Journal Index
2Q'11 Jef and Kathy's Activities 3Q 2011 4Q'11
Sep 2011

On the 1st, we had a slow day - Kathy did 2 home-care patients and Jef caught up on paperwork.

On the 2nd, after an abbreviated day at work, we drove to Santee. Jef drove to poker at Hank's, where he lost 5 with only the 2 Hanks and Jef there. Hank Jr. made a nice sausage stew.

On the 3rd, Jef started the window cover decoration project.

On the 4th, Jef put another coat on the window cover project. Sid came over and we got lumber for the breakfast nook project. Kathy cooked us some nice burgers that evening.

On the 5th, Labor Day, everybody took it easy, but we did manage to go on our Mesa loop hike (3 miles). Kathy noticed a tapeworm come out of Gypsi's behind.

Window cover, iteration 1

Kathy made a nice breakfast spread this morning

Holley and Stacey vegged out on their gizmos in living room

On the 6th, Jef and Kathy drove Holley for her first day at the new school. Then starting at the Mast trailhead hiked to the top of North Fortuna Peak in the rain (about 8 miles, 3 hours). We saw some wildlife: a rabbit got pretty close, a coyote, and a white-tailed deer. Also saw some either jarheads or SEALs running with packs in the rain: "Beautiful Day for a walk". Later that day, picked up Holley from skool.

Interesting sunrise this morning

Starting out on Fortuna hike

Jef and Kathy at summit: Jef had to swap shirts with Kathy, who was cold on this warm, humid morning

Gillespie Field in background as Kathy descends

Shortly after starting descent, took pic with Hwy 52 in background

Drops at end of dead branches at bottom of road to Fortuna Saddle

We saw this coyote cross road in front of us

After making a wrong turn wound up crossing the SD River before turning around

This was meadow we crossed at start and end of our hike -- somewhere hidden in this pic is a white-tailed deer

On the 7th, Kathy took Holley to skool. We packed up and drove to Borrego -- hurrying in order to be only 5 minutes late to the office to see the first patient.

Put a 2nd coat of paint in order to make kokopelis more visible in this styrofoam window covering

On the 8th, a long day at the office was cut a little short by the great blackout where 1.4 million homes were sans power. Jef took this opportunity to burn a couple boxes of outdated medical records. Power was restored to Borrego before midnight, after about 8 hours.

Starting a medical records bonfire

On the 9th, after an abbreviated day at the office, we drove to SD. Jef was dropped off at Hank Jr. Hank drove him to Hank Sr., who prepared spaghetti. Jef won 17 at poker, and got a ride back with Ken.

On the 10th, a lazy day.

On the 11th, Jef got started on the breakfast nook, making one of the 2 bases.

On the 12th, Kathy took Holley to skool, then Kathy's doctor appointment. Jef got some contact lenses on the way. We took our time packing, not getting out of Santee until 7:30 that evening. When we got home, we found the garage door opened.

Kathy spotted these 2 crawdads (mud dobs?) on our hike this day

This was about 4" long

On the 13th, we were awoken by powerful thunder and heavy rains. Scattered showers were seen all day during a very busy day at the office. That evening, Jef noticed Sweetpea, Kathy's last guinea pig was dead. Possibly had a heart attack during the lightning storm the prior night.

Threatening weather over towards Ocotillo Wells taken at Post Office

Rain fell at the office this day

On the 14th, work was made easier by not communicating in time with first 2 patients and another forgot and went to his doctor instead. Humidity lingered from prior day.

On the 15th, a medium difficulty day at the office with only 5 patients. Continued to organize the San Clemente get-together by the tennis club. Weather continued to get drier and nicer.

On the 16th, after working most of the day at the office, Jef drove to Santee, did a little shopping and picked up a few things at Santee house (made difficult by Holley being in the way the whole time he was there), and rushed off to lose 13 at poker at Genbio.

On the 17th, Jef burned a few more medical records. Then he did a little catch-up work at the office while Kathy saw a patient.

On the 18th, Jef did some more catch-up work at the office, did some shopping, while Kathy saw a few patients. Then went over and met Kathy at Jan's, where they hung out at pool all afternoon - celebrating Jan's daughter's birthday.

The cake

posing with mom

reading a card

something on the card?

admiring a gift

her friends who drove down with her

all 4 together

On the 19th, Kathy got her elbows injected, and then returned to a long day at work. They were too tired to walk again.

On the 20th, after a very long day at the office with 9 patients, Jef and Kathy took doggies on the 3.7 mile Country Club to Wagon loop in the dark, as they were getting home after dark due to shorted days and busy schedule. Kathy saw a king snake on the hike, but when she picked it up, it appeared to be dead.

dead snake

On the 21st, a moderately long day at the office, but easy on Jef, who caught up on his work during the day. Lupita cleaned, starting a once-every 2 week routine, instead of the once a week routine when "Pig-pen" Holley was living there.

On the 22nd, Kathy didn't feel well, so Jef cancelled all her patients and did some work at the office.

interesting clouds seen at WestStar house this morning - this is a stacked panorama

Jef modified this section in order that concrete guys would do a little step here with leftovers from walkway project

On the 23rd, Kathy felt well enough to come into the office for a short day. When filling a cancellation, Jef managed to get 2 patients in the one remaining slot, so Jef and Kathy left later that afternoon, drove to Santee (hitting a few rainy patches), and cleaned up and prepped the house for the first poker night there. Jef brought a floor lamp and screwed a piece of styrofoam to ceiling of screen room for enough reflected light for game. 7 people showed up and Jef won 4 at poker.

Clouds at sunrise this morning

Clouds later this day -- scattered T-showers in the area

Sunset panorma in front of Santee house this evening -- rain did hit the area this day -- curved wiring is artifact of stitching together pix (discontinuity in lines is due to program matching clouds which moved and ignoring power lines)

On the 24th, did some shopping, clean-up, and then Jef did some work and rework on nook before the late afternoon Big Rock to access road and back hike with the doggies.

Julie, visiting dad in Texas, took this picture of him demonstrating dead fish caught on beach when tide went out

On the 25th, Jef worked on nook. We watched a movie or 2 and Stacey, Jef and Kathy took doggies on Big Rock - Mesa loop.

On the 26th, Kathy spent most of time on couch not feeling well. Jef mowed the lawn and worked on nook. At end of afternoon, he decided the slope of back rest of nook was too vertical and quit for the day. We packed up and drove to Borrego.

Breakfast nook at this point (had to shorten it, and just noticed at this point, had to change back angle)

On the 27th, Kathy stayed home sick in bed while Jef did some work at the office.

On the 28th, worked a medium busy day at the office.

On the 29th, worked a busy day at the office.

On the 30th, after working at the office until mid afternoon, Jef drove to SD, did some shopping, but discovered poker had been cancelled. Drove back home, after stopping to photo a nice sunset.

Just as I was leaving Borrego, a few raindrops fell in Borrego this day, as seen in this panorama (see drops on my car at right)

Noticed a rainbow INSIDE this sunbeam over Warner Springs -- lightning from this storm caused several wildfires this day

Had to wait until Iron Mtn. trailhead to take pic of this fading sunset

August 2011

On the 1st, got a late start on out "morning hike", starting just before noon and completing it nearly 2 hours later. Stacey's friend, Julie, came over and the 5 of us and the dogs hiked up to road, back to Mesa Trail, and back home via that loop. Kathy, Stacey & Holley got nails done this afternoon, while Jef mowed the lawn and did some weeding. Later that evening, drove back to Borrego.

High point of hot hike, looking down at house in Santee

Looking over to Grossmont College and condos at S end of Mesa trail

Dogs climbed on this rock after Jef did!

Easter lilly blooming in front yard

New desk

After 2 horizontal doors are retracted to vertical position

On the 2nd, back to work at the office. Off and on T-storm threats during the afternoon in the last muggy remnants of a Gulf of Mexico storm.

Monsoonal storm clouds forming this day - there were some scattered showers late in the afternoon

Shower plume over by La Casa

On the 3rd, helped Kathy with 2 patients in home care. 2 new patients this day! Also worked on the inventory. Monsoonal weather started dissapating prior day, and we turned on swamper this evening.

On the 4th, another long day at the office.

On the 5th, after working at office, drove to Santee, did some shopping, dropped off/picked up stuff at house, and then won 20 at poker.

Jef saw this star, probably Jupiter for most of drive home, so took a pick at Crawford Overlook

On the 6th, did some chores, then crashed that afternoon, waking up in time for hosting Jan for dinner - we had Kathy's wine-chicken with cheese, tomatoes and avocados, along with rice pilaf, a green salad, fruit salad, and chocolate cake.

On the 7th, Jef worked on adding to this journal. Later that afternoon, Jef rendezvoued with Dave B. at Sewanee. We found 2 main waterline leaks in adapters near 2 automatic valves. Jef added fixing these to Dave's job of completing move of garage irrigation controller to location of the only other controller on E wall of house.

Tacky fence put up in back yard by renters

After tossing these beehive parts out of irrigation valve cover

Under control wire junction box, found another set of abandonned beehives

Close-up of hives

Dave looking at project I set up for him

On the 8th, back to work for another long day at the office. Did a little more filling of dumpster, along with some trimming of mesquites in back. Dinner that night was the 2nd round of tostadas.

On the 9th, back to work -- Kathy did not get much sleep night before, and so was a zombie. She wound up skipping a couple of home care patients and napping about 4 hours at work. Holley was at a going-away get-together with her friends in town.

On the 10th, after working at the office, packed up and drove to Santee, where we spent the night.

On the 11th, Nicole, Stacey's friend, drove all of us (Holley, Stacey, Kathy, Jef) to the airport. We flew to Houston where dad picked Jef up at airport, while Kathy procured a rental car, and proceeded to get lost trying to find Elsa's house, but eventually made it there, where we all spent the night.

Dad showing a partial star he had made

Elsa remarked it was like a "flying nun" had

Went out to a Japanese restaurant this evening

Elsa serenaded us in her living room after dinner

On the 12th, we drove to Galveston "the scenic way", which took 3 hours and looped over Bolivar Island. We checked into the hotel. Dad stayed a while and then drove to Dickenson to work on his tetrahedral educational toy.

Dad reducing his edema

Jef hung his last Texas star sculpture above his bed

Jef took this pic of Elsa's workplace from across the street while Kathy was shopping

Riding the ferry to Galveston Island from Bolivar Island

Dad's car was at the front of the ferry and got splashed a few times as ferry went over some big wake waves

Stacey checks for bedbug sign in any new hotel room. This one is clean

Walking across the street from hotel to check out the beach

Temperature in the Gulf of Mexico this day was 88°F. Stacey came up with a name for this beach: "The virtual sauna"

Walking under a nearby pier

We would have ate at this restaurant, but didn't want to wait an hour, so ate at a less satisfactory bar-b-que place

On the 13th, Kathy dragged Jef out to see sinrise at the beach. Elsa came over with fiance David and practiced guitar/singing in our bedroom. We all went over and had lunch at Willy G's. Elsa and her

We stayed at the Sheraton (red building)

Kathy, Jef before sunrise

Sun just going over horizon


Sun starting to come out from clouds

There it is!

Kathy in sun's glow on granite breakwater

Jef and Kathy in their first Galveston Beach sunrise!

It was Kathy's idea to get up and see the sunrise

360° panorama at beach. 2 Kathy's are at right bottom

Eating lunch at Willy G's - Elsa, David, dad, Jef, kathy, Stacey

Jef got the Seared Ahi - YUM!

Kathy got the scallops

Checking out the nearby off-shore oil derricks being constructed/repaired in the harbor

This statue was nearby

David and Elsa practicing their number

On the 14th, Kathy again dragged Jef and this time also Holley and Stacey to see sunrise at the beach. THe girls went touristing at a mansion while dad drove Jef back to Dickenson and worked on the tetrahedron-filled cube project, completing the prototype. Also, after Elsa arrived, Jef installed one of the air conditioners removed for window repairs. Jef did a little cleaning before driving back to Galveston with Elsa, dad, and David. We procured a 3rd night at the hotel and went out to dinner at Gaidon's with the whole gang.

Kathy about to roust her girls out of bed

Kathy back on beach

Holley, Kathy and Stacey on the beachwall

Holley at the beach

Birds flying under full moon

Stacey working her camera

Kathy was looking for wildlife under the sand

Stacey taking photo

340° panorama with girls at left, Kathy at right, but both are actually not far apart

Sun starting to penetrate this cloud

Stacey is at right in this panorama taking pic of sunrise

Sun breaking thru!

Stacey being silly

Daughter and her loving mom

Kathy wrote "I wish I were a California girl", Holley wrote "Holley", but did it well

Checking out subsurface wildlife

Jef found these morning-glory-like plants growing on the beach

Dad and Jef had retreated to the only room with an A/C working to complete the tetra-cube project

Elsa suggested Jef get an A/C from garage and install it in dad's bedroom. And here it is after installation

Nearly completed "Tetra-cube"

Holley and Stacey were so curious about the "crumber" tool used by the waiter, he gave them one!

Stacey, Holley, David, Elsa at Gaidon's

Fiances David and Elsa

On the 15th, due to cloudy weather, we didn't bother going to see sunrise at the beach. We tried breakfast at the hotel, not very good. After walking around neighborhood, we stopped at gift shop before heading for Houston.

Clouds vanished from beach as we left

On the 16th, after a long sleep, we got up and walked the neighborhood again. This time going over by the freeway and checking out the nearby mall. We also checked out some of the homes for sale in the area.

We saw this purple house on our walk. We thought of Stacey, who likes purple.

Kathy swiped this pomegranite from the yard

This was one of the nicest homes for sale

Another home for sale

On the 17th, we drove the rental car to the airport, and after a couple of lame Bloody Mary's at the airport, boarded our flight home. Jenine picked us up at the airport in SD and drove us home.

On the 18th, Jef drove back to Borrego and caught up on paperwork.

Umberto and Will resumed stuccoing this wall - rounding the top in this stage

On the 19th, still taking it easy in Santee. Jef procured materials for finishing desk area. Meanwhile Kathy and Holley picked out Ikea furniture. Rusty may have dropped Jill off about this time. Jill spent a few days with us before we drove her to the airport. Jef drove to Genbio for poker and lost about 12.

On the 20th, Jef procured some more materials at Lowes, getting a small table top, trim, etc. The main thing Kathy wanted was a screen door, so Jef procured one and installed it -- finishing just before dark. Meanwhile, Kathy and Jill assembled Holley's dresser, but made a few errors. We took Jill out to Michael's for dinner.

Tiki likes to jump up on dining room table and lay in the sun

On the 21st, we took Jill to OB. We met and talked with Big Rich, Kathy's old neighbor, before going down to Newport and stopping at Pacific Shores (a bar), and having a little lunch at the restaurant closest to the beach. We did some shopping at various stores and drove home, stopping at Stumps to get some dinner fixings - Kathy made her tuna casserole for dinner.

New screen door

Holley's new dresser

Jill & Kathy at beach

The OB pier

On the 22nd, drove Jill to airport. Jef fixed the errors made on dresser while continuing on his own projects: Jef completed the last major trim in his desk area and did 2 varnishings of all horizontal surfaces. He then set up his computer in the new desk area. He got a string-free window shading system and installed on a window. Kathy approved, so he got one for the larger window in the bedroom.

Completed desk

On the 23rd, Jef installed the larger window covering in the bedroom. He also assembled Holley's night stand.

Computer area is bathed in sun in early morning

On the 24th, Jef and Kathy drove Jeep to La Mesa to get it smogged and did some shopping at TJ's while it was tested.

New window covering allows the ability to stop sun in early morning from ruining computer area

Jenine came over with daughter Juanita and we did the 3 mile Mesa loop on Cowles before dinner, which Kathy cooked

On the 25th, Jef drove to Borrego to catch up on paperwork. Also noted completed wall and plants needed water. Thunderheads were forming over mountains but disappeared by sunset.

Completed wall

Some color in sunset this evening

Noticed Dodge had a flat tire

On the 26th, we drove the Jeep to get it registered. Jef wound up pulling off the door to AAA, and it was a major problem for AAA. Jef drove to Hank Jr. for poker, but only the 2 Hanks and Jef showed up. Jef may have won or lost about 3 (don't remember).

Oops! Don't know my own strength

On the 27th, worked on a few projects around home. Did usual 3 mile loop hike with doggies.

On the 28th, worked on a few projects around home. Did the usual 3 mile loop hike with Kathy, this time accompanied by Stacey and Holley. Ordered pizza from Pappa John's -- Santee one not nearly as good as Lake Murray's.

On the 29th, did a bunch of weeding, set gopher trap for new gopher in front yard, did some weed and ant killing. Then packed up and drove home to Borrego. Did a little work at the office.

On the 30th, returned to work for a light day. Did a 1 hour walk at dusk. Weather which had been hot/humid most of month was tolerable this evening.

On the 31st, Kathy had a long day with 2 new patients.

July 2011

On the 1st, Jef drove to dentist and after cleaning teeth, he found another $2000 of work needed to be done: replace crown, bond some worn dentin, & fix possible infection. Jef walked from Santee house to Craig's San Carlos house - mapping the 3.3 mile track and finding it could be done in under 1 hour. Lost at pickleball and lost 8 at poker. Got ride home in one of Tim's fancy BMWs.

Greg wrote this article in a local paper - Craig showed it to everyone at poker

continuation of article

On the 2nd, we went to OB, got sandwiches at Chris's Liquor (I got the Special #1 which had lots of pastrami and horseradish - delish!), and then spent about 4 hours at the beach, where we all got sunburned in random places (Jef got it on top of left foot).

Jef in Kathy's umbrella chair

Segulls fighting for territory

This guy set up a big umbrella in front of us

Giant seagull swooping down to pick up tiny little people

This even bigger bird is swooping down to pick up the pier

Girls arriving back after a swim

Stacey memorializing the moment for Holley and Ashley -- who hadn't been the the beach in about 8 years!

Stacey, where did that tatoo come from?

Stacey about to eat her Chris's Liquor sandwich

On the 3rd, Sid came over and we procured and installed a dog door. We also started work on using up walled-up space in bedroom. We also got a lawn mower and mowed the lawn.

Jef and Kathy showing proper form for mowing with corded mower

After front lawn was mown

Jef improvised to finish whipped cream for strawberry shortcake this evening (and next) after Stacey's electric beater broke

On the 4th, we drove to a local strip mall and walked to the park to see an awesome fireworks display. Then had a nice bar-b-que dinner that night (corn-on-cob, ribs, rice, salad).

Jef, after a bit of grief, got all 4 bolts on to hold dog door installed prior day -- note the soon to disappear transparency -- the dog slobber layers will grow in the future


Dog door is located in dining area

Playing Wii in living room that night

Arriving at the park to see fireworks

Kathy cooked a bunch of ribs for our dinner

Kathy forgot to turn off burner on which corn cooked, and put Stacey's PLASTIC salt and pepper shakers on burner after seasoning -- here is what survived -- just before Jef scraped off the mass of molten plastic from burner

On the 5th, Jef went to dentist to have his crown taken off and built up the nasty mess underneath. Then we had to rush back to Borrego as we had patients that afternoon.

Jef walked home this day, as he neared home, the sunset was in full force


On the 6th, the guy came out to fix leaks in A/C ducts, tune up A/C, seal cracks in doors/windows, and worked 3 hours on that task. At the same time, Will came over and dug a trench for revised irrigation. Jef helped him install piping and figure out plan of attack -- adding 2 new irrigation valves to take over 3 old lines that were currently run manually. Then off to work in the office.

On the 7th, Will dug about 100' of trench, completed installing irrigation, started working on making a woodpile. That afternoon, out of nowhere, heavyduty thunderstorms hit the area, with a good amount of precipitation and CLOSE lightning strikes! Jef tried to catch up on this journal into the night.

1" rain splats were observed in this storm

We got close to 1" of rain this afternoon

The rain stopped and we had a nice sunset

On the 8th, after a short day at the office, we packed and drove to Santee.

I took this picture to show how the piles were removed -- however, this process was repeated a couple more times as more piles were brought over near the dumpster

Will cut in, replaced 2 and added 2 more valves

Jef relocated hose to next to carport

Will made and loaded this wood pile - pretty good job, eh?

Jef chased this lizard down the balcony at work. He only got this by going inside and sneaking this pic from a window

On the 9th, we all went to OTL, using the bus coming from Mission Valley each way. OTL was well attended, but Kathy could not find any good food to eat there. We had some beers and watched a few games, tho. Got to go "off-roading" in the shuttle bus, as they take a shortcut over the sand on the island now.

We watched a few games at court 27 this day at OTL

Our little encampment -- Holley swiped the umbrella chair when I left for a potty trip

Our encampment is middle right -- see the little dark blue umbrella in Kathy's new umbrella chair

This remote-controlled "ice-chest-carrying ghetto blaster" was observed passing our camp


Jef with shade chair, before adjusting it to shade legs

Note how dirty these guys get playing this sport

On the 10th, Sid came down and while the girls were off at church and shopping, procured some fancy birch plywood, about 40' of redwood 2x2s, and some clear redwood to line opening in closet. Sid and Jef cut out a good sized hole in wall, filled in behind entertainment center, which was not put in properly, started noise deadening wall, and installed 1x6's around opening. Sid stayed for dinner - burritos.

Sid cutting out drywall

Working in abandoned space

After Jef installed 1x6 border - stopped construction at this point for a couple of weeks

On the 11th, we went on a 3 mile walk with doggies up to end of Lake Murray. Asked about condos there, and found price ranged from 250K to 350K - probably out of Stacey's price range, now that she quit her job and took a lower paying one at her Church. We passed by a house for sale with the surprising description "40 acres"! We then packed up and drove back to Borrego.

These condos are in a nice secluded area of San Carlos

Lake Murray Drive is 6 lanes wide all the way to this dead end! (A hiking dirt road continues down toward are Santee house)

Pretty unusual finding a house with this kind of acreage in a city!!!!

House with 40 acres IN SANTEE!

On the 12th, a very long day at the office with 2 new patients. Will started working on finishing some of Jef's unfinished projects - mostly moving debris piles in back to front and filling dumpster.

Jeep being towed away after Kathy couldn't start it -- Arnold said it started right off after getting it back to shop and every day after, until Kathy came to pick it up 5 days later, and it didn't start!

On the 13th, a long day at the office. Weather all week was fairly cool, which highs about 100°F each day and low humidity. Kathy could not start the new Jeep, so it was towed back to Perry.

On the 14th, Will did some interior window trim, installed some tape and painted the ducting, did a sample painting of new house trim color (dark green). Jef and Kathy had a busy day at the office, buying plane tickets for next month's trip to TX. They got home in time for a 1 hour walk in the pleasantly cool weather.

On the 15th, Will and Jef dug about 100' of trenches and laid conduit. Then Jef and Kathy worked a half day at the office. Dave came over later to start installing the wiring. Will loaded what was supposed to be the final dumpster load this morning(but wasn't), clearing nearly all the piles of debris that accumulated over the years around the house. Everyone drove to Santee, where preparations for the wedding commenced, including a tux for Jef.

Behind wall after Will had cleared the debris and packed it into several dumpster loads

On the 16th, mostly took it easy all day. Around 4pm, started getting dressed for wedding. At 5 minutes to 5pm, Stacey called and said wedding had been moved to 5 from 6! We scrambled and arrived before the end of the ceremony. We followed limo to Town & Country Hotel (limo driver kept being in wrong lane and making all sorts of unnecessary illegal lane changes, but we all made it). We waited around for the party to start, which happened just after 8pm.

Stacey, maid of honor at left, Julie the bride, and her new dad-in-law at the wedding

After ceremony, Keith and Julie exiting the church

Wedding muted by recent deaths in the family and a member of the church -- all young (a teenager fell off cliff by highest waterfall in SD county - Cedar Creek Falls prior weekend, and 2 of Julie's relatives were killed in motorcycle accident in Iraq a few days prior)

After bizarre limo ride, wedding party walking to reception area

Keith, Julie, Stacey

Holley, Jef, Kathy

Kathy, Holley all dressed up

Kathy wanted a pic of this chandelier

The girls

All of us, taken by Keith's dad, Loren


Family portrait time

Entering dining/dancing area

Stacey took this photo placed at entrance

On the dance floor

On the 17th, recovered from the party after Jef returned his tuxedo. Did a short 30 minute hike that afternoon. The girls saw the final Harry Potter movie, while Jef stayed home.

Starting out on hike - wild buckwheat in full bloom

at end of our short 30 minute hike this day

On the 18th, Jef mowed the lawn and did some weeding. Late in the day, we all drove back to Borrego, stopping to get some Greek Chicken and doing some shopping along the way. When we arrived, swampers were not working sufficiently, so Kathy turned on the A/C. Temperatures this week exceeded 110°F in Borrego.

On the 19th, back to work for a long day at the office. When we went to pick up the Jeep, it wouldn't start, so it remained in the shop.

On the 20th, a short day at the office with only 1 patient, but a long day for Jef catching up. Kathy wound up getting a wisdom tooth pulled after going to dentist -- she had dealt with a toothache for about a month beforehand.

On the 21st, determined that the Dell monitor I was using at home is probably fried, so remaining wedding pictures and videos were delayed. Then, a long day at the office.

Tiki almost stepped on this rattler on Jef and Kathy's walk this evening

On the 22nd, after a half day of work at office, packed and drove to SD - Jef dropped off in RB. Jef played 2 on 1 tennis when Hank failed to show up on time. Gerry was the winner. Hank showed up and played a little as Gerry was leaving. Then drove Jef to poker in San Marcos, where Jef lost about 12. Craig gave Jef ride back to Santee.

An arsonist had started the Eagle Fire this morning high up in Palm Canyon

Eagle fire starting to really take off -- we missed most of it while in Santee

Jef's lunch most days at the office, this is a pastrami/cheese panini

On the 23rd, mostly took it easy. Went on hike with Kathy & the dogs.

On the 24th, Jef stayed behind and worked -- sealing in the small opening between bedroom and living room with drywall and foam, as girls went to beach and had a nice long day at an OB cove.

On the 25th, went on a long hike with Kathy and the doggies, going over the hill almost down to Barker, and then back, returning by the Mesa loop (about 6 miles, 2h 40m, 1500' vertical), then returned to Borrego.

Project this weekend involved adding this trim, eliminating the raggedy parts of the hole in the wall

Light smudge in right middle is tree burning on Indianhead this evening -- seen while coming down grade, as well

On the 26th, back to work at office for a long day.

Eagle Fire still smoldering

On the 27th, had a medium long day at the office.

Jef replaced the tall valve (after replacement)

Gypsi sleeping on her back

On the 28th, during a short day of work at the office, Kathy called and requested a custom bit of furniture be built, so Jef went home and with less than adequate tools, cut out a piece of plywood to the desired shape. Then he went over and cut some neoprene padding for it. Afterwards, he took it home to be completed by next visit.

On the 29th, after a short day at the office, packed up and drove to Santee. After dinner (Kathy cooked some fancy sausage dogs that night), around midnight, we and the dogs hiked about 50 minutes, hitting the water tank at the high point.

Monsoonal buildup over San Ysidros

On the 30th, took it easy most of the day. Did an approx. 1.5hour hike up to access road and then back via Mesa loop hike with Gypsy and Tiki that afternoon. Kathy made some nice tostadas this evening. THere was a smattering of rain this evening for a couple of minutes.

Kathy about 80% up to access road

Kathy at hit point of hike

Kathy before starting back down trail from access road

Jef - taken while he was hiking

Wild buckwheat still blooming in foreground of this cool sunset

On the 31st, the girls went snorkeling in La Jolla, while Jef made massive progress on the new bedroom desk/closet project, completing the first draft of the desk, the trunk-storage area of closet, most of the birch wall liner, and a shelf. Kathy said surf was too rough for snorkeling, so it wound up being a fiasco at the beach.

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