Journal Index
1Q'12 Jef and Kathy's Activities 2Q 2012 3Q'12
June 2012
On the 1st, after a long day at the office, drove to Santee, too late for poker.

On the 2nd, Jef continued working on nook in addition to taking it easy. THat afternoon did a 4 mile hike up Cowles.

Holley picked up one of our resident lizards in Santee

Jef put pix from prior 7 years as a temporary addition to Kathy's xmas present as part of a 6th anniversary gift

first cut of final nook bench

Starting a hike towards cloud-capped Cowles

Kathy and doggies - just hiking a little of final leg (we rarely reach summit to avoid crowds)

On the 3rd, continued working on nook. That evening we had our anniversary dinner.


As part of anniversary, Jef picked bouquet (behind zinnias) of various flowers blooming in garden

On the 4th, we got up before 5am for Holley's birthday - the lunar ecclipse that night was blocked by clouds, but Holley wanted to check out the tidepools at Sunset Cliffs because of a very low (-2') tide. We arrived there around 6am when tide was still at -1', and checked out tidepools. Afterwards, we stopped at Ted's and found he was having financial difficulties, partly because we are too poor to make the renovations to Santee house we talked about prior year. We had breakfast at "Breakfast All Day", when Holley noticed a body piercing parlor across the street, and as this was her 18th birthday, she opted to do something unbelievably stupid. We packed and left for Borrego later that evening.

Descending the cliff

Setting out to find the perfect tide pool

Is Ireland any different?

Holley and Stacey aren't into tidepooling as much as Kathy

360° panorama of Sunset Cliffs - Kathy is both at left AND right!

Kathy found this good-sized crab

..then she found this keyhole limpet. She was very proud, as she never thought they got this big

Stacey had no interest in holding it

As Holley examines the prize, Kathy and Jef pose

Holley releasing it back to the sea

Jef & Kathy

Erosion control doesn't seem to have worked in this case

Panorama including staircase

A bunch of baby sea anenomes!

Nearby mommy sea anenome

dumb, da-dumb, dumb... dumb, da-dumb, dumb.... duh!

Cool flower blooming on trail

Cool flower blooming on trail

Finishing final hike before leaving for Borrego

On the 5th, Jef noticed a large snake just outside the door going into the garage. Kathy picked it up (a king snake) and placed it about 50' away from the house. Then went back to work for a long day at the office.

Kathy with snake

releasing snake

snake heading for safety in bush

Mia, AKA "Yoda-dog"

On the 6th, another day at office with a couple cancellations, turned out to be a moderately lite day.

On the 7th, a long day at the office.

On the 8th, another long day at the office.

On the 9th, Kathy had 1 home care.

On the 10th, took it easy.

On the 11th, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 12th, another long day at the office. An unusual afternoon when a helicopter flew over us with loudspeaker saying they were looking for an escaped felon. Later found out they were about to let the guy go for having an unmarked RX bottle, but he ran off, still handcuffed. He turned himself in in Vista the next day.

On the 13th, another long day at the office, but only 1 patient there, Kathy did home care most of the day.

Fonts Point this evening

On the 14th, yet another very long day at the office.

Gypsi sinking into Jef's air mattress which is losing air these days

On the 15th, Kathy did home care all day while Jef worked at the office. Jef rushed to Santee, picked up Kathy's phone (she left it there last weekend), then went to poker and lost 28.

On the 16th, took it easy until we went over to Jan's dinner party. We had HUGE steaks and Jef made a salad. We hung out at the pool with Jan, Marty and her friend.

at the pool

On the 17th, took it easy. We went on a hike that evening.

Kathy almost stepped on another rattler

On the 18th, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 19th, Kathy was not feeling well, so Jef cancelled out everybody and went to work at office - actually 5 people came to work out in gym.

On the 20th, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 21st, another long day at the office.

Kathy got 3 significant spider bites this week - this one is the back

near her elbow

On the 22nd, worked into the afternoon and then packed and rushed to Santee, where Jef hosted the poker group.

On the 23rd, took it easy, but did do some weeding and trimming. Also, since side fence had major termite damage, put a few bandaid fixes in it so dogs couldn't get out.

Bubble making bed unusable for 2, so it went to trash

Damaged fence

On the 24th, went with Kathy to get her car washed. We walked Tiki and Mia down by the river, where we saw a homeless encampment, then explored a river paralleling trail. Jef picked up a couple ticks - found 1 right away and the other crawling on his back while in bed the next morning. Mia also picked up a tick. After getting home, we went on our usual 3.5 mile loop hike.

Kathy & Mia walking by the river

On the 25th, Stacey treated Jef like a king, fixing him whatever he wanted for breakfast - a fritata (the breakfast pizza) - and taking him anywhere he wanted to go. We decided on seeing a movie and saw "The Avengers" in 3D, which was awesome! Later that evening, we packed up and Holley drove us to Ramona, and after shopping, Jef drove to Borrego.

Found and killed this spider. Kathy had gotten some spider-like bites over prior few days, but we later found an adult kissing bug in her bed (3 weeks later) shortly after another bite

On the 26th, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 27th, another long day at the office.

On the 28th, a not-too-long day at the office.

On the 29th, a long day at the office. Took Holley and Ashley out to dinner at the Red Ocotillo after work.

Holley & Ashley

Seated at the Red Ocotillo

Just after our dinner arrived

How did Dagwood do it?

Kathy by her gift-wrapped leftovers

On the 30th, Kathy saw a couple patients as Jef did some catch-up work at the office.

May 2012

On the 1st, a (relatively) short day at the office. Walked doggies that evening with a great sunset.

Cool clouds this evening

This is actually a really wide angle panorama

Quail are the culprits for putting pits in our driveway

Starting on our walk this evening

WestStar panorama

Panorama on Tilting T (Crick house)

On the 2nd, a long day at the office. Before coming to work, Kathy determined Mia had an ear infection and we wound up going to Jan's again for meds.

Jan's new "blue room"

On the 3rd, Mia was better, but she didn't accompany us on our walk to the country club and back.

Cochineal parasites were actually farmed for their dye by the Aztecs

But if uncontrolled will kill these opuntias

On the 4th, a long day at the office (starting at 8), and then off to Santee.

360° panorama at foot of our driveway

Many of our beavertails are blooming now

On the 5th, took it easy. Mowed lawns.

On the 6th, Kathy & Holley drove up to the Safari Park for a fun run (for Holley's school), but they found out parking was ridiculous due to road closures and fun run had been discontinued. Jef started last part of breakfast nook, cutting out base, seat bottom and back panels. Went on our usual 1h 20m loop hike, this time with Holley.

Hiking up Cowles - many flowers are in bloom - red = bush monkey flowers, whitish - black sage

On the 7th, took Kathy for her shot, then had lunch at Shogun's. Later we packed up and drove back to Borrego.

Lunch in garden at Shogun's

Panorama of Santee house - showing road in both directions

Stacey decided Holley and she should hop the fence and play tennis at next door park, here is Holley stuck trying to get back

On the 8th, a long day at work at office. Temperatures this week rose to the high 90°s.

On the 9th, another long day at work at office - Kathy walked to/from Borrego Resort for Rotary meeting. When she arrived home in the evening, she observed another major branch blew down at home.

Damaged mesquite the next day

On the 10th, a medium busy day at the office.

On the 11th, after working at the office, drove to SD, ran errands and did a little shopping, then lost at pickleball AND lost about 28 at poker at Craig's.

They are starting earlier each year!

On the 12th, Will came over and helped install new bearing in dryer, then finished cutting down the broken mesquite branches and moved the wood pile (doggies had been terrorizing a lizard in there - Tiki had already got stuck in it) to outside the wall. Talking to Kathy, she said that was no good, as coyotes could get in, so had Will move it AGAIN. Kathy saw 3 patients this Saturday. We went to El Borrego for their Mother's Day dinner/dance, staying til about 10.

Old burned out dryer bearing


Final location behind guest house

Kathy volunteered to babysit Jan's dogs as she was on a Mother's Day weekend with Tracey, we brought them to WestStar and took them (probably) on their first moderate walk ever - 2 miles or 2 laps on our circle

On the 13th, took it easy at home.

On the 14th,back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 15th, Kathy missed her Rotary meeting and then another long day at the office. Jef walked to work. After work Jef and Kathy took doggies on walk to hill top for a drink of wine at sunset.

370° Panorama at low pass in Borrego Spur

370° Panorama at high point of hike

Sleeping circle near hilltop

Walking down at dusk

On the 16th, showed the guest house and then had a very light day at the office after a couple of cancellations.

On the 17th, another light day at the office with more cancellations.

On the 18th, a long day at the office.

Met Rebecca and Jan after work at El Borrego

On the 19th, Kathy had to see a couple of patients.

On the 20th, Kathy had to see a patient before we headed to Santee. We found a disaster area at the Santee house, as Holley and Stacey (aka slob 1 and slob 2) had filled sink with dirty dishes, left a couple dozen scattered all over the house, didn't take out any of the overfull trash (and Marley had scatted contents of a couple trash containers), and left a giant pile of clothes in the garage. That afternoon, after another massive cleanup effort, we watched the ecclipse while Stacey went to a bar-b-que.




Jef's computer desk

Holley decided to watch eclipse in front yard

Jef darkened bottom of measuring cup for this view

A couple of re-reflections in camera show eclipse in this photo

Afterwards we went on a little hike

Shadow of bush at height of eclipse - NOTE that following pic taken at same time next day is not as sharp, as eclipsed sun is a smaller light source. Also, the pinhole effect shows lots of sickle shape images, whereas sun images below (in full sun) are diffuse dots

On the 21st, took Kathy in for another shot. Did some shopping after that.

On the 22nd, did some shopping before packing up and returning to Borrego.

On the 23rd, a long day at the office.

On the 24th, a very long day at the office, getting home around 8:30pm. Smoke from a large brush fire near scissors crossing was evident to the south.

On the 25th, a cool spell came thru and highs were in the low 80s. After a long day at the office, packed and drove to SD, too late for poker. Kathy apparently dropped her phone on the sidewalk in Santee and didn't know it until 2 days later.

On the 26th, took it easy. Mowed the front/back lawns and did some pruning.

On the 27th, wished Julie a happy 60th with a phone call and later with this e-card:

Later that day, went shopping. While at Vons, tried calling Kathy's phone again -- we still hadn't found it -- and someone answered. This is when we found out it was left on the sidewalk 2 nights ago. The person placed it in our mailbox, which was not a big deal, as she lived 1 block away. Kathy, Holley and I hiked our usual loop up Cowles. We cooked shish-kabob that night, but didn't finish cooking until about midnight. Holley was already in bed.

Starting out

Near high point of hike

Holley ran much of the way down, but suffered from very sore legs the following day

On the 28th, Jef continued to build "L" section of breakfast nook, cutting ends with girls went out shopping. After they returned we went out to Okawa's for dinner. Then we packed and were about to leave the house, but.... Kathy couldn't find her wallet or phone. We called the phone and Stacey answered it: "forget your phone?", so I went back in house and got phone, but wallet was still missing, so we called Okawa's and found Kathy had left it there, so we left and picked it up on the way.

On the 29th, Kathy wasn't feeling well, so we cancelled a full day of appointments, and Jef worked at the office.

On the 30th, Kathy went to Rotary and worked a full day, despite not being 100%. Jef dropped Amanda II at Tito's after it wouldn't start, and we found the starter had gone south. Jef ran/walked back to the office and worked a long day there.

Apr 2012

On the 1st, took it easy. Kathy saw 1 patient.

On the 2nd, worked at the office most of the day.

Tiki looks on as medical records are burned at sunset this evening

On the 3rd, a full day at the office.

On the 4th, a long day at the office. That evening, Jef drove Holley to a party across from the Rickards. Jim was taking out trash just then and invited Jef in for a glass of wine.

As this bus's max speed was 35mph, a tortoise is pulling it. To inspire it to go faster, the hare is in front of the tortoise

Grace and Jim waving goodbye

Dimming light prevented a pic of kids jumping on trampoline across the street at the party

On the 5th,another long day at the office.

On the 6th, after working at the office, Kathy AND HOLLEY drove us to Santee. We got a little dinner at Costco before unloading. Jef went to poker and won 10, also picked up taxes Craig had completed.

Will "persuaded" these flattened bushes to be vertical again (previously were flattened by wall falling on them)

Will starting roofing project at Sewanee

This is the time of year when large swaths of land is covered with wildflowers in the high country - here is near Lake Henshaw

On the 7th, Jef finished the feet of the trestle nook table. He also mowed the front lawn and about half of the back yard. The weeds in the back yard were over 2' high, as it was about 6 weeks and several rainstorms since it was last mowed. Jenine came over and Kathy worked on her for a change. She was too tired to eat with us and took her share of Kathy's tuna salad home.

These pictures show the "before" mowing situation

On the 8th, the girls went to the mall, Jef completed mowing the back yard. Later that evening, we moved the new table in place

After near completion of nook table

Our first meal at the nook was easter dinner with Stacey, Holley, Ashley & Kathy

..oh, and me

Kathy had to do her nearly impossible egg hunt (no lights allowed and no eggs in plain sight)

Ashley walked by an egg (blue dot above her head) -- when I hinted where it was, Stacey swooped by and grabbed it

On the 9th, Jef did a little shopping. Holley, Stacey, and Ashley went to a movie while we cleaned up and did a little planting. That afternoon drove Kathy & Ashley to Borrego. Deciding to take the Cuyamaca route proved a mistake, after we found the Scissors Crossing bridge was closed due to a small brush fire and we had to turn around, go back up the Banner Grade, over to Santa Ysabel and then the normal way -- a 45 minute detour.

CLRO T-shirt designed by Barbara circa 1980 had my "Boris" comic cat

"After" mowing lawn

Meanwhile, Will roofed most of the upper part of the Sewanee house, drove home tired and thirsty, got within sight of his house, but with the Scissors Crossing bridge closed, had to do the 1 hour detour thru Julian to actually get home.

On the 10th, a very long day at the office with a total of 8 patients. Will completed the roof at Sewanee and got rid of another item of junk left by neighbors.

On the 11th, we got a bit of rain in the morning, but it turned out to be a mostly sunny, but windy day with highs in the 70s. We had a slow day at the office.

Kathy was using this plate that I made in kindergarten - didn't think it was still around!

Casita this day

Some drizzle from mountain storm could be felt at the Mall

On the 12th, worked at the office. Went on hike that evening - met Jim Dice, at country club -- he is ranger that is caretaker of new desert research facility, apparently. First transient student, from Illinois, was spending the night.

Sent this photo to insurance so they could reinstate my insurance

Jef and Will trimmed this palm. Will eventually repaired the damaged piping

Saw this unusual white bird at start of hike this evening -- Heron or egret?

On the 13th, another long day at the office. Worked with McNamaras and Vickie on draw, doing a round robin.

Mall panorama on drizzly day

Rain over by San Ysidros

On the 14th, played 4 matches, winning 3 and making it to finals the next day. Drove dad over to my house, stopping by dino sculptures along the way. Examined work done by Will.

A minor rainbow is in this panorama of fading storm

After squeegee-ing courts, play began on time with no rainouts

At first, dad hid behind his car

Then he went and shook hands

Jef tried to annoy the big beast

Uh-oh... reinforcements?

Let's withdraw!

On the 15th, Jef lost in finals, 8-6 with partner Ken against Doug and Mike. Afterwards, helped Kathy prepare for a party (going away party for Rickards) - Julianne, Shirley, Dad, Jim, Grace, & Jan were present(total of 8). When Stacey and Holley heard dad was in town, they drove out late this night.

Dad walked over with me to invite Gilloons to party, but Frances is not yet recovered from heart surgery

Took pic of Phil's front yard on walk over to invite Julianne

This is panorama of the road frontage of Kathy's lot

Panorama of kitchen during party

Dad discussing cosmology with Jim as everyone else snacked at kitchen bar

On the 16th, Holley was "sick" and so missed skool this day. Dad regaled the Stacey (this was her day off) and Holley with stories this day, and they went out to lunch at "The Arches", while Jef and Kathy put in a full day. Jef and Kathy arranged to have 2 IRAs emptied, so they could pay their taxes this day. It turned out to be a light day at the office.

Stacey, Holley, Kathy and dad having coffee this morning. Kathy was testing her philodendron to see if it could make it to the lights above the island counter.

Tiki protecting dad from viscious coyotes that might be lurking in the shadows

On the 17th, taxes were due, but Jef only had estimated taxes to send in. Had a busy long day at the office. Dad had taken off early to drive to Mesquite to visit cousin Jo Anne.

On the 18th, another long day at the office. Our equipment man checked out all our equipment at the office.

A slight haze can be seen in mountains on this mall panorama

On the 19th, a long hard day at the office.

A nice sunset can be seen in these mall panoramas

On the 20th, a short day at the office. We had to delay going to Santee due to a patient in need of wound care until Sunday.

This panorama of the backyard near sunset shows mesquite and grapevines leafing out well

Might use this panorama to help rent the casita

Julianne made a surprise visit to share this vintage by "The Other Guys", but she thought the 2010 vintage to be better than this 2009

Scatologist, Kathy, wanted to know why Gypsi's poop was so long and narrow

She unearthed a rope! Later identified as a probable tampex!

On the 21st, Kathy saw a couple of homecare patients. Jef tried to tackle the drier repair: noted that belt was NOT broken, but also a lot of lint was turned charcoaly, and perhaps this dust which was everywhere caused an electrical problem

Dove eating from bird feeder this day - note temperature was close to 100°F

On the 22nd, Jef replaced belt on drier while it was open, but could not put it back together without help. Kathy saw a patient and then had to rush off to Santee, where she picked up her new rescue Chihuahua, Mia. That evening we took doggies on a 50 minute walk up Cowles. Bow-legged Mia did well on the leash.

Mia is center doggie

On the 23rd, Jef mowed the lawn, Kathy went shopping with Holley. Stacey, Kathy & Jef walked the doggies on the usual 1h 15m Cowles loop.

Santee house panorama

Near start of hike - Stacey led most of the way

Holley walked Mia

Lots of flowers here this time of year

On the 24th, packed up and returned to Borrego after Stacey took Kathy to get her neck epidural shot and we packed and drove back to Borrego, doing some shopping in Ramona.

On the 25th, returned to work at the office -- a long day, but also an unusual warm overcast - monsoonal summertime-like day.

Took this panorama late afternoon when overcast was starting to break up

On the 26th, had some rain early in the morning. While taking trash out, noticed a cool rainbow, so rushed back and got camera to take pic, but missed peak. Then filled last dumpster load with oleander, palm, creosote and mesquite branches. Worked at office, keeping busy with work and also did a little workout in gym. Day was the only cool day - highs in low 70s - of the week.

Saw a nice rainbow while taking out trash, but had to rush into house to get camera and rainbow as rainbow started fading - caught it before it got too dim, tho

Rainbow this morning in this 180° panorama looking down our driveway from Weststar

On the 27th, started early on a very long day at the office. Jef took off mid-afternoon for SD for shopping & poker. Lost 28 at poker.

On the 28th, Will came over and we worked on putting dryer back together again. After about an hour,

Dinner was tostadas this evening

On the 29th, took it easy and later was invited to enjoy the pool at Jan's, where we drank a few glasses of vino.

Jef started playing with camera, taking some underwater shots

Total internal reflection: Jef above, but reflection of neck at bottom!

Half face above water - dry hair, rest below - bubbles in nostrils!

Jan and Kathy having a good time


Jan and Kathy


On the 30th, back to work for a long day at the office.

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