Journal Index
3Q'18 Jef and Kathy's Activities 4Q 2018 1Q'19
Dec 2018

On the 1st, drove to Escondido for Kathy's MD appt. Then drove to Santee, dropped off doggies, and did some xmas shopping. We had pizza & salad for dinner.

On the 2nd, Kathy continued cleaning Holley's room, Jef did some yardwork & shopping.

On the 3rd, we had another MD appt for Kathy and then did some mall shopping. Kathy got clothes and shoes. Kathy did some more cleaning of Holley's abandoned stuff, we then went on an hour hike(the Mesa loop), before packing up and heading home. The car was packed pretty full, and got fuller after we shopped at Staters in Ramona.

On the 4th, back to work a very long day at the office.

On the 5th, a fairly busy day at the office, made moderately easy with 3 cancellations.

Meter is going up again

Rodents ate spark plug wires in old Mazda

On the 6th, a rainy day, as an even larger storm went thru this day, about a week after last one. Had a fairly busy day at the office.

Kym put the office potted plant outside to get some rainwater

Someone had a big fire over near the Beavertail Ranch

On the 7th, a very busy day at the office.

Yesterday's storm claned the solar panels without my help

Looks like about 1" of rain fell

This mostly sunny day had some lingering clouds

On the 8th, Jef started playing in the tennis tournament, winning 4 of 5 matches this day. Stopped by to check out the grand opening of the new sheriff station & library.

View of the Mall from new library

Inside the new library

Panorama of new library from new sheriff station

Kym's birthday cake

On the 9th, completed tennis tournament. Was neck & neck with Lonnie in the final match, but when his partner came down with an injury, his substitute partner, Jackie, happened to be the best player in the club, so they crushed us 6-1, and Jef wound up like 4th in the men's. There were only 8 men and 8 women in this small tournament.

Contrails were very 2 dimensional this day

Still some snow from storm 3 days earlier on Toro

Panorama at awards ceremony

Jackie (who knocked me out) was the tournament director

Men's winners: Lonnie and Dave

Women's winners: Roz and Margo

Lonnie who managed the raffle, managed to win

Kathy cleaning up behind dryer

While down there, she found multiple serious problems

Jef dragged his sore body on a hike with Kathy this afternoon - here she is by a sleeping circle

Looking over to the nearby water tank

Okay! Enuff with the pictures!!

On the 10th, back to work a very long day at the office.

On the 11th, only a moderately busy day at the office with 2 cancellations.

Meter definitely going up again

On the 12th, another moderately busy day at the office.

On the 13th, a busy day at the office.

On the 14th, a very long day at the office. We stopped and got takeout at El Borrego this evening.

Guest house meter this day

Only 3 of our 5 cars are working this week

On the 15th, helped with a booth at the Christmas themed health fair put on by Borrego Community Health.

Panorama at the Circle

Crowds appeared before Jef could erect our banner

Dancing santa & elf

Finally got banner up at our "booth"

Afternoon degenerated into a make-shift volleyball game

BAI was opposite where Kathy parked our car

The thing wrapped up around 3 after 3 hours

On the 16th, did a buch of chores. Kathy completely cleaned up the back yard. Jef installed new blinds in the bedroom, and installed 7 sets of lights in the front yard. We made 4 gallons of soup this evening to last the week.

After Kathy broke her back cleaning up back yard

Having turkey soup - after Kathy thawed out broth from Thanksgiving turkey, we made a 4 gallon batch of soup

On the 17th, back to work a very long day at the office.

On the 18th, another fairly long day at the office. Karon brought us in some really good soup that Lloyd had made. Jef finished his before leaving work. Yum!

Sunset panorama at the office this evening

On the 19th, after a medium long day at the office, we headed over to haircuts, drinks, and dinner at Pam & Jim's - Pam cut our hair while we drank and talked. Jim loosened up enuff to open up his "The King" wine he had been saving for a special occasion. Dinner was 3 kinds of soup. Really good!

Jim, Pam & Kathy at the dinner table

Jim waited too long to open this, as it had gone bad, but Jef drank it anyway. Thankyou,.... Thankyou very much!

On the 20th, a fairly long day at the office. Kathy went and got her hand injected.

On the 21st, Kathy couldn't do much with her hand, as it had not yet recovered from the prior day injection, but we survived another long day at the office. Jef missed most of it, however, as he drove in to San Diego to shop and bring back a Christmas tree (noble fir).

Sunset at the office this evening

On the 22nd, we drove to Escondido for Kathy's MD appointment. As she lost the shoes she had bought a few weeks prior, we had to brave the largest mall in San Diego County (North County Fair) and buy another pair. Despite a completely full parking lot, we managed to get in and out of there in under an hour on the busiest shopping day of the year. Stacey and Eric arrived in Borrego about an hour after we arrived.

We stopped for dinner at Pinto Thai in Ramona

On the 23rd, Kathy & Stacey did most of the tree trimming. Kathy complained Jef got too small a tree, but they managed, anyway. We went on a hike to hill above old country club this afternoon.

Kathy and Stacey busy trimming the tree

Eric & Stacey volunteered to take DD the Devil Dog, who turned out to be a good walker

Panorama on trail just above old country club

Hiking up trail during a great sunset

Nearing high point of hike

Panorama near top

Kathy showing them sleeping circles

Eric & Stacey

Tail end of sunset

Wrapping presents

On the 24th, we took kids up to Sheep Canyon - apparently, Eric's never been there. We drove thru and viewed luminarias at the Roadrunner on drive back.

Still more presents to wrap

Pam had driven Jim over to see Kathy after Jim had fallen and was in great pain

Kathy called 911 and got ambulance to pick up Jim - they took him to the airport and airlifted him to hospital

Meter still heading north with the cold weather

At the start of road up Coyote Canyon we found flowers blooming, including this verbena

Brown-eyed primrose

Spectacle pod, I believe

At 2nd Xing (near where we had gotten married 12.5 years ago) brittlebush is blooming

Stacey stepping over creek

Stacey took off shoes and socks and waded on submerged road before we drove thru

After an easy ascension of bypass road, we stopped at the Catarina overlook

Jef & Kathy

Stacey & her mom

Eric, Stacey, Kathy - Catarina palms in background

After we failed to get down to spring, Stacey & Eric returned to the pass

Creosote in bloom

We passed to the north of the Catarina Palms and walked near them

Stacey above Eric above Kathy

Catarina palms

Jef & Kathy

Kathy & Stacey returning to Jeep

Chinchweed in bloom

Cheesebush in bloom

This might be "climbing desert milkweed" in bloom

Desert lavender in bloom

Rabbitbrush in bloom

Sheep Canyon palms with sycamores in full fall colours

More flowers blooming right next to Sheep Canyon creeks which went all the way past the parking lot

This might be goldenhead

At the creek

Action shot of Stacey doing some bouldering

Going up the creek

Luminarias at the Roadrunner

Main entrance to Roadrunner

This is the most decked out house in Borrego

At Weststar

Laser star lights

Our garage door

Watching "Christmas Chronicles" Xmas eve

We had fires each nite the kids were here

Finished tree

After a long day of adventuring

View from the tree

On the 25th, after opening presents by the Xmas tree, Jef did some last minute grocery shopping and we cooked an Xmas feast, scaling back Beef Wellington to prime filet mignon roast wrapped in proscuito. Stacey made her great potatoes. Also had string beans with white sauce and apple pie.

Little rainbow

Raining over Whale Peak

Kym briefly joined us as we unwrapped presents

Kathy gave kids an elaborate story-telling system of Hallmark Peanuts ornaments

Mia opening her present

Kathy and Stacey busy in kitchen working on Xmas dinner

Dinner is served!

On the 26th, Stacey & Eric took off before Jef awoke. Kathy figured it would take about 3 days to recover from the kid's visit. Jef did some work at the office.

At sunrise this morning after kids have left

Recent rains have given us a "lawn"

Jef walked to work - here is view of new library/park

Panorama of sunset about halfway up to high point

Panormaa at high point of Jef's walk home this evening

On the 27th, Jef did some work at the office while Kathy took it easy after wearing herself out with the kid's visit.

On the 28th, Jef packed for Mexico trip. When driving Jeep (for which he had just got insurance for Mex.) to garage, noted a flat tire. Took tire to Jake's and found it was unrepairable, so moved tire from black Jeep. Black Jeep fell off Jack after tire was removed, but jacked it up and put it on blocks. Drove to Tecate, picked up the rest of the tile we bought 2 months prior, and checked into the Sanctuaria Digueno. We dined at Asao's that evening, but didn't go down to jacuzzi, as a cold and wind came down on the SW, so we holed up in the hotel room.

Flat tire - good thing we finished our offroad adventure BEFORE this happened!

Kathy having her 'hot margarita' at Asao's

Victor put us by the big Christmas tree at Asao's this evening

Kathy & Jef

On the 29th, stopped by Asao bar, had a very late breakfast & drinks. Kathy was zonked, but insisted on getting stuff from Calimax, so Jef drove the rest of the way. We left a little late, so had to wait 90 minutes to get back across border. Got home around nightfall.

Kathy stretching her back

We could look out our balcony at Asao's in this room

Butterflies on our balcony

On the 30th, we again packed, taking doggies this time, and drove to Santee. Dropped off doggies and then went to Frank G.'s pre-new-year's eve party. Jef had 4 yummy tacos at the taco bar. Met Frank & Joanne's son Chris, who attended our wedding 12.5 years ago and has been living in Manhattan for 12 years. Turns out he lived on 86th St. on the upper west side - same street our Borrego neighbor at that time, Julia, loaned us her townhouse 12 years ago at the same time of year. Coincidentally, he worked at BlackRock on 52nd St. - near where Kathy's cousin John lives. Another coincidence: Carol who was at the party just sold their other son a house in Santee, and Carol was our realtor when we bought the Big Rock house. Turns out she is interested in wine-tasting in Mexico, and we made suggestions.

On the 31st, did some chores around Big Rock house, as well as some shopping, packed up and headed home. Hit snow and icy roads, but made it over Teofulio Pass to Scissors Crossing, where it was still snowing. Borrego had gotten about half an inch of rain this day. Kym came by around "Borrego midnite" and we watched the Times Square ball drop and had champagne.

Kathy took these pix of our harrowing drive home - we did see a truck that had spun out and crashed into some bushes around this part of the road near the pass

We never lost any traction, as Jef drove moderately slowly

Glad we finally made it to the pass!

Happy New Year!

Kathy & Jef survive yet another year!!!
Nov 2018

On the 1st, we again hiked around Tecate, looking for Kathy's favourite store. We stumbled on an art show of ofrendas. We dined again at Asao's.

We had breakfast at the bar at Asao's late this morning

Our Dia de los Muertes special dinner tickets given to us by the hotel

At an art school in the southern part of town we found a display of about 2 dozen ofrendas

Kathy & a Catrina at one of the ofrendas

An ofrenda honoring the victims of the 1985 Mexico City earthquake

In front of the art skool

Looking for a store to buy tourist stuff, we found this street with stores only selling used stuff

Sunset from our patio this evening

We dined at Asao's this evening - they don't cut up the lettuce in Caesar salads down there!

Jef's entre

An ofrenda for tonight's big dinner

Chandalier in entrance to Asao's

All sorts of art is displayed in the hotel

Painted inside door at Asao's

Hallway on 1st floor

Brewery is being rennovated, but PBS had a show highlighting Tecate and included a tour of the brewery

This 2014 show also featured our hotel/restaurant. Here is the host of show heading for Asao's

On the 2nd, Jef and Kathy went walking thru Tecate, and this time with more intel, we found Kathy's store. Got a blanket for Kym, a shirt & skirt for Kathy to wear tonight. Jef got some shoes to next door, as he only brought his ratty tennis shoes & was going to a fancy party this evening. We attended the party with a 7 course meal - each course prepared by a leading chef in down paired with a beverage - mostly wines and beers. We were seated at the "table of honor" with about 9 of us, including the concierge, Alberto, the executive chef of Rancho la Puerte (rencently ranked #1 in the world of all spas), Raina, who happened to be Marlene's cousin, and the mayor of Tecate. Food was good, but we cut out at the start of the dancing, as Kathy's back was bothering her.

Sunrise over east Tecate

Checking out decorations at Asao's

Kathy gave some bread to turtles

Progress of setting up interior for great celebration

Interesting art in the hotel lobby

Center courtyard from the lobby

Mirror image of Jef & Kathy

Other stuff in the lobby

Hotel entrance with start of welcome bar for party tonight

At entrance - first course was appetizer & light beverage. Note the searchlights!

Kathy with one of the 3 catrinas

The dance floor

Inside the main dining room

The salad course

This taco was one of the courses

Another course

The couple to our right were very friendly and even invited us to their home. Opposite is Mr. Gonzalez & wife Neireida Fuentes Gonzalez, the municipal president(mayor) of Tecate, Raina is to the left of Alberto at the head of the table

Weird course, but was excellent

Glasses piled up, as each course had a new glass - Raina is at right

Another course

The 7 chefs lined up

Raina & Kathy

The couple who sat next to us at the table, afterwards at the bar

On the 3rd, we ambled out just after noon and stopped at a Calimex for supplies. Then Kathy had a harrowing drive south. We didn't pass the hotel we were looking for, so on the outskirts of Ensenada, Kathy called Alberto and got directions. We backtracked and found the place and checked in.

Our last sunrise at Santuario Diegueno before heading out to Valle de Guadalupe

Wine list at the bodega of our hotel, Adobe Guadalupe

Our bed at the hotel

Ofrenda by owner of hotel who had recent tragedies in her family

We dined at Chamuyos this evening - about a half mile walk from the hotel

We had really good Argentine style food - both had big filet mignons (prime cut) for cheap

Kathy barging into their kitchen - they cook from above and below heated by burning wood - note the doggie

An oven is also in the kitchen - note that all cooking is done outdoors and the door is to the inside where food is prepared

On the 4th, we took it easy and then walked to 2 bodegas, bringing back a couple of bottles to the hotel. We found we could eat at the hotel and reserved a dinner there that night.

Walking north, we passed by this angel water tower with hotel in background

Our first winery - Torres Allegre

View from the bodega looking over the vinyards

Interesting steps!

Bodega at Chateau Gamou was pretty dark compared to last one

Walking back thru the vinyards

Cool sunset this evening

Kathy is interested in this type of wall which looks easy to make

Jef & Kathy sunset pic

At the dinner table - Kathy was upset with host for not allowing us to sit with neighbor guest (from Idaho or something who were driving to their other house near Cabo)

Jef used computer to find next hotel while Kathy got ice for a drink

On the 5th, we packed up and drove a couple miles to nearby hotel, as this one was booked for tonight. We hiked to the adjacent Quinta Monasterio winery about 1/4 mile away from our hotel room which was a subdivision in the sprawling Hotel Boutique. We tried the local restaurant, but wasn't that good.

Tru, our host, was on cover of a local wine magazine

Inner courtyard this morning

Little details can be found in this angel-themed inn

Pool area

Panorama - vinyards, jacuzzi, hotel, pool

Eating breakfast

Jef had huevos rancheros both days & they were really good!

Checking hot tub for last time

Our hotel room was Urial

One more glass of wine before leaving

Flying horse sculptures in front of the bodega

At the Quinta Monasterio bodega, Kathy was fascinated with this re-purposing of wine bottles. Also note material used for the ceiling!

Owners of this winery are in the process of building patios up on the hillside. This is the topmost such platform for viewing sunsets

Kathy made a new friend - note winery below

This monument was in the vinyards of this winery

Back at our hotel - we jumped in the hot tub (foreground) this evening

By the fire pit (powered with propane) just outside our duplex room

Behind Kathy is another duplex - there were a total of 4 of these types of buildings in this hotel

On the 6th, between taking it easy, we swatted all the flies that had gotten in to the room the previous day - we found we were near the dumpsters of the hotel. We walked up to Decantos Vinicola, tasted wine and had a nice lunch with the awesome view. On the way up, we checked out the local cemetary. On the way back we stopped at Baron Balche winery, went on the tour and did some wine tasting. We had dinner there - it was okay. Then walked back to the hotel.

Kathy in front of our hotel room

The cemetary is on a little hill just off the road to Decantos

Some graves had fancy tile work and statuary

Some were mausoleums

Some had roofs

Some were simple, but after Dia de los Muertes, most were well decorated

An empty grave - how deep? 6 feet under!

This one is well kept and even has furniture!

Panorama from patio of Decantos

The view and wine-tasting table at Decantos - made from an old tree that was killed by fungus

Note fungus still on this lacquered trunk

Walking up to Baron Balche - note the wine dregs are used for road material!

At one of the tasting rooms in the cellar

Some of the barrels in the cellar at Baron Balche

At the restaurant in front of the winery

On the 7th, Walked t the far winery between Torres Allegre and Chateau Gamou that we never reached 2 days prior. We typically walked over 2 hours every day. As this was our last night in town, we drove around, hoping to dine at Chamuyos, but on a weekday they were closed by 7, as were most dining establishments, but we found a taco shack just before they closed. We talked to the owners (who came up from Chiapas: "work too hard for too little dinero") and dined on some nice tacos. They asked us what we wanted to drink. How about a beer? They have them in the store next door. Nah. Owner gets in his truck drives to store & brings back a 6 pack of Tecate, so we have a beer. He offers to give us more on him, but after all that wine tasting, no thanks! Nice people!

My leftover from Baron Balche - a roasted caesar salad - looks like they roasted the lettuce instead of cleaning it. Not bad roasted, tho!

Wine tasting at Vina de Frannes - the light blue plants to the left of Kathy are agaves, as many wineries are diversifying into tequila

For this tasting, we chose this sofa (we were about the only ones here, and it was a BIG PLACE!)

We wore our souvenier T-shirs from Baron Balche this day

Jef was there, too

Jef took this panorama on the 1/2 mile long driveway to Vina de Frannes, as Kathy "visited a bush"

We actually were walking into the sun, but here is Kathy turning around "hurry up! stop taking pictures!"

Kathy's back was killing her at the end of this walk, which turned out to be our final one in Mexico this trip

At the taco shack

Eating our yummy tacos

On the 8th, we check out of hotel, and stop by LA Cetto winery on the way out, asking about the nearby hotsprings while taking wine. We discover the hot springs may be an hour away on private land, so opt not to detour there. We drive back to Tecate, stopping at a Calimax there. Kathy thinks she is parked crooked so backs out into a car driving by. As the car seems to be held together with wire in the place she hit it, we agree to $40 to cover damages. After we get our half & half, we drive to tile place & load up half the tile we ordered a few days ago. We then spend one last nite at Sanctuaria Digueno, having one last dinner there.

We couldn't find paperwork, but they had a copy

The items we picked up are circled

Loading the camping stuff after the tile is loaded

We used the hot tub this evening - interesting art next to the hot tub

Another hallway at the hotel

One last repacking before leaving the next day

On the 9th, packed up and crossed the border back to US. Kathy drove to Campo, but Jef, wanting to get home safely and more quickly drove from there, as Kathy seemed a bit tired.

On the 10th, along with taking it easy, Jef went to the office to start the catch up process by opening up the mountain of mail received in the past 2 weeks. That evening, Black Bark, aka Devil Dog, who pisses off everone always, pissed off Rosigi, who then clamped her mouth around Black Bark's neck - Kathy, Kym & Jef tried to get her to release, but she reclamped on Black Bark's ear & tore it to shreds before Jef finally got her off. Kathy resolved to get rid of Rosigi then and there.

Black Bark with torn up ear

On the 11th, Jef drove Kym & Black Bark to Dr. Howard in Brawley, but all the vets were on hand for the big rodeo that weekend, so we had to reverse course and drive to Indio. After $1000, we dropped off Black Bark at the animal hospital. Kathy was still taking it easy recovering from trip.

On the 12th, Kym went and picked up Black Bark. Jef and Kathy drove to Santee with Rosigi. We helped Holley move out. Holley abandoned a ton of stuff for us to clean up later and took Rosigi with her and a loaded-up borrowed pickup to Corona.

on the 13th, back to work, but due to 5 cancellations & no-shows, only a moderately busy day, but difficult with 2 new patients.

On the 14th, another moderately busy day of the office, but still difficult with 3 new patients.

Sunrise this morning

State of new library

On the 15th, a busy day at the office with 4 new patients.

Meter isn't moving much

Kym trying out Bill's fancy hip/back brace

One of Kathy's hot margaritas

On the 16th, another very busy day at the office with another 4 new patients.

on the 17th, took it easy after a busy day at the office, but Jef did more catch up work at the office. Jef and Kathy went on a 2 hour hike hitting water tower and the Tubb Canyon berm.

Kathy pretty far ahead on trail to water tank

A mystery - what is the white powder outside these burrows pretty far from any house? Kathy tasted it and it was like flour.

We took this pole line road to Tubb Canyon

This powered ultralight passed nearby above us

Nice big rock


Panorama as we come up to the berm

On the berm

Panorama showing the break in the berm

On the 18th, along with taking it easy and catch up work at the office, Jef & Kathy went over to John's and he drove us in his old wrangler to check out site of Thanksgiving pot luck. We returned and had a glass of wine before heading home.

John and Kathy checking out our Thangsgiving site a couple days off

John & Kathy checking out 3 of the about 6 sleeping circles at this site

Panorama of area that could have some marginal sleeping circles

Krameria in full bloom - many plants were flowering due to heavy rains here at the end of the summer

Rains were several weeks back and ocotillos are showing their fall colour already

Creosotes were also blooming

Jef and Kathy with Villager to the right

Very green ocotillos on this sandy hillside

Panorama atop this sand-duny hill

Walking back towards the Jeep about a half mile away

Smiling rock

Cool sunset with 2 parallel contrails horizontal to the horizon

John and Kathy driving out of Clark Lake area

Kathy at John's studio - an unfinished work from his "Hubble Series" is attached to the table

On the 19th, back to work another very long day at the office.

On the 20th, another long day at the office.

On the 21st, after a medium busy day at the office, we returned home to prepare our contribution to the pot luck, which grew from just potatoe salad to also include a turkey and stuffing. We prepared the potato salad and got turkey ready before midnite, then set alarm to wake up at 4am. Kym

On the 22nd, at 4am, put turkey in oven, went back to sleep, woke up at 9 and removed turkey from oven. We got everything ready to go to Rockhouse Canyon, and met caravan at circle around 11:30am. We rode in a caravan to Rockhouse Canyon site, had the feast, and then Kathy, Jef & doggies did a 1 hour hike further up the road. When they returned, met John & grandson Gabe, who informed us that everyone else had bugged out due to the wind, so we then drove back home just after sunset.

Rainbow this morning - only a tiny chance of rain

We helped this bozo get unstuck on road to side

Panorama of coming feast - people taking it easy in the pre-feast happy hour

View from above

Indigo bush blooming!

Bladderpod in full bloom!

Starting to load food at table

Starting to load up plates

Kathy helped dispense turkey


Somebody's plate - not Jef who didn't have any cranberries

After grace & such some people are having seconds

Wind and a setting sun made it a little chilly

Rabbit brush blooming with Kathy and Mia in the wash

SOme sunset colour - Kathy with Peanut & Mia


Kathy, John & Gabe screwing around

Gabe wanat a pic of this cracking mud surface

Runaway doggies!

Crumbly sandstone is NOT conducive to rock climbing!

When we got back, everyone was gone except John, Gabe & us. Here is John's Jeep waiting for us to follow with moon rising over Santa Rosas

We stopped by John's for drinks & appetizers afterwards & here is Kathy working on Gabe's pain

Drinkin' in John's studio apartment above his studio

Kathy, Jef, John, Gabe, Nuna & Kevin(John's son)

"The damage" is the bottles on the floor

on the 23rd, after invite from John's son to try out his posole, we wound up staying for family get together that evening, having yet another Thanksgiving feast.

Jef and Kathy are here? No problem, I'll put another leaf in the table

Want this to be able to hold some full plates!

Some of John's finished sculptures

Grandpa John chewing fat with kids & their wives & some grandkids

Almost ready to eat - John loaned Jef one of his sweatshirts, as it was pretty cool in his studio

Kevin, Gabe, John, & the boys from Brazil

Picture taken straight on

About ready

Starting to dish out

On the 24th, Jef mostly caught up on work at the office.

On the 25th, Jef replaced a rotted planter in the back yard.

Sunset this evening at the Mall where Jef went to get veggies for turkey soup

On the 26th, back to work a very busy day at the office with another 2 new patients.

Jef fed Kym's devil dog while she was in Malibu - this is Black Bark's marks

Meter still not moving much

Sunset this evening

On the 27th, a fairly busy day at the office.

on the 28th, after a medium day at the office, walked over an hour with Kathy up to the end of Tilting T canyon and back, mostly after dark.

Nearly finished library

Remnants of old decayed planter box

Repaired planter box (repaired on the 25th)

Kathy pointed out this snake crossing our walkway

This was the first day of a fairly major storm

On the 29th, a fairly busy day at the office.

On the 30th, a very busy day at the office, after which we worried about catching a bad bug going around the valley and Kathy aborted a planned trip to Santee, deciding to go the next day for her MD appointment.

Library on another wet day

After the storm
Oct 2018

On the 1st, back to work a medium long day at the office.

These morning clouds eventually covered whole sky and we had a chance of rain, but no rain this day

The wind must have been blowing from the Salton Sea, as Kathy had about 1000 of these bugs land and die on her car within the first hour of her parking here at the office

Progress of the library - they are starting to landscape around it today

On the 2nd, another medium long day at the office.

Walked dogs around circle this evening - starting with Rosy off-leash


On the 3rd, Jef went to MD to find results of test. Nothing except wrong except need further testing with a colonoscopy. Jef walked to work and back home this day.

Meter pretty much not moving this month on average

Flock(murder?) of ravens

View of new construction

Somebody went to the effort of polluting 100' of spur trail with rocks

Panorama from first peaklet on walk home

Thunderhead to east as we arrived for burger nite at the Legion

on the 4th, another long day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

Guesthouse meter

Sunrise panorama in back yard

Ruddy sunrise light illuminating pine tree in front of house

State of new library

Nice light as sun slips behind mtns.

On the 5th, after a long day at the office, took Kathy out to din-din at La Casa.

Kym got Kathy a birthday cheesecake while she was treating a patient

Starting blowing out the candle

On the 6th, packed up and drove to Big Rock house, dropped off doggies and drove up to Escondido for MD appt. Then went to other side of Escondido for Flaco & Bonnie's housewarming party.

Measurement to replace about a dozen broken tiles in front patio - never had a chance to visit tile place this weekend when it was open, however

Catering bar at Flaco & Bonnie's house warming, Flaco at middle of group at right wearing his shades

Bonnie talking to her group of friends

McD at left

Probably one of Flaco's bros pointing at papparazzi, Sheldon used to work with Flaco in RB to his right

Krazy Kat Doggie

Old pic (maybe 40 years old) - Suicide Flaco at left

More recent pic (maybe 20 years old) - with Val(in blue) & Andy(Texas), at right: McD, Lizzy & Flaco, kneeling: Dan & Papa Don - Flaco's image on this day is reflected in sky

Kathy checking out view from master bathroom

Mosquito net seems to be missing

View from master bedroom

Old-style sconces - never used

Kathy ready to go out in sun

Bonnie spies "Jeffy Reb"

There's a new sheriff in town, and his name is "That stupid jackass in the hat"

Hanging out in the kitchen at the conclusion of the party

There was leftover cake

Thoughts of Bonnie and Flaco: "umm-hmmm, umm-hmmm, ... when are these 2 ever gonna leave?"

The 2nd of Kathy's birthday weekend dinner: assorted sashimi at Banbu Sushi

Jef & Kathy at dinner

On the 7th, finished yardwork and cleaning house at BigRock too late to go on hike, so packed up doggies and drove back to Borrego, doing some shopping along the way - filled up car.

On the 8th, back to work a long day at the office. Had problems with 1 patient with 2 falls & had to call 911 to help get him up 2nd time (at his home).

On the 9th, another long grueling day at the office.

State of library this day

On the 10th, slept late, as Wednesday is Kathy's "mid-week week-end", went to the office & worked until calibration guy came in. Got home too late for hike, but took doggies around the circle before Kathy said it was too cold & windy (temperature at the time was 75°F).

Testing out parade route on horseback

Meter reading probably going down now

Rosigi spilling out of her new bed

On the 11th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 12th, another long day at the office.

Rodents back to their old tricks of nibbling spark plug wired - but Jef just happened to have 2 replacement wires ready

State of library

Somewhat murky air looking towards sunset this afternoon - Jef took this while driving car back to house

After dropping off car, Jef walked back to work (to pick up white Jeep, which had finally been repaired), and found this old park off of Rocking Chair - park was delineated by wire strung from cement posts

Picnic table at this old park

After the old park, Jef cut thru the new park - here is a panorama just outside

New tennis court

Lawn bowling court, perhaps?

Walkway to central area of park

Looking to setting sun

Looking at south side of library from new park

State of library this afternoon

On the 13th, Kathy got her hair worked on at Pam's house, but Pam had a snafu, and both had to make a trip to SD to get hair product. Kathy dropped of her RX, but could not get it filled. She didn't get home with her new hairdo until over 10 hours after she left to get it done. Jef walked to the office, did some work, and walked home over the spur while Kathy & Pam were in SD.

View of new library & park mid-day as Jef was walking to work

Returning by way of the spur, a late start had Jef ascending as the sunset colours were fading

Same view as earlier, but with some lights coming on

On the 14th, mostly took it easy, as Kathy was wiped out from prior day - no hike this day.

On the 15th, a fairly long day at the office.

On the 16th, another long day at the office.

Christmassy lasers blast our entrance with our new solar tiki lamps marking the main entrance to WestStar house

On the 17th, Jef drove to SD to pick up Kathy's meds. Stopped by house to check out new keys (house was re-keyed after Dani bugged out). Picked up 6 3x5x0.42" cement boards for bathroom remodel, but had a lot of trouble getting them in Jeep. Drove back to Borrego. That afternoon, Jef & Kathy explored a new canyon.

Clear air allowed the Salton Sea to stand out as Jef pulled over to take this panorama over Culp Valley

Closer up view

Starting off on exploration of new canyon

Peculiar sandstone concretion layer was found in this new canyon

Brush blocking was was a larger problem in this canyon compared to the last 2 canyons we explored in this area

Panorama showing Kathy ascending one of several dry waterfalls in this canyon - Kathy refused to leave the canyon floor for easier footing on ridges above becasue she was adversely affected by the chilling effect of breezy weather above - temperatures were down in the mid to low 70s

Much of the rock in this canyon is crumbly, and several times Kathy pulled a lot of rocks out while attempting a handhold

Kathy was concerned about losing light this late in the day, and so turned around shortly after this point

Kathy was impressed by the unusual colour of this rock

Looking down canyon as we descend

Panorama showing a 20' high dry waterfall at start of this canyon - we had started on an adjoining canyon that ran into this one - we had to go over a little ridge and wound up in the canyon we started in - which had a much less precipitous descent

After reaching fork of these 2 canyons, Kathy examines the dry waterfall she was atop earlier

Notice her new hairdo

On the 18th, another long day at the office. Jef & Kathy had dinner at Carmelita's.

Progress on new library

On the 19th, Kathy felt ill and was running a fever, so Jef cancelled a full day at the office.

On the 20th, Kathy felt better, so we went and camped out at John's trailer this morning. Kathy made dozens of drinks for everybody - mostly bloody mary's. We saw the parade, hung out a bit afterwards & helped clean up, then went to circle, meeting David at a lemonadestand, the Rickards at Linda's sis(from Las Cruces) who had a booth selling sewn items, & Sandi G. We went to "Pints for the Park" and saw Pam's brother-in-law and newphew who performed in their band, "Roadkill".

Kathy starting work - first customer, Lisa

Panorama with trailer & Kathy under the 2 blue umbrellas in the middle

At least 15 aircraft were involved in the parade, including these 2 sky-writting ones

These 2 have purty paint jobs

At least 8 planes can be seen in sky in this pic - ones further out are tiny, and are curving to left for another pass

This DC3 was the largest plane in the parade

Another pass from the sky-writers

DC3 making another pass

Kids climbing tree next to our camp

After the coppers came the fire department to start the parade

American Legion follows

Patrick snapping a pic of 1st marching band (curious to see if it comes out in next paper)

Notice the vittles in foreground - we managed to polish of most of 'em during the parade

Big horses AND BIG dresses!

Too many kids? Here's how to get rid of 'em ;)

Another marching band

Is that a robot following this guy?.....

...Nope. That's his ride!

The moving tennis game for yet another year

David & Sylvia - Kathy's chiropractor

Marching band? No.... Riding band!

The BS Space Force, showing off their newly caught prisoner!

Henry the truck preceding a Jeep club

Fortuneately this earthman has the prisoner in control

Another marching band

Apparently this float is pedding rides on that DC3

I guess Rotary helped get the town a new skool bus

Another marching band

As flight was theme of parade, had to have something that flies riding on the ground

Rotary Miss Borrego float approaching

Miss Borrego & court

Kathy wrote names on cups, so as not to get mixed up

John gives Kathy a "Well Done"

John seems happy on how his little party went

Linda talking our ears off about the good old belly dancing days

Moon rising over a cool sky this evening

John & Kym with Pam talking to the right (Pam cut Kym, Kathy & Jef's hair prior week & dragged us to this party to see her brother-in-law & newphew perform)

Panorama of of ear-splitting place by the band

We had front row seats to Roadkill performing - Pam's brother in law is leftmost guitarist

Carmelitas provided the food, so Kathy did not partake, following her probably food poisoning from 2 days ago at Carmelitas

Jef & Kathy

Kym wanted pic of cool moon this evening

On the 21st, mostly did nothing, as we were both wiped out.

On the 22nd, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 23rd, worked a medium busy day at the office.

ROsigigi did actually use this overly small bed a few times

On the 24th, Jef got a flu shot before going in for a medium day at the office.

Meter still going south

Library progress on this day

On the 25th, a very long day at the office - our last for 2 1/2 weeks. Jef started expunging drinks for colonoscopy next day.

Library at night

On the 26th, Packed and drove to Escondido where Jef had a colonoscopy with negative results. Had lunch at La Tapatia on Kathy's recomendation. She noted a decline in quality since she'd last been there. We drove to Santee - dogs with us from the start.

On the 27th, drove back to Escondido for Kathy's MD appointment. Walked up to La Mesa, walking over an hour with doggies this afternoon.

Clever Halloween decorating at this house in La Mesa (Grossmont area)

Clever Halloween decorations at one of our neighbors, 3 doors up from us

On the 28th, we hiked up to Cowles summit for the first time in years. Then, after cleaning house & yard, packed up and drove back to Borrego, doing some shopping before leaving and on the way home.

Our Cowles summit was via the Mesa side

At the summit - highest point in city of San Diego

Panorama at the top

Starting back down

Red arrow in this pic shows where our house is in Santee

Rorschack figure of sweat on back of Kathy's shirt looks like a chicken man holding and kissing a bird?

Panorama of burnt out area at bottom of trail

This flower was blooming in this devastation

Houses at the high end of Big Rock

Kathy traversing a wash near end of trail

On the 29th, We took it easy on our last full day in Borrego. Jef did some work at the office.

Sunset this evening

On the 30th, Kathy may have gone to an appointment at clinic. Jef did some last minute work at the office before we had packed and headed south to Tecate. We arrived at Santuario Digueno and checked in this afternoon.

Fall in full swing at Mount Laguna

Panorama of our room at Santuaria

Panorama of east Tecate from our patio

Starting our vacation at poolside

Lots of artwork can be found in the Santuaria

We dined at Asao's (the hotel restaurant) this evening

Jef had pork shank & Kathy a seafood chile relleno

On the 31st, Jef & Kathy went walking around Tecate. We purchased some tile at a local tile place to be picked up later. We got some taco dorados(Senoran), took them home and dined in our hotel room.

Our Halloween attire with border wall behind us

Kathy in a colourful doorway

Festive rattler in someone's driveway

Ofrenda of someone important enough to be in Tecate's main square

Catrina Kathy

Catrina Jef

Poem on side of ofrenda

Poster commemorating 126th birthday of Tecate

Panorma from Jef's feet to this big church

Kathy in front of church

Kathy though Stacey would be interested in this church - the main church was closed, but this was open

It was getting dark on our way back to the hotel

Hiking up the hill to the hotel

Kathy with one of her hot margaritas at Asao's

Eastern Tecate lights from our hotel
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