Journal Index
2Q'17 Jef and Kathy's Activities 3Q 2017 4Q'17
Sep 2017

On the 1st, packed up in Woodland CA and drove to Tehachapi were we stayed the nite, eating sandwiches in the hotel room.

On the 2nd, packed up and left Tehachapi, driving straight to Santee. We stopped by the urgent care to re-check on Kathy's broken bones and diagnose Jef's infected finger. We had Sab-E-Lee (Thai) take out for dinner.

Map of our eclipse trip which we completed this day - dark splotches are sweat drops, as this map was done Sept. 14 after Jef walked to the office

On the 3rd, mostly took it easy, hanging out around the house.

On the 4th, Jef drove to Borrego to catch up on work.

On the 5th, Jef continued catching up on work at the office.

Guest house meter

Our meter had gone up in our absence

On the 6th, Jef continued catching up on work at the office. Kym took Kathy to MD to get ortho referral.

On the 7th, Jef did some banking before driving back to Santee.

On the 8th, mostly took it easy around the house.

On the 9th, Jef finally got around to mowing the lawn.

Before mowing lawn

In middle of mowing the lawn

Peanut with giraff - we plan to match Pergo and put this in bedrooms, as well

On the 10th, mostly took it easy around the house.

On the 11th, Jef took Kathy to see ortho.

On the 12th, Jef & Kathy packed up with doggies and drove back to Borrego.

On the 13th, Jef did some work at the office. Kathy continued resting up.

Lenticular clouds

On the 14th, borrowed a tub seat from senior center & set it up so Kathy could take her first shower this month.

Kym's buddy, Rudy, out where she feeds him

On the 15th, walked to the office & did some work. Then walked to El Borrego for the grand re-opening celebration, having tacos & cerveza.

Meter is heading south again, due to cooler weather

Kym, Jef, Kathy at El Borrego opening

Big turnout meant long line for tacos

On the 16th, mostly took it easy at home. Then drove to town, worked about an hour on this journal & did some shopping.

On the 17th, walked to the office & did some work on this journal, did some shopping & walked home.

On the 18th, did some work at the office.

On the 19th, again walked to the office and did some more work.

Meter gradually going down

Kathy got out and limped about an 1/8th of a mile

On the 20th, did some work at the office.

On the 21st, got out and cleaned the solar panels, but this may have aggravated my back & I suffered with back pain for the next few days. Did more work at the office.

Dirty solar panels

On the 22nd, got late start heading to Hank Senior's funeral service at the Fort Rosecrans National Cemetary. Arrived 5 minutes late, and it took 20 minutes to locate service, but as I arrived, the 5-6 cars just pulled away. I looked for my cell in my pocket, but failed to find it, so walked back to main area and bummed a cell phone from someone, who had no service there, but his friend did, and got a hold of Hank, who said he was headed to a restaurant in Liberty Station. After I drove by it, I found my cell and called. After about 3 calls, I finally found the place - a needle in a huge haystack (Liberty Station is about 1 square mile in size, and restaurants are not visible from the street). On way home, did some shopping, checked out Big Rock house - a mess, unlocked and with $960 in cash lying in the middle of the living room. Rosy(Gigi's) water was almost out, so filled up her 2 water dishes. Holley was nowhere to be found. Hit a couple more stores before making it back to Borrego.

Henry (Hank Sr.) had recently passed away. He flew 32 B-17 missions in 1944 over Germany as a belly gunner. Only 3 of 4 such flights ever returned, so he was very lucky to survive(0.75 ** 32 = 1/10,000th!). The one he missed due to sickness didn't return, so he was probably very good at his job. Henry is front right in this 2008 photo at a poker game. Papa Don was still alive here (with the fingers behind him indicating devil ears)

View near to where Hank Sr. service was held on Pt. Loma

After finally rendezvousing with Hank, he paid for this brunch. Julian & Jerry behind Jef - Linda(Mrs. Jerry), Henry's daughter is at head of table, then to R: Linda (Henry's dtr in law), Hank, ?, Frank, & Joanna(Mrs. Frank) at other head of table out of sight

On the 23rd, mostly took it easy, but Jef did some work at the office.

On the 24th, we were going to have David over for breakfast, but delayed that until tomorrow, as Kathy was not feeling well. That afternoon, helped Kathy & Kym make Kathy's fancy tuna salad, which lasted a week.

On the 25th, Jef made some salsa, and we cooked a nice breakfast & got David to come over. The main course was a giant fancy fritata, which lasted a few days. Jef did some work at the office. David and Hosue came over for drinks this afternoon, as well.

On the 26th, Jef did some work at the office.

On the 27th, Jef and Kathy started knocking off discharging charts - we did about a dozen, and Jef took them to file at the office and prepare more. That afternoon, Kathy walked about 3/8th of a mile on circle.

Our meter slowing going down

Kym's meter going up over 500kwh/month

3 terrifying dinos on our walk this evening - first time Kathy walked around the circle - about a mile

On the 28th, worked with Kathy on about a dozen discharges, came back to the office, and completed these and got another dozen ready for Kathy. That evening, met John & Dave at La Casa, and they gave us dinner with wine.

On the 29th, came in early to the office to work on this journal and eviction case.

Bad year for tomatoes & peppers in the raised garden

Jef did 2nd cleaning of solar panels, but just dusted off outside third of the area (all he could reach with rags)

Meter has run back so far that it is in the 8700s by midday today

On the 30th, Jef worked on recycling old material into making more decking around pool. That evening, Jef went over to John's for food & poker, winning 28 & learning new game "El Paso".

As one of the benches for this table had fallen apart, Jef cannibalized 2 benches & turned this picnic table into a 4' high poolside deck table

John had recently bought this boat for next to nothing

The spread of food - Jef brought nothing, but consumed lots

The poker table
Aug 2017

On the 1st, back to work a VERY long day at the office.

On the 2nd, an EXTREMELY long day at the office with 12 patients!

A little monsoonal this afternoon

On the 3rd, a long day at the office even with 3 cancellations.

On the 4th, worked a half day and drove to the Queen Mary in Long Beach where we spent the next 2 nights. Had dinner on board.

View of Long Beach from our porthole

Kathy relaxing

On the 5th, drove Kathy to her class at CSLBU, did some shopping & tried to take taxi to reunion, but as it was late, got a limo driver to take us. We left the reunion before dancing, as the speeches didn't end until 10pm.

Having a little lunch near bow of ship

In the hall outside our room, Kathy's outfit for the reunion

The both of us - I forgot to bring the coat...

... so this is what I would have presented myself as, had I brought it

Kathy's graduating class - she's at top right

Panorama of the reunion dinner - looks like around 200 people

On the 6th, packed up and then stopped to view changes at Kathy's old workplace, Rancho Los Amigos, before driving back to borrego. We had lunch at the Stagecoach Inn and stopped at the Shadow Mountain Winery.

Old building probably awaiting demolition

Probably to be replaced by these newer buildings

Rehab Center where Kathy worked

Kathy in front of main entrance

Panorama of new building taken from new parking structure

New buildings going up

We had lunch out in their patio - good food & live music Sunday afternoons

On the 7th, back to work a very long day at the office.

On the 8th, another very long day at the office.

On the 9th, drove to SD for Kathy's doctor appointment. While there, we took Holley & Rosy(Gigi) on a 1 hour hike mostly to the end of Mesa.

Leaving the house

Bamboo is an invasive weed behind our house

Rosy, Holley & Kathy on trail behind our house

Invasive vine is also taking over creek area behind our house

Only this corner section has erosion hazards

Holley giving Rosy her bath

On the 10th, a long day at the office.

Sunset this evening

On the 11th, a very long day at the office. Joined Kym and Kathy in front yard to view perseids - Jef only saw about 8, then while going in got stung by a scorpion.

Took many of these 30 second exposures (Aquila at left, Lyra in center, Cynus at top) with no Perseid tracks


Jef & Kathy

start of airplane track

continuation of airplane track

Out of focus shot of scorpion

Jef's left foot starting to swell

On the 12th, Kathy had a couple of home care patients. Jef, still tingling from bite, slept most of the day.

Scorpion where Kathy killed it nite before

Left foot still swollen

Little rainbow from shower over towards Ocotillo Wells

On the 13th, continued taking it easy, but did some chores.

On the 14th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 15th, one last monster long day at the office before going on vacation.

On the 16th, spent the day preparing for vacation.

On the 17th, started trip, going thru 29 Palms, where we had a nice lunch in former bank building - the restrooms were in the vault! Then overshot turnoff to Amboy and did U-turn at Marine entry gate. We saw some really cool scenery on the way to the area south of Vegas (green desert with lots of flowers after some nice summer storms - didn't stop to take pix, but regret it). We saw the new sci-fi solar power plants south of the state line, drove thru Vegas at rush hour, and connected with JoAnn in Mesquite. She cooked us a nice spaghetti dinner. Spent the nite there.

Kym's roadrunner friend, "Rudy" on our roof

On the 18th, went to breakfast at a nice golf clubhouse with Joanne. As we were leaving, one of her neighbors had fallen & Kathy did some first aid before the ambulence arrived. We then headed to Snowbird, but the car died in the carpool inner lane during rush hour around Provo. We called AAA & a tow truck picked us up. He drove to a quiet undeveloped lot to plan where to take us next & we decided on going to a dealer in Orem. There was no hope of renting a car nor getting any hotel room nearby, as BYU had a graduation and the eclipse was iminent, so We left the car there & the tow truck driver drove us up to Snowbird where we checked in around 10pm.

Us & JoAnn

Goodbye Frau Bluecar

Scenic place to die

Exhausted Kathy after a stressful day at Snowbird hotel

On the 19th, scrambled to find transportation from Snowbird to Orem, finally getting a $160 cab ride. We found "Frau BlueCar" was DOA & traded it in on a newer Maxima. We then transfered stuff from car to car and drove to Pocotello, where we stayed at a nice Clarion Motel.

Kathy at dealer, looking at Frau Bluecar's replacement, "Browny Maroony"

Interesting pool feature at our Pocatelo motel

On the 20th, drove from Pocatello to check out various eclipse sites, settling on St. Anthony, which is a cool little town. We stopped at Yellowstone, where Jef got his lifetime Natl. Park pass for $10, days before the price skyrocketed.

This lounge is like Cheers, with some interesting characters back in the bar

Norris Geyser Basin

Kathy & Jef by Echinus Geyser pool

Not erupting at the moment

One of many cool blue pools

Kathy walking by an continuously erupting geyser

Browny Maroony parked in overflow area - parking lot was jammed when we got there

We skipped hiking this other loop - too many touristas

Parking at our hotel in Big Sky, MT

On the 21st, drove to St. Anthony Idaho from Big Sky Montana, hitting some traffic, but only slowed us down by about an hour. Checked out shooting locations in the town during the partial eclipse & settled at the edge of the courthouse parking lot. The whole town hollered when the sun hit totality. We walked around a bit afterwards before driving back. We had lunch mid-way to West Yellowstone (Mexican - pretty good), and drove to Lower Geyser Basin & then Midway Geyser Basin before driving back to Big Sky.

St. Anthony - these flowers cast a nice scent

We picked out this courthouse as a reference in our eclipse shots - only from the side to get sun in pix

Eclipse was partial all the time we were in St. Anthony - note crescent sun images

Close up of tree shadow with crescent sun images

This tank was also a possibility to shoot eclipse, but street seemed too busy

Made a little eclipse viewer from 2 eclipse flyers picked up at Yellowstone the day before

Sun getting pretty dim

Diamond ring!


With courthouse reference

After 2 minutes, it's coming back

Our eclipse picnic site


Viewers from roof of courthouse

We dined at this Mexican restaurant on way to Yellowstone

Pool in the lower geyser basin

Lower Geyser Basin geyser

2nd stop: Midway Geyser Basin

Still have wildflowers

Overflow of geyser basin goes into creek

Getting closer to trail

Overflow as viewed from bridge to basin

Panorama of one of the pools

Same pool, different angle, with Kathy

Panorama of Great Prismatic Pool with 2 Kathy's

Same pool, different angle

Same pool, but with Jef & Kathy

Yet another pool - note river in background

Sunflowers on walk back to car


SOme other yellow flowers

THere's a bee in this flower

One of several deer seen behind our Big Sky motel

Jef did this slide twice & Kathy once this evening - cool water (in the 70s)

On the 22nd, packed and left to visit Buddy & Marion in Bozeman. We visited for a while. They took us out to lunch at a local country club. We then left for Missoula, and wound up in hotel in midst of smoke.

Jef and Kathy arrive at Buddy & Marion's house in Bozeman

Jef, Buddy, Marion & Kathy

These pix taken in their back yard

With a couple of granddaughters

Kathy's dad, Semper, is dancing at this pic from Buddy & Marion's 1967 wedding

Kathy at right in this wedding photo

Kathy's mom & dad, Kathleen & Semper

Another pic with Kathy in it = these are pix of pix from Buddy & Marion's wedding album

On the 23rd, drove up to Glacier, having lunch along the way, but didn't stay long, as it was getting late. We did an hour hike while there, however. We returned to smoky Missoula and spent a 2nd nite.

We took the first hike we saw in the park, which is shared with horses

Jef & Kathy in Glacier

Wildflowers along trail included fleabane

This area was closed due to an active fire in the park

Multiple Kathys in Lake McDonald

Re-entering more smokey area as we approach Missoula

On the 24th, packed and drove to Lewiston. Wound up going on about 10 miles of dirt road to get to scenic drive. We got lost in Lewiston, but finally made our way to river cabin of the Scotts, where we met Barb & Fred & their local son. We went out to dinner at a winery and they put us up in a cabin right on the river for the nite.

Jef took this pic at impromptu rest stop

After descending the Lochsa River nearing Lewiston

After finally reaching the Scott's cabin on the Clearwater River

Panorama from the neighbor's cabin that we stayed at

We dined at the Colter Creek Winery

On the 25th, packed and drove to Seattle by way of Walla Walla, where we stopped at 2 wineries. We checked into the hotel and rested.

Hanging on the wall of our cabin

Our cabin this morning

Jef & Kathy by Clearwater River

Lewis & Clark expedition camped on this island after one of their members broke his leg in the rapids - an exiled medicine woman tended to his maladies for the 2 days they stayed

This was the 2nd winery we stopped at this day - an old schoolhouse

We purchased wine in this 6-pack on the floor

On the 26th, Stacey & Eric picked us up and took us on a tour of Seattle. We did an underground tour, checked out the big market, where we had a nice lunch at Athenia, and then the Chululi museum under the Space Needle. On way back, we found and partially put together a jigsaw puzzle on the half hour return trip to Bremerton. We had dinner with the Stacey, Eric & his parents at Anthony's. Food was not that good.

Starting out on our underground tour

Our tour guide

In the underground

Going thru a bootlegger door

These windows used to be at street level, but after the great fire, 30' of fill made the 1st floor into a basement

Dining at the Athenia in the great Pike Place Market area

Kathy & Stacey

Our lunches

Very large Chihuly glass sculpture at the Chiuly Garden & Glass Exhibit

Art presented over a glass ceiling

Octopus garden

Artsy lamps

Panorama of another room

One of several collections of bottle openers at the museum

Approaching the garden area

Looking up at the Space Needle

About to enter garden

In the garden

Worked on this puzzle on ferry from Seattle to Bremerton

Dinner at Anthony's in Bremerton with Stacey, Eric & his folks

On the 27th, Stacey & Eric picked us up and took us to Port Townsend, where we had lunch at a much better Anthony's and got a good walk in. We had dinner at a sushi place that nite.

Future home of Stacey & Eric

View of Olympic range from their property

Marley, Eric & Stacey are staying at Eric's folks place - this is their back yard

Bremerton Ferry taking off to Seattle

We stopped at this tower on our walk in Port Townsend

A local ferry

Looking down on downtown section, Port Townsend

Eric walking by an old church

Monkey Puzzle tree

Seagulls found convenient roost

Lotsa cool old houses

A deer crosses street in front of Eric & Stacey

Perhaps fence is more to keep varmints out then pets in

Kathy in panorama

Kathy, Stacey, Eric in front of this cool old building

Panorama of building had some weird distortions

Another cool old building

Note bird droppings on this cool old house

Walking back down to downtown area, we come across these "trees of heaven"

Explanation of how trees of heaven made it to this country

Looking back up at tower in earlier photo from downtown

Having sushi that nite with Eric & Stacey

On the 28th, packed up and headed south. We went west to the coast and checked out the 15 miles of beach just north of Long Beach. We hit one winery (Kathy got some cranberry champagne). We went along the coast, finally ending up in a hotel near the beach in Seaside OR. We made sandwiches for dinner most of the rest of the trip.

We did about an hour walk along the beach near Westport WA this afternoon

Kathy with beach in background (we took walkway north and walked along beach on way back)

Many sand dollars in this area

At the restaurant at which we had lunch found these amusing items

Big flowers by this Seaside OR house at the beach

We spent about an hour at the beach watching the sun set

Here's the sun setting

Kathy in Seaside panorama

On the 29th, packed up and headed south. We undertook the lighthouse hike we attempted last year, and made it further, as it was less muddy, but had to cut it short due to lack of time. Then headed south to Bandon. We took it easy this evening.

We started our hike in foggy drizzly weather

Slug on trail

Kathy stretching about mid-way thur hike

Chain link fencing is used for traction in parts of this trail

On the 30th, as Jef showered, Kathy went outside and tripped/fell, breaking her arm & leg. Jef completed packing and hauled her to the ER, where she was DX'd with a R fractured patella and L fractured elbow. We stopped at CVS on way out of town for meds and a wheelchair. We were dissuaded by the ER nurse from going to motel we paid for in CA, and wound up going to the 5 and staying in a fleabag hotel in Medford OR, which happened to have less smoke than towns to N and S.

View from our hotel room in Bandon

Fog receded to reveal another sunny day

Emergency room where Kathy found she broke an arm and a leg

Area where Kathy fell

She was going right to left here and turned to avoid an obstruction, but just beyond, the slope increased a lot without her realizing it... so she fall, go BOOM!

On the 31st, packed up and drove to Woodland, where we stocked up on groceries and continued eating in hotel room.

Jul 2017

On the 1st, mostly took it easy after a long week.

Gypsi hanging out at her favourite place in our bathroom

On the 2nd, while over at Sewanee house looking for Joe to tell him of the end of his days at Sewanee house, we grabbed parts of desk/bed in storage there for use as building material for pool deck project.

We found this main line leak at Sewanee house - need to replace this antisiphon valve

On the 3rd, back to a long day at the office.

On the 4th, Jef spent most of the day outside in the 114°F heat building a staircase/deck for new pool. After dehydration & cramping from holding on to power tools, too much, he aborted completion, leaving last 2 steps undone, but borrowed 2 steps from jacuzzi. David & Josue came by with fireworks & we hung out at the pool & ignited a few small fireworks.

Starting on the steps

Kathy & doggies in pool

Doggies, Kathy, David, Josue & Kym in pool

Down below

Mia & Peanut

Kym had the idea of integrating pool ladder with new deck & stairs

Temporary jacuzzi steps at bottom

Kym, doggies, Kathy

Ducky thermometer reads 90°F

Note how Jef's skin is untanned underwater & more swarthy looking up from underwater to above water

Jef on new steps - formerly his old desk/bed purchased from Szabos circa '91

Drying out afterwards

Fireworks to celebrate cuatro de Julio

On the 5th, back to work a long day at the office. Jef finished up his physical - marginal cholesterol, so need to diet/exercise. After work, we got take out dinners at Carmelita and then we all went to the firestation for the CPR class. Finally got home around 9:30pm.

On the 6th, another long day at the office.

On the 7th, a long day at the office. We skipped going out for dinner - burned out after another long week. We did go out in the pond for about an hour this night. Water temp. was 95°F, as high this day was 121°F!

Meter still going up

Went thru trash for Kathy looking for missing meds - failed to find

Kathy thinks she got bit by a small scorpion while swimming in the pool under the stars this night

On the 8th, mostly took it easy. Worked on pix for this page. Weather was murky with high humidity causing very hazy conditions.

It was murky like this all day

On the 9th, mostly took it easy at home. Jef made chile, Kathy cooked a chicken in the crock pot & made spanish fried brown rice.

On the 10th, back to work a fairly busy day at the office. We took doggies around our circle, but doubled back before completing it, adding about a minute to hike.

Mini-thunderhead forming over Santa Rosas

Remnants of a larger thunderhead that formed over southern part of the valley this afternoon

On the 11th,a very long day at the office.

Meter still going up

On the 12th, a short, but flustrating day at the office with cancellations.

On the 13th, a long day at the office.

On the 14th, Kathy got the rest of her big dental work taken care of before we packed up all the doggies and drove to SD. Kathy got a physical at CVS and a Catscan & MRI in Grossmont before we went shopping & Kathy bar-b-qued some carne asada for dinner this night.

Bloomin' roses at Bigrock house

On the 15th, did a few chores, but we were both pretty wiped out from long week, so we caught up on our sleep during the day.

Holley took us out to Banbu Sushi to celebrate her getting her Cal. beautician licence

On the 16th, mostly took it easy, but Jef did some yard work and shopping. We took Holley, Gigi, Mia and Peanut for a walk up Mesa (about an hour). We packed up and drove to Borrego - Kathy was not feeling well when we arrived.

Holley & Gigi(Rosy) joined us on our hike up Mesa Rd.

Hikin' up the road

This dust devil was very visible after kicking up charcoal dust from recent fire in area

Walking back down

Mia doesn't like being in the sun with her black coat

Did more yard clean-up this weekend

On the 17th, Kathy felt she had a tummy flu, so I cancelled a busy day at the office and caught up on paperwork.

On the 18th, back to work for a medium busy day at the office.

Cool clouds this afternoon

Starting on walk with doggies

Panorama of sunset with Kathy & doggies coming AND going

On the 19th, a fairly busy day at the office.

On the 20th, another fairly busy day at the office.

Meter still going up

I did clean these the next day, but the day after that it rained enuff to get it dirty again!

On the 21st, Jef started a moderately busy day at the office, but then went to SD for a follow-up dental visit to see if 2 teeth are still salvageble - answer: maybe, come back in 3 months after antibiotics placed in again & Jef not to floss for 10 days THIS TIME. Did some shopping before returning to Borrego.

On the 22nd, Jef walked to the office to catch up on paperwork & got ride home from David & then went to Scotts for farewell pizza dinner. Will connect with them in Idaho just after the eclipse.

On the 23rd, mostly took it easy at home. Kym & Jef helped Kathy make a big batch of her fancy tuna salad (dinners for following week). Went in pool for a while.

Kilroys were here

On the 24th, a crazy busy day at the office, Jef picked up newer Mazda (replaced defective starter) and dropped off newer Jeep (burnt out headlight).

On the 25th, another crazy busy day at the office.

On the 26th, another busy day at the office.

On the 27th, another long day at the office.

On the 28th, worked a short day, got equipment calibrated & then packed up and took doggies to Santee.

On the 29th, took Gypsi to vet - can't do any surgery, as her heart could no longer take sedation.

On the 30th, helped Thurber clan sort thru remainder of Ted's stuff.

Apparently Gypsi came up short in tussle with Rosy

Pile nearly complete

Dee and Kathy going thru Ted's files

Panorama of the event

A final pose of Thurber clan

On the 31st, Jef helped guy load up most of rest of Ted's junk and then returned to Borrego from Santee with doggies.

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