Journal Index
2Q'12 Jef and Kathy's Activities 3Q 2012 4Q'12
Sep 2012

On the 1st, started making final bench for breakfast nook. That afternoon, went on a 1.5 hour hike up Cowles, returning after dark.

Panorama near start of hike

Towers atop Cowles taken from mid-hike

Reaching "Breezy Pass" part of hike

Bench before trim was added

Tree spider in center of his web in our back patio

Due to Stacey's eye sensitivity, we only had candle-lit dinners this weekend

On the 2nd, woke up to a nice sunrise. Put trim on new bench, getting it ready for final sanding and varnish the next day.

From other side of street

panorama from front yard

panorama from center of street

panorama in back yard

On the 3rd, on Labor Day, we took it easy, avoiding the crowds. Jef finished the last bench for the nook. Jef and Kathy went on a little 3 mile hike (the usual Cowles loop). That afternoon, we packed and drove back to Borrego.

Completed bench (last one for nook)

On the 4th, back to work - 1 new patient, but lots of paperwork to catch up on.

Found this dead fly in my car this day

Low clouds in this panorama of another muggy day in the desert

Thunderhead building behind Toro Peak must be about 40,000' high based on the fact that Toro rises about 8000' from it's base!

On the 5th, another long day at the office.

On the 6th, a long day at the office, but found time to finally update this journal after nearly 1 month!

On the 7th, after a long day at the office, packed up and drove to Santee.

On the 8th, mowed the lawn and trimmed the out-of-control vines on the side of the garage. Also took down Xmas lights (finally!). That evening, we had a bar-b-que.

Sunset this evening showing trimmed vines and removed Xmas lights

While Kathy cooked her first swordfish steaks on this grille, burning mayo left black stains on side of house and smoke was trapped at the ceiling on this panorama

Stacey resting on new bench after burning candle at both ends yet another day!

On the 9th, did a 2 hour hike (recorded track on GPS: 5.06mi, 2.5 hours, 2.1 moving - about 1150' elevation gain not including about 100' up/down along the way) - reaching Cowles summit, but Kathy left one of the leashes on the way, accidentally. Then took it easy the rest of the day, until dinner, where Jef was surprised with a belated birthday replete with cake and presents from the girls.

Kathy & Marley on top of Cowles

The actual summit

Kathy got this cake for Jef

The candle wax actually melted the plate this cake was on and molten plastic fell to the floor -- Jef delayed the blowout to get his camera

On the 10th, Kathy took Stacey(who was bothered by eye problem last weeks or so) and Holley(tummy ache) to doctor appointments. Jef went to appt. with mortage lender to start re-fi of loans. Then caulked a loose thing in shower for girls and installed feet on nook table. Late that afternoon, packed up and drove back to Borrego.

New felt feet installed on nook table

Jef's birthday haul this year

On the 11th, back to work another long day at the office.

On the 12th, yet another muggy day, but a long day at the air-conditioned office.

Actual 360° view from in front of business this day

Alternate crop of above pic

On the 13th, another long day at the office.

On the 14th, another long day at the office, after which we packed up and drove to Santee.

on the 15th, got supplies at Lowes for 3 fix-up projects: 1) reinforced trim on my Santee desk, 2) caulked valve cover in girl's bath, 3) got a surge protector and finished Stacey's Xmas present (charging station which I installed in the living room to take the place of the girls leaving a power strip INSIDE couch along with their devices). Jef and Kathy went on a night hike up to the water tank - about 50 minutes with a few side spur hikes.

Kathy hiking up to water tank with lights of Santee behind her

On the 16th, mostly took it easy.

Stacey's Xmas gift installed with laptop being charged

On the 17th, got up early and went on a 3.4 mile hike up Cowles going up/down about 1100'.

Shortly after starting hike at 7:30am

Kathy sitting on rock bench with doggies on way down

On the 18th, Kathy signed Holley up for skool, and then did a long day at work.

On the 19th, drove Holley to her first day back at her old skool: BSHS. Then another busy day at the office.

On the 20th, another busy day at the office.

Panorama showing a few clouds at sunset

On the 21st, another busy day at the office.

On the 22nd, must have taken it easy.

On the 23rd, put a brick border on one side of walkway. Kathy didn't like it:

On the 24th, after another busy day at the office, and a night-time hike, got a call from Jan who fell and couldn't get up. Drove over, got her up and stayed til her relatives came by. She was sore, but otherwise uninjured.

On the 25th, another busy day at the office.

On the 26th, Kathy made it to Rotary. After a medium day at the office, Jef and Kathy met Jan at the Legion for burgers.

Burger at the Legion

On the 27th, a medium day at the office.

On the 28th, another busy day at the office. Very little hiking after work this past week due to high temperatures.

On the 30th, finally got an evening hike in - the usual 3.5 mile loop.

Aug 2012

On the 1st, Kathy and Jef overslept and Kathy missed the Rotary meeting. We had a very full day at the office. I think this is the day dad arrived from his latest cross-country trek.

On the 2nd, after working at the office, took dad to dinner at the Arches, after demonstrating what a tequila shot was, he had a glass of wine at the restaurant, and he became "vertically-challenged" when attempting to leave, and so now we know why he's been a tea-tottler lately.

One of Kathy's fries was saguaro-shaped

Kathy & dad



On the 3rd, worked at the office.

On the 4th, after Kathy saw a patient, drove to Santee, taking dad, who spent the night on the couch.

Dad had me take 2 pix of fingering on the sax

On the 5th, dad continued working on his musical instrument spreadsheet, concentrating on Holley's sax.

This is an annoying type of fungus thriving in our Santee lawn

Starting the hike

This thunderhead over Palomar vanished within an hour or 2

On the 6th, a long day at the office. Lots of humidity this week.

On the 7th, another long day at the office.

On the 8th, drove to SD for Kathy's doctor - Kathy may opt for a moderately invasive back operation. Went on an hour hike while car was being washed in Santee. Then after shopping, back to Borrego to see 1 patient.

Panorama of our neighborhood from water tank

Jef and Kathy at high point of our hike

Walking down from water tank

Kathy walked back up, waiting for photographer

In the yup-scale Britt area of our neighborhood, found this is nice fenestration idea - a grille that prevents high sun from entering window, but not low (winter) sun

Kathy wondered what the tiny garage door was for

Even people with artificial lawns can have weed problems - spurge in this case

On the 9th, another long day at the office.

Will finished trimming high palm trees with this borrowed 20' ladder

Panorama at Mall showing how muggy the air was this day

Toro peak is hidden in the mist

Sunset this evening

On the 10th, a long day at the office. Kathy went to doctor for a cyst. Still hot and a little muggy.

On the 11th, Kathy had a couple home patients to see. Jef did a little work at the office on this Saturday. He noticed a thunderstorm to the south.

Lightning was seen in this cloud

A rainbow is seen in the narrow shaft of rain from this cloud (photo taken at Weststar house)

On the 12th, we finished packing up for our Sierras trip. Stacey arrived, and we filled her car with firewood. Then we started the trip, driving to Victorville, where we stayed at a Comfort Inn. We saw storms off in the distance for the first hour of our drive.

Sandstorm over by Ocotillo Wells

Rainshafts by OW (these pix taken from speeding car -- Holley drove the Maxima the entire trip)

We came close to the sandstorm as we approached Salton City

Sand drifting across road

While heading NW on HWY86, saw these rainshafts over Santa Rosas

On the 13th, we checked out of hotel and drove to Lone Pine, stopping for lunch in Pearsonville, where we had Subway lunch at the local park. After reaching Lone Pine, we set up camp at Tuttle Creek (cost $5 per car). We had our first campfire that evening.

Stacey's car coming back to Subway after discovering park behind the "Giant Lady"

Eating lunch. Note: grass is artificial. Temperature was about 104°F at this time of day

Panorama of the park

Stacey playing in the rocking octo(times 2)pus

Jef on rocking horse

Jef on rocking horse circa 1959

Stacey on swing

Stacey and Kathy on swings

Kathy and Stacey on Merry Goround -- not so merry when hot steel is at about 150°F! They have paper towels for insulating hand holds

Riding race car and plane!

The "Giant Lady"

Kathy by water tank

Girls set up camp at Tuttle Creek (pic taken from other side of creek)

Playing down at the creek - air temperatures were in the 90s still



Some kind of red flower was in bloom here

Jef and Kathy - with cold feet!

Probably red flower is desert paintbrush

Feet from underwater

Looking toward waterfall from downstream

As camera surfaces

Roots in creek

We had clouds each day of this trip

Panorama of our 1st campsite

Stacey and Kathy were exploring Alabama Hills in the distance while Jef and Holley guarded the camp

Holley by tent and her doppelganger by car in this panorama

Non stop texting on her phone - of course there is cell service practically the whole trip

Light rays emanating from Whitney

The photographer relaxing in camp

Color is coming to the looming sunset in this panorama


Is that a bird or plane about to take off?

Sunset getting better

Stacey and Kathy arriving from their trip (car backing in at left)

Stacey and Kathy arrived back from their exploration at the high point of the sunset

Panoramas of our camp at sunset

Jef & Kathy

Our 1st campfire - note the fancy stuff we have at campsites these days -- like the lamp holder above the picnic table (we also used it for our trash bag).

Stacey was our campfire technician

Holley placed a 2nd lamp in tree -- the tentacle at the bottom is a rock at the end of a string for wind stabilization

On the 14th, we broke camp, and drove to Onion Valley where we went on a hike. Then we drove to McGhee Creek and set up camp there ($20 for 2 cars). We got a little rain, and as the tent's rainfly was missing, Kathy panicked and asked the camp host for help. Just as they finished helping put up a tarp over tent, the rain stopped and we had a beautiful night with our 2nd campfire.

Panorama of our campsite at Tuttle Creek this morning

Cool clouds

Kathy washing her hair

Holley and Stacey after we topped this cascade above Onion Valley

A snake at 10,000' elevation? Of course, Holley had to pick it up for a closer look!

Made it to the 1st lake of the hike

Wildflowers near the lake

A few raindrops are visible in the lake, so we decided to turn back without going to any higher lakes

Stacey and Holley exploring a cascade flowing into the lake

Yet more raindrops

We noticed this mule train heading down just as we were leaving - we never caught up with them

Onion Valley parking lot is visible on this picture of our descent

All the girls and the mule train are visible in this photo

Camp host and her beau help waterproof our tent

Campfire #2

On the 15th, we broke camp and explored a few hot springs described in the hot spring book loaned to us by Rebecca (who helped compile it). We then drove to June Lake and camped at the Oh Ridge campground ($28 for 2 cars)

Panorama of our McGhee Creek camp this morning

Stacey with her new souvenier Mt. Whitney mug procured in Lone Pine the prior day

Kathy still in bed

Trailhead for Crowley Hot Spring

Kathy in Crowley Hot Spring

We chased a couple from the spring and had it all to ourselves

Stacey took a few pix here

Water in this creek is hot

Kathy got part way in - 104°F is a little too hot for her

Stacey and Holley exploring the 107°F hot spring

A dragonfly by the hot spring

Unusual coloring in this dragonfly

Kathy got 6 horsefly bites at this spring (all on the back of her ankles - 3 on each)

Then we drove to Shepherd Hot Spring - we didn't bother going in, but hiked over to...

...the Crab Cooker (Kathy got in this, but the hot spring was not emitting any hot water at this point and this water was cool). Panorama shows the area 360° - the cement slab at left is the actual spring

Rabbitbrush is blooming here this time of year

Stacey and Kathy walking back to Shepherd, where we had lunch

This panorama was messed up

After exploring the Oh Ridge campground, we chose this site overlooking June Lake

Stacey found the pine on our site was easy to climb

Our site after firewood was loaded by campfire, as this was our last fire this trip, we intended (but failed) to burn all our remaining firewood -- we took about 12 sticks back home

We were wary of these squirrely scavengers

Now all that remains is setting up the tent

Our last fire

Our last campout dinner was this chicken alfredo stew

On the 16th, we broke camp at June Lake and drove south we stopped at Big Pine and had a mediocre meal at "Jeff's Country Kitchen". Jef wanted to move on when we stopped at pretty much the only restaurant in Big Pine, as it was for sale. We drove on to Lone Pine and stayed at the Mt. Whitney Motel ($123). We had a superb dinner at "The Seasons" restaurant - highly recommended by all of us!

One last pic of June Lake before we broke camp

Lunch in Big Pine

Eating at The Seasons in Lone Pine

Jef had the filet mignon with Maytag Bleucheese medallion... or something like that -- really, really, good!

On the 17th, we packed up and left out last campsite (Mt. Whitney Motel room) and drove back to Borrego by way of Yucca Valley, again experiencing interesting weather. In the 5 days since we left, Borrego had T-storms and a major fire (the Wilson) caused heavy smoke to drift into the town one of those days. Stacey continued on to Santee while we stayed back in Borrego for 2 nights.

At the Mt. Whitney Motel

Cool clouds as the sun was starting to get low near Palm Springs

Driving into sun on the Borrego-Salton Seaway

360° panorama of sunset on Weststar after returning home - it had rained when we were gone

On the 18th, Jef walked to the office and did a little work.

Coyotes had left this mound of sand while attempting to access critters burroughed beneath this creosote.

On the 19th, We drove to Santee after leaving our camping stuff in Borrego.

Tiki surveying Wilson Fire aftermath in Culp Valley

The Paroli homestead was leveled

S-22 stopped the fire from going N

When arriving in Santee and cleaning in kitchen, Kathy noticed this extremely rare water droplet on the sink in the shape of a Valentine-style heart

As the Ooma system and 4-set phone had arrived before leaving on the camp trip, Jef installed them in the Santee garage (he found scraps of wood to make 2 shelves - the one on the left was for the router + modem, previously these were on a box - the one on the right for the Oooma and phone)

On the 20th, the girls went to the beach. Jef took it easy at home, starting working on the L-part of the nook bench.

On the 21st, Jef and Kathy went on a little hike. Jef made more progress on the 2nd nook bench.

Kathy had fallen at the lake on our Onion Valley hike -- this is the bruise she brough back.

Kathy also had a cyst - possibly from a kissing bug bite that was 1" in diameter. She had started taking antibiotics for it before leaving on the trip, but it was still bad 1 week later.

On the 22nd, Jef completed the trip for the Ell-bench of the nook.

Before sanding and finishing the 2nd bench

That night a helicopter was circling overhead, Jef walked out and noticed 4 police cars across street - apparently someone was apprehended. We never found out what the commotion was all about.

On the 23rd, Jef completed finishing the Ell-bench for the nook. That night, Jef and Kathy went out for a romantic dinner at the Brigantine in La Mesa.

Near the end of the dinner at the Brigantine

The completed main bench of the nook

On the 24th, we did an early morning hike of about 8 miles that took about 4 hours, walking all the way up to Cowles and then across to Pyles Peak. We had overcast for nearly the whole hike, and so it was very pleasant.

Altho Cowles looks like it is fogged in, the fog wasn't so thick when we reached the summit. Here we are on access road from Barker.

At summit, visibility was about 100 yards. Here we are at trailhead for Pyles

Dew was everywhere at the top, including this spiderweb

This is actually lichen on this branch

Pyles Peak is hidden in the mist

Santee Lakes is behind Kathy

San Carlos is behind Kathy here (the mist has lifted at this point)

Kathy & Jef at Pyles Peak looking towards Kwaaypaay Peak

Pyles Peak 360° panorama

Kathy dangerously dropping rocks down towards Mission Gorge Dr. to see how far they go - fortuneately, not far

Next 3 peaks: Kwaaypaay, South Fortuna, North Fortuna

Kathy in center of panorama: San Carlos at her left, Santee on her right

Panorama showing major peaks of Mission Gorge: center is Cowles, taken from Pyles, Kwaaypay & N/S Fortuna at right

Jef, Gypsi & Marley atop Pyles

Manzanita thrive between Cowles and Pyles - Kathy with Mia

Found this Tree Spider hiding in our Xmas light in our back patio

On the 25th, we did some shopping.

Kathy picked out this replacement plant for one (of the same kind) that just died in Borrego - note the finished bench

On the 26th, Jef made a table from scraps for the bar-b-que so that Stacey's patio table could be put back on the side of the house. Kathy used it to make steaks this evening.

New bar-b-que table

On the 27th, we explored around the water tank, looking for a trail to Pyles, but found too much bush-whacking was needed. Wound up walking about an hour before packing up and driving back to Borrego.

Walking up to water tank

On the 28th, back to work for a long day at work - for Jef and shorter day for Kathy.

On the 29th, Kathy took Holley to Brawley to take her drivers test. Holley failed. Then Kathy worked half a day at the office.

Thunderhead looking towards Shelter Valley

Panorama with thunderhead to the SW

On the 30th, another full day at the office. We had a good rain this afternoon.

Threatening clouds

Panorama as the rain starts

UPS guy walking in rain

On the 31st, drove to Santee early after cancelling all patients in order to drive Stacey to her eye doctor appointment. Also registered Holley at the high school.

Jul 2012

On the 1st, took it easy. Probably went on a walk late afternoon.

On the 2nd, back to work for a long day at the office.

Moon rising over Mall this afternoon

On the 3rd, a medium day at the office.

Sun setting over mountains this afternoon

On the 4th, Kathy went to Rotary and then worked a medium long day at the office.

On the 5th, another long day at the office.

On the 6th, worked a day at office. Kathy did mostly home care.

On the 7th, after taking it easy most of the day, went to Jan's delayed 4th of July party. We had some vittles and drinks while listening to Glen Smith do a 1-man show.

The cake

Panorama of Jan's back yard

Pam and Jan dressed appropo

Glen Smith in background



On the 8th, took it easy, mostly watching TV all day.

Found this baby centipede in sink this night

On the 9th, took day off from work, drove to SD for Kathy to see her doctor. Stopped by house to see how big a slob Stacey is when she lives alone -- a pretty big one! Then drove back to Borrego, stopping at Cheers for dinner.

Found this baby roach in sink this morning.

This is "The Cowboy" burger at Cheers, sans onion rings, which Kathy appropriated.

Kathy took home half her burger

On the 10th, back to work for a long day at the office.

Really nice sunset this evening

360° panorama from parking lot

On the 11th, another long day at the office. The hottest day, possibly of the entire year - about 119°F.

On the 12th, another long day at the office. Mugginess moved into the valley, but not too bad most of the day.

Panorama showing reduced visibility due to humidity

Somewhat thicker clouds later in the day

On the 13th, after working most of the day, packed up and drove to Santee. Jef lost over 20 at poker.

Kathy warned Jef of storm headed our way. Rain started about 20 minutes after this photo of the storm cloud

Also looking pretty stormy in mountains

After we received a brief shower, here you can see sun glistening off of wet boulders in mountains

On the 14th, took it easy most of the day and then went on a short (50 minute) hike that evening.

On the 15th, mostly took it easy. Kathy went shopping with Holley and had too much to do that evening (cooked a yummy pork roast), so no hike. Jef installed the skeletal 2x2s into the 2nd bench.

On the 16th, the girls went to the beach and Kathy was too wiped out to go on a hike that evening. Jef mowed most of the lawn. Installed the extender trim to the 2nd bench.

On the 17th, Jef installed 2 shelves in Kathy's closet, finished mowing the lawn, and the crew went hiking on the usual 3.5 mile loop before packing up and returning to Borrego, sans Holley, who remained in Santee for 2 more weeks.

Near end of hike

Back home

On the 18th, after a long day at work. Kathy fell asleep watching Lost, but when she woke up, her hand was itching like crazy. We took apart bed and found an adult Triatoma Rubida (AKA blood-sucking conenose, AKA kissing bug) in her blanket. Checking on net it was found that it can cause severe allergic reactions.

Triatoma Rubida

Bite was right at ring at right (note swelling of entire hand)

On the 19th, Kathy was still stinging from bug bite, so went to clinic for steroid shot. Shortened the day at the office.

On the 20th, after working at office, drove to SD, did some shopping, won 19 at poker. Kathy had experience of nasty spider going into her clothes and she had to strip to her underwear while visiting a patient's house. Patient got spider off and squished it.

On the 21st, after Kathy turned on AC, found and squashed another adult kissing bug in house!

On the 22nd, mostly took it easy at home.

On the 23rd, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 24th, did some work at office.

On the 25th, Kathy had a stomach flu and so stayed home in bed. Jef cancelled everyone and worked at the office.

On the 26th, Kathy was still stick in bed. Jef cancelled everyone and did more work at the office.

Gypsi likes to lay in this part of the bathroom, sometimes on her back!

On the 27th, back for a long day at the office. Jef drove to SD, did some shopping -- not sure how I did at poker at GenBio.

On the 28th, took it easy. Kathy had 2 homecares.

Jef raked a circle of mesquite beans around this tree - note where bunnies are

On the 29th, another muggy day, but we did something different, getting up at dawn and going on a 5 mile hike.

Panorama just above old country club

Near high point of hike

At the turnaround point of the hike

We broke in the new regulator I just bought by bar-b-q-ing some chicken. Had an incident (too much chicken-fat) where temperature zoomed above 1000°F.

On the 30th, worked at office on a muggy day. It rained later that afternoon.

Low clouds in front of San Ysidros (taken from Frying Pan Dr.) on this muggy day

Rain is evident in this panorama

Saw this rainbow while leaving work this day

Later noticed both legs of this huge rainbow were visible

Rainbow was still there after arriving home

Saw this sidewinder while walking this night

On the 31st, low clouds and muggy weather continued from prior day. This turned out to be a very light day with only 3 patients, but in range 10am to 8pm, so another long day.

Sunset this evening

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