Journal Index
3Q'17 Jef and Kathy's Activities 4Q 2017 1Q'18
Dec 2017

On the 1st, went to El Borrego after a long day at the office.

At El Borrego

On the 2nd, mostly took it easy. Then Jef did some work at the office while Kathy saw a homecare patient.

We saw this super moon rising over Fonts Point on our 45 minute walk with doggies this evening

Further along in our walk

Moon above entrance to our circle

We did have some sunset colour this evening

Meter still hovering around this number of KWHs

On the 3rd, took it easy all morning - made salsa & prepared lunches for following week, went to office and did some work.

Took doggies on walk this evening

A little sunset colour

Moon rising over Traveler's Peak thru a few clouds

We won't get into Mia's hang-ups ;)

On the 4th, back to work a very long day at the office, with 1 new patient.

On the 5th, another very long day at the office with 2 new patients.

On the 6th, a super long day at the office with 3 new patients!

Meter still staying about the same

On the 7th, Kathy was ill - she believes with high BP, so everyone was cancelled (a very full day) and Kathy stayed home in bed. Jef walked to/from the office over the spur (52.5 and 51.5 minutes each way).

New park, library and sheriff station construction site from spur

A little sunset colour

On the 8th, back to work another very long day at the office. As this was Kym's birthday, we did the usual cake thing at the office, got her some gifts, and took her out to dinner at Carlees.

Kym with our birthday gifts

Wild and crazy employees at Borrego PT with dawggies

We sat around bonfire for first time this season - David got so toasted, he spent the nite

On the 9th, mostly took it easy, but Jef walked to office and did some work.

Progress on new park/library site from spur

On the 10th, after taking it easy most of the day (Jef did some more work at the office), went to the Gilloon 90th birthday surprise part - saw lots of old timers from the tennis club, who I haven't seen in quite a while: Schultz's, Minkels, Barb Kirsch, etc. Then went home and made fish tacos.

Jim standing by his cake

Jim blowing out the candles

Panorama of attendees

We took no part in this spread, and left early

Some sunset colour

On the 11th, back to work a medium busy day at the office. Fish tacos again for dinner.

On the 12th, back to work a very busy day at the office.

On the 13th, another very busy day at the office.

Kathy somehow saw this baby scorpion and wonders if there were a lot of hatchling running around in the house

On the 14th, yet another very busy day at the office. Connected with plumber to unclog some drains at Sewanee house and photographed the mess over there.

upstairs sink

upstairs shower

upstairs toilet

upstairs carpet stains

yet more stains

looking down at kitchen

panorama of living room

downstairs bedroom

On the 15th, another busy day at the office.

Weststar meter still going up

On the 16th, we cooked all day in preparation for our xmas party. We had several folks show up, including Jan, David, Lloyd.

Sunrise this morning

On the 17th, mostly took it easy.

On the 18th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 19th, another very busy day at the office.

On the 20th, a not as busy day at the office due to several cancellations.

On the 21st, our final day at the office was fairly busy even with multiple cancellations.

On the 22nd, Jef did some work at the office. We found out Holley was sick with the flu, so we skipped spending Xmas with her & Dani, and instead took it easy at Weststar.

This Falcon rocket exhaust was much brighter minutes before this photo

On the 23rd, mostly took it easy.

On the 24th, we took David and did a 2 hour hike in Glorietta.

Meter has gone up over 200kwh over past 9 days

Guest house meter

Kathy, Jef, David at end point of hike in Glorietta

Glorietta panorama

Sunset this evening

On the 25th, finished packing, loaded up car, and drove to airport. We flew non-stop to Houston, rented a car, and drove to see Elsa, David & dad.

Elsa demonstrating digereedoo

This alien spaceship photographed in Yosemite appears to be similar to a rubber band ball!

In Elsa & David's living room with dad & Kathy

16h century assistive devices

Dad with his Seabee cap

Dad got this Interstate Cadet cap for telling his story in how he helped create this craft as a student project back in the '30s, in a remote video interview with a documentary producer

On the 26th, went shopping and then hung out around the house, taking it easy and making a nice dinner.

On the 27th, continued taking it easy, staying home as the temperature all week never made it out of the 40s, and it was continuously cloudy/rainy, but Jef & Kathy did go for about a 1 hour walk around the partially flooded out neighborhood.

Jef & Kathy with large xmas decorations around this house

Panorama of this drainage ditch showing lots of debris and part of the destroyed fence on ground

All houses on this block were flood damaged - trucks are contractors trying to fix houses, and debris taken out of houses line the roads here

Kathy, David & Elsa giving us a concert - Kathy on violin, David on piano & Elsa on Mandolin

On the 28th, with temperatures still in the 40s, Kathy abandoned her plans to play tourist and we stayed home. Jef did a project for dad & mapped out a plan to reduce clutter. Jef and Kathy again went on a 1 hour walk around the area. Jef & Kathy were starting to have cold symptoms around this time.

Elsa working from home

Jef installed this unfinished project of dads above his toilet. He can check out the art by looking in the bathroom mirror

Pic of one of dad's neighbor's yard with Santa Doggies

On the 29th, we packed up and drove to the airport, dropping off the car, and flying to Phoenix - a very uncomfortable flight for Kathy, as she was crammed in a very tiny seat. We connected to another flight and made it to SD. After finding our car, we found it has a dead battery. We called AAA and got out battery replaced at 10pm that nite (our delay on getting on the road was only about 20 minutes!). We drove back to Big Rock.

AAA battery service in the parking lot

On the 30th, mostly took it easy in Santee. Jef did a lot of shopping.

On the 31st, we celebrated Xmas on NY eve with Holley and video chatting with Stacey - opening the presents she left while visiting over Thanksgiving.

Holley holds phone so Stacey can see Kathy opening present

Kathy holds phone, so Stacey can see Holley opening a present

Holley with her new 'mermaid all-body sweater'
Nov 2017

On the 1st, Kathy didnt feel well, as she had come down with a 48-72 hour flu. She was unable to attend either of her 2 MD appointments, and unable to be driven back to Borrego, so we spent the nite in Santee.

House a few doors up from our house had a fire - about 5 fire engines and the same number of law enforcement cars stopped by

Fireman is seen here on roof. The 2 doggies locked in the house died

On the 2nd, Jef hiked up to Cowles summit in 56 minutes, returning on Mesa trail - entire hike about 1h 50m. Kathy was still not feeling well, but was well enough to travel back to Borrego this afternoon.

Jef at summit looking back towards Santee

On the 3rd, Kathy had a relapse, so cancelled every patient for this day, also. Jef did some work at the office.

On the 4th, Jef walked to the office the short way and caught up on a lot of work. He walked home the long way.

Electric meter on this day - had stopped going south, but is again, after latest cool down

The new construction zone across from the post office has interrupted some of the trails going thru it

The trail I used this morning has not been completely blocked yet

On the 5th, mostly took it easy at home, but did some chores, including cleaning out the bar-b-q and the jacuzzi. We walked the doggies on 1 lap around circle with all the spurs (about 27 minutes this time).

Found this pic on a memory card in Holley's room while cleaning it out this weekend - this is Stacey and Holley on 7/7/08

Walking doggies around circle this evening

Mr. Toad is back in our back yard

On the 6th, Jef walked to work - 50 minutes on usual spur route, for a medium busy day at the office.

Air is very clear this day

360° panorama of start of sunset as I walk home, just after leaving the Mall

Brightening colours

Pretty spectacular

My route heads straight into the bright part of this sunset, the trail going up the hill

Last pic before going up - it was so late, that about 12 minutes later (going down wash on other side), I scanned ahead on my path, looking for rattlers as the darkness enshrouded me

On the 7th, not a busy day at the office due to 2 cancellations, but Kathy worked until almost after 7 after a long home care patient.

Another great sunset (2nd day in a row)

These pix taken at the Mall - here is 180° panorama looking west

180° panorama looking north

270° panorama east on right and north at left

Looking west, as colours start fading

On the 8th, walked to/from work the long way on this medium busy day at the office.

These bugs are still crashing & burning all over the valley

Another sunset was developing as I started up the spur trail - the entire Santa Rosa range is to the left

360° panorama from high point of hike

Continuation of trail, but I don't take this, but rather turn off here

Another 360° panorama from a nearby sub-peak

Artsy pic of ocotillo in front of sunset

Towards end of sunset

On the 9th, a fairly busy day at the office, shortened by a couple cancellations.

Funky diffraction pattern when Kathy shone her headlamp on the TV

On the 10th, walked to the office (<47 minutes) for a very long hard day at work. Went to dinner and got a ride home with Kathy.

Meter seems to be drifting north a bit

These bugs have been falling all over the valley, so I'm wondering if they are an agricultural pest

On the 11th, after a long week at work, Jef & Kathy spent most of the day in bed, dozing off a lot, but managed to get out for a 40 minute walk around the circle with the doggies.

While waiting for Kathy to get another coat, Jef took these panoramas - Mia is at base of driveway, and clouds seem to be artifacts of criss-crossing contrails

Flip side of driveway

On the 12th, Jef did a little work at the office and then drove Kathy to West Butte for her first trail hike. She managed to go 40 minutes, but had problems on soft sand & steep grades. Afterwards, we checked out area where we heard county was clamping down on unpermitted trailers, but found even more trailers in Ocotillo Wells. We then checked out the Iron Door & re-did our dollar there. We had pot roast for dinner.

Cool sunrise this morning

Jef & Kathy managed to make it to edge of West Butte badlands before Kathy's legs turned to rubber

Kathy pointing to our goal of West Butte summit

We got a replacement for dollar lost in flood a few years back at the Iron Door bar

Checked out Sewanee house on way home - they even buried the wire

They rerouted extension cord into neighbor's guest house (broke in?)

Here is cord going into neighbor house

Tenant wreck under repair (or demolition?)

New rat's nest of wiring on dirty kitchen floor

So far unable to contact neighbor

On the 13th, Jef walked to office on usual trail in about 46m 30s, about the same as last time, but pretty quick for an old-timer. Worked a very busy day at the office, getting drive home from Kathy.

Sunrise this morning


The table holding this potted plant had failed and the pot was broken - both the pot and plant were tossed (plant was too pointy and large, anyway)

Meter still going a little north

On the 14th, another very busy day at the office. Did the limbo paying bills with barely enuff funds - the more than 2 months of no income generation has put us in some credit card debt, and other bills are barely being paid, but as we are getting ramped up, the tide is slowly turning.

Sunrise this morning under a crescent moon

Later this morning

On the 15th, one wall of treatment room 2 was painted. Jef drove Kathy to 2 MD appointments in SD and some shopping was done.

Another cool sunrise this morning

A theory of where these bugs came from is that the talapia in the Salton Sea who ate them were dying off - they probably reduced the efficiency of our solar panels by a few percent

Worksite across from PO has a couple tall cranes

We dined at Cheers in Ramona on the way home

Our dinner

On the 16th, returned to work a very busy day at the office.

Yet another nice sunrise

On the 17th, on a very busy day at the office, left after the 1st 2 patients and drove to SD where I got a fractured/infected tooth removed. Drove back to the office and did some work.

Lenticular clouds over Toro this day

Most of tooth in forceps, other fractured part on table

The 2 pieces together

Panorama of cool clouds late this afternoon

On the 18th, played in the mixed doubles tournament today, losing mostly: 2-5, 0-7, 6-1, 2-5.0-7. Had bar-b-q filet that Kathy grilled this evening for dinner

Looks like they're drilling a new well for new park/library complex

On the 19th, finished the doubles tournament, splitting the last 2 matches, 2-5, 4-3. Possibly last place of 8. Afterwards, did some work at the office, and walked with Kathy & doggies to Country Club and back - about 45 minutes. We grilled the rest of the filets for dinner this evening.

B division women winners, Sandy & Dave (who substituted, as not enuff girls for mixed doubles tourney)

B division men winners

A division women winners - Jackie & Mary (each of these was my partner in the only 2 sets I won)

A division men winners - Tom & Sheldon (each of these was my opponent when I was skunked 7-0)

Sunset this evening

Kathy & Peanut

On the 20th, back to work a long grueling day at the office.

On the 21st, another long day at the office.

On the 22nd, did a half day at the office and packed up to go to Santee for 4 day holiday weekend. Kathy started preparing feast for next day: stuffing for turkey & 2 pumpkin pies.

Meter not moving much up or down

Kathy finishing up "head start" for Thanksgiving feast next day

On the 23rd, threw turkey in oven at 5:30am, back to bed. Then continued cooking until Stacey and Eric arrived (from Seattle).

The whole family at work preparing food to be served in the kitchen

Before we loaded our plates at the dinner table

Eric with surprise belated birthday cake in the hallway

Sucess with wishes to come true

Birthday cake on table

On the 24th, Holley & Stacey got xmas decorations at Target on this black Friday and decorated outside of house. We went on a 3 mile hike in Mission Trails this afternoon. Jef took it easy while Kathy hung out with Eric and Stacey at their hotel pool in PB. We had sushi at Banbu this evening.

Panorama of back yard showing some fall colour

Girls hanging out in bed with Rosigi

Hiking in Mission Trails

At Banbu Sushi

Eric & Stacey hung out at Bigrock before retiring to their hotel - they spent next day with friends and flew back the next afternoon

On the 25th, Jef tackled installing the larger dog door - cutting out a larger hole in stucco and removing a stud.

Larger hole in the wall

View from outside

On the 26th, Jef acquired more parts (getting wrong size insert - but cobbled together some walls, anyway, from too small inserts.

Completed doggie door - plan to put white duct tape over cracks

On the 27th, back to work a very long day at the office.

Rigged electrical mess at Sewanee this evening

On the 28th, another long day at the office.

On the 29th, after another long day at the office, packed up and took Kathy & Kym to Big Rock. We had Greek Chicken for dinner.

Meter still pretty stable

Sunset panorama at Mall this evening

On the 30th, got up early, drove thru rush hour to downtown. Parked a Spreckels Theatre and walked to courthouse. Court opened about an hour after they expected us to be there, we had a substitute judge who probably lied to us that tenant would leave - sherrif said there was nothing he could do with papers provided by judge (after talking with him next day). After court, had sushi at the Spreckels building, recovered our car, and drove back to Santee. Jef dropped off Kym & Kathy at Costco & picked 'em up in time to go to final dental visit related to tooth extraction. Drove back to Borrego after stopping at Stater Bros.

Kym(with cancer stick) & Kathy walking away from courthouse (across the street)

In the lobby of the Spreckel's Theatre

Eating sushi next door to the theatre
Oct 2017

On the 1st, Kym did some clean up. Jef helped some. Jef took Kathy to ortho for follow-up & he released her from needing to use splints (Kathy had stopped knee splint a few days prior) & said 2 - 4 more weeks of healing before doing strengthening exercises.

Built this new railing today

On the 2nd, Jef went to DMV, but found Kathy hadn't signed a form, so had to come back another time to finish. Jef did some shopping, Kym did a lot of chores, and Kathy BBQ'd some steaks on Weber grille this evening.

On the 3rd, Jef went to DMV & finally completed getting new car, Browny Maroony, registered. Kym continued doing chores, but Jef's back problems limited his chores, however, Jef & Kym went down & got Kathy a couple b'day gifts - a succulent planter & a bbq. The BBQ didn't fit in Kym's car, so we had to have a hairy ride with the back door open, and Jef holding onto the BBQ, so it wouldn't fall out (about 3 miles). Kathy BBQ'd some burgers on her new gift this evening.

Kym, far right, had cleaned out top planter area - pile of banana leafs could not be fit in trash this day

Kym & Kathy looking at Kathy's new BBQ

Rosigi had been playing with Marley's old bee toy

Kathy christening new BBQ with burgers

Ted "the Toolman" Thurber had a collection of things related to his field of contracting. These are the tamest.

On the 4th, after taking it easy for most of the day, Jef, Kathy & Kym packed up and went back to Borrego. Jef & Kathy did some shopping on the way home.

On the 5th, Jef did work at the office. Kathy came in and worked out for first time to rehab her broken patella.

On the 6th, Jef did more work at the office. Kathy did a lot of walking directing Chuck, the plumber, in getting clog from guest house plumbing. Jef, Kym & Kathy went out to dinner this evening.

Kym & Jef took Kathy out for birthday dinner at the Coyote Steakhouse - it was partially covered by Stacey's gift certificate for Jef's birthday. Kathy had some nice sashimi, salad & soup, Jef had burger, fries & salad, & Kym had soup & mac/cheese

On the 7th, went into the office to update this journal, but mostly took it easy this day. We used last steak cooked on the 2nd to make tacos this evening.

On the 8th, mostly took it easy.

On the 9th, Kathy continued working on discharges & Jef did some work at the office. We did 1.2 loops of circle (about 1.2 miles) with doggies this afternoon.

On the 10th, continued with Kathy on discharges and filing at the office. We stopped by Sewanee to investigate the state of the place and found the renter had the power shut off (so no auto irrigation to plants), and was robbing elec. from neighbor with extremely flimsy extension cord.

Extension cord coming from absentee neighbor's house

Rats nest of extension cords going to upstairs bedroom, refrig. & kitchen light

Cord entering house

Note the splices

Renter's wreck of a car

On the 11th, continued with Kath on discharges and filing at the office. Kathy started to walk, but was in too much pain, so we stopped.

Sunrise this morning

Meter still slowly going backwards

Sunset this evening

On the 12th, went to MD to check on a few things with Jef & Kathy and stopped by Sewanee on the way back. We walked the 1 mile circle loop with the doggies this afternoon.

Sewanee extension cord is plugged into the neighbor's carport

Close up of where it is plugged in

On the 13th, set up ingredients for Kathy's Cantaloni dinner this evening. As Kathy started, she noticed an infestation of biting ants also tried to take up residence in the kitchen.

On the 14th, mostly took it easy at home.

On the 15th, after mostly taking it easy at home, visited John at his studio for drinks.

A few pieces of a musical nature

Kym's favourite sculpture

Kathy on sun deck

Panorama of sun deck with Kym & John at left

Sittin' on the shade deck

Kathy had found shade off the driveway when we arrived

On the 16th, Jef continued working at office, preparing for 1st patients in 2 months the next day.

On the 17th, Kathy went back to work, seeing 2 patients each day this week.

On our mile walk at sunset this evening

On the 18th, another short day at the office.

Cool sunsrise this morning

Sunrise panorama with window of bathroom reflecting it

On the 19th, another short day at the office.

Meter heading north, for a change, but not by much

Our late afternoon hikes increase in distance each time - now up to about 1.3 miles

On the 20th, another short day at the office

Clouds over the mountains this morning

We finally received this framed photo which we got at reunion silent auction and hung it up in the gym

We sat around and had drinks in our spot in parade the next morning

On the 21st,went over and attended the Borrego Days Parade. Kathy was bartender at John's bar trailer. We had bloody mary's & red beers & about 10 of us hung out there. We wanted to check out the circle, but both of us were exhausted and slept most of the afternoon.

John wanted this pic of birds hanging out on tree across the street

Kathy at the start of her shift

Our parade-viewing set-up

Panorama of parade route from our set-up before the parade

Fire truck at start of parade

One of 3 fancy go-carts zooming up & down the parade route before parade got going

From street level as starting flags start down route

Most daring plane of about 10 planes buzzing the route

Jim riding in Laughlin truck representing ABNA

Veronica tossing out candy for kiddies

Holtville marching band

One of the floats

Another marching band ... Desert Center? I forgot

Brawley High marching band

This group tossed out the most candy

Kids scrambling to satisfy their sugar cravings

Coachella marching band

This don't look very aerodynamical

Jef went looking for some place to pee while yet another marching band walked thru

Cool entry - Mike Rogers & other guy rallied while the net moved down the route

Lob going over net

Bride of Chuckie in a cool old car

Miss Borrego part of parade

Miss Borrego & Court - Kathy thinks Rotary should renovate this float

John watching post-parade from his rig

After packing up portable bar & before John drove it off into the sunset

On the 22nd, Kathy & Jef were purty tired. Kathy stayed home and rested while Jef walked to the office and did a little work. Later that day, we went on our walk with the doggies - this time going over 1.5 miles.

On the 23rd, back to work a longer (medium) day at the office.

On the 24th, walked to office (&back) for another medium day at the office.

On my walk back home, it seemed clouds were obscuring the terrain until I figured out the sun was impinging at such an angle that the long shadows were from bushes & rocks instead

On the 25th, another medium day at the office. We walked 2 laps with doggies this day, getting to close to 2 miles.

On the 26th, updated this journal for the past 2 weeks.

On the 27th, a medium long day at the office.

On the 28th, went to tennis tournament, losing all 3 matches this day, due to somewhat weak partners and/or strong opponents, losing 2-7, 0-9, 2-7. Took Kathy to El Borrego for dinner this evening.

Guest house meter this day

A strange layer of dead bugs was seen all over the valley, including on our solar panels

On the 29th, won the only set in the tournament with partner Dennis(who was also runner up), 5-4, and stayed to help photograph winners at the end. Then mostly took it easy the rest of the day.

The 5 early membership payers who's names were drawn(Ed, Eileen, Marla, Ken & Bill) each won 1 free tournament for this season

Mary and Marla won the ladies tournament

The top 4 ladies

Larry and Dennis won the men's round robin tournament

Fred was the designated drawer for various drawings

Dennis with birthday girl Eileen (this "teenager" just turned 70). Dennis won the $50 drawing, and Sandi immediately suggested the club stop these, as cash flow was a problem

On the 30th, tried new panel cleaner system on solar panels, and went to work a medium day at the office. Packed and drove to Santee this evening. Holley had arranged for a roommate, Daniela, whose U-Haul truck was sticking out of our garage when we arrived home.

On the 31st, went to MD appointment and found it was actually for next day, so cancelled all patients in office for the next day. Jef purchased flooring for the 2 smaller bedrooms and materials to patch gap between hallway and bathroom. Kathy & Holley decorated house for Halloween and we had over 100 trick-or-treaters, but still had demon sugar left over.

Jef fixed this gap in floor with a pergo T-moulding, this giant tile and the white glue used to hold these things down

Holley & Kathy decorating for the big nite

The witches of Big Rock

Ready for visitors

Kathy setting up ghostly lighting (on wall at right)

Bats, ghosts, and other things projected on wall

Special holiday lighting

Receiving one of over a hundred candy extortionists
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