Journal Index
3Q'13 Jef and Kathy's Activities 4Q 2013 1Q'14
Dec 2013
On the 1st, mostly took it easy at home but, did get into Xmas lites. Then tapped into old roof swamp cooler wiring and got a switched power source on the roof onto which I connected a couple of strands of Xmas lites. Briefly checked out office to see if any pressing matters arose during the 4 day hiatus.

Praying mantis observed on the roof this day

On the 2nd, back to work at the office for another long day.

On the 3rd, Kathy saw 1 patient at the office, but wasn't feeling well, so took rest of day off.

On the 4th, a relatively easy day at the office, and Kathy, still not feeling well, didn't try to do any home care.

I set up last year's xmas tree in office in 5 minutes today

Sunset this evening showing Mall's xmas lights over sheriff station

On the 5th, took it easy all day at home, skipping work.

Partial roof projects this day(including tapping in to swamp cooler wiring to run xmas lights -- swamp cooler was leftmost skylight)

On the 6th, a long day at the office.

On the 7th, took it easy on this storm-threatening day. Just a few drizzles. Took doggies on a 3 mile walk in the afternoon.

In this panorama, Kathy has all 3 doggies. Rainbow is moderately faint in center.

Clearly evident rainbow as we hit Tilting T

On the 8th, mostly took it easy, but in the afternoon, went shopping for Kym's b'day. Jef cooked up a batch of stew & Kathy baked a cake.

Kathy baked this cake for Kym's b'day

On the 9th, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 10th, a relatively easy day at the office.

Someone's fireplace smoke was almost horizontal in this sunset pic

On the 11th, a very busy day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

On the 12th, a rain front moved into the valley from the east. Another very busy day at the office.

Panorama taken after taking out trash showing storm front to the east

Panorama showing rain sheets - less than 10 miles out

Giant pile of yard waste slowly being reduced by putting in trash

On the 13th, had a medium busy day at the office, after which had El Borrego takeout for dinner.

On the 14th, after taking it easy most of the day, did a lot of shopping & then cooking - made about 3-4 gallons of soup and had tostadas for dinner.

On the 15th, mostly took it easy, but did go on a 1 hour walk in the late afternoon.

Cool sunrise in Borrego this morning

On the 16th, had a long day at the office, made harder with Alicia on vacation for a month in Mexico. Over the past week, temperatures had been rising into the 70s and this was the first of several days with highs in the upper 70s.

On the 17th, a medium day at the office. Then packed up and drove to Santee. In transit, Stacey mentioned she & Erik were heading to Garrison Street, so we headed straight there. Despite Kathy's living in OB for so many years, we managed to get lost, but eventually found it.

Erik, Kathy, Stacey with Xmas decorations at Garrison Street

All of us

Panorama of one of the show-yards

Erik & Stacey are "Martians" at left

360° panorama from our car parked at high point on Garrison Street

Stacey & Erik

Erik & Stacey

Panorama in the first house's driveway

Erik, Stacey, Kathy

On the 18th, Kathy was somehat ill with a cold, so stayed at home in Santee, except for going the the MD. Jef did some shopping, including geting an xmas tree. Drove back to Borrego this evening. Kym, Henry & Holley gave notice they'd be leaving soon.

Tree Jef picked out was crooked at bottom, so about 18" had to be cut off

Cool clouds this day were still there when Jef & Kathy returned home, illuminated by the moon.

On the 19th, Kathy was down with a cold, so cancelled all patients this day and worked an easy day at the office. Wind brought cooler weather, with some light rain in the mountains.

Rainbow in Palm Canyon this morning

On the 20th, Kathy still not up to work, so took day off as Jef worked at office. That evening, tho, went to TP potluck/white elephant gift exchange at the Laughlins. We got a toilet seat cribbage game & magnet puzzle & gave away our giant disk painting. We brought Spanish rice for the Mexican-themed dinner.

Exchanging gifts

The Laughlins got our white elephant gift

On the 21st, went to Ramona for some legal business & then to the SD area for Xmas shopping. We picked up Marley in Santee - Stacey & Erik are headed up to Washington for Xmas.

On the 22nd, rearranged furniture & set up the Xmas tree in the living room. Kathy, Jef & Holley trimmed it that evening. Spock's voice in getting hoarse in the ShuttleCraft ornament "ShuttleCraft to Enterprise, ShuttleCraft to Enterprise, Spock here. Live long & prosper".

Starting out

After completion

On the 23rd, back to work for a medium day at the office. Jef took out even more from retirement after a dismal year at the office - mainly due to decreasing insurance reimbursement rates (our primary income) and Kathy having her worst year in days she had to take off due to illness.

On the 24th, Kathy did the prep work for Xmas dinner: Beef Wellington, after determining which internet recipe to use the night before. This is the start of a 3 day vacation for us.

On the 25th, took it easy at home. Then started Xmas dinner that afternoon. Kathy made (for the 1st time) Beef Wellington. Clark joined Jef, Kathy, Holley, Henry & Mario(sp?) for dinner. We

Preparing rough puff pastry for Beef Wellington

Final product

Panorama of final dinner preparations

... and presents 'neath the tree...

On the 26th, Boxing Day in the British Commonwealth, we opened presents, as Holley & Henry were unavailable on Xmas due to working at La Casa.

Opening presents on Boxing Day

On the 27th, worked a medium, but difficult day at the office (2 new patients). Then went over and briefly visited the Szabos & brother (Paul?) & his wife Ruth. They stayed at the Palo Verde casita.

Panorama in living room of Palo Verde casita

On the 28th, Kathy did one home care & came back to do 1 patient and catch up on paperwork at the office on this Saturday.

Sunrise this morning

On the 29th, took it easy at home, being "boob-tubers" or "tuber-boobs" all day.

On the 30th, drove to SD for fixing a DMV snafu. Then went to Santee & met Erik & Stacey. We then went out to dinner at Okawas. Did some shopping on way back to Borrego. When we drove by Ranchita at 9pm, temperature was down to 33°F.

On the 31st, back to work at the office. That evening met Jan & crowd at Carlee's for Jan's 70th b'day party AND Carlee's NY Eve party.

Her cake

The band

Jan & friends

Our table

Jan had a good time!

On the dance floor

Kathy & Jef

Nov 2013

On the 1st, after a full day at the office, drove to SD, did some shopping and won 6 at poker.

On the 2nd, got up and took a few pix shortly after sunrise. Did some yardwork out back, but mostly took it easy. Went to Arches with Kym and Kathy to celebrate Kym's promotion at La Casa.

Some of the statuary on our street this morning

Our local "sand-dune" in distance

.. and close-up

Glorietta and Tubb Canyon panorama from top of sand dune

New wash from Glorietta

Golf course outside of Arches this evening

Kathy & Jef

Kathy & Kym

Kym, Ramon, Kathy

Ramon & Kym

Kym, Kathy & Jef

At the bar

Nerd 1

Nerd 2

The egret

Egret & ducks

Egret & Fonts Point

Kathy with Jef's wine glass

Why this place is called "The Arches"

The egret has "a clone" in this panorama

The Arches from the golf course

Our sunset this evening

On the 3rd, mostly took it easy at home.

On the 4th, back to work for a medium day at the office.

On the 5th, another medium day at the office.

On the 6th, Kathy skipped Rotary and had a medium day at the office.

Jef left lid open on trash, and for 1st time, ravens had gotten in and deposited shreds nearby, including on top of Kathy's car

Fire department was practicing at the Mall this day. Kathy told them she smelled smoke, so they came in our office. I was (probably illegally) cooking a panini in my office as I took this pic (after they had checked things out at our office). I decided to move the panini maker to the kitchen after making the last sandwich

On the 7th, another long day at the office.

On the 8th, after a short day of office patients, Jef changed out hydrocolaters and rewired spaghetti under his desk - replacing 2 power strips with a larger top of the line Tripp Lite power strip. That evening, met Rebecca at market and the 3 of us had a nice dinner at El Borrego.

On the 9th, took it easy all day, not venturing from house.

On the 10th, after Jef made some salsa, Jef, Kathy & the doggies drove to the new end of Coyote Canyon (at the bottom of Middle Willows). They stopped on the way at Sheep Canyon where they had lunch (sandwiches from new deli at Center Market - they were good!).

Jeep after crossing 2nd crossing

Verbena blooming near 3rd crossing

Kathy & doggies at 3rd crossing

Datura & sand verbena blooming near 3rd crossing

Panorama at 3rd crossing - Kathy is pointing at approximately where we were wed 7.4 years ago

Chinchweed still in bloom

Even a few brittlebush blooms!

Ocotillos with fall colours in background - verbena blooming in foreground

A little picnic in Sheep Canyon

We sat in the sand in a shady spot

Red flower nearby

Palm grove and sycamores up-canyon

Sheep Canyon panorama - doggies wandering in parking lot

Rabbitbrush in bloom looking back towards Sheep Canyon

Jeep crossing near Santa Catarina Spring (upper Lower Willows)

Panorama showing Kathy celebrating reaching end of road at lower end of Middle Willows

Water flowing thru Middle Willows

We walked a little way up Middle Willows

Mia notice sign said only pedestrian traffic allowed beyond this point at bottom of Middle Willows

Much of the road getting up to Middle Willows was difficult

Fall ocotillo colour while leaving Collins Valley

Kathy driving while leaving Collins Valley

Bypass road in good condition today

Re-crossing 4th Crossing on way back home

Panorama at 4th Crossing

Kathy, Jef & Gypsi near 4th Crossing

Verbena & creosote blooming

Ocotillo blooming

Got Tiki & Mia to leave after they found this coyote carcass

Gypsi, Mia, Kathy & Jef near 4th Crossing

On the 11th, took it easy all day at home.

On the 12th, Kathy was ill, so took the day off. Jef worked most of the day at the office.

A really unusual day - overcast! Highs in mid 80s.

On the 13th, after a couple cancellations, a light day at the office. Kathy saw 3 home care in the afternoon, but turned into a long day for her.

On the 14th, a long day at the office.

On the 15th, after a short day at the office, drove Kathy, Tiki & Mia to Santee. Then went to dress fitting.

Cougar track in front of Ellen's house

Alyssa's dress

On the 16th, took it easy in Santee. Jef did some shopping and did yardwork in front yard while Kathy broke her back cleaning up inside. Took doggie's on 2 mile walk this evening.

Fixed up front yard on Big Rock

On the 17th, took it easy, had a fire this morning. Kathy got some to-go food at Sab-E-Lee's on way back to Borrego.

On the easy 2 mile hike up Mesa Road

On the 18th, back to work for a medium day at the office.

On the 19th, an easy day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

On the 20th, a long day at the office.

Lenticular clouds hovered over Toro Peak most of this day

On the 21st, just one patient at the office before going to SD for MD appointment.

Cloudy skies this day

Low sun came out after rain - from lobby of Casa Machado

Panorama of parking lot - airport terminal/Casa Machado at left


On the 22nd, back to work at the office for a full day. Then went to Sundowner at Tumbleweeds, had some posole. Then went to Jr.High skool to pick up 4 previously paid for carne asada dinners, but had to wait in line for nearly an hour.

Panorama at home on this rainy day

At the office

Sun gleaming off wet rocks

After the rain was mostly done

Indianhead starting to poke out from clouds

After 45 minutes, we finally made it inside the cafeteria at the high school where we picked up 4 carne asada dinners, which were pretty good

On the 23rd, Kathy took it easy while Jef did the first cut of installing trim for new skylight.

Did a 3 mile walk this afternoon and noticed major construction happening at the old country club

On the 24th, Kathy took it easy. Jef took a little break (from taking it easy) to check out the roofs. Apparently, the leaks in the guest house (discovered prior day) were caused by a dip in the roof, compounded by the fact that the fix for part of the roofing that was scraped off by a mesquite branch(in the wind) several years earlier was compromised (roof pain failed to stick to roofing in one quadrant of the roof).

Will installed this new skylight previous week - it didn't sit on the roof, but rather a few inches above it due to the height of the lip

A leak had developed in the guest house

The problem was that the roof was defective in that it sagged and previous damage was under the puddle and the quick fix of painting over it no longer worked as the paint no longer held here

On the 25th, a long day at the office.

After first cut of skylight

Skylight trim not very tight at this point

On the 26th, due to a reschedule of a SD appointment, stayed home all day. Will came by and started patching roof of guest house, and helped Jef complete finishing of new skylight trim.

After revising trim

Delayed varnishing it until after Thanksgiving, as we will dine under the new skylight

On the 27th, a final long day at the office before the long 4 day Thanksgiving weekend. Kathy took Mia to the office today and Stacey & Eric dropped by. After some awesome Calico's pizza, helped Kathy with prepartions for tomorrow's feast.

Eric made most of Stacey's mashed potato dish, Kathy made a couple of casseroles and prepared stuffing this evening

On the 28th, got up at 4am & helped Kathy prepare the turkey & started it cooking. We started the Thanksgiving feast around 1 with 6 of us: Jef, Kathy, Eric, Stacey, Henry & Holley. Late that afternoon, we took Eric & Stacey off-roading. First we hit Fonts Point at sunset, but then Kathy suggested we check out Punkin Patch that evening, so we went on a wild goose chase into the badlands. Without maps we gave up on Punkin Patch, but had a nice little adventure.

Our dinner just before starting

Sitting down

All of us at the table

At Fonts point

Stacey taking pic of Eric - his first time there

Nearly 360° panorama - near the center, just left of the people at a peak, in a notch is Stacey, Eric & Kathy

More than 360° panorama, complete with doppelgangers at left/right

Eric & Stacey

Stacey & Eric

Darkening after sunset

Kathy at left is giant compared to dwarves just to her left

Eric got Kathy throwing rocks

Kathy & Jef

Taking a break in San Felipe Wash

Eric & Stacey horsing around

Eric & Stacey found a working air bed in the garage and turned the sun room into their bedroom for a couple of nites

On the 29th, Kathy made some great fritatas and all 6 of us had a nice sit-down breakfast before Eric & Stacey took off to the coast to get in some surfing.

An actual sit-down breakfast!

Fritatas at far end of table

On the 30th, took it easy all day at home.

Sunset this evening

Oct 2013

On the 1st, Jef worked at office while Kathy did home care all day.

On the 2nd, a long day at the office, after which we drove to Santee and spent the night.

On the 3rd, Jef dropped Kathy off at a wound care seminar and did some shopping and working around the house. He picked her up late that afternoon, and they stayed in Santee for the weekend.

On the 4th, took it easy in Santee.

On the 5th, took it easy in Santee, other than doing the usual chores.

Butterfly seen on Santee back porch this day

On the 6th, after doing some chores and taking it easy all day, Eric & Stacey went out with us to the Brigantine to celebrate (belately) Kathy's birthday.

On the 7th, took it easy most of the day and then drove back to Borrego.

On the 8th, went back to work at the office.

Haze in the mountains signified a storm front moving in

On the 9th, got a little precipitation this day - a medium work day.

Storm cloud panorama at the office

On the 10th, another medium long day at the office. Noticed the first snow of the season on Toro:

On the 11th, an extremely long day at the office with 4 new patients. Took Kathy out to El Borrego for dinner.

Sign at the restaurant - competition for Kathy's business?

On the 12th, took it easy at home recovering from a long week at the office.

Place just outside our lot where certain stoners have been hanging out

On the 13th, took it easy at home again.

On the 14th, another very long day at the office.

Tiki=vampire & Mia=zombie dog?

On the 15th, worked a medium day at the office, and then drove to SD so Kathy could meet Stacey at wedding dress fitting. Stacey's dress pix are classified, so not here (yet). Then Kathy remembered she HAD to go to Rotary next morning, so we drove home this evening.

Kathy's dress before being fitted

On the 16th, Kathy went to Rotary and then we took it easy all day (except I did some work at the office first).

On the 17th, a long, long day at the office.

On the 18th, another really long day at the office.

On the 19th, had a short day at the office - both of us very tired from a long week. After Kathy posted about 6 flyers for forthcoming Borrego Days breakfast, had dinner at El Borrego.

Kathy dropped flyers here at the Borrego Valley Resort - apparently a Jaguar club had rented the entire hotel. This is probably the coolest one parked in front of the office.

Jef & Kathy at El Borrego. They hung out on this swinging chair before their dinner arrived. Jef's Steak Rancheros was great!

On the 20th, took it easy at home. Later that day, Jef & Kathy took doggies on walk to check out 'possibly human' bones Jef found on walk to work a few days prior. Bones turned out to not be human, but were of similar size to a human knee (lacked a knee cap, however). Bones were sawed above and below the joint, which Jef thought unusual.

Kathy with bones Jef had found

Jef & Kathy arrived late for the preparation of the Rotary float -- just in time;)

On the 21st, Kathy had a sore throat, so cancelled a full day of patients. Jef worked at the office.

On the 22nd, Kathy was much better, so had a full day at the office.

Steel coyote by Helen's pool

Helen with a caregiver and Kathy

On the 23rd, another full day at the office.

Interesting clouds this evening

On the 24th, cancelled last 2 patients to make it a medium day at the office. Prepared for the Rotary breakfast the following day.

On the 25th, after getting up at 4:30am, helped Kathy put on the Rotary breakfast. Then worked at the office. With cancellations, it turned out to be a fairly easy day.

After setting up tables, put on table cloths

Still pretty dark when first patrons arrived at 6:30am

Panorama just after opening

Jef decided to make some signage on road

This sign caught the eye of county supervisor, Bill Horn, who drove into town (on campaign trail) and was hungry, looking for some grub

And another sign at cashier desk

Panorama with Miss Borrego entourage having breakfast

Jef with former schoolmates Angus and Jonette

After breakfast got in full swing

The main serving line

On the 26th, took it easy at home. Skipped going to Borrego Days parade or the tennis tournmant.

On the 27th, drove Kathy to a doctor appointment in SD. Had lunch at Casa de Machada - Kathy disliked their fish tacos, as they used talapia, but Jef liked his steak salad. Stopped by Santee to get mail, do some shopping.

At lunch

Mums in full bloom in Santee

Oblique view of erosion from summer storms

On the 28th, back to work - a medium day at the office. Very windy with rain in the mountains.

On the 29th, a medium day at the office.

On the 30th, a light day at the office.

Will had trimmed the heck out of these and other trees earlier this week

On Halloween, went to work with my "This IS my costume" orange T-shirt, but Kathy was doing homecare all day, so I just took care of paperwork all day.

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