Journal Index
3Q'15 Jef and Kathy's Activities 4Q 2015 1Q'16
Dec 2015

On the 1st, a medium long day at the office. Jef stopped at the Happy Hour with the Animals in chilly weather late this afternoon.

Meter going up

Jef briefly stopped at Happy Hour with the Animals group on this cold evening (they had a fire going in washer barrel at the mammoths near my Sewanee house)

On the 2nd, due to cancellations, another medium day at the office.

On the 3rd, a long day at the office.

Interesting sunset in this panorama at the Mall this afternoon

On the 4th, Jef left office early to go to dentist & smog/register Avalon - dentist put tempory fix on broken crown and scheduled appt. for next month.

Slightly higher

On the 5th, Jef & Kathy got dressed up and drove to Escondido for the Lifespan Xmas party - which was nice. We then drove to OB to pick up dad - we both arrived at the same time at the Ocean Villa. We only visited with Elsa and David for a few minutes and then drove back to Borrego.

Panorama of our main gathering area at the Lifespan Xmas party - easy chairs are made from oak barrels!

Kathy & Jef chowing down

Eating 2nd helping

Kathy is bottom right sitting in easy chair looking toward waterfall

Table at left has our winning lottery prize (we won a $50 gift certificate for PF Changs) - the bar is to the right

Armin (president of Lifespan talking just left of poinsetta) and Mason talking to other group to right of poinsetta(vice president - green shirt). Note they are standing on flat surface of huge boulder- this IS the Stone Brewery!

Kathy getting another drink at bar

These 4 boys did the comic relief for this party

We rendezvoued in OB and met Elsa & David there. We picked up dad, but could not stay due to crazy parking problems due to an Xmas parade this evening. Dad is in front seat of car in this pic

A Christmas celebration was happening when we drove thru Ramona

On the 6th, mostly took it easy at home. Holley dropped by, left her car and drove Suzuki to SD - later that night she called after breaking down in Mission Valley and having to borrow a phone, as the one she had just broke, too. We signed her up for AAA and had her towed to Santee.

Holley dropped her car off & took Sidekick to SD. She still has purple & green hair

Dad enjoying a nice sunset in back patio

Meter continuing going up with a cold December

After Jef & Kym gave away some firewood, pile has shrunk somewhat

Kathy hacked away at dad's toenails this evening after noticing they were unattended to for... perhaps years?

On the 7th, back to work a very long day at the office. Replacement power supply arrived, so Jef got computer to work and started clearing pile of 10 days of work while computer was down.

There's supposedly a comet between Venus and Moon in this pick, but you need better optics to see it - Comet Catalina

On the 8th, Jef drove Holley's red junker to body shop for Rito to fix it. Determined the cheaper method (not fixing everything) was the way to go, but still $2K.

Interesting sunset this evening

On the 9th, left dad to fend for himself (with Kym) and drove Kathy to MD appt. in SD. Did some shopping before returning home just after dark.

Dad taking it easy in our living room where he spent most of his waking time reading

Nice sunset as we stopped & did some Xmas shopping and grocery shopping in Ramona

On the 10th, a medium/slow day at the office. Dad hung out with us there for a few hours.

Dad finished the last bit of our Thanksgiving turkey - a wing

On the 11th, Jef got up early to drive dad to airport. After dropping him off, Jef went to OB to drop off Kathy's ring for fixing, but had to kill about an hour before jeweler opened - walked down and checked out the beach and then had a Greek omelet at "Breakfast All Day" - the Old Townhouse Restaurant. Then stopped by Santee house, was going to walk to mechanic where Suzuki was, but it started pouring rain, so drove there, determined repairs would be too pricey, so arranged AAA to tow car to Tito's in Borrego. Stopped by office, did some work. Stopped by Tito to discuss car situation and then drove home.

Jef & dad before heading to SD in this Jeep

Cool sunrise this morning

Xmas time at the beach as stormy weather brought heavy surf

Flock of seagull in front of a breaker - OB Xmas tree at right

Waves were starting to hit bottom of pier, which was later closed

Jef arranged to have Sidekick towed to Borrego - $1100 seemed too much to pay for a computer

Jef was sleepy & pulled over for a few minutes halfway to Santa Ysabel from Ramona and got hit with a couple minutes of hail

Rain over in Glorietta Canyon on this mostly sunny day

Kathy stayed home in bed with stomach flu while Jef went to the TP Xmas White Elephant gifting party

On the 12th, did a little owrk on new woodshed at Sewanee, then drove to town and did some work at the office.

Float in small local celebration of the Festival of Guadalupe this day

On the 13th, mostly took it easy at home.

On the 14th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 15th, a medium busy day at the office.

on the 16th, due to cancellations a slow day at the office. We took advantage of this to jump start the black Jeep and drive it to Tito's (New starter was needed).

On the 17th, a busy day at the office.

On the 18th, a medium day at the office. Jef took Holley's car in to Jake's for new tires. Holley maxed out credit card this day - after she spent another $300 replacing her broken phone.

On the 19th, drove to SD, dis some xmas shopping, picked up Kathy's restored wedding ring, an xmas tree, and Holley. Drove back to Borrego stopping for some more groceries at Stater's in Ramona.

Meter this cool day still going up

The old meter pole fell down - possibly due to wind

On the 20th, Holley took off in the morning. Jef set up tree and went to Sewanee. Kathy and Holley struggled unsuccessfully with tree, so Holley took off. Jef (after completing new wood shed and loading it up with half of remaining wood) returned home to find a mad Kathy. We got tree cleaned up and set up. After Holley never showed, we decorated tree with Kym.

Progress on 2 "woodsheds"

GP cage all decked out

Xmas tree with just the lights

Jef & Kathy decorating tree while Holley blew us off for her friends

Jef and Kathy by finished tree

On the 21st, back to work a long day at the office.

Holley's repaired car

On the 22nd, due to cancellations, only 3 home care patients for Kathy. Cloudy all day with a dust storm in Coyote Canyon and some rain in mountains.

On the 23rd, a long day in the office.

On the 24th, took a day off. Kathy made Tom and Jerry's while prepping for the next day. UPS guy, Aaron, could not find us at the office, so researched, found our home, and delivered packages to our home. Kathy's 2nd round of wool socks came in (one of her xmas presents), and a back-up TV, as our only one at WestStar passed 8 years old this xmas.

Saw this large jet flying fairly low over Borrego

Mia decked out for a few seconds before shaking off the cap

Tree this nite

Jef threw up a few lights by the driveway this afternoon

On the 25th, had a nice Xmas morning. Took a while unwrapping presents. Talked to Stacey while unwrapping the ones she sent us. Holley got lots of black clothes (for her skool floor job). Jef got some shirts, Kathy got a white noise generator, wool sox, and other stuff I can't remember.

We had a fire going all day, too. Note the new TV at the right

The 4 of us

We dis a couple laps around circle this day and Kathy was very interested in this aloe blooming in December!

A little sunset colour this day

3 of us dining at our Xmas feast

Filet mignon road turned out fairly rare, came with fresh baked bread, baked tators, salad, brocolli in cheese

On the 26th, Kathy got stuck seeing a patient. Jef worked on reducing wood pile and on the berm protector.

Finished about 20' of fill behind berm protector and fuller 'wood sheds'

On the 27th, mostly took it easy at home.

Sunset this afternoon

On the 28th, back to work a long day at the office. Noticed rain at edge of mountains in late afternoon, but they drifted over us early evening.

Threatening showers before arriving in town

On the 29th, another long day at work for both of us.

On the 30th, a long day, but cancelled the last patient, as Kathy feared she was coming down with something.

On the 31st, Kathy was too sick, so cancelled her medical procedure this day. Jef drove to SD for supplies, however. We had a bonfire in the backyard, only retiring inside around 11 after Kym and Kathy had a spat. Jef & Kathy were awake at midnite, so we had to get pots and pans & bang 'em outside and then honk horns in 2 of the cars.

Panorama of Kathy and Kym around campfire


Kym & Kathy before the altercation

Jef & Kathy

Campfire, Kym & Kathy

The whole crew
Nov 2015

On the 1st, we took doggies on another walk, but Kathy's back was killing her.

While cutting the top step cover at WestStar, the cord came apart & shorted causing a pattern of black marks (a large one is visible to the right of the drills in this pic after hardyboard was installed on steps)

On the 2nd, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 3rd, yet another long day at the office.

On the 4th, another long day at the office

Garden nearly ready for fall planting

Clouds by mtn. tops bring winds

Meter is gradually going backwards

Kym's meter on this day about 319 kwh beyond a month ago

Sun setting at office this afternoon, Suzuki bottom left

This may be a ginger plant coming up from root planted a few months prior

On the 5th, another long day at the office, but this week was marred by a fair number of cancellations, but still a very heavy load.

Owls and cats look so much alike that when we tried to get a closer pic, 'the cat' flew away

On the 6th, Jef worked at house & showed to propective renter. Kathy saw a home care, and then we packed and drove to Santee. We picked up Sab-E-Lee Thai food for dinner this night.

Burn marks caused by shorting cord after I pulled it apart prior day & live cord danced around - this is surface of top step

Completed steps

On the 7th, we flew to TX after Holley drove us to airport. Dad greeted us at the airport & David drove us back to their estate. Elsa & David entertained us with their musical prowess. Later that evening, dad treated us to a nice Mexican dinner at a restaurant, Lupe Tortilla.

Panorama of Rhine Lane: We landed in Houston under drizzling skies and it continued into the evening this day. Here is David (entering house) and Kathy (in driveway) at right - Elsa's new red Impreza is parked in front

Jef & dad, who is reading

One of our concerts - here is David on piano and Elsa on flute

Kathy playing David's violin - she predicts the bow/violin fixes she recommended will not happen (procrastinators?)

On the 8th, Kathy fixed a nice fritata breakfast. We got more concert entertainment from David & Elsa. Jef hung some pictures in hall & dad's room. Went on an hour hike in the neighborhood that afternoon.

Kathy cooking up breakfast

At the dining room table

Everybody at the table - Kathy is behind dad

Dad's new walk-in bathtub - Jef later fixed showerhead to point into bath area by taping a knife to the wall to prop up loose ball joint

Texas bug - possibly a type of assassin bug (not sure)

Kathy & Elsa looking at front yard before going on little walk

David & Elsa in front of Rhine Lane house

On the 9th, had another fancy Kathy breakfast (fritatas). Jef did a few projects: straightening out cable on fence, cleaning toilet (with screwdriver), reorganizing and cleaning garage. Kathy undertook a massive clean up in house - vacuuming, cleaning kitchen (badly stained sink gleamed white afterwards!). David & Elsa drove us to the airport, we flew back to SD. Holley arranged an UBER for us & we got ride back to Big Rock house.

After Jef, Elsa & David cleaned up garage - didn't complete organization, but now ready for a 'garage band'

On the 10th, did some shopping, took Kathy to MD, tried to get new cars registered, but still have to get them smogged. After doing some work at Big Rock house, we packed up and drove back to Borrego - Kathy drove most of the way, a WHITE KNUCKLE drive (for the passenger ;), as Kathy has problems driving at night.

Had we had time to hike Cowles this morning, we would have encountered some fog on the way up

On the 11th, back to work for a busy day at the office.

On the 12th, busy at the office despite a rash of cancellations.

On the 13th, a very busy day at the office. Met Kathy at El Borrego for dinner this evening. Met the Race Across America director while at El Borrego, and saw lots of bikes on way home (new bike headlights are bright!).

Meter still going backwards, albeit slightly

Kathy doing weird stuff to Mayan mask at El Borrego

Picture on top of mask is of an unknown charity event at El Borrego with an unknown Miss Borrego

On the 14th, as I went to/from house on Sewanee, saw the 24 hour endurance bike race still going on, and saw several bikes were recumbants. Noticed the guys had cleaned out a full rack of firewood, made a fire circle in the back yard & ran dirt bikes thru desert while we were in TX. Finished the wood shed & moved some wood. Potential renters came by and inquired on renting house. Jef drove to SD, shopped (including getting Thanksgiving turkey), then proceeded to lose 20 at poker at Genbio (Bryan provided cerveza & pizza).

Completed wood shed

Continued "populating" the new "wood shed"

On the 15th, fixed circular saw cord, which Jef cut thru (again) prior day. Did more work at office and at Sewanee.

Clouds on mountains signal a cool blustery day. Indianhead is in sun

Pretty much done rail for berm stairs

Reused some of old deck railing, as well as some new deck pieces

On the 16th, still a little breezy and cool (high projected to be 67° this day). Back to work a long day at the office.

Main meter reading this day

Guesthouse meter reading this day

On the 17th, another really long day at the office.

On the 18th, a long day at the office.

On the 19th, the last long day at the office this week.

On the 20th, took day off, except that Kathy went to OW for a new patient. Jef worked a bit at Sewanee.

Display of smaller solar grid

Display of larger solar grid

Jef worked on details of staircase - moving sand from road in front to smooth transition to top step, and finished detail at bottom right step

Did more stacking of wood in "woodshed"

On the 21st, Flaco, Eddie & McD inivited Jef to hike Palm Canyon. Later that night, they bar-b-qued & jammed in back yard of Sewanee after Hank arrived.

McD, Flaco & Eddie arriving at first palm grove

Vertical panorama of the trio at their end of the trail


The trio is still at base of trees in middle of this pic (leftmost group)

Chef Eddy at work

Flaco & McD

McD, Hank, Eddie

Jef in center

View of fire from kitchen

On the 22nd, Jef washed 3 cars at Weststar. Later that afternoon, Kathy helped wash frau Bleu-car. Jef vacuumed that one and the white Jeep.

All 3 doggies were thus tortured this morning

Kathy washing frau Bleu-car

On the 23rd, back to work a long day at the office.

Cleaner cars sitting at Weststar

Wood holding table seems more bowed this day

Sunrise this morning

On the 24th, a relatively short day at the office due to cancellations.

Cool clouds this day signalling oncoming storm

On the 25th, another cancellation-plagued day at the office. Got some noticeable rain this day.

Kathy pointed out the colour in the sunset this evening

On the 26th, Jef & Kathy prepared and baked a turkey, made mashed potatoes, a salad, stringbean casserole, stuffing, gravy, and Holley came by to help bake a blueberry pie from scratch. The 3 of us feasted this evening.

After pulling turkey out of the oven

Holley's hair was purple & green for Thanksgiving

Cool sunbeams over by Tubb Canyon this afternoon

Our spread

Everybody at the feasting table

On the 27th, Jef worked at house on berm protector details, fill, stacking wood. Late that afternoon, Kathy was not ready to commence hiking, so Jef walked to hill overlooking old country club.

As the powerstrip makers refuse to use practical design, I had to manufacture this holder (to elevate powerstrip higher on the wall)

360° view from hill overlooking old country club (now UCI research facility)

On the 28th, mostly took it easy - Jef trimmed paloverde & eliminated some nuisance cholla in front yard. Took doggies on 2.5 mile walk around the circle (3 laps) that afternoon.

On the 29th, installed new combination workbench/wood shed by recycling 2 pallets & installing 2 new posts under shed.

New workbench/wood shed

On the 30th, another long day at the office.

Oct 2015
On the 1st, a short day at the office due to 4 of 8 patients cancelling.

Spilled water on floor this day - this 3 eyed dragon was one result

Panorama of nice sunset this evening

On the 2nd, another short day at the office due to another 4 of 8 patients cancelling. Helped Kathy with last patient - going for a walk in assisted living facility during the "golden hour" near sunset.

Jef helped Kathy walk a patient(taking a break) at this assisted living facility

On the 3rd, Carlos & Rodrigo contacted us about doing some work, and we had plenty for them. We really got a bargain when they did major trimming of 3 trees, including completely taking out a dead tree.

Rodrigo about to start taking out dead mesquite

Rodrigo did excellent job trimming the tree by Kym's house, which was out of control

After Rodrigo had taken out the dead mesquite in the parking area, he dug up and capped the irrigation

Kym's meter this day - calculated she had averaged 110 kwh/week for last 4 weeks

On the 4th, worked over at Sewanee, constructing the first 16' long step and end of my berm protection diversion structure. Inspiration was some rain in the nearby mountains, but no flooding yet. I'm thinking of the possible upcoming El Nino winter rains.

After starting to remove wood and completely re-doing the firewood holder built by mom about 20 years prior

After constructing framework for a 16'x15" long step at end of berm protector

Rain in Tubb Canyon

On the 5th, drove Kathy to DMV to take test to renew her licence. Despite 50-100 people at the Brawley DMV, we got in and out in under an hour. Then did some shopping & had lunch at a new restaurant. Jef liked it, Kathy not so much. We took Peanut on walk to old country club (about 2.4 miles).

Cool clouds & cool temps this afternoon as Kathy & Peanut headed down Tilting T

Kathy & Peanut under canvas canopy in front patio (over old filled-in pool)

360° panorama of view from old country club front patio area

On the 6th, back to work for a busy day & VERY busy week at the office. Jef went over and did some more work at Sewanee at the end of the day - setting out wood pieces to complete most of the berm protection structure - running low on screws, however.

Clouds late this afternoon

Nice sunset this evening

Boards lined up to be installed later

On the 7th, another long day at the office.

Meter still slightly creeping up instead of going backwards

On the 8th, another long day at the office.

Unusual event as I drove down BS Rd. to Sewanee - parachutists (about a half dozen were gently coming down near La Casa) - when I eventually stopped and took this pic, only 1 was still visible (above treees at right)

Had to remove bottom step frame to install riser frame for 2nd step in this "16' step"

Still some, somewhat cool, sunset clouds this evening

On the 9th, another super busy day at the office compounded with Alicia being out sick.

On the 10th, had to work half a day at the office due to TOO MANY PATIENTS this week. One patient thinks she lost her purse at the office this day - Jef spent a lot of time looking unsuccessfully for it & got home too late to walk, but Kathy, Kym & Jef went out to dinner at El Borrego that night.

On the 11th, Jef did a number of chores, but this was supposed to be a "day off".

On the 12th, on a cloudy day, where we experienced a little drizzle, Jef drove Kathy to her MD in La Mesa. We stopped by BigRock on the way & mowed the lawns & weeded - also informed Ted the cleaning lady would come out on the 15th. We then did some major shopping before hitting MD. In a 2.5 hour MD appointment, Kathy got some success in getting a program to work on her E-stim unit. We shopped a little more on the way back to Borrego.

On the 13th, back to work an extremely busy day at the office.

This linear cloud seemed to be a fire originating from Whale Peak - but was actually just another wierd cloud

On the 14th, another very busy day at the office.

Doves flocking near bird feeder

These "pigs of the sky" made short work of about 4 pounds put in bird feeder this day

Cottage cheese clouds this morning

On the 15th, after a busy day at the office, Jef drove over to "Fighting Horses" sculpture where the HHWTA meeting was wrapping up. The sky was spectacular with rainbows, sunset colours, scattered showers with occasional lightning.

Panorama showing Happy Hour with the Animals initial gathering - note scattered thundershowers

360° panorama showing 2 parts of rainbow

Sunset colours as group packed up - we did get a few large drops as we were preparing to leave

Vertical panorama

The "Fighting Horses"

On the 16th, drove to SD to get temporary crown - noted I was fatigued, so scrapped plans to go to cannon party.

Clouds causing ruddy sunrise this morning

Interesting pattern where thick linear clouds are parallel

On the 17th, mostly took it easy, but did work at Sewanee house, making progress on steps 1, 2, and 3 of berm protection project.

Framing in for 2nd step

On the 18th, Made further progress on steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 on berm protection project, installing frame for step3 and cutting pieces for frame of step 4, but drill battery was exhausted this day.

Third step awaiting final install

On the 19th, back to work a very long day at the office. Went to Sewanee house & worked on berm staircase, making 4th step frame & loosely placing it on step 3.

Top step ready to be installed

Kym sought Jef's help in removing this tarantula which she found in her room - Jef released it in the front patio

On the 20th, due to cancellations, Kathy only saw 4 instead of 9 patients, but still pretty busy. Jef left early & finished installing frame for 4th step & screwing in decking on first & 3rd steps. When he got home, Kathy was gone, so Jef went walking looking to find her on a walk - we met about 12 minutes from home - only seeing each other when within 50' as it had gotten pretty dark by then, so we walked home together. Mia, who had a sore shoulder, seemed to be mostly over it after not walking with us for a few weeks.

Nearly done for the day with fading light - some red in clouds, so some clear sky towards coast

The yellow/green drill is the new toy used to build this deck (it came with 2 lithium batteries)

On the 21st, another busy day at the office.

Sunset panorama this day

"Rhino dog" - sometimes when Peanut holds this hoof, she seems like she has a giant rhino horn - just not this time

On the 22nd, another busy day at the office.

On the 23rd, Jef & Kathy got a flu shot this morning. Kathy saw 2 home care patients. Jef linked up with Flaco & Eddie at Sewanee for a little bit.

On the 24th, Jef dropped Shirley off just before the parade & got to see floats - but no pix. Kathy stayed home (reaction to flu shot). Later that morning Jef & Kathy went over to Guen's house & purchased 2 cars, shuttling them home. Later went over to Sewanee & had a couple hot dogs cooked by Eddie & went on little jaunt in back yard with Flaco & Hank. Later they came over & we jammed in our WestStar living room.

Jef had a hot ignition of bar-b-que & burned about 2/3s length of hairs on his right arm

This barrel recovered from prior trauma - perhaps hacked by either my nephews or Hank's son-in-law back in the '90s

On the 25th, Jef went over to take pix at finals & say hi to club members. Kathy spent an afternoon with Holley at the Circle.

After noticing 2 planets nearly touching in sky around sunrise this morning, checked it out on internet

Jef & Kathy under Venus & Mars & Jupiter conjunction

Venus is visible high up on this pic & Jupiter is slightly visible

Award ceremony starting at end of tournament

Another cool sunset walking up towards former country club

Kathy & Peanut walking around old pool area of former country club

On the 26th, we back to work a long day at the office.

One of our new additions - an Avalon at WestStar this morning

On the 27th, yet another very long day at the office.

Moon setting just before sunrise this morning

On the 28th, another long day at the office.

Both of our 2 new cars at the Mall - Avalon & Side-Kick

Altho still high, this is lower than a few days prior

Wood table is bowing under the wood weight

Cool clouds this afternoon

While Jef was working on steps, Kathy called to rave about sunset, so Jef stopped & took some pix

Looking north

Colors shifted to different areas of the clouds

Berm protector & steps at this point

On the 29th, another long day at the office. Kathy got takeout at El Borrego.

On the 30th, took it easy in the morning & then walked to work over the spur (about 59 minutes). Not a cloud in the sky for a change. Walked doggies (including Mia & Gypsi) around circle (with 3 spurs), and then Jef & Kathy & Peanut went to old country club & back - total of 1 hour walking.

The Loch Salad monster is REAL!!!!

On the 31st, we didn't do much for Halloween, but Jef did some work at Sewanee - completing front wall of wood house, and did some work on the deck - but only for a couple hours, as working in the sun was too taxing.

Front wall nearly completed
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