Journal Index
2Q'13 Jef and Kathy's Activities 3Q 2013 4Q'13
Sep 2013

On the 1st, got up early and took doggies on a nearly 1 hour 3 mile walk. Later that day, Jef got up on roof an finished getting old swamper off (crash! -- oh, watch out below...). There's a piece of backer board sitting on 16"x16" opening.

Nice clouds this morning

Kathy both coming and going from our house -- also, note the 2 Mias!

Had to snap a quick photo of Holley's new uniform surrepticiously

On the 2nd, got up early and walked to old country club and back (about a 40+ minute walk). Drove to Santee with Kathy & doggies & spent the nite.

On the 3rd, checked in to the Ocean Villa Inn, and then took doggies on walk to Dog Beach at sunset.

Our hotel room was the closest to the beach

We started our little hike on the bike path

Then we detoured to the new network of trails along the SD River

Saw this egret

Finally made it to the eastern part - up river - of Dog Beach

We walked towards the setting sun

Looping thru main beach (on horizon) before returning to hotel

Jef's glass of wine at the hotel room

Kathy found this newt this evening

On the 4th, Jef went back to Santee to pick up a few things, including firewood for a beach fire that night. Kathy was not satisfied with the hotel's cleaning crew, so we bought cleaning supplies, and Kathy cleaned our room this afternoon.

We managed to find a vacant fire ring

The wood is from the old fence in Santee

Looking from beach, ours is the fire at the right

Looking north toward next fire on beach

On the 5th, after spending a few more hours at the beach, Kathy decided to stay another day, as weather at the beach was perfect (we could actually look at the thunderheads razing Borrego to the east while we enjoyed the beach). Since we had to change rooms anyway, Kathy decided to try a new part of the hotel.

Thunderhead in distance

Kathy taking doggies out for a swim


Tiki & Mia

Mia just missing a wave

Tiki in the surf

Our beach headquarters

Kathy found this big clam and a snail(she later returned them to deeper water)

Our new hotel room (#3)

On the 6th, spent yet another afternoon at the beach.

Everyday we saw these clouds over by Borrego

Tiki catching a wave



Tiki was so cold, she often got lost when leaving pond - dunno if she was avoiding the torturers or was just lost

Tiki making a bee-line to shore

Boogey boarder(L), body surfer(Tiki), paddle boarder(horizon), & wader (Kathy)

Mia catching a wave

Mia just missing a wave

Our beach headquarters this day

Kathy took Jef our for a b'day dinner at Bo-Beau's - we walked there from hotel. It used to be "Thee Bungalow". It was still pretty good, but not quite as good as it used to be

On the 7th, checked out of the hotel, but left car there while we took doggies to the beach. Then had lunch at Nati's and did a little shopping. Kathy got me 2 OB T-shirts for my b'day. Spent nite in Santee.

We saw this giant English wolfhound on beach, and Kathy had to have a picture

Mia only picks on dogs her own size, so this dog was safe

Tiki trying to catch a wave

Got one!

Mia was the expert surfer - here she is waiting for a big one

This thunderhead was over Palomar

Kathy found a new friend on Newport

On the 8th, did some chores, but generally took it easy in Santee.

On the 9th, did a lot of clean up both inside and out. Packed up and drove to Borrego, where we found internet modem, Ooma (telephone system), and wireless router had been fried by a nearby lightning strike.

Found this giant flower blooming from a tiny cactus!

On the 10th, surveyed downed branches and scrambled to do lots of chores before driving back to Santee to continue our vacation. However, Jef worked too long at the office and Kathy got mad and checked into Hacienda del Sol with Kym for the nite, leaving Jef at WestStar. She also complained about the heat in the house, and assumed a hotel would be cooler, however, her suite at the hotel was well over 100°F when she arrived and it took hours to get it tolerable - it never got as cool as the WestStar house. Just after midnite, Kym came in and roused Jef out of bed, as Kathy had taken dogs on short walk, mainly just to get ice, and never came back, so she and Ramon went looking for her, and Jef went looking as well. Kym found Kathy walking on BS Road with dogs - Kathy had gotten confused and couldn't find her way back to hotel -- she had lost a sandal and her car keys.

Some of the downed branches from recent windstorm

On the 11th, Kathy walked home from WestStar to get Jef's white Jeep key. Jef did a little work at the office and went to Hacienda del Sol to see if Kathy managed to check out... she didn't. Jef helped pack up and was going to drive Kathy and doggies home, as Kathy was not all there. When almost packed up, Jef couldn't find Kathy... went out to back of her casita and found her trying to "fix the water heater enclosure". Got her back in hotel room and tried to get her to complete removal of her stuff. She was very sluggish, and hard to get moving. At one point she had to wash her hair, as she was complaining of insect bites and a headache. Jef tried to get her in his car, but Kathy insisted she could drive and wanted one of the dogs in her car, so Jef gave her Mia. He was going to follow her home. After a minute, he went to check on her, as she wasn't moving. He opened her Jeep door and then she started backing up. He got out of the way and she procededed to get out of the casita driveway with a bit of difficulty, bumping into the oleanders on the first attempt. She finally got going and (after almost driving into a wall) made it to PC Drive. She was going to make a left turn, but wound up going straight and crashing into a horizontal telephone pole, used as a divider. She wound up with Jeep wheels on both sides. Jef went over to open door and take over, but Tiki jumped out of Jef's window, so Jef got Tiki, so she wouldn't run into road -- meanwhile, Kathy tried to back up, but front end got snagged on pole, so she made a big dust cloud trying to get loose. Jef tried to take over again, but Tiki again jumped out of his window. Meanwhile Kathy tried going forward and succeeded in driving into the little park. She continued on and made it back to the road. Jef caught up with her and followed as she got on to BS Road. She was driving erratically and pulled over. Jef again tried to take over, but Tiki again jumped out the window as some traffic started to appear (so far the roads were deserted). While Jef grabbed Tiki, Kathy took off again. Jef followed, but only after several cars had passed by. Kathy had gone over half a mile and some of the cars noticed she was driving very erratically and 'got out of her way'.

Jef was over half a mile back when he saw a big dust cloud. What had happened was that Kathy had gone off the road at highway speeds, hit a sign post - missing the MarDean apartments, almost got back to the road and again veered off the road, damaging both right rims on some rocks at edge of next apartments, almost getting back to road again, going offroad again, running over a phone connection post, and returning to the road, winding up on other side with a non-drivable Jeep. The handful of cars all stopped and one proceded to call 911 (today's date was 9/11 by the way). Jef saw Kathy was alright and grabbed Mia from her Jeep, drove dogs home, and brought back Kym. By then a sherrif and CHP was on the scene.

After about 20 minutes, Kathy was hauled away in an ambulance. Jef did some quick packing, got the newly fixed up blue car, and drove to hospital in Escondido. Kathy was rolled up in a ball and semi-comatose with alarms going off everytime her O2 dropped below 88%. After about 30 minutes of this, with noone paying attention, a nurse came in with a discharge form. We quickly took this opportunity to leave this annoying place, and Jef drove Kathy to Santee. Kathy slept it off on the couch.

At midnite, she woke Jef up asking where her sleeping pills were - these were the meds that Jef suspected she had accidentally taken (instead of similar other pain killing meds) to cause this situation in the first place, but she insisted she drive back to get them. Jef was barely able to get in the car, as Kathy insisted she drive - at least she was lucid at this point, and she successfully drove back to Borrego. She got her meds, and we took Mia and Tiki with us and Jef drove back to Santee, getting back at 4 in the morning.

Jef took pic of Jeep about 30 min. after the accident - note missing front licence plate

Trashed front tire & rim

On the 12th, we took it easy, as Jef tried to piece together what had happened the day before. He found this warning on the net:

Anyone who experiences signs of severe headache combined with the following symptoms after an insect bite or sting should receive immediate medical attention:

  • body aches
  • confusion
  • drowsiness
  • faintness
  • high fever
  • muscle weakness
  • nausea
  • poor coordination
  • stiff neck
  • vomiting

Kathy also complained of a severe headache, so that an allergic reaction to insect bites alone could have caused her other symptoms. Jef took sample pix of what amounted to over 60 bug bites on Kathy. Kathy had just (a couple weeks before) had an allergic reaction to bug bites that had caused her to see the doctor and get an epi-pen, but we didn't know that confusion and drowsiness were other symptoms(previously only respiratory symptoms were known as symptoms in which an epi-pen would be needed). However, as Kathy had denied taking the wrong pills, she later determined that her confusion may have led her to do so, and this may have exascerbated her drowsiness and confusion. Jef took a few pix of some of Kathy's bug bites:

On the 13th, took it easy in Santee.

On the 14th, mostly took it easy. Jef mowed the lawns and did some trimming.

On the 15th, mostly took it easy. Jef did some yardwork.

On the 16th, mostly took it easy, but Jef continued weeding projects. That evening Stacey and Erik met us at Brigantine in Del Mar to test the waters for a possible wedding reception location.

Most of the way thru ridding this part of yard of crab grass

Before final weeding in back yard

After final weeding in back yard

This panorama shows where Stacey's wedding reception might be in March. Food and wine was good.

On the 17th, Kathy was complaining of a UTI, so Jef drove her to Grossmont Urgent Care where she was prescribed antibiotics.

On the 18th, packed up started to drive back to Borrego, but Kathy was not improving with her antibiotics, so we detoured to Urgent Care and Kathy saw doctor there and got Cipro to replace the other antibiotic that apparently wasn't working. We then drove to Borrego. Later that day, Jef took pix of Kathy's 9/11 crash:

Bus stop sign damaged by Jeep

As Kathy tried to get back to highway at edge of MarDean parking area, she probably damaged her tire and rims by grazing these rocks - this may have made Jeep hard to control at this point

Tracks of Jeep after going off the road for 2nd time - note: this is where phone connection post was flattened

Flattened phone connection post

Gradually returning to main road - Jeep wound up on opposite side of road near end of this track

Looking back from same point

Wierd cactus with several more budding blooms

On the 19th, Kathy was still sick with UTI, so cancelled all patients and Jef worked at office, later that day we drove to CHP tow yard to reclaim Jeep which we had towed to Tito's for repairs. Jef replace tire with spare, and Jeep was drivable, but didn't want to drive it in case of misalignment, and Jef and Kathy needed to do some shopping while there, anyway.

Our front "lawn" included some of the many chinch weed blooms in the valley

A few of the millions of painted lady butterflies migrating thru mountains on our trip to Ramona

On the 20th, Kathy was well enuff, so she saw 1 patient at office, then we drove to Brawley to replace her lost drivers licence for Kathy and do some shopping - returned wrong kind of wireless router purchased prior week. Got new router and Ooma in mail. Stopped by and checked out storm results at Sewanee on way home.

Jef had reinforced the berm behind Sewanee house after the flooding of '98 had nearly eroded it, and even tho flooding was probably even greater this time, it held up well.

On the 21st, struggled to get anything working with new router, including Oomas - cheap reconditioned router I got on net had problems with hard wired ports, and security messed up Roku - so never got it to work this day, so we watched more episodes of Weeks on a dvd collection we got from Stacey.

On the 22nd, took it easy at home, outside of helping Kathy with 3 units of online continuing ed, and finally getting new router to communicate with Roku and Ooma.

On the 23rd, worked a long day at office.

On the 24th, had web meeting describing new PT office system in morning and then worked at office - dealt with new Medicare contractor and new BS bank for first time.

On the 25th, Kathy saw 1 home care patient and then we drove to SD for doctors appointment. We did some shopping, as well.

Part of this ocotillo collapsed after recent winds

Recent winds had blown down the propped up panels on roof - surprised they weren't blown down long ago

Panorama showing sandstorm coming out Coyote Canyon and berm overflow down below

Same panorama from Feb 7, 2011

Location of WestStar house in relation to berm overflow out of Tubb Canyon

On the 26th, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 27th, Kathy complained of a sore throat and stayed home most of the day, worried about being infectious.

On the 28th, Jef noticed a possible, but minor symptom of a cold. The main project done this day with Kym and Kathy was installing 3 Sedona style bamboo shades, and re-positioning another.

The 2 shades at left are new, and the one at the right was lowered to align with these 2

The 3rd new shade was installed in our hallway by the bedroom

New view from the bedroom

On the 29th, we mostly took it easy, but Jef went exploring the Tubb Canyon erosion area:

Comparison of before/after of August floods showed that the Tubb Canyon deflection berm was compromised.

heavily eroded berm

posts used to anchor netting that was to hold rocks in place (which in turn were supposed to prevent erosion of bank), were sticking up about 1 foot, and there is no way my car could have continued down this road

This washed out area showed how deep those posts were and this is the main break of the berm

Panorama: left and right are upstream, middle is the break, and to the right of that is the car on the berm next to the downstream main deflection wash

Erosion on the downhill side of the berm shows how a break occurs - the main break occurred upstream of here, but it probably was in a similar state of this part of the berm just before the break

The road ahead was only traversible by high clearance vehicles

Going back down took a few pix of terrain - some parts of the desert had a spurge "lawn" that was nearly or completely filled in

My car (Amanda 2) on the road back to the pavement

Looking back up Tubb Canyon

This nearly solid spurge lawn is starting to brown, as last rains were over 3 weeks ago

On the 30th, back to work a medium busy day at the office.

Aug 2013

On the 1st, a long, long day at the office.

On the 2nd, an easy day at the office. Had dinner at Carlee's with Kym. I had the tuna salad stuffed tomato and avocado. It was this night that I found, that in addition to a terrible Italian dressing, Carlee's also had a terrible blue cheese salad dressing. They also put sweet relish in tuna salad -- what is it with people putting sugar in everything? It taste okay, but there should be some things that aren't drowned in it -- that's why I get entrees and salads in the first place.

We got Stacey this snowboard off-season for her belated birthday gift

Panorama at work this afternoon

Interesting clouds over the Santa Rosas this evening

We get deep red clouds when it's clear to the coast

Kym walking back to house after telling Jef to take a pic of sunset - Kathy is watering her cacti

That nite, Kathy was running back to pool with a flashlite when Kym said it was too dark to find the GP, who was swimming in pool, when she stubbed her bare foot on a brick

On the 3rd, Jef trimmed inside of new swamp cooler, and installed a door.

On the 4th, took it easy most of the day, then picked up Shirley and took her to La Casa in honor of her recent birthday. We had a good dinner, but La Casa was plagued with flies. Holley, our busser, got us a fly swatter. We taked with Patrick, the manager, and Kirk, the chef, and they have ordered a couple of anti-fly things to attack the problem. Dinner was good and Shirley had a good time - she had a special birthday desert presented to her and the entire room (3 other tables were being serviced) sang her happy birthday.

This strange beetle was observed in the garage

Shirley, Kathy, Jef at La Casa

Shirley with her surprise birthday desert

Holley, our busser, not sure how to pose for a pic from her parent/clients

On the 5th, walked to work - followed all the way with pesky gnats! Did paperwork til late in the day when 3 office patients showed up.

New swamp cooler door before staining

On the 6th, a long day at the office. Kathy was having serious elbow pain problems, so scheduled an appt with Jan next day.

On the 7th, stained new swamper door (light oak). Went to work and caught up on paperwork. That evening, while on the way to a CPR class, found out it was cancelled. Jef finished swamper door with another coat of varnish.

Swamp cooler door closed

Swamp cooler door open

On the 8th, a long day at the office was made easier when the 1st patient was miffed that we weren't early and left just before his 10am appt, and the 2nd patient cancelled.

Kathy squished these 2 bugs in her bed this evening - probably young kissing bugs.

On the 9th, a medium day at the office. After work, went home, picked up Holley and had dinner at Carlee's. Just so happened, we had live music that was pretty good.

Holley, Kathy, Jef - band is in background

Holley took this pic of Kathy & Jef

On the 10th, Jef helped Kym put up her new bamboo shades. Jef helped Kym and Kathy transplant a couple of ficus trees. One pot, the one made by mom's company, Barrier Corp., in TX in the 70s, had to be cut to safely remove the ficus. Later that night, we watched the Perseids. Jef was in the pool looking up (on a floater) for half an hour, but as it was a little chilly, he joined Kathy & Kym in driveway. We each saw about a dozen shooting stars over 2 - 3 hours this evening.

Old pot/new pot

Transplanting the 2nd ficus

"Borrego Gothic"

400° panorama of potting area, with Kathy & Kym & Kathy & Kym

On the 11th, Jef drove to SD, did some shopping, and picked up Marley - drove him back to Borrego. Hit 240K on Amanda II shortly before reaching Borrego. We again watched the Perseids in the driveway this evening. Jef again saw about a dozen, but Kym and Kathy managed to see about 30. Conditions were perfect - the milky way was as clear as could be after the moon set at 9pm.

Jef stopped to make a pit stop for Marley and photograph some blooming chinchweed near the bottom of Culp Valley

Chinchweed in bloom

Our star-gazing spot in the driveway

On the 12th, had a short day at the office. We saw about a half dozen shooting stars this evening.

Leveled and painted the table this morning

On the 13th, a medium long day at the office.

On the 14th, only 1 office and 1 home-care patient. Went to CPR class this evening.

On the 15th, another slow day at the office.

On the 16th, after 1 patient at the office, we packed up and drove to SD. Won 1 set against Tim & Sid with partner Cammy. Won 8 at poker after consuming pizza & salad.

Completed "wrap-around" table & sink

On the 17th, mowed & trimmed lawns & did some weeding. Went on 40 min. hike with Kathy & doggies.

On the 18th, Sid came over and we put up 2 more fence panels. Sid stayed for 40 min. hike with doggies & dinner, and Jeanine, just back from a whirlwind trip to SF, also dined with us. We had tuna salad. Jeanine was happy that her 1.5 year old grandkid, who was born with a record number of aneurisms and was on hospice (waiting to blow) for the past year, had just been removed from hospice and all but one aneurism remained, by some unknown miracle.

Sid finishing up 2nd fence panel

Just before attaching fencing to new anchored lumber, noticed this scary-looking caterpiller on the anchoring bolt

Kathy making tuna salad

Jeanine & Sid

Eric & Stacey, Sid & Jeanine at dinner table as Kathy cleans up

On the 19th, Kathy and Stacey again went shopping for wedding stuff. Jef took out parts of vines that were taking over the house, but took it easy most of the day, otherwise. Jef & Kathy for the 3rd day in a row went on a 40 minute hike up Cowles with the doggies.

Woke up to major noises and found they were caused by a big cherry picker team trimming the sycamores at Big Rock Park

Cracks in our roof indicate a looming replacement project

Ridge roofing is nearly completely worn out

Kathy & doggies completing hike this evening

On the 20th, slept late, packed up and drove back to Borrego, completing the day at the office with 2 patients, but due to a lengthy session for last one, stayed there until 8pm.

Sunset at the office this evening

On the 21st, a quiet day at the office. Cable guy came over and re-did connectors in hope of fixing an increasingly intermittent problem affecting internet/phones/entertainment systems.

On the 22nd, a light day at the office. Jef noted a large thunderhead over Whale Peak nearing sunset. After getting home, Kym had us go outside to view the lightning - which was going nearly nonstop. We got chairs outside and shortly after sitting down to watch, Jef noticed a reddish band that seemed to be getting larger in the fading light. This turned out to be a sandstorm which hit us shortly after we sat down. We got no rain, but everything outside got a layer of dust.

Sunset this evening

This panorama shows a large thunderhead over Whale Peak

The large thunderhead

The thunderhead at dusk


Most lightning was hidden by clouds or dust clouds, but this one was barely visible

On the 23rd, another light day at the office.

Dust storm aftermath

On the 24th, we got up early to take dogs on a sweltering hike. Then, other than taking it easy, Jef installed a couple of blinds at home.

Kathy annoyed at a short picture stop

Air was still pretty thick at sunset this day

Kym helped Jef install this bamboo blind in our bedroom. Jef installed a smaller one in the sun room

On the 25th, got up at sunrise and took doggies on a 1 hour hike. Then, while taking it easy at home, it started to rain. Kathy went out to play in the rain, and later took Kym and Jef out in the Jeep to view the storm's carnage. Kym, being overly fearful, made us bypass the most minimal of hazards, but we still got to see a lot of cool flooding. Wehn we got home, we viewed a nice double rainbow, saw a nice sunset, and for the first time ever, a roaring torrent in the wash behind the WestStar house.

Kathy walking doggies this morning

Indianhead from old country club

Fonts point from old country club

We were looking for where thunder was coming from when we saw rain in the mountains

We checked out Kym's room after she installed bamboo behind her bed - she has turned it into a hawaiian themed room, as seen in this 370° panorama

Kathy & Kym

Later that day, we drove around town and found Palm Canyon creek flowing thru the Palms at Indianhead's entrance

180° panorama of the creek

Same panorama 3 days later!

Kathy above a nice waterfall

This part of the stream may have been a foot or more deep, and might have presented a problem getting across


Some of the outflow from Henderson Canyon

At the DeAnza Golf Course

Palm Canyon Creek formed a little lake before crossing BS Road

As coast was clear, we got a nice rainbow this afternoon

Rainbow panorama

Sunset this evening

While filming sunset, Jef noticed a sound behind the house...

... this roaring creek was observed when even a trickle had not been seen in all the years prior!


On the 26th, Kathy had some kind of allergic attack with swelling/itching of hands, feet & tongue, so a full day at the office was cancelled.

Weststar Creek was still flowing this morning

A roaring creek was still flowing on shoulder of Country Club Drive this morning

Low clouds hovered along mountains after the rain this morning

The new white streak on Indianhead was obviously due to major erosion from this storm

6 months prior

On the 27th, took some pix of changes in southern part of the valley, and then back to work a moderately full day at the office.

Note the water in the Borrego Sink!!!

This portion of BS Road was closed for a good amount of time due to heavy outflow from Tubb Canyon

Homes were built high enuff to not be threatened by the flooding

Wash cut up to 2' deep in places

On the 28th, got up before sunrise & walked the doggies in Country Club loop (>3 miles, 67 minutes). Beautiful sunrise was not photographed due to camera being dead. Worked a full day at the office. After work, Kathy drove Jef up the new Glorietta Wash.

This Desert Senna was in full bloom!

New Wash came out of Glorietta Canyon, so we took it all the way to Glorietta trailhead!

The main wash out of Glorietta was not the main drainage into New Wash

This panorma taken near the mouth of the canyon shows a huge alluvial fan from a major source of the New Wash - altho 1' is cut off from Glorietta Wash, this might be the most radically changed wash in Borrego.

Kathy drove up 100 yards into this wash (just below the above wash) opposite "The Alter"

These washes were previously narrow and covered with vegetation. Now they are wide and cleared of vegetation.

About a quarter mile up from the Jeep, a creek was still flowing

Hiking back to the Jeep

With over 5' of bank washed away, and the wash over 50' wide, you can appreciate the amount of water involved!

Kathy (& her doppelganger) nearing the main wash

Kathy at left near alluvial fan seen above in main wash, Jeep is in adjacent wash (this wash split in 2 at this point)

"Altar Rock" at the mouth of the canyon

This ocotillo had the ground carved out from below

Even a mile below the mouth of the canyon, New Wash was carved up to 5' deep!

We stopped by the Krazy Koyote on the way home, and altho the road was repaired, sand was soft, so a detour road was used instead

On the 29th, another long day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

Panorama at work this evening

On the 30th, a medium, but busy day at the office.

Looming rain from the San Ysidros - when we came back to town from Tito's we got some of this rain

Noticed Holley already has a little ding in her new car

On the 31st, Kathy had one more patient to see - as blue car ain't ready, we may delay leaving on vacation. Nice thunderhead forming to the north and right above us this morning!

The building clouds to the gave us a good shower this afternoon

At the grand opening of the Arches, we got showered before Kym bough Jef a couple of drinks

While leaving, the rain had stopped and the clouds were pretty cool

A nice sunset appeared this evening

Sunset panorama

Tried to get a 2 dimensional panorama

Jul 2013

On the 1st, went to the office. Kathy was still ill that morning, but she saw 2 home care patients that afternoon.

Took this pic this afternoon and combined it with panorama taken in 1973

On the 2nd, back to work for a long day at the office while Will & Paul installed swamp cooler. As the humidity these past few days has been too, high, Kathy opted to run A/C, and will for probably at least another week.

Kym sweeping beans

After location of hole was identified

Paul looking out newly made hole in wall

After swamper was installed (except for water connection)

Panorama of a very murky hot day - about 1 mile visibility to the east (right on pic) and not much more to the west and north.

On the 3rd, walked to the office. High today was about 117°F.

On the 4th, a medium long day at the office.

On the 5th, after a medium day at the office, packed up and drove to Carmel Mtn where Jef won 10 at poker. Craig, Tim & Cammy took Jef to Santee.

On the 6th, Jef got some supplies at Lowes, fixed gate, cut off most of bushy feijoa in front yard, turning it more into a tree & worked on getting any oil out of portions of garage floor where paint didn't stick. Also started putting bug killer all around house, as Kathy couldn't sleep in our bed due to bug infestation. That evening, Kathy took Holley to look at some cars. Holley picked out a red Hyundai Accent and drove it home.

Treated sections of garage floor with this stuff - didn't tell Kathy & she almost fell slipping on it.

On the 7th, forgot to go to Don & Ling's Italian BBQ, as Kathy & girls went to beach. Jef had purchased and precariously carried a new screen door home (too big for Kathy's car). He found out there would be several problems installing it(would hit porch light, one part of doorframe was NOT square, new door was too wide), but proceded to take off old one and the moulding in front. Also touched up pain on garage floor.

Holley's new Hyundai Accent (red) next to Stacey's new Mazda 3 (blue)

Holley driving Kathy to store

The 5 of us(jef, Kathy, Stacey, Erik, Holley - Sierra came, but had to be taken home before dinner due to her curfew) went to Okawas this evening (I took out my camera as the chef was making the onion volcano, but by the time I set up and took this pic, it had flamed and steamed out.)

On the 8th, Jef made redwood trim (with 2x4s) and installed in front - the extra width was sufficient to attach the screen door. Didn't attach screen door, as it had "security" lag screws, which require a "1-way screw driver". After aborting the install, he later decided to install with regular lag screws next time he was in town. Mowed the back lawn, packed up and drove back to Borrego.

On the 9th, a long day at the office. Hot and muggy.

Cool sunset this evening

On the 10th, a slow day at the office, caught up on some paperwork. Kathy was in no condition to go to Rotary (again). Hot and muggy again.

On the 11th, a medium day of work at the office.

On the 12th, everything started happening at home this morning: plumber came by to 1) attach new swamp cooler, 2) install 3 new hose bibbs, 3) install fancy new shower head, 4) install new outdoor sink for Kym, 5) adjust Kym's swamp cooler, and 6) fix irrigation break, and 7) "fix" a slight leak at irrigation valve. At the same time, Will came over just in time to miss putting a last load in dumpster before it was emptied. Then Jef drove down to OW to pick up patient, returning her after treatment on this busy day at the office.

On the 13th, Jef fixed the "fix" done prior day by the plumber of the irrigation valve repair - a new part had split open at was spewing large quantities of water. He also patched the slit at a corner of the new pool (Kathy and Kym had drained it). Otherwise, took it easy all day.

Beautiful gopher snake found by dogs next to dog door

Jef thought it might be a rattler, but found out it was a harmless gopher snake, and so, felt bad about the outcome.

Panorama of leaving for 42 min. walk with doggies this evening (first in a couple of months!)

On the 14th, mostly took it easy. Kym started filling the pool.

Why is this pool overflowing at such a high outflow rate 1 entire minute after turning off the water? Jef's theory is that the average wave height (of wind generated waves) is such that when a high wave hits the low point of barrier, it overflows. Waves are constantly hitting this barrier, and the average level goes down, but it takes a while before the maximum wave height will be below the rim - several minutes, actually, in this case.

On the 15th, Jef obtained salt for the "salt-water pool" and dumped about 80# into it. Also obtained a fly-catching device (flies started being a problem over the past couple of weeks), and a drain unclogger. Then off to work a medium day at the office.

On the 16th, back to work a medium day at the office.

Smoke billowing from the distant Mountain Center Fire (near Idylwild) this morning

270° panorama at Mall (looking down perpendicular balconies) at sunset this evening

We sat out under the tiki lamps for a while this evening, talking

On the 17th, walked to work and caught up on some paperwork. That evening Kathy called for me to come over and clean Donna's pool filter. Well this was no small task, as it was getting dark and we were worried about black widows and such in the cramped area where the filter was located. After removing the housing and getting the 8 filter blades out, Kym cleaned them and I found 4 with holes in them. We tried to put it back together, but had a lot of trouble - especially as the gasket didn't quite fit anymore. So, after working for 2 hours, we called it a night and Donna got the pool guys to finish the job the next day.

Some clouds this day, this panorama was taken as I left the office early in the evening

Kathy was in the green pool cleaning (after she put a bunch of chlorine it it)

The filter blades after removing the housing

Gypsi had managed to curl up inside Mia's doggy bed

On the 18th, a long day at the office.

Panorama as I left office early this evening

On the 19th, a long day at the office, no poker, so stayed in Borrego.

Panorama as I left office early this evening

On the 20th, decided to make a table next to the outside sink I got for the guest house. Mostly finished after several screw-ups (assembled table for 1st time and discovered it was backwards, and would only fit against corner if it were upside down!).

On the 21st, made a special trip to go to Santee to pick up mail, did a lot of shopping, and picked up Kathy's meds. Just before turning on Montezuma, got a call from Kathy warning of major flash flooding on Montezuma, so of course I had to go that route to check it out. Noticed a lot of rock slides and saw some major rain in the valley. Just after taking the pic of the largest rock slide (with one boulder weight 200-300#), noticed a patrol car behind me and a dozer pushing rocks out of the way in front. Noticed a CHP had blocked the road going up as I reached the bottom.

My Sewanee is under this rain cell - and NO, this is NOT fog, but rather a plume of heavy rain!

Panorma of storms in the valley - I didn't realize my camera was set to close-up mode, so all these pix are somewhat blurry.

A minor rockslide

A more significant rockslide

Rain still falling at home

Panorama at the street

Kathy talking on the phone "We got some RAIN!"

Table I am making for this outside sink: note it is L-shaped and wraps around (non-square) corner of guest house.

On the 22nd, while working a long day at the office, found out Kym's mom had just passed away. Shortly after, found out my cousin Richard had also just passed away. A sad day.

Richard (cousin Joanne's husband, who passed away in 2008), Richard (my cousin, who just passed away, Jef, and Uncle Francis, who passed away in the 90s. This picture was taken in September 1984

Drove my car to Desert Tire to repair a slow leak - nail in tire

Tarantula wasps were hanging out in this coachwhip plant at Desert Tire

Clouds building

We did get more rain this afternoon

On the 23rd, after working half a day at the office, Jef left Alicia and Kathy to finish a long day, and drove Kym to the airport to fly to Oregon to help with her mom's final affairs. Jef did some shopping on the way back and managed to return to work before Kathy and Alicia finished.

By the time Jef got the camera, the hawk hanging out next to the pool had taken flight

Kym took this pic of Jef at the airport - note that most people here are white, and Jef is the colored minority

On the 24th, a medium day at the office - only 3 office patients, so had a chance to catch up on some paperwork.

On the 25th, Kathy was again ill, so Jef cancelled out a full day and caught up on paperwork.

Kathy found this (what Jef thinks may be a blister beetle) in the bed the previous night - Kathy had been getting a lot of nasty insect bites over past few days. The next day, before leaving, she bug-bombed the room.

On the 26th, packed and drove to SD. Kathy made a big batch of Lasagna as Jef did heavy duty clean-up, especially trimming plants overgrowing walkway in front. THat night, we had 6 for lasagna & poker. Jef won 10.

Jef took this pic of an unknown beetle on the driveway just before leaving for SD

Jef authorized this mock-up of a wall to hide pipes and other stuff on the roof. Will is finishing up the 2nd 8' panel here.

Eating lasagna in Santee this evening

Kathy noted a nice sunset while we were eating

Playing poker.

On the 27th, Sid came over and helped install the new front screen door.

Doggies thwarted by new screen door.

On the 28th, Sid came over and we replaced 2 more sections of fencing on the N side of the Santee property, while Kathy met Stacey & Eric at La Jolla Shores, where they all froze, and Eric almost got eaten by a 5' sand shark.

After we tore down 2 sections of fence and started installing new sections

On the 29th, Jef did some shopping, and then cleaned up most of the fencing mess from prior day as Kathy went to her MD. After a long break, Jef fixed the new door deadbolt and installed new deadbolt in front door. Also did some weeding, before packing and driving back to Borrego.

New fencing (completed prior day)

Kathy worked in front yard this day, weeding, watering, and fertilizing

Found this frog in the ice chest

It took putting ice chest on lawn and whacking it to dislodge frog's suction cup fingers to cause frog to fall to lawn

On the 30th, a long day at the office.

Will's progress on roof beautification project

On the 31st, Jef walked to and worked at the office. Kathy took it easy except for a couple of home care patients late in the day. Jef walked home viewing the new greenery and arrived home at the peak of a nice sunset.

Valley quickly became green after the deluge

Alluvial fan formed at the bottom of the spur trail (after last deluge)

Sunset as Jef approached WestStar home

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