walking in the early evening. Gypsy was glad to finally get some good exercise.

On the 11th, a long day at the office, but Jef had time to catch up on this page.

On the 12th, another long day at the office. Will and Umberto completed the stucco on the guest house. Kathy and Jef went on a somewhat longer hike this evening.

On the Friday the 13th, after working at the office, Jef drove to SD, did some shopping, lost at tennis with partner Sid against Gerry and Edwin: 3-6, 7-5, 4-6 in a close match. Lost 2 at poker.

Thunderhead forming as Jef left work -- no rain on his drive thru mountains, however

On the 14th, Jef and Kathy joined Midge and Ray for a walk up Coyote Canyon. Afterwards, they joined Rebecca for dinner and cards (Spite or Malice) at Marianne's. Dinner included asparagus soup, a potato salad, ribs, and an excellent cake for dessert.

Sandpaper plant flower

Jef and Kathy after reaching water

Cooling down in Coyote Creek

Cattails after getting to wet ground

Old pipe wrapped around boulder from prior flood

Other side

Between 2nd and 3rd crossings

Walked back part way on this equestrian trail

Cool looking fagonia plant

Unidentified swamp willow

Unidentified swamp willow

Kathy picked up this horny toad

Examining the horny toad before releasing it

Lady bug

Cattail "bloom"

Broadleaf gilia flower

Small canchilagua (smaller than one photographed in Santee prior weekend)

On the 15th, Jef and Kathy stayed home and mostly rested, but did a fair amount of chores, including trimming roses, Mexican bird of paradises, and watering. After midnight, they were awakened by an emergency call by Jan needed assistance in getting Sally up from the floor.

Hummingbird sitting on nest on these wind chimes

Fabric and other debris make up the nest

Inside nest is a hatching egg. Hummingbird returned to sit on it after cameraman left after his rude interruption

On the 16th, back to work for a long day at the office. Jef photographed another cool cloud pattern at sunset, similar to one taken a year earlier (April 27, 2010).

Jef noticed cool clouds at sunset when he left the Mall

Horizontal panorama at Mall

Vertical panorama at the Mall

After getting to Tilting T, Jef noticed color had returned and took this panorama near the country club

Vertical panorama

On the 17th, another (probably record) cold day. Jef got up and saw a cool sunrise, and after taking a panorama picture, saw the tallest rainbow he had ever seen. Kathy was in too much pain and had too little sleep, so cancelled all morning patients. She came in and did 3 office patients before going to her doctor appointment.


another panoram with each side of rainbow on different side of picture!

TALL RAINBOW - best panorama photoshop could make -- THIS IS ACTUAL SHAPE, IT IS NOT DISTORTED IN ANY WAY!!!

Same rainbow, but forced photshop to try to get left edge right - perhaps rainbow shrank a bit while filming

On the 18th, a long day at the office. Stucco guys did brown coat on wall.

On the 19th, another long day at the office. Will came over and cleared out most dead branches in larger mesquites on property.

Another nice day in May -- perhaps the coolest May on record!

Some of the many quail that live in our trees!

The country club we photographed a few days prior is now surrounded by a chain link fence -- either a liability issue or in preparation for re-construction (after property was sold)

On the 20th, after working at the office, drove to SD, got some medical equipment for a patient, did some more shopping, and then won at tennis with partner Gerry, 7-5, 7-5 in a very close match against Edwin and Sid.

Brown coat on wall

Catclaw in full bloom

Bee harvesting catclaw flower honey

Cactus bloom in front yard

..zooming out

..zooming out

On the 21st, no time to rest -- went to Jan and Sally's and installed some of the machines purchased the day before. Then we hosted a dinner(ginger chicken) and cards(spite and malice) with Marianne while Holley and friend Ashley attended a prom.

Holley and Ashley before heading out to the prom

Marianne and Kathy preparing to play "spite and malice"

On the 22nd, mostly took it easy, but went on a 1 hour walk hitting county club, and then extending hike by another 15 minutes by going up the wash.

Tiki & Kathy on way to country club

On the 23rd, back to work for a long day at the office. Jef and Kathy walked just under 2 miles after arriving home by taking 2 laps around our circle.

Wierd clouds over by Toro

On the 24th, after a moderately long day at the office, went to "Happy Hour with the Animals" at the giant bird's nest on BS Rd.

Small group (about 10) met at the giant bird's nest

Many stayed til late dusk

On the 25th. a light day at the office. Walked about 55 minutes, going up wash past country club again with Kathy, Tiki, Gypsy.

Hazy day

On the 26th, it continued warming up, getting into the 90s, but wind started in the afternoon. Yet another cool front is coming in -- forecast is for highs in the 70s again on May 30th!!! What a cool May for Borrego!

On the 27th, after a short day at the office, we packed and drove to Santee. After Stacey arrived, we went on a 45 minute hike around the neighborhood with the girls and the doggies. Then we went to dinner at Michael's and had some yogurt at the Penguin yogurt place next door.

Last of Landa Street orchid growing new roots and leaves!!

On the 28th, after sleeping late, Jef mowed half of back yard and did some other yard work. Started on installing inner border on Craig's old poker table. We went on a 1.5 hour hike (Mesa/Big Rock loop), also reaching the road from Barker just before sunset this afternoon.

Close-up of a Turkish Mat flower

Kathy and Marley at sunset on trail

Trail with upper reaches of Santee down below

Kathy & Jef at mid-point of hike

Using dogs to get at gophers -- no luck

On the 29th, while girls went shopping, got manicures, and got Marley pruned, Jef and Sid created 2 nightstands, procured materials for a couple other projects, assisted the plumber in fixing the plugged kitchen sink and replacing the garbage disposal. We learned that coffee grounds are bad for pouring down the drain. Sid mowed the lawn and stayed for our Memorial Day bar-b-que (ribs, corn on cobb, salad, rice, cheesecake).

Sid by the 1st of 2 nightstands created

After Jef poured paint on surface of Craig's old table -- made the mistake of using an old used can -- hardened pieces of paint caused problems in final product

On the 30th, Jef made Fritatas for breakfast. Then went on a 3 hour hike up to the top of Cowles with Kathy, the girls, and the doggies. Then we went to see Hangover 2, which was good, but the girls said it was inferior to the first.

Early on in the Cowles ascent

We walked by this patch of Canchilaguas

Canchilagua close-up

O-O being written by sky-writers

Heading for summit on level stretch of access road

Other hikers passed us

Close-up of "Turkish Mat"

A large patch of Turkish Mat was by side of road here

The girls at Cowle's summit with Lake Murray in background

Tiki often makes sure group stays together

Stacey and Holley in front of the camera?....

...time to fool around!

Marley's foot was severly injured, possibly from overdoing the hikes, over the weekend and here his feet are protected

Kathy wanted to leave poison for the gophers in the front yard. Jef dug out a palm tree as a parting chore before leaving, mangling this patch of flowers

On the 31st, back to work at the office for a long day.

Somewhat unusual clouds this afternoon
Apr 2011

On the 1st, another busy day at the office. As poker was cancelled, Jef stayed in Borrego and took Kathy out to Assagio's.

On the 2nd, Jef mostly fixed the swamp cooler, but needs a new float valve or at least a ferule to finish the job. He started fixing the bumper on Kathy's car. Julianne dropped by for a tour of our home improvements - where we found out she was selling her house and moving to northern CA. Jef and Kathy met Rebecca at Marianne's. She cooked us dinner and we played cards ("Spite and Malice"). Rebecca won twice, Jef won twice and Kathy once. Marianne was disappointed again.

Kathy woke Jef up to take pix of this cool sunrise this morning

Grape vines are coming out strong now

Orange blossom fragrance is smelled 50 yards out in front of house

Top blossom has a bee in it

On the 3rd, Jef fixed the bumper a lot better on Kathy's car. He drove to the office an did a little work. Too tired to walk and not enuff time, anyway.

On the 4th, a very long day back at the office with 2 new patients and 8 total. Due to a homecare cancellation, we had time to get our short 2 mile hike in before dark!

Beavertails still going strong

New "Army Jeep Cars"

On the 5th, back to a long day at the work with another 2 new patients, and 8 total.

Nice sunset this evening

Sunset at home before our little hike

Verbena not obscured by Sahara mustard (dead vegetation in this photo)

270° PANORAMA at Tilting T and BS Road

On the 6th, another long day at work.

On the 7th, another long day at work.

Clouds by Indianhead this evening

On the 8th, after working at office, drove to SD with Holley. We stopped at the house and picked up the mail, did some shopping and Jef lost 4 at poker at CTI. It snowed about a third of the way home, and it was starting to ice up side of road by the time we hit Ranchita.

When I was the only one to put out trash this morning, I called and found trash day had been moved to prior day of week

Beavertails were at about maximum bloom around this day

Yet ANOTHER rainbow!

RAINBOW PANORAMA at Tilting T and Broken Arrow

Backyard in need of mowing at Santee after just 2 weeks

We found out we had irises and they bloom this time of year

Holley and friend in Ranchita - snow is falling

Snow starting to stick to side of road

Edge of park at top of grade. It snowed down to the S-curve in Culp Valley, at which time it became a light rain

On the 9th, cleaned up around house and had neighbor JulieAnn over for dinner - filet mignons wrapped with bacon, baked potatoes, salad, and discussed why she was selling her house. Apparently she wants to move to No. Calif.

More beavertail pix

On the 10th, insullated another 8' of ducting on roof -- nearly done now.

Saw this curious sowbug in the house this day

Extent of duct insulation after this day

On the 11th, Kathy was not feeling well and so cancelled all appointments that day and stayed home in bed. Jef walked to work.

There's still flowers blooming in the canyons

Monkey flowers

Still lots of Desert Stars blooming near churches

A re-roofing project began at the Mall this day

Took short way home

On the 12th, back to another long day at the office.

On the 13th, a moderately long day at the office. A murder in the valley caused some waves in town. A suspect was killed just south of Descanso later in the day.

Sunset this evening

On the 14th, Jef could finally catch up on this journal in a small window of time this morning, but afterwards, yet another long day at the office.

On the 15th, full day at the office. Kathy was hurting by the end with 6 myofascial patients in a row. Marianne brought us some schnitzel (a tub full!!!) and a big rum cake (she didn't go lite on the rum!). Then Earl brought in a thankyou hand-made book of poems by Pat. Jef slipped off his diet prior day and continued the slippage this day. His weight bounced off a low of about 190 and was again in the mid-190s. Temperatures had heated up by this day to to 90s. After work, Jef, Jan & Gary did the draw for the final tennis tournament of the season.

On the 16th, Jef showed up and, with partner Mike S, lost 8-5 to Lonnie & Doug, then won 8-1 against Gary E & his 12 year old grandson, Joe. We then turned around and got eliminated 8-1 by Larry & Don. Kathy, Jef & Holley attended the banquet this evening.

Pool after Kathy & Holley scrubbed it with bleach

One of the rose varieties in Kathy's garden

At the banquet

JaNell in her bonnet

View from Jef's dinner plate

Kathy at the table

Sunset this evening

Contestants in Easter Bonnet contest

Lee was sung "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" by Marilyn for his 80th -- as you recall, last year JaNell turned 80 and was entertained by a male stripper

On the 17th, Jef attended the finals and award ceremony at the tennis center. That evening we went to neighbor JulieAnne and had dinner with her daughter and 3 granddaughters.

At the Awards ceremony

Kathy & Holley getting wrinkles out of bottom of pool as we fill it

On the 18th, back to work a long day at the office.

Lenticular clouds we around this afternoon

Cool sunset as Jef left the Mall

It was windy this evening, however

Interesting clouds as seen from the bottom of EastStar/WestStar loop

On the 19th, a medium day at the office.

Pool with water in it

After installing pool cover

More of Kathy's roses

On the 20th, another medium long day at the office.

Cool sunrise this morning

Paloverde are in peak bloom now

... but beavertail are nearly done

On the 21st, Desi had a stroke and was bumping into things, waking Kathy up early. Jef had to unwedge the Des a few times, as she tended to walk into tight quarters and get wedged (including both wine racks and between house and BBQ). Jef picked her up from where she went to die under a bush in the back yard because Kathy arranged to take her to the vet. We cancelled all morning patients, drove the Des to Brawley and the vet said she might recover and was looking okay when we left - we left Desi there for treatment and observation. We then returned to finish the rest of the day at the office.

On the 22nd, drove to SD with Kathy, Holley and boyfriend Kyle after a half day at work. Lost 1-6, 5-7 with partner Hank against Edwin and Gerry. Lost 5 at poker at Hank Sr.'s. Got ride back to Santee.

Last pictures of Desi alive

Some of new downtown landscaping

Emergency personal came to attend to event across street by fudge shop -- possibly someone took a fall

On the 23rd, took it easy at home. Did some shopping and weeding. Installed towel bar we got in our major shopping spree at Target. We got a call this morning that Desi was not getting any better and was greatly suffering (possible brain tumor or neurological infection), so Kathy approved putting her down and cremation.

On the 24th, had easter basket hunt with kids. Then did more weeding. Sid came over and we installed trim on inner garage door. We got supplies for other projects, including a ladder for the attic flooring project (just to get access!). Also got lawn furniture. Sid and Jef went on 6 mile hike that was shortened due to lack of daylight, but we did make it to Cowles summit (we were going to check out Craig & Nancy's coffee shop originally). Sid stayed for dinner and we ate on the new patio table (larger than camping table we were using).

Tiki somehow got in window when blocked from going to front yard where Jef was working

This vine started putting out these trumpet flowers

Before major cleanup in this garden area

Large compost hole nearly filled with weeds (about 15 cu. ft.)

Mexican primrose coming out and mint going bonkers

Had to pull out and replant these daffodils to get weeds out of this area

The lone tree on the lot. Vines do not appear to be grapevines

Statis growing in corner of yard

Looking from one corner to next along back wall

Kathy brought Tiki and Stacey brought Marley

There was a sporadic and slight drizzle this afternoon from these clouds

View from low on the trail

View from intersection of cross trail to Barker trail

At the summit of Cowles

The easter egg hunt didn't happen until after dark - here Stacey looks under rose bushes

Kyle and Holley

Holley still looking

Our Easter banquet

On the 25th, Jef was wiped out, but completed weeding project (by burying the weeds he dug out under grass clippings and dirt in hole he dug prior day). After helping Kathy plant a couple of plants, he was wasted. Kathy, altho exhausted herself, pushed herself to clean til late afternoon. At which time Jef had packed up the car and drove to OW to drop off Kyle and back home to Borrego.

We determined this large corner bush to be a pineapple guava tree!

We put a car in the garage!

Parting view of new trim around garage door

Back in Borrego, sunset at the Mall

On the 26th, Jef noticed a major flood had occurred over the weekend - half the water in the pool appeared to have flooded out for no known reason. Jef and Kathy had a long day at the office.

On the 27th, Jef had a light day at office with 3 office patients, but Kathy also had 3 homecare patients.

On the 28th, a similar day at the office with 4 office patients, and 3 homecare.

On the 29th, after working at office, Jef drove to SD, won at tennis with partner Gerry against Hank and Edwin, 6-2, 7-5, 6-2. Lost about 2 at poker. Stayed overnight in Santee.

On the 30th, got up early drove to Hank's, and we drove up to cannon party in his car. We had some vittles at Pilot station in Kramer. Spent day at cannon party - Hank and Paco played guitar, Mark and Paco shot cannons, Cassidy shot BBM, and kids shot off bunches of fireworks. About 10pm, Jef drove back to Hank's and arrived back in Santee at 2am.

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