Journal Index
1Q'14 Jef and Kathy's Activities 2Q 2014 3Q'14
Jun 2014

On the 1st, took it easy. Jef did a few chores at Sewanee - fixing (partiallY) the irrigation, smoothing out carport apron, etc.

This tarantula wasp died on its feet in my Sewanee house

On the 2nd, back to work for a long day at the office.

Interesting clouds this evening

On the 3rd, a slow day at the office. Kathy hit both her chiropractor & doctor. Then they had a brief exchange of 8th anniversary gifts - mainly a bottle of wine & and exchange of cards -- they both picked out the same one!!! Took Kym out for dinner at Carmelitas that evening.

Identical anniversary cards were purchased independently this day

On the 4th, another slow day at the office. Jef finally got a chance to upload this journal for first time in 3 weeks.

On the 5th, a medium day at the office. Kathy's last homecare patient had just fallen about half and hour before she arrived & couldn't get up, so we bandaged him up & got him up.

On the 6th, another medium busy day at the office. This day the DMV finally gave up on causing problems from 'misunderstanding incident' last September - ending our need for a lawyer.

On the 7th, met painter at Sewanee & discussed other projects. Jef fixed leaking older WestStar swamp cooler, got belt to fix Sewanee swamper. Spent a couple hours in "the pond". Picked about 50# of grapes. Jef crashed early this evening.

Stacey & Erik visited Bill & John in Newport this day

After Jef worked on pic

Panorama of some of the masking at Sewanee house

Even the doggies had a little swim

Mia is the only doggie that wanted to come back & swim

Gypsi & Kym from below

Mia swimming (from below)

Mia & Kathy (from below)


Mia & Gigi getting some sun

Guinea pig riding piggy back

Gigi is a good swimmer

Kathy picking grapes

About 50# of grapes were harvested this day

Panorama showing some of grapes at left

New A/C & where it is to go (on wall)

On the 8th, did chores after taking it easy this morning. Jef fixed swamper on Sewanee. Holley dropped by for a few hours & we cooked up a batch of fish tacos (albacore) & did the birthday celebration - Holley turned 20 the week before.

Mesquite beans are coming down fast this month - several hundred pounds will be raked up

Panorama of Kathy preparing fish tacos for Holley's recent B'day

...from another vantage

At the dinner table

On the 9th, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 10th, Kathy had me cancel 1st patient due to severe back pain, but chiro fixed her up pretty good & she wound up seeing 4 patients. However, difficulties turned it into a long day. The Race Across AMerica went thru Borrego this afternoon, having started at the Oceanside Pier in the morning. After Kathy arrived home we made tacos using experiment of putting meat in tortillas before frying them.

R.A.AM. rider heading to circle on Palm Canyon Drive

On the 11th, had a meeting with a possible contract for home care in the morning, followed by a long day at the office.

On the 12th, a medium busy day at the office.

On the 13th, a very busy day at the office. Jef picked up pizza at Calicos for when Kathy arrived later that night after starting a new home care patient. Yummm!

On the 14th, a 'take it easy' day at home. Jef checked out painter's progress at Sewanee (not much), but noticed he did get around to installing new A/C upstairs.

A/C on outside

A/C on inside

On the 15th, Holley dropped by and Kathy & her had a girls day out, shopping in Palm Springs. Jef decided to find a pipe cutter tool in the garage - never found it, but with Kym's help, cleaned out the garage and actually put a car in it! First time in about 8 years or more!!! Anyway, the reason he was looking for tool was to fix leak in swamper. He found a rubber pipe gasket - not the right type or size, but he put it on anyway.... & it fixed the leak!!! Kathy brought home a rainbow roll for Jef from the only sushi place open in Palm Springs on a Sunday.

Jef cleaning floor

On the 16th, back to work for a long day at the office - starting what could become the busiest week of the year!!!

Jeep INSIDE garage

From outside

Frau Blue-car in garage

Wierd cloud at sunset

Panorama showing weird cloud and recently graded shoulder at Weststar house

Kym worked on lime-green water in pool all week and finally got it back in shape!

On the 17th, another long, busy day at the office. Sandstorm blowing down Coyote Canyon & temperatures in the 90s - a cool June day.

Fruit fallen from tree unharvested in side yard

On the 18th, a medium busy day at the office.

Progress with Sewanee painting job

On the 19th, a medium busy day at the office.

On the 20th, a very busy day at the office. Jef took off for SD, did some shopping, and played 1 game of pickle before winning 2 at poker.

Craig's back patio

Picket fence & astroturf behind it are new

On the 21st, took it easy at Weststar.

On the 22nd, continued to take it easy at Weststar, except for various chores.

Jef took pic of lid of paint for getting new 5-gallon can following day

On the 23rd, a very busy day at the office for Kathy & Alicia - Jef drove to SD, got crown installed & did shopping, including procuring last bit of paint for Sewanee job.

Pics of Big Rock front yard this day

On the 24th, another busy day at the office.

On the 25th, a medium busy day at the office.

Painting job nearly completion

On the 26th, a medium busy day at the office.

Panorama of nearly painted kitchen

Laundry closet

Sewanee house from street

Got this memory foam wedge - here it is just after removing compression sleeve from it

... after 'remembering' its shape an hour later

On the 27th, Kathy was not able to go into work in the morning, so cancelled a few patients. She worked the afternoon, however. We packed up and drove to Big Rock. We dined on Fox Den spaghetti & strombolis.

Panorama of finished kitchen

Panorama of finished living room

Finished upstairs, including new A/C

Kitchen from living room

On the 28th, took it easy part of the day, except for starting PT homework for contract. Kym came down that evening & dropped Gypsi off.

On the 29th, Kathy completed her homework assignment. Jef did some yardwork - mowing, pruning & weeding. Kathy cleaned house. Did some shopping, including ordering a new dishwasher & getting a floor steamer for Big Rock house. Kym dropped by that afternoon & spent the night.

Kathy washed Tiki & Gypsi with tomatoe sauce, ketchup & soap after they attacked the WRONG skunk around 2 in the morning

On the 30th, Kym got up early & took Gypsi home to Borrego. Kathy & Jef had a meeting to review homework Kathy did over the weekend for potential contracting job for a SD PT company. Did some shopping, had lunch at Okawas. Ordered a new refrigerator for Big Rock house & got some fixtures for Sewanee house (garage sink, TP holders - as TP size has shrunk & old holders no longer work). Gassed some rodent holes & sealed them in backyard. Packed up and drove back to Weststar.

May 2014

On the 1st, we had a fairly short day at the office. Jef went over with Kathy to work out at La Casa fitness center. Jef took in the trash at Sewanee.

Noticed the bocci ball courts were reduced to 1 with grass and croquet/other for other 3 courts at La Casa

On the 2nd, another full day at the office.

This and other paloverde bloomed at correct time - other were fooled into blooming in March - due to warm winter!

On the 3rd, Jef fixed door, re-potted ficus tree, and then took it easy the rest of the day. Then went out with Kathy & Kym to El Borrego for dinner on this pleasant evening. El Borrego will close in 3 weeks for the summer.

Panorama at El Borrego - Kathy & Kym enjoy their sangrias & Jef's wine glass is 3rd on table

On the 4th, Jef did some work at Sewanee, moving irrigation controller to outside house, filling trash with yardwaste, and testing irrigation: found numerous problems, including most valves were stuck open. Meanwhile Kathy & Kym went to an estate sale where Kym got a fancy dresser & lamp, and Kathy picked out what will be a wedding gift for Alyssa's wedding later this month. That afternoon, Jef took it easy at home - except for doing a bunch of laundry & making up the bed - while Kathy worked out at La Casa. Then helped with chores at WestStar, made salsa and Kathy cooked up a weeks worth of chicken & ahi. Kathy, Kym & Jef had a great dinner.

The Thimble is visible for our WestStar back yard

Kathy tenderizing chicken breasts before bar-b-q in backyard in this 400° panorama

On the 5th, another busy day at the office with 8 patients - 2 new.

Interesting clouds this day - I drove Jeep to work each day this week as Mazda was still in shop

On the 6th, a ridiculously busy day at the office with 9 patients - 2 new.

On the 7th, saw 1 patient, drove to SD so that Kathy could see specialist needed to prep for her operation later this summer. Unfortuneately, Kathy had to sit for nearly 3 hours there on uncomfortable chairs, which played havoc with her back pain. Did a little shopping and drove back to Borrego via Cuyamaca, which is starting to look very green.

On the 8th, Kathy woke up with a nasty headache, which she finally attributed to sleeping wrong (neck pain). She delayed coming to work until about noon.

On the 9th, after a medium day at the office, packed up and drove to Santee.

One of many pix to prove to Kym there will be many grapes ("after" pix to be taken later - Kym worries bugs'll eat 'em all first)

On the 10th, Jef did some shopping, mowed the lawn & did a little yardwork, mostly took it easy.

On the 11th, Took Kathy to Mothers Day brunch at the Elks Lodge. Did some shopping, & mostly took it easy.

Jim? at Elks lodge put our souls in his camera, so I grabbed his in mine - he was telling us this was Zuni jewelry, made about 135 years ago!

On the 12th, Jef went to dentist who found problems so as to extract $ from Jef (new crown, restasis, filling). Did some landscaping, packed up and drove back to Borrego.

Never noticed the passion fruit vine on N wall - but lots were blooming this weekend.

On the 13th, back to work for a busy day at the office.

On the 14th, another busy day at the office - especially with 2 new patients.

Moonrise at Sewanee - Jef loaded up and took out trash there after work

On the 15th, a medium day at the office - Jef could finally do some catch-up work. Fires had become a big problem in San Diego this week, so much so, that the county reported it was a disaster area. Then went over to Sewanee to drop of new A/C and reviewed some of the chores to be done.

Won't get to this hot tub for a while, but it's on the "list"

Deck: close railing is disconnected, one brace is out - need to remove nails & screw these in - further down the line, deck needs sandblasting and paint or stain - too poor to replace with plastic decking now

White square in this pic is about where I'll install new A/C this weekend

As my tile was destroyed by heavy trucks over past few years, and heavy rains eroded at base of this apron, need to haul sand washed into roadway back up her to reduce the drop-off which is close to 6" in places

My carport sink/counter is gone, so I need to buy a garage sink, move old faucet onto it and install in this corner along with some cement-board topped counter

Prior tenant, himself a handyman, let the swamp cooler go to hell, so I need to clean it out and replace pads

Need to restore my good doorknob in this door and replace deadbolt with better one, maybe

Maybe I can take this old fridge turn it on its back & make it a planter? Also recycle some of this other junk - get tenant to take his bikes

I started putting good coat of paint on shed about 10 years ago, but never finished

Irrigation was shut off for these trees a while ago, so they're suffering, but paloverde is still blooming!

Need to cut off branch on desert willow that is only about 4' off the ground - it's in the way

Some of the painting supplies for whoever paints the inside of the house

Irrigation control center needs to be completed - straighten up, reduce to 1 controller (maybe), and calibrate/test

Sunset this evening

On the 16th, as temps exceeded 100°F this week, installed a new float valve in swamp cooler. Then yet another busy day at the office - caught up on uploading this and other websites.

Hazy due to San Diego fires this week - note: Palm Canyon Drive was resurfaced this week, Center Mall parking lot was surface a couple weeks prior.

On the 17th, did some work at Sewanee. Checked work done by plumber prior week. Found out there is (probably) and electrical problem on one of the lines. Fertilized grapefruit tree. Started smoothing below carport apron - erosion had turned it into an (up to) 6" curb. Determined where A/C will go upstairs and marked a rectangle to cut out.

On the 18th, did some more work at Sewanee - loaded up trash can, tried fixing deck. Back at Weststar, started repotting of pineapple, filled gap on front screen door - probable entry point for the snake I saw in kitchen this morning. Got propane & did some shopping in Borrego. Kathy bar-b-q'ed some Ahi & ribs late this afternoon.

Doggies started barking at something in kitchen - Jef got Kathy to come in to catch it before it went behind the fridge.

Took it outside

and released it


Ryan, the swamp cooler guy, serviced this and the WestStar coolers this day

Got around to replacing deadbolts - originally was going to do this 2 years ago - really need to replace all the outside doors, however.

While trying unsuccessfully to fix loose railing, noticed the entire deck has shifted a couple inches away from the house - so I am planning redoing the entire deck (with that expensive plastic decking lumber) & anchoring deck to house

Among my projects are break up large dead bushes & clean up trash left by prior tenant

On the 19th, back to work for a long day at the office. When I made my tuna sandwich at work, I found the tuna labeled 'chunk lite' was really solid albacore, so Mr. Cheap got nicer sandwiches this week, as he just got 4 of these cans.

On the 20th, a windy cool day (wind from the Pacific keeps things cool here in the desert). Highs were projected to be in the high 70s.

On the 21st, Jef & Kathy visited doctor in La Mesa. Got a late lunch at Okawas before heading home.

Jalapeno Lover Roll at Okawas (&salad) yum!!

On the 22nd, back to work for a long day at the office.

Threatening, but isolated showers

Rain near Fonts Point

Picked up Maxima - Jeep still needs new regulator

On the 23rd, after a medium long day at the office, drove to Julian to consult with Rebecca on a patient. Had dinner at Romano's with her afterwards. On way to Julian, after getting a few, but very big, drops on our windshield(implying they started off as hail), we got a call from Kym back home that there was a huge downpour, including thunder and hail. We later found out there was 2.5" dumped in 45 minutes!

This cloud over Ant Hill looks like a fist!

This dark cloud we saw on way to Julian (at Yaqui Pass) looked like a forming tornado, like ones on Storm Chasers.

A few drops on our windshield

Wild turkies at patient house in Wynola

On the 24th, we packed up and drove to Santee for a week, to meet Stacey and attend Alyssa's wedding, for which Stacey was Maid of Honor.

Kym got Kathy to rescue this lizard from the doggies

Lizard was released outside - unknown if any serious injury befell it beforehand

On the 25th, did some chores, including mowing weeds in back yard. We found out that Stacey forgot this was the day she was to fly to SD from Rhode Island, so had to spend an additional $350 to fly out the next day.

Tiki's futile attempt to git this Santee lizard

On the 26th, Kathy cleaned up around house. Jef & Kathy moved some furniture around. Stacey was picked up by Alyssa at the airport and the 2 spent the night in Santee.

Moved Ted's table/chairs to screen room

Newly weeded area in back yard

On the 27th, mostly took it easy. Kathy, Stacey & Alyssa got dressed up & went to Alyssa's shower.

Kathy, Stacey & Alyssa on way to shower

Panorma of front yard showing all the flowers in bloom - Ted's truck in background

On the 28th, helped Stacey & Kym pack for their "bachelorette camping party" at Pt. Mugu. Then dropped by a homecare business in preparation to contracting with them.

This afternoon, for the first time in months, went on a little hike, taking Mia & Tiki - about 50 minutes

On the 29th, Kathy saw a patient who she met at Elk's Mothers Day brunch a couple weeks ago, greatly decreasing her pain. Meanwhile, Jef drove to Borrego to check on things, take out trash at 2 houses, and catch up on paperwork at the office. He then drove back & rejoined Kathy in Santee.

One of Jef's chores involved putting sign back up at Sewanee, as it was lying on the ground

On the 30th, Kathy dropped Jef off at dentist (remove crown, install temporary crown) & then took off to hairdresser to prepare for the wedding. That afternoon, Kathy prepared our gift - an antique set of dinnerware obtained at an estate sale & then we drove to the wedding at Balboa Park. We stayed until the toasts & left a bit early (Kathy's back was bothering her).

Panorama of wedding stage in Patio A of Casa del Prado

After bridesmaids & groomsmen lined up

Sop's family preparing to enter seating area formally

Sop's parents

Alyssa's parents

Erik & Stacey

Kathy's earrings (Jef xmas gift at left) & kids racing to ceremony

Flower girls

Dad & Alyssa

Stacey is #3 in this pic

Ceremony commencing

Sop giving speach

Kathy & Jef in between wedding & reception walked around botanical gardens

Reflecting pool

Some of the many koi in the pond

Jef & Kathy looking other way

Koi & a turtle were seen in this other pond - note the underwater flower pots for water lillies

Wedding party getting photographed by reflecting pond

Wedding party on move during interim photo shoot

Kathy sitting on root of giant fig behind Botanical building

Just before the reception, Kathy spotted Martha, the Borrego superintendent of schools, who, by random chance was walking by!!!

Wedding party dining - coincidentally staging "The Last Supper"

Stacey running to join formal entry of wedding party to reception

Stacey & Erik

Bridesmaids & Groomsmen each had their signature dance on entrance - same as in Stacey's wedding

Alyssa & Sop

Stacey is #2 in this pic

Thai cuisine was catered

Complete wedding party dining

Kathy visiting her daughter

Getting ready for toasts

Sop's folks giving toast

Stacey giving her toast

Stacey toasting Alyssa & Sop at right

Best man giving toast

Alyssa dancing with her dad

Pretty much, only the younger people were dancing

Some even got airborn

Stacey clowning around

Just before finishing champagne & heading out

On the 31st, Erik & Stacey took off early to drop Alyssa & Sop at LAX - they also flew back to RI. Jef & Kathy packed up and drove back to Borrego.

Giant sphinx moth in Santee screen room
Apr 2014

On the 1st, kathy worked a medium day, but was struggling from the pain of overworking on projects at home prior couple of days. She began having vision problems by the end of the day and discovered she had very high blood pressure that evening.

Sunrise panorama this morning

On the 2nd, Kathy's BP was still a problem, so visited Dr. Huot to get another medication. That night her BP, even with the new meds, skyrocketed to very dangerous levels (181/111). She took a double dose at that time and stayed awake until it dropped to a safe level.

On the 3rd, Kathy took another day off, as her BP was still high. She tried a 3rd typ of BP med. Later that day, her BP was back to normal.

Weather from prior couple of days sprinkled some snow in mountains!

On the 4th, Kathy took another day off, altho her blood pressure was still under control.

At the local sherrif station.... Is this a reflection of the state of California? No room in budget for new flags?

On the 5th, took it easy except for doing chores around the house. Kathy cooked up a big batch of bar-b-q chicken & swordfish.

Before disassembling this half of old bed frame

Parts & pieces of half of bedframe in garage for later transport to Santee for shelving projects

On the 6th, dropped by Tennis Center to say hi to members - I had skipped all the tournaments this season due to my knees.

Panorama at final award ceremony

On the 7th, back to work with a long day at the office - 2 new patients.

On the 8th, a long day at the office - 1 new patient.

On the 9th, another long day at the office.

Interesting clouds this afternoon

On the 10th, another long day at the office.

Grapes are doing great!

After Kym drained most of pool

At El Borrego - Hammerhead Club threw a party for the community

Band was pretty good

On the 11th, worked half a day and then packed and drove solo to cannon party. Stopped and shopped in Yucca Valley & had a couple hot dogs in Kramer Junction. Arrived about an hour after it got dark at cannon party.

Mike, Barbara Jean & Mark by campfire

The Finn's campsite - Seppo at left, Mara at right

Altho this looks like a fall scene, it's just a creosote by firelight, Koehrn's Dry Lake and lights of Mojave in background

Fireworks at downhill campsite

End of 1 & start of another Roman Candle

Panorama from near the firing line

Light from car headlights, perhaps

Kathy's new Jeep in foreground as Jef unpacked

Jef borrowed Mike's electricity to pump up air bed & spent the night under the stars.

On the 12th, got up & watched Paco do some cannon shooting. Checked out Mike's new shade canopy & then went on a 4 wheeling adventure to Burro Schmidt mine & then to Bickel Camp - first time in nearly 30 years! Jef bonked his head good when standing up after (trying to) exit the Schmidt mine.

Stars early this morning after the moon set (Sagitarius at left & Scorpio center)

Stainless steel golf-ball cannon

At the firing line with southern Sierras in background

Camo kid camp

Panorama under Mike's shade mid-day.

The 3 stooges at 4000' pass on way to Schmidt mine

We took the fork to the left

Burro Schmidt's residence has been somewhat trashed - Paco & Mike are both at left & at right (they get around!)

Kathy's Jeep as seen from Burrow Schmidt tunnel - Jef bonked his head when he straightened up too early exiting this short entrance.

Looking into tunnel entrance

Mojave asters in full bloom

Possibly a desert sunflower

A variety of desert blooms

Paco experiencing ambiance of Burro's domicile

Arriving at Bickel Camp

Desert dandelions did pretty good in this area

Jim said this was a 1909 Fordson tractor at left(if so, it was a prototype), Bickel's last vehicle was the white Datsun in center of this panorama, his cabin to the right of this

Not a cannonball, but a tin ball used for crushing ore in a tumbler

Jim pointed out that this car was sitting here so long that the paint is in a lot better shape on the north side...

...vs. the south side

Panorama of the inside of his garage

Jim (in blue jacket) is the volunteer who gave us the nickle tour.

The tin barrel in foreground was one of the last hand-made barrels before automation took over. It was manufactured in 1903. Stainless steel drums in background were formerly used for chemicals.

Jimmy Durante's transmission - according to Jim, movie stars shooting flicks in this area hung out at Bickel's

Old fridges

The shower had hot & cold running water from tanks on hill to right. The upper tank warmed in the sun and provided the hot water. This stall also featured a sink.

Note the terracing on the hillside

Walt Bickel also erected a rock wall to prevent cans from blowing away

Outside living area with benches, tables, chairs & a bed on shaded patio on east side of his cabin

Photo album in his cabin showed scenes of camp after a snow storm

Panorama of inside of his 1 room cabin - note bed, couch, work desk, closet, kitchen (complete with all the goods in his larder when he left!)

I remember these tables with various rocks on them from Allan Siebert's epic tour circa 1986

Jim said this '40s era Zimmer Trailer was state of the art, and cost more than Airstreams!

Outside of Zimmer trailer

Based on the serial# 9534 and a '49 model having serial #10135 at the few examples of these trailers on the net, this was produced circa 1947-8. Virtually no information can be found on the net regarding the Zimmer Boat & Trailer Coach Company.

Interesting plant

Inside of abandonned house - some people actually camp in this dubious place. Jim at Bickel Camp mentioned this.

Outside of house

Panorama of Homestead II

Mark's target is still there

Paco getting ready to shoot

Target is top left (orange disk)


The target during a shot - no impact anywhere near yet!

Cannonball hitting high left - not many close shots this weekend! This is last of sequence of 3 dust clouds from same impact.

Getting ready to shoot

After cannon shot everyone looks for the impact

Couldn't time camera to go off to get muzzle blast, but here's a pic showing fuse burning

Balancing on fireplace logs

400° panorama around Finnish contingent campfire

Fireworks from lower camp

Paco's makeshift grill & dinner of salmon ka-bobs

Sitting around Seppo's fire

Mike's trick of putting copper in fire for colour

Jim & John

On the 13th, packed up and left early. Drove to Kramer Junction, where there was an amazing field of desert dandelions all around the solar plant there, but didn't bother taking any pix. Stopped for gas & got a couple of hot dogs. Drove to Temecula & did some shopping. Then drove to Borrego, but had to stop a few time due to weariness.

Panorama of camp early this morning

Cannon party from the road

On the 14th, back to work for another long day at the office. Saw the lunar eclipse this night - pretty cool.

Just after eclipse started

After this photo, the camera went dead, so then went to bed, as it was after midnite anyway - still 20 minutes or so to totality

On the 15th, another long day at the office.

On the 16th, a long day at the office.

On the 17th, an easy day at the office. Time to throw up this journal.

On the 18th, a medium day at the office. Then packed up and drove to Santee.

On the 19th, mowed lawn, did some other yardwork. Kathy bar-b-qued some ka-bobs and steaks and we had our first meal with new tenant, Ted.

On the 20th, mostly took it easy, but finally got Cox internet working mid-day. Went shopping for painting supplies for Sewanee painting job.

On the 21st, back to work for a long day at the office.

Thought a VW bus with a cactus, solar light and some firewood apparently attached to the roof, appeared to be worthy of a picture

On the 22nd, another moderately long day at the office. Holley showed up & we took her out to Carmelita's in lieu of Easter dinner.

Holley pointed to where she had, apparently, hit a car, whose owner (about 1/2 hour after saying 'no worries' tracked Holley down, got OUR insurance info and later put a claim on our insurance)

On the 23rd, drove Kathy to MD appointment. Jef's had to be rescheduled due to being 15 minutes late & not having paperwork ready - Kathy had dawdled too long at home before leaving. We did a little shopping, had lunch at Okawa's, and saw Ted. Kathy's blood pressure was low all day. At one point it was 80/49, which explains why she was nodding off the whole day.

Panorama of our Santee yard this day - lots of flowers in bloom

On the 24th, Kathy took a BP pill, forgetting that hers was dangerously low the day before, but still went to work for a long day at the office. Jef tried being himself, so as to drive up her blood pressure ;)

On the 25th, a moderate day at the office.

On the 26th, on this cool, windy day, noticed it had rained during the night. Called McD and drove down to he and Paco's Ocotillo campsite. We then set out to find these pictographs McD wanted to check out. Jef had found an easy way to get there on google earth, but when we drove there, the road had been gated due to the entire area being a designated a wilderness area. We drove down to the border and found we were too far away, so went to Plan B - went back up to Mountain Spring, made a U and turned of freeway at mile marker 6. The dirt road there was very difficult with many places that challenged even Kathy's capable Jeep. This area was also marked "Wilderness", so we really weren't supposed to go on it, but we did. It turns out, they don't need to gate it off, as it is rapidly deteriorating and very few vehicles are up to the challenge. We finally had to compromise on a location nearly 3 miles from our goal and hiked to it (mostly cross-country). It wound up being an 8+ mile hike with over 1000' vertical & very challenging. Luckily we succeeded in finding the Jeep (forgot to mark it on Mike's GPS), and got back to it around 8pm when it was fairly dark. We had to contend with very strong winds at times on hike and going thru some fairly dense patches of agave & cacti(cholla & barrels). Jef was dehydrated (didn't bring any food or water), fatigued, and had to contend with sore knees the whole way, but wasn't too far behind Paco & Mike the whole way. Luckily no misfortunes driving back to road, but it was pretty hairy! Drove Mike & Paco back to their camp. Jef was going to stay for dinner, but didn't feel well, camp didn't look too enticing with a cold wind blowing, so drove home. Had cramps in calves that night, but Kathy was there for therapy. Jef was okay the next day, surprisingly!

Western Tanager drinking from our birdbath this morning

Rainbow this morning

McD's cloning out of control at the border

This type of fence is designed to stop motorized border crossings

McD on the Mexican side

As this portion of Hwy80 is abandoned, it is no longer maintained - hence, the giant boulder blocking this lane

Looking both ways on old Hwy 80

First drop-off on unmaintained road to our trailhead was daunting

Starting hiking 2.73 miles(as crow flies) from petroglyphs, down a sandy drop-off - parked car at top, as I didn't want to risk not being able to get back up

Left road in shortcut to bypass what appeared to be a long detour of road

Jef split with McD & Paco, who chose to go to right. Jef continued on to road, but found he intercepted it at its absolute high point, 200' above where McD & Paco intercepted it - it took Jefe about 20 minutes to catch up

Jef looking way down at McD & Paco ahead in the distance

Don't lose Jefe - he has the car keys!

Really easy to lose your bearings in this wilderness!

Left the road again

After an hour of wandering, descending into the main wash of Pinto Canyon

Nearly down

Panorama where we descended into Pinto Canyon

Unusual barrel cacti cluster

Quite a change from the ridges!

One of several palm groves

Saw this petroglyph which looks like a European ship under sail heading directly toward or away from a viewer, perhaps a sequel to the main petroglyph... or the Star Trek Enterprise?

McD & Paco by sequel petroglyph

Main petroglyphs with McD looking for similarities to ship he helping to build for the San Diego Maritime Museum, a replica of the San Salvador

Juan Cabrillo's San Salvador - first European ship to sail past California

Success for "Los Tres Amigos" at reaching their elusive goal this day!

McD & Mike & Paco & Frank pointing at the goal

McD, Mike & Miguel, as well as Flaco, Paco & Frank pointing at the goal

No! The rigging goes there!

360° panorama of the Pinto Canyon Petroglyphs

Starting the daunting hike back

The wind aided in making this a "Compass plant"

Some bermuda grass is growing on this hillside


Hiking to the next grove - seems like slogging thru snow!

Healthy bush at left foreground is one of many invasive tamarisks starting their takeover of this canyon

Panorama as McD & Paco head upstream from this grove

As they leave the next grove, shadows are darkening the canyons

After leaving the wash late (every fork we passed put a ridge in between us and the road, so we had to traverse 2-3 ridges (an extra 200' vertical of bouldering!) we finally spotted the Jeep from a mile away

Excerpt from above photo - it took an hour from this point to actually get there. Tricky, as it took 45 minutes to finally find the road with rapidly darkening skies and a chilly wind with gusts topping 70mph - we had to bolster ourselves against these gusts, as we could easily have been blown into agaves or cacti which we were barely avoiding without any wind!

Had a little sunset color - we reached the Jeep at dusk & had to drive out with our headlights on - several tricky spots, but we managed to get back to the road, drove back to camp - Jef took one gulp of McD's Miller Lite, felt nauseas, so decided to drive home straight away, leaving McD & Paco to cook in the cold hard wind (good luck with that!)

On the 27th, took it easy at home.

On the 28th, back to work for a full day at the office with 2 new patients. When Jef got home, a pickup was trolling the neighborhood looking for a lost Corgi, which probably became a coyote snack. The girls went looking for the lost doggy, but to no avail.

On the 29th, another full day at the office. Wind blowing from the N built up a large duststorm near Fonts Point, but the wind shifted and some dust blew thru Borrego with some hefty Santa Ana winds. Jef picked up tacos (Taco Tuesday) at El Borrego for dinner that night.

Seems like every day this week there was a sandstorm coming out of Coyote Canyon - but this one came out of Rockhouse

On the 30th, a full day at the office, after which Jef did some work at Sewanee - filling trash with yard waste. 2nd painter came by to look at job for the purpose of giving a bid to paint interior.

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