Journal Index
1Q'16 Jef and Kathy's Activities 2Q 2016 3Q'16
Jun 2016
On the 1st, a moderately slow day at the office - the 2nd straight day of mid 100°F temperatures.

On the 2nd, a medium busy day at the office - Kathy went in to see Jan at clinic this morning.

We make sure Peanut eats her "salad" before dinner to help with tummy problems

On the 3rd, a medium busy day at the office - parked Avalon at the Circle again.

Heard something fall to the ground from my chair at work - turned out to be this big kissing bug

On the 4th, showed and sold Avalon at the Circle. Mostly took it easy, otherwise.

On the 5th, mostly took it easy at home, but did clean the solar array and did an hour walk in the late afternoon.

Meter reading

After cleaning just a few panels - after this, Jef hosed and squeegeed all of 'em, as they were pretty dirty

Meter this day

View of Fonts Point on 1 hour walk this evening

On the 6th, drove Kathy to MD appointment in SD and did some shopping. We did another hour walk late this afternoon, and Jef dunked in the pool for the first time this year.

Holley's opium den in Santee

Kathy on walk this evening - another 1 hour walk

Nice sunset this evening

Main solar generated nearly 40kwh this day

Smaller solar generated less than half that (1/2 the size and more shaded)

Meter this day unchanged from prior day

On the 7th, a fairly busy day at the office.

On the 8th, a medium busy day at the office.

On the 9th, a light day at the office.

On the 10th, a medium day at the office. Talked about 5.2 magnitude earthquake (in Coyote Canyon) that woke people up around 1am this morning with various patients.

An unknown haze wafted over us late this afternoon

Visibility dropped down below a mile

Haze starting to lift

We were going out for El Borrego, but settled on Kesslers Kitchen when El Borrego was closed

Kathy's pizza turned out better than Jef's because his was dry - the wines were good, however

On the 11th, Kathy did a bunch of chores - mainly cleaning up the back yard.

One task for this day was picking nearly all the grapes (30 to 50#)

Another task was washing pillow cases, sheets & a blanket from our bed. Here is displaced doggies

On the 12th, mostly took it easy this day. Jef raked the front & disposed of piles in the back yard. Kathy saw a patient. We did another 1 hour walk this evening, but Kathy was hurting the whole way.

Grapes harvested prior day

Mesquite bean piles

Raked up driveway

On the 13th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 14th, showed handyman Paul some projects (new window in guesthouse, new A/C in guesthouse, and fixing a door). He helped move a sofa ensemble from one of Kym's friend's house to our garage. We will replace cousin Patty's sofa in our living room. Then of to work a light day at the office.

Jef's lunch this day - green chile cheeseburger

Meter kept going south until heatwave on the coming weekend

On the 15th, a fairly busy day for Kathy - half home care patients.

Sandstorm out of Coyote Canyon lifted sand especially high today

Kym orchestrated us getting this new sofa ensemble, and getting rid of old sofa (given to Jef & Ruth 2nd hand in 2004 by cousin Patty's) - people who took sofa helped move this new sofa ensemble into living room

On the 16th, a fairly busy day at the office.

On the 17th, a very busy day at the office.

Sunset this evening - beggar who hangs out in front of liquor store rides his bike to his house after 'working'

On the 18th, Jef, Kathy & doggies drove to La Mesa to go to AAA to get title of new car, but AAA don't do dealer transfers, so they made an appointment for me in Brawley in 2 days. We then did some shopping (several stores). Kathy started cleaning BigRock house, which was a disaster area due to the 2 slobs living there: Holley & Ted. It was hot in Santee this weekend, so after sushi at Okawa's, we went on walk up to water tower at night in our neighborhood: about 1.75 miles, 33 minutes, 200' vertical.

90° panorama of Holley's bedroom - our contribution: the blue ice chest

Holley's bathroom - note that besides the dirty dishes on the counter, we found a fair number of dirty dishes in the cabinets below. Also, note Holley went to the trouble of bagging up the trash and moving it about 12"

Holley's bedroom, another angle: note the trash bag moved a whole 10' from the bathroom & left in the middle of the floor, but also, unseen is all the trash and dirty dishes pushed under the bed

Kathy thinks this "dust" is Ted's skin sloughing off

View from water tower at middle of our hike this night

On the 19th, Kathy continued cleaning BigRock house. Jef did more shopping - filling up the car with things like a new window (&trim) for guest house, new tiki lamps, pool stuff, etc. We stopped at Staters in Ramona on way back to Borrego & did the major job of unpacking the car.

On the 20th, got up early, got paperwork for new Mazda, got old Mazda out of 'valet parking' after a month of being idle, started it (barely started), checked it out (for rodent damage), and chugged out of WestStar 15 minutes late to go to early appointment at DMV in Brawley. Made good time and arrived on time, but not a busy day, so got it done in 15 minutes, and hightailed it back home. This was a freak hot day where temps exceeded 120°F, so laid low inside - Jef took it easy (3 straight days of driving) while Kathy worked all day on chores. We spent some time in pool with animals that evening, after cleaning GP cage. Kathy & Kym made Kathy's tuna salad for dinners for the rest of the week.

Holley killed this scary spider for Kathy this afternoon

On such a hot day, this and other finches hung out by the window screen venting cool evaporative cooler air from house

On the 21st, a fairly hot day with more humidity and mostly overcast. A very busy day at the office.

Note haze and that meter has been going up

On the 22nd, another hot day - moderately busy at the office.

This cereus cactus with 2 blooms wilted and was cut off and thrown away

Meter briefly went down

Before pic of back of guest house before new window will be installed in a few days

On the 23rd, the heat wave will continue for a while, but still not too humid. Another fairly busy day at the office.

This jack rabbit allowed me as close as about 15', so I took this pic

Meter on this day, going up again

On the 24th, a fairly busy day for Kathy, but not too bad at the office.

Raised garden progress

Noticed that at the landscape place next to Carlees, that in addition to a stagecoach sculpture, a cannon sculpture was added to the roof of this business

Palm trees growing in the middle fo this pine at the Roadrunner Club - way off the ground!

On the 25th, took it easy until Jef drove to Temecula for poker at Henry's assisted living facility. We had dinner in a private room off the main dining area and then Jef proceeded to lose 1 at poker. Jef drove Amanda III back to Borrego that night - the first night-time drive in the new car.

Panorama of main dining room. Jef's car was parked on street, just behind private dining room - behind Ken, the rightmost person in this picture - we finished at 9:30pm and were the last to leave the dining area

On the 26th, Jef cleaned about half of the garage floor using a recently procured steam cleaner. That afternoon, Jef & Kathy made stuffed mushrooms and met a patient for horse-derves at his metal sculpture studio and had a wonder evening talking on his rooftop garden area.

Kathy by one of the smaller sculptures outside the studio - John is at right

Kathy, John & Jef eating at dining room table - a custom made piece of art, made of metal and wood by John - note the custom made stairwell in dragon motif outside window

Kathy and John talking on Trex deck outside John's apartment

We spent a lot of time talking on this part of the deck - fencing, shade structure, and table were all made by John

On the 27th, back to work on a very hectic day at the office with 2 new patients. Had overcast in the morning, so probably muggier. Paul installed new window & A/C sans trim. Kathy pulled the hose too hard while "sleep working" this morning, breaking 1) the hose, 2) the pipe holding the valve, and 3) the valve handle. Jef shut off the geyser and fixed it that afternoon.

Re-constructed damage after Kathy pulled hose too hard

New guest house window just after it was installed by Paul this day

New guest house A/C after installation by Paul

New window viewed from outside

On the 28th, a fairly busy day at the office. Gave the old guest house A/C to a patient. Redwood trim is still missing (purchased and brought home 9 days prior), so grabbed some Hardy board and 2x4's for trim for Paul, who will install it next day.

On the 29th, another fairly busy day at the office.

On the 30th, a very busy day at the office.

Some potential thunderheads forming this afternoon

After clouds started dissapating

New window after spackling (at right) by Paul

Electric meter reading this day - nearly 200kwh about start of this unusually hot and muggy month

New A/C after Paul installed trim

New window after Paul installed Hardyboard trim

Jef scrounged this trim after the redwood trim he bought 2 weeks prior had poofed without a trace!
May 2016
On the 1st, fertilized the raised garden, citrus trees, and grass for Peanut, who is still having digestive problems. Walked to work taking a new route - another ridge which just happened to intersect the ridge Kathy & I usually take. New route is too difficult. Hike took 65 minutes. Took shorter route going home with a 10# bag of groceries - that took about 58 minutes.

Raised garden this morning

2nd "pot of grass" for Peanut getting started

360° panorama low on new ridge in view of old country club

Higher up on new route - note the "knife-edge" nature of this route

On coming storm - chased me (thunder) as I walked home with a bag of groceries. Felt a few drops as I approached home, but no rain came out of it

On the 2nd, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 3rd, a light day at the office.

On the 4th, a very busy day at the office.

On the 5th, drove Kathy to SD to get another shot in the back. Had Cinco de Mayo lunch at Casa Machado (Montgomery Field). Did some shopping while in SD.

On the 6th, a busy day at the office.

On the 7th, Jef did first pass at cleaning out the garage. While beating dust out of one of Kathy's runners, the carpet shredded. Julie and boys arrived that afternoon. We had posole for dinner that night.

Logan, Thor, Julie, Jef, & Kathy

Took visitors on walk around the circle this afternoon

Kids settled in in living room

On the 8th, Jef, Thor & Julie walked to the Mall, where Jef checked messages & then walked back the quick flat way. Jef cooked some fritatas & Kathy some bacon & sausages. That afternoon, we all packed up and took both Jeeps to Sheep Canyon. Kathy cooked ribs, fancy taters & Julie grilled some string beans & Jef made a salad & we had a full dining table meal.

Took a few pix on walk to the Mall - here is Julie & Thor and Thor & Julie???

Julie & Thor

Julie & Thor, Julie & Thor, and Thor & Julie?????

Stopped by a few statues on the way to Coyote Canyon

Logan, Julie, Thor

Kathy & Jef

Thor, Julie & Kathy

Jef & Julie

Logan, Thor & Julie


Butt in on butting situation!



Thor & Jef

Butting heads

Location of our wedding 10 years prior

Thor examining sandpaper plant flowers in Sheep Canyon

The whole group in Sheep Canyon

Note palms in background

Kathy driving back over 3rd crossing

Logan in stereo?

Julie with her son(s)

At the Center Market

Julie in hot tub

Julie showed us some wing dances

Between sets

Panorama of the gang sitting around watching Julie's belly dancing

Kathy trying out wings




ANIMATION of Julie & Kathy with wings

Belly Dancing Lesson ANIMATION

On the 9th, after Kathy & Julie whipped up some breakfast and Julie, Thor & Logan headed of to the beach, a slow day at the office.

On the 10th, what was to be a very long day at the office turned out to be a bust with 5 cancellations.

On the 11th, another slow day at the office.

Panorama of our dining area this afternoon

Panorama near the end of our dinner

We discovered the source of the simulated creek - this bank of "Robbie the Robot" pumps

Kathy by a second bank of Robbie the Robots

Thor had taken off his shoes before crossing creek

After crossing back over the creek

Last nite of Julie, Logan & Thor's visit, sitting out looking at sky

Jet contrails drifted across the moon this evening

On the 12th, Julie, Thor & Logan left early to see Salton Sea, visit Alex & Barb in Tucson. Jef & Kathy had a medium busy day at the office. Jef got A/C fixed in Avalon.

Looking west from Xmas Circle this afternoon

On the 13th, a very busy day with only 1 no-show at the office. Jef got A/C sort of fixed in Frau BleuCar, but a more permanent fix requires $800 due to dash needing to come out to replace the leaking unit.

On the 14th, mostly took it easy at home. Kathy washed 2 cars. Jef continued organizing garage. Continued walking late in the afternoon - 41 minutes this evening.

On the 15th, again mostly took it easy at home. Jef gave up trying to get flat tire off Dodge Dart, but repaired an extension cord, cleaned solar panels, and continued organizing garage. Also went to office to update this page. Walked 45 minutes this afternoon. Kathy cooked for the week - rice, bar-b-qued chicken, red curry chicken.

On the 16th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 17th, a blackout this morning made us scramble to reschedule patients. Power came on around noon and we had a fairly busy afternoon.

On the 18th, a fairly long day at the office. Kathy picked up Kona to dogsit for patient going in for operation.

Kym (trying to block her face with middle finger) taking Gypsi & Kona for walk - Kathy & Peanut almost managed to get out of pic

On the 19th, a long day at the office.

After unsuccessfully trying to replace back tire on Dart

Meter had gone up due to fuse blown in solar

Main solar panel - offline due to thrown breaker - Breaker was thrown when power tried to come on after blackout ended mid-day

On the 20th, a very short day at the office. Stopped at El Borrego, had a drink while waiting for take-out.

Waiting for take-out at El Borrego

On the 21st, Kathy had a long home care visit. Jef drove to SD, dropped off a couple things for Holley, did yard maintenance, and a lot of shopping.

After just started working on front yard (top right)

Note how high grass was before mowing

Many flowers blooming, despite lack of maintenance on yard

Front yard after mowing and trimming

Moon rising at WestStar with a planet or 2 to the right - note trees thrashing in wind

On the 22nd, mostly took it easy. Kathy had 1 home care patient.

Meter inching backwards

Kathy spotted this deal on a like-new 626

Jef agreed to buy the car this afternoon and procured it the next morning

Status of raised garden this day

Kym's meter this day

Status of back yard this day

New "thumb computer" sticking out of TV on left, connected to wireless router, and thumb adapeter for wireless keyboard & mouse - all recently procured

Doggies walked off leash for 10 minutes on this 50 minute hike this afternoon

On the 23rd, a long day at the office.

New and old 626s at WestStar

On the 24th, a long day at the office. Jef helped Kathy setting up CPM for homecare patient - actually had to drill some holes in steel to get unit to fit shorter patient - fortuneately patient had a drill press!

New 626 under moonrise this evening

On the 25th, drove to work & walked home over long spur route in about 63 minutes. Mis-communication - Kathy did not want to walk to Mall this morning, so drove 2nd car to Mall so that we could walk this afternoon. Jef did some work at office and Kathy did 1 home care on this very light day. MedEquip checked out our machines at the office.

Panorama at high point on walk from office

Amanda III & Amanda II - Jef drove home with II and Jef, Kathy & doggies walked from home to drive Amanda III back

On the 26th, a long day at the office.

On the 27th, a long day at the office compounded with no internet access all afternoon. We picked up take-out at El Borrego for dinner.

On the 28th, Carlos & Rodrigo took out most of the dead eucalyptus, cleaned up, and put a pile of firewood out back. We mostly took it easy, but Kathy saw a home care patient and Jef replaced the defective motor on the swamp cooler(Dan the Handyman had said it was the wrong part, but swamp cooler people said it should fit, and it did!). Then Jef figured out which irrigation valve wasn't working and replaced it, but it didn't work automatically, so he ordered a couple of brass valves on the net. The hard part for valve replacement was completed, however, so the next go round will be easy.

Rodrigo & Carlos working on tree

Mia and Peanut walked mostly without leash around our circle, but Mia was too much of a pain, so we took her home after 1 long lap & Peanut walked for another shorter lap.

On the 29th, mostly took it easy - Kathy had her first 'day off' in half a month. Kathy and Kym spent a good part of this 3 day Memorial Day weekend lazing in the pool area.

Pile of firewood in back yard

Eucalyptus tree afterwards

Meter going backwards at a faster rate now

Our "Gasoline Alley" - all 7 of our cars and Kym's car

On the 30th, Kathy saw a home care patient, after which her and Jef detailed the Avalon and parked it at Xmas Circle with a 'for sale' sign. Jef & Kathy then hiked up & down the spur trail for about an hour around actual noon - Kathy's first steep hike in over a year.

Jef and Kathy starting up spur trail

Trail was crowded this day - 9 Kathy hikers in this panorama!

Tried the new "Kessler's Kitchen" after the hike

Altho mostly washed out in this pic, we could see a panoramic view of the Santa Rosas from our seats

Jef sampling beer and salad

Avalon after re-positioning it at the Circle

On the 31st, a very busy day at the office. Checked out Sewanee house after word due to abnormally high water bill.

Panorama of back patio at Sewanee house

Tenants got a vegetable garden going again

State of the big shed

Carport is pretty cluttered

A bit hazy this afternoon
Apr 2016

On the 1st, drove Kathy to her MD in SD. We went shopping after that, then stopped by the house, discovering a main water line leak. Did more shopping and then stopped at Okawa's for dinner. We stopped at Stater's in Ramona for our final bout of shopping, and arrived in BS around 9:30pm.

Colourful sunrise this morning

Main water line leak in Santee

On the 2nd, did some chores around the house before Bonnie and Flaco arrived. We then took both Jeeps to Coyote Canyon, stopping to take some pix of statues. We saw a wedding group at our wedding area (2nd Crossing) on the way up, so Kathy stopped and talked to them - they were just taking pix, no wedding there. We then stopped at 3rd crossing and had a picnic. Doggies got to wade in water, then we laid out the blanket and Kathy made tuna sandwiches. The gnats were moderately bad, however. We then drove up the bypass road - half way up after an extremely rugged ascent, Bonnie was ready to abort, but Jef walked ahead and found it wasn't so bad, so we made it over the top and stopped at Catarina Spring overlook. We then drove to Sheep Canyon, where we talked to campers there who had camped there for 25 years and were happy the bypass road was in such disrepair, as it kept out the riff-raff. We returned to the house and Bonnie and Flaco took off shortly for SD.

Bonnie & Flaco by tapirs

Arriving in Desert Gardens area

Swapping cars - Kathy drove black Jeep with Jef & Flaco white Jeep with Bonnie

Car going down from bypass road at 3rd X-ing

Hmmm is this too deep?


Setting up a picnic spot

One thing about Frank - he has 2 good heads on his shoulder

After making it to Collins Valley, we looked over the upper end of Lower Willows

We only spent about 5 minutes at Sheep Canyon before heading back

Heading back to vehicles

Idylic campsite in Sheep Canyon Wash

While waiting for vehicle to come up nasty part of road, Jef took a few pix

Womenfolk walked doggies down bypass road whilst lazy menfolk drove down

On the 3rd, Jef did some chores before walking to/from the office and doing some work there. Then Kathy cooked up a few filets and a big batch of chicken (marinated in ginger/lemon with chile garlic baste). Jef was wiped out and retired early.

Barrel cactus blooming on March 6....

...same barrel cactus bloomed out this day

360° panorama on junction with spur trail

On the 4th, a very busy day at the office, as Alicia conveniently called in sick again.

On the 5th, handymen came by and gave estimate and timeframe for installing swamper - next week. It was a light day at the office - Kathy did homecare most of the day.

On the 6th, fairly busy day at the office. Kym came in to help at the office, as Alicia was leaving at the end of the week.

Kathy freaked out when spotting this wolf spider in shower this morning

Kym fabricated a "waterfall feature" in the newly filled pool

Status of the raised garden on this day

On the 7th, despite numerous cancellations, another busy day at the office.

Meter still running backwards

On the 8th, closed the week with a fairly busy day at the office. We said our goodbyes to Alicia, who was off to college. Afterwards, Jef & Kathy dined at Rams Hill. Jef had the Rams Hill burger, which was awesome - also have great house wine. Kathy was disappointed her favourite sushi roll was discontinued, so ordered an ordinary dish instead.

Cloudy day

Our table at Rams Hill after we finished our meal (Kathy's leftovers are boxed)

Stairway leading up to restaurant from creek area

Kathy added a couple logs to this existing fire not far from the manmade creek, and we sat around for a while

On the 9th, Jef played 4 sets in B division of tennis tournament, winning 5-2, 6-1, 6-1, 5-2 and then took Kathy to banquet at Pablitos.

At Pablitos we dined with the McNamaras and Quimbys, whose house mom was housesitting when she passed away - we did some reminiscing on mom, as everyone at the table fondly remembered her

After wrapping up the meal at our table

Jimmy playing guitar and Nancy singing - Jimmy had just finished "It's hard to kiss your lips after you chewed me out all day", doing a country theme. Nancy was singing "The Tennessee Waltz"

Larry gotted egged into performing a great rendition of "Your Cheatin' Heart"

On the 10th, Jef won 2 more sets: 6-1, 4-3 (getting another hamstring pull midway in last set), but this was barely enuff to win the division. Jef collected a wine glass as trophy.

Courts were wet from last nite's rain, but Borden could dry each court in about 10 minutes with his blower - tennis was delayed about an hour

After a few drops fell, award ceremony was moved indoors

View of Fonts Point from WestStar this afternoon

Holley joined us for dinner - our meal consisted of posole made from a recipe Kathy just got from a patient

On the 11th, back to work for a long day at the office, but Jef left halfway thru and drove to SD to see MD for 1 year follow up on knee surgery and do some shopping. Hit rain on way back, including seeing a great rainbow on the way to Ramona.

This double rainbow was dimming by the time I got to slow traffic enterring Ramona, where I could take a pic

Approaching Highland Valley Rd with rainbow still there

Still dimming, but got this panorama at Stater Bros. in Ramona

On the 12th, altho only a few patients, a long day at the office.

On the 13th, handymen came to house to replace swamp cooler with new one. Another long day at the office.

Our newly installed swamp cooler

On the 14th, a very busy day at the office.

On the 15th, we packed up and drove to the cannon party, leaving at 2:30p. Jef drove all the way to Kramer Jcn. where we filled up the white Jeep and ate - Jef had 2 hot dogs & Kathy a sub. We arrived at the cannon party and set up camp as it was getting dark. We needed help from Paco & McD to set up the tent in the wind. We did some socializing round the easternmost campfire.

Kym sid this stickbug had camped out on her door for 5 days

Raised garden on this day

On the 16th, we got up and eventually started making breakfast - completing the fritatas around noon. Paco & McD joined us for breakfast. We made coffee in a camping percolator. Later that day, Jefe got his 2 projects going: 1) "Stonewall Jackson Pollack" which used the cannon to scatter wet paint on various compositions. Various parameters used to gather info on how best to do this and the project proved to be fairly successful. 2) "Nikon v. Cannon" - the first test failed, as the Nikon survived the blast test (no cannonball). The 2nd test was a complete success, altho no glass could be found in the various pieces of the Nikon. Paco & Jef took the white Jeep up to where a mining shack had stood high up on a hill above the dry lake bed, and transported several targets down - one was used in the Nikon v. Cannon project to capture fragments. That evening, Kathy made burgers. We roamed around, pausing at the closest fire from time to time, but Jef took night shots with the new Canon Rebel he brought, including a night cannon shot and fireworks. Jef, Flaco & Kathy walked accross the dry lake to an abandoned house around midnite, as everyone else was too skeerd!

Erik made these donuts right next to our camp as we prepared breakfast

High up at old miner shack foundation, looking for targets - cannon party is just out of sight at rightmost part of closest dry lake

Preparing for "Nikon vs. Canon"

After step 1 only gave Nikon powder burns, loaded cannon with a cannon ball (made of solder) - also repositioned first "Stonewall Jackson Pollack" painting, as round 1 only modified a little edge

Nikon after "Nikon vs. Canon"

Other Nikon pieces after "Nikon vs. Canon"

Burn in Hell, stupid Nikon!

Stonewall Jackson Pollack #1

Cannon party was "winderful"

Stonewall Jackson Pollack #2 before

Stonewall Jackson Pollack #2 after

Stonewall Jackson Pollack #3 & 4 before

Stonewall Jackson Pollack #3 after

Stonewall Jackson Pollack #4 after

Looking for cannon balls panorama

Kathy, Hank, Paco making musica

Cannon shot this evening

Fireworks over camp

Camp from dry lake bed

Ghosts in abandoned house on other side of dry lake

Camp from same haunted house

Some intrepid pyros went up the hillside to shoot fireworks!

On the 17th, had to inflate the bed, which had gone down over 36 hours, but we had to pack up and leave early, as Kathy weren't feeling too good. After saying some goodbyes, we left around noon. Jef stopped at Kramer Junction on way back & got 2 more hot dogs and then drove straight to Lucerne Valley, where we had lunch at the wrong Mexican restaurant. Food was fair. Jef continued driving, but about 20 minutes out, he had to stop with severe cramps in his fingers & Kathy, who was very sleepy, took over the driving. After trying a few things, Jef got cramping under control with the use on Kathy's wrist splint. We filled up at Yucca Valley and got some supplies for Kym. Jef managed to keep Kathy awake for the rest of the drive to Borrego, as she refused to let him drive.

Kathy pointing to a wind-generated dust up in the dry lake bed as we here the scoop of the broo-haha from last nite related to Erik's over-drinking

Another panorama - Cowan's at the left (camp with red truck), Jeep to right in distance

Final panorama of campsite after loading the Jeep

On the 18th, we tried to recover from trip, but failed, as Kathy had too many chores she had to do. Jef did some unpacking along with other chores, but also went in to the office and did some work.

On the 19th, back to work a medium day at the office that afternoon after Kathy took her physical.

Took Connie for a test run (she's interested in buying the Jeep), changed drivers at the scorpion sculpture

On the 20th, a medium day at the office after cancellations. Kathy had time to go take a siesta and was woken up when Jef called to say she had waited too long to see the last patient.

Meter is still running backwards

On the 21st, another warm sunny day with highs in the 90s, and a busy day at the office.

Lunch today - a BLT

On the 22nd, back to a very busy day at the office to close out the week. Kathy & Jef had dinner at El Borrego.

Kathy pointed out this nice sunset

Panorama of kid-induced chaos at El Borrego

On the 23rd, we took it easy all day, except Jef did a few chores, including cleaning the tents from the camp trip.

On the 24th, mostly took it easy all day again. Jef & Kathy finally, after a long gap, walked the doggies for a 30 minute hike around the circle (hitting all spurs & adding a little leg to expand the time).

On the 25th, back to work on a very windy Monday. Still a busy day even with 1-2 cancellations, as Kathy spent 6 hours with the last patient of the day.

Windy! In fact, so windy that dust was seen at the base of the mountains.

Strange cloud over Toro this evening - looked like a tropical fish

On the 26th, a busy day at the office with 2 new patients.

Not much wind this day for a change

On the 27th, walked to work in 50 minutes (walk back took 54 minutes, as home is about 150' higher than work). Work turned out to be only medium busy.

Meter is still going backwards

View from up high on walk to work this morning

Panorama from up high on walk home this afternoon. Winds raised dust (barely visible in this pic coming out of Coyote Canyon)

On the 28th, another medium day at the office with 4 cancellations!

On the 29th, still another medium day at the office with yet another 4 cancellations!!

On the 30th, recycled lumber to extend inside cover for northern swamp cooler after it was properly installed and stuck 6" into the sun room. Reinstalled flap in raised garden and removed 3 (for better access from outside).

New inside cover for swamper - may do more finish carpentry on it later

Swamp cooler on outside, now flush with wall
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