Journal Index
2Q'16 Jef and Kathy's Activities 3Q 2016 4Q'16
Sep 2016

On the 1st, a medium day at the office.

On the 2nd, another medium day at the office.

On the 3rd, mostly took it easy, but did some work at the office.

Our new combination ice maker & cold water dispenser at the office

Walking the doggies for part of our 1 hour walk this evening

On the 4th, cleaned up around the house in preparation for John coming over. He and Jef installed the new washer/dryer before chowing down on dinner.

Our new LG washer and dryer - wedged real close in a too small area

On the 5th, we took off Labor Day, mostly taking it easy.

Meter still going down

On the 6th, after a medium day at the office, Kathy took Jef out for a birthday dinner at the Red Ocotillo.

Jef & Kath

Kathy photographed Jef stacking stuff on his burger

About to take first bite


That was good, but....

Where's my dinner????

On the 7th, a very long day at the office.

On the 8th, another very long day at the office.

On the 9th, still another very long day at the office! We celebrated Friday by going out to Carmelitas.

On the 10th, mostly took it easy after a long week.

On the 11th, Jef fixed a leaking joint in the 5 valve manifold in the back by rebuilding the manifold and abandoning the old one that was damaged by roots.

What new manifold looked like (one joint wasn't installed properly and was re-installed after this pic (and the preceding gusher!)

Interesting thunderheads 50 miles away in Mexico during our walk this evening

On the 12th, due to cancellations, a moderate day at the office, but with 3 new patients.

On the 13th, a fairly heavy day at the office.

Colourful sunrise this morning (taken from our bathroom)

On the 14th, a light day at the office.

On the 15th, due to cancellations, a light day at the office.

Found these 2 old Borrego Suns in mom's files

This is the tail end of about 20 parachutes landing - a Canadian group was practicing in Borrego this week

On the 16th, a very busy day at the office. We celebrated Friday by dining at El Borrego for the first time in months (they left for most of summer).

Kathy and full moon at El Borrego

On the 17th, got up moderately early and drove to town, shopping at several stores, getting painting supplies (for painting guest house) and a new toilet, along with groceries and other supplies - nearly filled up the Jeep. Then mostly took it easy the rest of the day.

Kathy wanted to show off how much weight she'd lost - this shirt was tight on her in New Hampshire a year earlier

On the 18th, mostly took it easy, but did a few projects at the house including installing new pressure regulator and antisiphon valve on the irrigation line.

A swarm of bees mostly picked this spot to die this day

After installing pressure regulator & antisiphon valve

On the 19th, a busy day at the office turned light with cancellations. Cloudy most of this day.

Interesting clouds this overcast day

On the 20th, another busy day at the office. It rained most of the day - the first good soaking of the year.

Panorama showing wet weather and swamp cooler pads in process of changing

Wet parking lot - it rained most of the day - note the low clouds

Still raining at the end of the day

On the 21st, completed cleaning, installing new pads, of 3 swamp cooler panels (did 1 a day over 3 days) under drizzle left over from prior day's storm. Will wait til purge pump arrives before re-assembling unit. Another busy day at the office - late again (have been 10 minutes+ late past 2 days). Another long day at the office despite 2 no shows and a cancellation.

Sun breaking thru clouds a the end of this day

On the 22nd, a moderately long day at the office.

Sand storm out of Coyote Canyon

On the 23rd, Kathy was not feeling well with a cold, so stayed home in bed all day. Jef cancelled a jam packed day at the office & worked all day.

On the 24th, along with taking it easy, Jef built a shelf, but had to suspend installation until next day, as the Chapmans and John came over for a spaghetti feast.

Sharon, John, Kathy & JC drinking wine on the patio

On the 25th, Jef completed installing shelf in laundry room (except for painting it) and installed purge pump in swamp cooler. Got a replacement belt, but was the wrong size. Kathy took it easy. John came over to do a hike, but Kathy bailed out, as she was not over her cold. John & Jef hiked to Glorietta overlook in about 1h 20m round trip. Then headed for La Casa where Kathy met us and showed John how to use machines in that gym. Afterwards we had wine and appetizers at the Fox Den (both wine and sliders & hot wings were excellent).

Jef & John about 15 minutes in to hike

Jef & John at the overlook

Looking north

John at overlook

270° Panorama at the overlook

late summer rains had ocotillos leafed out and blooming!

John thinking 'You want me doing this? Maybe if I were alone!'

Star projectors were all over La Casa this evening

Jef with tree coming out of him

At the bar

On the 26th, Kathy returned to work for a moderately heavy day at the office. Mostly cloudy with some lenticulars.

After a sunny day, we are back to mostly cloudy - here is sun setting behind mountains this evening

On the 27th, another mostly cloudy day with cool lenticular clouds. A busy day at the office.

On the 28th, another busy day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

Late evening at the Mall - some small clouds hovering over mountains

On the 29th, the last busy day at the office before leaving on vacation the following day.

Corpuscular rays late this afternoon

Panorama at the Mall showing a rainbow over to the SE

On the 30th, packed up for the trip and drove to MD appointment for Kathy. Had lunch at Casa de Pico, and drove to Long Beach where we met Danny and Wendy and slept in kid's room.

Pictures from recently detailed guest house

Kathy eyeing birds at Casa de Pico

Birds got free handouts at the restaurant

Holley's "drug bar" at our house

Cleanliness is next to... anyway, no where near Holley;)

Ted & Holley's idea of a "clean kitchen"

Bigrock house

Weeds in back yard exceeded 6' tall!

Welcomed to Danny and Wendy's home
Aug 2016

On the 1st, yet another humid hot summer day, and a very busy day at the office.

Clouds were below 4000' this morning

On the 2nd, an extremely busy day at work.

Meter still going up

After washing dust of recently painted Jeep

This large thunderhead produced a lot of rain this afternoon in the Vallecitos

Sunset this evening

Flawed panorama showing thunderhead and sunset clouds to the west

Flawed vertical panorama showing our front yard with thunderhead in background

On the 3rd, a short day at the office followed by a trip to SD to see Kathy's MD and stay a couple nites in OB. After the MD visit, Jef & Kathy went to AAA to finish title transfer - but found we needed even more Holley signatures. We then drove to Motel where we checked in. We went on a long walk this afternoon, stopping for dinner at Nati's. Later that nite, Jef heard some thumps, went outside, and we caught the end of a spectacular SeaWorld fireworks display.

Thunderclouds to the east at doctors office in La Mesa

View from our hotel room



Stretching before our long walk this afternoon

About to walk out the door

High point of our walk in OB - view from Del Monte discontinuity - note sliver of orange sun on horizon to the left of Kathy & OB pier to the right

We stopped for dinner at Nati's on the way back to motel

Jef had a great dinner, as usual, but Kathy wasn't happy with her selection - here she is mixing a sangria

While walking home we saw this fire twirler at the sea wall

On the 4th, we took it easy at the hotel and then drove to the surgery center where Kathy had what she later described as a botched operation (we were there over 3.5 hours). Later on, after hanging out at our hotel room for a couple hours, we drove to town & snagged (after the 2nd loop finding a parking space) a space in front of Sapporro's, where we had a nice sushi dinner and connected with Kathy's old friend, Udi, who, we found out had fallen on hard times, and was no longer the owner.

Panorama from hotel balcony this morning

Jef & Kathy this afternoon

Doggy catching frisbee below our balcony

Corpuscular rays near sunset

Katy & Jef at Saporro's

Kathy, Udi & Jef

After dinner, Kathy wanted to play in waves a bit before retiring

On the 5th, we checked out of the hotel, Jef dropped Kathy off at doctor's office for an impromptu "what's the story with this intolerable pain?". Then Jef took off and did some shopping and got Holley to sign final title changes to get Kathy off her car title. After finishing shopping run, Jef rendezvoused with Kathy at AAA to finalize the pink slip changes of Holley's car. Then took off for home, stopped at Staters & did some shopping. Jef drove slowly thru curves, as Kathy was really hurting from botched operation, but made it to Borrego well before sunset. Jef did all the unpacking.

On the 6th, Kathy took it easy while Jef went in and did a lot of work at the office. Kathy tried walking this evening and we took the doggies on a 25 minute walk around the circle, but Kathy was in a lot of pain.

On the 7th, took it easy at home, mostly watching TV.

On the 8th, Kathy still not up to working, so Jef cancelled all patients and did work at the office. Kathy tried walking again with the doggies, and this time we made it to 35 minutes with Kathy walking a little faster.

On the 9th, Kathy forced herself to come in and saw 6 patients - also Diana#2 came in for training to take Kym's place. She was very sore when she came home around 8pm this evening. A dusty haze engulfed the valley late in the afternoon - more fine dust blown in from the Salton Sea area - reducing visibility to only a few miles.

On the 10th, Kathy was still fairly sore, but came in and saw 4 patients this day, and Diana#1 came in for training. Kathy had a tough decision, but selected Diana#1 as Kym's replacement.

On the 11th, a light day at the office.

On the 12th, a very busy day at the office.

On the 13th, our first WestStar yard sale with multiple sellers - mainly Kym who was raising money for her trip to leave for Washington.

On the 14th, continued the yard sale. Our final sale was the pool.

Yard sale on 2nd day

Meter this day

Solar panels before cleaning the next day

On the 15th, back to work a fairly busy day at the office.

First of several mice caught with flypaper stuff

Clouds this afternoon

On the 16th, a medium long day at the office. Kym took off for Washington.

Kym ready to go

On the 17th, another moderately busy day at the office. Sold most of Kathy's LPs to local junk man for whom Kathy cut his toe nails.

On the 18th, a light day at the office after cancellations.

Thunderhead over Sunset Peak this evening

On the 19th, a very long day at the office.

On the 20th, mostly took it easy & did some chores.

Kym's meter

Our meter this day

On the 21st, mostly took it easy.

Jef & Kathy skinny dipping one last time in pool before it was hauled away

On the 22nd, back to work another long day at the office.

Solar panels were cleaned this morning and Rodrigo, Carlos & a new assistant did massive tree trimming in back yard

On the 23rd, back to work an extremely long day at the office.

On the 24th, worked a half day before Kathy went home sick.

Meter still not going down appreciably due to hot muggy weather

On the 25th, Kathy still sick, so cancelled all the patients this day.

On the 26th, due to cancellations, a short day at the office. Packed up and drove to SD, checking into the Residence Inn at Scripps-Poway Pkwy. We went on a 1 hour walk over to Poway Road on bike trail that was formerly Hwy 395 that night.

Breaking down pool - the horizontal support tubes were welded to the plastic, so left them in while we rolled up the pool

Panorama of our 1 bedroom hotel apartment

Sunset from our window - 4 dots to right...

...are hot air baloons in Del Mar area

On the 27th, we went to the Del Mar Racetrack with 2 beach chairs and an ice chest & camped out in front of the grandstands. We bet on the first 8 races - mostly losing. It was the first time for Jef & an interesting experience.

Kathy at our spot

Tractor moving starting gate with Kathy in foreground

Horses at the starting gate

One of the horses going by

#5 beating #3 by a good margin in this race

They wet and grade the track after each race - some catch up on their Z's

Stacey's wedding reception took place at the Brigantine - just above green tent to the left in this panorama taken from our spot

Kathy & Jef at the track

On the 28th, Jef finished shopping while Kathy hung out at the hotel. We checked out, made 1 last shopping stop, and drove to Borrego in time to go for our usual 4 mile walk before dark.

On the 29th, back to work a fairly long day at the office.

On the 30th, another fairly busy day at the office.

Meter is going down again

Empty spot where pool used to be

2 leaking valves by guest house

Kym's meter went slightly up after she left

Sunset this evening

Kathy in parking lot

On the 31st, Jef did catch up work at the office while Kathy mostly did homecare.

Jul 2016

On the 1st, a slow day at the office as the last 4 patients cancelled. Kathy went out for drinks at the Legion with Kym that afternoon - first time in a long while that she had time for anything like that. Jef & Kathy went for an hour & 10 minute walk this evening.

Jef & Kath walking up to water tank this evening

Nice, but waning thunderhead - it had drifted east after dropping rain over Vallecitos

Kathy walking back from water tank

Kathy far down on Wagon - thunderhead has really shrunk in the last 10 minutes

Getting some sunset colouration

On the 2nd, Jef worked on the black Jeep - tearing out the delaminated ceiling fabric and foam, and sanding the hood, which had flaking plastic coming up. We walked again this afternoon, taking the doggies for 1 lap - total walk time about an hour.

On the 3rd, mostly took it easy, but started preparing the potato salad for the 4th of July dinner we had planned. Kathy cooked up some green chile cheeseburgers for dinner this night.

On the 4th, Fred and Barbara dropped by and we wined and dined them. Kathy bar-b-qued a couple of beef steaks, a swordfish, and 3 ahi steaks. We also had a green salad, potato salad (containing some tomatoes from the garden), corn on the cob.

Kathy was up (for a change) to an early morning walk

Peanut refusing to walk the spurs

Panorama in front of house showing the flag still standing after hours of winds up to 20mph

On the 5th, a very busy day at the office.

Guest house meter

Main meter still going negative, but that changed as Kathy turned on A/C for visitors(Fred & Barb)

On the 6th, Kathy didn't feel well, so took day off while Jef worked at the office.

We nibbled on the top of Stacey/Eric's wedding cake (over 2 years old now)

On the 7th, another very busy day at the office.

On the 8th, a medium busy day at the office, due to final cancellation, we both got home early. We ordered pizza and then went for a 4 mile 63 minute walk without the doggies - Country Club/Wagon loop.

On the 9th, did some chores - like cleaning GP cage - before packing and leaving for Santee for flight to HOU following day. Did some shopping on the way.


On the 10th, got up early, drove to short term parking & got on flight to Houston - flying on Spirit. Flew on an Airbus for first time (no reclining seats - cramped, but had an aisle seat). Elsa and Julie met me at the airport - Elsa found Julie and Jef at about the same time. That afternoon, Julie started preparing files for ambitious estate handling plan. Mostly to be done the next day(Monday). The plan was doing a "poor man's trust" for dad, making new accounts for dad with Jef as co-owner with dad on 1 account & Julie as co-owner of an another account - Elsa was already a co-owner of an account with dad. Julie also re-did dad's will to fit on 1 page. All this was on dad's request - he didn't want to enrich the tax man or the lawyers when he dies. David and Jef went out and got pizza, beer, stuffed mushrooms and salad at the Mellow Mushroom.

Cowles mountain was enshrouded in clouds this morning at Santee house

Julie and Elsa and David doing water aerobics - Jef was too wiped out from a long week and wound up sleeping much of the afternoon

Julie and dad going over things

On the 11th, dad, Julie, and Jef were driven by Elsa to a few banks where we set up one account for Jef, closed some accounts of dad's, and modified some accounts. Then we returned home. Jef & David re-fixed the gate leading from the carport. Then all of us went out for an early dinner to Nara's, a Thai restaurant near the house. Returning home, David and Elsa entertained us with some great music before Elsa drove Jef to the airport 2 hours early, accompanied by Julie. After Jef got there, he found out the warnings of long lines were false, so he had to kill 2 hours at the airport by reading and walking. The plane was about 15 minutes late, but Jef made it to SD and reclaimed his car for $60 and drove back to Borrego.

Waiting at the 1st bank

All of us reunited in Texas

Panorama at Nara's

Elsa's doppelgangers can't be more different!

Jef convinced Julie to get glasses online - this is how you get the pupil spacing measurement - looks like 60, but perhaps she isn't looking at infinity, so they may be a little closer, so I'd say 61mm would be a good estimate

Elsa and David giving us a concert

Julie doing a little dancing

On the 12th, arrived home about 1am and got to bed by 1:30am after putting away groceries. Worked a full day at the office.

On the 13th, another busy day at the office.

Kathy fixed up Kym's eye after treating a stye

On the 14th, a light day at the office due to cancellations. We went on a walk, taking Kona(the Scott's dog we were watching while Barb was in hospital), Peanut, Kym, and Mia, but due to poor doggie performance, we dropped them off after 1 lap, and Jef and Kathy did the Wagon/Broken Arrow loop in 55 minutes, arriving home at dark.

Mia and Peanut being poor 'hikers' as Kathy retrieves them - Kym is walking Kona ahead

Out of shape Peanut dragging herself home with Kym bringing Kona in the rear

Kona crashed on her temporary bed

On the 15th, a long day at the office - despite 5 cancellations! Kathy was wiped out from the long week, and we decided not to go out for dinner this night.

On the 16th, walked to work over usual spur route in 54 minutes at 9am - highs this week are all around 112-113°F. Mostly took it easy until Jef & Kathy went out to dinner at the Krazy Koyote for some excellent food & vino. After returning home, Jef & Kathy went on the Country Club loop under a nearly full moon (about 65 minutes & 4 miles).

Flies accumulate at the outflow of cool evaporative cooler air

Meter on this day

On the 17th, mostly took it easy - wiped out from long week.

On the 18th, a medium busy day at the office.

Meter creeping up again

Prepping black Jeep for quick & dirty paint job

After first (possibly only coat)

Kym got a 'doggy camping box' from a friend and is torturing Mia with it here

Kathy is interested in putting up a carport (and possibly deck) like the ones at this house which we passed by on our walk this afternoon

On the 19th, a busy day at the office.

On the 20th, another very long day at the office.

On the 21st, drove to SD for Kathy to get her procedure, but found it was rescheduled. We had a busy day shopping, anyway. Had a nice lunch at Casa de Pico. Didn't get back to Borrego until about nightfall.

After drinks arrived at Casa de Pico

On the 22nd, Jef worked at the office & Kathy joined him that afternoon to see one patient.

On the 23rd, cooked lasagna all day & hosted lasagna party this evening. John R. & Shirley & Val V. joined us. We rearranged the dining area and ate at dining room table using mom's best china set for first time.

Loading back on tow truck - back tire was flat

We took the opportunity of an idle day to have Dart towed to Jake's

Tow truck driver forgot to lock steering, so he did so at this point

...and off to Jake's - our guest had arrived in final stages of Dart being towed away

Panorama showing furniture rearrangement for lasagna party - may keep it this way

Eating horse-derves in kitchen - Kathy, John, Shirley, Val

Table ready for dinner with mom's "Silver Pine" china

On the 24th, mostly took it easy, but went to Shirley's 80th b'day party.

Panorama of dining/living room and pool area with Indianhead in background

Homeowner - a retired Minnesota doctor - playing piano while girls sang a few songs

Very good piano player

Kathy talking with Val

On tour we saw the workshop of the homeowner, who was making this fancy ($10K) rocking chair which he planned to donate to a charity auction

Shirly blowing out her 2 candles (an '8' and a '0')

On the 25th, back to work on a fairly busy day at the office.

Kym took a few pix of Jef & Kathy sitting in living room watching the idiot box

Mia, for some reason, feels she must show she is incapable of jumping on sofa in presence of Jef or Kathy (but not Kym)

Interesting story on Kathy's margarita: she went into kitchen & asked Jef to pause show, Jef picked up remote control which had a lanierd, the lanierd got caught on the table and Jef pulled table and drink came crashing down splattering glass shards & margarita all over floor (Jef took off lanierd after this!)

On the 26th, a medium busy day at the office - Kathy's back was hurting.

On the 27th, a medium busy day at the office - Kathy's back still hurting, but last patient was a pool visit, and Kathy thinks this helped her (she was in little/no pain next couple of days).

Meter heading north

Jef walked to/from work this day - here is windblown dust partly obscuring Fonts Point as Jef descends from high point of hike

On the 28th, a fairly busy day at the office - Jef had to help with 3 home care patients.

Sad state of raised garden - abnormally hot/dry summer is partly to blame

On the 29th, another hot day and VERY busy day at the office.

On the 30th, took it easy between chores.

Owl on Kym's swamp cooler

Owl flying away

On the 31st, took it easy between chores, such as cleaning the solar panels.

Gigi, Peanut & Mia hanging around pool

Gigi, Mia, Peanut, Kathy & some unknown person with a huge tummy ;)

East wind brought dust from Salton Sea area that deposited on everything including our solar panels - note a few raindrops highlighting the only trace of rain we got this month

Just after starting our potting party

These are the 3 new pots

After futilely trying to put rocks on bottom of pots, we had to dump out contents, add rocks (to allow drainage), and reinstall soil

Putting soil back in

Final plant

Kathy did not want to risk potting our Tombstone rose in this heat, but John's are newly potted in big pots
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