Journal Index
1Q'13 Jef and Kathy's Activities 2Q 2013 3Q'13
Jun 2013

On the 1st, again locked up the house, packed up and drove to Santee, where we picked up a couple of things and then drove to the Hotel del Coronado, where we could use Debby L's gift card, a wedding present that we had misplaced for 7 years, and checked in for our 7th anniversary vacation. We had dinner at the Sheerwater that evening.

Kym bid us farewell from her new pool, which she spent most of the weekend in while we were in Coronado

Panorama from our hotel room - somewhat hazy this day

Kathy ironing clothes for dinner that night

Calling people, rubbing it in about how our situation at this time might be better than theirs

Our package included complementary champagne

Dinner at the Sheerwater this evening

Panorama at dinner - the Pacific is just beyond this lawn

Another picture???? Groan!!!

300° panorama in the Del looking down 3 hallways 1 block from the lobby at end of middle hall

Walking on beach that evening

The Del from the beach - our room is on building on right. To the right of the column in the middle where every window is lit up (this is the elevator area on each floor), our room can be found just to the right, on the 5th floor, and can be distinguished in that it is partially eclipsed by a palm just outside our window.

On the 2nd, walked about 3 miles checking up and down the coast from the Hotel del. We mostly took it easy. We met Stacey and Erik at the Sheerwater and dined with them that night.

A tall sailing ship seen from our room

Anniversary celebrants

360%deg; panorama showing our room. Kathy is watching TV, as Jef photographs - he is in the mirror

View from the bed - the white noise from the surf could be adjusted by opening/closing the door

Going to dinner to meet up with Stacey and Erik, we passed thru the pool area - our shortcut to the restaurant in this sprawling complex

As we didn't eat anything all day, we snacked at the bar just before dinner - Kathy got the shrimp cocktail and Jef got these awesome nachos

Jef, Stacey, Eric & Kathy after our dinner arrives

Stacey & Eric with their shared desert - a mousse

Happy #7! Kathy got the chocolate/chocolate cheesecake

On the 3rd, we had perfect weather, so we spent a couple hours at the beach after checkout. Jef pried Kathy away, got the car & our luggage from valet, giving a big tip (being grateful to get away from this "black hole for money" while we still had some), and drove to Santee, from which Jef drove to a dentist appointment, then did some shopping, and deposited a check in his Credit Union account, which was about to be sent to the state due to non-use (3.5 years since last transaction). Jef picked up Kathy, they did some shopping, and drove back to Borrego, where they got to join Kym in the pool under the new Tiki lamps she obtained.

Our view from hotel room this beautiful morning

One thing to do is watch the big ships sail by

Kathy set up camp behind this fancy sand castle

... and decorated it in honor of our anniversary!

On the 4th, back to work for a medium day at the office. Celebrated Holley's 19th b'day that evening by taking her out to dinner at Carmelitas with Kym and Henry, and then partaking in a nice cake procured by Kym (from her fancy Julian bakery) and giving Holley a few presents.

Kathy, Kym, Henry & Holley at Carmelitas

Kym's friend, who runs a Julian bakery got this awesome b'day cake for Holley

Holley with cake

HALF the candles were trick ones, so Holley had a heck of a time getting them out - resorting to using her fingers

On the 5th, Kathy wasn't feeling well, so cancelled a full day of patients. Jef drove down and got X-rays to try to figure out his knee problems.

On the 6th, a medium day at work before Holley's HS graduation.

The proud parents - Kym had procured these apropo hats for us

Holley making her way to the platform where the graduates sat for the evening

The 3 dozen or there-abouts graduates at the start of the ceremony

As an inside joke, the students donned these clown noses when a certain teach spoke

This graduate wanted to become a physical therapist, so of course, Kathy tracked her down after the ceremony and gave her a card

Martha, the school superintendent, spoke of Holley's plans after high skool - Holley, standing at left, wants to go to the Art Institute and follow in Stacey's footsteps

Holley on her way to get her diploma

At the start of the hat ceremony

The conclusion of the hat ceremony, where some caps are on ground, and others still in the air

Some of the crowd - probably close to 500

Kym & Holley at the reception

Henry, Holley & Kathy afterwards at home

Jef, Holley & Kathy

BS High Graduation Program

On the 7th, a medium day at the office, but we fit in 1 new patient.

Kathy & Kym giving Mia a break from her swim. Kym got the tike lamps & put in the citronella oil to keep bugs away while swimming

On the 8th, mostly took it easy. Kathy made a big batch of tuna salad.

Kym, Kathy & Mia soaking up some rays

Tiki shaking off water after a short swim

Kym & Gypsi returning from the "cement pond" after a short swim

Turns out Gigi looks like an otter, and swimming came naturally to her in her first dip in the pool

Taking a break from swimming

On the 9th, mostly took it easy all day, but did partly load the dumpster. Rodrigo & son Carlos came by and offered to trim palm trees for $80, so I took them up on it. Kym and Jef drove to the hardware store and picked up 100# of salt to put in pool. That evening, Stacey called - she had just procured a 2010 Mazda 3 to replace her totaled Scion.

Our orchid is now down to 4 blooms - giving it a blooming period of over a month and a half - purchased on April 26

Palms after their haircut

On the 10th, after getting the saltwater filter functioning, walked to work - going over the hill at a moderately leisurely pace - 55 minutes. A slow day at the office.

On the 11th, worked a busy day at the office.

375° panorama as sun sets behind San Ysidros this evening

Kym moved picnic table to shade the new saltwater filter prior day

Pool this morning shows one of the floating loungers that Kym procured

Swamp cooler that Will had installed a few days prior; the PVC pipe rising out the the ground below it was installed previous day, so nearing completion of this installation.

On the 12th, Jef walked to work (the short way). The only patient, waiting for Jef's car, never went up until going home and calling, so was ½ hour late. Kathy went to chiropractor afterwards and Jef worked on catching up all day, while Kathy & Kym did some shopping in Palm Desert. We all jumped in pool that evening.

Smoke trees look to be nearly done blooming

Smoke tree flower petals formed pockets of colour near the trees

On walk home today, took this 375° panorama of the valley. The development called "Sun and Shadows" is in the sun, but about to be eclipsed by the shadow of the San Ysidros. The spur trail can be seen at both ends and the middle

On the 13th, a busy day at the office, despite only 4 patients - still lots of paperwork to catch up on. Temperatures creeped up to 110° this day -- above average heat for this particular June, after cooler than average March - May months. Kym's swamp cooler was working when we got home.

On the 14th, a busy day turned light with a couple more cancellations.

This dove (or pidgeon?) was walking on ledge outside of office

On the 15th, Jef cleaned up front, raking piles of mesquite beans and moved Stacey's basketball backboard to the road (it was picked up by a passerby a few days later). Attended the soft opening of La Casa del Zorro.

Linked up with this group, who had chosen the wrong table (not in Kym's area)

Our food took over an hour to get to our table (along with our last drink order) and took a lot of prodding to finally get it. Kathy's Brawley vet, Dr. Howard and his wife were sitting next to us. They got fed up and left in a huff.

We did confirm the koi are back, but only small ones

Kathy scratched her head on this thing - apparently a "team building" device

Another "team-building" thing was this rock climbing tower

Kathy later sneeked back and grabbed a few cacti in this "boneyard" of dead/dying plants ripped out by new owners - about an acre in total

Kathy testing the water in pool of one of the casitas

On the 16th, we planted the 4 dying cacti rescued from La Casa prior night. Also dug up and moved a barrel cactus on the property.

Jef noticed and repaired this new main line leak this morning.

Some of cacti after planting

On the 17th, a short day at the office, but Kathy had 2 new home care patients.

On the 18th, a long day at the office. Alicia came in to interview with Kathy as an aide.

On the 19th, a day off for Kathy, but Jef walked to the office and worked a full day.

On the 20th, a long day at the office. Kathy and Kym looked into harvesting the grapes, but found the few that survived the big windstorm had been eaten - Jef thinks birds, Kathy thinks bugs, and Kym thot lack of water.

The entire crop this year!

Hollowed out grapes

In this Borrego Sun pic, Holley was looking at Jef, who was frustrated by the delay in getting an image (he got her after she turned around!)

On the 21st, after a short day at the office, we packed up and drove to SD. Kathy, Holley & Henry went with Jef. Jef was dropped off in Carmel Mtn and won 6 at poker. Craig dropped him off in Santee.

On the 22nd, took it easy, other than mowing lawn. Watched a lot of TV. Stacey briefly came home at midnight (leaving next morning for a retreat with her group in Idylwild).

On the 23rd, Jef started painting garage floor.

Roses were doing great this weekend

Panorama of Jef starting work on garage floor - had to be in 2 parts, as lots of stuff was on floor when he started

On the 24th, after taking Kathy to see her doctor (PA said Dr. Maywood died of an "accidental overdose"), we packed up and drove back to Borrego.

Kathy adjusting irrigation

Garage floor after completion this morning

Pulled over to take pix of sunset clouds at Crawford Overlook

On the 25th, a busy day at the office.

A rare sight: Shirley, Kathy & Adriana working out at the same time in our normally vacant gym

On the 26th, Jef walked to work - a quiet day at the office. Jef helped Kathy with a 102 y/o patient, who shared her signed copy of Everest climber Jim Whittaker's book, who was a fellow resident of Port Townsend. Jim was the first American to summit Everest in 1963.

On the 27th, worked a medium day at the office.

On the 28th, plumber Don L. fixed Kym's leaking bath faucet. Kathy was ill with a flu, so Jef cancelled all appointments and worked at the office before taking off for SD. Temperatures hit 122°F this day.

Our back yard at sunset this evening

On the 29th, took it easy at home. Temperatures hit 124°F this day, as what will become a multi-week hot spell continued.

Altho there appears to be a lot of finches under the Sega palm, there were 3 times as much before Jef rushed back to take a pic!

Altho the box containing the swamp cooler Jef ordered from Home Depot appears to be damaged, we think the contents survived the shipping misadventures

On the 30th, took it easy. We took Kym and kids to Carlees for lunch. Jef had a Chicken Caesar, which was excellent.

At the conclusion of our meal at Carlees
May 2013

On the 1st, worked a half day at the office. Uploaded Kathy's Rotary meeting info that afternoon. That evening, had burger at the Legion, meeting Jim's, Jan & Pam there.

Kym found this Western Banded Gecko in her room this evening

On the 2nd, another long day at the office. Will worked cleaning up storm damage around house.

On the 3rd, after a short day at the office, packed Jef drove to poker (won 10) and Kathy drove Holley + Henry to Santee.

Just outside guest house "after" pic (see below) after nearly all has been cleaned up

"before" pic - last month after mostly cleaned up

On the 4th, took Nissan to dealer for servicing (damage: $1K and most problems were'nt fixed!), and then took Jeep shopping and then to AAA to register it.

Kathy got Kim this orchid - note roses blooming in front yard

Kathy ordered a "tomato", which is just a sushi that looks kinda like one

On the 5th, Jef spent most to the day completing the shelves, including 1 coat of varnish. He also mowed the lawns, getting a little rain while doing so. Jef & Kathy cleaned up everything on the floor and put up in shelves, or right next to them. Then they packed up and drove both cars back to Borrego.

After installing most of the trim

After installing nearly all of the trim

After sanding/varnishing

Note: the phone and internet worked thruout the process, as Jef didn't bother unplugging the units, even tho they sit on these shelves

BEFORE the cleanup

Starting to load up the shelves

At the conclusion of our clean-up that night

On the 6th, took it easy that morning. Jef went in a did some work at the office. Kathy worked all day on projects at home. That evening, Holley went took Jeep out and ordered pizza at a friend's house - despite Kathy telling her to only use Jeep for school transportation. Kathy allowed her to take Jeep back to drop off Henry and complete pizza eating, but Holley ran over her deadline for getting back and also brought back Henry. Then Holley found a black widow in her bathroom. While Kathy and I took care the the black widow with lots of malathion (it scared it out and Jef squished it), Holley apparently took Henry home -- but she 'fell asleep' there and only returned (briefly) the next morning to pick up her stuff for skool.

Jef, Kathy & Kym installed this top piece of lattice and reinforced bottom piece

Jef hauled about 7 bags of rocks and Kathy spread them in this area

Kathy and Kym planted some sega palm offchutes in pots and Jef helped them adjust irrigation - Kym had sanded and varnished this picnik table over the last weekend

Kym and Kathy relaxing between jobs

Panorama showing unsettled weather this afternoon - rain in Tubb Canyon

Panorama at the Mall with sunbeams visible on the left

On the 7th, a dumpster arrived -- the purpose being to haul away all the vegetation brought down by the wind. Then a very long day at the office.

Still had some unsettled, windy weather left - note the sunbeams by the mountains

On the 8th, I awoke to skunk smell. Apparently, Gypsi had killed one during the night. Kym found the skunk, which Jef bagged up and tossed in the trash. Then a moderately long day at the office. The Omaha Steaks package arrived and so we had some dry ice for the kids to play with that evening.

Just after the skunk spirit hovered up to skunk heaven

Witch's brew

The witches - Holley & Henry

On the 9th, another long day at the office.

Panorama at the office showing some unsettled weather - even lightning was observed in Coyote Canyon!

On the 10th, another long day at the office. Jef took off that afternoon and did some shopping in SD before winning 2 at poker.

On the 11th, took it easy mostly, but Jef worked at office and helped Kathy with chores at home. We took Shirley V. out to dinner at Carmelitas to celebrate her reaching her weight-loss goal.

On the 12th, mostly took it easy. Kathy wasn't feeling well, so we cancelled our trip up Coyote Canyon with Shirley.

On the 13th, another long day at the office.

Kathy & doggies sleeping

The 2 orchids Jef had got Kathy in past month. The yellow one is newer and smaller orchid (bought a month ago) is on its last legs - there would be no more flowers on it within a week.

On the 14th, Sonn came over and started painting our trim. We put in a long day at the office.

This yellow orchid (photographer in background) will probably last most of the summer, as it had a lot of buds on it.

This is location Kathy decided to place these orchids

Noticed this unusual beetle on our kitchen floor. Dad seems to think this is one of 20,000 species of Darkling Beetle

On the 15th, Kathy went to Rotary and crashed for the day. Jef worked a full day at the office.

Kim came over from her housesitting chores and joined us for some drinks while Kathy working on fixing the Tiki Lamps

With all the doggies

Sonn's progress in this area - door used to be white.

Playing with Photoshop, you can get effects like this

Good light for paloverde - Amanda II is in background - possibly smoke from forest fire obscures the mountains

On the 16th, a very long day at the office.

Cacti are prominent at this house on Broken Arrow

This panorama shows these red-blooming cereus in front of this house - maybe the owner is a big pitaya fan!

On the 17th, a long day at the office. Sonn finished painting the trim. Jef and Kathy stopped by the SunDowner at the visitor center this evening.

Kathy & Jef at the SunDowner

360° panorama of the event

Can you find the 3 Kathy's in this panorama?

On the 18th, played 2 sets of tennis with partners Borden & Vicki, losing 5-7 to Sheldon & Vicki and then to Sheldon & Barry, as we enjoyed another pleasant May day.

A little history:

Front of house Dec. 9, 2007

Front of house Mar. 27, 2008

Front of house Mar. 19, 2008

Front of house Oct. 19, 2010

Front of house Nov. 4, 2011

Front of house after Sonn finished

Dec. 18, 2010

Looking at corner by old section of house

Panorama in front of front door

Dec. 17, 2008

Sep. 4, 2009

Backyard view

Pool house view

On the 19th, after taking it easy in the morning, designed and installed new shelves (2 x 16" x 88") in garage with scrap material I had laying around.

Trouble with not having a good working environment is that this kind of thing can happen - power cord got sucked in by the sawblade and wrapped around axle!

After moving stuff from along this wall in preparation of installing shelving

After shelving was installed

On the 20th, back to work for a long day at the office. Kathy found out her doctor and a good friend had passed away 2 weeks ago, just a couple of weeks after he performed her latest epidural.

Will stopped by the office this afternoon - had to take of pic, as he was pretty dirty!!

On the 21st, Kathy had 2 doctors appointments in Borrego and went with Jef to see Dr. Maywood's PA, just to get her RXs, instead of Dr. Maywood - she had intended to start the procedings to obtain an implant to stop her back pain with Dr. Maywood, but due to his untimely death, that will not happen anytime soon, if at all.

Jef took this pic of old Hugh Woods Foodmart building that was restored 6 months prior.

Kathy finally reached the breaking point and gave Jef a haircut after threatening to do so for 6 months

Kathy & Kym were routinely getting doggies wet in hot tub

Mia actually swims while in there!

On the 22nd, Kathy saw a few patients before driving to La Jolla for Dr. Maywoods services. Altho 500 people showed up, more questions than answers were found. Something was not right, but it was a nice service, nontheless.

Kathy wanted to meet some of his staff at the pain clinic, but NONE SHOWED UP! (one of the fishy things). So she wrote this message, which she hopes to get to his pain clinic staff:

"Sam was the only doctor that listened to me. He found out what was wrong with me and he tried to fix it. Unfortunately, he was never able to get rid of all of my pain. but he never gave up on me. I was a patient of his for over 11 years and I will miss him greatly. I drove over 100 mi today to go to the service, because he meant the world to me. I will miss him greatly. I plan to stay with the practice because I want to support all of you in his absence,it is the least I can do!! LOVE, Kathy Johnson PS I am A PT and continue to work in my field because of his work on me!!

Thank You Sam"

Some of the after-service reception. Altho a big facility, about 5-10% had to stand in the Good Sam Episcopal Church

The reception was catered with Ho-Hos, coffee & water

The other side as we left


Learned from eulogy (and research afterwards):

  1. how Sami died was not revealed
  2. the 1st speaker was a friend. when he asked his friend 'what will it take for you to help me start my practice?' his friend wrote a number on a napkin (they were at dinner), and he didn't even look at it before saying 'when can you start?'
  3. his friend came on board and said, 'you have a stressful job, so take lots of vacations' - which he did, going all over the world (probably 1st class)
  4. his minister was out for a walk a couple years ago, and saw sami pacing back and forth. he saw his friend, the minister, and sami waved him into a dealer - 'what's wrong?' he said, and sami said 'i think i have to buy this ferrari' - probably a very very pricey vintage car.
  5. looking at his facebook page with 75 pix of his new ferrari, we figured out with research his street address(not far from bird rock in la jolla), and found it was appraised at 3.5mil - it was probably at 5-6 mil at the top of the market - he may have re-fied it then, as the house has been substantially upgraded after he got it in the '90s.
  6. private practice doctors income is plummetting, as HMOs are dictating reimbursements (less every year).
  7. the only nurse who we recognized had just retired and was as "in the dark" as us, but we noticed Sami was somewhat in a daze toward the end. Financial difficulties could have been weighing heavy on him, among other potential problems

On the 23rd, another long day at the office. Jef & Kathy worked out afterwards. After we got home and Holley rolled home (late that evening), Kathy confronted her with the failing notice regarding the only class Holley needs to graduate, but Holley refused to converse. After Kathy was insistent, Holley gave her some bruises in her attempt to escape, and some cross words were exchanged.

Cal Fire, in a planned burn, let it get out of control, and a fairly large fire erupted in the San Felipe area this day.

Rams Hill & Deep Well got a lot of the smoke

Holley-inflicted bruises on Kathy

On the 24th, a fairly long day at the office, then packed up and drove to SD. Played pickle (losing each match 2 on 1, Craig & I lost to Tim 3 straight sets) and poker - won 10.

Kathy the next morning

Craig & Nancy's ever-changing back yard (360° panorama)

On the 25th, took it easy, except for mowing lawn, doing weeding.

We took Kym to Okawa's, as she was a big help all weekend

On the 26th, got Sid to come over, get a load of fencing (for about 40% of the rest of the N fence) and other materials. Found out CA now has a 1% lumber tax and 2% paint tax! We installed new shelving in garage. Sid stayed over for dinner - Kathy cooked ribs. Also invited Don & Ling, and Stacey brought her new beau, so there was 8 of us for dinner!

Kym showing us how to have fun watching crippled doggies (she tied a foil string around their body next to their hind legs)

Tying up Tiki

Actually, Tike could still walk, but other doggies faired a little worse - probably only works on weak doggies who don't get much exercise

Stacey & Eric

Dinner time, L to R: Sid, Kym, Kathy, Don, Stacey, Eric, Ling

On the 27th, played doubles, losing all matches - 2 with partner Sid and 1 with Don. Other player was a prof at SDSU. Jef was limping with his rheumatiz or whatever has been ailing him for past year, and took a nap for a few hours after that, but got to watch some PBS - now on Roku! Then Jef started prepping garage floor for painting. Packed up and drove back to Borrego, where we found major water leak - someone, probably one of Holley's hooligan friends must have kicked a valve, breaking the pipe at the joint.

Pow-wow area this morning - fence to be replaced is at left, potted plants were in transit to Borrego

The foursome at Big Rock courts - unusual nets are made of steel!!!

New shelves are for long and or wide things - middle shelf can hold full sheets of plywood! Lumber in center of garage is destined for fence - divits in floor and rough concrete under new shelves were spackled in preparation for paining floor

Scene of main line leak

Kathy & Kym scooped up much of the water and watered nearby potted plants before this

Kathy - still in a dramamine haze - trying to splash the photographer

On the 28th, Kathy noticed someone had jimmied the safe(all fingers point to Holley - who, of course, pleads complete ignorance - probably with an assist from one of her hooligan friends). Jef could not open it at home, so took it to work. After opening it, we discovered the robbery was successful, but the thieves didn't notice there was a LOT of cash there, so only 1 type of (undisclosed) item was taken - something Holley and her ne'er-do-well friends consume like air (or should I say - with air). Holley, who was supposed to be locked out of the house all weekend (as she chose to stay behind and, for some reason, we don't trust her - this was the first time we left her 'home alone'), probably had entry access. After working a full day at the office, Holley dropped by, wearing one of Kathy's favorite T-shirts (Holley likes to borrow anything she likes, without asking, of course), and Kathy confronted her regarding the safe. Holley, the consumate actress, denied any such knowledge and provided, without hesitation, alibis for all her potential accomplices (out of town, expelled (Kyle), grounded (Henry), etc., etc.).

Main area where safe was pried open

Mechanism for locking safe was destroyed - it is loose inside.

One of the documents in the safe showed Holley's (& Stacey's) known family tree

While out drinking wine this evening, doggies were after something near nite-lite, and when Jef found it was a kissing bug, dispatched it.

On the 29th, a light day at the office, as Kathy had 1 office and 4 home care. Jef noticed emergency personel on the street just after noon this day - a river was flowing down Palm Canyon Drive - probably due to a water main break. Palm Canyon was closed the rest of the day as they jackhammered at the intersection of Country Club and Palm Canyon. I was lucky to get photos, as water was stopped 15 minutes after I noticed it. Went out to dinner at Carmelitas with Rebecca M & Kym.

River in front of Carlees

Even a bit coming down other side of road

Jackhammering area

Artsy Borrego pic - with jackhammering going on

On the 30th, helped Kym submit her taxes online. Kathy had a lite day at the office after going to see Sylvia, the chiropractor - she is having problems with her hip.

On the 31st, after a long day at the office, instead of driving to Santee, as Holley again broke her promise to come (2nd week in a row), we spent the night in Borrego.

Will & his family helped Kym set up this pool this day
Apr 2013

On the 1st, returned to work for a very long day at the office.

On the 2nd, went back to work - a medium busy day at the office with several cancellations.

On the 3rd, Jef walked to work and noted a few (but not many) flowers blooming. It was quiet at the office as Kathy only had a couple of home care patients.

Ocotillo not far from our WestStar house

Buckhorn cholla blooms

California's state flower in bloom

On the 4th, a long day at the office.

Panorama this morning

Cool paloverde at Keeley's

Kathy started replacing dead rose bushes with aloes

Lenticular clouds viewed while Jef was using the Bowflex

Panorama this afternoon

On the 5th, after another long day at the office, drove to Santee & crashed.

On the 6th, got up early drove to Hank's & got ride with Frank, Kevin & Michael to CP. Stopped in Hesperia & had Rubios for brunch. Made it to Cannon Party at noon. Left at 6, driving by wreck of teenager who hijacked semi and crashed it in Temecula (he was trying to whip off zombies from truck, apparently). This didn't slow us down, but we saw a line of 10 miles of cars, as crash had closed all lanes of I-15N. Made it back to Santee.

Cannon... or Canon party?


On the 7th, spent a few hours starting on my garage shelving project.

Start of shelving project (2 more were added by end of the day)

On the 8th, went to the dentist, spending 3.5 hours there (crown, fillings, etc.). After returning to Borrego, found it had been devastated earlier in the day by the storm of the century. Power was out all over town due to several power lines being blown down by gusts approaching 100mph.

Coming down Montezuma, a shallow rainbow was visible from drizzle blown into the valley

400° panorama at Crawford Overlook - part of rainbow is still visible

Many tree branches were broken thruout the valley this day

A sandstorm was still raging in Coyote Canyon

Damage near post office from this day, the 8th

After cleanup on the 12th

Sand dunes inside the post office

Many ocotillo flowers were blown off due to the 60mph sustained winds

Altho power did come on at home for a few hours, we had another 4 hour blackout that night

One of several big branches that broke off at our house

Panorama of our front yard after the storm

On the 9th, with power restored, did a full day at the office.

Vorteces wafting from my coffee this morning

Clean-up crew cutting damaged branches and chipping them up

On the 10th, after a short day at the office, came home to help Kathy with cleanup and installation of 8 new aloes (moved 3 rosebushes in the process) and installation of new river rock.

Sample wind damage in Santiago Estates: 1) at left note Wally & Carol's carport doubled over, 2) note at right tree broke windows of trailer, crushed a shed & a short fence

Kathy displaying her landscape project to Holley

Kathy selected these aloes and arranged the rocks - rose bushes were transplanted elsewhere

On the 11th, had an easy morning with lots of cancellations until a full afternoon of patients.

Moon setting over San Ysidros at the Mall

On the 12th, another full day at the office.

Kym & Kathy on the front porch

Kathy with Gypsi - Gypsi has Kym's bug light on her collar

Kathy & Jef under chained-together doggies

Holley & Kym

On the 13th, started tennis tournament early, at 8, and won both matches this morning 5-4 and 7-2. Helped somewhat with Kathy's clean-up project that afternoon.

Panorama featuring Kathy blowing out leaves from rocks & kids stuffing debris into bags

David came out and started cutting on the big tree

After David left for the day, Will continued working on this tree

Will after getting a 100# problematic branch to miss the wall, and not quite land on us

After cutting the problem branch that, if it fell in a later storm, could have taken out the wall

Panorama of banquet - wind warnings moved party inside, but the weather turned out to be perfect outside. Food catered by Pablitos was good (but not according to Kathy)

On the 14th, Jef & partner Marla lost their 2 matches 3-6 and 4-5, failing to make the cut for the finals. Jef came home & sewed up a 'wardrobe malfunction' before going back to see the finals. After returning home again, Jef did some cleanup, but layed down and fell asleep at 4pm.

An example of some wind damage - street sign marking Broken Arrow & Tilting T was blown away and Yield sign lost a bolt.

The street sign for Tilting T & Country Club was blown off, but wound up near its pole

2 years prior, when this pic was taken, our street sign was intact. Now the pole is on the ground, and the WestStar part of the sign is missing!

Panorama of the final tennis ceremony

Paloverde that Kathy liked to park under due to some good shade last summer - but not this summer!

This 2 story on BS Road never had a problem with the roof in its first 20 years, but didn't escape this storm!

On the 15th, had another full day at the office.

Most days this and next week had sandstorms blowing down Coyote Canyon

On the 16th, another full day at the office on the coolest day of the month with highs in the 60s!

Still have more to clean up after fixing this problem tree

On the 17th, did a short stint at the office. We made a 7-layer bean dip to bring to a Rotary party at the Roadrunner and dropped by to eat, drink and converse with Rotary members that evening.

Kathy looking at lake at Bill's Rotary party

Kathy's view

Kathy + Jef

Former restauranteur, H.Salt, is sitting on the brick wall

Nobody likes a clown!

On the 18th, another full day at the office.

On the 19th, after another long day at work, with poker + tennis cancelled, stayed in Borrego.

On the 20th, took it easy at home.

Kathy's weird cactus blooming

On the 21st, Holley refused to go to Santee, so we waited til late afternoon to head there. We passed Stacey driving the opposite way(for a camp-out in Palm Canyon) around Ramona.

On the 22nd, Jef finished his fillings + crown at the dentist, and then took Kathy for her 3rd epidural this year. Jef & Kathy dined at Casa de Machado while watching various airplanes land & take-off. Jef mowed the lawn in Santee after listening to a free concert (Danny & his band were practicing some country-western for a Ho-down). Later that evening, packed and drove back to Borrego.

Kathy loves how well her Santee roses are doing

On the 23rd, Kathy worked a half day at the office.

On the 24th, Kathy wasn't feeling well, so cancelled a very full day of appointments.

On the 25th, Kathy still not feeling well, so cancelled another very full day of appointments.

Moon rising this evening

On the 26th, Kathy returned to work and did a fairly long day at the office. She was feeling much better. Jef drove to SD and did some shopping(bought a nice orchid that bloomed for about 6 weeks afterwards!) and probably poker.

On the 27th, mostly took it easy.

Kathy & Kim sitting drinking wine under tiki lamp illumination this evening

On the 28th, we skipped going geocaching with Rebecca, because Kathy was too achy, so Jef walked to the office and worked a few hours. That afternoon, Stacey dropped by with her new boyfriend to pick up camping gear - they camped in Palm Canyon with a group that evening.

Jef noticed these cables fell down from poles behind house - they may still be functioning, but about 200' was lying on ground

On the 29th, after a long day at the office, Kathy cooked some steaks and a pot roast. We had a nice steak dinner with Kym.

On the 30th, a very full day at the office. Kathy noticed someone nicked her robe when she got home. Sat out, ate leftovers and salad, and talked with Kym and Ramon during a very pleasant evening on the back patio.

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