Journal Index
1Q'15 Jef and Kathy's Activities 2Q 2015 3Q'15
Jun 2015

On the 1st, worked at office to early afternoon with Kathy, but then she left & did 2 homecares. A long day at the office for Jef, as it was both the first of the week and first of the month.

Lacking any coins for comparison, but not paper, here is 2nd cuke harvested from raised garden

On the 2nd, only 1 office patient, but lots of home patients for Kathy.

State of raised garden this day

On the 3rd, we did one office patient, but then rushed off to SD for Kathy's physical. Dropped off old computer from one of our contractors, and did a lot of shopping. As this was our anniversary, Kathy was very disappointed on the quality of this arduous day.

Cloud on San Ysidro Mtn. looked like a cottonball

On the 4th, after a long day (Kathy spent most of it doing homecare), we gave Holley her presents & cards. She is now 21!

Progress of sweet potato and bouquet Jef got for Kathy for anniversary #9

New electric wiring finally completed

Holley wearing presents - new shirt & cardigan

On the 5th, probably the last relatively cool day of the season with highs in the 80s. Jef worked at the office while Kathy did homecare all day.

Kathy's toe was somehow infected - perhaps a spider bite - there was no progress healing for a few days, but finally started getting better around now

On the 6th, Jef & Kathy did a little work. At the end of the day, dressed up & took Holley to our anniversary/her birthday dinner at Rams Hill. We tried all 3 of their sushi/sashimi dishes along with our meals - Jef had filet mignon, Holley shrimp with pasta & Kathy had a prime rib.

Carlos & Rodrigo had cleaned our front yard today, as seen in this 360° panorama

After sitting down at our table at Rams Hill - service would prove to be glacial this evening - taking over 2 hours to get out

Holley and her cake - lemon vanilla

After candles were lit

Midway thru blowing out candles

On the 7th, Kathy noticed the grapes were ripe a month early, so Jef harvested nearly all of them, but only about 10# this year.

On the 8th, back to work - long days, but as with last week, few office patients - mostly home care.

Less than 10# on pitiful grape harvest this year

On the 9th, due to a hurricane going thru the Sea of Cortez, we had Texas-like weather - hot & humid & with a chance of rain here in Borrego. Another long day at work.

Meter going backwards (1245kwh over 98 days, averaging 12.7 kwh/day)

View from inside office this afternoon

Threatening weather never made it to us this day

On the 10th, Kathy did mostly home care, Jef worked at the office.

On the 11th, Kathy had a long home care day, Jef dropped off car at Tito's(oily water leak implied water pump going out), walked to office, and then after working a full day, walked home.

View from Spur as Jef walked home this day.

On the 12th, another long day at the office. Jef drove to SD, did some shopping & lost 8 at poker.

On the 13th, Jef started raking back yard & sweeping mesquite beans off back patio and front carport before washing and detailing Kathy's car while she worked on this Saturday. Got her some El Borrego take out, as she was beat when she arrived home late.

Recently washed car with pickup dinner from El Borrego

On the 14th, first day of a 10 day stretch with highs in the 110s. Jef & Kathy did some clean up work at WestStar. Checked Sewanee house - no problems, but upped the irrigation time. Kathy cooked pork chops and chicken for dinners for the rest of the week.

Gypsy in one of her favourite spots - in the dining room

Sewanee house this day

On the 15th, back to work a long day in a long week at work. Holley moved to Santee to start beauty skool following day.

View from office shows paloverde blooming yet again!

On the 16th, Jef drove Kathy to clinic to discuss about 5 health problems with Jan - she recommended antibiotics for 2 of 'em(including toe). Then off to another long day at work.

Jef raked a more mesquite beans - this day in front under largest tree

After completing rake job

On the 17th, Kathy saw 1 patient at start of day, we drove to SD for a meeting & some shopping, then drove back to Borrego where Kathy saw a 2nd patient.

Kathy noticed these red cacus flowers blooming for the 3rd time this year, so I took a few pix

This panorama of this 'cactus wonderland' at this home on Broken Arrow shows some yellow aloe blooms, as well

Kathy is on roll getting orchids to re-bloom with their new location

This plant is blooming a lot, too

On the 18th, a long day at the office(added 3 new patients in a ridiculously already full schedule). Noticed smoke to the north with what proved to be the very large Lake Fire on San Gorgonio. At home, noticed garden was wilting, so gave it a good dose of water. Both garden & house had infestations of Amdro-resistant ants, so Kathy resolved to call pest control guy. Holley called claiming someone crashed into her car in a Walmart parking lot, but what actually happened is unknown when dealing with an ethically challenged 21 year old. Holley has been caught thruout her life telling blatant lies with no remorse, and so those of us in the know are very skeptical.

Salad for this evening's dinner

Pool is back!

Cobweb clouds this evening

Garden was struggling in heat, so for 2nd time, added water

On the 19th, killed 2 tomato hornworms. Drove black Jeep to office for another long day at work. Almost got yet another new patient, but patient remembered an instance of Holley's blatant lying(about whereabouts of her grandson. Holley did not know, but grandma heard him talking in the background) when calling WestStar house and opted not to be Kathy's patient. Found notice to call sheriff when returned home - but I assumed a dog barking complaint - didn't even think about Holley having anything to do with it.

Entire sky contained clouds of smoke from "Lake Fire" at San Gorgonio, about due north of us - this panorama is looking north

Smoke overflowing Toro Peak into the Borrego Basin - we never actually had much settle in the valley and couldn't smell it

Sun setting thru smoke caused a golden glow in the valley

Recently re-installed pavement of adjacent condo parking lot glowing golden in the sunset

From my desk I can see the golden sun and 3 re-reflexions from my overlapping sliding lobby window

Sun rays can be seen going thru light smoke haze over San Ysidros

360° panorama actually shows smoke clouds span the entire sky this evening

In the previous panorama I finally noticed our new sign has been installed!

On the 20th, helped Kathy with a patient as she worked 8 hours on this Saturday - day off? What's that? We brought back take out from El Borrego.

Sweet potato may be running out of gas (never gave it any food)

Avocado is in need of potting, as well

Haze below Toro Peak - Kathy hiding bottom right at El Borrego

On the 21st, walked to work - the long way(about 1 h 10m) & did a little work at the office. Kathy caught up on paperwork.

Holley came by to spend weekend - this is her banged up rear-end

Leaving wash to ascend spur on "long route" to town

About half way up spur

Panorama of turnoff to wash from spur trail - retraced this route on way home (weather was not bad, about 80°F when I left home a 8pm, and about 95° when I arrived home at about 10:30am.

I think this is a baby roadrunner in our patio pine tree

Guest house sub-meter - about 1000kwh on it over past 4 months

On the 22nd, back to work for another grueling day at the office.

A few clouds late this afternoon over our new sign

Noticed thick air towards Brawley this afternoon, not seen here, but it turned out to be smoke from still burning Lake Fire, a few clouds at sunset have been rare this month

On the 23rd, another busy day at the office.

First tomato ready to pick(however, another younger, smaller tomato has already been picked)

On the 24th, another day of shuffling to schedule with cancellations & no-shows, but managed to keep Kathy extremely busy with home care.

Looking east, the entire eastern sky has Lake fire smoke - still over the Imperial Valley over a week after fire started - smoke plume goes into Mexico

On the 25th, a medium busy day at the office.

Parking is centered about shade during summer in Borrego

Mesquite beans are still falling (they had been cleaned up a week before this)

On the 26th, another long day at work. Jef picked up Carmelitas take out, when El Borrego was closed. Kathy didn't like it, but Jef thought it was fine.

Humidity that came in prior day is still here and would persist for another week

State of raised garden

First of about 3 days of overcast

Doggies like their treats

On the 27th, we started an online class for Kathy's homecare contract. Then Paco came to get stuff from Sewanee - he was supposedly renting the place, but this is only the 3rd weekend he came out over the 6 month rental span. Some of his coworkers were performing at Carlees that nite, so we attended & had dinner there with Paco - the music was extremely good. We convinced Paco to spend the nite at Weststar.

Kathy risks her life to straighten out the philodendron encircling the kitchen

On the 28th, Jef took Paco in black Jeep for a short walk up Glorietta this morning. After he left, Kathy & Jef worked on the online class - got a lot done, but didn't quite finish it.

Meter has started going forward with more A/C usage

On the 29th, we attended the follow-up to the online class in SD, just going there and coming home with no shopping stops. Kathy saw George after getting back to Borrego.

On the 30th, back to work, but only a medium day at the office.

Gecko in bathroom at work

A rare east wind wreaks havoc on our normally protected front patio

Jupiter and Venus on their closest approach

Venus is the brighter of the 2

Kym cleaning pool - small rectangle in sky is Jupiter and Venus
May 2015
On the 1st, a medium day at the office. Computer there crashed for the first time, but was able to resurrect it this time.

A better approximation of where 1970 well was drilled (see below)

Next photo will be better approximation of this original photo at the failed Borrego Racquet Club

On the 2nd, drove Peanut to vet in Brawley. Did a little shopping there, too. After returning home, I cleaned up Kathy's "Frau Bleu-Car". Tried to get a little rest this day after a long week, I seem to be exhausted each afternoon.

Frist noticed this blue in the corners of my raised garden - similar in colour to blue glue I used on piping

Noticed that when I moved the sprinkler that these tiny blue things scattered

Turns out these are a swarm of a type of springtail which is part of the ecology of decaying leaves, and not a problem - just a very, very unusual colour

These mushrooms swell up in the morning & seem to disappear by the afternoon - these and the springtails probably came out of the starter soil that I put on the surface for nutrients and to hold moisture during the day

Progress of avocado seed I started trying to grow about a month ago.

Noticed sweet potato I started a couple weeks ago had the underwater starts breaking the surface into the air

On the 3rd, painted and patched roof repairs at Sewanee house. Kathy had patients each day this weekend. Cleaned the guinea pig cage & helped Kathy with cooking and other chores, so still didn't get much rest this day either. Dinner this night featured Kathy's newly found carne asada recipe.

Only had time to paint over N part of carport roof patches

Bar-b-Q was an inferno when first started (due to mayo from Kathy's last swordfish grilling being on the floor of the grill and igniting) - mostly subsided by the time I took this pic

On the 4th, the pitayas were amazing and in full bloom at 2 houses on drive to work. Worked a full day at the office (beginning of month & Mondays are always difficult).

Pitaya blooms had faded somewhat by the time I had to snap a pic

Somewhat stormy weather this day - Here is Kathy times 3 (her Maxima with 2 dopelganger Kathy & Maximas) - rumor has it these cars that all look the same are made of 'ticky-tacky'

Somewhat cleared by this afternoon, but with humidity induced haze still around

On the 5th, another full day for Kathy & medium day at the office. Noticed first cantaloup flower in raised garden. Springtails are still around in numbers each morning.

On the 6th, a long day at the office. We started getting some wind this day - cooling trend as high was in the low 80s.

On the 7th, another very long day at the office. Cool and blustery with heavy winds and cool temperatures - high was in the mid 70s. Worked out in the late afternoon - nearly 2 hours. In 40 minutes on the exercise bike, burned 621 calories.

Manduca quinquemaculata, aka tomato hornworm - larval stage of hawk moth - seems to like my peppers more than tomatoes

More mature hawk moth - before being squished

Combining of 2 images taken at same place looking in same direction

Wellhead is behind creosote below head of rightmost camel & a little to the right

Panorama near same spot

Windy this day - dragon a couple hundred yards behind camel is obscured by dust

Jef worked out for nearly 2 hours - culminating into this 40 minute stationary bike ride where he burned 621 calories

Some bug - maybe a damselfly, probably

On the 8th, woke up to sprinkles. Snow was on the higher peaks - about 6000'. Walked to work over the higher trail, timing from start of goat trail to end (6 minutes using the original route). Took about an hour to get to the office, where I did some work before walking back & driving Kathy, Mia & Peanut to Santee - Kathy had MD appt. this afternoon. We stayed at Santee & started cleaning process.

View from trail

Lots of flowers blooming when we arrived at Big Rock

On the 9th, continued cleaning inside & outside house - Jef did a lot of weeding. Did some shopping before heading back home.

Kathy was perturbed when viewing stains on carpet she put in Bucky's bathroom AFTER washing it

Jef weeded much of crabgrass out of mum patch in front yard this day (at left in this panorama)

On the 10th, Jef & Kathy mostly took it easy this day. Jef did some work at the office.

Kathy BarBQing pork chops this evening

On the 11th, back to work for a long day at the office for Jef & longer day of home care for Kathy.

Notice this giant bug in hall at work this day

On the 12th, another long day at the office for Jef & home care for Kathy.

On the 13th, a long day at the office got a little shorter with cancellation/refusals.

State of raised garden this day

Our first cucumber is growing fast

Anaheim pepper is about 3" long now

One of only 2 tomatoes - about 1" diameter

Detail showing pepper, cucumber, arugula, tomato, and canteloup (most of the yellow flowers)

Sweet potato plants is looking healthy

Kathy drinking out of one of hand painted glasses made for mother day by Stacey & Eric

On the 14th, another long day at the office & home care for Kathy, but she still managed to get home by 7pm.

Rainingat base of mountains this afternoon

On the 15th, a rainy day with highs in the 60s - extremely unsual for Borrego in May! Jef & Kathy worked at the office & Kathy continued working on home care all afternoon.

Low clouds and some rain this day

Raindrops - not raining very heavily

View from our gym

Panorama showing retreating clouds

Panorama at Weststar, showing skies continuing to clear

Sunset at El Borrego this evening - Kathy tried their crab enchiladas, Jef the chicken fajitas

On the 16th, Kathy drove Elaine to La Quinta for shopping. Jef did about 1/3 of the Village hike up Rattlesnake Ridge, about 5 miles & 1500' vertical. After Kathy & Elaine got back, we had dinner - porterhouse steaks, corn on cob, brown rice & salad.

Peanut & Mia watching Jef check out raised garden this morning

12:43p - 43 minutes into hike, just after reaching first level part of hike after switchbacks and passing 'Temple Craig' - I passed the downed Temple cairn at 37 minutes & hit start of climb(first switchbacks) at 27 minutes - I did pass a lady hiker returning after just going a few miles with another party who continued on

12:46p - Cloud obscured Clark Lake and dark Lute Fault Ridge down below

Agave blooming in foreground by ocotillo

12:48p - another moderately level area - first with boulders to sit on, if needed

12:50p - in this level area, there are a pair of sleeping circles (middle of pic to right of trail)

pair of blooming agaves

12:52p - 3 Sleeping circles (center) with panorama of trail going by this ideal camping flat

1:05p - hitting area with more agaves...

...and more chollas

1:07p (this was actually about 1:34 at about the time I turned around) panorama showing many agaves in bloom - include a triple at right

1:16p - framed this fallen agave, which would be a good viewing bench were it were one. Spotted hiker above me just after snapping this panorama

1:25p - about this time saw hiker coming from behind, so I waited by sleeping circles so he could take my pic - a Floridian on business decided to do this hike as a detour from a business trip - I let him lead & took photos of him on way down

1:39p - reference hiker about to drop down to Temple Craig flats

1:46p - vertical panorama with hiker in middle of flat part of trail

Hiker about to drop off steep 300' descent of switchbacks down to Rattlesnake Wash

2:00p - hiker nearing bottom of switchbacks - trail goes over Rattlesnake Wash and thru debris field

Hiker starting on trail thru debris field - within 100 yards, he would make a wrong turn and wind up over 50 yards off trail - this slowed him down, so even with his head start, I managed to pass him & get to trailhead 2 minutes before he did.

The 2 white rocks (marble of some sort) at base of switchback trail actually resemble a duck!

On the 17th, Jef painted the patches on the Sewanee carport roof, completing the job and otherwise took it easy with Kathy this day.

Bright dot in center is probably a reflection of a car part below Montezuma Rd in Dry Canyon, but too much trouble to find out what

Progress of raised garden

New conduit comes in from back, makes a turn mid house, but wires not yet connected.

New sink Jef bought for Sewanee carport installed

Completed roof patching of Sewanee carport

State of 28 year old main roof at Sewanee is not great

On the 18th, back to work - short day at office for Kathy, but 4 home care patients each day this week.

On the 19th, a short day at the office for Kathy & medium day at home care. Had plumber replace malfunctioning kitchen faucet at WestStar.

On the 20th, another short day at the office. Kathy had a full homecare schedule again, however. Weather continued to be nice - highs in the 80s.

On the 21st, another short day at the office, but busy homecare day for Kathy. Jef had time to do a mostly complete workout. He was on track to burn 500 calories in 30 minutes on the exercise bike, but at 400 calories, SDG&E cut off the power (working on micro grid this day), so stopped workout & came home early.

On the 22nd, a second day in a row with wind and highs in the 70s - very cool for May in Borrego. Office day was short, but had to split homecare patients into 2 days (Kathy hates to work Saturday, but, oh well!).

Clouds to left of Toro hugged this mountain all day

Most clouds were missing at WestStar at sunset

Clouds still hugging Toro when we went out for dinner at El Borrego - Jef got beef fajitas & Kathy got shrimp fajitas & we ordered 2 albonigas to go

Moon over El Borrego this evening

On the 23rd, spent the day doing chores - 6 loads of laundry including all our bedding, changed Gigi's bedding, too. Took all 3 doggies on 25 minute walk around our block + 3 spurs - first walk for Kathy in about a month.

Put on hot tub cover at Sewanee and weighed it down - note Mexican primrose blooming

Picked this cucumber prior day - put half of it in our salad this evening and rest in salad next evening. Note progress of sweet potato.

On the 24th, spent most of the day learning from a video at home (for Kathy's CEUs) - this one on wound care. Kathy thought it a good lecture (6 hours, tho!). We took Mia and Peanut on a 45 minute, 2+ mile walk to the old country club and back in late afternoon.

On the 25th, took the day off again - mostly taking it easy. Jef did some things at the office.

On the 26th, a short day at the office for Kathy followed by a moderate day of home care. Jef did billing all afternoon & met with Kathy, Pam, Jan & Rebecca at Carlees for drinks, but we had appetizers, too, as Carlees was very slow due to being short handed & we left after 2 1/2 hours.

Raised garden this day

On the 27th, another short office day. Kathy did a moderate amount of homecare & Jef toiled at office.

On the 28th, after another short day at the office, Kathy did homecare in the afternoon while Jef worked at the office.

On the 29th, after a short day at the office, Kathy worked late on homecare, Jef at the office. It was too late to go out for dinner.

On the 30th, Kathy did 1 homecare patient. Jef did a few chores, including buying pads for swamper to be installed following morning when it was cooler.

On the 31st, Jef replaced swamper pads, but noticed a structural problem in swamp cooler housing, so he reinforced it. Jef went with Kathy to her only homecare patient.

Just fix it! Bench, wood & shovel used to reinforce corroded corner of swamper to enable yet one more season
Apr 2015

On the 1st, a very short day at the office.

The garden on this day

This is either a mesquite, pumpkin or cantelope sprouting from a seed - a pepper seed also germinated

On the 2nd, another long day at the office.

After work, Jef did a short 45 minute walk - here he is at turnaround point 300-400' above starting point in the Mall.

Took the more gradually descending trails on way down - about 10% of these barrel cacti were still blooming

Light purple (what looks like grass) in the middle of this pic is gilia, the last of the wildflowers to bloom

Scattered gilia blooms illuminated by the sun from behind

Weststar house viewed from road

These non-native cacti are blooming now

Full moon this evening

Sunset over pool

On the 3rd, Kathy was too sick to go to work, so Jef ran errands, walked to the office & did some work. Then walked over and picked up the 2nd of 3 cars being serviced this week.

Meanwhile, in NM, dad visited Julie - here he is with Doug

Dad & Julie at a local bar

This butterfly worried me going near my garden

Looking down trail heading up from Tilting T Wash

Panorama from pass (Tilting T wash - which I came up from is to left - and BS is to right

On the 4th, did preliminary repair to Sewanee carport roof - getting super dirty - had to drive home barefoot with paper towels holding steering & shifter(no paint thinner at Sewanee).

360° panorama at Sewanee house (from the berm)

My salad this evening

On the 5th, mostly took it easy. Went on 2 mile walk up back wash to photograph broomrape we found a couple weeks ago. That nite Holley caused a scene by insisting we listen to her and we refused as we were trying to go to sleep, so when she started shouting, I had to drag her out kicking and screaming.

Julie took this pic of Dad feasting with Easter dinner with Doug, Logan & Thor in Socorro this day

Added 2 more sprinklers to new planter - will try to keep more water IN the planter at a later date

On the 6th, Kathy was too sick to go to work, so stayed in bed. Jef went to the office & cancelled everyone for next 2 days & did some work.

Nice sunrise this morning

Clouds over mountain at sunrise

Survey by neighbor shows that our new pole and meter is on lot NEXT DOOR!

SDG&E has 61% of its power distribution underground, but not in our neighborhood, so their power lines are shading our solar, of course!

Small pholisma patch (below) is probably living off roots of this big cheesebush

Another pholisma patch further downwash has these bugs all over it

Unknown bug, possibly a boxelder bug?

Another patch of pholisma

Panorama of house from wash behind it

Meter still going backwards - averaging about 6kwh/day for first 34 days

On the 7th, Kathy was feeling a little better, so Jef scheduled a few for the following day.

Carlos & Rodrigo cleaned out the bottom of this pine tree prior day

Carlos & Rodigo also cleaned up this palm

Paloverdes still blooming on this cool (70s) day

On the 8th, went to work for a full day, Kathy was worse off - still sick, but persevered.

On the 9th, Kathy went to clinic, as last round of antibiotics wasn't working. Jef cancelled everyone at the office. Kathy got shot at clinic and new RX for her bronchitis.

Still dunno what type of beetle this is - saw this walking along driveway as I took in trash container from street

On the 10th, Kathy took another day off, except to see 2 home care patients in the afternoon. She was feeling better after getting a shot yesterday & starting with new antibiotics. After Jef did some work at office, he returned home & walked to/from office, doing a little more work there.

On the 11th, Jef started in the middle division of the last mixed doubles tournament of the season, losing the 1st 3 sets, but came back to win the 4th with partner Rene (visiting from Palm Desert).

Jef attended tennis club banquet alone this evening - we dined outside with Pablitos Mexican food, which was good. Lee and JaNell at right are being sung to, as their birthdays occured this weekend.

On the 12th, Jef attended the tennis tournament losing the last set 6-4. Jef was off this morning. Then he attended the finals up thru the awards ceremony.

Nikki serving in finals - she may have foot faulted more, but didn't notice. She was the youngest (by over 20 years) player & her and Bob won finals in my division.

Should update Tennis Center website with new rates

2 attending board members of club Sheldon (VP) at left and Eileen (Treasurer) at right with Borden & Sandi in middle

Bonnie was the only one in the lower division finals who was still present at the award ceremony, so she posed with Eileen and Sheldon

Sheldon(a last minute substitute) and Harriet just lost via a tie-breaker in the finals to Nikki and Bob

Nikki and Bob who won the most closely-contested finals - both played extremely well

Barry and Ursula lost a close match in the upper division finals... Roxanne and Mike

Everyone laughed in the drawing for the $50, as the first 3 participants in the tournament who were drawn, were not present

...but Drew was

Bretta drew for the winner of those who participated in all 6 tournaments.

Harriet won, but donated back to the club

On the 13th, Kathy not feeling well, so cancelled all patients for next 2 days. Jef worked at the office.

On the 14th, Jef worked at the office about half a day, getting taxes mailed out. Kathy was not feeling well & wanted to get in to SD to see an ER MD, but we had an emergency call to see a patient, fixed him up & Kathy decided it was too late. Jef suggested a walk might help clear her lungs, so we walked the doggies around the circle - about 1.2 miles. Kathy seemed to be better.

On the 15th, Kathy again decided we should to to urgent care in SD, so we drove there & she got a few meds. While she was waiting, Jef did a lot of shopping. We stopped by to see Ted and check on Santee house while waiting for 1st pharmacy. As 1st pharmacy was out of one of the drugs, we stopped in Ramona for that and did more shopping at Stater's (Jef got gas for $2.90/gal while Kathy was shopping).

Kathy standing by her prized roses in this Santee panorama

On the 16th, Kathy still not feeling well, but scheduled her for one patient in the afternoon. Jef walked to work over the spur - about 62 minutes at a leisurely pace. On the way back, he glimpsed someone heading for the spur with walking sticks, so increased the return pace - as she was only a minute behind & Jef didn't want to be passed by a GIRL, he took an old abandoned trail, as he suspected, rightly, that it cut off about 75' vertical from the climb, but the trail did become quite narrow on a steep section, causing caution and slowing down. He made it home in about 52 minutes with this new shortcut.

These plants that were planted 2-3 years ago hadn't bloomed since, until these 2 bloomed this year

Garden progress - cucumbers are starting to get big

Arugula seeds mom bought just before she died are still very viable - also small tomatoes & cantelopes in this pic are from seed

Our new neighbor installed this rustic fence, leaving a gap for the power pole that is slightly on his property

On my walk to work today, I saw this small desert xmas tree(bottom left) tapping off this cheesebush(top right)

As I approached the Mall, I saw this new aerial survey mark - perhaps signalling the building of the new medical/library complex - perhaps causing a detour in the spur trail

The tears in this Sewanee carport roof will be patched in the near future

On the 17th, Kathy returned to work at the office, working her first full day in a couple of weeks. Weather on these past few days was very pleasant with highs in the 70s and 80s.

We dined at El Borrego this evening

Kathy don't like this pic

Jef don't like this one

Kathy trying to hide from camera

On the 18th, Jef prepared and moved roofing material to roof, but it was too windy to install. He selected a couple dozen pieces of cedar fencing for scaffolding above new planter (for vines) and started erecting it. Kathy saw a few homecare patients on this Saturday.

On the 19th, Jef installed most of the roofing as patching, but when cut with scissors breaking, and with sore fingers from manual work, he stopped before finishing job. Took down start of scaffolding above planter, as it was a little too low (don't want to poke anyone's eye out!), raised it about 9" and also added more pieces (about 9 at 6 1/2' as partial shade, and 3 to help direct vines to roof area. He sat down to call Julie this morning and noticed the double chair was broken and a nearby flood indicated the 1/4" valve to NE swamp cooler had failed, along with the float valve, so got a new float valve. Kathy bar-b-qued some swordfish this evening - Kathy also saw a new patient this afternoon.

Cool sunrise this morning, but Jef waited to get to a good forground object (the giant bird statue) to take the pic - by then the sun had gotten a little too bright, but still not bad

At the sculpture

Vulture sculpture? I'm a poet & don't know et

Panorama has other sculptures in the distance at the right

After starting roof repair

Roof mostly patched, but when scissors broke while cutting roofing, Jef stopped (also fingers were sore, as patching tar was very thick & hard to spread) - to be finished later this week

Scaffolding completed today in planter is for vines to go up on

When I sat down to make a phone call this morning, noticed a flood by 2nd swamp cooler(got a new float valve & replaced it this day), I also noticed the bench chair was broke

After replacing the broken 2x3 in the bench chair

On the 20th, back to work a medium day at the office.

On the 21st, after another medium day at the office, picked up Jeep, drove it home, and walked back to the Mall to pick up my car (over the newly discovered trail over the Borrego Spur). As I started the walk back, met Carlos our new neighbor, who took a week off to fix up his new house. It took over an hour to get to office, indicating the new way isn't always faster.

Panorama taken from new trail

A horizontal cut to new trail is just above this ocotillo

Looking back at this new trail - it starts to left of the ridge trail(you can see a faint track) and can be seen going horizontal to the left

On the 22nd, another medium day at the office. Trimmed the dead branches off the orange tree in the back yard. Noticed the first cucumber blossoms in the garden. This is the last relatively cool week, probably, as temperatures next week were forecast in the 100s.

Getting lots of tomato flowers, but no fruit yet

Cucumber flower

On the 23rd, a short day at the office. This day was cool - highs in the 70s, a little windy, and a threat for some showers, but none made it to the valley.

Looks stormy over towards Toro

Water well being drilled off Catarina Dr. circa 1970. Mom did the research to determine where to drill and contracted the drillers to provide water to a new development, The Borrego Racquet Clib (this was aborted shortly after this due to a theft of funds by a member of the infamous Dupont family)

The object on the ground to the left of the righmost statue IS THE ABOVE WELL!

Wellhead was welded shut

All the statues in this area surrounding the old well were recently erected.

Jef remembers watering trees along Catarina as a summer job (another part of the job was to take care of a moderate sized nursery that was for unknown reasons moved by mom to a house on Zuni Trail instead of at the Hopi house during the summer of '70) - there was irrigation pipe to each tree. Apparently there was a significant drainage along this road, as this pipe has been exposed to the weather for a number of the intevening 45 years.

On the 24th, a medium busy day at the office on a very windy, but cool day.

Paloverde outside office still going string

Clouds in mountains usually translate to wind down here

On the 25th, mostly took it easy at home. We had some sprinkles in the late afternoon. A cool day, but too windy to work on roof this day.

Rain is visible in this photo (sun shining on each drop helps!)

Clouds near sunset this afternoon

Fonts Point is visible from WestStar property, but only at a few places

On the 26th, Jef went over to finish patching carport roof, as wind had finally died down. Hot, miserable work, but finished! Then took it easy at WestStar. Kathy had to do 2 patients this Sunday - none too happy about that!

Finished with patching - next job at Sewanee is painting

On the 27th, back to worka long day at the office, but finished in time to visit with Happy Hour with the Animals group in Glorietta Canyon. Found out many people were leaving town for summer at the end of this week.

Happy Hour with The Animals group in Glorietta Canyon (at the statue altar)

360° panorama

On the 28th, another long day at the office. Filled gas tank on Amanda II & then after work walked down to Circle & picked up Jeep (which we try to sell there), filled it with gas & drove it home. Then walked back to work to pick up Mazda - took new 'goat trail' & made it in 1 hour.

Walking up country club, phacaelia were back-lit by the setting sun

As I neared old country club, I approached shaded area, as sun was going behind mountains - good, since I had to walk towards sun with my hand held up to shade eyes

View from pass - sun still on mountains

At bottom of trail, Fonts Point was about to lose sun

On the 29th, after a moderate day at the office, met Jan & Kathy & Elaine next door to George's house & we proceeded to march in with a lighted birthday cake & have a little party. George had driven his scooter to the Senior Center earlier in the day(about 2 miles away) where he was feted with 2 other birthday cakes & a crowd of 60!

Kathy made this cake last night & frosted & decorated it this morning

State of raised planter this afternoon

Kathy presenting George with his cake

Blowing out candles

George, Elaine & Jan H. - who also had a birthday this day

On the 30th, another long day at the office. Kathy had 3 patients cancel out on her this week, but it is still a very busy week. Altho high was around 100, a windy afternoon made it pleasant. We made spaghetti for dinner this night - first time in over a year!

Newly replaced leaking hose bib in front yard of WestStar house
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