Journal Index
3Q'19 Jef and Kathy's Activities 4Q 2019 1Q'20
Dec 2019

On the 1st, noticed it was snowing this morning and met John, Mitch and some of their neighbors at local bagel joint. Then hung out at John's. Jef took photos of a number of documents related to John's ancestors.

Jef took photos of a number of documents, including the naturalization document of Kathy's mom's father (Kathy & John's grandfather)

Rainy/snowy day as viewed from John's

Snow right outside our hotel room

Kathy walking dogs at east river end of John's street

On the 2nd, another snowy day. We again met John & his gang at the bagel place before checking out. We hung out at John's. He took us to a nice restaraunt for lunch before we started an epic trip back to SD: we got on subway and it was annouced it was detouring to the 6th Avenue line, so we got off a ways from Penn Station. Kathy had to ask directions (Jef didn't), so went into Macy's. She called 5 minutes later asking "Why did I abandon her"? She left from a different door, but they reconnected. Jef saw a Penn Station sign, and they went down, but it was an isolated subway station. Going back up to the street, we found the train station. We got on the train. As we prepared to get off at the airport, we found we had stopped and already started, so got stuck on an express to Metro station. 20 minutes later, we got off and bought a ticket back to the airport, not an express. We got our luggage checked and walked up to the gate as the plane was boarding. We waited on the tarmack for 2 hours - the excuse being "waiting for the airport runway to be de-iced". Our plane also got de-iced. An hour into the flight, SD airport would not take any flights past midnite, so we got re-routed to LAX. We got bussed to SD, arriving 6 hours late (5 a.m. instead of 11 p.m.). After debarking the bus, Jef found some other Johnson had taken our luggage by mistake, so we put the recovery paperwork in effect before Ubering to Santee. Our luggage was dropped off later that morning.

Snow seen falling at John's apartment

This pic at restaurant reminds Jef of Kym fat dog, Black Bark

John & Kathy returning from restaurant

Notice snow accumulating on awnings

Kathy texting kids pic of snow

Kathy waiting at train station with snow along tracks - just before we board train heading back to airport after we overshot it

On the 3rd, Kathy was determined to fix the low-pressure problem with out hot water in Santee before going home, so we cancelled all patients on Weds. & Thurs. and arranged for a plumber, who promised to come next day (Thursday).

Kathy at end of line of the entirity of the plane we were on to board busses at LAX

On the 4th, we spent most of the afternoon in OB, doing shopping and picking up Kathy's re-done ring.

We bought a pair of these at antique store next to jewlry store

Kathy wanted to do some beer tasting at this new beer tasting room

Kathy wrote our initials on blocks by front door of brewery

Kathy in OB posing by sandbags

Dinner plans at Nati's were thwarted when we found out the owner retired and it has been closed for 1.5 years!

David brought Mia and Peanut to Santee for us

On the 5th, the plumber showed up, determined we needed a new hot water heater - cheapest option, but supposedly good hot water heater: $3000. He also fixed a leak, put in a new valve and regulator, and replaced the garbage disposal, so $3700. We packed up and drove to Borrego.

Panorama of our green back yard

Took doggies on walk - here is Mia about ready to cross the creek

The creek

Kathy about ready to cross small creek crossing Mesa Rd. trail

Fall colours

On the 6th, back to work a medium long day at the office. Then packed up again and drove to and checked into the Ramona Oaks Resort outside Ramona.

Dew on our "lawn" in Borrego

Kathy and Joy after Joy had given us items she had knit. She gave us this quilt

On the 7th, it rained all day, so no tennis. We played games just off the lobby of the hotel. Jef learned how to play the dominoes game "Train". Then a group of us went wine tasting. That night we contributed a salad to a potluck at the Dows. There were more than 10 of us in attendence.

Panorama of the living room of our rented condo

View of the back yard of our condo

People brought vittles to share to our game room

Note the low cloud and fall colours at our hotel

At Principe di Tricase Winery, this Spanish dude gave Kathy a bottle of unfinished Pinot Grigio

Wine-tasting at this Italian winery

Kathy was put to work with the crush

On the 8th, still raining, so said our goodbyes to the tennis group before leaving. We stopped and did wine tasting at 2 winerys on Old Julian Hwy on trip back home.

These are the courts we would have played on were it not for the rain

Pretty nice facility

Kathy outside looking at view while Jef stays inside of winery

Nirvana winery is behind us

A deluge occurred while we were sampling wines

Cute Xmas decoration at our 2nd winery - Old Julian Winery

Before reaching home, Kathy wanted to go on a hike. We chose the old Riding & Hiking Trail loop

Kathy heading up R&H trail

This moss along trail might be cryptogrammic earth

Panorama near pass

Kathy starting on old trail

Our car is leftmost of the 3 at the Hellhole trailhead

Kathy heading down old trail after borrowing Jef's jacket - which she bought from him prior day in Ramona

Montezuma grade can be seen below us

S - curve just above Hellhole trailhead

Just before we reached the road, Jef spotted this trail which he hopes to explore on some future date

This rock along trail appears to be gypsum (AKA alabaster)!

Same 3 cars at the trailhead as we are on final approach

Finally home, this is a pic of autographed wine (a pinot grigio that is not finished, but kathy raved about it, so vintner gave her this bottle!)

On the 9th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 10th, Jef drove Kathy to 2 MD appointments. We were late to 2nd as 1st ran an hour late. Last appt. was for eyes. Dilation drops used seemed to be too caustic - Kathy had problems for weeks afterward. We drove to OB and approved rubys to be added to Kathy's ring, dining at Yudi's before driving back to Borrego.

Nice sunset as we approach the coast


Crossing the bridge into OB

The OB Xmas tree is leaning

Kathy at dinner

On the 11th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 12th, Jef had to make a pharmacy run into Ramona and do some shopping while Kathy and crew had busy day at the office. Jef returned to help complete the day, after dropping off groceries (and an Xmas tree he had bought) at home.

Kathy brought doggies into work today

On the 13th, another very long day at the office.

Panorma of our front "lawn"

On the 14th, Jef trimmed and set up xmas tree - he had to cut off a foot due to a big knob at the bottom and wound up making a fairly large tree into a fairly small one. Jef & Kathy then trimmed the tree.

This is our tree at the office - Jef stopped by to do a little work here this day

Our live xmas tree at home before completing trimming

Chily weather caused over 1000 kwhs to appear on our meter, despite solar

We had a nice fire going while trimming the tree

Marwin & his wife both had birthdays this day. We were invited, had a nice dinner, and Jef went home with a cold

Marwin's wife wearing the birthday hat

Panorama showing interesting ceiling decoration

The 2 birthday cakes alight

Blowing out the candles

On the 15th, Jef again went to office to try to catch up on paperwork.

On the 16th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 17th, another long day at the office. Jef figured out he must have caught a cold & mentioned it to Kathy who was not happy.

Sunset this evening

On the 18th, another long day at the office. Jef tried not to spread his germs, but had a ton of work to do.

Temperatures almost got down to freezing this morning

On the 19th, Jef drove Kathy to MD in Escondido. Shopped at oriental store there before Kathy drove Jef down to OB. We dropped off another load of jewelry to be repaired & picked up Kathy's ring that had rubys added.

On the 20th, Jef was sick in bed all day while Kathy, Karen & David worked at the office.

On the 21st, Kathy & Kym wrapped presents. Jef got more firewood to keep fire going all day, but otherwise took it easy.

Fire going near tree

Nearly done wrapping

Kathy & Kym fooling around

On the 22nd, Jef worked at the office, but brought home groceries and helped make a big batch of posole. Kathy and Kym determined they had caught Jef's cold.

On the 23rd, cancelled all patients at the office. Jef worked at office trying to catch up.

Rainy day

Low clouds

Snow in the mtns.

On the 24th, cancelled all patients and Jef continued working at the office.

Foggy morning!

On the 25th, Jef went to the office to update the past month of this journal. One of Lupita's neighbors was killed after losing control on icy road in mountains.

Jef's car was the only 1 in the parking lot!

On the 26th, Jef stayed home to help Kathy with preparing belated Xmas day dinner for Holley's visit, however, Holley bugged out (had to work 2 extra shifts for 2 workers who failed to show up), so we suspended making dinner to following day. The morning was very rainy and mountains got a good blanket of snow. We got Maxima serviced with oil change and 2 year old battery (according to J&T) was shot, so we got that replaced.

Xmas presents still untouched under our tree.

Rained this morning and snow came down to about 3000' in mountains

Panorama of snow-capped Santa Rosas by the post office

On the 27th, Jef did some work at the office.

Dew on our front "lawn"

Lots of green at sunset this evening

Still have snow in Santa Rosas - old Bottle Shoppe is now a toy store

On the 28th, Jef did some work at the office while Kathy rested at home.

On the 29th, Jef went out with his new chainsaw and cut some firewood and then took it easy at home with Kathy.

On the 30th, Kathy was well enough to come in and see 2 patient on this miserable cold and cloudy day (high was about 51°F).

2 helicopters buzzed the downtown area of Borrego this afternoon

Some clearing in late afternoon allowed some colour in sunset - still snow in mountains

On the 31st, a nice sunny day. We had a full day at the office, after which we had a fire and did a little celebrating at home with Kym & David.

Panorama of a cool cloud this morning

Kathy, Kym & David as we opened a few presents
Nov 2019

On the 1st, an extremely busy day at the office. Jef left early to drive to dentist in SD, stopped to get something at house, and arrived at work at the end of the day. That nite as we got home from a long day at the office at 8pm, got an emergency call to go pick up someone and patch her up, which we did & didn't get home til after 10pm.

Kathy surprised Jef this morning by actually cooking a full breakfast!

Jef got to see fall colours outside while in dentist chair - just a cleaning

Front yard in Santee - mums on the way out

Progress on new shower - waterproof liner on one wall already

Copper pipes below go to the washing machine - these will be modified for a branch to feed new shower

One vent obstruction to sola-tube has been removed

On the 2nd, as Kathy had too long of a day the day before, she cancelled going to SD to visit David's event he wanted her to attend related to PTAs. That afternoon, we walked the doggies around the circle and then walked to old country club - about 3.5 miles or so total.

Progress on new shower includes more moisture barrier, framing & insulation

Panorama at start of hike with doggies aound the circle

Cool clouds this afternoon

Meter took a spike north, as a cold spell with lows in the 30s had inclined Kathy to use the heat pump to heat house

Panorama aproaching old country club

Nice sunset

Kathy doing some stretching

Our view walking home

On the 3rd, took it easy until Kathy did a followup on the fall victim 2 nites before and wound up spending 3 hours there. Afterwards Jef & Kathy hiked towards the Moly Mine, not succeeding in finding the trailhead to it (Jef thought it was up wash, but Kathy refused to believe that, so we turned around within 10 minutes of achieving it). We hiked about 5 miles in 2 hours - Kathy had problems with foot pain, as it was very rocky and her shoes were apparently too thin.

This is one of the few locations in Borrego where cottontop cacti can be found

This looks like a possible sleeping circle, but may be natural

At the center of this photo is a bright spot which is the reflection of the sun off our car by the side of the road

This is where Kathy decided to turn around

Jef was looking for the trail to Rosa on the other side of the wash - it also must be further upwash

Kathy took us out of the way in search of her non-existant trailhead, making her go over even rockier terrain

Saw this big anthill as we paralleled the road just before reaching the car - Kathy in a negative mood the whole hike

Not only did we have to hike into the sun on the way back, but also drove into it

On the 4th, back to work a very long day at the office.

On the 5th, a fairly long day at the office.

Axel measuring for skylight (sola tube) extension

Shower progress up to today - the rain shower is just offset from skylight

Vent was re-routed and no longer blocks the sola tube skylight

On the 6th, Kathy was not feeling well, so cancelled half the patients for a short day at the office, but had to deal with a new threat - county investigators visited and interrogated us due to a complaint from an ex-employee who filed a false report after she did not get workers comp nor unemployment.

On the 7th, back to work a very busy day at the office. Holley drove out this evening and we booked her flight & hotel for the Thanksgiving trip in "the city", using our credit card in exchange for her cash.

Progress in shower includes more insulation and the lower part of the skylight

Kathy, Holley, and David also came by this evening - eating ceviche made for us by Lupita, with chips

On the 8th, a long, long day at the office. Finished too late to go out to dinner, but still had leftovers.

This 20 year old bottle of Sangre de Toro came with this toy bull - wine wasn't as bad as we thought it would be (it was given to a non-wine drinker who didn't store it properly

2 walls of new shower have completed water barrier and ceiling has been started to be filled in, also wall to left of shower is now drywall

On the 9th, we drove over to the Morgans and both got haircuts while Kathy orchestrated making a couple of "Shepard's" Pies. We also had the doggies there.

Kathy also got some highlights in her hair

We took a look at Axel's work on the brickwork done for their neighbor's patio

This tree was blooming, but the new owners of the golf course cut off most water to this driving range

More of Axel's work

Kathy & Jim - starting to fill the homemade pie shell

On the 10th, took it easy until we drove to OW and hiked 2 miles up Alma Wash finding 2 elephant trees. We had to turn around at that point and made it back to the car before dark.

Kathy noticed this "roller coaster restraint" in an Ocotillo at start of Alma Wash hike

We spotted the first elephant tree nearly 2 miles upwash

Elephant tree behind Kathy sported some not-quite ripe berries

Panorama by this elephant tree - gypsum mine is in distance behind the ocotillo in middle of picture

Kathy and Jef

We spotted some blooming ocotillos around the turnaround point

Spotted this dead lizard - maybe an iguana - in this indigo plant. The fly is alive

Kathy was intrigued by this rock that looks like it may have some fossilized early life in it

In main wash most of the way back to the car

Nearly full moon rising above this hill at sunset

Moonrise over some sunset colour to the east

Back on main trail again, we hit the part of the loop with this big elephant tree

Kathy in midst of trunks resembling elephant trunks

Moon behind small leaves of the elephant tree

Kathy by tree again

OW was full of dust kicked up by large number of off-roaders on this holiday weekend. Here is a huge bonfire by one of the encampments

On the 11th, back to work a very long day at the office.

On the 12th, an extremely long day at the office.

Status of shower from yesterday's work

Axel's progress over the day

On the 13th, a long day at the office.

I had a BLT for lunch today

On the 14th, drove Kathy to Escondido for MD appointment. We had lunch at TJ's tacos - we had tacos de adobada - basically street tacos you might find in Tijuana. We then did some shopping before returning to Borrego where we took doggies around circle before heading up to hike the length of Wagon & back - about 4 miles total.

Taco de adobada

The "Tiki Palm" - or a couple of contrails illuminated by setting sun above this palm

Kathy walking doggies

Axel's progress on shower

Gridlock on the staircase highway

On the 15th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 16th, Jef did some work at the office. David came over & hung out. Kathy got him to stay and help make chile rellenos from scratch.

Progress on shower

Patio in front of Borrego PT was being improved this day

Guesthouse meter reading

Axel working on shower

Meter has been inching upwards

Solar panels need cleaning

Hector trimmed a couple of trees to prevent debris going into pool or shade from blocking solar panels

Cut open this tomatillo skull to reveal it's brain

Chile rellenos - Jef did the one on the right

Kathy & David's rellenos

David eating his

On the 17th, we eventually got off on our 2nd Alma Wash hike, but still only had 4 hours before completing the hike in the dark. We managed to go 5.4 miles, getting within 2 miles of the cache (leaving that for the next hike). We spotted about 3 dozen elephant trees.

Among chores Kathy cracked the whip on today, Jef cleaned up the bar-b-que (inside & outside)

We reached this elephant tree about 10 minutes into the hike, a good place for Kathy to stretch

Elephant tree with outskirts of OW in distance

Kathy believes this to be a hummingbird nest in the elephant tree

Well into the hike we saw more and more elephant trees, the ridge behind Kathy has 3 in this pic

We occasionally hit rocky areas after smooth part, such as this

Dead elephant tree and dying barrel cactus

Looking down to outskirts of OW

Elephant tree with mountains in background

This rock is looking at us!

Looks like the soil has washed away, exposing the roots of this elephant tree!

Kathy found this dinosaur egg!

Blooming ocotillo and an elephant tree as we near the mountains

This might have been a mariposa daisy or jimsom weed

The level patch looks like a good campsite

An arc of rocks embedded in ground (just below Kathy) may have been set there by humans. We didn't quite reach the mouth of the canyon in the background, as this was our turn-around point

A cement-like material around this granite boulder is holding a fist-sized rock tight(lower right)

Sun illuminates the gypsum mine - elephant tree is in the shade

Boulders in front of Kathy sport a variety of lines, stripes, and spots

Kathy by another elephant tree

Jef by an ocotillo bloom (we are still over a mile from the Jeep at theis point, and it was dark by the time we got there

Progress on shower after today

On the 18th, back to work a long day at the office.

Sunset this evening

Progress on new shower

On the 19th, another very long day at the office.

Rainy day

Really coming down

Cementboard on bottom of shower now sealed

On the 20th, a short day at the office. Don't know if we did the planned hike, but I think so.

After the rain

Rainbow this morning

Panorama of the clouds this day at the Mall

Red layer done on bottom. Axel: "One layer at a time"

On the 21st, another long day at the office. We heard today that Axel was in a very bad accident in AZ.

Another cloudy day

On the 22nd, cancelled another totally booked day, as Kathy needed to go to urgent care in SD to deal with new medical issue. Then had to go to ER, and we didn't get out of there until after dark. We drove back to Borrego after diagnosis was not serious.

Kathy had put her phone on the car, went back inside the house. A mile into driving into town, Jef noticed her cell phone fly off the hood.

On the 23rd, packed up and drove to Santee.

Kathy saw car looking at hillside, and got Jef to stop and take a few pix

On the 24th, drove to OB to drop off Kathy's ring to be re-done.

Target on Newport in OB???? Who woulda thunk it?

On the 25th, Ubered to airport at 5 in the morning. Flew to NYC via Newark. Took train and subway to near John's place. Stopped to see John before checking into the Beekman.

Waiting for plane in SD at sunrise

John & Mitch prepared us a dinner for our first night

On the 26th, hung out at John's place most of the day. We had sushi for lunch. Holley showed up and all of us dined at a local greek restaurant. Mitch noticed Jane Pauley and husband Garry Trudeau(Doonesbury cartoonest) was also dining here at this time.

Sushi place for lunch

Panorama of John's place

Holley arrives

Dining at the greek place

We stayed at the Beekman Tower (behind Kathy)

On the 27th, Stacey and Eric arrived. Jef helped John with layout for Thanksgiving dinner on following day. All 7 of us dined at the Crave Fishbar this evening. Jef, Kathy and Holley had drinks atop the Beekman at Ophelia's before hitting the sack.

Kathy & Holley

For lunch, Holley, Jef & Kathy dined at Jubilee, a local French restaurant

This layout didn't quite work

John settled on this layout for tomorrow

The orangish building in this pic, as viewed from John's place, is the Beekman where we stayed (for an entire week)

Vertical panorama as viewed from John's place

Christmas trees are frequently sold in construction zones on the sidewalks of NY

Dining at Crave Fishbar

Jef's meal staring back at him

View from Ophelia's

Kathy & Holley "on the ledge" outside Ophelias

Holley's hotel was on city side of the Queensborough Bridge lighted up in distance

On the 28th, Jef & Kathy went shopping after touring nearby churches. Jef got 2 pairs of Florsheim shoes, but Kathy couldn't find any for herself.

Vertical panorama of St. Patty's

Inside, Kathy lights some candles in memory of her mom

Saks 5th Avenue decked out for Xmas

Meet-and-greet before Thanksgiving dinner begins

Buffet area as dinner commences

Thanksgiving dinner before starting

Panorama from Jef's seat


Lounging around after dismantling the tables

Rueven and Kathy stretching

Most of the dinner party posing

On the 29th, went on a long walk into Central Park. John walked with us part way.

Kathy thought this building deserving of a photo

The girls in Central Park

Fall has mostly fallen

Eric, Stacey, Holley & Kathy

Some big bubbles were being blown

Stacey dodging bubbles

Kids chasing bubbles

Kathy & Stacey with our future grandson in her belly

This evening we took the train to Long Island and had pizza at Kevin & Donna's

They have started decorating for Xmas

Kevin gave us all a ride - Jef and Kathy dropped off at train (just 1 minute away)

On the 30th, hung out some more at John's. This evening John and Mitch took us to "the Village" for dinner. We dined at an Italian joint.

Looking at Chrysler bldg from John's this evening

Jef ordered lasagna, and this is what he got. Could have used more sauce.

On the way to the subway in "the Village"
Oct 2019

On the 1st, back to work on a fairly busy day at the office. Lupita made us a batch of ceviche this day (which we had for 3 days with tortillas).

This baby centipede got trapped in our bathroom sink

On the 2nd, another fairly busy day at the office.

On the 3rd, a medium day at the office.

New library from spur pass

on the 4th, after another fairly busy day at the office, took Kathy out to an early b'day dinner at La Casa.

Jef & Kath dining at La Casa

On the 5th, took it easy. Kathy not feeling great. Jef worked at the office.

On the 6th, mostly took it easy.

Kym, Kathy & doggies walking around the circle this evening

On the 7th, back to work another fairly long day at the office, Kathy didn't feel well.

On the 8th, a fairly short day at the office, Kathy not feeling well. Lupita made us a steak rancheros kind of dish, which we combined with bulgar over the next few days.

On the 9th, another short day at the office, Kathy still not well.

On the 10th, a shortened day at the office, as Kathy still wasn't feeling well, so cancelled the afternoon patients.

This weird cactus sending out a couple more small blooms (shaped like Japanese lanterns)

It was dusty in the valley all day due to Santa Ana winds

On the 11th, Kathy was too ill to go to work, so cancelled every patient.

On the 12th, Kathy was feeling somewhat better, but still took it easy. We stopped by and wound up having a couple of drinks at John's on the way to shop for seafood stir fry Kathy made this evening.

Some of John's earthscapes fountain sculptures ready for shipment

John made another musician sculpture - this one a cellist

A characteristic "John gesture" - What do they want from me now?, perhaps?

On the 13th, Jef continued working on chores around the house. Took Kathy & doggies on short 20 minute walk around our circle before meeting with Axel to discuss bathroom renovations.

Jef's main project this day was taking out 8 loose tiles - some of them broken - and re-glueing them, also grouted these and other areas where grout came out

Doggies on walk this afternoon

On the 14th, back to work a medium busy day at the office.

Axel had marked on floor where new larger shower enclosure would be, approximately

from other angle

Before pic of sink area which will also be re-done

On the 15th, another fairly busy day at the office. Lupita cooked us a batch of arroz con pollo with chiles.

On the 16th, Axel started demo of shower area in master bathroom. Kathy was still not feeling well, so moved morning patients to afternoon on this medium busy day at the office.

Axel taking out wall tiles on existing shower wall

Sunset after work this day

Result of Axel's first day of demolition

On the 17th, Jef drove Kathy to MD appointment, did some shopping and took Kathy out to a late lunch at Pinto Thai in Ramona. Jef and Kathy picked up CPM machine from one patient and got 2nd patient set up on it.

After nearly 2 weeks of nausea, Kathy tried some wanton soup

It was kept warm with some high-test sterno volcano

After Axel's 2nd day of demo we find this bathroom was added to existing house - with stucco wall and doorway still intact

On the 18th, after a very busy day at the office, went home and started preparing for Borrego Days the next morning.

After 3rd day of demo

On the 19th, got up & made some devilled eggs and bacon for the parade. Kathy drove us to parade and we set up the portable bar/potluck and watched the parade. Jef walked home & went straight to bed.

Parade started with airplane flyover - this was 1st pass of this 4 plane formation - first time we had a formation in the parade

This was the fastest plane in the flyover - going over 200mph

2nd pass of 4 plane formation

Our portable bar home during the parade

4 plane formation starting its 3rd pass

Some planes passed by the setting moon

There were at least 10 planes in the parade

The ground parade starts

ABDNHA "float" with Jack driving, Jim in back

Maybe Linda or Grace? in owl costume?

Arrrgh! Those be pirates - who had an encampment over towards the Salton Sea

They be duelin' amongst themselves - ARRRRGH!

Floats came in all sizes!

Beginning paraders have horsie handlers

Mark taking pix of Corvettes

Library part of parade had dancing girls

Sylvana got a community lifetime achievement award this year at her young age

Kathy wearing her Indian elephant-adorned dress today

Not much demand for bloody marys this day

John returning from store

Jef sat in black chair in front of Kathy - he got it on Amazon

Mike standing behind banner with yet another year of his moving tennis game in parade

Panorama looking up Palm Canyon

Ball is in the air

Next comes the synchonized golf carts from Roadrunner. Regarding the T-shirt in foreground, and per wikipedia, the part of "Proverbs 31" related to women in the Hebrew Bible is what Jewish mothers think what their sons should be looking for in potential wives, but many Christians incorrectly believe this is a checklist on what all women should be

Connie at left loading up her squirtgun & Doug at right spraying the crowd

Connie shooting, but note the spray behind her from other carts - we were just out of range

Henry the truck with Denny at the wheel

The Sexton Family seems to be a car racing family & had multiple drivers - these small go-karts were loud

Behind this "Sexton Family" Motorsports car was a truck displaying all their trophies, not pictured

The Holtville band was the best of the 2, I think

The Vikings

Mark getting a pic of the band

Dave Farley, an electrician in town with Sylvia the chiropractor on their palominos again

Loose dancing girl float

Followed by their "Pimpmobile"

Desert bloom float - theme of parade is the desert bloom

"Superbloom" drew a lot of attention due to the costume and elegance of the 2 wheeled vehicle he rode

Wayne taking pic

John and other photographers chasing the "Super Bloom"

Kathy was mesmerized with the inflatable costume - where anyone wearing it would look fat

Horse & buggies

Here comes the Brawly band, which was also good

This was an interesting "float" - a car with wierd "butterfly" doors driving with the doors open

Miss Borrego and Court

Our encampment after the parade

Kathy served Patrick the bloody mary he's holding

John's group was the last to pack up and leave

Jef took this pic while walking home - there is a lot of activity in the circle, not seen here

High point of hike

Looking toward circle, more stuff can be seen from here

Looking down the trail - the trail that can be seen at lower left is a seldom taken one - unseen from the main trail as it is passed, and the trail that goes to the left and disappears - is not used

My hike goes down this canyon before hitting old country club at the end of Tilting T

If meter is going down, not going down much

On the 20th, mostly took it easy. We finally (after a week) got to walking around the circle with the doggies. Kathy bar-b-qued some burgers and baked potatoes for dinners & lunches for week.

Kathy's weird cactus blooming

Doggies out for walk - Axel's work area on carport

Walking around the circle

On the 21st, back to work a fairly busy day at the office.

Saw this cool conversion in the Mall parking lot

On the 22nd, after a moderate day at the office, Jef & Kathy returned to walking several miles.

Axel started re-routing drain in shower prior day

Jack-hammering a trench to new drain location

Doggies walked the first lap with us around the circle

On the 23rd, a moderately busy day at the office. Axel continued working on bathroom.

Drain in its new location

Baseplates for shower enclosure are now in place

On the 24th, worked a very long day at the office.

Old framing by shower handle now removed. Axel had accidentally cut into copper and had to make a hasty repair, luckily having the needed solder, as the hardware store had already closed

On the 25th, a very long day at the office. We came home and found the kitchen sink not working. Called Axel who came over and discovered debris from his welding job in bathroom had clogged the faucet filter. We took David to dinner at La Casa.

Current progress on new shower

Dining at La Casa

On the 26th, walked to the office & worked for a number of hours.

Meter pretty much not moving

Walking home, noticed ravens flying beneath me - here is one (below library). Below the raven is the car of someone who might be camping for free at a 5 minute walking distance from the Mall

On the 27th, Jef & Kathy made a big batch of Albondigas. That afternoon, we hiked into a headwind up to the first palm grove in Hellhole.

Summer rains allowed most of the chuparosas to bloom in this dry time of the year

Looking up canyon at its head

Ocotillos are still green from rains from a month ago

chinchweed in bloom

An angel in the trail

Desert groundcherry with blooms and fruit

Jef's original goal was to get to this sycamore

Jef wore a hat that was problematic walking into a strong wind, but kept it on the whole way

We continued on to first palm grove

Jef & Kathy

Looking down canyon to Borrego Valley

Even goldenheads were blooming

Kathy following trail as it crosses over dry creekbed

One last look upcanyon

Crossing grove of ocotillos

Looking at the view of the valley

Kathy texted a few pix - here she is trying to read her phone in shadow of a cholla

On the 28th, back to work another extremely long day at the office.

On the 29th, another very long day at the office.

Axel cut a hole in the roof and installed the top part of the sola-tube. Note the poor excuse for a vent (joint is not connected) & Axel will fix after rerouting ABS, as it is blocking sola-tube

Progress on new shower

On the 30th, Jef drove Kathy to get an MRI and did some shopping and checked house while she did that. Did more shopping after that, including Kathy doing her first shopping for a forthcoming grandson.

Winds picked up enough dust to make it very hazy to the east

The 6' high weeds are now gone from back yard thanks to David & his dad

David's dad replaced these valves while Jef & Kathy were on vacation

On the 31st, back to work another long day at the office. Had our first trick-or-treaters at the office.

Progress on new shower - holes are now cemented
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