Journal Index
4Q'11 Jef and Kathy's Activities 1Q 2012 2Q'12
Mar 2012

On the 1st, a long day at the office on this cool, breezy day.

On the 2nd, did a medium day's work before checking out Sewanee house, getting keys from renter, and then driving to Santee. Lost 4 at poker at Hank Jrs.

On the 3rd, continued working on nook bench, extending seat 1.4", cutting and attaching top, spackling, and sanding. Then varnished bottom (to prevent water damage when Kathy steam cleans near base).

We did a 1h 20m hike on our Cowles loop this afternoon

Varnished bottom of nook bench

On the 4th, We drove to OB and had breakfast at "Breakfast all day", dropped off Kathy's jewelry to be repaired, and checked out stores on walk culminating at the beach. Also installed hangers for Holley's curtains (Kathy's Xmas gift to her).

After we got Holley's curtain up

Continued clearing a section of old backyard lawn (mostly weeds now) - about 4 sq. yds. this weekend

Kathy's instant dregs (Wings had the best price for these - $13)

Jef with Wings accoutraments

Storm surges had made a big pile of seaweed by the pier

On the 5th, continued working on nook bench, adding trim, filling a hole (caused by 1st re-design), spackled, sanded, varnished (1st coat) and then sanded varnish with steel wool, prepping for next coat.

Nearly completed bench

On the 6th, not too many patients, but a ton of paperwork done at the office. Very heavy winds spawned a sandstorm out of Coyote Canyon, and Jef was apprehensive about going outside when he left work this evening.

Sandstorm blowing out of Coyote Canyon

Panorama of windstorm

On the 7th, a long day at the office. Weather was rather cool with a high of only about 60°F. We went on a 1h 5m hike (the Country Club/Broken Arrow loop) that night with a full moon and close conjunction of Venus and Jupiter.

On the 8th, a long day at the office, took Jeep in for repairs and while there found out why Mazda was getting only 24mpg and lacked power: once of the sparkplug wires was chewed off!

On the 9th,after a long day at the office, did the tennis draw with Vickie & the McNamaras.

Took pic of this view previously taken circa 2000

On the 10th, with partner Eileen, we lost our first match, but won the next 2, making it to the semifinals. Skipped the club dinner and spent the night with Kathy.

On the 11th, lost (in a tie-breaker) to the eventual winners of our bracket in the mixed doubles tennis tournament. Stayed until the end, and reaped the $50 drawing, which I used to pay for the April banquet.

Jef with prize money

We had BBQ chicken and salad for dinner this evening

We went on a 1 hour hike with doggies up Tilting T wash

On the 12th, Kathy fell ill with a nasty stomach flu and stayed home. Jef had to stay, too, as she was not confident being alone in her condition, so the 2 watched TV all day.

On the 13th, Kathy felt better, but took another sick day. Jef walked to/from the office, working a full day there.

Some brittlebush flowers were evident this evening

Recreation of scene photographed almost exactly 1 year ago, showing lack of wildflowers

March 16, 2011

Ocotillos were blooming at this time

On the 14th, had a moderately long day at the office after Kathy returned to work after being sick past 2 days.

Mom made this wreath, showing an ingenious way to recycle grape vines & tie-wraps - took this pic as a remembrance, as it was then placed in the trash

3rd set of spark plug wires (in 2 months)

Sewanee house pix after renters left

some of trash left behind

Irrigation problem caused the rosemary to flourish

On the 15th, had a medium long day at the office.

Previous set of sparkplug wires - 2 of 4 were completely severed

Xmas Circle panorama - 10 vechicles are for sale at R!

Christmas Circle photo, attempting to match 1973 photo

On the 16th, after working a half day at the office, drove to SD. Kathy dropped Jef off at Craig's. Jef lost with partner Craig against Tim & Cammy at pickleball, 3-2, but won 24 at poker. Sid gave Jef a ride home, as rain was imminent.

Puppy guarding Jef's chips

Nancy's obedient doggies

On the 17th, a major rain/hail storm hit the region. Did a little shopping.

On the 18th, built a table with Sid, and then we all went out for sushi and hibachi faire at Okawa's to celebrate Stacey's birthday. We had cake at home.

Had 3 short episodes of hail this day

Power went out, reseting sprinklers to 10 minutes (had been 1 minute/day)

Sid helping build table

Jef with table - will later add larger feet

Except for varnishing and beefing up feet, table is completed

At Okawa's

Stacey with her birthday cake

On the 19th, drove to OB with Stacey, had breakfast at "Breakfast All Day", picked up and dropped off jewelry, did a little walking and shopping. That afternoon, drove back to Borrego thru snow (but this time no ice on road), and Kathy saw a patient.

Jef & Kathy at the beach

Kathy & Stacey at OB

About to turn around and go back up Newport

In Ranchita there was much more snow, but we were rushing home this afternoon, so no pix

Wind had blown over potted plants in our front patio yet again

On the 20th, back to work at the office. A long, but broken day -- half of patients cancelled.

Panorama of Palm Canyon Drive

Still snow in mountains in this panorama

On the 21st, worked a long day at the office.

On the 22nd, drove Lupita to Sewanee to finish up house cleaning, worked a busy day at the office.

Ocotillos blooming with snowcapped mountains in background

Contrails and lenticulars forming over mountains

Mall sign with Indianhead in background

Kathy preparing kabobs

Kabobs ready to bar-b-q

Finished product

On the 23rd, after a long day at the office, and visiting a patient, we had a nice dinner at El Borrego.

Kathy talking to patrons at El Borrego

Kathy at El Borrego in front of simian and dinosaur - note: sand is carpetted in outside eating area!

On the 24th, Kathy had 2 homecare patients, Jef did a little work at Sewanee before coming in to work on this journal and the newsletter and catch up on some work.

On the 25th, Jef got up early and walked over to photgraph a potentially good sunrise, but distant clouds muted the colours. Jef, Kathy, Tiki & Gypsi hiked up to Tubb Canyon, checking out Allen house along the way -- Jef's irrigation system and enclosed patio were still in good shape. Stormy weather started forming there, but getting wet was avoided by leaving the area in time.

Sunrise colours peaked at this point

Panorama showing unusual bands of clouds

Kathy spotted these big barrels near start of hike

Gypsi and Kathy heading towards Tubb Canyon

Looking toward Dry Canyon and Montezuma Grade

One of the homesites on road to Middle Spring (no homes were ever built on this road, despite about a dozen possible sites being leveled)

Panorama of Kathy on hill near bottom of M.S. Road

Back down on Tubb Canyon Road, looking at cholla & ocotillo forest

Panorama of Tubb Canyon Road

Also brittlebush in the mix here

Looking back at Allen house at the foot of the mountains

Blooming ocotillo, barrels, brittlebush and cholla

Heading back to County Club

Flattened ocotillo with Borrego Spur illuminated in sunlight in background

Kathy discovered this fence near her house, apparently fencing in a 60-acre landlocked area in wash behind her house -- fence was recently installed!

Kathy spotted a rainbow, and Jef took this pic before it completely vanished

On the 26th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 27th, a short day at the office, but still didn't leave until sunset.

Mall sign as sun disappears behind San Ysidros

On the 28th, a brief day at office, before rushing to SD for Kathy to see her doctor (new neck pain in addition to back pain). Then rushed back so Kathy could see 1 more homecare patient.

On the 29th, another long day at the office, including a new homecare patient. Will did some work at both houses - mainly cutting a large branch that had fallen to ground along with a few other big dead or damaged limbs.

On the 30th, another long day at the office.

On the 31st, Jef noticed Kathy had put a leaking water bottle on top of a handful of her charts, and so spent the morning drying them before they were ruined.

Jef used several rooms to lay out and dry the wet pages - here is one chart drying in the gym

Later that night, Jef burned some old charts
Feb 2012

On the 1st, a long day at the office.

On the 2nd, a long day at the office.

On the 3rd, a not too long day at the office.

On the 4th, took it easy at home. That evening we went to Country Club Hill with doggies and drank some wine at sunset. Kathy slipped near bottom of hill and skewered her hand on dead brittlebush to a depth of about 1/2".

Construction on mended wall stopped at this point to obtain more bricks (a difficult colour to match) which were needed, as wall was extended to occupy space of former gate

We sat on this hilltop boulder for about an hour, watching sunset

We stayed pretty late, had no flashlight, and that was partial cause of Kathy's slipping and falling at bottom of hill

On the 5th, after taking it easy most of the day, attended Jan's Superbowl party.

180° view from middle of room stitched together (not very well) by Photoshop

Panorama of S side of room

Odd stitching by Photoshop -- lookin gmore like an Escher drawing - Charles was tending bar (left top) and Jan and her scion were watching game at right

Same picture with some direction given to Photoshop stitching program

When Jef took trash out, he noticed a nice sunset, so took some panoramas -- moon is rising at right of this photo

Tracey talking to Kathy

Tracey showing off her superior camera

Oh, yeah -- there was also a football game -- Giants came back and won at the end

On the 6th, a long day at the office.

On the 7th, another long day at the office.

On the 8th, only 4 patients, but a long difficult day at the office.

Kathy told Jef to look at moonrise when he was still at the Mall

On the 9th, 3 cancellations at the office, but still a very long busy day.

Dust blown in from storm prior weekend thru crack in door on INNER COURTYARD at the Mall

On the 10th, after working half a day at the office, Kathy dropped Jef off in RB who lost at tennis 2-6, 2-5 with partner Sid against Sid & Gerry. Then won 23 at poker. Craig drove an intoxicated Jef home to Santee.

Completed wall

On the 11th, wasn't in any condition to do much. so hung around house all day.

On the 12th, weeded and took out dead mums in street-side flower bed.

Kathy at our usual turn-around point of our 1h 15m hike up Cowles. Ceonothus is in bloom now

A patch of blooming ceonothus with Santee in the background

Wild cucumber blooms

On the 13th, mowed most of overgrown lawn. Went out to Ogawa Sushi for lunch with Stacy, Holley and Kathy, who all liked it quite a bit. Drove back to Borrego that evening, getting over mountain before blizzard hit (temperature at 6:30pm, as we drove thru Ranchita was 34°F). Winds were strong as we arrived home.

Sushi arrived on this vessel

Stacey took pic of it, too, with her I-phone

Okawa Steakhouse & Sushi

Kathy and Jef at the girl's new favourite Santee eatery

On the 14th, worked a long day at the office. Jef and Kathy swapped Valentines gifts & cards after work. Kathy fell asleep late this night and split open her lips and hurt her knees. She steri-stripped the gash, but could not quite get the bleeding stopped.

On the 15th, another long and rainy day at the office, but only 3 patients. Kathy moved 1 patient to following day so as to have time to go see Jan, who re-steri-stripped her lip.

Panorama with rainbow on this rainy morning

Rainbow at Mall

On the 16th, a moderately long day at the office.

Mended wall

Panorama of mended wall

Recent snowfall before too much melted

Mended wall

Coldwell Banker left this week - sign is now gone

Panorama with BPT in picture

2 bands of thick clouds are remnants of last storm

Sunrays protruding from hole in clouds

Panorama of Santa Rosas this afternoon - still some snow left in mountains

On the 17th, Kathy woke up and was in too much pain to go to work, so a full load of patients was cancelled. Jef worked at the office all day until doing the draw for the tennis tournament.

On the 18th, Jef and a new player from BC, Canada, Steve M won their first 2 matches, but lost the 3rd. Jef got takeout at El Borrego for Kathy that evening.

We walked up Tilting T Wash this evening

On the 19th, Jef lost the 2nd semi-finals, but stayed to watch the other finals. Jef and Kathy went on a little hike that afternoon.

On the 20th, back to work for a light day at the office.

Panorama of backyard - fixed fence, gazebo

Kathy made this tuna salad for dinner this night

On the 21st, a moderately long day at the office.

On the 22nd, another moderately long day at the office.

Will constructed replacement planter - we still need to line it with aluminium so that all the water doesn't drop down onto the cement patio

Will mended this table top, but I may re-do this before grouting

Will installed this new lattice

On the 23rd, had the busiest day of the week at the office, but still only a moderate day. Nice sunset this evening. Temperatures were very pleasantly warm the past 2 days and winds calm.

Panorama of cool sunset this evening

On the 24th, after working half a day at the office, drove to SD, did some shopping.

On the 25th, did some gardening, procured supplies at Lowes. Jenine came over for dinner and worked on Kathy.

On the 26th, mowed lawn in back, started clearing an area for landscaping, helped Kathy pot some plants.

On the 27th, it rained most of the day. We left that evening, and instead of getting some supplies in Ramono, we decided to rush home, as snow and ice were likely. We ran into snow 5 miles from Ramona below 2500' elevation. Before Santa Ysabel, snow was on road. Going up pass to Henshaw, roads became pretty icy. We made it over the pass, passed a couple of slow moving cars at bottom of hill and with 2 cars on our tail, we barely made it over Teofulio Pass (elev. 3636'), as wheels were starting to spin near the top. Visibility in the snow was down to about 50' in places. We surprised ourselves by actually making it home!

Daffodils blooming this rainy day

On the 28th, back to work, but fortuneately, a light day.

Remnants of prior night blizzard can be seen in the mountains

Gypsi is "Godfather dog" -- presented Jef with this present, which he found in his bed the following morning

Are rabbit HEADS lucky, too?

On the 29th, had a medium long day at the office.

Jan 2012

On the 1st, took it easy.

On the 2nd, went back to work for a short day at the office.

On the 3rd, Kathy was ill, but Jef went in and worked at the office - cancelling a full day's load of patients. That evening, completed cleaning job in guest house in preparation for new tenants.

On the 4th, Kathy came back and worked a short day at the office. Jef took pix of guest house this morning. The Hofnagles showed and stayed at our guest house for the weekend.

Guest house after fixing it up

Panoramas in front of house

On the 5th, Jef got things running at work before participating in Sandi's clinic.

Tennis pros

Tim serving in exhibition game

On the 6th, interleaved work at office with 3 matches in Sandi's tournament.

On the 7th, Jef played next 3 matches, almost clinching title. Jef and Kathy went to the party that night at the tennis center:

On the 8th, Jef got only 2 games out of 9, but that was enuff to clinch win in middle bracket of Sandi's tournament. Watched exhibition with finalists in Mens/Womens divisions playing mixed doubles. Then went on hike with Kathy and Hofnagles (guests at our house) up Palm Canyon.

Exhibition match contestants

The Hofnagles in Palm Canyon

Guest house after 1st tenants moved out

Moon looked especially large during our hike this evening

On the 9th, back to work for a full day at the office.

On the 10th, a late start at office, but still a pretty full day.

This dragonfly was in no mood to fly off

On the 11th, a short day at the office.

On long hike this day, we saw a big new cairn overlooking the tennis club

On the 12th, a very long day at the office.

On the 13th, after working a full day at the office, Jef got the McNamaras and did the draw for the tennis tournament.

On the 14th, Jef played in the tournament, but didn't make the playoffs, losing 2 of the 3 matches this day. Skipped the potluck and took Kathy out to El Borrego for dinner.

On the 15th, Jef watched finals at the tennis club.

Ocotillo Wells RVers kicked up a lot of dust

Went on hike this evening

Interesting cloud resembling arch, barely visible in these photos of our driveway

On the 16th, back to work at the office - a very long day in the busiest week in years.

Scattered showers viewed from office

On the 17th, another long day at the office.

On the 18th, a long day at the office.

On the 19th, a long day at the office.

Tony's cat is apparently able to survive running loose during the day - here it is on veranda, ignoring barking dogs below

On the 20th, around mid-day, packed and drove to Santee. Jef got dropped off at tennis (2 on 1, about even), and got rides to poker (lost about 3) and then home.

Jef made it to local paper for winning tournament earlier this month

On the 21st, on a rainy day, Jef and Kathy drove to see Marianne's house in Escondido. She took us out for sushi and entertained us at her home with yummy appetizers and cards.

Playing cards with Marianne

View from her back yard

Getting goodies from kitchen area

On the 22nd, there was a break in the weather - no rain.

On the 23rd, The rain returned. We packed up and drove to Borrego to see the damage to the trees and walls that evening.

On the 24th, we surveyed the storm damage before heading off to a long day at the office. Tony, who lost an awning in his trailer was next door when the tornadic winds hit: his dad's weather station could not record wind speeds above 100mph, so the wind gust speed is unknown. Due to the extensive damage in a localized area, however, wind speeds could have been significantly higher, as a supercharged dust devel much have blown thru. Ambient wind speeds for about 8 hours were around 75mph - those of a class I hurricane!

The irony of all this debris around the house is that Ramon had raked it and it was immaculate before the storm a couple days prior

You see desert behind this tree instead of the wall that was there a few days ago!

This and the following pix show the knocked down wall

Panorama of fence

On the 25th, a shorter day at the office allowed us to hike before dark.

On the 26th, a long day at the office.

On the 27th, after working into the afternoon at the office, Jef drove to SD in his ailing Mazda (all of a sudden only getting 24mpg and a little underpowered). He lost at tennis with partner Sid 5-7, 4-6, and then lost 15 at poker.

On the 28th, got Netflix working at house then went to office to try to catch up on this journal. For our sunset hike, we hiked to hill above old country club with doggies. Noting all the nice "sitting boulders" on this hill we resolved to come to the same place tomorrow at sunset have have a glass of wine.

On the hill top

On the 29th, mostly took it easy. Went on walk around sunset with doggies. Each had a glass of Rabbit Ridge Alure de Robles and hiked down in the coming darkness - near bottom of hill, Kathy slipped and fell, skewering her good hand in 3 places -- impaled by a dead brittle bush (one as deep as 1/2"). Ouch!!! That evening we cooked up a batch of chilli.

Enjoying a flass of Allure de Robles Rabbit Ridge

the entourage

Panorama of of hilltop stop

On the 30th, back to work for a full day at the office. We did a 45 minute hike after getting home after dark.

On the 31st, a long day at the office with 2 new patients.

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