Journal Index
4Q'17 Jef and Kathy's Activities 1Q 2018 2Q'18
Mar 2018

On the 1st, after a long day at the office, Jef attended the public meeting to rail against the RUdyville development. There were some good speakers (mostly our neighbors) who told how bad an idea it is, and noone present to support the rezoning proposal by the greedy bastards who want to trash our little neighborhood.

Only a few dozen showed for the Rudyville protest meeting

On the 2nd, another long day at the office. Jef and Kathy went out to dinner at the Coyote Steakhouse.

Kathy & Jef at Coyote Steakhouse

Kathy had the filet & Jef the Kobe burger

On the 3rd, a windy day, but we did take the doggies on a 1 hour hike by the old country club.

Slightly threatening weather this day

Doggies walking near old county club

Montezuma grade this evening - this is Tierra del Sol weekend

Moon rising over house

On the 4th, drove over to Borrego Mtn. & hiked to the summit of West Butte. We drove thru the slot on the way out and then stopped at Sewanee, where we got the hot water heater working for the new tenant, Charles.

Looking down into Hawk Canyon from West Butte trail

Kathy's old place is somewhere in this pic of Ocotillo Wells

Panorama of Jef & Kathy on West Butte summit with Salton Sea in background(note discontinuity behind Kathy)

Jef & Kathy on West Butte summit

360° panorama - also with a few stitching errors

Some ocotillos are blooming, despite the somewhat dry weather this winter

Kathy chickened out going straight, so opted to take similarly challenging route around this dropoff in sandstone wash bed

Jef by sandstone protrusion resembling a bishop

Kathy by sandstone formation resembling a herd of elephants

Panorama as "The Slot" wash widens

Panorama looking north into the badlands - note sandy hillside just below Fonts (Ant Hill to left of Toro & Fonts to right)

Kathy went over to read this street sign (Rainbow Wash)

On the 5th, a long day at the office.

On the 6th, after a fairly long day at the office that was made difficult due to 5 evaluation reports needing to be generated this day. We took Pam out to Taco Tuesday at El Borrego for dinner.

On the 7th, a medium day at the office that

Only 1 spark plug was connected after rodents got thru with wiring in '95 Mazda (Amanda 2)

Maybe 2 spark plug wires were intact in Amanda 3

On the 8th, after a very busy day at the office, packed and took Kathy & doggies to Santee. Jef went out and got tacos & burro at Cotijo Taco Shop for dinner.

Panorama of beautiful sunset this evening at WestStar house

On the 9th, took Kathy to get CAT scan for hernia. Jef got his crown re-cemented at his dentist. Jef started floor project.

Took out carpet in this bedroom this day - note that linoleum floor was underneath!

On the 10th, Jef spent most of the day with a frustrating job of installing flooring - many problems. Kathy helped towards the end of the day. We took Dani out to Bambu Sushi for dinner.

On the 11th, Jef finished half-assed flooring job in Santee, did some yardwork, and Kathy continued cleaning the house. We packed up and headed home, stopping at Rubios for dinner in Ramona.

After installing new laminate flooring - looks better than it is

These linen closets were empty when we got to Santee - Holley had gotten everything dirty and thrown everything in a closet (Kathy dug them out, washed them, and put them back in linen closets) - this is the after picture

Looking into room with new flooring from outside - Jef picked out a similar wood grain, and blended the floors together

Kathy continuing to clean, Mia waiting to go home

Doggies wanting out

On the 12th, a very busy day at the office - Jef went to bed very early.

On the 13th, a very busy day at the office.

Sunset this evening

On the 14th, a light day at the office, but good to catch up on some paperwork. Jef and Kathy walked the doggies for an hour (about 3.5 miles), going to old country club, and crooked route back.

Panormama of sunset this evening

Kathy walking doggies with warm coat, as it was a little chilly this afternoon

Kathy's tummy has been flattened by wearing back brace to keep hernia in check

On the 15th, I remembered what the soothsayer had said, and I should have bewared this very busy day at the office! We did get some rain the night before - enough for a few puddles this morning.

Rainbow in mountains this morning

On the 16th, after a busy day at the office, we found ourselves with time at the end of the day, as the last 2 patients cancelled, so we went to the Seeley Ranch for the Sundowner this evening. We were entertained by rootin' tootin' cowgirl Judy Taylor who did rope tricks, pistol tricks, whip tricks (to the soundtrack of Rawhide) & sang all types of music -- both country AND western. Jef & Kathy & David all won things in lottery - David a DVD, Jef a T-shirt & book, Kathy a T-shirt. The citrus ranch was very aromatic this evening. Pretty bland cowboy food, tho.

Judy finishing up with rope tricks

About to do pistol tricks

Twirlin' pistols

Oh no! Gungirl in the house!

Panorama of attendees in the barn

Crack that whip!


Girl in pink was there to promote La Casa del Zorro

Artsy shot of Brad & Miss Borrego running lottery drawing

Virginia(R) is still selling Avon, as she was back in the '60s

Judy's sidekick now playing trombone as things are winding down

David & Kathy got in one last dance

On the 17th, started mixed doubles tennis tournament without my raquet, but after 2 matches found it in the office - I had left my tennis bag at the club at the previous tournament in prior month. Lost 3 of 5 sets, but was 18-17 in wins-losses of games.

Rainbow this morning

Rainbows stayed up most of the morning

Fresias on this day

Preparing for another tennis banquet we skipped

On the 18th, lost both matches 2-5, so wound up with 22 wins, which came in 6th of 8 players in upper division. Walked an hour with Kathy & doggies to old country club & back late this afternoon. We made a big batch of corn beef/cabbage for the week this day.

Sheldon came in 2nd in my division, holding up winner Larry's head at award ceremony

Prez Sandi K at right has shirt titled "Lepracaun't Even"

On the 19th, back to work a fairly long day at the office.

Roof being erected over new library

On the 20th, a medium busy day at the office.

Cool clouds this morning

Meter still going up - perhaps due to hot tub being on

On the 21st, Kathy was sick with fatigue all day, so cancelled all patient. After Jef worked all day, he collapsed into bed early, so perhaps a common bug.

On the 22nd,

On the 22nd, back to work a long day at the office.

Another nice sunrise this morning

On the 23rd, after an extremely stressful long day at the office, Kathy checked on her friend Jan, and found she had pneumonia. Jan mentioned Kathy has a serious tear in her tummy, so Kathy will definitely need hernia surgery fairly soon. We then had dinner at the Fox Den bar at La Casa, which was good.

Contrails this afternoon in this Mall panorama

On the 24th, Jef walked over the mountain with 30 mph winds to the office in 54 minutes to update this journal and do a little work.

Meter going down now

Wind kicking up dust around new library construction site

Kathy went over to check on Jan who has pneumonia and we hung out, had a few drinks and stoked up Jan's fire

On the 25th, took it easy until going on a hike. We explored a cool new canyon with cool rocks that we didn't realize existed and was right off a wash we walked all the time, winding up hiking over 2 hours, turning around as we think were were close to the bottom of Montezuma Grade.

Raised garden was sagging about 4" due to supporting 2x4 warping due to being constantly wet

At head of canyon we found this little trash dump with decades-old cans

Jef in canyon - note the white sage in foreground

Jef and Kathy near turn-around point

We didn't go far after reaching this smooth rounded orange rock pillar

Lichen that looked like little flowers from a distance

A layer of soft white stuff on this rock seems to be dissolving

Kathy passing a rough rock that appears to be hornblend and approaching a jojoba

This smooth rock appears to have a dike of whitish marbly rock embedded in it

Lotsa rocks had cool swirly patterns on them

Kathy descending a 5' dry waterfall made of hornblend

Nice light at old country club after we again hit pavement

On the 26th, back to work a fairly long day at the office.

Remnants of Space-X launch this evening

I believe the last one goes "Knock and it shall fall over and break" or something

On the 27th, another very long day at the office with 10 patient visits.

On the 28th, after a medium busy day at the office, we got off early and took David on a hike going up the canyon we discovered a few days prior. We made it all the way to Montezuma and returned on the spur trail.

At this point we are further than we went on previous hike

We knew the canyon was reaching the top of the hill by this point

Cool "wrinkly" rock

Jef went exploring - looking unsuccessfully for pictographs that a visitor to the office had stated were around here(the S curve at the bottom of the grade)


Walking down from top of spur trail

We would turn right on furthest ridge going to the right

We descended this ridge to the wash we started in

Checking out "Kiwanis 1952" horse drinking structure

On the 29th, back to work a very long 10-patient day at the office.

On the 30th, after a long day at the office, we dined outside at El Borrego.

On the 31st, Jef worked on raised garden, mostly screening in top and jacking up and putting blocks under the sagging side.

Jef used this car jack... put these bricks under sagging part

Meter still heading south

Kathy playing at Hussong's in Ensenada with mariachis about the turn of the millenium
Feb 2018

On the 1st, another very long day at the office with 10 patients.

On the 2nd, after a long day at the office, took David to El Borrego.

While on roof, 12' above ground, I had to lean over to unfasten part of this dish, but as I couldn't see, I took this pic to see what tool to use

Kathy & David at El Borrego

On the 3rd, continued dumping things from prior tenants at Sewanee house. Drove to SD for shopping, to drop off Dish boxes(prior tenant of Sewanee) and played poker for the first time in many months. Won 5.

Narcissus blooming at Sewanee house

Ken had a fairly good hand

On the 4th, mostly took it easy.

On the 5th, back to work, but due to 3 cancellations, only a medium busy day at the office.

On the 6th, another very busy day at the office with 11 patients.

On the 7th, drove Kathy to MD in SD. We did some shopping, stopped by BigRock house & stopped at Pinto Thai in Ramona for dinner on the way home.

On the 8th, another very dusy day at the office with 10 patients.

On the 9th, a very busy day at the office.

On the 10th, Kathy say 1 patient at the office, and we checked out the Mardi Gras celebration at the Mall, complete with costumes and vendors. We bought a lazy susan to help Ray, who is an aspiring woodworker, and who hadn't sold a single item.

Jim Wermers, green hat, led the small parade - he is the owner of the 2 Malls in Borrego

Kathy at the Mardi Gras parade

We bought this lazy susan from Ray who started producting them along with fancy ass bowls. This decorates our dining room table now.

Panorama of sunset this evening, as Jef walked home from the Mall

At intersection of Tilting T & Broken Arrow

Meter might still be going north

On the 11th, worked at filling dumpster on Sewanee - cut mattress and sofa in half, and broke down box springs to small pieces - fitting at that (except for half of sofa) in the dumpster.

Partway thru process of breaking things down to fit in dumpster

After filling dumpster

Put screen up for 3 sides of raised garden, before running out of material

Guest house meter

On the 12th, Kathy wasn't doing too well, being confused & will low BP. We called 911 and they decided to take her to the hospital. We directed them to SD, and they took her to Pomerado. Jef followed in the car. We determined that Kathy had probably taken a sleeping pill that had found its way into the BP pills. She got a Catscan & blood tests, and everything was fine. And as we were there after dark, we escaped and drove back to Borrego.

Rainbow this morning

On the 13th, back to work a busy day at the office with 9 patients.

Sunset at the Mall this evening

On the 14th, after a fairly busy day at the office, Jef and Kathy exchanged Valentine gifts.

Kathy got the wine and wine glases and Jef got the flower in these pix

On the 15th, another moderately busy day at the office.

On the 16th, after a moderately full day at the office, we hosted the sundowner at the office. Only about 50-75 showed up, as there were 2 other big events in town this evening.

Thermo-sensitive cup shows how hot the top of our toaster over gets

David making final adjustments to our workplace before the Sundowner started

Izon & Eden, the entertainment for the Sundowner this evening

Greeting arriving guests

Event space filling up

Martha at left wrote a song for the event - these are volunteers practicing

Miss Borrego & 1st princess loading up on food

Beans, chicken wings & chips...

...salsa, pizza and...


Stitched pic - Ann(co-owner of the Mall) and cousin Pam seen twice here in food line

Martha leading song she wrote, playing with her banjo

Joanne promoting the BASIC program(supplemental reading program for kids)

Celebrating kids who have benefitted and excelled in the program

Kym vowed beforehand that she would not attend, but stayed to the end

Jackie giving her spiel

A kid who benefitted from the program and is now successful in his career

Kym, Jef & Kathy

Fred reading off winners of lottery. Kathy bought some lottery tickets and wound up winning this doggy blanket and a weekend of golf for Kym at Rams Hill

David and Kathy taking the last dance

Kym still here!

On the 17th, as a sub in women's A division, played 5 sets, losing 3 (3-4, 2-5, 7-0, 5-2, 1-6). There was a great new tennis player, Sarah, who played some great tennis. Dropped off serving dishes & utensils loaned by El Borrego for the SUndowners, and got Grangers to take leftovers to distribute for tennis potluck this evening.

Kathy setting off for walk this evening

Doggies on walk

On the 18th, got in early to the tennis club at 8, but found my 1st match was at 11, so went to office and updated this journal.

Jan (runner up) and Sarah, who won the women's division that Jef participated in

Jackie(left), who ran the tournament finished 3rd - Jan, Jackie, and Jef tied in games won, but Jef faired the worst in the tiebreakers

Kathy by a sleep circle at the top of our hike - indians camped here in ambush, wating for deer to descend into desert

Jef in reverse angle of sleeping circle

Sharing wine in our Valentine glasses

Descending back down to research center(old country club) where a talk on air quality was about to start

A fairly large group of attendees

Nearly home at this point - this chuparosa is in full bloom

Meter is still heading north, as latter part of February is chilly!

On the 19th, back to work for a long day at the office. Kym came home late afternoon to find Gypsi had died in her room. Jef prepared Gypsi for burial.

Windstorm from prior night wreaked havoc on our front yard


This 1/2" thick glass table top was shattered

Gypsi collapsed and died alone this day. Jef patted her head as she stopped to say goodbye this morning. The local rodents won't miss her, but we will always love and miss this great hunter and companion!

Jef selected this old tool box for Gypsi's vessel to doggy heaven

On the 20th, Jef dug a grave for Gypsi next to Tiki's grave. Another busy day at the office.

Jef dug this resting spot for Gypsi, but Kathy insisted on returning her to garage for burial after work this day

Gypsi with dog biscuit for the trip, some flowers, and a note from her good friend, Kym

Our little burial ceremony for the Gypper

On the 21st, a long day at the office. Kathy did one homecare, but had to call 911 & wait for paramedics for that patient.

On the 22nd, another long day at the office.

On the 23rd, Kathy was not up to working, so cancelled all patients. Jef did some work at the office, but was tired - wound up going to bed and sleeping 14 hours before 7pm.

On the 24th, on this cool day, Jef continued working on screening the raised garden. Got the framing done. Took doggies on 1 lap of circle before doing a 2nd lap - about 2.5 miles in 48 minutes.

Gypsi & her good buddy Tiki finally together again, but now in the great beyond

Meter still heading north

On the 25th, Jef continued on screen project for raised garden, cobbling together a screen door and installing it. Jef and Kathy walked up to Borrego Spur and looped around by churches - about 5 miles, 600' vertical in 2 hours. Kathy's first longish hike for many months.

Looks like some critter was gnawing at the base of this barrel cactus

Kathy stretching at the top of our hike

New library/sheriff station/park progress

Raised garden project at this point

On the 26th, before going to work, Jef installed a latch for raised garden screen door and installed one screen panel on wall. Then a long day at the office.

On the 27th, a long day at the office.

Lenticular clouds over Toro Peak this morning

On the 28th, a medium long day at the office. We checked out our fixed hot tub this evening for the first time.

Jan 2018

On the 1st, mostly took it easy, altho Jef did a lot of work in the office.

On the 2nd, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 3rd, another long day at the office. Jef stopped at Sewanee to check out things before work, after re-enabling the electricity. He found 4 of the 6 irrigation lines had major leaks.

Sunrise this morning

Meter still going up a little

Sewanee meter

This leak is by carport

This busted dribbler is showering the area

This broken pipe is on E side of property

On the 4th, back to a long day at the office.

On the 5th, Jef started the Doubles in the Desert tournament in the B division, winning 2 out of 3: 6-3, 5-4, 4-5, while working at another long day at the office.

Borden and Sandi going over tournament format

Jef played in this B division. Bob H, at left won, Jef with his new tennis bag the Stacey & Eric got him for Xmas, Jimmy front center came in 2nd, & Lonnie rear center came in 3rd

On the 6th, Jef lost all 3 sets this day: 3-6, 4-5, 2-7.

On the 7th, Jef finished the last set, winning 6-3, finishing around the middle with a 30-33 record. Kathy was struggling with cold symptoms going to her chest.

On the 8th, Had to cancel a very full docket, as Kathy was unable to work.

On the 9th, Kathy was still bad with her chest cold symptoms, so cancelled yet another very full day.

We got a good rain previous night

Jef squeegeed solar panels while it rained this morning

Panorama in front yard

Cool clouds seem to be flowing out of Hellhole Canyon

Rainbow by bird statue

After work, David helped Jef move everything out of rooms to living/dining room

On the 10th, Kathy was very ill and was not all there mentally, so had to cancel her MD appointment and skip going to SD. Also Kym thought Gypsi was about to die this morning after a bad seizure, but Gypsi pulled out of it.

On the 11th, Kathy still out sick. Jef worked at the office.

On the 12th, Kathy still out sick. Jef worked at the office and then got David to help move rest of furniture out of house.

On the 13th, Jef worked over at Sewanee - filling dumpster and fixing irrigation leaks while Stanley Steemer cleaned house.

On the 14th, mostly took it easy. We cooked up a batch of carne asada for the week & had tacos for dinner.

On the 15th, while Jef worked at the office cancelling patients, Kathy worked a few hours at the house, and as she felt better, we walked for about half an hour with doggies that evening.

On the 16th, Kathy felt worse, so cancelled all patients while Kathy spent all day in bed. completed final 2 matches of mixed doubles tourney, winning 4-3, 4-3.

Jef's lunch this day - a BLT

Most of estate abandoned by last tenant

Stuck a couch in the shed

On the 17th, Kathy took one more sick day while Jef worked at the office.

On the 18th, drove Lupita over to clean Sewanee house. Kathy returned to for a long busy day at the office. completed final 2 matches of mixed doubles tourney, winning 4-3, 4-3.

Recent rain has started a "lawn" in our front yard

On the 19th, a fairly long day at the office with 3 new patients, but Jef spent most of the day shopping in SD. We dined at El Borrego.

Took some pix while stopping at BigRock house to investigate why water bill doubled - this is Holley's bathroom

Holley's room


On the 20th, while Kathy rested in bed, Jef started Borrego Tennis Club mixed doubles tournament, in B division, winning 4 of 5 sets.

On the 21st, Kathy continued taking it easy. Jef completed final 2 matches of mixed doubles tourney, winning 4-3, 4-3. Jef picked up a tank top for Kathy, as his trophy for 2nd place.

Jef came in 2nd of men in B division mixed doubles(34-15) - Carl won on men's side(37-12)

On the 22nd, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 23rd, Lupita & husband worked most of the day cleaning up inside of Sewanee house, while Jef & Kathy had another busy day at the office.

On the 24th, a very busy day at the office.

Sunset this evening

On the 25th, another very busy day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

On the 26th, Kathy was out sick, so cancelled everyone. Jef drove Kathy's new meds home and then drove Amanda III to Jake's to check out "check engine" lite, did some work at the office and walked home, making it in only 46 minutes. Jake's engine check-out machine was on the fritz, so car is still undiagnosed.

Contrail sunset this evening

Meter still heading north

Guest house meter

On the 27th, took it easy, mostly, but did check out Sewanee house and stopped by to see John R. Wound up napping a lot that afternoon, while Kathy's split pea soup was cooking.

On the 28th, drove the black Jeep to town and noticed the number of things to be fixed increased to 3: 1) visor fix is failing, 2) window lever still in pieces and not attached, and 3) rearview mirror fell off, so fixed the window lever and started fixing rearview mirror problem. Also did some raking and finagling with raised garden irrigation system.

On the 29th, back to work a fairly long day at the office.

On the 30th, a very long day at the office with 11 patients.

Sunrise this morning

On the 31st, another long day at the office.

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