Journal Index
3Q'12 Jef and Kathy's Activities 4Q 2012 1Q'13
Dec 2012

On the 1st, participated in round robin tournament. Won 3 of the 5 matches, losing to the 2 finalists. Initially we were determined to be in finals, but an error revealed that was not the case.

On the 2nd, came to club to watch finals. Pictures of upper finals with Bill, Ursula, Jan & Larry (Jef played in intermediate division due to his failing knees).

Lenticular clouds seen at finals

Cool sunset this evening had this cloud span the entire sky:

Parallel world in the sky?

sideways view

On the 3rd, back to work for a long day at the office.

Sunrise in front yard

Kathy put up a new string of lights this evening, and transfered chili shades to it.

On the 4th, another long day at the office.

On the 5th, yet another long day at the office.

On the 6th, a long day at the office.

On the 7th, a long day at the office. Jef drove to SD, did some shopping, played poker at Hank's - lost 3. Had to navigate 10 miles of fog getting home that nite.

On the 8th, took Holley to visit Kyle in OW and stopped in at the Iron Door. Our dollar was apparently lost in last summer's flooding (it was too close to the floor).

Went on a little 1 hour hike at sunset this day

Took Kathy out to Italian at Assagios this nite

On the 9th, took it easy all day, but helped Will finish the last of the new front yard electrical system.

This final trench reached our Christmas ocotillo

On the 10th, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 11th, a medium, but difficult, day at the office. Installed lights on a 2nd ocotillo:

On the 12th, drove Kathy to see her doctor in SD. Stopped by Santee house and fed Marley who was out of food and water. Took Kathy out for Sushi at Okawa's.

Okawa has great salads

Jef and Kathy at sushi bar

On the 13th, back to work for a long day at the office.

Menacing clouds nearby

We did have a fair amount of rain - this is late afternoon at the office

We decorated our gym this year

On the 14th, long day at the office.

On the 15th, skipped going to SD and took it easy.

On the 16th, continued taking it easy.

On the 17th, another long day at the office.

Dew is so rare in Borrego, I had to take a pic!

Sunrise panorama at Weststar

Clouds in late afternoon

On the 18th, another long day at the office.

Somewhat cloudy this day

Raven perched on palm in front of Indianhead

Manfred, and ex-patient pointing out a rainbow

On the 19th, another long day at the office.

On the 20th, a long day at the office.

On the 21st, after a long day at the office, packed up and drove to Santee.

On the 22nd, did some shopping in the morning to beat the crowds (Stacey was pretty much out of everything!).

Frost on backyard lawn this morning

Fall in full swing at the Santee Walmart

On the 23rd, went to OB to do some shopping.

Kathy at Dreamgirls with OB Xmas tree behind her

Xmas decorations at Kathy's old Green Street house

On the 24th, made final preparations for XmaS. Jef repaired the background on a damaged clock. Holley and Kathy were not amused, but Stacey liked it:

Mia! What are you doing to poor Santa???


Xmas eve sushi

On the 25th, got up and gradually got around to opening presents with a fire going in the background. Jef and Kathy went on a 1 hour hike with Stacey and the doggies. Kathy came down with something this day, and didn't feel so well.

I had to make 3 Kings cards for Kathy, so I made this one for her.

Panorama of present tearing into area before we started

The largest present was this chair, which Jef assembled a few hours later.

The aftermath

Panorama of moonrise/sunset that evening

Our Christmas dinner featured bacon-wrapped filet mignons, salad, Stacey's stuffed potatos

On the 26th, took it easy most of the day. Stacey and Holley went ice skating. Packed up and drove back to Borrego.

On the 27th, Kathy had a fever, so cancelled a full day at work. Jef went in and did some work.

On the 28th, Kathy felt better, but after getting up and feeling dizzy, we cancelled the last day of work at the office for the year. Jef went in and did some more work, but came home to take Holley to DMV. After an hour of driving, arriving in Brawley, Holley announced she had no ID and therefore could not get a new permit (2nd such DMV experience in a row), and so the trip turned into getting supplies for NY eve party.

On the 29th, Jef did some more work at the office. That afternoon, Jef installed Malibu lights along driveway, he went on a hike with Kathy and the doggies. Stopped by Jeanne's house and got her to go on hike up to Tubb Canyon cave dwelling. Wound up turning 1 hour hike to 3 hours and 8 miles.

Kathy & Jeanne

Jeanne peering in cave dwelling - door has been padlocked shut

Jeanne spotted this (probably rabbit) skeleton

Departing Tubb Canyon area

On the 30th, stayed home all day. That evening we prepped for NY eve appetizers.

On the 31st, Will and Jef installed Elsa (Chambers)'s swing in our back patio. Will cleaned up yard in preparation for NY eve party in the afternoon. The Gilloons stopped by on their way to another party. Rebecca S & Jan J & Dawn came over and stayed eating appetizers and drank until hooping and hollering at Borrego midnite (9pm). Also, as this was Jan's birthday, we had the usual ceremony.

NY Eve feast

Jan had to blow out candles on 2 cakes!

1 more to go!

Kathy got Jan this margarita glass

Jan testing it out
Nov 2012

On the 1st, a long day at the office, but left earlier with 2 cancellations.

Panorama of front yard at sunrise this day

View of sunrise from garage

Sun rising over our driveway

Sunset panorama at work this evening

On the 2nd, after a long day at the office, I seem to recall driving to SD for poker.

On the 3rd, took it easy at home

On the 4th, took it easy. That evening went on a walk and noticed the old country club had about 100 cars -- found out it was a reception for Paul Jorgenson after his memorial service. Paul was one of our 3 neighbors who passed away in the span of a few days last summer.

View of party from outside

On the 5th, a long day at the office.

On the 6th, another long day at the office.

On the 7th, after seeing a few patients, drove Kathy to SD for doctor appointment. Stopped briefly at Santee house on way back.

On the 8th, a long day at the office. We had a little rain this day.

Back yard this morning - note rain shadow under table

Rained enuff to get ground wet, but not a lot of rain

Clouds in morning changed to....

Sunny weather in the afternoon

On the 9th, after a long day at the office drove to SD that evening. A cold front was passing by, and temperatures were in the 30s in Ranchita a couple hours after sunset.

On the 10th, took it easy, catching up on chores (such as mowing lawn), went shopping with Kathy, and then attended Craig's 70th birthday party:

Panorama of Craig's party. Beyond the deck at upper right where band played, people danced on the pickleball court - but Kathy thought it too cold to even venture up there.

Torrey giving speech related to her memories of growing up with her dad

Part of the huge spread of vittles

Craig about to blow out candles on his cupcake pyramid

Greg is tall one at left, Brian and Scott, Craig's oldest sons at right, Torrey's arm is around her new husband at right. Craig is opening presents in center with wife Nancy above him and his sister Janet behind him. Craig's brother, Stu, is behind Brian and Scott at right. Greg is talking to Hank at far left.

Craig opening presents

Kids hovering around flame (natural gas coming out of ground) by pool

Greg talking to Tim and Cammy

Kathy spent most of party in front of this outside fireplace

On the 11th, after spending time working on pix at home, doing chores, packed and drove back to Borrego.

On the 12th, after a long day at the office, went on a 1 hour walk that night.

On the 13th, a long day at the office.

Jef's BLT sandwich this day

On the 14th, a long day at the office.

On the 15th, another long day at the office.

On the 16th, after another long day at the office, drove to SD, did some Thanksgiving dinner shopping and lost 10 at poker.

Panorama in front of office this day

On the 17th, went to the office to catch up on this journal. On this cool, blustery day, lots of people were in town this morning. That afternoon, after Jef returned from catch-up work at the office, Rebecca Scott came over and drove us up to Culp Valley where we explored the springs in the burnt area. Over about 3 hours we hiked a total of 2.57 miles.

Start of hike

Panorama at Paroli homestead

Kathy & Rebecca

Yoni behind Paroli homestead

Sugarbushes coming back from roots

Panorama of Kathy going up Culp Valley Road

Panorama with both Kathy and Rebecca

Salton Sea off in the distance

Turnoff to Cottonwood Spring

Kathy and Rebecca sitting on cement trough at Cottonwood Spring

What's left of the cottonwood -- altho tree didn't completely burn up, there was no sign of life yet, but spring is a few months away.

Cliff rocks are burnt black just below the highway

These flowers bloomed at this never before seen spring we found

Someone had tapped into this spring at some point, as this plastic pipe shows

Despite the fact the this Mitra plant looked dead, a few blooms showed otherwise

Sap was induced out of this cholla by the fire

Kathy pointing this out

Continuing back down the road

Nice lighting

Kathy on big rock - she is wearing mom's last warm coat

Jef found a nice reclining spot on this rock

Heading off to next spring

Dust near Kathy shows she had just slipped and fell

Finding our 4th spring - complete with waterfall!

Kathy noted cougar tracks by the falls

Panorama at top of falls - Jef managed to get a wardrobe malfunction while trying not to slip on chips of granite eroded by fire

Our 5th and final spring

Boulder erosion (due to the fire problably boiling water inside cracks in rock) was very significant on this rock, as some of these "flakes" are 3" thick!!!

Charred remnant of tree

It was a lot easier "going cross-country thru the brush"

This fractured boulder may have been fractured before the fire

At the end of the hike - note Jef's "wardrobe malfunction"

On the 18th, took it easy.

On the 19th, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 20th, another long day at the office.

On the 21st, after working half a day at office, packed up and drove to Santee.

On the 22nd, started cooking Thanksgiving dinner this morning. Put 2 turkeys in to cook. Took doggies on a 1h 10m hike up to access road and back on Cowles.

Kathy prepping one of the 2 turkeys

Marley picked up some seeds while going thru brush on our hike (while the turkeys were cooking)

Sitting down to dinner

On the 23rd, mostly took it easy. Meanwhile, on WestStar, Will worked on conduit -- moving electricity closer to road, and loaded some more yard waste for trip to dump.

On the 24th, mostly took it easy. Jef mowed the front yard and further trimmed the feijoa tree in front. That evening, packed up and drove to Borrego that evening.

On the 25th, mostly took it easy. Jef worked a few hours at the office.

On the 26th, Holley was out sick, and Jef and Kathy went to the office for a busy day at work.

On the 27th, Kathy was out sick, Jef went to office to catch up on work - there was a cool sunset this evening.

On the 28th, back to work for a long day at the office. Kathy went to Rotary first.

On the 29th, after driving Holley to skool (for her Connect group), took pix of this fading rainbow before heading to work for a long day at the office.

A missile is heading straight for the pot of gold before the leprechaun can hide it!

2nd attempt to get pic of Hugh Woods Food Mart from same spot as in 1973 (below) still not quite right.

On the 30th, after another long day at the office, Jef took Kathy to dinner at Carmelita's. Later that evening, Jef found he was drafted into the mixed doubles tournament the following day.

Rebecca is only the 2nd patient in 5 years to try the Treadclimber

Holley at left & right in this spooky sunset panorama. Note low clouds at left.
Oct 2012

On the 1st, the appraiser came by to appraise house (we are getting a re-fi). Appraisal came in at a low $170K due to slump in realty market at this time. We then had a long day at the office.

On the 2nd, had a short day at the office. Managed to get in an evening hike.

On the 12th, yet another muggy day, but a long day at the air-conditioned office.

Wispy clouds at sunset

On the 3rd, had a medium day at the office.

Jeanne stopped by to visit after returning from Alaska

Wispy clouds (probably contrails) again this sunset

On the 4th, Jef visited the clinic for a couple minor problems. Then had a fairly busy day at the office.

On the 5th, we took off work for Kathy's birthday and went on a late morning hike - half way up the Spur (about 4 miles). Jef worked at office, Kathy packed up and picked up Holley from skool, and we drove to Scripps Poway where Jef connected with Hank who drove him to poker so he could win 6. Jef got a ride back to Santee.

It was warm enuff for Kathy to water the doggies a couple times on the 1+ hour hike around mid-day

On the 6th, did yard work and prepared for bar-b-q where Janine and former Borrego tenant, Kirk met us. We had some pretty 1st class food - broiled potatoes & green chiles, grilled onions, pork chops.

Holley with a hitch-hiking baby lizard

On the 7th, mostly took it easy. Later that afternoon we did some birthday shopping for Kathy. Took girls to the Brigantine for Kathy's birthday dinner. Afterwards we had cake and Kathy opened her presents.

Stacey and Holley clowning around at the Brigantine

Netflix paused that nite as Kathy opened her presents

Holley got Kathy the flowers at bottom left and is lighting her birthday cake (Boston Cream)

Kathy at her birthday blow ceremony

On the 8th, Jef went to the dentist - who wants 7 more procedures done in the not-to-distant future, and returned home for a 1 hour loop hike with Kathy & dogs before packing up and driving back to Borrego.

Mums starting to come out at Santee house

On the 9th, a long day at the office.

On the 10th, a long, but easy day at the office.

On the 11th, another long day at the office.

A cloudy day in Borrego

On the 12th, another long day at the office.

On the 13th, mostly took it easy. Went on a 1 hour hike in the afternoon.

On the 14th, cleared a few piles of trimmings -- cutting branches and disposing of the debris. Cut a table top for the stump out of tile backing board. Went on another 1 hour walk.

On the 15th, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 16th, played tennis at the tennis center, winning 2 sets, and playing even on 2 unfinished sets - also wound up bringing home a cold (2nd in part decade). Then went on a 1 hour mid-day hike with Kathy and the doggies. Spent the rest of the day trying to recover from all that at the office, where we had a short day. Will cut down most of the paloverde tree blocking Kathy's view of Fonts Point from the bedroom.

Kathy decided to take out this blue paloverde, so she could see Fonts point from the bedroom

Will cutting branches

Table top on stump (here is just the tile board with a table cloth on it)

On the 17th, another long day at the office.

On the 18th, a long day at the office.

On the 19th, after working most of the day, we packed up and drove to SD. Kathy and Holley dropped Jef off at Scripps Ranch, where Hank took him to poker, won 6. Hank drove Jef back to Santee that nite.

On the 20th, mostly took it easy while Kathy and Holley shopped. Mowed lawn, trimmed plants - wound up throwing trash neighbor kid had put in our green waste bin back in neighbor's trash can.

On the 21st, did a bunch of shopping before packing up, taking one last hike, and going back to Borrego.

After returning from hike. Tis the season for the mums to be in full bloom

Santee front yard panorama

Stacey and Holley clowning around via some sort of social media. Holley is wearing a bag over her head.

On the 22nd, another long day at the office. Finally sent in (hopefully) last detail of re-fi's for 2 houses.

On the 23rd, a long day at the office. Finally sent in application to change our group health insurance.

On the 24th, another long day at the office. Ever have to deal with teenage clutter? Here's a sampling:

I hope visitors to the guest bathroom can find their way ;)

On the 25th, in a week with perfect weather (highs in low 80s) again stuck inside working at the office, and finally catching up on this journal about 1 month late!

It was time to defrost this fridge at work!

On the 26th, helped Kathy serve at the Rotary breakfast. After a long day at the office, helped Vickie with tennis tournament.

Kathy at Rotary breakfast

On the 27th, played in tennis tournament with partner Tom McClure. We edged out the best team in our 1st match, 8-6, then the entire club took a break for the parade. Then won the next 2 sets, which won us the Round Robin, and gained us a spot in the finals.

Just after the parade started

Interesting float

Kathy brought Mia and Tiki and watched parade with Shirley

One of 4 marching bands in parade

180° panorama of parade route

Grace & Jim are in lead car, Linda and Jack are in yellow truck

Jim & Grace

El Centro was the winning marching band

Borrego Springs Tennis Club entry

Fred is driving

JaNell & Susan

370° panorama of Jef picking up Kathy, Holley, Tiki & Mia (walking from Circle at left) after they perused the boothes in the Circle

On the 28th, played in finals, but lost 5-8. Because we won the round robin, we had to play a tie-breaker, which Jef lost 8-10 with some bad gaffs.

On the 29th, back to work for a full day.

On the 30th, another long day at the office.

On the 31st, yet another long day at the office.

Holley's outfit for skool this day

370° panorama at office at sunset

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