Journal Index
4Q'12 Jef and Kathy's Activities 1Q 2013 2Q'13
Mar 2013
On the 1st, after working a full day at the office, packed up and drove to SD. Jef got dropped off at poker where he lost 10, but dropped off taxes with Craig.

Accident scene on Montezuma Grade on way to SD - only had to wait about 5 minutes. This was a huge desert weekend and with heavy inflow from SD, accidents are more likely

On the 2nd, mostly took it easy in Santee. Did the shopping and helped Kathy clean up disaster area left by Stacey.

Took Kathy to Okawa's for dinner this evening (Holley was out with friends playing Laser Tag at the time)

On the 3rd, went with Sid to pick up building materials for fence and shelving. With Sid's help, ripped out old fencing and replaced it.

Sid posing by completed 1st section of fence

After removing 2nd section of fence - note trashy neighbor

Completing 2nd section of fence

Sid by completed project

Area for new shelving - building materials leaning against wall and clutter that will be eliminated scattered on garage floor

On the 4th, took Kathy in to get shot. She was in no condition to hike, so we didn't hike this weekend. Drove home that evening.

On the 5th, while Kathy rested at home, Jef went in to the office and updated journal among other things.

On the 6th, back to work for a full day at the office.

On the 7th, another full day at the office.

On the 8th, a full day at the office despite several cancelations.

On the 9th, remnants of storm can be seen as snow on surrounding mountains. Jef & Kathy hiked behind the old country club.

On the way back home

Toro Peak

On the 10th, took it easy at home.

On the 11th, back to work a full day at the office.

On the 12th, a light patient load at office, but of course, Jef had a ton of stuff to do there.

On the 13th, after Rotary and a couple patients in the office, Jef & Kathy drove to Glorietta (Jeep radiator boiled aff at least half a pint of fluid after we parked, for some unknown reason) & went on a 2 mile 2 hour hike going up 500' to view at top of 2nd wash.

Kathy is at both ends of this panorama of the Borrego Valley

Even the Salton Sea was visible this day

Water tank near Tubb Canyon is leftmost, then WestStar, Rickards, and Sewanee & La Casa at right

Tho it might not look it, this is a stitched panorama of a nice level spot in hike (note ghostly ocotillo branch)

Kathy looking toward WestStar house

This "roller coaster restraint" was photographed on hike from a couple years prior

Kathy was enamored of this "Patch of green" in this desert hike

Sheep or deer dung

Kathy at high point of hike

Chuparosas were among the few flowering plants on this hike

On the 14th, in a break from work, Jef & Kathy each had cortisone injections at the clinic (knee/elbow), after which they finished a long day at the office.

On the 15th, a long day at the office, after which Jef drove to SD, did some shopping, played a little tennis with Gerry & Hank (mainly lost), & then lost 1 at poker.

On the 16th, Jef & Don C. played in tournament, losing 4-5, 3-6, 3-6. Don C. spent nite at WestStar and promised to make some screen windows for us (his son's business).

On the 17th, Jef & Don lost 2-7 in their final match, and then watched the finals at the tennis club. Below are pix taken at award ceremony:

Peg & Jan won over...

Nine & Sue

Eileen & Sandi won over....

Kersti & ?

Tom & Mike beat everyone (us: 7-2), but had a close finals against:

Sheldon & Barry

Ron & Doug won over....a team that was not present at ceremony

Vickie announcing result of survey: 28 of 29 votes preferred round robins to double elimination tournament format

Fred Dow getting award for helping club by cooking fundraising lunches, among other things

Doug, our new president, was the emcee

One of Kathy's patio flowers in bloom

Fresias blooming at WestStar

On the 18th, after a long day at the office, Jef & Kathy went to the Rotary's "A Taste of Borrego". Jef had trouble finding DeAnza's clubhouse, driving around for over 20 minutes before finally stumbling on it. Kathy helped set up the silent auction, after which we dined and drank wine. The nearly empty table we sat at brought the Deichlers (Martha is our current Borrego "Mayor"), and the Wrights (Bill owns the Springs and the Roadrunner Club). Only a handful of restaurants participated, but the food was good and wine - moderately good.

Jef & Kathy in the food line

The food line

Jef & Kathy at our table - The Wrights are at left, and Deichlers at right

Jef put 1 of 20 lottery tickets in drawing for this bowl of kitchen utensils. Kathy did not want it, so other 19 tickets were placed in other drawings.... but the first number drawn was that ticket! Kym liked the bowl, and it's hers now.

Our table - Wrights at left, Deichlers and Przelstalkis (who were only ones at table when we sat there) at right

On the 19th, after a not-too-busy day at the office, Jef & Kathy & Kym went over to the Rickards to view the newly painted "Buster", the double decker bus, and to have wine and pot-luck goodies.

Most of party was in wind-break area of house

Buster is a "turtle-drawn vehicle"

On the 20th, took a day off work. Kathy didn't feel well, so spent most of the day in bed. Jef took Holley to Brawley where she finally passed her drivers test & now has a licence!

On the 21st, back to work another long day at the office.

On the 22nd, after a fairly full day at the office, packed and drove to SD with Holley and 2 of her friends (Kyle & Henry). After arriving, Jef & Kathy went out for sushi. Later that evening, Holley wanted to go to some 'event', so Holley drove car... her 1st solo drive in Santee. After a long nite, the car made it back, but with some damage to the rear of the car. Somebody must have attacked it with a baseball bat when she and her friends were 'watching a movie -- yeh, it was "Spring Break" -- yeh, that's the ticket!' she didn't like and didn't want to see, but she had bumped into 'friends... yeh, that's it! 80 miles from home and they happened to run into each other' who wanted to see that movie.

Beavertail blooms were near the peak this day

Kathy noticed this valentine-style heart-shaped nopal in our front patio

Kathy was proud of her fresias this spring

She is not stingy with watering her potted plants

On the 23rd, Jef mowed the front yard, did some shopping. That night, Holley, now banned from using the car, took trolley & busses to a 'party'. Driving a bus home, she left her brand new video camera with 32 GB of memory and new newly upgraded phone (up to 20 GB - 4 GB of music just wasn't enough), on a bus (she's not a details person, so which bus line is unknown) in Old Town - never to be seen again.

Starting our usual 1.3 hour loop on Cowles this afternoon

Ceanothus (blue flowers) were in full bloom at this time on the hill were wild cucumber

On the 24th, Jef completely finished the major yardwork needed, replaced a defective irrigation valve. Then went to OB that afternoon to do some shopping and had sushi at Saporo's, meeting Yudi. Saw a nice sunset.

It was somewhat foggy this morning

In OB, Jef had to park a mile from the beach and did this parallel park on the 1st try!

Jef made Holley's (probable) boo-boo seem less with this duct-tape fix

Kathy, Holley, Stacey & Alyssa at Soporro's

Jef found out the "protein roll" substituted rice with cucumber, so less carbs

Panorama at the pier

Kathy, Stacey & Alyssa - Holley was off (probably) buying a bong, causing us to wait & find her

We had a delayed birthday celebration for Stacey this night

Blowing up the candles

On the 25th, Jef took Kathy to get her 2nd epidural. That night, drove back to Borrego.

On the 26th, went to the office to see 4 patients that afternoon.

On the 27th, another full day at the office.

Lots of beavertail blooms

Sunset this evening

On the 28th, after a full day at the office, Jef attended the only "Happy Hour with the Animals" this season at "The Serpent" (Kathy had to work late):

Ray was amused at some of the PT "devices for comfort" we had around

An unusual crossing of 2 contrails

Panorama of the serpent

On the 29th, after another long day at the office, Jef drove to SD, split at tennis with partner Hank 4-6, 4-3 against Gerry & Sid, did some quick shopping at TJs, and then won 2.50 at poker.

On the 30th, Kathy saw 1 patient, but we otherwise took it easy.

On the 31st, mostly took it easy. Took our usual 45 min. loop hike late afternoon (abbreviated to avoid walking into the wind at the end).

Feb 2013
On the 1st, Kathy finally felt better after 3 weeks of not feeling well due to a flu. Then after working a medium day at the office, drove to SD, did some shopping, stopped by Santee house to pick up a few things where I found out Stacey hadn't taken out trash in past month, then lost 4 at poker.

On the 2nd, took it easy at home.

On the 3rd, took it easy again at home.

On the 4th, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 5th, another long day at the office. A little color in the sunset this evening:

On the 6th, Kathy took the day off. Jef did some work at the office. Late that afternoon, they took the doggies to a peak behind the old country club and found a cache there with entries dating back to 1997.

On the 7th, another long day at the office.

On the 8th, a long day at the office - a cold day with some rain:

Clouds moving in

Rainbow at the assisted living facility

Later that afternoon, we got some good rain

On the 9th, mostly took it easy.

Clouds poking over mountains this evening

On the 10th, after taking it easy most of the day, had dinner at Jan's & saw MIB 3 in 3D afterwards. Also saw Jan's new doggie:

On the 11th, went on a 2 hour hike with kathy & doggies looping by water tank, but otherwise, took it easy.

Ocotillos are green

On the 12th, returned to work for a very long day at the office, with 4 new patients!

On the 13th, during a long day at the office, Jef drove over to the clinic and got a cortisone injection in his L knee by Jan (in preparation for coming tennis tournament).

Saw this other representation of the 'pain scale' at the clinic

On the 14th, after a long day at the office, Jef & Kathy went out to the Krazy Coyote for a Valentines Day dinner.

Moon was behind the Thimble when we arrived home -- it was pretty spectacular, but this was taken a bit too late and not with a good camera

On the 15th, a medium long day at the office. Jef was surprised to see Kathy going cross country with a patient who has been pretty much bedbound for the past year. Then Dawn took us out to dinner at the Arches, with Jan, and we stopped in for a drink at her house afterwards:

at Dawn's house

On the 16th, Jef & partner Ursula won only 1 of 4 close matches on day 1 of round robin.

On the 17th, Jef attended tournament - won last match 8-2, but Sheldon & Janna won theirs. If they had been limited to 5 games, we would have been in finals. If they had won only 6, Ken & his partner would have been in finals, so it was pretty close.

Barry Margo came in 2nd in B-divison

Teresa & Fred won their division

Mary & Bonnis

Terry & Harold - won their division

Ed & Vicki K - 2nd their division

Sheldon & Janna came in 2nd - we lost to them 9-7 prior day

Larry & Nine won Jef's division (Jef& Ursula lost to them 8-5 prior day)

Ursula, Jef's partner, won the $50 drawing

Award ceremony at tennis club

On the 18th, a very long day at the office with 4 new patients!

On the 19th, another long day at the office.

On the 20th, Jef did a little work at the office after photographing low snow levels in surrounding mountains (below 3000' in places), then took it easy at home with Kathy. Probably went on a little hike.

Yaqui Peak (elev. 3367') with snow well-below 3000'

Indian head powdered its nose!

On the 21st, a long day at the office. Jef ran out of toner and spare ones were all empty, so he poured toner from TN350 cartridge into a TN450, and all was well. The previously ordered toner cartridges would arrive the next day, but the modified toner cartridge continued to work for quite a while:

Messy job!!!

On the 22nd, after a medium day at office, Jef drove to Santee, got mail, did shopping. Won about 4 at poker.

On the 23rd, mostly took it easy. Took doggies on 50 min. hike.

On the 24th, mostly took it easy. Jef did some work at office. Took doggies for a 45 min. hike.

On the 25th, took doggies to vet and Holley to DMV. Tiki needed a tooth pulled, and we had to spend a few extra hours, so we saw Life of Pi in 3D. Muy excellente! Holley got her permit - test is up to 50 questions now! (We had to scramble to get her SSN, however... fortuneately Craig was home). Kathy may have gotten some food poisoning at Christine's by the DMV - she suspects the beans.

On the 26th, returned to work for a long day at the office. That evening, after Kathy had found the Hotel Del gift card Debby gave us as a present for our wedding - missing for over 6.5 years!), Jef reserved a full ocean view suite for 2 nights to celebrate their 7th wedding anniversary.

On the 27th, another long day at the office - but had time to update this journal!

On the 28th, another long day at the office.

Jan 2013

On the 1st, finished cleaning up from NY Eve party, continued feasting, and generally took it easy.

After effect of celebrating with special NY fireworks the night before

Elsa Chamber's old swing installed the day before

On the 2nd, went back to work - a medium busy day at the office.

On the 3rd, another medium day at the office.

On the 4th, finished out the week with a moderately long day at the office. Jef went to poker at Hank's, where he lost. He had to go thru 10 miles of heavy fog when going home that evening.

On the 5th, Adriana's friend dropped off a male chihuahua, Max, at our house. Kathy had the stupid notion of getting Tiki pregnant.

Just after midnight this morning, coming home from SD, Jef took this pic of rising moon with lights of Borrego below

On the 6th, Jef went in to catch up on work. Kathy got rid of Max after he got in a fight with Gypsi.

Aftereffects of Holley locking both Max and Tiki in guest house

On the 7th, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 8th, another long day at the office.

On the 9th, a very long day at the office with 4 new patients. Jef took pics of Kathy's main china cabinet:

On the 10th, a long day at the office.

Threatening clouds this morning

Windy this day

Raining in mountains

After dealing with failure of HP Touchpad to work, finally just tossed it.

On the 11th, finished out a long week with a long day at the office. Kathy was not feeling well all day.

On the 12th, Kathy took it easy staying home all day with the flu.

On the 13th, Kathy continued to suffer from the flu.

On the 14th, Kathy had Jef cancel all patients for the week. Jef went in and manned the office.

On the 15th, another sick day for Kathy as Jef continued working at the office.

On the 16th, Kathy still out sick. Jef still trying to catch up on work at the office.

On the 17th, Jef still came in and cancelled everyone for the next day.

On the 18th, Kathy still sick, Jef worked at the office.

On the 19th, Kathy still sick, Jef worked at the office and then drove to SD to lose at pickleball, but win 13 at poker. Also stocked up on supplies.

On the 20th, Kathy laid low at home all day.

On the 21st, Kathy sill not feeling well. Stacey and her friend Alyssa(sp?) came by prior night and hiked to 3rd grove in Palm Canyon this day.

recent Cold snap damaged about half the leaves of this bougainvillea

Stacey and her friend

On the 22nd, Kathy not quite ready to go in, but felt pretty good this day and told Jef to schedule some tomorrow. Jef walked to work, encountering some health issues - perhaps due to lung congestion, so walked back the short route.

Sunset this evening on walk home

On the 23rd, Jef made more progress cleaning up piles of papers in office. He scheduled patients, found out Kathy wasn't feeling well, and proceeded to cancel them all.

On the 24th, Kathy finally returned to work despite feeling worse than prior day and saw 3 patients. Jef finally got some pix in this journal after over 3 weeks. A steady rain occured this day.

On the 25th, Kathy saw 3 more patients, but was still not feeling good. Jef drove to SD on a 2nd straight day of rain, did some shopping, and then found out poker was cancelled, so drove back to Borrego.

On the 26th, took it easy, mostly staying at home. Kathy noticed fog low in the valley, so Jef snapped a few pix:

On the 27th, stayed home all day watching movies on Netflix.

on the 28th, Jef did a little work at the office before taking Kathy to doctor in SD.

At Santee house, Stacey left a disaster area after a wild party the night before

Moon rising over Salton Sea from Crawford overlook. It was much more spectacular at top of hill, but no convenient place to pull over.

On the 29th, back to work for a short day at the office.

On the 30th, upped it to a medium day at the office.

On the 31st, a long day at the office with 3 new patients.

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