Journal Index
4Q'13 Jef and Kathy's Activities 1Q 2014 2Q'14
Mar 2014

On the 1st, started cleaning house & doing chores associated with Stacey's upcoming wedding.

On the 2nd, continued cleaning around the house & with wedding chores.

Kathy combined Kym's iris bougquet she gave us with white ones in front yard of Santee house

On the 3rd, continued with wedding chores & cleaning up house.

On the 4th, Jef drove out to Borrego to catch up on paperwork and fetch some forgotten things. Kathy continued with wedding chores.

On the 5th, more wedding chores. Jef picked up his tux. John & Bill visited.

Took John & Bill on short hike

On the 6th, packed up and drove to rehearsal spot. After rehearsal, had a dinner with 30 people at Pacifico del Mar. Checked into Holiday Inn Express. Kathy was dissatisfied with Stacey's suite, so got her the Presidential Suite at the Hilton around 10:30pm that night.

Initial powwow at the rehearsal

First cut at line-up for bride & groom parties

Kathy will give away the bride next day

Panorama of our area at the Pacifica del Mar rehearsal dinner

Later that evening

Interesting sign in restroom area

On the 7th, stopped by to take pix of girls getting ready at the Hilton. Got ready limo picked us all up and we rode to the wedding. Stacey got married, the limo drove us all to the reception and a good time was had by all. Got to see Joe & Barb, Paco, Hank, Sid, Jeanine at wedding/reception. Danny(our Santee neighbor) and his band entertained us at the reception. Crashed at the hotel.

Panorama of girls getting ready at Hilton Presidential Suite

Kathy getting off elevator at the Hilton

Bridget working on Mary - mother of the groom

Kathy getting first cut of makeup

Kathy & Jef

Starting in on Stacey

Holley & Kathy

Bridget working on Stacey

Kathy & Jeanine working on Stacey's veil - hopefully Stacey never noticed the oopsy when iron was set too hot

Kevin, Bill & John in the Limo

Julie in the limo

Jef & Kathy in the limo

John, Susan & Jef in limo

Piling in the limo to head for the ceremony

Panorama at wedding site just after exitting the limo

Location of wedding before groom & bridal parties arrive

Panorama after groom party makes grand entrance - they are all, appropriately, dressed in their best flip-flops

Bridal party

Late-commers to the wedding

Revised bridal party

Kathy starting to walk bride towards the wedding

...getting closer walking down the aisle

giving her away

listening to the preacher

panorama of the event

larger panorama - getting some of the gallery

Watch out for tailgaters & grass stains on that dress!

Stacey gets her ring

Erik gets his

you may kiss the bride

hand off that football!

Mr. & Mrs. Erik Berglind

Marilee, the wedding planner after completion of the ceremony

Nearing the end of the withdrawal of the wedding parties

Paco, Sid & Hank after ceremony

Barb, JOEY!!!, & Paco

After people have left

Posing for pix - here is Stacey & Holley

Kathy, Stacey, John

Holley, Kathy, Stacey & Erik

Statis in foreground of setting sun

Looking up the coast

Panorama looking up the coast

Looking down at the Del Mar Racetrack from the reception

Panorama of the reception at the Brigantine

Jan & Rebecca

Our table at the reception

Bill, John & Julie

Sunset panorama

Arrival of the bridal party & groomsmen

Danny's band


First dance - the bride & groom

Stacey & Kathy

Chicken dance with Mary & Erik

Paco & Kathy

Cake ceremony

The bride & groom welcoming speech

Catcher of Stacey's bouquet

Catcher of Stacey's garter

Mom had to decorate their coach

Starting to walk the gauntlet of birdseed!

About to enter their coach

Inside now

The remnants getting a ride back to the hotel

On the 8th, packed up and checked out of hotel. Met Jan, Rebecca, Julie, Susan, John & Bill at the Fish Market del Mar for a late lunch. Went back to Santee - dropping off tux & gave Susan a quick tour. Hung out at our place for a while and Julie & Susan went to OB to spend nite there.

On the 9th, packed up & drove to Borrego. Julie & Susan hung out at happy hour at the Arches while we drove home & met us at home. Julie did a demo of some bellydancing for Kym & we hang out in back yard & drank & talked & had a good time.

Marley decided to drive us back home to Borrego

Julie doing a short bellydance demo

Time to relax!

Jef demonstrating his bellydance techniques

On the 10th, took Julie on a 2+ mile walk up Tilting T. After Julie & SUsan left, Jef did some work at the office.

Julie in Tilting T Canyon this morning

On the 11th, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 12th, another long day at the office - 1 new patient.

On the 13th, a medium day at the office. Kathy has another new home care patient.

On the 14th, another long day at the office. Jef uploaded pix into this journal (first time in about 5 weeks).

On the 15th, went to office & did catch-up work. Also made flyer to sell black Jeep with following pix:

On the 16th, took it easy until going out to shop for gift basket contents. Drove to DeAnza & helped with set-up for Taste of Borrego on following day - stayed to the end (about 2 hours) when we all left & locked the last door.

Stacey's bouquet hung up to dry

Sign-in table & one of 3 carts filled with wine glasses

Kathy in bar after snacks were set out

Poster showing things Rotary does (& where money from Taste of Borrego goes)

Sylvana finishing up an auction item - 2 ice-chests of beer with Padre tickets

Jef took a few branches from fallen ocotillo and planted them

On the 17th, after a medium day at the office, finished preparing gift basket for raffle, got spiffed up, and drove to Rotary "Taste of Borrego" dinner/raffle/auction at DeAnza. Plenty of food this time. Outfitters supplied a hybrid white, an '08 Porteguese red & a '12 Pinot which were all good.

Jef in panorama at Taste of Borrego

Panorama showing the buffet section of event. Jef is sitting at the "skool marm" table

Kathy & Jef - 2 people playing to a few tables - H. Salt is on violin

Kathy demonstrating the 2 things she knows on piano

On the 18th, a medium day at the office turned long due to new patient at end.

On the 19th, worked a busy day at the office.

On the 20th, drove to SD for appointment with ortho(Bugbee). Took x-rays, inside cushioning in my knees is nearly gone, so he suggested a bilateral partial knee replacement. Tentatively scheduled operation for July. Returned wedding cake base to Edelweiss. Dropped by Santee, briefly saw Stacey & Alissa who were packing up in preparation for loading into a U-Haul box out front. Did some shopping and returned to Borrego.

Borrego panorama taken with Nikon

On the 21st, back to work for a long day at the office. Drove to Santee. Started cleaning Stacey's disaster area - worse than normal due to packing for moving out.

On the 22nd, continued clean-up as Stacey & company moved her & Erik's stuff into U-Haul moving boxes, which were completely used up. Took Stacey & company out to Okawa's for her B'day dinner - 8 of us sat around the grill.

Stacey & Erik's stuff ready to be loaded into the U-Haul boxes

Friends helped Stacey & Erik load the boxes

Dinner at Okawa's

Temporary arrangement of living room after furniture was loaded. Blow-up bed took place of sofa & lawn chairs provided most seating. Stacey wanted to hang onto her TV, so Jef bought this one.

On the 23rd, Jef mowed lawns front and back & assisted in more clean-up, including painting touch-ups, mainly in Holley's old room in preparation for Ted moving in. Also fixed shelving in Holley's closet.

On the 24th, packed up Holley's stuff and drove it back to Borrego. Worked a half day at the office.

On the 25th, another busy day at the office.

On the 26th, after working a little at the office, drove to SD where Kathy saw her MD & she got Jef an appt. for knee injection next month. Ran into some rain & the wind was howling down Coyote Canyon this day. Stopped by Santee house & did some cleanup of mess left by Stacey & Erik, did some shopping & transported a few things back to Borrego.

Near edge of sandstorm - near fire department where Jef dropped off fire-extinguishers to get them 're-certified' due to ridiculous beaurocratic county requirements

Sandstorm off towards Coyote wash from Mall - a fair wind is blowing at the Mall as bent palm leaves show

Close up of sandstorm

Had a chance to photograph ocotillo blooms in Ocotillo Heights, but they are already on the decline

Santee house this day

Panorama showing sandstorm still raging this evening

On the 27th, back to work for a medium day at the office. Kathy's homecare presentation was a bust (only 1-2 people), so it was rescheduled to next week. Weather was still cool & moderately windy.

On the 28th, a moderately long day at the office. Weather was nice this day - high in the low 80s & no wind. Drove to SD, did some shopping & lost 11 at poker.

On the 29th, took down about 600# of stuff to be recycled - 3 TVs, 1 monitor, 1 printer, 1 CD player, 1 Ooma, various remotes, some old paint. Did some cleaning during and after the move.

Kathy's replacement for the living room TV is always "on" & always on "pause"

On the 30th, continued cleaning. Kathy got the bright idea of trimming the orange tree - we reduced its size to about half. Kathy was really hurting during and after.

A patient, Elaine, was getting rid of these 2 aluminium chairs & kathy volunteered to take 'em, so now they're in our back yard

Kathy broke her back cleaning up the guest room that Henry & Holley moved out of, even tho they still have a ton of stuff to move out

On the 31st, back to work. Kathy didn't fare too well, so cancelled afternoon home care patients & went home early.

Orange tree after trimming
Feb 2014

On the 1st, plumber replaced main valve to house. Jef drove down to Ocotillo cannon party site to meet Paco & McD. Then, after sitting around with a few cervesas, took McD & Paco on quest to find pictographs in Carrizo Wash. After screwing up and parking nearly a mile from the end of the road, we hiked to the pictographs. Jef luckily spotted 'em & they walked back mostly on the road (instead of bouldering, like on the way up).

During prior night, Holley's gang had left an unattended fire, so fire department came and put 200# of sand into fire container - Jef cleaned it out this morning

When Jef arrived, Paco was pushing his bike with new engine back to camp - he broke down within 15 minutes and had to push it back a mile

When bike was 100 yards from camp, McD offered to push it the rest fo the way

The encampment - note the windmills in the background

360° panorama of campsite

Paco serenading us

Panorama of the windmills

Paco's soles are completely disconnected even after a recent repair

I think he needs new boots

Panorama of entire wall, including mortero at bottom

At the Carrizo pictographs taken with Olympus Tough

Simultaneous pic taken with Jef's new Nikon

This appears to be the encampment of the Tamarisk removal crew

Getting ready to build a fire and have some dinner

McD made himself & Jefe a nice T-bone with grilled mushrooms!

After the fire starts - note red lights on windmills in background

On the 2nd, after taking it easy most of the day, Jef did a little work at the office, made some deviled eggs & Jef, Kym & Kathy went over to Jan's Stuperbowl party. Seahawks routed Broncos.

According to a midwesterner, this is referred as a "Buttermilk Sky"

Food at Jan's potluck party - baloons are Denver and Seattle colours

Panorama watching Stuperbowl

Jan won the big pot of the 4 pool pots (100 of 250 in winnings)

On the 3rd, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 4th, a fairly long day at the office.

On the 5th, Kathy skipped Rotary before heading to the office for another full day.

On the 6th, another full day at the office.

on the 7th, a full day at the office. Jef probably drove to SD for poker/shopping.

Sunrise this morning

On the 8th, took it easy in Santee, except for some chores.

On the 9th, Sid came over and we installed 2 more panels.

Before pic of fencing project

Found these coccoon shells on a piece of fencing

Kathy helped Jef with weeding this weekend

On the 10th, mostly took it easy. Packed & drove home to Borrego.

On the 11th, a very busy day at the office with 2 new patients.

On the 12th, another long day at the office.

On the 13th, an extremely long day at the office.

On the 14th, a long day at the office - may have gone to SD.

On the 15th, took it easy. Rickards took us out to dinner & a movie - seeing the Kumeyaay documentary at ABNHA.

On the 16th, took it easy.

On the 17th, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 18th, after a long day, visited Stacey in the hospital - apparently direticulitis.

Kathy after modifying Stacey's hospital whiteboard

Stacey working in her hospital bed

On the 19th, another long day at the office.

On the 20th, went to town to take care of some DMV business & see Stacey after she arrived home from hospital. After driving home to Borrego, Stacey called & said she wasn't feeling well, so cancelled patients on next day and drove back to Santee. Spent the next 3 days there.

On the 21st, took it easy in Santee - did some chores.

On the 22nd, chores & take it easy.

On the 23rd, chores & take it easy.

Got Stacey this "get-well" Cymbidia

After fence project and cleaning project

On the 24th, chores, take it easy, go to Kathy's doctor, pack & drive back to Borrego.

On the 25th, a long day at the office.

On the 26th, a medium day at the office.

On the 27th, after 4 cancellations, a busy day turned into a medium light day at the office.

Saw this low rainbow in the mtns.

On the 28th, got a little rain in the valley.

Panorama at work this morning

Just after major rain pocket hit Glorietta

Wet glistening rocks on the Borrego Spur

Kathy's fresia in full bloom

Jan 2014

On the 1st, started the year at Jan's B'day party, wrapping up at Carlees. Later that morning, met Jan & her group for lunch at the Arches. Then went on a little walk (1 hour+) with doggies.

Traci & Kathy - Jef got dragged out a couple times, but "Mr. 2-left feet" sat most of the nite

Lunch at the Arches

We gave Jan these chimes

Eating lunch


On our little walk this afternoon

Holley & Henry's plant growing project... probably some sort of exotic elm tree?

On the 2nd, back to work for a medium day at the office.

On the 3rd, had a short day at office due to 2 cancellations. Kathy picked up tacos at El Borrego for dinner.

On the 4th, took it easy boob-tubing, except for doing some yardwork. Kathy made stuffed mushrooms for dinner.

Salsa ingredients prior to processing

On the 5th, took it easy tube-boobing.

On the 6th, a medium busy day at the office.

On the 7th, another medium day at the office.

On the 8th, a short day at the office.

On the 9th, a very long day at the office with 2 new patients.

On the 10th, another long day at the office. Then drove to Santee for a 3-day weekend.

On the 11th, took it easy in Santee, except for some shopping & other chores.

On the 12th, took it easy, except for some chores, and then had a pseudo-Christmas dinner (enchiladas) and opened presents. Jef got a fancy camera (2nd hand from Erik) to go with tripod, Kathy gave him on 'actual' Christmas.

On the 13th, did some more chores in Santee before heading home to Borrego.

On the 14th, had a super long (10-patient) day at the office.

On the 15th, another long day at the office.

On the 16th, another fairly long day at the office.

On the 17th, completed a grueling week with yet another long day at the office.

I think this 'cloud' is a number of contrail right next to each other!

On the 18th, woke up early and drove to Holy Cross Cemetary in SD for Lizzy's mass. Paco place a recording of a song she requested many years ago be played at her funeral: "Little Bird", which Paco sung awesomely. Then visited Kathleen's grave (Kathy's mom). Then went to wake at Felipe's Pizza Grotto in Little Italy (wouldn't recommend it, but Paco gave a great presentation & met lots of old friends). Then drove back to Borrego.

Mike & Lizzy, October 2002, one of Lizzy's last cannon parties

Elizabeth Jones (named after Lizzy by her friend, Val) & Mike, October 2002

Lizzy with Papa Don & Hank, October 2003

Hank & Kathy at her mom's grave

Kathleen's marker

Hank & Kathy

Olga, Faith at right

Watercolor towards end of wake

Panorama with Paco 'not all there' without Lizzy :(

Other Felipe's panorama - Paco's back, but Jefe has the measles

On the 19th, took it easy in the morning & then worked a few hours at the office. Came home & continued 'taking it easy'. Clothes dryer stopped up and emptied water in laundry room this evening.

On the 20th, back to work on a heavily scheduled week at the office.

On the 21st, another long day at the office.

On the 22nd, yet another long day at the office.

On the 23rd, a killer day turned medium day at the office due to several cancellations.

On the 24th, a medium day at the office with a few more cancellations, drove to SD for shopping & poker - won 5.

On the 25th, tried to fix dryer. When I tried to take off hose the valve came off and hot water blasted from the wall onto my chest. After I quickly shut off water to house, I went to hardware store, to replace valve, but had problems getting it on, so called a few plumbers. Finally got one who fixed problem -- he said to exchange valve I just bought, as it was defective.

After turning off main water, this is torn-off valve and bucket to catch water (as main shut-off leaked)

Kym & Kathy sitting out in the back patio - note Orion in the sky

On the 26th, called an appliance repairman who came and fixed washer (he found tie-rap had jammed the outflow pump). Jef went to work and did some catch up work. Kathy fiddled with her plants, getting them potted & watered. She also washed the white Jeep.

On the 27th, back to work for a very long day at the office.

On the 28th, took day off to go to SD and do some shopping and see Kathy's doctor.

Panorama of sunset in Culp Valley (on drive back home)

On the 29th, a medium day at the office.

On the 30th, a long day at the office.

Interesting clouds at sunset this evening

On the 31st, after a medium day at the office, Jef went to town, did some shopping & broke even at poker.

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