Journal Index
3Q'14 Jef and Kathy's Activities 4Q 2014 1Q'15
Dec 2014
On the 1st, back to work for a medium day at the office.

On the 2nd, it was overcast & threatening rain all day. Jef worked at office, Kathy did home care. Rain came just before dark.

It's been a long time since we had any dark days in Borrego

Rain arrived about this time

On the 3rd, it had rained a fair amount the night before and rained off and on all day. A medium day at the office, so we organized & cleaned a fair amount at the office. Jef finally got another workout in the gym, but still has a tight calf from 2.5 mile walk on the last day in November.

On the 4th, kept busy at the office - started going thru old stuff and disposing/organizing. Another mostly overcast day - cloud level was down to 1000'! Due to medical and moving bills, and IRA cash-out check not arriving in time, had to run a balance on a 2nd credit card. Kathy drove to Julian at the end of the day and started a new patient.

Nice sunrise this morning

Backyard is still not dry from off-and-on rain past couple of days

On the 5th, a long day at the office - still overcast!

On the 6th, did some work at Sewanee, including doing some touch-up painting on deck. Drove to Santee this evening.

On the 7th, mostly took it easy in Santee, but Jef did some yardwork.

On the 8th, got up early & Kathy had her back operation at Grossmont. We had lunch at Casa de Pico - excellent! - and then did som Xmas shopping (due to MD's staff being out to lunch & we needed RXs).

On the 9th, did a few chores in Santee, went to following at MD. Went on a little walk.

X-ray taken during Kathy's surgery prior day

Kathy wants to replace much of our landscaping with succullents, much like this house a few blocks away

On the 10th, took it easy mostly, but Jef trimmed the Feijoa. Went on a 2+ mile walk.

One of several highly decorated houses in our 'hood'

On the 11th, continued to take it easy, but packed up and left for Borrego after a morning hike on which we discovered a new trail. We hiked 2+ miles, this time going up Mesa.

Kathy found this garland (near turn-off to new trail)

On the 12th, while Kathy took it easy, Jef worked at the office. We continued out daily hiking regimen.

On the 13th, Jef did some work at office, but mostly a take-it-easy day until our late afternoon hike.

On the 14th, fixed leaking valve at WestStar, drove over and did the same at Sewanee house. Started making counter, but cut power cord with power saw. Kathy decided to take a break from our daily hike.

Kathy cooked some chicken this evening

Sewanee valve replacement (defective valve is cut out in back)

On the 15th, went into the office, did some work, mailed xmas packages & did some grouting with Tom, completing it, except for some future touch-ups. Kym joined us on our hike this afternoon - we did 3+ miles and hiked up to horse trough in Tilting T Wash.

Nice sunset this evening

Panorama of Tilting T

Kathy's dressing was yucky & falling off this evening, so called Rebecca & she changed it.

Questionable surgery with too many, and unnecessary staples - Kathy was plagued by itching

On the 16th, a drizzly day. Jef went into the office & worked. Also worked out with Kathy & a patient. Kathy was excited by the rain, but when we finally got out, she was disappointed to find it had stopped.

Unexpected bright spots in the mountains on this mostly overcast afternoon

Weststar panorama

Kathy & Mia are at right - she mistakenly thought Mia (wearing doggy outfit) would do well on the wet pavement, but Mia slowed us down.

Panorama of strange sunset near old country club

On the 17th, we were awaken by rain early this morning - we got about 1/3", but then the sun came out a couple hours later.

Panorama at office showing clouds up against mountains (down to about 1000' elevation) & Christmas tree in office

Tile after grouting - still needs clean-up, but Jef is still too busy

Interesting cloud behind Sewanee house this evening

On the 18th, packed up and drove to Santee. Jef picked up the usual at Sab-E-Lee's: Red Curry Chicken for Jef & Basil Chicken for Kathy.

We went on a 45 minute walk after arriving in Santee - these are some tall decorations a couple blocks from out house

On the 19th, Jef went to urgent care (after swalling some teeth-cleaning bottle brush wire 2 days ago) & did a lot of shopping, but nothing showed on x-rays, so hopefully dissolving in stomach. Forgot to ask for RX for antibiotics, so couldn't get teeth cleaned at dentist due to requirment after knee replacements. Kathy got her staples removed this day. Went on an hour walk with doggies this afternoon.

Just after staples were removed from Kathy

On the 20th, Jef did a lot of shopping & Kathy laid in bed all day - not up to doing much, so Jef went on solo hike - doing the upper Mesa loop (about 3 miles) - the most ambitious post-surgery hike with 300-400' elevation gain/loss. Saw a cool sunset after getting to Mesa Rd.

Wounds the next day (steri-strips were added after staples were removed, just to be sure)

High point of Mesa Loop: to left is trail continuing up to Cowles (someone left a water bowl for doggies), Center is trail I came up from Big Rock, right is trail to Mesa that I then descended.

360° panorama of Mesa Rd. with nice sunset (uphill road at center), downhill (towards home) to right

Fall colours are muted due to contrast

On the 22nd, had a nice warm day with a high of 81°F. Jef went to the office & did some work. After coming home, it was found that the dryer belt was (again) broken.

On the 23rd, Jef went to the office with 2 loads of laundry to be dried.

After dragging his feet for weeks, the (almost fired) electrician started on redoing the entire electric system for the house - SDG&E required a new 25' power pole & completely new wiring to the 2 breaker boxes in the house & guest house

On the 24th, Kym & Kathy tried to fix the dryer & roped Jef to help. We could not get the belt properly tensioned & so gave up for the day. Jef later thought that the drum might not be on its bearing, but we left the project until after Xmas. Jef & Kathy & the doggies did the Wagon/Broken Arrow loop hike for a change - about 3.5 miles. Jef, who had a very sore shoulder from hauling Xmas tree & moving the washer/dryer also had a sore quad afterwards & was determined to work out at least 3 times/week instead of about 0 times/week lately.

Nice sunset at start of our walk, but it would be fairly dark when we returned over an hour later

On the 25th, extreme winds during the night caused more than a handful of potted plants to fall over. Kathy had left her clothes outside to dry the prior day & they had scattered all over the back yard. Jef went to work out at the office early this morning before coming home to help Kathy with our Xmas dinner preparations - featuring a prime-cut prime rib from Iowa Meats.

Jef saw the carnage before leaving to work out at sunset this morning

6 plants had blown over in front patio(the most wind-protected area at the house)

Our Xmas tree this morning

On the 26th, Tom came over & we worked on getting the dryer to work. We succeeded in getting it to go round, but the next day, Jef found that any load prevented it from turning. We did a 3.5 mile loop hike this day with 2 of the doggies.

On the 27th, Flaco & Eddie were at the house when Jef did a little work (first he repaired the cord he had sawn thru on Kathy's circular saw), starting the counter by the sink. Flaco agreed to rent the house for future jam sessions. We met them at Carlees & saw a concert by a Salton Sea band that evening after getting dinner at El Borrego.

Did a little more work on berm reinforcement

Carport roof was blown and doubled over

Eddie & Paco jamming at Sewanee house

THe group (at left) listening to the Lucky (somethings) at right at Carlees this evening

On the 28th, we took Flaco & McD to breakfast at Kendalls, drove up to Sandstone Canyon in the Jeep, & then had dinner at Assagios.

Panorama at the anticline

This camel head hoodoo found near the anticline is in above panormama

This panorama inadvertantly put in an extra anticline to the left of Kathy

Flaco, McD & Kathy under the blooming Borrego aster

Borrego astors in bloom in December!

By this fallen hoodoo, Mike noticed a man-made appendage (steel & concrete) on the hoodoo!

After stopping at difficult point in Sandstone Canyon, we turned around

On the 29th, Jef drove to SD for followup ortho appointment, came home & did a 3 mile walk with Kathy & doggies. Holley finally showed up to take some sleeping bags so she could spend the extremely cold night with friends in the desert.

On the 30th, despite a moderately warm, but breezy morning, a cold front started moving in & most of the day was cool & cloudy. Jef worked at the office & did a couple dryer loads.

On the 31st, after snow had fallen down below 2000' we were surrounded by a winter wonderland. We didn't do much this day. Jef worked out at the office.

Dave had installed this new pole & done some tracing of old lines after Kathy had left a message saying he was fired - she had hired a new electrician

Snow in mountains

Panorama of snow covered mountains

Downtown Borrego

Snow-capped San Ysidro Mountain as seen from my desk

At Sewanee house

Snow capped mountains surrounding Whale Peak from my carport

Nov 2014

On the 1st, did the usual rehab for the 4th day after R knee surgery. Used Sylvia's CPM quite a bit.

On the 2nd, more rehab - upped walk distance to about 300 yards twice/day.

Doves overflowing bird bath(left) & bird feeder(right)

Kathy administered a shot of blood thinner to Jef for 10 days after the 1st surgery

On the 3rd, went to office for first time & started whittling down mountain of paperwork.

On the 4th, finally working in the office with patients. Continued whittling down mountain of paperwork.

On the 5th, a light day at the office.

Knees were covered by this Saran Wrap-like dressing for the 10 days before seeing Dr. Muldoon

On the 6th, a medium busy day at the office.

On the 7th, Kathy saw 1 patient before driving to SD for Kathy's MD appointment.

On the 8th, mostly took it easy in Santee, but did the knee exercises & went on a short walk up the Cowles trail.

Jef on Cowles trail

On the 9th, mostly took it easy in Santee, but did the knee exercises & went on a short 20 minute hike doing the loop on the lower Cowles trail.

On the 10th, mostly took it easy in Santee, continued exercises - including walking a mile loop hike on trail, packed up, went to follow-up with knee doctor, then drove back to Borrego.

At high point of trail

Coming down steep section

Turning around into sun to pose

On the 11th, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 12th, worked at the office - kathy mostly did home care

Knees after dressings were removed

State of solar array in WestStar back yard this day

On the 13th, another long day at the office.

On the 14th, only 1 patient at office, but another long day for Jef.

On the 15th, did some work at office, went on first loop hike around WestStar EastStar

New garage sink at Sewanee (had plumber hook it up with out kitchen sink faucet)

Jef & Kathy walking doggies on first West/East Star loop hike - this time with 3 spurs

After replacing a broken valve, found out that this section of irrigation pipe was busted by a 4" diameter root underneath it - fixed this, too.

On the 16th, mostly took it easy.

Jef's first cut at furnishing new office

On the 17th, a full day at the office.

On the 18th, a very long day at the office.

On the 19th, another long day at the office. Kathy made it to Rotary & brought home notes for Jef to relay to membership.

On the 20th, our final day in Suite 204 at the Mall - a medium full day. Jef completed chiseling project to even out flooring between suites 217 and 219 (where wall was removed).

After County gave go ahead, cement was poured and solar array moved forward.

On the 21st, moved nearly all of the office to Suite 217. Jef exchanged 2 grab bars (between old and new bathroom).

On the 22nd, Jef continued working on new office, added a new shelf in MR closet.

Cool sunset during East/West Star loop hike this evening

Kathy hiking to end of split-level house spur

On the 23rd, readied Suite 217 for first patient next day. Jef completed most of the remaining tile.


On the 24th, first day at new office - a medium busy one.

On the 25th, Jef continued sprucing up new office - Kathy did home care all day.

Nearly done tiling job

On the 26th, worked another day at the office.

On the 27th, Jef fininshed tiling at the office, as we took the day off.

Jef left door open & this hummingbird got stuck in the kitchen skylite - Kathy & Kym rescued the little guy

Kathy holding exhausted bird just before it flew off

Completed(except for grouting) tile job at the new office

On the 28th, a long day at the office.

Lunch today - an egg sandwich

On the 29th, got Tom to help with some projects, including cabinet doors & shelves at office - started grouting at office. Had a nice Thanksgiving dinner this evening, but Jef was wiped out and retired early.

Thanksgiving dinner with Holley & Kym

On the 30th, mostly took it easy.

Sunbeam hitting Tubb Canyon on our first hike to old country club

Old country club pool was filled in and turned into a patio

Kathy walking back to road - we hiked about 2.5 miles this afternoon
Oct 2014

On the 1st, a very short day at the office.

On the 2nd, a long day at the office. Got Jan to start auth for head MRI.

status of berm reinforcement

On the 3rd, a short day at the office. Did some work on shelving in new office.

On the 4th, did a little more work at new office.

Sonn might have painted new office by this time

Panorama in front of old office

On the 5th, after doing some work at Sewanee/office, celebrated Kathy's BD. She got wine, cards & pantry containers.

Kym baked her this cake (half chocolate/half red velvet)

...and wishes confirmed!

On the 6th, back to work for a short day at the office.

Sunset over pool this evening

On the 7th, a long day at the office.

On the 8th, Kathy not feeling well, canceled all appointments at office. Jef worked on paperwork. Jef took out trash at both houses.

Mexican bird of paradise sprang back to life at Sewanee house

On the 9th, back to work for a medium long day at the office.

On the 10th, packed up and drove to SD for Kathy's MD appointment.

Sonn had painted all the doors at Sewanee by this time

On the 11th, took it easy & cleaned around Santee house.

On the 12th, packed up and drove back to Borrego.

Holley spotted this wolf spider in the front patio this evening

This beetle had wandered into the kitchen

On the 13th, Jef worked a the office and Kathy did home care all day.

This electrical setup which must be redone caused speculation that our neighbors were stealing elec. (we have 2 buildings and 3 big cables leave this meter)

On the 14th, a medium day at the office. AT&T came to fix our broken fax line. Jef did some shelving work.

Progress on shelves this day

On the 15th, another medium long day at work.

Sunrise this morning

On the 16th, Jef had to rush off to joint class at Coronado Hospital while Kathy & Alicia handled the office.

Clouds were only along the mountain tops this morning

As Jef drove up the grade, he headed into a rainbow & going thru Cuyamaca was a wonderland where sun came thru, but you could still see areas obscured by clouds

This baby snake was found in the house this afternoon

On the 17th, a medium long day at the office.

We managed to sell and ship off the largest piece of gym equipment, the Bowflex Treadclimber

On the 18th, did some tiling at the new office.

Did about 25% more tiling after this point, before running out of mastic

On the 19th, did some miscellaneous chores, took it easy.

On the 20th, started work at the office before driving to SD for pre-op with Dr. Muldoon.

On the 21st, a moderately lite day at the office.

Sunset in front of new office

Sunset in front of old office

On the 22nd, after a short day at the office, Jef drove to Indio for a head MRI.

Sonn painting shed

On the 23rd, after a short day at the office, packed up and drove to Santee.

Before knees were cut into

On the 24th, Kathy drove Jef to Coronado for L knee PKR operation. After operation, she visited for a couple hours. Jef got to play with hospital bed entertainment system, watching a couple of movies.

On the 25th, Jef started PT for new knee, saw some movies, and got Kathy to come pick him up & spent weekend in Santee, doing some rehab.

On the 26th, did exercises for new knee, tried to walk as much as possible, but overdid it going most of 1 mile.

New knee is at left

On the 27th, tried to recover from overdoing prior day, but continued re-hab.

On the 28th, Kathy drove Jef to Sharp Memorial for his R PKR operation & later visited that afternoon.

On the 29th, after PT & MD released Jef, Kathy picked him up & we went to Santee, packed and drove to Borrego.

Bandaid over drain after operation

Jef walked over 100 yards at MD office as he picked up RXs

On the 30th, Kathy got a CPM from Sylvia & started using it. Continued with rehabbing.

On the 31st, continued re-hab, but pretty much stuck at/near home. Only walking 100 yards twice/day at this time.

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