Cannon Party
April 11 - 13, 2014
On Friday, Jefe drove up in Kathy's Jeep. And stayed til about 8:30am Sunday. Tried a few pix with new Nikon & went on Jeep ride, hitting Bickel Camp on Saturday.
![](2q/cpty1s.jpg) Mike, Barbara Jean & Mark by campfire
![](2q/cpty2s.jpg) The Finn's campsite - Seppo at left, Mara at right
![](2q/cpty3s.jpg) Altho this looks like a fall scene, it's just a creosote by firelight, Koehrn's Dry Lake and lights of Mojave in background
![](2q/cpty4s.jpg) Fireworks at downhill campsite
![](2q/cpty5s.jpg) End of 1 & start of another Roman Candle
![](2q/cpty6s.jpg) Panorama from near the firing line
![](2q/cpty7s.jpg) Light from car headlights, perhaps
![](2q/cpty8s.jpg) Kathy's new Jeep in foreground as Jef unpacked
![](2q/cpty9s.jpg) Jef borrowed Mike's electricity to pump up air bed & spent the night under the stars.
![](2q/cptyas.jpg) Stars early this morning after the moon set (Sagitarius at left & Scorpio center)
![](2q/cpx2s.jpg) Stainless steel golf-ball cannon
![](2q/cpx1s.jpg) At the firing line with southern Sierras in background
![](2q/cpp1s.jpg) Camo kid camp
![](2q/cpx3s.jpg) Panorama under Mike's shade mid-day.
![](2q/bsm1s.jpg) The 3 stooges at 4000' pass on way to Schmidt mine
![](2q/bsm2s.jpg) We took the fork to the left
![](2q/bsm3s.jpg) Burro Schmidt's residence has been somewhat trashed - Paco & Mike are both at left & at right (they get around!)
![](2q/bsm5s.jpg) Kathy's Jeep as seen from Burrow Schmidt tunnel - Jef bonked his head when he straightened up too early exiting this short entrance.
![](2q/cpp8s.jpg) Looking into tunnel entrance
![](2q/bsm6s.jpg) Mojave asters in full bloom
![](2q/cpp3s.jpg) Possibly a desert sunflower
![](2q/cpp4s.jpg) A variety of desert blooms
![](2q/cpp7s.jpg) Paco experiencing ambiance of Burro's domicile
![](2q/bcds.jpg) Arriving at Bickel Camp
![](2q/bces.jpg) Desert dandelions did pretty good in this area
![](2q/bccs.jpg) Jim said this was a 1909 Fordson tractor at left(if so, it was a prototype), Bickel's last vehicle was the white Datsun in center of this panorama, his cabin to the right of this
![](2q/cpp9s.jpg) Not a cannonball, but a tin ball used for crushing ore in a tumbler
![](2q/cppbs.jpg) Jim pointed out that this car was sitting here so long that the paint is in a lot better shape on the north side...
![](2q/cppcs.jpg) ...vs. the south side
![](2q/bc1s.jpg) Panorama of the inside of his garage
![](2q/bc2s.jpg) Jim (in blue jacket) is the volunteer who gave us the nickle tour.
![](2q/bc3s.jpg) The tin barrel in foreground was one of the last hand-made barrels before automation took over. It was manufactured in 1903. Stainless steel drums in background were formerly used for chemicals.
![](2q/cppds.jpg) Jimmy Durante's transmission - according to Jim, movie stars shooting flicks in this area hung out at Bickel's
![](2q/cppes.jpg) Old fridges
![](2q/bc4s.jpg) The shower had hot & cold running water from tanks on hill to right. The upper tank warmed in the sun and provided the hot water. This stall also featured a sink.
![](2q/bc5s.jpg) Note the terracing on the hillside
![](2q/bc6s.jpg) Walt Bickel also erected a rock wall to prevent cans from blowing away
![](2q/bc7s.jpg) Outside living area with benches, tables, chairs & a bed on shaded patio on east side of his cabin
![](2q/bc8s.jpg) Photo album in his cabin showed scenes of camp after a snow storm
![](2q/bc9s.jpg) Panorama of inside of his 1 room cabin - note bed, couch, work desk, closet, kitchen (complete with all the goods in his larder when he left!)
![](2q/cppfs.jpg) I remember these tables with various rocks on them from Allan Siebert's epic tour circa 1986
![](2q/bcas.jpg) Jim said this '40s era Zimmer Trailer was state of the art, and cost more than Airstreams!
![](2q/bcbs.jpg) Outside of Zimmer trailer
![](2q/cppgs.jpg) Based on the serial# 9534 and a '49 model having serial #10135 at the few examples of these trailers on the net, this was produced circa 1947-8. Virtually no information can be found on the net regarding the Zimmer Boat & Trailer Coach Company.
![](2q/cpphs.jpg) Interesting plant
![](2q/cppis.jpg) Inside of abandonned house - some people actually camp in this dubious place. Jim at Bickel Camp mentioned this.
![](2q/cppi2s.jpg) Outside of house
![](2q/cppjs.jpg) Panorama of Homestead II
![](2q/cppks.jpg) Mark's target is still there
![](2q/cptybs.jpg) Paco getting ready to shoot
![](2q/cptycs.jpg) Target is top left (orange disk)
![](2q/cptyds.jpg) Target
![](2q/cptyes.jpg) The target during a shot - no impact anywhere near yet!
![](2q/cptyf3s.jpg) Cannonball hitting high left - not many close shots this weekend! This is last of sequence of 3 dust clouds from same impact.
![](2q/cptygs.jpg) Getting ready to shoot
![](2q/cptyg2s.jpg) After cannon shot everyone looks for the impact
![](2q/cptyhs.jpg) Couldn't time camera to go off to get muzzle blast, but here's a pic showing fuse burning
![](2q/cptyis.jpg) Balancing on fireplace logs
![](2q/cptyjs.jpg) 400° panorama around Finnish contingent campfire
![](2q/cptyls.jpg) Fireworks from lower camp
![](2q/cppps.jpg) Paco's makeshift grill & dinner of salmon ka-bobs
![](2q/cppqs.jpg) Sitting around Seppo's fire
![](2q/cppss.jpg) Mike's trick of putting copper in fire for colour
![](2q/cppts.jpg) Jim & John
![](2q/cptyns.jpg) Panorama of camp early this morning
![](2q/cptyos.jpg) Cannon party from the road