Journal Index
4Q'14 Jef and Kathy's Activities 1Q 2015 2Q'15
Mar 2015

On the 1st, it rained most of this day, so Jef & Kathy didn't leave the house. Jef worked on enlarging hole in counter to fit new cooktop - almost, but not quite. He gave up after causing major dusting problems for later.

Working on making opening large enuff to accomodate new cooktop - kitchen is total mess at this point & you may notice the cement dust fog

Cooktop ALMOST in, but Jef gave up for the day at this time (after about 10 tries)

On the 2nd, Jef did one more try at getting cooktop in - succeeding in getting it within 1/2" from the counter top. As he had arranged for Blanton Appliance to complete install, he gave up at this time, but cooktop filled the hole for the time being. Jef & Kathy returned for another grueling Monday accompanied by Peanut on this off-and-on rain day.

Jef noticed it was a bit FOGGY this morning!!!

Back yard after rains prior day

Fading fog is still discernable

We brought in bar-b-que into the hall to cook soup last night

Jef got cooktop in this deep this morning before giving up

After wind blew this table top off stump, Jef fastened it back with longer screw & made it very secure, but also made it concave & water tight, so it is now a shallow birdbath!

On the 3rd, a chilly morning as Jef filled the trash with yard waste & also started putting compost in the new planter. It was a long day at work.

We can now monitor electric usage at guest house

This electric meter should be running backwards due to solar now being online

Toro Peak (behind meter) full capped in snow this morning

Still snow on Toro this afternoon at the office

Only scattered clour in sunset this evening due to clouds toward the coast

Full moon obscured by clouds this evening

On the 4th, a short day at the office. Peanut was again with Kathy all day. Brian fixed the treadmill at work, took a look at Sewanee problems(where Jef filled the trash with weeds & took it out) & then completed installation of cooktop (still 1/4" gap, tho). Jef had time to go on a 1 1/2 hour hike up the Borrego Spur trail during late afternoon.

Just after starting hike, beavertail in bloom and in background white flowers: popcorn phacelia, desert stars & fremont pincushions highlighted by setting sun

Approaching steep part of trail

Up about 200' vertical on trail, Sun and Shadows down below, brittlebush starting to bloom

Last sun rays catching barrel cactus blooms

Ridge at left middle is the high point - you can see 2 alternative versions of trail at right

Hiking into the sun highlights flowers - here about 5 minutes before I hit the high point

Panorama just after starting back

Panorama showing trail down at left & trail up at right

Panorama of trail showing 2 big solar stations (blue at left & white at right)

Moonrise over Fonts Point this evening

On the 5th, Jef caulked around the cooktop, completing the job. Then we enjoyed a nice mid-70s day with fading snow on Toro Peak. A short day at the office and short home care day for Kathy. Peanut again joined us at the office & on Kathy's home care drive.

Finished cooktop

On the 6th, had a gruellingly long day at the office - temperatures again warmed into the 80s for the first time in a week.

At end of 1.5 hour workout, biked 40 minutes, with this number of miles and calories burned this afternoon

On the 7th, stayed home mostly. Off and on added compost to new planter during the day.

Wildflowers have been really making a showing this week - here come the desert dandelions

On the 8th, used the new cooktop for the first time, making tomato & cheese fritatas & scrambled eggs for lunches at work next week. This afternoon, we drove Mia & Peanut to Glorietta and went on an hour hike up the main wash (past the juniper tree). Peanut was in heaven, never having been on such a hike. The hike started badly for Kathy, who took a slow motion fall while going over boulders. Checking electric meter it was at 4580, 18kwh less than 5 days prior, proving we are a net exporter of electricity to the grid. That evening we got spruced up and dined at Rams Hill, going on a little hike at the edge of the golf course, crossing a creek & getting hit by sprinklers. Nice place, but most dishes have a lot of sugar in them (not what I want in a meal these days). Kathy fell again that night while doing chores while way too tired - we had to ice her shoulder after taking several minutes getting her off the floor.

New planter appears to be more than half full (mostly of to-be-composted yard waste, so far

At start of our Glorietta hike - Kathy is posing here with Peanut

Kathy with Peanut and Mia


Only ocotillo and creosote are blooming in this photo

Kathy and Mia continuing up wash

Doggies & Kathy passing this 5' tall barrel in full bloom

Many of the brittlebush in the washes are blooming early

Peanut apprehensive of going over boulders - note the belly flowers in full bloom - mostly brown-eyed poppies in this photo, but most belly flowers were seen on this hike

Peanut & Jef checking out the bucket seat next to the juniper - we missed this on the way up, as the only remaining juniper is nearly dead

Jef, Kath & doggies

Mia and Kathy by blooming apricot mallow

Later that night, Kathy was playing with crickets at our dinner table at Rams Hill

Jef & Kath at Rams Hill

Lighting is very subdued in the outside dining area

On the 9th, Kathy's shoulder was better, but she had severe back and leg pain, but still went to work. We only had 2 office patients, but at least 3 home cares. This is the first day Peanut didn't come to work with us. She also was not eating anything - a bad thing, as she's skin & bones.

On the 10th, Kathy was in too much pain to go to work, so all patients were cancelled & Kathy stayed home in bed. Jef worked at the office.

On the 11th, saw a webinar for online medical practice software & then back to work for a busy day at the office.

A little cloudy this day

A bit of colour in the sunset

Added a few more Sahara mustards into trash previously filled with weeds as I took it out to the street at Sewanee

On the 12th, after another follow-up webinar, another busy day at the office. Julie & Susan arrived just before the end of work, so I sent them to see flowers while we finished up.

Set up Julie & Susan in the sitting room (Holley spent 1 more night before heading to No. Calif. - they took over her room after this nite)

On the 13th, drove Kathy to MD appointment in SD where we also did a lot of shopping. Julie & Susan went to Fonts with the HHA people (Julie bellydanced there). Later that evening, Flaco drove into town.

Many beavertail bloomed in our front yard while Julie visited

On the 14th, Jef substituted for Borden in the tennis tournament for 2 matches, but lost both (9-7, 8-6), as Jef got too dehydrated to function later in each match. Flaco hung around on the promise of Jule bellydancing for him that nite. Kathy bar-b-qued some chicken & fish. Julie bellydanced & Flaco played & sang guitar for 2 hours with some interruptions where Susan played and sang guitar too. Kathy accompanied on the fiddle & we were all treated to a great concert. Kym joined us for part of it.

Paloverde started blooming 2 months early in this panorama

After first time Jef thru Nikon when it refused to shoot

On our tour of wildflowers this morning, we first stopped by the elephants

Nikon after 2nd throw

The 3rd time Jef decided to throw Nikon into stone wall

After impacting wall - Jef thought of the next adventure for Mr. Nikon -- he decided to bring it to a cannon party (Nikon vs. cannon), but had to pull it out of trash first (Kathy had thrown it away the next day)

A good year for desert sunflowers on Henderson Canyon Road in Coyote Creek flood plain

Julie & Susan in this panorama

Julie was more interested in the Sphinxhead moth caterpillars

Julie took this pic

Paco came out to practice with his band "Los Gringos", but as he was alone, he just gave Jef a little concert when he came over this afternoon

At the start of the concert bar-b-que

Susan taking over guitar for a while

Julie preparing her belly dance music


Kathy on fiddle

On the 15th, Jef accompanied Julie & Susan on their quest to eat fish tacos at the beach. As it was about 90°F there on a Sunday, it was fairly crowded, but they had an excellent lunch at Don Bravos, walked the pier, remembering mom, did the tidepools, got a few souveneirs & drove back to Borrego.

Julie & Susan behind this fancy Ocean Beach castle

On the pier

Pier panorama

Mostly back to beach

Jef standing next to his BIG sister

Susan under pier

Susan, Susan & Susan under pier

Tidepool panorama

Susan in tidepools

Julie & Susan in front of Don Bravos - lunch was excellent!

Julie & Susan at Crawford Overlook


Julie & Jef

On the 16th, back to work for a medium long day at the office, after which we dressed up & attended Taste of Borrego with Susan and Julie.

Julie near start of Borrego Spur trail

We turned around after about 45 minutes & was heading back at this time

Julie before going down to next section of trail. Jef stayed back & took pix of her from this vantage (next 2 pix):

Julie about to leave dark section of trail

Julie in light section of trail about to turn right (Jef caught up with her by going straight at this point)

OUr table at Taste of Borrego

Martha & Gary outbid everyone to rent Miss Borrego crowns for rest of night. Haddon(current Borrego Rotary Club president) & Sue Salt are amuse at bottome left

Nice sunset this evening

Andrew running the auction

Carlos(El Borrego) was awarded people's choice for best restaurant contributor this evening

Panorama of main dining room

On the 17th, Julie & Susan drove east before Jef & Kathy woke up. After a long day at the office, Jef hung out at the HHA place of the day (the Laughlins) & disposed of some Irish soda bread and Green chili wine (courtesy of Julie). Hung out there for over an hour.

Worked on enhancing these fading pix for Laughlins - best I could do

On the 18th, had a cancellation shortened day at the office. Carlos & Rodrigo did a major clean up at Weststar, hauling away a big trailer full of debris & filled up Jef's new planter with compostable material.

360° panorama showing threatening clouds nearly surrounding Borrego this afternoon

Many ocotillos have started blooming

180° panorama

360° panorama 100 yards into Borrego Spur trail

On the 19th, back to work a long day at the office.

Cloud over Toro was in partial sunlight - bottom was shaded by larger cloud:

On the 20th, a cooler day, but very busy at the office. Jef had to copy a ream's worth of paper for a subpoena and mail it off while handling a full schedule and a flood of new patients.

Jef finished up the last of Kathy's corned beef & cabbage for lunch this day

Cleaned up front yard after Carlos & Rodrigo slaved all day prior day

On the 21st, Jef finished covering mulch in planter with a layer of sand & installed irrigation in planter.

Planter with irrigation (ran out of pipe & sprinklers, so this is temporary)

Meter has gone back over 40kwh since solar was connected

Kathy & doggies walking towards old Country Club on our walk this afternoon

This ocotillo on Tilting T always puts on a good show

Paloverde in full bloom at Kathy's favourite house - near old country club

Peanut has Kathy pinned - say UNCLE!

On the 22nd, a fairly easy day at home. Did a little shopping & Kathy cooked up a potroast and bar-b-qued a batch of chicken. That afternoon, went on a walk with doggies "in search of desert lillies". Kathy remembered seeing a field of lillies years ago, but we failed to find any this day, but we did a nice look hike around the great sand dune thru the ocotillo forest and down the wash to Weststar. Jef planted pumpkin seeds mom had saved for me in a homemade envelope about 20 years prior in the new planter. Kathy once again tried using her implanted e-stim unit after 2 months of non-use.

Paloverde & desert dandelion at house in our neighborhood

Salvaged the 32Gb memory I got for Nikon & put it in my Olympus(replacing the 8G that was already there)

Kathy approaching end of dirt road she had seen lillies at 5 years ago, none today, however. At country club we turned right & walked thru the ocotillo forest

Cool cloud over the ocotillo forrest

Almost to Weststar and we found this broomrape - here Gysi is smelling it

Panorama of other Johnson place on Weststar - this is the one with lots of statues

Arriving home with cool sunset coloured clouds

On the 23rd, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 24th, another long day at the office. Planted some pepper & tomatoe seeds gathered from salad making of prior day in new planter.

Kathy is proud of any orchids that re-bloom. She hadn't found the right place to grow them, until she tried the sun room

On the 25th, another long day at the office.

On the 26th, yet another grueling day at the office. Jef found a packet of cantalope seeds sent by a magazine & planted them in the planter. That evening, Jef broke out another green chili care package & had some for dinner & took rest to office for lunches.

Grace submitted this article to the Sun on Julie's belly dancing at Fonts Point

Lots of better pictures to take, but don't have time! This is looking towards ocotillo forrest on BS Road

On the 27th, the last long day of a grueling week at the office. Jef tried planting 6 green chili seeds, hoping that the roasting helped the seeds germinate quicker, rather than killed them. Kathy's home care computer failed to save a report she worked on for 2 hours, so we dealth with customer support this morning. Computer had a database timeout setting of 20 minutes, so if you didn't save every 20 minutes, you lost it all, so Jef will have to reenter data this weekend. Jef drove to SD for shopping & to mow lawn in Santee. Kathy, who nearly broke her toe this morning when a heavy coathanger fell on it, and was otherwise burned out, remained behind to recuperate.

House from road showing paloverde & beavertail in bloom


Panorama of house from road

House from road with indigo & paloverde blooms

Wascally wabbit in Santee back yard

Action shots

360° panorama of mown lawn & roses starting to come out in Santee

On the 28th, Jef tried reentering lost data on Kathy's laptop, but they didn't take. Jef planted 16 veggy plants he bought last nite & added new soil to top of new planter. Mostly took it easy this day, but we did the 1 hour loop hike Wagon to Broken Arrow with doggies.

Starting down Broken Arrow at the top of our hike (30 minutes into it)

On the 29th, took it easy until that afternoon (did some chores, tho) when Kathy cooked up a storm - lots of chicken & we all had porterhouse steaks (Peanut got her first bone!). Kym and Kathy made a huge potato salad. We ate inside and our food was attracting too many flys outside.

Planter now sporting plants!

Peanut with her first bone! (A Porterhouse)

Mia with her bone

360° panorama of back yard and sunset beyond solar array

Kathy & Jef

Kathy & Kym with nice sunset

What if Jef were to crack some stupid joke?

Solar array

On the 30th, back to work for another long day at the office. Computer problems continued with laptop.

Blue-eyed monster attacking? Or Peanut with biscuit - she usually never eats them, so Mia eventually will steal this one after Peanut loses interest in protecting it.

On the 31st, called customer support & they spent the morning remotely fixing the laptop. A fairly busy day at the office. That evening, emailed the new logo for our lighted sign at work.

Feb 2015

On the 1st, Jef did some more shopping. Did some yardwork. Went on another 45 minute hike with Kathy & doggies. Kathy in immense pain, but was determined to go a little farther than yesterday up the Mesa Road. Jef found & fashioned a hiking stick along the way to help Kathy with her back problem. Afterwards, we met Ted at the Elks Lodge & watched the Stuper Bowl from half-time on. Good football game. The cheating Pats somehow pulled it off. Great pot-luck food & good drinks. Ted won the big pot in the 10x10 grid contest (winning $400 on a $30 investment). He got everyone at the bar a round of drinks (we got rainchecks).

Kathy on our mid-afternoon walk

Go cheaters!

On the 2nd, Jef went to dentist (had to take antibiotics before & after because of knee replacements 3 months prior) & got a cleaning. Kathy took doggies with great difficulty to vet (Mia put her feet down & wouldn't move). Jef trimmed the roses. We packed up and drove back to Borrego. Jef was worried about running out of gas for the 15 miles between Lakeside & Ramona, as the Maxima fuel gauge went into the danger zone, but there was probably still a couple gallons when he filled up in Ramona.

On the 3rd, a busy day at the office. Jef worked on taxes. At the end of the day, Jef & Kathy worked out. Jef did 10.1 miles in 40 minutes & burned 563 calories on exercise bike.

On the 4th, went over to Sewanee house, thought I missed the trash truck, but filled up trash can for next time - but saw trash truck coming up road, took it out, got it dumped & filled it again for next week - yard waste nearly gone! Also took out Clark's trash. The had a slow day at the office. Solar guy "Watts New Under the Sun" said he's ready to be paid & showed off the system. Later that day, Jef took in his & Clark's trash cans on Sewanee.

On the 5th, after another slow day at the office, Jef & Kathy worked out. Jef's biorhythms must have been up this day, as he did 10.9mi in 40min on the exercise bike burning a record 645 calories.

On the 6th, after a long day at the office, Jef & Kathy met Rebecca, Pam & Jan at El Borrego for dinner. Jef promised he would build Kathy's planter over the weekend. Jan mentioned she just got a big motorcycle.

On the 7th, Jef leveled an area and built the base of the planter. Features: 1) no roots can penetrate in or out, 2) gophers can't get in, 3) lots of drainage, 4) >20 year lifespan.

After completing base (upside down). Found some old rabbit wire, cut it in 4" sections & it became the gopher guard. Used some paper as washers to keep it place for the next step. The landscape cloth will keep roots from getting out or in - this was doubled up top & bottom of Hardy board which was cut into 4 sections 2' each to allow drainage

It was built in a place where I just had to flip it over & it landed in this leveled off rectangle - first wall section was already built by Will for my roof project that Kathy vetoed - Just have to take off bottom 2x4 & fasten it to 2x4 in the base

Kym pointed out this cool cloud over Toro this afternoon

Panorama with new solar array

On the 8th, Jef completed the first 2 walls of the planter and started on the 3rd.

On the 9th, Jef completed the 3rd wall before heading to the office. After a long day at the office (the first time we used the A/C, as temperatures were in the high 80s this week), Jef used the remaining daylight to set up completing the final wall of the planter.

On the 10th, Jef completed the planter and then proceeded to have a long day at the office before doing a long overdue workout. Biorhythms low today. Did 506 calories, 9.4 miles in 40 minutes. Kathy came out to work out in the middle of Jef's workout after a long, long day.

Kathy, who had a nasty long-lived ear ache of the past few days pulled this part of an unknown bug out of her ear a couple days ago.

State of planter near end of this day - 2 walls completed

On the 11th, did some chores before heading off to a short, but busy day at the office. Jef hauled scrap material at office home to build a new piece of office furniture. We had time to do a little workout at the end and then got takeout from El Borrego and took it over to Jan's house - she was recovering from a motorcycle accident.

After replacing a plastic valve with a brass one, I found a critical design flaw of plastic valves - they use cheap gasket material! This one had disintegrated while sitting in the garage for 10 years or so.

Completed planter (actually finished yesterday) - inside dimensions: 33"h, 40"w, 96"L - as soon as it was completed, Kathy wanted to re-purpose it for something it was ill-suited for - Jef declined

On the 12th, Jef cut pieces to install a loose mirror at the office & measured to fill in an empty threshold at office (only using scrap material left over from tearing out old shelving in prior office space). Then had a very busy day at the office.

Moderately nice sunset during which Jef filled the trash with some of the massive piles Kym was making on her cleanup of front yard

New mirror over office sink

On the 13th, got up early and cut pieces for new table at work. Found out, when almost done, that I hadn't installed wood cutting blade in saw & was still using diamond blade - but still cut fine. When assembling it at work it seemed the last too pieces were too long, so without checking, after seeing a line on the pieces, I mistakenly thought the last line was not cut, so rushed home & cut it. Came back to find pieces were now too short, so stopped construction & worked at the office.

Quick & dirty fill in of threshold of closet at work(from scraps) - carpet still needs trimming, but should look okay from outside when done

Now too short pieces are to the right - this is when I gave up for the day on building this table (all from scraps)

On the 14th, Jef finished the table at work - doing hack job of trimming 4 pieces that were sticking out (forgot when designing that these were only needed in back, but cut pieces to be symetrical). Installed the 1 piece I screwed up on yesterday and table became stable in missing dimension. Then painted the table & put it in its place.

after Kym's cleanup of front yard

panorama of yard from street

After cutting pieces sticking out in front

After painting & installing table - dark splotches on carpet are water from cleaning up paint - It wasn't quite dry on bottom

On the 15th, woke up to the smell of the Salton Sea, so air was drifting from the east. We packed up and drove to Santee midday for Kathy & Tiki's doctor appointments the next day. Took Kathy out for Sushi at Okawa's.

On the 16th, took Tiki to the vet to get fixed & a cyst removed. Then did some shopping. Later took Kathy to MD. After picking up Tiki, we packed up and drove back to Borrego late afternoon.

Tiki, after Kathy bandaged her up

On the 17th, back to work for a very long day at the office. Tiki stayed with Jef to monitor her bandages.

On the 18th, Tiki again accompanied Jef to the office.

Jef put up the BPT banner above the Sundowner banner this day

Panorama of the Sundowner site (building at left)

Jef had been rescuing this old standing sign & re-did it (with paper) with the new logo

Kathy changing Tiki's bandages this evening - wound was still bleeding a little

On the 19th, after Jef finished at the office, he drove home got a bottle of wine and, with Tiki, visited happy hour at the caboose. Tiki wandered around off the leash but pretty much stayed with the group. Just before Jef was about to grab Tiki & go home, he got detoured into a tour of the caboose. As he was leaving, the lights went out (schedule short blackout at 6pm). Jef immediately started searching for Tiki, who had been around the caboose 5 minutes earlier, and with darkness increasing by the minute, he was very worried when he failed to find her. He enlisted some help, and within 5 minutes, Grace had found her dead in the road - apparently Tiki had been hit by a car on a deadend road - a very unlikely, but very tragic event. When Jef got home, Kathy was furious at Jef for failing to safeguard Tiki and very sad. She demanded Jef bury her in a nice box, so Jef constructed such a box that night.

Tiki reviewing Sundowner site after tables, chairs & lights was brought up today for tomorrow's event

At the caboose happy hour - Tiki was waddling around the site, as bandages restricted her gait - that's why Jef left her off the leash

Tiki sniffing around

Panorama inside the caboose

Looking out the back of the caboose is the oleander hedge which Tiki would be attracted to around this time, as many birds nested inside - fateful road was less than 50' from this point of the hedge

Tiki checking out under these rocks

Firering almost seems like a doggy prison

5:45pm(camera time, which was fast) Tiki was given a treat or 2 from the appetizer table. She seemed to be staying in the general area and having a good ole time.

5:46pm Tiki is at bottom left - perhaps the last picture of her alive

6:02pm Grace in front of caboose

6:07pm Tiki was behind the caboose at this time

6:52pm Tiki was killed by human(s) - either killed by a car or a blunt object - Grace found the body after several us had broken into groups and searched for Tiki - this was about 50 yards from the caboose - probably Tiki had spotted a rabbit and run to this area. She was pointed back & may have been attracted to our calls & walked in front of a car, or perhaps tried to get out of the way of a car backing out of a nearby driveway & was backed over - Kathy said her skull was mush, so the trauma was to the head. Grace found no pulse at this time.

When Tiki was brought home, Mia and Gypsi said their goodbyes

Mia smelling Tiki in her coffin

Suspended the burial this evening in case Holley wanted to see Tiki one more time

On the 20th, Jef had to make modifications to the box, as it was not quite long enuff nor high enuff, but he finished the process, picked out a burial site and buried Tiki. Kathy was too distraught to see any patients this day, so all were cancelled. Kathy forced herself to go to the SUndowner we were hosting that afternoon.

Finished coffin (after increasing its size)

Location of burial

Tiki in the earth

When Kathy's big ocotillo fell partly down, Jef planted a few branches about a year ago - no life was seen on any of them except this one which just started leafing out.
Rest in peace, Tiki - we loved you so much!

Pre-appetizers at the Sundowner

At the start of the event

Sundowners go beyond sundown

Linda and Brad running the raffle

On the 21st, Kathy took it easy in bed. Jef worked on replacing the backyard valve cover - nearly finishing it. Winds picked up during the day - storm heading our way.

On the 22nd, Jef continued working on valve covers, filled up trash at both Sewanee and Weststar, as Kathy continued taking it easy. Later that day she did her usual chores, however. It was windy and rain threatened much of this day and we did get a little during the night.

Completed electric service to guest house (complete with sub-meter) and back yard valve cover in place

Completed front yard valve cover in place - new valve connector had been leaking, Jef didn't pay much attention to it & while he was working on this valve cover, it blew off & there was a gusher(see the surrounding we ground) so Jef fixed this before finishing the valve cover

On the 23rd, back to a full day at the office. That evening we made burritos.

On the 24th, snow topped Toro Peak on this cool day (high about 70°F). Kathy had a short day with only 1 office patient and 3 home cares. Jef stopped at the Happy Hour with the Animals at the bracero installation. THe Bracero (manual laborer) Program was initiated during WWII by FDR to get temporary workers from Mexico to help with the labor shortage in the US. The main reason Jef went over was to try to reclaim the corkscrew left at the caboose, but Jerry & Ginna weren't there, however, Grace had 2 lost & found corkscrews & gave me the better one - so that I no longer had to use a screw and pliers to open wine bottles. After drinking one glass of wine, met Kathy at the gym and we worked out for a couple of hours. Jef burned 586 calories in 40min & 10.4 miles on the exercise bike.

A bracero

The group

Bracero, A.K.A. "The wine picker"

Another "wine picker"

Flowers are starting to come out

Even these grape posts are statues - I noticed a number stamped on each piece - the middle post is #100, indicating it is probably statue #100 of the nearly 200 statues spread over the valley

On the 25th, a busy day at the office. Took out trash at both houses. Kathy didn't get home til 9:30pm, but Jef had made chimichongas & salad just before she arrived home.

On the 26th, rushed over to work (an early start) for another busy day at the office. Weather was perfect again with highs in the 80s and no wind. At the end of the day, worked out, this time STARTING with the exercise bike & going 10.4 miles in 40 minutes, burning 615 calories.

Nice sunset this afternoon

Jef doing SLR on mat (one of his 6 exercise types)

Last touch of colour this evening

Kathy working out on exercise bike

On the 27th, completed a very busy week at the office. Freak dust storms appeared at times in the middle of the valley.

Moon over weird cloud this evening

On the 28th, Jef & Kathy drove to SD to pick up new replacement chihuahua for Tiki, to pick up the new cooktop & do some shopping. We obtained rescue dog "Peanut" in same place (in front of Santee Petco) that Kathy obtained rescue dog Mia. We drove back home late that afternoon with both Peanut & Mia lying in Kathy's lap.

The clown suit came with Peanut (formerly Brunella) - this pic taken in Santee
Jan 2015

On the 1st, woke up to see a winter wonderland surrounding us in the mountains. It was very cold. Mostly took it easy this day, not doing much.

Nearly down to freezing at the house - typically 10°F warmer than the open desert

Snow-capped 3367' elevation Yaqui Peak behind frost covered Frau BlueCar

Kathy standing by 10' section of 1 1/2" conduit - as we perused worksite for new electrician

New pole with new box open

Yaqui Peak late this afternoon

On the 2nd, worked out at office, but cut it short, as Jef found out the exercise bike power connetor was broken. Then worked on counter top in Sewanee carport. Paco came by while working.

On the 3rd, mostly completed couter top in Sewanee carport. Paco & McDermott were there, as was Charles, who brough over his musical instruments to jam. We took off & explored Old Borrego, stopped by Arches for appetizers - met Ramon there, then Charles showed us his house - very impressive.

Charles & Flaco jamming at the homestead

Album cover? Mike, Flaco & Jef at Old Borrego

Old Borego Store

Jef & his mom 29 years earlier - note less weeds, more glass(less plywood on windows)

Charles showing off Denny's old swing (similar in design to our Landa St. swing)

Altho this may look like a snowy winter scene, it isn't - just a lot of white paint. This was taken from inside the dry pond behind Eddie Duvall's old house - note the double roof

Checking out the old work shed - lots of places for tools & materiel, as well as a long work bench

A whole lotta drinkin (was) goin on

A sizable flood went thru here recently (deep indentations in places)

Charles & Flacoat the Arches

On the 4th, Jef worked at Sewanee, added more to the berm protection barrier & filling trash with cut up paloverde.

Did a little more berm reinforcing this day

On the 5th, Jef went to the office, & did a quick & dirty fix to the exercise bike.

Nice sunset observed from our new office this evening

On the 6th, Jef borrowed a soldering iron, shrink tubing & solder from Clark & fixed the exercise bike & did some work at the office.

On the 7th, Jef worked out & did some work at the office.

Sunset this evening at WestStar

Our cooktop has been missing all year. The first attempt to fix it failed, so we ordered a $400 part & this should be fixed next week

On the 8th, Kym & Lupita worked at cleaning Sewanee house. Brian installed washer in our new office. Jef did some work at office.

Surprised to see a rainbow on this day!

On the 9th, Kathy cancelled her MD appointment due to still being sick. Jef filled Sewanee trashcan with yard waste & painted new counter by carport sink. Then went to office, did some work & did a small workout before heading of the SD for shopping & poker - lost 2.

After Sewanee house was cleaned

360° panorama at Sewanee house

After filling trash & painting new carport counter

After washer was plumbed by appliance guy prior day

Sunset at Iron Mtn. trailhead - strange clouds with nothing substantial, yet with twisted rain towers - see center of this pic

On the 10th, mostly took it easy, but did some work at the office.

On the 11th, worked at office - glued treadmill cowling back together.

Sewanee carport counter

After peeling back roofing - it's still unfastened & needs replacing

On the 12th, tried to use treadmill, but found it wouldn't turn on. Worked out with Jan H in gym.

On the 13th, after we found out Kathy had arranged to take Elaine to her ortho appt., we picked her up and drove here there. Elaine went with us to Kathy's MD appt. later that afternoon & we had Chinese afterwards before driving back to Borrego.

Found this hiking trail behind medical building & went on 3 mile hike while waiting for Elaine's appointments to end

Later found out that the business next door to the medical building - here raising a 20,000 gallon tank into building (thru roof) - completely unmarked in front, is a brewery!

On the 14th, worked out with Jan at the office, did some work there, missed Happy Hour with the Animals (by small dinos in Indianhead), as I had to shop & fill/take out trashcans at Sewanee & Weststar before dark.

On the 15th, re-did hinges on new cabinet doors at the office & spackled (prior to painting) cabinet doors & laundry room shelf.

Moved CPR from garage to top shelf in records closet

Laundry room shelf after spackling

Cabinet doors with new self-closing hinges

On the 16th, did some work at the office: painted grout stains near base moulding in hall, painted edges of laundry shelf, painted cabinet doors, chiseled & cut TR 1 door so that it easily opened & closed & then painted cut edge. Then, drove to Santee, did some shopping, then lost at Pickleball with partner Hank against Craig and then again, lost 6 at poker.

Painted laundry room shelf

Painted cabinet doors

Re-done door

Sunset in the Santee Walmart parking lot this evening

On the 17th, went over to visit Flaco, Mike & Eddie at Sewanee. We walked over to La Casa & had a nice breakfast. After touring the resort, we walked back. Jef cut some firewood waiting for Hank to arrive. Then, in 2 cars, we drove to Slab City via Calipatria, toured Salvation Mtn, stopped at "The Range" & wandered about a bit before going home via the northern route. Stopped by Imperial Spa to see what changes were made - bad: speed bumps & detour. Made it back to Borrego just after dark & stopped by for dinner at El Borrego.

Eating breakfast at La Casa

Before starting meal

Some of the firewood cut up this day

Jamming at "Chubacabra Chateaux"

Horizontal panorama

Vertical panorama

Album cover #1

Album cover #2

Jef at Salvation Mtn

God! Is that Eddie?

In the Salvation Mtn. "Forest"

Flaco taking pic of Salvation Mtn.... IN Salvation Mtn.

Leaving the jungle


Flaco, Hank & Mike taking pix

Devil in a red dress? - no actually it goes "...She's got high-heel shoes and an alligator hat; Wearin' her pearls and her diamond rings; She's got bracelets on her fingers, now, and everything; She's the devil with the blue dress, blue dress, blue dress, Devil with the blue dress on..."

Hank & Flaco at the peak

After sitting in on a song on the outdoor sofas at The Range, Flaco, Mike & Eddie mill about.

Next performers setting up

Heading north around the Salton Sea, visibility was difficult.

Much better after the sun set, however

On the 18th, cut some more firewood at Sewanee, stopped by at the close of the tournament & visited the Borrego Tennis Club members, then worked out at the gym - finishing with 8 miles & 441 calories on the exercise bike.

On the 19th, did some work at office. Kathy indicated she could go on a short walk this afternoon - first in over a week.

On the 20th, walked to/from the office (about 5 miles) for the first time since the surgery. Cool sunset this evening. Tostadas for dinner.

First noticed nice clouds when I went to store

Panorama between Mall & churches

Panorama near Charles M home - had to set down groceries for this

Some creosotes had flowers

Just before fading

On the 21st, Kathy saw her first patient this year despite still not quite recovering from her illness. Jef did a half workout, then drove to Sewanee & hiked over a mile to "Happy Hour with the Animals". Started hiking up my old running trail - a wash (hadn't been up there for more than a decade) & detoured west after about 3/4 miles, as it looked like I was going too far south. Finally crossed dirt road & soon saw the 'fighting dinosaurs' where about a dozen people were enjoying happy hour. Met Rickards, Laughlins, Ginny, Katy, Joya & others. Talked to Joya about her winning a flower contest(at the solstice) in Rhode Island & that we would be over there this spring. Afterwards (when it was getting pretty dark), picked up my bag (with wine & corkscrew) & chair & hiked back via dirt roads & paved roads under starlight, as crescent moon with nearby Venus had set at start of walk at dusk.

Good ole Yaqui Meadows

Arriving at the "Fighting dinos"

Panorama while standing in between the 2 dinos

On the 22nd, Kathy saw another patient at the office & reported feeling much better later in the day.

Kathy returning home at sunset after her walk (of 30 minutes) since she got bronchitis a couple weeks prior

Colour in sunset this evening

On the 23rd, Kathy came into the office & did clean-up & paperwork. The electrician replaced the breaker box in the house, finding one of the 50amp breakers had burned up. Jef & Kathy went out to El Borrego for dinner.

The electrician found that this dual 50amp breaker had partially burned up in the old breaker box

On the 24th, the electrician came to finish up a few things (like power to the stove) & Jef went to the office to do paperwork & work out - but only 405 calories in 34 min(7.5 miles) on exercise bike, as he was interrupted by a phone call. Temperatures crept back up to high 70s after a brief cold spell (low 70s) & wind started picking up.

This is Tiki following rodent smells from inside wall after new, larger breaker box was installed - old breaker box is on floor at right. This was before electrician came and fixed a few more things

Solar panel array this evening (panels had been installed this week)

On the 25th, mostly took it easy at home, but we did go on a 2+ mile walk with doggies around sunset. Interesting clouds this afternoon from incoming storm.

This panorama shows one of the plants in full bloom next to the solar array

Wire going to guest house - oldest wire is rusted, next oldest is stainless steel sheathed (this type of wiring ran current on the outside & probably lost a lot before reaching the house), the PVC was for the jacuzzi & was installed less than 10 years prior. The other cords are mesquite roots.

Panorama showing strange clouds from incoming storm

Substantial but relatively thin clouds are at bottom & cumulus clouds can be seen sitting on top

Dad pointed out that these rays are "anti-crepuscular" rays: Sun rays are effectively parallel, so that when one looks towards the source(the sun), they converge on the source (these are crepuscular rays). However, when one looks away from the sun, as in this case, those same sunbeams, being parallel, approach a point directly opposite the sun. These are seldom seen, but due to eclipsing by mountains and clouds in the west, they were clearly visible this evening!

Toward the end of the hike near home - some colour was seen, but there must have been some clouds toward coast limiting colour.

Indianhead had a bright head-dress this evening

On the 26th, it was overcast and we got rain in the afternoon. Kathy saw 4 patients this day. Jef worked out, finishing the 1h 30 minute workout by going 9.4mi on the exercise bike & burning 543 calories in 36 minutes.

Rainy panorama late this afternoon

On the 27th, had a medium busy day at the office. Kathy got wrangled into doing an Ocotillo Wells patient, but we walked in the moonlight for 45 minutes sans doggies - a beautiful walk to the old country club and back. Made a 1/4 page ad to be placed in next Borrego Sun with photoshop.

Low clouds in mountains this morning

Try at a panorama showing we moved from left to right, but not used in ad

Picture showing we are behind this sign

Picture showing ramp & stairs in front of our new office

Panorama of our new gym

Our new lobby

Panorama showing our new location

New photo of Kathy

The staff

Jef, Alicia, Kathy

Our first new ad in years



Sunset this evening

Kathy pushed herself(thru back pain) to make it to the old country club & back (over 2 miles) - here at the turnaround point

On the 28th, another day at the office. Big fire here this afternoon - it looked close, but was actually a mile away at the Roadrunner. Apparently there was a conflict & a guy set fire to his mobile home. The fire department let it burn because there was ammo going off. There were many emergency vehicles and a helicopter. While this was going on, we continued to work at the office & then worked out there Worked out with Kathy - finishing with 38 min on exercise bike, 9.3 mi & 508 calories - not as good as last time, Kathy says it's 'bio-rhythms', so I wasn't on today.

Flames could be seen at the bottom of the smoke pillar that went on for hours at the Roadrunner Club

Red sky this morning

On the 29th, a slow day at the office - it was cloudy all day, but no rain.

Kathy thinks it was snowing on Toro - as seen here - but Jef thinks it was probably just rain

On the 30th, we had a little rain before sunrise, but it was just another cloudy day. At the office, after a couple patients at the office, Kathy had to drive to OW for a last patient visit before we packed and drove to Santee - shopping at Stater's on way. Had Sab-E-Lee dinners (the usual - me: Red Curry Chicken(level 10) & Kathy Basil Chicken(level 4)).

Dreary January day

On the 31st, Jef shopped at Walmart & then picked up Kathy & then we dropped off Kathy's violin bows to be re-strung & shopped at TJs, Petco, Vons, Target, Home Depot & Penguin Yogurt on way back. Jef, Kathy, Tiki & Mia went on a 45 minute hike up the Mesa Road. Great sunset this evening.

Kathy starting out on hike

Panorama at Big Rock & Rancho Fanita

Rancho Fanita trailhead

Kathy taking trail to Mesa

Houses (including ours) are in the middle of this panorama

The green is mostly natural weeds, including thistle

Kathy taking one of several breaks due to back pain
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