Journal Index
2Q'14 Jef and Kathy's Activities 3Q 2014 4Q'14
Sep 2014

On the 1st, took Labor day off - continued de-nailing old decking.

New deck from east

New deck from west

Partway thru de-nailing

Panorama of back patio - humidity approaching on the horizon

De-nailed decking

Nails taken out of decking

On the 2nd, back to work for a busy day at the office.

On the 3rd, a medium day at the office.

On the 4th, another medium day at the office.

On the 5th, after a busy day at the office, Jef drove to town, did a lot of shopping & proceeded to lose 15 at poker.

Panorama at some of the animals showing first day of high humidity (hurricane passing thru)

Jef decided to start berm reinforcing due to possible flooding from this stormfront - here, 4 postholes were dug & some old decking was being placed.

Panorama showing more humidity - Also, you might note that many of the palm trees have been removed by new owner

Compare the number of palms with this January panorama

On the 6th, mostly took it easy, but did do some cleanup work in the garage.

Took this pic at sunset with the Nikon - it was very difficult, as camera refused to take a pic - had to push until my finger hurt. Later that night, I tried using Nikon & failed & wound up throwing it & using my dependable Olympus. My last Nikon was a lemon, too, so no more Nikons for Jeffy!

Kathy made Jef a nice pizza - here it is before cheese was put on top - also, wine was gift (a '05 St. Francis - really good).

Birthday cheesecake!

On the 7th, went over to work on berm reinforcement. Got first layer & 20' mostly done before rain chased me away. De-nailed most of the remaining decking.

Rain pouring in Glorietta shortly after I started.

How I left the project this day.

No worries about deck degradation with a Trex deck

Wood pile is nearly gone

On the 8th, back to work for a busy day at the office - but did have time to catch up on this journal. Cool T-storm over by Ocotillo wells early evening this day.

On the 9th, another long day at the office. Kathy let Jeep battery run down, so we had to jump it at the end of the day (7pm). It died after Kathy drove a little way, so we tried again, but it wasn't charging, so Kathy went & got the Jeep (Nissan battery looks like it should be on its last legs) & we managed to start it right away. Kathy made it home.

On the 10th, Jef did a little more work at Sewanee, but mainly went over there to get plumbing bucket in order to replace a leaking valve at WestStar. That evening went to Santee for an early appointment for Kathy's trial surgery.

On the 11th, Kathy had a couple of e-stim wires inserted in her back & left hospital with a connector to the wires taped to her back & a remote control unit. She spent the day moaning someone had hit her in the back with 'a crowbar'. Too painful to try out unit.

Due to not mowing lawn for a month, grass in back was pretty tall

On the 12th, Kathy went to followup visit with doctor & afterwards tried using e-stim unit.

Kathy playing with remote control in doctor's office (in background next to spine is actual unit that will be implanted should trial prove successful)

On the 13th, Kathy started having some benefit from e-stim unit.

On the 14th, packed up and drove back to Borrego.

On the 15th, back to work. Turned out to be a light day at the office. Jef started billing Medicare this day after what proved to be a 10 week interruption in payments - an extreme financial hardship alleviated by withdrawal from savings & at least 1 credit card check. Jeff & Ted came to Borrego and replaced 2 outside doors at Sewanee.

On the 16th, yet another lite day at the office. That nite, Holley dropped by & arranged to have mommy come in with her to straighten out her legal issues next week.

Panorma at the Mall this day

New front door

New carport door

Holley visited - this time showing up with red hair!

Later that nite, Kym warned of a tarantula in backyard, requesting we kill it, but we refused

On the 17th, drove to SD & doctor removed trial electrodes & started authorization for a permanent implant, as trial seemed to be a success. After returning to Borrego, Jef filled up trash cans, started treshold repair project (new front door had too big a gap), and moved some eroded sand back into driveway.

On the 18th, a medium busy day at the office. Had to sign lease on new office (starting October 1).

Air was so dry, the clarity of the air was such that we could easily see the Salton Sea and even details in the Chocolate Mtns. this afternoon!

Land vulture?

No, "Devil Dog" - I see the horns

On the 19th, a very busy day at the office. Jef procured tacos at Carmelitas for dinner.

On the 20th, Jef finished denailing decking & moving all remaining lumber to back of lot. Started on new carport counter by new sink project. Also replaced leaking toilet valve & cleaned up denailing area in carport.

Helicoptor landed at La Casa & took off while Jef was working

On the 21st, Jef did some finish work on deck, installed new threshold under front door, continued taking apart Iggy's old cage for scraps. Helped Kathy on her new (on the side) job - consuming half a day.

Bucky & Jeff left some details for Jef to handle

After details installed, but before final painting

Jef reduced space under door by added a 2nd threshold, but still needs something under the door to keep the bugs out

New threshold, but Jef needs to detail between deck and threshold

On the 22nd, back to office for a super long day.

On the 23rd, Jef worked at the office while Kathy took Holley to Vista to fix her outstanding warrant problem - which they succeeded at. Jef felt some rapid flow in his brain this morning. This, when coupled with a multi-day headache, implies either an aneurysm forming, or a partial obstruction (like a clot) going from place to place, but not a stroke, as no cognitive skills were affected.

On the 24th, a long day at the office.

On the 25th, Jef went to see Jan for pre-op screening, also complained of headache that hit on Tuesday headache was not too bad so far, but did get up to a 3 or 4 over the weekend.

This thunderstorm is seen dropping rain in the vicinity of Salton City - otherwise sky was blue in Borrego(see panorama:)

On the 26th, after a short day at the office, Jef drove to SD to shop & lose 10 at poker. Kathy got Jef some tacos & albondigas from El Borrego, which just recently opened after their summer vacation.

Cool clouds this afternoon

At mile 15.5 turnout

At Crawford Overlook

At trail to Tubb Canyon Upper Spring (across street)

On the 27th, mostly vegged out at home with one excursion to local store. Weather cooled down over the weekend to a high of about 90°F. Kathy made a large pork roast this evening (should last several meals).

State of our office 3 days before new lease starts

On the 28th, after vegging out all morning, went to the office to catch up on some work - and theoretically start the gargantuan task of moving.

First time we walked doggies in Borrego in months

Arf! Arf! Attack...

"Meow".... retreat!

Low on lemons? Raid the neighbors tree.

On the 29th, a long day at the office - getting Medicare contract documents ready while doing normal work load - a long day & had big headache that evening, going to bed without dinner.

State of office 2 days before new lease starts

On the 30th, found out we can only move into 1 of 4 new suites. A lite day at the office(#218). Carlos & Rodrigo started trimming oleanders up against WestStar house.

Aug 2014

On the 1st, drove to SD to see Kathy's MD & spend the weekend. Did some shopping. Jef went to lose 8 at poker at Craig's, splitting sets with partner Craig against Tim & Cammy. Saw Torrey, who played some poker with us. Later met her new beau, with whom she was going to fly around the globe - 1st to Paris, in about 10 days.

After pickleball, Craig, Nancy, Torrey with doggie, Cammy, Sid, Jef, Tim

On the 2nd, mostly stayed indoors & took it easy on this rainy day. Meanwhile, out in Borrego, Carlos & Rodrigo (with help from a buddy), chipped & hauled away the mountain of debris

On the 3rd, finally got Ted to help cut up couch & he hauled away half of it (rest later in the week). Started trimming overgrown vines in front yard.

Ted cut up couch that was reupholstered by mom & Karyn in '98 after no passerby wanted it

Hauling away 1/3 of couch + cushions today

After trimming half of vines in front

On the 4th, mowed lawns & trimmed more vines just before packing up and going back to Borrego. Borrego, which was deluged over the weekend was considerably changed due to erosion & sand in the the streets. Carlos & Rodrigo trimmed 2 little mesquites in front yard.

After trimming rest of vines in front - still need to do more later

Water in the sink!

Rodrigo had trimmed this tree a week ago, but the piles underneath were mostly hauled away.

Flooding had widened this channel and was similar to '98, but erosion barriers installed since then kept the berm intact another chore is filling in washed away berm

another chore is cleaning up the mess around the wood stack

another chore is trimming & cleaning up around these trees

On the 5th, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 6th, after an easy day at the office, went to burger dinner at Legion with Kathy & Shirley. Saw Jan, Pam, Bill & Rudy there. Filled up trash cans at both houses.

On the 7th, despite freezing in the low 60s in our bedroom this morning(swamp coolers working awesomely), managed to get up and go to a light day at the office.

On the 8th, a little more humidity, but still a great weather week for Borrego. Jef ordered deck materials (& 2 doors) for Sewanee home improvements. A medium day at the office. Jef went off to SD for poker after work.

On the 9th, mostly took it easy, but did replace a few broken tiles in Sewanee kitchen.

On the 10th, mostly took it easy, but got a call from Clark requesting a look-see at Tubb Canyon berm, as his pool was flooded a couple weeks ago, and he wants the county to fix it.

This is where a wash rivulet crossed the road above Clark's house & source of his flooded pool problem

Note the green in ocotillos from big storm 2 weeks prior in the Tubb Canyon panorama

Clark & Kathy at low point of Tubb diversion berm at intersection with Tubb Canyon Rd

Uncleaned-up panorama of same area

Cleaned up panorama of same area

Looking up-berm one could see how erosion tears it down, creating a vertical cliff on watercourse side

Looking up-berm from the end of the berm

About 1/4 mile uphill from the end of the berm is the start of the reinforced part

A little uphill from there is the washed out portion of the berm(right side) - this is a 360° panorama.

Panorama at the Wagon Rd intersection with berm - note that the poles are removed from the roadway, so you don't tear up the bottom of your car

Panorama in Glorietta Canyon

Unusual cacti grouping in Glorietta - fishhook cacti right next to barrels!

On the way back to Clark's, we stopped to take some pix

Dino wranglers

Kathy trying to chow down(or chow up?) on a dino

Sneaky little devils!

What's this guy bothered by?

... oh, just some eggs!

uh, oh! papa's coming - let's skeedaddle

to the pool!

3 doggies on a boat

I get the feeling the doggies want out!

On the 11th, a short day at the office. That night I noticed one swamp cooler wasn't working - a pump failed.

Saw this dust devil stay virtually in the same place for a couple of minutes when taking George home

George is wanting to get rid of this bike - he can no longer use it

On the 12th, a slow(due to 3 cancellations), but busy day at the office. Today was threatening rain, but only some places got some sprinkles. After work, drove to Sewanee house, met Rodrigo & Carlos, who had trimmed a couple trees and then asked them to do any other trimming there.

Threatening cloud never made it to downtown this day

Sunset at the Mall

On the 13th, walking from bathroom early this morning & without glasses, noticed a large 3' snake moving into a corner in our bedroom, so screamed at Kathy to attend to it. She grabbed it, took it outside and shooed it away from the house (turned out to be a king snake). This was another rather muggy day. Lumber arrived for deck project. Busy day - trying to find wheelchair I mistakenly left in parking lot 2 days earlier when transporting a patient. Failed to find it, so had to move patient via an office chair. Ordered a new wheelchair along with a new e-stim unit and a replacement roller for the Total Gym(found another broken one this day). Also procured a new swamp cooler pump, as the last one only lasted 3 months, got one with a 2 year guarantee. Ransom Brothers called about a delivery (mainly deck lumber), and I said okay. Went over to house 2 minutes before it arrived (good timing!), then the UPS guy drove by, so I followed him and got the package I missed in the morning. Lumber delivery had some errors, so I might exchange some things (mainly hardware). That evening, I found the humidity had subsided, so installed the swamp cooler pump & we had a pleasant (and less energy consuming) evening.

Package containing the bulk of the deck lumber

The hardware

Sunset this evening - the last of the monsoonal weather is retreating! Area to right was cleared by Rodrigo & Carlos

Panorama from near road

On the 15th, back to the office for a long day at work. Weather is nice (low humidity & not so hot).

Carlos & Rodrigo cleaned up the front yard pretty well

On the 16th, packed up and drove to SD. Stopped at Salerno Winery on the way. Did some yardwork.

Jef & Kathy at the Salerno winery hilltop patio

Panorama of recently arrived statues with Kathy at Salerno Winery

On the 17th, Kathy cleaned the house, Jef did a little yardwork. Hank came over and downloaded some files from 2 disks of crashed computers. While waiting, we took doggies on a walk. 2 escaped leashes, as Kym had loosened their collars. When we got back to the road Tike & Mia were missing, so Jef had to go back and get them -- apparently, they were so hot that they stopped under some shade & other hikers stopped & waited for me to come by. Jef noted some fatigue & self-diagnosed anemia, so got some iron pills later. Tried out Jersey Mike's subs, as Hank recommended it - 'where's the beef?' Later, Jef dropped Kathy at Viejas for a 'girls weekend out' with Kym.

Hank came over and helped download pix from 2 drives of old broken computers

We were finally given a picture taken of us at the Mother's Day Elks Lodge brunch last May

On the 18th, Kathy was at Viejas with Kym & Vicky. Jef vegged out and watched B-movies all day. Bucky was in Laughlin with his fellow Elks.

On the 19th, Jef picked up Kathy at Viejas, went back to Santee, packed up and drove back to Borrego.

Kathy was happy with the roses this weekend

Jef hacked these vines back under control for the moment

On the 20th, back to work for a busy day at the office.

On the 21st, we had a 'freaky weather day'. Jef went for physical, but first had Jan check for anemia. Results were less than 60% of normal, so she nixed the surgery in 3 weeks, so I had to reschedule that. Cool clouds were observed when leaving the clinic. A medium busy day at the office punctuated by thunderstorm rolling over, 2 blackouts (lost about 30 minutes of work), 4 lightning-caused fires, and a sandstorm! After work, we checked out new digs for our office & requested certain walls & doors be added, removed.

Panorama looking up/down Yaqui Pass Rd. with cool clouds over San Ysidros

Clouds above Sewanee house this morning

400° panorama at Sewanee showing cleaned up yard and freaky clouds

Partially cleaned up side yard

Panorama showing state of lot this day

Panorama of clouds over Ocotillo Forest

Close up of weird clouds at West Star

The big fire (there's 2 in this pic) is a lightning started blaze at a tree farm

Panorama showing fading fire, but note the sandstorm coming in at the right

Note the wind blowing from the east and dust coming in from the east (right)

In this sequence, the dust comes in to town - here it is less than 1/2 mile away

Dust is starting to obscure palms at circle 1/4 mile away

fading more...

...and a little more

Panorama after town was enshrouded with dust

On the 22nd, a busy day at the office. Bucky & Jeff drove in and started on the deck, demo'ing it this day.

Oil stains where I only parked a few hours this day show Tito didn't fix that oil leak!

Mostly demolished deck

On the 23rd, Bucky & Jeff continued work on the new deck. Kathy got them breakfast burritos from Jilbertos this morning. Then we had 2 solar guys come by and present solar installations. Afterwards, Kathy bar-b-qued some ribs after we all partook in the pool.

New Trex deck before railings

On the 24th, Jeff & Bucky continued on deck, but stopped when they were out of 2" screws, so they left to return in a couple days. Jef did a little yardwork, but mostly took it easy this day.

On the 25th, no patients, so Kathy did yardwork & Jef worked at the office.

On the 26th, Jeff & Bucky came down & installed the railing. Carlos & Rodrigo completed the clean-up at Sewanee. Met Bucky, Jeff & Kathy in the pool after work. Then Kathy bar-b-qued some chicken & we chowed down.

This afternoon I helped Clark throw some railroad ties over his fence so that he could make a better diversion berm than the sand one that got washed out - a lot of the sand in the last storm wound up in his pool.

Nearly finished deck

On the 27th, Jeff & Bucky finished the deck. Bucky didn't have the tool to drill thru steel(for replacement exterior doors which will be steel-clad), so had to go back to town. He said he'd be back to finish up in a couple of days. A short day at the office, nice weather yet again!

A strip of sunlight illuminated Indianhead's "tear"

Kathy doing paperwork at the office

Note how clear the air is on this August day - low humidity most of the month - unusual!

Completed deck & cleaned-up side yard

Dust devil was much more pronounced, but you know what happens by the time you get your camera ready. Dust devils were in this same general area for hours - must have been a resonance point this day.

A couple hours later, dust devils are still in the same area (left of bird) - this was photoshopped by Jef in a sloppy photoshop erasing of the 3 posts holding up this bird sculpture

On the 28th, a medium day at the office. Went to Sewanee house to take in trash & do a few chores.

Trex railing on roof

Bizarre panorama - makes it looks like roof is at ground level & corner appears twice (rightmost is close up) - Note: Ted was too lazy to put 45s on corners

On the 29th, a short day at the office.

Saw this dragonfly in garage this afternoon

On the 30th, mostly took it easy, but did do some chores at Sewanee house.

On the 31st, mostly took it easy, but did some more chores at Sewanee house - mostly de-nailing old decking.

Wood pile of old decking on ground beside new decking

New deck from inside house
Jul 2014

On the 1st, a very full day at the office.

On the 2nd, a medium day at the office. Jef took out trash at both houses.

On the 3rd, another medium day at the office.

Banner fire smoke - fire engulfed a few hundred acres this day

Kathy wanted a record of this peculiar houseplant flower

On the 4th, Jef worked at Sewanee house this day, partially installing upstairs TP holder. Then dressed up & took Elaine to 4th of July party catered with KFC, just to get Elaine out of her house & doing stuff.

Orchids purchased prior weekend in SD

Threatening storm at Sewanee house - we didn't see a drop, however

After dropping Elaine off at her home

Elaine has to wear this hip brace for 3 more months, as her socket is too shallow after replacing hip

Nice sunset this evening

On the 5th, Jef did some work at Sewanee - removed a few trees starting from seed, trimmed some trees & removed the lantana, revealing 2 grape vines clinging to life. Determined problem with irrigation by garage. Started installing garage sink & upstairs TP holder.

Plants removed along garage are at left awaiting disposal

On the 6th, Jef did a little work at Sewanee - finished installing last TP holder, did most of work involved in making swamp cooler door hinged. Also, fixed irrigation as some dribblers were actually "gushers". Then went home & took it easy with Kathy.

On the 7th, Kathy's neck was giving her fits, so cancelled a full day at the office. Jef did a full day's work there, however.

On the 8th, after a few days of dry 'swamp cooler' weather, humidity came back, so back to A/C. Kathy continued having problems, so cancelled another full day at the office. Jef did some work there, but was able to leave a little early.

On the 9th, the humidity continued. Kathy came back to work and did a medium day at the office. Jef started on new irrigation system at Sewanee whilst taking out the trash. That evening, the humidity eased off and we went back to the swamper.

Haze implies humidity is still with us - note clouds BEHIND Toro Peak. A thunderhead formed later in the day over San Jacinto

Usually clouds form around Toro Peak, but dry air must have surrounded it this day!

Thunderhead over Whale Peak was about 50 miles south of San Jacinto thunderhead - nothing in between!

On the 10th, the humidity got down the the single digits & with highs in the mid-100s, perfect swamp cooler weather. Kathy worked another medium day at the office. Jef hooked up new irrigation controller at Sewanee. He now needs to install about 175' of new irrigation control wire & conduit the whole system.

On the 11th, a light day at the office. Humidity was low, but (from south) humid air entered valley in the late afternoon.

Roadrunner in front yard

Sunset after dinner at Carmelitas

On the 12th, did some work at Sewanee, including turning piece of plywood into an actual door for swamp cooler.

Closed door

Open door

On the 13th, mostly took it easy, but did more work at Sewanee.

Interesting cloud over Indianhead

On the 14th, back to work for a short day at the office.

Some haziness today due to increased humidity

On the 15th, a long day at the office. Carlos & Rodrigo came by to talk about trimming trees at Weststar, but got them to help move refrigerator I bought at Roadrunner over to Sewanee.

On the 16th, drove to SD for Jef to see ortho for 2nd opinion on knees. Took Kathy to Shogun for lunch - turned out to be happy hour, so got some good vittles for cheap.

Kathy & Jef sat out in the garden area

Some of our vittles

Our new refrig at Santee

Sandstorm blowing out of Coyote partially obscured Fonts

On the 17th, a medium long day at the office.

Last nite's sandstorm was still going on & obscuring Fonts this morning

New fridge at Sewanee

On the 18th, a light day at the office due to cancellations. Packed up and drove to Santee.

State of irrigation cable project at Sewanee

Putting trim on new swamp cooler door

On the 19th, mostly took it easy, but did work on chores at Santee.

On the 20th, continued working on Santee chores including mowing lawns & trimming.

On the 21st, attended last meeting before finalizing contract with Lifespan in SD. Carlos & Rodrigo did a great job trimming big tree in front yard.

On the 22nd, back to work for a ridiculously busy day at the office. Carlos & ROdrigo did another excellent tree trimming job for other big chilean mesquite in front yard.

Rodrigo did good job trimming dead stuff from big mesquite in front yard

On the 23rd, a light day at the office. Project of the week is to repair the cars - starting with dead white Jeep.

Dead battery in white Jeep - got Tito to come out and replace it this day

On the 24th, a somewhat busy day at the office.

Sunset this evening

Mia's new trick - sitting up for a treat

Parking area at Weststar

On the 25th, a light day at the office.

Rainbow this morning

Panorama of upper part of giant 100 mile diameter thunderhead

lower part of thunderhead

Thunderhead is colour in this pic

Panorama from tummy of photographer - thunderhead is above house

On the 26th, mostly took it easy, but got a call for someone to see Sewanee house for possible rental, so went over and finished painting new swamp cooler door.

Completed swamp cooler door - Jef just finished painting it

Opened it to run swamp cooler

Voltage regulator for Jeep that apparently is very difficult to find replacement for (Black Jeep)

On the 27th, an extremely murky day, but went over and did some chores at Sewanee. Took it easy most of the day, tho.

Murky day - sometimes visibility was only about 2 miles

Re-screening door

Re-screened door - now it needs wheels, tho

On the 28th, back to work for a medium long day at the office. Still a little humidity, but much nicer than previous day.

On the 29th, a medium day at the office. Carlos & ROdrigo did another excellent tree trimming job in the back yard for other trees.

On the 30th, 3 cancellations turned it into a short day at the office.

On the 31st, Kathy was ill, so cancelled all office patients. Jef worked at the office. Rodrigo started trimming native mesquite in front yard.

Rodrigo about to start on native mesquite

... part way thru

Completed trimming job
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