Journal Index
2Q'18 Jef and Kathy's Activities 3Q 2018 4Q'18
Sep 2018

On the 1st, mostly took it easy.

On the 2nd, mostly took it easy, but Kathy bar-b-qued some carne asada she got down in Tecate prior week.

Took 3 doggies on walk - 1st time Gigi off leash in Borrego - had to round her up and leash her after she cornered a rabbit under a storage container at a neighbor's house

On the 3rd, Kathy took Labor Day off & we did a hike up in (cooler) Culp Valley.

We parked Jeep at Pena Spring trailhead on this hike up the Cal. Riding & Hiking Trail

Kathy moaned and groaned about the first several hundred feet of steep elevation gain, but was happy after we leveled out. Here we are on a hill top

Kathy checking out a great campsite

Uh-oh! She found a toy!

..or weapon?

Kathy going to throw it off a cliff

Found this natural wall that looks like it was cobbled together by people

Nice little campsite - formerly used by the Flintstones

Rock outcropping in shape of an otter's head

Panorma of trail as it passes some vertical cliffs

Kathy stretching while Jef did previous panorama

Panorama of a moderately level part of this trail

Kathy on trail

On the 4th, back to work a long day at the office.

Jef walked home, as the tire place screwed up and car wasn't ready at the end of their day

On the 5th, a fairly light day with only 5 patients.

On the 6th, a long day at the office, but only 4 patients.

Meter has been going down, then up, but mostly staying still

On the 7th, Jef only worked the morning, as he took off to see eye doctor in SD & do some shopping. Meanwhile Kathy, Kym & David were overwhelmed with a heavy workload at the office. Kathy took Jef to La Casa for a birthday dinner this evening. Jef had a hamburger & salad - Kathy had filet mignon with jumbo shrimp. Yummy!

Clear enuff to see Salton Sea and mountains beyond as Jef stopped at the Crawford overlook to try out his new camera (birthday present from Kathy)

Crawford panorma of Borrego Valley

Jef & Kathy found a nice secluded alcove to dine at the Fox Den

OUr dining area had a 2 tiered table - we could put our drinks beneath and entrees above

Jef & Kathy by La Casa pool

Kathy pointing to a caterpillar, which she though unheard of at this time of year

On the 8th, Jef walked to the office and did some work. THe purpose was to reclaim the car that spent the night at the Mall, but he also did some shopping. Then mostly took it easy.

Took abbreviated spur route this day, affording this view of new library

New library is being sheathed in metal

On the 9th, Jef finished another round of pix for this journal and updated it on a trip to town to get ingredients for Kathy to make a big batch of chili. That afternoon, we drove up to the top of the grade and went on a couple hikes (hiking over 2 hours total).

Jef & Kathy on high point of hike to north (only 20 minutes total for hike)

Panoarama showing Ranchita homesteads to left Kathy in middle and view of Borrego(and Motezuma Valley Rd aka S-22) to right

No trails and a lot of brush pushed us to hike on other side of the road

This rock is sticking its tongue out at you - are you going to take that?

Jef summited this rock, but Kathy was too close to show the 1000' vertical cliffs under him ;)

Kathy striking out cross country

Kathy by a baby Yerba Santa plant

Looking to Borrego

Colourful lichen

Slug/guinea pig/doggy? shaped rock

Kathy can see Salton Sea from her vantage

This burnt tree is nearly gone in the middle!

Kathy and her new pet rock

Just loves her rock

Happy girl!

Sun getting low behind this manzanita

Shadows making wierd patterns in the terrain

Burned out yuccas look like an elephant is dead on its back

Panorma around where we parked for the 2nd hike today

Weird terminator

The terminator(shadow of the earth's horizon) is taking the shape of the San Ysidros here

Jef & Kathy sat and watched the terminator rise at the end of the hike. We each had a Stella & Kathy insisted we throw the bottles closer to the cars (green things). Jef objected(possible breakage), but did so, as well. We were successful

On the 10th, back to work a very long day at the office.

Progress on new library

On the 11th, a nother busy day at the office.

On the 12th, Kathy was not feeling well, so Jef went to office, worked most of the day and cancelled all the scheduled patients.

On the 13th, Kathy was still feeling under the weather, missed the chiropractor appointment (and was reprimanded for missing so many appointments, that Kathy might be banned from there). Cancelled all the many patients scheduled this day, and Jef continued working at the office.

Meter seemed to be inching higher lately

On the 14th, we packed up 3 doggies and drove to Big Rock house. We got Kathy to MRI place and she got an MRI. Kathy did some cleaning this afternoon at the house.

On the 15th, after shopping, yardwork, house cleaning, we drove up to Escondido to see Kathy's new pain mgmt. MD. We stopped by to check out Flaco's new haus and then went out to an early dinner at Hernandez Hideaway at Lake Hodges.

Flaco & Bonnie's new kitchen

Blackberries growing on the hillside behind their house - how does that seem familiar?

They have 3 raised gardens

Still in the garden tour

Completing garden tour, returning to the haus

Leaving the haus to go to dinner

Bonnie & Flaco at Hernandez Hideaway

Panorama of back yard as Flaco prepares a fire

Jef, Kathy, Flaco, Bonnie around fire

On the 16th, Jef and Kathy cleaned up house and yard before going on a 2h 20m hike up Cowles, which had a few detours, but wound up on the access road at the high point. We packed up and drove back to Borrego, doing some shopping this day.

Panorama high up on Big Rock Trail - Kathy behind (left) and Jef uphill and ahead (right)

Kathy & Jef

Kathy ascending trail (Santee down below to the right)

High point of hike off access road - Santee to the left(about 25% of background) & El Cajon to the right(75%)

After Jef cleaned up front yard

Panorama - white car is Dani's (abandonned car?) in driveway

On the 17th, a fairly busy day at the office with Jef running about half a dozen errands, including shuttling 2 patients.

Kym's innovative solution to a back rest

On the 18th, a fairly busy day at the office with 2 new patients. Jef got labs for physical early this morning.

Ominous clouds to SE portend our nice dry climate about to be spoiled with humidity

On the 19th, we both slept late on this day off. Jef worked on pictures & Kathy mostly took it easy. Jef & Kathy hit Legion for burger night. When they returned home, the humidity arrived. Jef and Kathy hiked 4 miles (Country Club/Broken Arrow loop) in some hot muggy air just as night fell this evening.

Had burgers at the Legion this evening

Had a moon on our Country Club loop this evening (4 miles)

On the 20th, a light, but difficult, day at the office.

Clouds this morning

On the 21st, another long day at the office.

Roadrunner in front yard this morning

Moderately cloudy day for a change

Still some clouds at sunset this evening

Moonrise over the Mall

On the 22nd, Kathy had a couple homecare patients while Jef worked at the office. Mike & Flaco arrived this afternoon & hung out a while before we headed out to dinner at the Krazy Koyote.

Moonrise over the pool with Kathy, Flaco, Mike & Jef

Heading to the restaurant

Cloth napkins, but temporary chef was not up to Kathy's standards (otherwise food was good)

Kathy doing some therapy

Halloween decorations a month early at the Krazy Koyote

Kathy & Flaco making music

in the dining room

Kathy & Flaco

Mike, at left, listening to Kathy & Flaco give a concert - Flaco's using Kathy's guitar

On the 23rd, Jef & Kathy drove Mike & Flaco to Salton City, where we met Fernando & Aida for a 4WD trip to the Chocolate Mtns. Jef & Kathy crashed early while Mike & Flaco went to Carlee's.

At the start of the Red Canyon Jeep trail

Dotted line shows our route. This map is at top right corner, just below the red line (I-10). We came up Box Canyon, which is paved and also very scenic, truned right on an abandoned highway, and turned right (south) at this location, going down the Red Canyon Jeep trail, then turning right to the Salt Creek trestle. We kept going(Kathy was too tired), but Fernando & Aida did a U-turn and went up to some scenic canyon that we missed this trip

Mike, Flaco & Fernando at a change of driver stop

Kathy checking out road ahead

Fernando led the way (Aida drove some of the way)

Kathy in Jeep did most of the offroad driving

Panorama of Red Canyon Jeep trail - Fernando's Jeep to the left. Trail goes down a ridge with Canyon 100' or more below

Jef wearing Stacey & Eric's birthday gift to him - a Long Beach WA T-shirt

Panorama of some dramatic cliffs - Fernando's Jeep is parked at base on the left

Part of a decommisioned private railway owned by Kaiser Steel used to transport iron ore from the Eagle Mtn Mine to a junction with a railline near the Salton Sea (Steel was used by Kaiser's shipbuilding on the west coast. The healthcare system that was founded at the Eagle Mtn Mine has become the current crappy HMO, Kaiser Permanente. This bridge is slated for removal in the coming weeks. It is a replacement for a wooden trestle that washed away. The pilings for the wooden trestle are visible in this flawed panorama of the 500' long Salt Creek trestle, the longest span of the longest private rail line in So. Cal.(52 miles)

We parked in the shade of the Salt Creek trestle

Mike & Flaco making sandwiches.... Kathy crashed & burned in front seat of Jeep (she didn't get enuff sleep prior night)

360° panorama showing the Salt Creek trestle

Amazing colours of the Chocolate Mtns

Flaco & Mike take time to shoot their pistoles

Moonrise after returning home

On the 24th, a fairly long day at the office.

On the 25th, a long day at the office.

Status of library this day

On the 26th, Jef worked at the office too long, so not enuff time to go on a hike with Kathy. Kathy bar-b-qued chicken this evening.

On the 27th, back to work a long day at the office.

Dirty solar panels

On the 28th, a long day at the office, after which Jef & Kathy tried El Borrego, which just opened this day.

Santa reveals his SSN

On the 29th, mostly took it easy. Did some work at the office. Jef cleaned the solar panels.

On the 30th, drove to Culp Valley and hiked down to Pena Spring and explored the area - going down about 100' vertical into steep canyon heading down to Hellhole Canyon (doing some bouldering). We also hike a bit upstream from Pena and finally after doing a fairly exhaustive search, found the Pena Spring morteros. As we returned to Borrego, we saw a sandstorm engulfing Fonts Point and Ocotillo Wells. That evening, there was a non-stop thunderstorm raging over towards Indio.

A health manzanita at Pena Spring

Looking from Pena Spring to window of Borrego - "Angel of Coyote Canyon" is dead center

Near bottom of slow creek emerging from spring and flowing about 100 yards before going underground. Note the red flowers

These yellow flowers mark the approximate point where the water stops flowing above ground

Kathy at top of steep canyon that winds up a tributary to Hellhole Wash about 1500' below

Kathy further down in the canyon

We stopped our descent here - note where the Hellhole trailhead is located (about 2000' lower in elevation)

Jef and Kathy below "Log Rock" in front of "Hand Rock" - Kathy was interested in the several hedgehog cacti growing on this big boulder we are standing on

This web over some bushes caught our eye - this is the dead remains of a wild cucumber vine

Nolina yuccas and staghorn cacti are common in these here hills

Kathy in panorama of middle of Pena Creek - note the large leaf groundcover(Yerba Linda)

Kathy in a field of yellow flowers just above the spring

Jef spotted a likely rock from above Pena Spring on the other side of the main trail, and it turned out to be the Pena Spring morteros

This mortero seems to be over 8" deep, Jef's about 7" long hand is not reaching bottom here

Green bushes on ridge behind morteros mark location of Pena Spring

As we drive away from trailhead in Culp Valley, Jef notices possible rain or sandstorm in valley below

Panorama from Crawford Overlook shows extent of sand storm - from Rockhouse Canyon at left to Sunset Mtn at right - most of the populated area of Borrego was not involved, but possibly the Air Ranch was. The big clouds at left above Villager Peak can be seen in the last 2 pix of this month


These clouds were the site of the lightning storm (next pic)

Lighthing illuminated these clouds almost non-stop this evening
Aug 2018

On the 1st, a moderately busy day at the office.

WestStar meter still heading north

Sunset this evening

On the 2nd, another moderately busy day at the office.

Progress on new library

On the 3rd, Jef & Kym helped Charlie install new swamp cooler in guest house. Jef, Kathy & the 2 doggies drove to Grossmont to pick up DVD and then to MD in University City. Then drove to Santee, where we found Holley was robbed of cash from her room, 2 door knobs were ruined by forcing door levers, Gigi had not been taken care of properly by Holley, Holley was leaving on a new enterprise in Corona. Nobody had taken out trash in past month & all trashcans were overflowing. Kathy started cleaning filthy house.

New swamp cooler partially up and old one at the right of this pic

Kym working on outside

Kym & Charlie

Mangled doorknob innards outer garage

Small footprint on outer garage door - about the size & tread of Dani's shoe(by Jef's shoe for comparison)

Mangled doorknob innards inner garage door

On the 4th, Kathy continued cleaning and Jef continued working in yard. Jef & Kathy took doggies to vet and then did some tile shopping for upcoming upgrade of WestStar bathroom, getting quotes. Stopped and got car washed on way back to house.

Kathy liked this for shower floor and highlight bands

Shower wall tile

In the carwash

On the 5th, wrapped up things in Santee, packed and left with 3 doggies, including Holley's former dog, Gigi (AKA Rosy the Roadblock).

On the 6th, back to work a medium busy day at the office.

Still smoke coming in(in front of Toro Peak) from one of fires to the west, perhaps the Cranston fire

Rosy on new doggie bed

On the 7th, another long day at the office.

Progress on new library

On the 8th, yet another long day at the office.

On the 9th, Kathy had cancelled her MD appointment, but nothing happening in office because of that, so mostly took it easy (Jef did some work at the office).

Guesthouse meter hitting 15,000

Main meter still heading north

Kathy spent last half of walking doggies by wrecking her shoulder while leash training Rosigi

On the 10th, back to work a long day at the office.

Progress of new library

On the 11th, Jef fixed collapsed planter. Kym's friends, David & Vicky came over and we watched Perseids that night. Jef only saw about 5 meteors in over an hour of watching the sky.

State of planter shelf before being replaced

New plantar shelf is 1.5" thick, so should last longer

Little doggies on Rosigi's bed

View of Perseid party from road

Kathy got to lay down - Jef sat nearby in her chair. David, who got up about 18 hours ago, is probably pretty sleepy here

Dotted line at left is aircraft, solid line might be meteor, but probably a plane track. Bright "star" is Mars

Solid line beneath Mars, is again, possible meteor, but probable plane track. Dotted line to right is plane track

Plane track hitting middle of Sagitarius "teapot" - note Scorpio below and to the right - invisible Pluto is also in the teapot

Busy looking for meteors

Usual - pretty much nothing happening

Jef with Mars burning thru his tummy

Only a few solar lites still going around midnite

On the 12th, continued with Perseid watching until about 1am. After sleeping, we packed up the 3 doggies and drove to Big Rock house. Kathy immediately started cleaning, as it (again) wasn't clean. We found hose had been left on in back yard and were ready to confront A/C use (power bill was over $600 over last month). David came down later to check out house and we went on 1 hour hike (Mesa loop) even tho Kathy only had sandals. We took David out to dinner & he spent the nite on the couch.

Jef with final Perseid appearance right after midnite

Continued use of A/C had meter still heading north

Thought of taking pic only at end of 1 hour hike - here is sweaty back of David (actually it was cool, but hike was a bit gruelling)

Eating dinner at Banbu Sushi

On the 13th, Jef did some shopping before going to one of Kathy's MD appointments. We shopped at Vineripe and TJs before going back to Big Rock. Jef filled trash and green waste containers and put them on street early before packing up and heading back to Borrego. We made 1 more stop at Staters on way home (car was fully loaded with doggies & groceries).

On the 14th, back to work a fairly long day at the office.

Cool corpuscular rays late this afternoon

On the 15th, Kathy really hurting, we had a fairly busy day at the office & was worried she couldn't make it thru, but did.

Progress on library

Thunderhead over Indianhead

The rare Borrego cave dog with clone of "Petey" from the "LIttle Rascals"

On the 16th, started early with a pool visit. Moderately busy day at the office.

Cloudy this day

Pool therapy session

Kathy monitoring walking straight

Jef foolin' around

Jef was just around for "backup muscle"

Kathy monitoring side-stepping

Kathy & Bill underwater - most of top section of this photo is a reflection

Jef & Kathy

Still side stepping

Clouds covering "Rain in the Face"

Panorama of sunset this evening

Flaw in center of camera sensor appeared months ago for the first time. Here it obstructs anti-corpuscular rays

Re-done photo of anti-corpuscular rays at the post office

Anti-corpuscular rays still visible after getting home - this may be the last picture taken by my Olympus camera

Our pool at sunset

Still have storm clouds

Panorama of big thunder storm to the south of us

WestStar house with cool clouds

Kathy arriving home (at far left)

Panoramas of big thunderhead to south of us

Night foto of front yard - clouds were illuminated indirectly by a nearly constant lightning storm

Back yard with clouds illuminated by lightning

On the 17th, a long day at the office turned short when the last 4 patients cancelled. Jef got up early and drove to SD for eye doctor & dentist visits. At the dentist, found out the 10 year old Olympus Tough camera no longer could take a pic. Jef checked Big Rock house and did some shopping while in SD, and then returned to help finish up working at the office. Jef & Kathy met John R at La Casa for drinks & dinner.

On the 18th, Jef drove Kathy to new pain doctor, who was to Kathy's surprise, "pretty good"! We then drove to Big Rock, as we still had 3 doggies, and spent the night there. Had Cotija's for take out dinner this evening. Took doggies on 15 minute short hike on Cowles trails.

On the 19th, Jef did some shopping and yardwork. David dropped by, as he would stay in our room 3 days/week while going to skool in SD, & we gave him a set of keys. We packed up and drove back to Borrego.

On the 20th, a light day at the office.

Our first scorpion since Jef was bit by one a year ago - found in the bedroom, of course!

Kathy saw something leave the scorpion when Jef started attacking - he was told it might be a scorpion, so he tried valiantly to kill it several times, failed, and then Kathy found out it was this very tiny baby gekko, which appeared unharmed

Kym monitored the gekko for a couple days before deciding it was healthy enough to release in our back yard

On the 21st, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 22nd, Kathy had 1 homecare patient and Jef tried to catch up on paperwork at the office.

On the 23rd, Kathy didn't feel well, so cancelled all patients. Jef worked at the office.

On the 24th, Kathy was feeling better, so came in and worked a long day at the office. We got some great eats at Jilbertos for dinner and breakfast the next day.

On the 25th, Jef, replaced thermostat this morning before cleaning solar panels (3 iterations). As Jef failed to test if thermostat worked, so when Kathy turned it on this afternoon, it failed to work. Kathy arranged to have A/C guy (who said only about 10% of thermostats actually work with a heat pump) come out next day. Meanwhile Jef put back old thermostat temporarily.

Thermostat at L didn't work (now it's just a portable thermometer), and old one hooked up temporarily

Dirty solar panels (before picture)

Guest house meter

Weststar meter not yet heading south

On the 26th, the A/C guy came out and put in his thermostat, which worked, but he found heat pump was not putting out cold enuff air, so he fixed that (SDGE had got Synergy to come out and "optimize" energy usage. One of the optimizations was to remove excess freon, so that (for a while) heat pump was more efficient. However, without a reserve, after some leaked out over the next 10 years, the heat pump was putting out air that was 5° hotter than it should be, causing massive energy waste. Otherwise, mostly took it easy this day.

On the 27th, mostly took it easy this day. Jef did a little work at the office, did some shopping, and Jef & Kathy went on 55 minute hike on abbreviated Country Club loop (Kathy didn't want to walk into the wind anymore, so took shortcut at the end.

On the 28th, Jef helped Kathy & Kym get loaded for their trip to Tecate, and they left. Jef rescued Kym's dog food from ants before heading to do some work at the office.

Weststar meter after hitting another high is again tending down due to lower humidity

Solar panels after Jef cleaned them 3 days earlier

Guest house meter

View of new library from read on walk home

Still heading south

Sunset this evening

On the 29th, Jef installed 2x redwood moulding around Kym's swamp cooler. Then drove black Jeep to Jake's to get oil change & attach mirror. Then, after working some at the office, walked home.

Sunrise this morning

Trim around guest house swamp cooler

Black Bark (AKA Big Black Dog, AKA Devil Dog, AKA Grace) picking on poor Gigi (AKA Rosy the Roadblock)

On the 30th, Jef walked to office & did some work there. Jake's had finished work on black Jeep, so picked it up and drove home in it.

On the 31st, Jef made a large frame and installed a printed sheet, as an experiment. Picture is hung in guest room. Then drove to office and did a little work, when Kathy called and said she was back in the states (and in SD area). Kathy & Kym rolled in late in the afternoon with a ton of stuff they had shopped for in Tecate and San Diego.

Mounted picture
Jul 2018

On the 1st, put on new keyed lock on re-done master bedroom in Big Rock house. Did some yardwork & shopping. Kathy had to have car washed today, so we dropped it off at carwash & then went on 30 minute hike. As we were returning, Jef asked "did you leave your key with them at the carwash", to which Kathy said "didn't you?". The carwash was closed when we got back with car unwashed, so Kathy, determined to clean car went to a manual carwash. She used dirty soapy water in puddle when soap feature didn't work. After we spent $5 in quarters, we drove to TJs. Kathy looked at car in parking lot there, and found it was dirtier than when we started. So after shopping, we stopped at Big Rock house and Jef & Kathy washed car (again!). We then drove back to Borrego.

Panorama of finised bedroom (including new floor)

On our "carwash hike" the high point was here by the Santee water tank.

First carwash left this on window - maybe we can go back some day and get it washed

On the 2nd, back to work another long day at the office.

Interesting cherry tomato(es) found in Jef's raised garden today

On the 3rd, another long day at the office.

On the 4th, mostly slept. Then visited Jim & Barbara for a nice dinner & happy hour. Jim played some old records from the '50s, including Shelly Berman, Bob Newhart, Roger Miller & Phil Harris. Kathy & Barb played violin & piano, including such appropo 4th of July songs as "Yankee Doodle Dandy".

Jim playing old LPs as we drank and ate(Jef, mostly, of course) appetizers

Jef's dinner

Jim & Barbara

One of the festive desserts

Barb & Kathy jamming

on the 5th, back to work a very long day at the office.

Sunset this evening

With Kym running A/C, meter going up again

On the 6th, another long day at the office on a hot dry day. Monsoonal weather moved into town in the afternoon, however.

Progress on library

Sunset this evening

On the 7th, went over to see Barb & Jim so that Kathy could jam with her violin, but wound up eating a potluck dinner, as well.

Meter still going up

Jim, who was a Santa Clause, was given this custom likeness of him while riding his motorcycle

Kathy & Barb jamming during the sunset

Sunset as seen outside

On the 8th, we got a good half hour of rain. Jef squeegeed the solar panels.

Kathy & Kym out at start of T-storm

First drops staining stucco in back patio

Good sized raindrops

Pulling out plants to be rained upon in front patio

Kathy & Jef in little T-storm

Look close - that's rain falling

Rain lasted long enuff for Jef to squeegee the solar panels, atho, he was nervous holding that 12' pole with thunder cracking off in the distance

Raindrops falling on panels

Sunset this evening

Kathy walking toward sunset along Tilting T

On the 9th, back to work a medium long day at the office.

Murky air this morning

Guest house meter

Meter going up thanks to hot weather

Murky air dropped a lot of dust on just cleaned solar panels

Murky weather at office

Sunset this evening - still murky

Kathy doing bar-b-que a day late - ginger-chile chicken

On the 10th, another long day at the office.

A small cloudburst this morning was just enuff to wet the ground

Murky mid-day today

Sunset this evening

On the 11th, off on Wednesdays this summer. Kathy went to Jan for her hip & shoulder pain.

Part I of our hikes is to walk doggies around the circle - here we are returning from a spur

Kathy warned Jef to stop before treading on this garter snake on our hike this evening

On the 12th, a long day turned into a medium busy day at the office due to cancellations.

Waskally Jack Wabbits feasting on our mesquite beans

On the 13th, a super long day (12 patient visits) at the office. Jef, Kathy & David dined at Carmelitas that evening. Jef ate too much, but survived.

Progress on new library

Dining at Carmelitas with David

Jef dumped Kathy's salad on his already huge tostada

On the 14th, Jef did some work at the office. That evening, Kathy had volunteered to bartend (making Margaritas) at Lupe's daughter(Yuridia's) graduation party. About 40 showed up. Music was loud & Kathy dragged Jef out on the dance floor. Temperatures didn't drop below 100 until about 10pm.

Panorama of doity solar panels

Perhaps 20% obscured after a week of collecting airborn dust

Looks like Kym has been averaging about 18 kwh/day

Main meter has been going up a wopping 41 kwh/day even with solar

Devil dog can get to anything on any table

Jef's been raking beans - this Jack noting his handiwork

Panorama of Kathy and her Margarita bar

Lupita and some of her family

Yuridia(heading to UCSM next fall) and sister

Lupita's extended family

Grad cake

Kathy & David

Lupita dancing with her hubby at left

Francisco (Julie's classmate) dancing under the Covette Drive sign right of center

Jef & Kathy

Jef, Kathy, Lupita & her family

On the 15th, slept most of the day, as did Kathy, who suffered with a toothache. Jef did manage to clean solar panels (3 iterations of cleaning). We didn't hike, but it was brutally hot all day, with the low this morning at 88°F, and fairly high humidity.

On the 16th, back to work at the office. Kathy cut day short due to her toothache.

On the 17th, a hectic day turned easy in the afternoon with a few cancellations.

On the 18th, took it easy most of the day - slept a lot.

Progress on new library

Meter still rocketing up

Flock of quail walking under solar panels

On the 19th, back to work another long day at the office.

On the 20th, after another long day at the office, Jef & Kathy walked to Carlees for dinner.


Jef & Kathy

Panorama of Palm Canyon this evening

On the 21st, did chores - Kathy cleaned most of the house, Jef washed the older Mazda.

Kathy noticed this black widow poop while cleaning today

On the 22nd, Jef helped make a gigantic tuna salad for dinners this coming week. Jef washed a couple more cars. Took doggies on walk around circle this evening, after wetting them down.

Meter still rocketing up

Kym's meter still rocketing up

Peanut on her hike

A little sunset colour this evening

On the 23rd, back to work a medium busy day at the office. The humidity final settled to low levels after being elevated for past few weeks.

On the 24th, back to work a very busy day at the office - made busier when Kym was too upset after her best friend, June, just passed away up in WA.

Noticed this weird contrail patttern after dropping Jim off

Sunset this evening

Moonrise over Jef's recently cleaned cars

Sunset colour

On the 25th, Jef took it easy mostly, but did some catch-up work at the office. We took doggies on their usual loop around the circle.

Cactus blooming just outside bedroom window

Turning round after doing 1st spur(Lightning)

Peanut in front of moonrise

On the 26th, a fairly busy day at the office.

Saw this slow-moving heliochopper when dropping off Jim

As choppper flew over Sylvia's Aussie-style home

Smoke drifting down Coyote Canyon from the big fire near Idylwild

On the 27th, a moderate day at the office.

Sunset this evening

On the 28th, Jef drove to La Quinta and bought a swamp cooler - couldn't open the hatchback, so had to have them put it on top with twine. Jef then bought a cable system to tighten it on better before going shopping (TJs & Staters). Made it home (slower with a potentially unstable load) and Kathy was in a dilema with a dinner party happening 1 hour after Jef arrived home and hadn't started the dinner, so Jef helped with that. Pam, Conrad & Lisa joined us (fortuneately everyone was late) & we had fish soup. Lisa, a vegan, brought over some yummy appetizers & Conrad brought over his king lab, Teton, to play in pool & keep Grace company.

New swamper while still on Jeep (with door that wouldn't open)

More flowers blooming outside our bedroom window

Teton jumped out away from the ladder/stairs on first exit

Conrad & Kym with Teton on ground and Grace(devil dog) on top of stairs after both getting out

Kym & Grace watch as Conrad steers Teton up the ladder on the 2nd exit

Spray of water coming off Teton's tail heading straight for Conrad

Afterwards, sitting in kitchen with Kym, Pam, Lisa & Conrad around appetizers

Panorma (note Kathy has 2 heads) with Kathy dishing out soup of the 5 us us (Kym went back to her bungalow) around the dinner table. Jef shared his last Mengini Cab

On the 29th, mostly took it easy. Jef got a call of a failed irrigation valve at Sewanee, but didn't get stuff together for 5 hours after call. He went over & replaced the valve. Jef & Kathy walked the doggies for 1 loop(with spurs - 1.3 miles), dropped doggies at home, and did a 2nd lap - 2.6 miles over 55 minutes.

Going up 3rd of 4 spurs around our circle - had some sunset colour this evening

On the 30th, back to work a moderately full day at the office.

Meter still rocketing up

On the 31st, another moderately busy day at the office.

Jef's 5 y/o chair has been losing its out layer of plastic, so Kathy, in order to stop plastic flakes from going everywhere insists on a cover for the chair
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