Journal Index
1Q'17 Jef and Kathy's Activities 2Q 2017 3Q'17
Jun 2017

On the 1st, we had a fairly busy day at the office. We finally got out and walked about an hour after work - half with doggies.

On the 2nd, a very busy day at the office, after which we packed and drove to SD.

On the 3rd, after cleaning in yard & house, Holley took off for Mexico, and we had our anniversary dinner at Okawa's.

At Okawa's

On the 4th, after doing a lot of cleaning, we went on a little hike, but had to cut it short, as Kathy was having severe back pain. We picked up an ice cream cake for Holley & as Holley arrived home late from Mexico, we ordered Chinese from Lucky (one of the few places still open) per Holley's request.

Panorama of back screen room

Cleaned up poker table

Blooming gardenias & glads with Gigi

Kathy & Mia with burned area of trail in background

Hiking thru burned area

Wild buckwheat in full bloom along trail

Cake arriving

At conclusion of ceremonial song

On the 5th, did some shopping, packed up, and drove to Borrego.

Noticed this geyser in front yard - fixed shortly after

On the 6th, a fairly long day at the office.

On the 7th, after a light day at the office, which allowed us to do more paperwork, which made a long day at the office, Kathy picked up some half price food at El Borrego, and then we went on an hour walk.

Near half point of walk just before we dumped doggies at home this evening

Plumeria blooming in front patio

On the 8th, a very busy day at the office.

Kathy's prototype device for later productizing

Sunset this evening

On the 9th, a short day at the office. We then drove to SD for Ted's memorial services this weekend.

Ted by kitchen sink at Big Rock, shortly after moving in 3 years ago

Washingtonia palms in full bloom at the Mall

Meter still going backwards

On the 10th, Kym and Kathy cleaned the house while Jef cleaned the back yard & started on finding the source of the leak in the back yard.

On the 11th, drove to OB with Holley for Ted's paddle out in the morning. We stopped by his memorial at the Elks Lodge that afternoon.

Holley & Kathy arriving at the paddle out staging parking lot

Randy thanking onlookers for coming out to honor his dad

Starting down to the sea

The sunflower is the flower of choice

The first surfer enters the water

This guy launches the gnarly way from around 6' up

He survived to tell about it

Randy was among the last to enter water

Coastal attendees toss flowers in ocean - after the paddlers had passed a Budweiser bottle around the circle and drank to Bucky with his favoured beverage

Flower splashing down

These flowers drifted north at a rate of several feet per minute

Amongst the paddlers out, Randy pours Ted's ashes as paddlers continue whooping/hollering/splashing - flowers had already been tossed into the drink before the coastal contingent tossed theirs

After commencing paddle-in

First surfer out is the first in

Helpers helped bring in paddlers & boards

Panorama of exodus back to parking lot

Ted's kids

After surfboards reach parking lot - launching point was the peninsula to the right

At the Elks for the celebration of life for Ted where the event was catered with some good tacos

Jef ate the first piece of this "Rest IN Peace, Bucky" cake

On the 12th, packed up and drove back to Borrego, where we had a fairly busy afternoon at the office.

Never found exact leak location, but it is near this area

Altho, not particularly evident, a much cleaned up back yard with piles of weeds scattered about

On the 13th, a very busy day at the office.

Meter still going backwards

On the 14th, we saw 1 patient in the office before heading for SD for MD appointment and shopping.

Kathy near end of our 45 minute hike this day up to the end of the Mesa Trail

Still have flowers blooming in Santee

On the 15th, a very busy day at the office on this first day that summer settled in with highs over 110°F for a while.

On the 16th, a busy day at the office with David off on his birthday trip to Magic Mtn. We dined at the Red O this evening after work.

On the 17th, Jef walked to the office & did some work. Kathy saw 1 patient. That afternoon, we addressed the problem of our renters on Sewanee - seeing a moving van there, we confronted the situation & found one of the 2 renters (the only one who paid rent) was being rescued from the other by his daughter, who was packing up and taking him to northern CA. Kathy talked to her & found out she was sleeping in her car, so invited her to stay with us for the next few days.

Medter still going backwards

Jef took a pic of a blooming desert hibiscus in the middle of the walk to work

This flower was blooming in a field of cryptogramic earth on walk back home

On the 18th, mostly took it easy at home, but did check things out at Sewanee. Carlos & Rodrigo stopped by and agreed to set up a pad for the above ground pool Kym insisted we order.

We dealt with this scorpion in Kym's bathtub this evening

On the 19th, back to work for a fairly busy day at the office. We still dealt with the Sewanee situation.

This iguana had been living at Sewanee house - here it is under a pomegranate tree

As this week turned out to be a very hot week, the meter is no longer rewinding, but now going up

On the 20th, a medium long day at the office. This turned out to be the hottest day in years, surpassing 124°F.

Living room after most of clean up by Christina was completed

Henry & Christina packing up

Carport was later cleaned up, but here it is a a staging area

The wizard with the "stick of truth" was one of several Father's Day gifts from Eric & Stacey

On the 21st, another medium long day at the office.

Christina cleaning up fridge

Kathy, Jef, David at the office

On the 22nd, another fairly long day at the office.

Kitchen after Henry & Christina had left


Note stained carpet

Panorama of first floor

On the 23rd, a medium day at the office, where we got off fairly early. We packed and drove to Santee with all 3 doggies. We had Giant NY pizza for dinner this evening.

Carlos, Rodigo & another helper made this great pad for our new 18' diameter pool

This was the last tomato worm found from this batch

On the 24th, Jef cleaned up yards - hopefully fixing leak. Kym got Jef a Costco card as they did some shopping.

On the 25th, went on a walk in neighborhood. Then took Kym & Holley out to sushi at Banbu before packing and driving back to Borrego - arriving home late (around 10:30 pm).

Kathy on final leg of our neighborhood walk this afternoon - burn area from a couple weeks ago can be seen beyond end of road

Close up of burn area

We left front yard in fairly good order when we left this afternoon

The all-seeing eye .... or a passion flower given to Jef by Holley

On the 26th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 27th, a killer day at the office with 10 patients.

On the 28th, a fairly long day at the office. Carlos & Rodrigo erected the pool this morning for us.

Starting to put up pool

Nearing completion

At the Mall this afternoon

On the 29th, another long day at the office.

On the 30th, a long day at the office.

Completed pool

Guesthouse meter this day

Raised garden with one of over-sized albino cukes

Meter still going wrong direction

Testing out our new pool

Peanut: "get me outta here!"

Mia crusin' in the 'cement pond'
May 2017

On the 1st, back to work another very busy day at the office. This week Jef & Kathy got TB testing done, starting this day.

On the 2nd, yet another crazy busy day at the office.

It sucks to be a banana - why is this one smiling?

Meter still going down

On the 3rd, a busy day at the office, but stopped early enough to get our 1 hour walk in this evening.

Evening view of WestStar house from road - greenish lights are Chreaster lights - 30 second exposure

30 second exposure of Chreaster lights shining on our bougainvillea

On the 4th, another very busy day at the office.

On the 5th, Kathy got another 6 hours of dental work while Jef worked at the office. Kathy was too swollen in mouth to see any patients after that, so iced & took it easy. We went out to dinner at El Borrego this evening.

Jef walked to work the flat quick way this morning - due to heat & need to get to the office quicker, but took the scenic high route going home

Sunset viewed from back yard this evening

On the 6th, mostly took it easy, but we did go on a hike during the middle of this cool May day - in the 70s.

Meter still going backwards

Kathy & doggies on our first WestStar spur

Returning to WestStar from 2nd spur - Peanut saves herslef, as she knows we go in and back

Returning to WestStar from 3rd spu - Peanut was out alone by herself to act as bait, so the coyotes would eat her instead of us

On the 7th, Jef cleaned up around the garden, moving the old dirt to the planter section nearby. We went on a hike in the afternoon - taking doggies on their usual spur lap before going on long 5 mile loop past water tank - some of it in the rain.

Sunrise this morning

Found this burdsnest in one of our potted ficus trees

Little rainbow this morning

Finally cleaned up around the raised garden

Nearing the old country club

We started up this wash that eventually became a dirt road that passes the water tank

Nearing the water tank

Looking towards Montezuma Grade

Looking back towards old country club

Kathy walking in the rain

On the 8th, a not-too-busy day at the office.

Lenticular cloud over mountains this morning

Snow on Toro Peak in May!

On the 9th, a cool cloudy day that threatened, but didn't deliver rain. A busy day at the office.

Late afternoon at the office

Some sunset colour at first spur in our hike - We hiked 1 lap with spurs with doggies and another 27 minutes without - total of about 52 minutes of hiking this afternoon

On the 10th, another busy day at the office. Still fairly (unseasonably) cool and partly cloudy. Between patients, we went to the high skool & got oriented as judges for the senior project - each of us will evaluation 1 senior project. This evening we went to the Legion & had drinks & burgers & good company. We ran into our solar guy to ask about our shattered solar panel - he suggested replacement.

We had burgers at the Legion this evening - here is condiment/side-dish area with other legion emblems in background

Moonrise at the legion this evening

Kathy's doll tree

A couple orchids Kathy recently got to re-bloom

Still have Chreaster lights in front

On the 11th, back to work a very busy day at the office. Tempertatures were expected to barely get into the 90s this day.

On the 12th, Jef worked half a day at the office and then drove to SD for eye doctor appt, did some shopping, and returned to Borrego.

Jef noted "thick" air on drive back - here is view of Lake Henshaw at sunset

On the 13th, mostly took it easy all day, until call that night by Holley, who reported she found Ted dead, so Kathy called around, got his relatives to come to the house & we packed up & us & the doggies met them and Holley at the Santee house just after midnight.

WestStar meter still back-pedalling

Our shattered solar panel

Note the cracks on thin clear lines separating solar cells - taken from below panel

On the 14th, spent the day cleaning house - Jef mowed lawns, trimmed vegetation (first time in many months, so in dire need). Kathy cleaned kitchen & Ted's bathroom & living room.

Ted, as portrayed on this refrigerator magnet

Ted, as a young man

Ted's dad - the builder/owner of the Hoberg Resort, now known as the Palms at Indianhead

On the 15th, we stayed another day to take Kathy to eye doctor, and then continued cleaning/yardwork before packing up and heading back to Borrego. Kathy did some cleaning for Holley, as well.

2 gallons of Holley's spent "RXs"

A "kitchen chisel" should be part of any kitchen used by the likes of Ted or Holley

Yard was worse than this pic taken 3 weeks prior before Jef tackled it

After first cut of cleaning up front yard

We took doggies on a 1 hour hike before heading home

On the 16th, Kathy was too worn out, so cancelled a full day of patients - Jef worked at the office.

On the 17th, back to work a full day at the office, with a 3 hour break to help judge senior projects at the high school. Jef helped evaluate a potential PT & plumber.

On the 18th, worked another full day at the office.

On the 19th, After a medium busy day at the office, we packed up & drove to Santee with the 3 doggies.

On the 20th, we got up early and drove to Sunset Cliffs for Big Rich's paddle out. Kathy & I sat on the cliff watching - Jef took some pix. Afterwards, we went to the bar-b-que memorial, where we were introduced to the "Peter Pan" couple of Wendy & John(brother and sister in the Peter Pan story), who were the current owners of Kathy's old house, 2 doors down from Big Rich. Afterwards, they gave us a tour of the house. Kathy cooked up some halibut for our dinner with Holley this evening.

Staging for the paddle out in the parking lot

Panorama of the area

Heading down to the launch area

Paddling out

Circle filling out

Panorama of nearly finished circle & some of those on shore

About complete circle with over 90 paddlers

Ceremony starting with whooping/splashing & tossing flowers into the circle as a wave passes thru

Fireboats join in

Spray from one fireboat reaches circle of revelers

Somewhat better image of circle

Circle starting to break up

Many surfed into the beach

Kathy signing Big Rich's board

At the bar-b-que, Kathy signed into Big Rich's log book

Kathy signed the board over the "i" in Big in this panorama

Panorama of the bar-b-que

Kathy's old Green Street abode

Checking out the new deck in back yard

A tiny bit of ocean can be seen from the roof between John & Kathy's heads

Panorama of roof deck

On the 21st, we assisted the Thurber clan in going thru Ted's stuff & cleaning up. They managed to do about half the work. Dee got us In&Out burgers for lunch. The back patio is again clean.

On the 22nd, Kathy got another round of dental work, before going back to work a medium busy day at the office. Kym called this afternoon saying she arrived in Santee and informed us of a brush fire right behind our house - helicopters and fire-suppression airplanes put it out in a couple of hours after burning a couple dozen acres.

On the 23rd, our first hot day with a high over 112°F. After a medium busy day at the office, Kym arrived back in Borrego & moved into the guest house. We had halibut fish tostadas for dinner this night.

First big cuke in raised garden

On the 24th, a slightly cooler and partially cloudy, and medium busy day at the office.

On the 25th, another busy day at the office. Kym wanders back in town & we help her unpack her car.

Guest house meter reading as Kym moves back in

On the 26th, a fairly easy day at the office. Kathy helps Gene with his golf swing.

On the 27th, Jef fiddles around cleaning up back part of property.

Meter still going backwards

Miller time this afternoon

Raised garden - white flowers are cilantro, pots below are "Peanut grass" for doggies with upset tummies

Our salad course for our Memorial Day Bar-B-Q this afternoon

Kathy getting plates ready after hauling in the ribs, after cooking 'em

We had strawberry margaritas made with Kym's fancy blender

Jef was impatient with Kym tryin' to figur' out how to take a pick with Jef's Canon


Close-up of Jef's plate - just beans, ribs & salad

At the dinner table, complete with beggar dog

Our master chef

Kathy found this king snake in the backyard

She rescued it and placed it outside fence to protect it from viscious doggies inside fence

We stayed outside into the twilight

On the 28th,Jef attacked area of old meter - cutting all the cables, conduit & grounding rebar (using a carbide blade & power saw) and cleaned up the area. We went over to Kym's sister(Kathy & Bill's house to pick up stuff being tossed, as they were moving to Green Valley AZ next day).

After cutting most of the conduit & cable, an iguana came out seeking peace & quiet

Almost done cutting everything even with ground

On the 29th, mostly took it easy & doing various chores around home. Kathy was finally up to walking & we did close to an hour - half with doggies.

Coming home to drop off doggies before continuing hike

On the 30th, Kathy found & rescued an injured heron at her chiropractor's. We kept it in the laundry room at work all day as we worked a fairly easy day at the office. After work, we drove it to Gene's condo and released it in the lake in his back yard - altho unable to walk well, it was able to swim well & we observed it fishing for a while & it seemed okay in the lake.

Heron of unknown type was caged in this box most of the day

Just after ejecting bird from box, it crawled to this pond and dove in

We figured, bird could spend the night on this island if need be, as coyotes often passed thru the area

Panorama of Gene's back yard, including lake with new heron

3 ducks wandering by on way to Gene's neighbor, who feeds them

On the 31st, we had a fairly easy day at the office, but afterwards, Kathy's back prevented us from walking when we got home. Gypsi is ailing (as of yesterday), so we are giving her aspirin, as she apparently jumped off our temporarily elevated bed & landed wrong on her arthritic left leg.

Apr 2016

On the 1st, mostly took it easy, as we were too wiped out to visit Liar's Contest for first time, again.

Kathy, Peanut & Mia on walk this afternoon

We did a long hike this afternoon, hiking up to the water tank

Woody bottle brush in full bloom

On the 2nd, mostly took it easy, but did some chores.

On the 3rd, back to work a long day at the office. Afterwards, we dined at the Scott's, whose son, David cooked some moose-ka-bobs, mahi-mahi, and other wonderful food for us. David did this for a living up around Montana, being the cook on rafting trips.

Presentation of our dinner

Panorama showing David, Barb, Lori, John, Fred, -oops, forgot-, and Kathy

Lori brought a nice desert for us

On the 4th, another long day at the office.

On the 5th, still another long day at the office.

On the 6th, Kathy spent most of the day at the dentist, but saw 2 patients at the end of the day.

Slight colour in sunset this evening

On the 7th, Kathy & David manned the office while Jef went to dentist & shopping in SD.

Unmaintained front yard at Big Rock house - better than I expected

Holley's using bathroom as kitchen, too

Holley's room

Jef forgot to bring groceries bags & is too cheap to buy them. Most of groceries lined up ready to go in house

Weird clouds this evening

Kathy abusing David at Krazy Koyote this night

On the 8th, Jef played in last tennis tournament of the season - did not do well without his contacts on. Kathy & Jef attended banquet this evening.

Still a few flowers left

First "Tombstone Rose" bloom on 1 of 2 plants we are taking care of for John

Kathy with Gypsi as a puppy

Kathy got this orchid to rebloom

Rodigo's team did a great job cleaning our front yard

At the close of the tennis banquet this evening

Bowling bar mortar at cannon party we missed this day

Test fire of Flaco's cannon


Result of shooting Falcon at old cannon party

On the 9th, mostly took it easy, but we continued getting ready for Stacey & Eric's visit following weekend.

"Stacey's rose"

Kathy made Jef this martini this evening

One of the lemons from our tree

On the 10th, back to work a long day at the office.

Paloverdes coming out early this year

On the 11th, another long day at the office.

Recently planted raised garden behind the Art Institute suffered some wind damage

Panorama of the Borrego Art Institute


Kathy lost her phone a week ago, and found it recently in the parking lot after being run over - it still works fine, by the way

On the 12th, another long day at the office.

This day, Santa made it up to Kathy's "Wall of Fame"

Having Kathy's windshield replaced after Jef drove it thru a sandstorm about 10 days befor this

OUr meter has been going down at a fair clip this month

On the 13th, a long day at the office.

Rodrigo's crew did a bang-up job of cleaning up the back yard

On the 14th, Kathy not feeling well, so Jef cancelled a full day at the office.

On the 15th, Stacey & Eric arrived this afternoon. We finished getting ready for Chreaster & drove to Fonts Point for the sunset this evening.

We were going to sit on the point itself, but termites drove us off about 10 yards to this point

This photo was taken in close-up mode, so it was blurry - explaining the washed out faces

On the 16th, we got up early to visit the sunrise service this morning, then after a break, opened Chreaster presents, and then had a nice Chreaster feast.

Service just before sunrise

Singing at sunrise

Service took place on the hillside behind this Methodist church

Multiple dignitaries from local organizations - American Legion representative speaking, Jan from medical center is back center, Ginny is playing the piano

People leaving after service

Back to the Chreaster tree

Santa doggie

Trimming the tree with Kathy's collection of Hallmark ornaments


Chreaster feasters

On the 17th, we hiked the figure 8 loop at the Calcite mine - going about 5.5 miles & 1000' vertical. We dined at Rams Hill this evening.

This is the first desert 5-spot Jef has seen in Borrego!

Bristly gilia

Sand blazing star & notch-leaf phacelia(blue flowers)

Eastern calcite mine area

Panorama from high point of our hike

Sittin' on a "park bench"

Sandpaper plant in full bloom

Broadleaf gilia

Vein of calcite

Heartleaf primrose

Desert tobacco

Vertical panorama in Palm Wash slot - top is looking straight up

Nearing the road crossing

Stacey navigating one of a few dozen "speed bumps" in the canyon - photo by Eric

Dunno what plant this is but a lot of tiny little leaves

We had a little lunch at the end of the hike at the South Palm Wash natural bridge

Kathy & Jef

Kathy walking under bridge as Eric walked over it

Eric, Jef & Kathy on busy South Palm Wash overpass

Stacey, Eric & Kathy dining at Rams Hill this evening

On the 18th, Jef & Kathy went to see Dr. Quack in SD, did a little shopping, and met Eric & Stacey to go on an offroad adventure that afternoon, hitting 17 Palms, 5 Palms, Pumpkin Patch and Devils Slide.

Horse near the stage stop on S-2 on the Warner Ranch

As we started our offroad adventure, took this pic of verbenas

We first stopped at 17 Palms

Eric & Stacey are in front of middle group of palms in this panorama

Stacey, Eric & Kathy are in this panorama

Our 2nd stop, "5 Palms"

Unusual to find an oasis at the TOP of a hill!

Stacey & Eric


Jef & Kathy - photo by Stacey

Heading back to the Jeep

Next stop "Punkin Patch"

Kathy, Eric & Stacey in this panorama

Stacey & Eric

Kathy taking picture(below)

Stacey & Eric - photo by Kathy

All of us

Stacey running over to Kathy as we took a beer break on a dune at Devil's Slide

We parked the Jeep on top of this dune

Kathy & Stacey

Stacey, Kathy & Eric

Miller Time

Time to leave

Jef checked out roofing repairs by Rodrigo this evening & took this photo of the solar array

Rodrigo cleaned up the roof before starting repairs

On the 19th, Jef & Kathy were wasted & slept most of the day, after Eric & Stacey left for SD this morning. Jef did a little work at the office.

On the 20th, back to work - a medium long day at the office.

On the 21st, due to cancellations, another medium long day at the office.

On the 22nd, after doing various clean-up chores, Pam & Joya came over for a nice dinner - we had leftover posole & the girls brought over a gelatin dessert & dutch cookies.

On the 23rd, we took it easy between chores.

Start of our walk at sunset this day

On the 24th, Jef drove to dentist in SD & did shopping, while Kathy & David worked a fairly easy day at the office.

Santee yard - out of control, but flowers look nice

On the 25th, a grueling day at the office.

On the 26th, Kathy was wiped out & not feeling well, so cancelled all patients at the office, but we did have a couple of gym patients work out.

Jef gave Kathy this morphing mug (cool at top, hot liquid is below)

Noticed start of nice sunset when leaving office

Cool sunset this evening

Panorama from near house

Panorama mid-driveway

Panorama from street

Last gasp of sunset

Still have Chreaster laser lights in front of house

On the 27th, an extremely busy day at work, with side projects - getting car fixed, getting swampers fixed, getting house cleaned.

On the 28th, another very busy day at the office.

Meter going backwards nicely, still

On the 29th, mostly took it easy until driving to SD for shopping & poker - lost 21 at poker.

It's been many months since previous game

On the 30th, mostly took it easy & did chores at home.

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