Journal Index
1Q'18 Jef and Kathy's Activities 2Q 2018 3Q'18
Jun 2018

On the 1st, after a very busy day at the office, Kathy & Jef dined at Carmelita's.

On the 2nd, packed and drove to Santee - Kym's friends transported full Cal king bed for us - Kathy doesn't do well on foam, so she's going back to an air mattress. Jef & Kathy went shopping, buying flooring for master bedroom. Then went to urgent care for Kathy's UTI & got meds for it.

On the 3rd, Jef mowed lawn and did other yard work. Jef took Kathy out to Brigantine for 12th anniversary dinner. We were the last patrons to leave!

Panorama at the Brigantine

Picture of us dining (taken using Jef's wineglass as a tripod) showing our dinner - I got the swordfish with avocado relish and Kathy got the pan-seared ahi

A (not-too-small) boat is hanging from ceiling behind us as a light fixture

Another panorama at end of our dinner

Fuller panorama showing the ship built into the building under which we dined - after we had finished off Kathy's ice cream

On the 4th, Jef fixed broken sprinkler valve. We took Holley out to sushi for her birthday at Banbu Sushi. We packed up (including half Cal king foam mattress) and drove back to Borrego.

At Banbu Sushi, Holley was given a "banana split" with fried banana

After blowing out the candle

Back home, Holley was age corresponding to the number of candles in a birthday candle box

Blowing out candles of her "birthday pie" - which was boysenberry apple

On the 5th, back to work a very long day at the office.

On the 6th, a fairly long day at the office. We took doggies around the circle and Kathy & Jef did 2nd loop to get hiking time up to about an hour.

On the 7th, back to work a very long day at the office.

On the 8th, a very long day at the office.

On the 9th, Jef walked to the office, did some work, walked home and then drove to SD, did some shopping, and lost 4 at poker.

Meter still heading south

Most smoke trees in full bloom right now

View of new library from spur

Progress of new library

On the 10th, Jef drove Kathy to Santee. Had Thai for dinner.

On the 11th, took Kathy in for a LB MRI. We had lunch at Ichiros - Kathy was disappointed. Started taking doggies on hike, but too hot for them, so dumped them back at house after 15 minutes, and Jef & Kathy did the Mesa/BigRock loop in 1h 20m - Kathy doing it in her sandals.

Kathy & Jef at Ichiros

Panorama - Jef holding doggies at Rancho Fanita trailhead, Kathy working on her foot, feathery seeds on tree

Spots of colour near end of hike near burned out BigRock trailhead

On the 12th, back to work a super grueling day at the office (after 2 cancels, we still had 12 patients!).

Kathy's cacti responded to recent watering

Wispy clouds this afternoon

On the 13th, a fairly busy day at the office. Took all 3 doggies & Kym walking this evening before Jef & Kathy completed a 2nd lap around circle to get up to an hour of hiking.

On the 14th, another busy day at the office.

Sunset this evening

Sunset at home

On the 15th, after a very long day at the office, we dined at Carmelitas.

Cool sunset this evening

Misty air was eerie in the red light of sunset

On the 16th, Kathy went to work out in pool while Jef walked to office and did some work.

Meter still heading south

New library and sherriff station as seen from low on spur trail

Progress of library

Party area - noted by the large amount of broken glass

On the 17th, took it easy at home until we took doggies on 30 minute hike and then took off on the water tank loop, getting over 2 hours of hiking in this day. We made fish tacos for dinner and bar-b-qued a batch of carne asado for the week.

Kathy hiking along base of mountains - here offtrail, a course correction got us back to water tank trail

On the 18th, walked to work in 51.5 minutes over the spur. A busy day turned light due to last 5 patient canelling.

Kathy thinks this is Holley's work - found in a book found in the garage: "The Tombs of Attuan"

Progress on the new library

David's belated birthday party

Bringing out the cake

Part of a covey of quail in brush near house

On the 19th, a very busy day at the office.

On the 20th, a short day at the office so that we could walk after work. We probably did, don't remember.

Wascally wabbits this afternoon at WestStar home

On the 21st, back to work a fairly long day at the office.

On the 22nd, during a long day at the office, Kathy had an MD appointment. After work, we dined at the Coyote Steakhouse.

Meter trending down still

On our last homecare, Kathy tested patient in his car

View from last patient's home - after sun set behind mountains. The Coyote Steakhouse is around palm still in sun to right of this panorma

On the 23rd, mostly took it easy. Kathy wasn't feeling well all weekend, so don't think we went on any hikes.

On the 24th, continued taking it easy at home. We did manage a short 30 minute walk with doggies this evening.

Jef did some raking of beans in front yard

On the 25th, back to work a fairly long day at the office.

On the 26th, despite more cancellations, another fairly long day at the office.

On the 27th, after a fairly long day at the office, did go on another hour hike.

We found Kym's devil dog was destroying some of the sprinkers, including the one just behind her ear in this pic

Moon rising as we set out on our hike this evening

On the 28th, a fairly busy day at the office, after which we packed and drove to Santee. We got take-out at Cotija's.

Progress of library this evening

On the 29th, Jef & Sid started on re-flooring the master bedroom at Big Rock house. Kathy had an unsatisfactory visit with her MD - possibly the last time she goes there.

Carpet taken out of master bedroom proved to be a popular sun deck for the doggies

Starting to install underlayment

Floor before carpeting in what was another room taken out to be part of master bedroom was linoleum

On the 30th, completed the flooring project (except for a couple of transitions in doorways. Had Sid, Brian, Ken over for poker, and Kathy made us a big batch of lasagna.

panorama of poker in back patio
May 2018

On the 1st, a busy day at the office, despite 5 no-shows/cancellations.

On the 2nd, after a short day at the office, walked the doggies and continued hiking to get up to an hour.

Kym's new dog - named Pearl this day, but later renamed

Kym & Kathy

Meter still heading south

Cloud looks like a parasail

On the 3rd, a very long day at the office.

On the 4th, Kathy not feeling well, so rescheduled root canal appointment to later in the month and stayed home, did some chores, and we drove to Santee this afternoon & camped out at Big Rock house in prep for major projects this weekend. We dined on take-out Thai food this evening.

Kathy counted 33 roses on one of John's Tombstone rose plants

Guest house meter reading

Poppy had 1 seed pod before succumbing to the heat

A few of these plants sent out flowers - despite competition from oleander roots

Kathy reorganized house plants and some furniture this day

Raised garden - main plant is a giant cherry tomato plant

Kathy was unpleased with state of floors

Close up of dust on left - to right, traffic had cleaned a path

On the 5th, Kathy continued cleaning up after the 2 slobs. Jef demo-ed the floor of the smallest bedroom. We had Italian food and beer for our Cinco de Mayo dinner this evening.

One or both of the girls was not emptying lint filter which is a solid mass of lint at this point

After completion of floor demolishion (carpet & underpadding & tack strips), old linoleum floor will be base of new flooring

On the 6th, Jef mowed the front yard and did other yardwork before starting installing floor in small bedroom. Kathy cleaned in between stints of helping Jef with flooring project.

Lawn before mowing

Kathy fixed us breakfast this morning - fritatas

After mowing front yard

New floor underlayment in place

On the 7th, Jef did more clean up, yardwork & also whittled a piece of transitional flooring to plug gap between hall and bedroom floor and installed this final piece. Kathy took Holley out to sushi & did some shopping on Holley's day off. We packed up nearly full car & doggies and drove back to Borrego - making 1 more shopping stop in Ramona.

Completed floor

On the 8th, back to work a full day at the office.

Dani mailed last month's rent to herself, instead of us by mixing up addressee with addresser

On the 9th, after a short day at the office, we walked the doggies and did a longer 2nd leg - managing a total of close to 4 miles this day.

Clouds today all look like dispersed contrails

On the 10th, Kathy not feeling well in the morning, so cancelled chiro appt., but came in and worked a long half day.

On the 11th, Kathy again not feeling well, but came in to work at mid-day. Jef drove to SD to dentist & a little shopping.

Girls failed to get trash picked up this week - beyond deadline

On the 12th, Jef did some work on swamp cooler and came in to catch up on missed day at work.

Walking with Kym's black(hearted) doggy

Meter still going south

After doing 1.2 miles with doggies, Kathy & Jef did a hike, exploring a new canyon

We stopped at this dry waterfall this time, as Kathy was in sandals

We spotted an octopus in these old roots

Front view - note the eyes!

Back to the main wash

We dined at the Koyote Steakhouse this night

On the 13th, after chores & rest, Kathy and Jef set out to find the source of the canyon discovered previous day. We hiked all the way to the top of the Borrego Spur. Then we looped down the spur trail behind the churches and home - arriving after dark, a 3-4 hour hike of about 8 miles.

This was a claustrophic dry waterfall, as one worried about an earthquake while going up it

We picked up this birthday party litter on the way to the top

Found this (possibly coyote) skull on the way up

Bottom view

We were surprised to see another hiker - on her way down the spur trail as we continued up the canyon

The last 100 yards to the top no longer resembled a canyon

Jef & Kathy at the top

The canyon we hiked up is in the center

Looking down canyon from another viewpoint

Kathy walking down spur trail

Panorama of spur trail and light coming on in the valley

On the 14th, back to work a medium long day at the office.

On the 15th, a long day at the office, but only a medium number of patients due to 3 cancellations or no shows.

Progress of new library

On the 16th, a medium day at the office, followed by a little walk.

The final amarylis blooming

On the 17th, a very long day at the office and shorthanded due to Kym out of town.

Meter still heading south with mild weather

On the 18th, a long day at the office shorted by 2 cancellations at the end of the day. David joined us at El Borrego for dinner this evening.

Dining at El Borrego

Sunset at Kesling's Kitchen on walk back to office

On the 19th, Jef caught up on paperwork & we tore down the bed, reinstalling Kathy's air mattress, as she was not doing well on the gel-foam mattress. Kym helped us clean up the mess that the base was in.

Hanging out under the tiki lamps this evening

On the 20th, we continued doing projects at home, including cleaning up the back yard. We were so beat, we skipped hiking all weekend.

This is the guest bedroom where I work on these pix at WestStar house

On the 21st, back to work a long day at the office, made easier with 4 cancellations.

On the 22nd, a very long hard day at the office.

On the 23rd, a medium day at the office. Jef & Kathy wlkded doggies around block & then continued up to old country club, going about 4 miles total.

Meter still going south

On the 24th, a moderately long day at the office. We had some turmoil at the end of the day, as the last patient fell down a flight of stairs coming to our office, and had to be life-flighted to a hospital.

On the 25th, Kathy went to dentist. Didn't get a root canal, but by the time she was ready to work, Dave and Kym had already started early on the big Memorial Day weekend, so Kathy just saw 1 home care patient this afternoon.

Still bloodstains from fall where last office patient this week had fallen down these stairs - we found she had fractured her neck, but was home after a few days in the hospital

On the 26th, mostly worked on chores around the house.

Raised garden

This cherry tomato is the dominant plant in this garden

On the 27th, Jef & Kathy went on a hike - going SE from S3 about halfway up to Yaqui Pass in an area of canyons and cholla. After returning home, we washed 3 of our cars.

Kathy near start of our hike


A packrat had stuffed this cave full of cholla as protection for its den

Panorama of Borrego Valley from our viewpoint. Note the Salton Sea at the right

Cholla balls litter the hillside to Kathy's right

Animation of Kathy climbing

Artsy pick of Kathy behind hedgehog cactus

Kathy in cholla forest - some did manage to jump on her

Epic hedgehog cactus!

Getting closer to car as we descend into and cross canyon after canyon

Back to the car... now to go home and wash cars

The last car washed was the newer 626

Kathy's car was the 2nd that was washed

We washed the white Jeep first, as it was in the most need

On the 28th, Jef drove Kathy to Julian, where we visited the Volcan Mtn. and Menghini wineries. Kathy was out of it big time and near catatonic - from a combination of low BP and taking dramamine to get there. We got to the Cuyamaca Lake area and Kathy was barely able to hike, traveling unsteadily at about half a mile per hour. We aborted the first hike after going about 1/4 mile up Milk Ranch Rd. Kathy wanted to continue hiking, so we hiked towards the lake, where Kathy fell down a couple times. Then we drove to Julian and got a couple pies at Mom's. She was getting a little better and wanted to continue hiking, so we hiked a mile or so at the eastern trailhead for the Santa Ysibel County Preserve. Kathy was almost back to normal by then.

Some wildflowers at base of Milk Ranch Road

Us at turnaround point

Kathy stumbling down trail - ceonothus blooming at right

Kathy shortly before falling down

Picking flowers against Jef's admonishments

We found the campground trail as Kathy staggered off the main trail

Jef & Kathy

Kathy stumbling back to car

We crossed this creek early in the hike

Kathy took interest in the mistletoe in this tree

How am I gonna get it?


Kathy couldn't reach it with this stick, but Jef could, but couldn't bring any down - so Kathy found a longer stick and Jef knocked some off for her


Kathy vs. cow - cows won't have anything to do with those 2 legged creatures!

Some interesting rocks around here

Similar to stonehenge

Kathy preaching to fellow Apathetic Society Members - who were too apathetic to come!

After Kathy finally found the gash she got on one of her falls (that she didn't remember) earlier this day

On the 29th, back to work a long busy day at the office.

On the 30th, Kathy failed to get sufficient sleep prior night, so cancelled patients this day. Jef updated this journal.

New library progressing

On the 31st, a moderately busy day at the office.

Clouds over mountains this morning

Progress of library
Apr 2018

On the 1st, mostly took it easy at home. Kathy had a toothache.

On the 2nd, back to work a very long day at the office. Kathy worked despite her toothache.

On the 3rd, another fairly long day at the office, but not so bad with several cancellations. Kathy continued working with toothache.

On the 4th, a long day at the office. We scrambled finding pain killers - Kathy found something with codeine, which seemed to help her toothache.

On the 5th, Kathy saw Jan to confirm she's gonna get hernia surgery & get RX for antibiotics & pain killer for toothache. Then we drove to SD to see MD, got toothache meds, checked on BigRock house, did some shopping, and drove back to Borrego.

Girls allow trash to overfill in kitchen because....

Trash has not been taken out once in last month

Brittlebush growing wild in front of Big Rock house

Green laser star lights in front yard with a moonrise

On the 6th, Kathy was not able to work with pain killing meds making her too woozy, so we cancelled an overfilled schedule at the office.

Amaryllis blooming in front yard

Peanut chomping at doggy grass

On the 7th, Jef started playing in tennis tournament, winning first 2 6-1, 5-2, but losing afternoon match after partner Don decided he would be the anchor server (serving twice to Jef's once) and proceeded to double fault about 8 times, 'cause he couldn't handle the wind. We lost 2-5. Took Kathy to banquet at Palm Canyon this evening.

Panorama of tennis match at tournament - Jackie is seen twice here. We were entertained with cool clouds all day

Front yard at WestStar

360° panorama of front yard at WestStar taken with Canon
Good Italian food & vino. Nice songs were performed by Elaine, Nancy & I think Marla? from the '50s & '60s. Afterwards, I determined "Mac the Knife" may have been the first song I remember from my youth, as Al Laurio (married to dad's cousing Eva) played it on his VW bug as he drove Julie & Jef to his farm in upper peninsular Michigan in February 1958. I was 4 & mom & dad were too cheap to spring for the (then) extra car radio.

On the 8th, Jef & Jay won the final set of their tournament 4-3. Jef finished tied for 1st in games with 17 along with Dave and Borden (other 3 tied for last with 11 games), however, Dave and Jef had better tie-breaker scores, so Jef only finished 3rd. If Jef & Jay had won the tie-breaker, Jef would have won the tournmanet (B division), but squandered a 4-1 lead to lose 7-5. Jef helped Kathy cook up a 4 gallon batch of pasole, which they consumed over the next 2 weeks - really yummy!

Jackie, tournament director, awarding B division men's winners: Dave & Borden

Tony subbing for B women's runner up and Marla, the winner

A women's winners, Jacki & Jan M

A men's winners, Lary & Tony

THe gallery at award ceremony

On the 9th, back to work a very long day at the office.

On the 10th, Kathy went to the dentist, but nothing was found and has to wait for the only root-canal able dentist to come to town near the end of the month. WOrked what was a long day at the office, but due to cancellations wasn't nearly so busy.

On the 11th, a moderately busy day at the office. Jef & Kathy resumed walking, going only about 2 1/2 miles after 10 days with practically no walks.

We were flagged by Charles M who talked about fixing up an abandoned Saturn for resale - he was test driving it. I took this panorama of sunset while talking with him

On the 12th, a fairly busy day at the office.

Meter still heading south

Sunset this evening - paloverde and ocotillos are blooming. Some are spectacular, but this is one of my few pix & "not spectacular"

On the 13th, a fairly busy day at the office. Jef picked up Elaines old rataan couch, but will let cushions sit in sun to air them out - a stray cat had sprayed them over past week, as it was outside Elaine's house.

New library sporting structural steel studs for its walls

On the 14th, mostly took it easy. Fininshed screening in garden & did some help moving furniture. Kathy bar-b-qued hamburgers & we had a fire in our new outdoor living room.

Mia sampling our new (used) sofa & coffee table in front patio

Kathy talking with dad

Still talking & drinking a glass of wine

Kathy, Mia & Jef on new sofa

Had fire going this evening by our newly arranged backyard "living room"

On the 15th, Jef did some work at the office. We washed & waxed Kathy's car.

Interesting clouds this afternoon

Kathy's waxed car

On the 16th, back to work a very busy day at the office.

Poppies growing in raised garden

Cherry tomato plant very healthy

Kathy got some solar powered illuminated flowers to decorate our new backyard living room

New library on this windy afternoon

On the 17th, antother very long day at the office.

Full blown paloverde on Country Club

View from our gym this afternoon

On the 18th, after our usual shortened "Wind'sday" at the office, went on a hike with David and Kathy from home to Carmelita's, where we had a nice dinner, and then drove Jef's car (Amanda II) home.

Kathy and doggies starting on our 1 hour hike this afternoon

On the 19th, a very long day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

Nice clouds

Our parking lot this afternoon

On the 20th, another long day at the office.

On the 21st, went to work at office with Kathy, Kym, and David, cleaning up piles of paper that needed tossing/filing. David came over and we had nachos, drinks & stuff this evening.

Not sure what giant beast these small ants were "anthandling" across our outdoor living room this evening - maybe one of those walking wasps

David and Kathy taking it easy - Kathy made us some Borrego Sunsets

Got a nice sunset this evening

On the 22nd, mostly took it easy, but did get in a 1 hour hike with Kathy & doggies this evening.

On the 23rd, went with Kathy to chiropractor and learned a few moves to work on Kathy. Then back to work a long day at the office.

Maybe some of these clouds this afternoon started as contrails

On the 24th, another long day at the office.

Jef got run over by a lawnmower previous day & hair dyed by Kathy

Sunset this evening with paloverde really starting to bloom at the Mall

Jef was alarmed to find meter had gone north - checked solar and found most of it was off-line

On the 25th, Jef called "Watts New under the Sun" and got John who was putting an installation in a few blocks away. He agreed to fix the problem. Then off to a short day that was still pretty long, but we managed to get in our "Wind'sday" hike with doggies halfway and without the other half. Kathy complained bitterly of the wind, but it was nice. We felt the 3.9 magnitude earthquake 10 miles north of Borrego just a half hour before starting the hike.

Meter again going south - apparently John fixed it!

We saw this cool contrail near the end of our walk this evening

High altitude (and fast - probably military) plane had changed director to make contrail follow the San Ysidros

On the 26th, a very busy day at the office, but moderated with 3 no-shows.

Parking lot this afternoon with paloverdes gettin to full bloom

on the 27th, a very, very busy day at the office.

I remember mom made a lettuce, tomato & mayo sandwich back in the 50s and when she noticed I was eyeing it, offered to make me one. I've eaten them on occasion ever since (about 60 years since).

View from gym this afternoon

New library making progress

New library from known reference to see how it changes over time

We dined at Carmalitas this night (Kathy with that 'what another stupid picture' look) - last to arrive and chairs were on tables and floor was being vacuumed before we left

On the 28th, Kym got her new black lab, which she named Pearl. We found out this doggie was very untrained. Jef started reaaranging furniture at the office. Late that afternoon, we walked doggies about 1.3 miles around our circle - Kym walked her new dog, Pearl around the circle(about .9 miles), dropped them off and walked enough to get up to our usual 1 hour walk. This evening, Kathy found Pearl was not potty trained, and locked Pearl out of the house.

On the 29th, after Jef did some more work at the office rearranging furniture, Jef & Kathy went to the visitor center, parked and walked up to First Grove in Palm Canyon and returned via the alternate trail - about 6 miles and 1000' elevation gain/loss.

Killed this spider in kitchen - took pic, as we dunno what bites Kathy got in bed the other nite

They dropped these boulders that someone shaped to act as resting benches at intervals along paved hiking trail from visitor center to campground

Jef & Kathy at campground with blooming ironwood tree in background

At the pupfish pond at Palm Canyon trailhead

Kathy walking by another blooming ironwood tree

The desert "cherry blossom" tree

Nearing 1st grove

Jef & Kathy at edge of 1st grove

Making our way to center of grove

Pond at main part of 1st grove is now crowded with vegetation

Jef in main part of 1st grove - trails end for most tourists

The pond again

SOmeone made this little fire-starter or artsy thingee

Panorama in 1st grove

Most areas of our hike experienced heavy winds (on the order of 30mph) as seen here

There's a few interesting rocks on this hike, including this colourful one

Panorama on the alternate trail - we hiked in partial sun in parts, like here

Kathy picked out some nice campsites in which to camp - maybe for our anniversary in June - here is campsite #116 which features an actual fireplace!

Have you seen my yurt?

This is it!

On the 30th, back to work a long day at the office.

Another nice sunset as we left work this evening

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