Journal Index
4Q'15 Jef and Kathy's Activities 1Q 2016 2Q'16
Mar 2016

On the 1st, a medium busy day at the office.

Contrail seem to be the only clouds around these days

On the 2nd, a very busy day at the office.

Yet more contrails after sunset this evening

On the 3rd, Jef & Kathy went to MD - Jef got shingles shot, Kathy got labs taken & some meds. Then a medium busy day at the office.

Beavertails are starting to bloom this day

More contrail clouds at sunset this evening

On the 4th, a ridiculously busy day at the office made worse by Alicia playing hooky. After work, Jef & Kathy toured the art walk and then had dinner at Carmelitas - poor service again.

More beavertail blooms

Mia displaying one of the collar socks we got at the Art Walk

On the 5th, Jef & Kathy took it easy at home

Cool sunrise this morning - this is a panorama with a glitch in the center

Beavertail blooms have not yet come out

Fresias still blooming, but on the decline this morning

Brittlebush are also now blooming

360° panorama in middle of driveway this morning

"War of the Worlds" clouds

2 types of lenticulars crashing into each other over towards Toro Peak this evening

On the 6th, Jef walked to work, and worked for over an hour, including updating this journal. This turned out to be a cool, windy day (highs in 70s) with some nice clouds.

Meter is pretty much standing still this time of year

Taking "long way" ridge, barrel cactus in bloom with Fonts Point behind it in distance

Sand Blazing Star in bloom

Saw this hiking group before reaching spur trail

Took this pic while ahead of group on spur trail, which I reached first

Heading down to junction of spur trail with my shorter route

Panorama showing more of trail, blooming ocotillo and blooming creosote

Rainbow in Palm Canyon with blooming creosote in foreground

Blooming crameria

Down in the wash near the Mall, rainbow still in Palm Canyon

Desert Lily on trail is now blooming

Another creosote/rainbow pic

A few desert dandelions can be seen at the base of this catclaw bush on start of hike back home

Kathy trying to remember how to play "Happy Days are Here Again" on her violin after some cooler weather hit us

On the 7th, back to work for a long day at the office.

Snow can be seen this morning below 5000'

Raining in Palm Canyon

Beavertails starting to bloom in front yard

On the 8th, a medium long day at the office.

On the 9th, a very long day at the office.

On the 10th,another very long day at the office.

Kym weeding in front yard this morning

On the 11th, after a yet again long day at the office, we got some rain after a mostly sunny day.

Sunrise this morning

Brittlebush blooming

Desert dandelions in nearby front yard

Jorgensen's front yard looked much better than this photo suggests

As forcast predicted rain at a fairly precise time around sunset, I took a sequence at same location - here it's 4:23pm

4:57 pm

5:15 pm

5:46 pm

6:24 pm

6:46 pm

7:35 pm

On the 12th, Jef got up early, drove Jeep to Glorietta & took pix of wildflowers. Later, we packed and drove to Santee, where we spent the night.

Panorama high up in main wash

White flowers in lower middle are desert 4 o'clocks, red flowers are chuparosa

Brittlebush flowers with barrels, ocotillos, creosote and cholla in background

Brittlebush flowers bending in a cool wind - windy and Jef just brought a t-shirt, so was a little cold

Desert lavender at left with brittlebush and chuparosa in this colourful pic

Cholla, barrels, ocotillos with a smattering of brittlebush

Jef's favourite - a panorama at this idylic area

Panorama showing a few dinos, ocotillos blooming, and sandstorm down by the sink

Beavertails in front yard

Wind had collapsed this oleander branch to block back door

On the 13th, met Holley, Eric & Stacey, and Sop & Alissa in OB - breakfast-all-day was too packed, so had a nice lunch at Nati's. Then checked into the hotel with Mia & Peanut. Went to dog beach that afternoon with the 7 of us & sat on the beach for about an hour. Later, we dressed up and took Eric & Stacey (also Holley) to Del Mar Brigantine for a nostalgic dinner (same place as their wedding reception 2 years earlier) where we also feted Stacey on her 30th birthday. Spent the nite at the OB Villa.

After lunch, we camped out for an hour or so on the beach - our hotel in background (Sop & Alyssa, Eric, Mia & Stacey, Kathy, Peanut & Holley)

Peanut protecting our backs

Panorama from Jef's perspective

Mia finding a nesting place

Flock of pelicans headed toward OB Pier

Spring flowers blooming in as we walk back to hotel (in background)

Our table at the Brigantine - Kathy, Del Mar Racetrack, railroad tracks, dog beach at Del Mar, Stacey, Eric, Holley

On the 14th, bid farewell to Eric & Stacey. Did some shopping, stopped by Santee where Kathy cleaned and gardened and Jef weeded and mowed lawns. Then drove back to Borrego.

Back home, beavertails still going strong

On the 15th, back to work for a long day at the office.

Panorama showing beavertails blooming on both sides of driveway

Beavertail bloom

On the 16th, a moderately light day at work.

On the 17th, after a medium day at the office, hosted a corned beef and cabbage dinner with the Rickards - they eagerly accepted, as they were headed to Ireland, and corned-beef and cabbage is uncommon over there, surprisingly.

Ocotillo showing more fall colour

Just after dinner is served - Kathy, Jim & Grace

On the 18th, a fairly long day at the office.

On the 19th, Jef played 3 special sets in the straight doubles round robin tennis tournament, doing okay: 4-3, 2-5, 7-0, but over-stressed R elbow and R knee, leading to pain and stiffness (during 2nd match).

Skimpy field of verbena off Henderson Canyon Rd. amongst smudgepots

Wildflowers in front of sabretooth at entrance to Indianhead Ranch

Tai-chi dino at left with dino at right laughing at him

Laughing dino

Tai-chi dino

Roberts house on left

Looking at Roberts house from driveway

Ocotillo with more pronounced fall colour

Walking doggies around circle

Lots of things blooming around the circle

On the 20th, Jef played remaining 2 sets, losing 3-4, 2-5 & finishing in middle with a 18-17 record.

Jorgensen house

Indigo bush blooming early this year

Ocotillo getting still yellower

Sunset viewed from jacuzzi area

Kathy built this trench to divert leaking water from swamp cooler to bougainvillea

On the 21st, back to work a medium long day at the office.

On the 22nd, a long day at the office.

Windy this afternoon

On the 23rd, after a long day at the office, Jef updated this page with pix thru the 12th.

One legged pidgeon roosting on our sign at work

Peach moon this evening

On the 24th, due to cancellations, a fairly short day at the office.

On the 25th, after a very long day at the office, we were too wiped out to go out to dinner, so crashed at home for the nite.

On the 26th, mostly took it easy at home. Jef installed new malibu lights along driveway.

Easter lily was on time this year

Meter has gone back about 300kwh since peaking in February

Indigo bush blooming with orange tree in background

Does the Dart have any non-flat tire?

Windmill with blooming paloverde in background

Remnants of beavertail blooms by newly installed Malibu lights

On the 27th, continued taking it easy at home. Jef cleaned GP cage, washed (partially) a couple of cars, did a few repairs to black Jeep (new window handle & fixed cracking dash). Jef & Kathy walked all 3 doggies around circle (with spurs).

On the 28th, a cool and very windy day - a busy day at the office.

Sandstorm obscuring Fonts Point from the view at the Mall

After the wind broke the stalk of the amarylis, cut it off and put it in a vase inside this evening

On the 29th, a 2nd cool windy day in a row. Jef worked at the office while Kathy did home care until late afternoon when she joined him there to finish out the day.

Snow down to about 7000' on Toro this morning

On the 30th, a 3rd cool, not so windy day in a row with a bit of rain in the late afternoon on this very busy day at the office.

Not much of a downpour this day, but enuff to get the ground wet about an hour before this pic was taken

On the 31st, a medium long day at the office. The swamp cooler ordered on Amazon arrived.

State of raised garden on this date
Feb 2016

On the 1st, a 5 patient day for Kathy, but one happened to be a cat lady, so Kathy's lungs took a beating with her allergy.

Snow visible on Toro as meter still rising a bit

On the 2nd, a medium day at the office with 5 patients.

On the 3rd, Jef drove Kathy to her MD appt. in SD and we did a lot of shopping.

On the 4th, a long day at the office with 6 patients.

Sunset at the Mall this evening

On the 5th, a long day at the office. Kathy must have very low oxygen levels (probably lung congestion) and did a very sub-par job this day, due to extreme drowsiness, but managed to see 6 patients.

Setting sun reflected our sign onto this wall at the Mall

On the 6th, Kathy hung out in bed all day with oxygen levels below 90%. Jef walked to/from office - about 53 minutes each way. This journal was updated on this saturday. Biggest project this day was cleaning guinea pig cage.

Kym spent time raking behind our back wall, making this pile

On the 7th, mostly took it easy, but did manage to take down Xmas tree and put away ornaments and lights.

Kym was making fires each day this week, but we got home too late each time to enjoy them

On the 8th, Kathy decided to not go to work due to low oxygen levels. Jef walked to the office & did some work. About 53 minutes to work and 49 minutes returning home (best in a long while).

Meter may be starting to decline around now, as temperatures have warmed to very moderate - highs in the 80s

On the 9th, Kathy was still sick in bed, so cancelled everyone in the office. Swapped the Maxima(to fix A/C) for the Sidekick(replaced computer) at Tito's.

On the 10th, Kathy returned to work and did a fair job on a long day.

On the 11th, Kathy was a little low on oxygen (92%), but saw 3 home care patients, working into the evening. Jef reclaimed Frau Bleu Car at Tito's by walking there, driving it home and walking to office over spur (54 minutes).

View from high up on spur this evening on walk back to office

Last pic of xmas lights before Jef took 'em down

On the 12th, a moderately long day at the office. We went out for dinner at El Borrego this evening, bringing food home.

On the 13th, Jef played in the tennis tournament, doing fairly well, but splitting the 4 sets played this day.

Peanut in need of a tooth removal

On the 14th, Jef completed the tennis tournament, but pulled a hamstring in first of 3 matches this day, so wound up losing the tournament - winning 27 and losing 28 games. Kathy got about 5 bites from people wanting to buy Sidekick we advertised at the Circle this weekend.

On the 15th, a short work day.

On the 16th, a long day at the office.

On the 17th, Jef went in to see Jan for a physical - Jan ordered a shingles shot at Jef's request, as Julie, who just came down with it first gave Jef the Chickenpox around 55 years ago? Then another fairly long day at the office.

Altho you can hardly see it in this pic, there is a glow on high clouds from Palm Springs area lights

On the 18th, another long day at the office.

Twilight at the office this evening

Henry set up a piano in my big shed at Sewanee

On the 19th, after a medium long day at the office, Jef went down to pick up $600 worth of food to be donated to the Sundowner happy hour fund raiser at our place (BPT) - Taquitos, rice, beans, guacamole, salsa. About 100 people showed up for this event, which went fairly smoothly.

Main dining area at sundowner

Food table

Panorama showing diners and food table at the Sundowner - Frank C. is at right

On the 20th, mostly took it easy, eating well with lots of Sundowner leftovers.

Kym continued her streak of having a campfire in our backyard most nights, but this night, smoke hung around & it was a bit foggy

On the 21st, mostly took it easy, staying home all day.

On the 22nd, back to work for another long day at the office.

On the 23rd, a long day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

On the 24th, a long day at the office.

On the 25th, took Kathy for her 1st test procedure for a possible new treatment for her back. Did some shopping, completed transfer of title for Sidekick at AAA, and stopped by to pick up mail & rent check at Big Rock. Kathy again swore she would never let Jef drive in town, as he almost threw her off her seat twice - once braking and a 2nd swerving. Gas was at an multi-year low, so we topped off tank of Frau Bleucar in Ramona for under $2/gallon.

On the 26th, long day at the office - skipped going out for our usual friday nite dinner.

On the 27th, mostly took it easy, staying home. Sneezing increased again today - probably high pollen count due to the early spring. Kathy continued watching "Parenthood" for 2nd time on Netflix. We tried bar-b-queing hamburgers, but ran into 3 problems: 1) ran out of propane in main bar-b-que. 2) Could not find our camp stove. and 3) Part was missing on our back up campstove. Drove to town looking for propane, but none to be found at 6pm, when this all went down. So, bar-b-qued with electric grill & Carlos and Mellissa, our new neighbors joined us around Kym's campfire.

Whoa to them who lead a dog's life!

Suzuki after being detailed - a 2nd sales agreement will occur ca. March 1 - Joya and Pam plan to ship it to RI

After Jef detailed inside of Sidekick

These bushes are flowering like crazy now - pool is about to be emptied

2 garlics and a bunch of tomatoes coming out of the raised garden

Kathy is disgusted - main bbq ran out of propane, back-up cook stove in Santee, back-up to the back-up is missing a piece, so she had to use our electric grill

Kym burning brush from back of property

On the 28th, mostly took it easy, but then drove to town to get 10 gallons of propane (we had a fiasco at the bar-b-que prior nite by running out) and some groceries. Then walked to office to update this webpage (55 minutes to get there).

Fresias blooming full blast this day

Orchid along spur trail ready to bloom

Creosote blooming along spur trail

Jef took shorter way home and saw this lupine blooming on cliff trail

New research center in back of blooming chuparosas - which have been blooming for a few weeks by this time

Looking up Tilting T Wash

On the 29th, it was leap day!

This orchid is blooming like crazy!

Panorama of sun room - note avacodo tree by doggie door

Jef made a "tamale sundae" this day
Jan 2016

On the 1st, mostly took it easy, but did go over and do some work on berm and removed loose rocks from part of driveway.

Rocks picked up from driveway

On the 2nd, Jef walked to office, did some work there, and walked home.

Start of trail leaving from Mall on walk home

Panoramic view from near high point of hike after starting descent from the Spur ridge

Panorama of old country club area after reconnecting with pavement on hike home

The girls wanted another bonfire this evening

Kathy & Jef

Firemeister Kym

On the 3rd, Jef finished cleaning the big woodpile at Sewanee.

Guesthouse meter this day

On the 4th, back to a long day at the office.

On the 5th, another long day at the office, with some rain starting late afternoon.

Kathy posing by wet parking lot

On the 6th, a long, rainy day at the office.

Jef came home to puddles in our WestStar driveway

Xmas decorations reflected in a puddle

On the 7th, a very long day at the office.

Panorama with snow in mountains down below 5000'

Closeup panorama of snow in the Santa Rosas

Rain behind Coyote Peak and snow beyond that in Santa Rosas

On the 8th, Jef took off for dentist - got crown replaced, even getting to run the machine that machined it, only the first one broke when I bit down too hard while there were finishing it up, so it took 4 1/2 hours before I got out of there. Had problems with rush hour traffic getting back to Borrego, but finally made it. Kathy did home care all day & got me some Steak Rancheros at El Borrego for dinner.

Panorama showing snow in mountains this morning

On the 9th, continued working on berm protector at Sewanee, but mostly took it easy this day.

There was flow in front of berm from last storms which dropped 2.5" on Borrego, but not a problem for new protector

Yet another bonfire this evening - Kathy had to invent a way to keep this long heavy mesquite in the fire

Kym & Kathy

On the 10th, mostly took it easy, but did go over and do some work at Sewanee.

Meter still going up

Small solar generator display

Large solar generator display

Rainwater still in hot tub

Added traction tape to help show edges of stairs

Nearly done filling behind berm protector

On the 11th, a long day at the office despite 2 cancellations.

On the 12th, another long day at the office.

On the 13th, worked another long day at the office, but not too many patients with a couple cancellations.

On the 14th, had 1 new patient in the office, worked there til about 1, went over to Sewanee to just about finish the berm protector and collect tools and such floating around the house. Met new renters as we were packed and ready to leave for Santee about 4pm. Drove to Santee, linked up with Holley, and Jef drove them to airport & dropped them off for the flight to NY.

Panormamic view of living room after Kym cleaned prior day

Downstairs bedroom

Lower bathroom


Close to finished berm protector (good enough to leave for months or years - as new renters move in this day)

On the 15th, went on 1 hour hike - the Mesa Loop on Cowles(about 3miles and 500' elevation gain/loss). Altho a good time, my heart was challenged. Then went to optometrist(1st time in 5 years), got contacts(for tennis the next day) and ordered a fancy pair of glasses.

Creek behind house after workers had cleared brush away

Some of workers and their machinery and dumpsters - house is behind dumpster

On the 16th, played 4 round robin short sets (6 games + Koman tie-breaker) in January BSTC Straight Doubles tennis tournament in the "Lightning Volts" division, winning 2 with 4-3 scores and losing 2 with 3-4 scores. Later that night got calls from Kathy regarding horrible treatment by her daughters, but all she could do was stick it out, as no hotel rooms were available that night. Regarding the reason everyone was in NYC: she said the services John prepared for Bill were very nice, and she got to meet her all of her cousins and their families.

Sunrise this morning

On the 17th, completed tennis tournament, finishing with a 5-2 half-set record (27-22 game score), sufficient for 3rd, but missed by 1 point getting 2nd place, and a prize. Drove to Santee and hung out with Ted until Kathy called from airport. Picked up Kathy and Holley at the airport, dropped Holley off in Santee and drove Kathy back to Borrego - making one stop at Staters for groceries.

On the 18th, Kathy stayed home sick in bed. Jef walked to and worked at the office. He walked back over the same route - the normal spur crossing.

Lenticular clouds over Toro

Meter shows it is still going up

View from high point of hike home - a sandstorm was starting in Coyote Canyon

On the 19th, Kathy was too sick to go to work, so cancelled everyone on a very, otherwise, busy day.

On the 20th, worked a bit at office, cancelled everyone for the rest of the week (Kathy still very sick) then got call requesting storage space at Sewanee, so went over and mostly cleared and organized both sheds there. Then returned to finish some work at the office. On the way home, stopped at Alicia's house and found she, also, is out sick for the week.

Used some of the many shelves mom made in the new shed to store stuff (a decade later) to make room for new tenant storage

Mostly cleaned out the small shed, too

On the 21st, another day at the office without Kathy, as she is still sick in bed.

On the 22nd, Jef walked to/from office this day, going over spur traill

Ocotillo in bloom after rain early this month at start of spur trail when heading home this day

On the 23rd, did some chores at WestStar - among them replacing a leaking valve and (after several months of hints from Kathy) fixing broken planter in back patio.

After prepping area of replacement planter box

Cement board dust after cutting cement board for new planter box

After installing replacement planter box

After installing replacement to leaking valve (closest one) - roots due to leak are very dense around inner valves

On the 24th, re-routed irrigation in backyard raised garden at WestStar to not spray so much water out of garden area. Then went to Sewanee and patched part of roofing that had blown off small shed and further cleaned out 2 sheds.

Cemented patched-in roofing to prevent further wind damage

Meter saw-toothing around zero consumption

On the 25th, Jef walked to work the short route to meet patient at office in time - 34 minutes & after working a while walked back over spur - 51 minutes, both best times in 3 years.

On the 26th, Kathy feeling better. Jef walked to work over spur and back over spur - times: 55min, 57min - had backache going up last half of steep section on way home, so slowed down.

On the 27th, Kathy was well enough to start work and saw 1 patient. Jef worked at the office.

Sunset in back of house

Redneck engineering to fix toilet

On the 28th, Kathy was up to seeing 4 patients this day.

Milestone for Jef - first time he took a car past a quarter million miles - this is Amanda 2

On the 29th, Kathy taught a class at the assisted living facility with Alicia and Jef, and then saw 3 patients.

Panorama of spectacular sunset this evening

On the 30th, mostly took it easy, but Jef did some work at the office after walking there - vicinity of 53 minutes each way - not bad.

On the 31st, this turned out to be a mostly cold drizzly day, so Jef and Kathy hung out at home and watched TV, mostly.

Kym pointed out this rainbow
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