Journal Index
4Q'18 Jef and Kathy's Activities 1Q 2019 2Q'19
Mar 2019

On the 1st, another very busy day at the office. We dined at Carmelitas after work.

Cool lenticular clouds this day

On the 2nd, Jef drove to San Diego to pick up some meds and do some shopping, hitting drizzle and fog both ways. Amanda III went to town for 1st time and started having problems 50 miles from home, probably only 3 cylinders were working, but made it home before dark. Kathy did a couple of home care patients while he was gone, and then went to the new Liar's Contest at the Legion.

Jef got rained on while weeding this morning

This type of mustard is the main problem weed at both Borrego houses

Sun and wind came after the rain which lasted long enuff to make a bright rainbow

On the 3rd, we went looking at wildflowers. First to Blowsands at Ocotillo Wells, then to put another dollar in the Iron Door Saloon, and then over by the Villager trailhead where we walked for 30 minutes and took pix of blooming desert lillies before driving down old Truckhaven Trail thru a goo patch of wildflowers.

Kathy wanted a pic of Fonts Point... she'd never seen it so green before

Fields of lupine at Blowsand

Alpine meadow? No! In the des!

Are those doggies in the flowers?


We returned to our chariot and drove off

Having a Corona at the Iron Door

Iron Door bar with geezers being served by Clay

Kathy stapling a dollar to ceiling

With our initials

Smitty was one of Kathy's old patients - along with most patrons of this bar, he looked like Papa Don

Kathy wanted to put a dollar up because she forgot about the last one we put up - Jef found it!

One last pic before heading out

We found about a dozen of these desert lillies around the Villager trailhead

Broadleaf phacelia in bloom

This is around our turnaround on our little hike - Kathy has been ailing and 30 minutes was satisfactory for her resumption of walking

This shows size of desert lilly blooms

There was a fair number of looky-loos around this patch of wildflowers on Truckhaven Trail

Looking towards the Santa Rosas

This pic shows how windy it was this day

Kathy's in middle of this panorama

Did you know she is "out standing in her field"?

Another panorama

Field of sunflowers along Truckhaven

On the 4th, back to work a very busy day at the office.

On the 5th, yet another super busy day at the office.

Meter may have started going south

Imposing clouds eventually turned to rain, surprisingly

On the 6th, a shortened, but busy day at the office, after which we took the doggies on a lap of our circle.

Sunrise this morning

Our fresias have come out

Turning around at end of Lightning

On the 7th, a very busy day at the office.

Rodrigo's crew did a great job weeding at Sewanee house

Curtis replaced the on-demand propane hot water heater with this small electric

Other areas were weeded besides these, total cost $800

On the 8th, Kathy was exhausted, so took the day off. Jef cancelled a very heavy load of patients and caught up with paperwork.

Desert dandelions starting to come out

Storm last night dumped some snow on Toro

On the 9th, Jef drove Kathy to MD in Escondido. We shopped, had lunch did some wine tasting, and drove back to Borrego.

We dined at Pinto Thai in Ramona

Funky clouds at Stater Bros.

Barrel Winery had an old street sign for Borrego Springs Rd.!

Even tho wine tasting bar was closed, they opened it for us

Fruit trees in bloom at the winery

Doggies "drinking their beer" - Chihuahua, which we found at Staters

On the 10th, after taking it easy, we undertook a nearly 2 hour hike with doggies up wash behind old country club.

Kathy walking thru our "front lawn"

Kathy & Peanut checking out neighbor's dandelion field

Walking by old country club

"Painted Ladies" flutter-bys on a phacelia clump

Monkey flowers in wash

Field of brown-eyed primrose

Walking up wash

Phacelia with monkey flowers in background

Nearing the end of the wash

Looking back down wash

Mia investigating ghost flowers

Kathy & Mia

More monkey flowers

Jef's cars at sunset this evening

Among the several things Kathy cooked today was this artichoke stuffed with crab dip

On the 11th, back to work another long hard day at the office.

On the 12th, back to work a very long day at the office. We had a good rain during the night - close to half an inch.

Puddles in the driveway

Snow visible on mountaintops this morning below 5000'

Thick clouds at sunset this evening - resembling floating whales

On the 13th, a difficult, but shortened day at the office so we could go on a walk this afternoon.

Going up the steepest spur off our circle. They guy in the house at right yelled at us to keep our dogs off his property

Walking by the low part of our circle - note the flowers have closed early due to the cool weather this day

As we returned from last spur in cicle, Devil Dog bowled Kym over and she came down hard on her head and shoulders

Kym & Kathy by field of brown-eyed primrose

Instead of icing her injury, Kym insisted on happy hour on the front patio

On the 14th, another long hard day at the office.

Meter is about at a standstill - Kathy still turns on heater in morning for showers

Fillery in bloom in front yard

Purplemat and desert dandelion on our sand dune this morning

Most ocotillos are a ways away from blooming, but not this one

On the 15th, after a long hard day at the office, Jef, Kathy, Kym & David dined at the Krazy Koyote.

Krazy Kathy at Krazy Koyote

View from our table outside

Our dining table

On the 16th, Jef was late to tennis, so didn't warm up, but a series of weak partners & strong opponents doomed chances of winning. He won 1 of 5 sets this day and was exhausted before the end. Kathy cooked an authentic Irish meal for the Morgans & we had a nice evening with company.

Flower-people traffic at tennis club

Festive St. Patty's eve party at WestStar

Kym dropped by to sample Kathy's boiled ham and cabbage. Other courses were split pea soup and a salad.

On the 17th, after taking it somewhat easy this morning, we met John at his studio and drove out to his newly discovered canyon and went on a 5 mile hike.

Our front yard this morning

Sandy giving special farewell for those who will miss the last tournament of the season

Women's winners

Men's winners, Sheldon(2nd) and Ed(1st). Jef & Norm beat these 2 on the last match: 6-3. Ed was Jef's opponent 4 of 7 times!

President Sandy won the 50-50 drawing

Panorama of award ceremony

John recently completed his "Earthworks" sculptures - 4 are actually fountains

Road beside Indianhead Ranch

View from our trailhead

Starting out

Found this big fishhook cactus in bloom

The closer we got to mountains, the more poppies we saw

Kathy hiding John from camera?

John found a couple of cactus skeletons he might use in a future sculpture

Phacelia below and a band of lupines on hill

Poppies & phacelia

Cascade of poppies behind desert lavender

Poppies covered this bank

The bank

The canyon is getting a little steeper

Brittlebush in bloom by Kathy with hillside full of poppies in background

Nearing the turnaround point of the hike

Bright field of blue phacelias and yellow poppies around the turnaround point - remaining canyon is still unexplored

Kathy & John now going down canyon

Interesting rock - reminding me of woodgrain

Brittlebush, phacelia and field of lupines in distance

Ephedra in bloom

Fields of lupine

Panorama looking up & down canyon

John & Kathy are in this pic (right center) as the valley comes in sight

Our trailhead is by this fallowed lemon orchard - desert dandelion & mustard does well here

Miller time after hike - we picked a few of these lemons

Field of desert dandelions was more spectacular earlier - Norm's hilltop house is in distance

On the 18th, back to work a long hard day at the office.

On the 19th, another very long hard day at the office.

Our font yard this morning

This spider was on side of house as I went to reset breaker controlling our illuminated driveway

Kym premiered the new outside living area with friends Vicki & husband who just retired. Jef & Kathy were too wiped out from work to participate

On the 20th, after a busy day at the office, we met up with John and hiked Glorietta Canyon. With a late start, we wound up coming back to the Jeep in some wind-blown drizzle as it was getting fairly dark. We were blinded by a full moon rising as we reached the mouth of the canyon - a beautiful sight.

Rain in Coyote Canyon this afternoon

Starting Glorietta hike

Group of ghost flowers growing in crackin this boulder

Kathy & John

2 beetles "doin' it"

Location of picture taken 2 years ago

2 years ago

After crossing over pass, descendended into next canyon

Belly flowers

Belly flower close up - here: purple mat & wooly daisies

Common blue phacelia dominated our hike

John took our pic just before we determined we had to turn around due to fading daylight

John eats an orange during our turnaround break

Kathy eats on, too

Monkey flowers & wooly daisies

Common phacelia flowers

This extensive vine covered several bushes - looks to be a mini version of wild cucumber

At the pass, this brittle bush is sending out flower buds

Blooming barrel cactus

As Jef rounded final bend near trailhead, he captured a rising full moon and raindrops caught in the flash

Moonrise without the flash

Our front yard this evening

On the 21st, another long hard day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

Drizzle in the mountains translated to wind at Borrego PT

On the 22nd, Kathy fell back to sleep & Jef had to go home to wake her up so she could work a killer day at the office (only about half hour late). The internet was down most of the day.

On the 23rd, we both stayed home. Jef did some weeding & Kathy mostly slept after a hard week.

On the 24th, Jef did a little work at the office. Jef & Kathy hiked Hellhole in the afternoon, reaching Maidenhair Falls on a very colourful (flowers) hike. Kathy bar-b-qued carne asada this evening and we dined on carne asada tostadas.

Meter slowing going south now

A WestStar vacant lot

Kathy at Hellhole trailhead

The start of the trail

2 phacelias - the common blue and the yellow checker fiddleneck

Kathy behind a field of wooly daisies (yellow "belly flowers")

Panorama with Kathy at edge of mass of wooly daisies

Chuparosa, phacelia & Fremont pincushions(white)

Desert dandelions with brittlebush & ocotillo in wash

Thick patch of desert dandelions at base of a desert lavender

Kathy by patch of monkey flowers

As we get higher, more brittlebush are blooming

Waves of colour: pink is monkey flower, yellow is brittlebush, white is fremont pincushions, blue is phacelias

Indianhead don't look like indianhead at this angle

Kathy by hedgehog cactus in bloom

We mistakenly thought these were lupines on hillside, but are common phacelia

Approaching mouth of Hellhole Canyon

Kathy pulling ahead as Jef dawdles with pix

Lotsa flowering bushes as the canyon narrows

Terrain gets rockier as we get higher

We finally spot a grove of palms

We are up to the water

Route selection becomes more difficult

Little waterfall

A little bigger waterfall

Kathy drinking a beer at Maidenhair Falls, our turnaround point

Maidenhair ferns and moss at bottom of falls

Jef & Kathy by falls

Maidenhair ferns by falls

Kathy demonstrating how she negotiated the trail into the falls

The north side of creek had more flowers

Kathy by a blooming bladderpod as she tries to find a route down canyon

Borrego can be seen over 1000' below over these palms

Flowers by the creek

We saw this frog on a boulder by the creek

Kathy having a good time

Under a sycamore tree in palm grove

Canterbury Bells

The north route proved easier than the south (where we ascended the canyon)

A large patch of wild-mini-cucumber vines

Back to south side trail

Boulder fragment framing some flowers

Back on northside trail

The sun has set behind mountains

Brittle bushes threatening to bloom in a week or so

Colourful area

Kathy walking by patch of phacelia

As we approach the mouth of the canyon we pass this patch of lupines

Crossing the main wash for the last time

Closeup of wooly daisy patch

Getting closer to Borrego

Wishbone plant aka desert 4 o'clocks

Kathy leading the way home

Same hedgehog Kathy posed by on way up

Patch of monkey flowers

Original warning is gone, so someone improvised ;)

They didn't bring enuff water

On the 25th, back to work a gruelling day at the office. Kathy bar-b-qued chicken this evening to complete our stash of dinners for the week.

On the 26th, back to work another long day at the office. Jef had a sore throat at the end of the day, worrying he had caught a cold.

The round bruise under my nail has moved about 1/2" towards tip since it first appeared a couple months ago

Sunset at the office this evening

On the 27th, a very busy day at the office. Jef had a cold & used lotsa hand sanitizer at the office.

On the 28th, another very busy day at the office, with Jef working with his cold.

On the 29th, Kathy was out sick, but Jef tried catching up with some paperwork at the office. Jef got takeout at El Borrego for dinner this evening.

Cars streaming down Montezuma

On the 30th, mostly took it easy at home. Jef walked over to the nearby sand dune and took pix of fields of desert dandelions.

Caterpillars are everywhere

Our beavertails are starting to bloom

The lot across the street

Looking across vacant land from WestStar to EastStar

Heading towards the sand dune

Some beavertails are blooming out here, too

Panorama of north side of sand dune

Lots of desert dandelion

Walking up the dune from the north

Looking NW from south side of dune

Ocotillo forest south of dune

Panorama south side of sand dune

Looking north from south side of dune

Looking east towards Fonts

Panorama of south side of dune

Ocotillo in bloom

Desert lily

White flowers are desert chickory

EastStar house's front yard

EastStar split level house

Looking across circle from EastStar to our WestStar home

Panorama at Lapped Circle and EastStar

Close-up of desert dandelion field

One of our WestStar neighbors

On the 31st, Kathy drove Jef & doggies up to Sheep Canyon camp, viewing wildflowers in full bloom in higher areas of canyons.

By the time we got to the base of Coyote Canyon, very few flowers were evident

SphinxHead caterpillers consuming lupine

Witches Hair dominated a large area of the ocotillo forest

Ocotillo forest

We encountered some traffic

Higher up canyon, desert dandelions and Fremont pincushions are still doing well

Brittlebush still peaking up canyon

Kathy crossing at 2nd Crossing

Chuparosa very healthy at 2nd Crossing


The start of the bypass road

Midway thru bypass road

Kathy thought this wierd ocotillo was camera worthy

Brittlebush doing good by bypass road

Brittlebush blooming out of rock

Lots of flowers in Collins Valley

Panorama along road to Sheep Canyon

Colourful flora

Desert Dandelion with Sheep Canyon in background

Somebody has been spray painting around this dead palm?

No. Red chuparosa and yellow brittlebush blooms

Kathy brought up doggies

Looking towards Sheep Canyon palms

Kathy & doggies near a healthy chuparosa and brittlebush in Sheep Canyon Creek

I suspect this massive field of yellow in the distance to be desert dandelions, as in the foreground

The yellow field

Heading down canyon

Re-crossing 2nd Crossing

Some verbena still blooming near creek

Desert dandelions have closed up as evening approaches

The sun sets behind the mountains

Back in the ocotillo forest

Note the orange tint of massive field of witches hair in the distance

Looking back to Borrego and the spur behind it
Feb 2019

On the 1st, on a very busy day at the office, Jef left to go to dentist & shopping in SD while Kathy, Kym & David had a busy day at the office.

On the 2nd, we had off and on rain. Kathy & Jef went to office for a few hours. Jef caught up on paperwork and Kathy trained Rhonda.

Rodrigo fixed the leak problem in kitchen in Sewanee house

Water was coming in rotted out bolt hole, so Rodrigo put in a steel bracket with offset bolts and epoxied it on

It rained later this day

Kathy brought doggies in to Rhonda's training

Kathy in cold weather/rain gear

We stopped by village Liquor for chips before poker potluck and there was a small river flowing down Palm Canyon Drive in front of Carlee's

Poker was in studio of this flame sculpture - much farther along than when we had Black Friday dinner here last November

Poker table had this plate of stainless steel on it - John put tape over sharp part, and would later put tape on paper cover edge after chips got under it, but didn't at edge of plate - 1 chip got stuck under this, but was later rescued

The poker group

John's finished sculptures outside - something like earth, wind, fire & water

On the 3rd, we started this day hanging around poker area - we were last to leave. Later that day, we met John and hiked Henderson Canyon. That afternoon, Jef and Kathy took down the Xmas tree and cooked a big batch of albondigas.

Tracy had brought prime rib to share, but he came late and we never broke into it, so he took his box home

This sculpted wall hanging overlooked our poker games - perhaps he was inspired from geology features on such hikes as our Henderson Canyon hike

The guy in the RV next to this at the trailhead had made this interesting campsite

Starting the hike

Panorama looking towards Borrego Valley

Chuparosas were in full bloom

We explored a new sub-canyon. This is as far as we got (maybe 300 yards up this steep rocky canyon). Both john and Kathy fell on way up after rocks gave way in the water saturated slopes. They were mostly uninjured.

On the way down we found this big level spot that would be ideal for a big campsite

Back in main wash heading back to trailhead

John was inspired by this rock - perhaps a new sculpture is being contemplated

Jef found Bigfoot's lost foot


Interesting rock - kind of looks like an alien egg

John reclaims the coat he left on way up at this large flat area (large enough for a small village camp)

John pointed out the wimpy construction Breceda used to put up this saguaro sculpture, which wound up being a sail to be blown over by a strong wind

Kathy finishing up the meatballs for the albondigas - Jef had cut up the veggies behind her

On the 4th, back to work a very long day at the office.

Sunny and windy in Borrego, but some raindrops were blown to us from scattered showers in the mountains

On the 5th, another very long day at the office.

Rainbow over our back "lawn" this morning

Meter having a problem going down with continued cooler weather

Rainbow over house

Rainbow this morning

guesthouse meter

Some rain in mountains this afternoon

On the 6th, a short day at the office.

Toro got a good dusting of snow from last storm

Kathy dressed warm for our walk around circle with doggies

Looking towards snow capped Toro

Black Bark, Mia, Peanut & Kathy

Still some snow under red cloud - possibly peak 5348'

On the 7th, a very long day at the office.

Chilly morning

Mary modelling her decorated walker

On the 8th, after a long day at the office, Jef, Kathy & doggies drove to Santee.

Cold mornings this week in Borrego

On the 9th, Jef did some shopping this morning and drove Kathy to MD in Escondido to a new location with a too small waiting room and a long 1 hour wait to see MD. We stopped in OB on way back and did some shopping. We commenced to cleaning up Big Rock house.

Eating at kabob shop in OB. Jef liked his, but Kathy didn't like hers

Kathy by decaled Hodad micro bus in OB

At the pier

Proof that Jef & Kathy walked on the beach (for a few seconds)

On the 10th, after cleaning hous & packing, we drove back to Borrego, doing 1 more shopping stop at Staters.

On the 11th, back to work a very busy day at the office.

On the 12th, another busy day at the office.

Panorama of wierd "steely" sky - dark contrail is probably shadow of higher contrail on thin clouds

On the 13th, a short day at the office. Jef and Kathy & Kym walked doggies for 1 lap around the circle before Jef & Kathy walked to old country club & back (over an hour total of walking).

Wierd clouds this afternoon

Faint rainbow towards Peg Leg's pot of gold

Hiking in the rain this evening with Kym & doggies

On the 14th, a very rainy day with a lot of cancellations due to the weather. Kym was going to go to Palm Springs for supplies, but couldn't, as roads were closed due to flooding.

Rain striking puddles in driveway

Panorama showing low clouds at home

Panorama showing low clouds behind library

On the 15th, after a busy day at the office, we hosted the February Sundowner. We had good weather, but a low turnout of maybe 25 due to too many events going on in Borrego this evening.

Panorama inside Sundowner

Panorama outside Sundowner

Izon Eden performing

Loading up on eats - sandwiches, veggies, & pizza around the corner

Kathy announcing that next Sundowner she will celebrate her 20th year in Borrego and 40th as a PT

On the 16th, Jef started tennis tournament, winning all 4 matches this day. Took Kathy out to belated Valentines dinner at the Krazy Koyote.

Sunset this evening

Meter still heading north with cold weather

On the 17th, Jef finished tennis tournament, winning division with a score of 26-9 (division was mixed doubles with 5 matches, 5 men, 5 women). Roz won for the women. Then Jef helped Kathy make 5 gallons of stew (mainly to use up most of the veggies left over from the Sundowner). We got some rain this evening.

Award ceremony panorama

Winners of one division

Runners up of that division

Runners up of Jef's division - Marla & Ken (Jef & Roz won)

Marla doling out Fred's winnings (he won the 50-50 drawing)

Jef got rid of most of weeds in back yard, so most of these are going to be wildflowers

Dinner was part of 5 gallons of soup we made with Sundowner leftovers

On the 18th, pulled some weeds. Kathy did 2 home care patients. Jef did some work at the office, which was taken off due to President's Day.

Snow got deposited down to about 5000' from last nite's storm

Meter still heading north

Panorama showing scattered showers this day

Rain in foothills eventually hit the whole valley later this day

San Ysidro Mountain, elevation 5000' had snow down to about 4700'

On the 19th, a full day turned to only a moderately busy day at the office due to 5 cancellations. A rainy day. That evening we took out the Morgans to the Krazy Koyote for their 53rd wedding anniversary.

Ramon surprises them with party stuff, including confetti

They became googooly-eyed over this

The 4 of us - we wound up being the last to leave

Complete with an anniversary peach cobbler

On the 20th, a fairly busy day at the office, as we skipped walking due to cold/rainy weather.

Sunset this evening

On the 21st, a moderately busy day at the office due to 4 cancellations.

Rainbow this morning over our house

Note snow on mountains behind rainbow

Meter still going up - breaking 13,000 kwh

We even got a double rainbow!

On the 22nd, after a very busy day at the office, dined at El Borrego. Jef, for the 1st time, joined Kathy and brought leftovers home.

Still heading north

Snow got fairly low from storm last nite

Snow got down to about 3500' on Webo Peak (a 4000' peak above the RV in this pic)

Snow covered most of peaks in Santa Rosas

On the 23rd, took it easy, slept a lot. Did some weeding.

On the 24th, Jef walked to/from the office. Pretty out of shape due to not walking in past 2 weeks due to cold & rain.

Old country club with snow capped peak in background on walk to work

Looking south to snow-capped Pinyon Ridge - the direction of my hike back

Whale Peak area still covered in snow - snow had come down to about 2000', as it must have

Hiking up the spur trail

On the 25th, we returned to a moderately busy day at the office.

On the 26th, a fairly busy day at the office, but we got off fairly early.

Mary sporting more decorations on her walker, including flames now!

Weeks taking off at Sewanee house

Brown-eyed primrose wildflowers covering berm at Sewanee house

Rodrigo finished painting roof. Here's the view from the back

View of new roof from front - Rodrigo estimates this will extend roof life by 15 years

On the 27th, despite an abbreviated schedule, it turned into another very long day at the office. Weather this week is great - highs in the 70s, sunny and no wind!

On the 28th, perhaps the warmest day of winter with highs in in high 70s. Clouds stayed by tops of San Ysidros today, remnants of a powerful storm hitting north of us. Another busy day at the office.

Sunset this evening at the office
Jan 2019

On the 1st, Kathy saw a homecare patient while Jef worked at the office, but mostly we took it easy this day.

NYE storm dusted Indianhead down to about 3000' elevation

Kym noticed dust rising from middle of this canyon - here it has risen to near the top of the canyon - probably dust from a big rock slide

On the 2nd, back to work a fairly long day at the office.

On the 3rd, a fairly short day at the office.

Early morning temperatures the first few days of the year were down around 32°F

On the 4th, Kathy felt ill, so cancelled a very heavy day at the office. Jef drove to Ramona and did some shopping before doing some catch up work at the office.

Jef drove to Ramono in Amanda III. Still a fair ambount of snow at the top of the grade

On the 5th, took it easy. Jef did some work at the office. Jef & Kathy walked the doggies around the circle, dropped 'em off and walked to old country club & back (about 1h 10m total).

Meter still heading north with using heater more frequently during these cold days

Guesthouse meter

Doggies on walk around circle this afternoon

Clouds and rain obscuring Toro Peak

On the 6th, router stopped working at home, failed to fix it, but connected 2 TVs via cable for a temporary fix. Jef tried jacking up black Jeep high enuff to get it off the tire back on, but it fell the first time he tried (didn't block tire for forward movement). Managed to have it fall on higher block, tho.

Clouds were down around 3000' this day

On the 7th, back to work a long day at the office. Temperatures were finally back in the 60s again!

On the 8th, a medium long day at the office.

Temporary fix to wireless not working

Panorama of sunset this evening

On the 9th, we had poor water pressure this morning. Not enuff for Kathy or Kym to take showers, but Jef got a barely adequate shower before going in for a short day at the office. I believe we went on a night walk this evening - the Country Club loop.

They were working on a leak - whole neighborhood had poor water pressure

Chilly weather and clouds had consumption of elec. greater than solar generation at our WestStar house this month

On the 10th, another fairly long day at the office.

On the 11th, another fairly long day at the office. Afterwards, We packed, loaded the doggies, and drove to Big Rock. We had posole after we arrived.

One thing NOT to order on Amazon

On the 12th, on this rainy morning, Jef picked up the rest of the tile order in El Cajon and then Jef and Kathy packed up, loaded the doggies, and drove Kathy to her MD appointment in Escondido. We did a little shopping in Ramona before getting home to Borrego. We showered and dressed up to atten Fred's memorial service. Afterwards, we attended a reception at the Krazy Koyote, and then dined with Barbara, her kids, and Fred's sister & husband.

Panorama in St. Barabas before ceremony

A downpour started just before the outdoor ceremony

Fred's ashes were interred at the church. L to R: son David, Mark, Jef(holding ashes), & Laura B. Kathy is shielding Barbara from rain by sharing her big coat behind the tree.

Peter, Bonnie W., Marshall B., Kathy G., Barbara, and Fred's sister at the reception

Barb and Kathy

Some of the attendees at the reception

Jef and Kathy sat at this table

With about 50 and the church and about 30 at the reception, the number was wittled down to 10 who stayed for dinner afterwards. L to R: Jennifer & Jeff S., Kathy, Bob & Mrs. Bob(Fred's baby sis), Mark S., Peter & one of Fred's grandson's, Matt - David S.'s back to camera at head of table.

Panorama at the table

Jef was at the table, too

On the 13th, after a long, stressful week. We took it easy.

On the 14th, a busy day turned into a not-so-busy day with 5 cancellations. This turned out to be a very rainy day.

Another rainy day

On the 15th, a very busy day at the office. We got some more rain.

Low clouds & fog in parts of the valley

And still more rain!

Indianhead wrapped in clouds

On the 16th, what was supposed to be a short day turned into a long, hectic day at the office. Jef and Kathy still managed to walk an hour under the moonlight this evening.

Hazy day in Borrego

On the 17th, an unusual day with fog in Borrego early in the morning. Another very busy day at the office.

Fairly foggy this morning

Panorama around house

Panorama at the street

Sun breaking thru the fog

Dew is also something seldom seen in Borrego

Still a bit hazy, but the fog is gone

Sun breaking thru illuminating Coyote Ridge

And STILL more rain this evening

Our front "lawn"

A little rainbow

On the 18th, another very busy day at the office. Temperatures reached 70°F for the first time in weeks.

Sunrise this morning

On the 19th, came to tennis tournament around 9 and found I was late & a sub was already playing my 2nd match. Wound up losing every set - and injured my right hamstring in last set of the day, and had dto drop out.

On the 20th, watched the end of the tournament. Did a little work at office. Kathy bar-b-qued chicken this afternoon. We only went on a short walk around circle with doggies, as Kathy & Jef were not doing so well healthwise.

Panorama of court 2 after final set was played

Panorama of court 1 at the award ceremony

Sheldon came on top in men's bracket

Sue & Mary Kay won in their women's bracket

Other bracket winners

50-50 raffle winner collecting

Eileen, Marla, and Sandi the officers of the club announcing they are stepping down at the end of the year

Kym & Black Bark joined us in our walk

We watched lunar eclipse this evening here it is mostly eclipsed

Partly eclipsed, but night was hazy, so bad for viewing

Track of a plane passing by the moon

Mia, the "Chihuahua King"

Nearly covered - photo doesn't show it, but it was similar to a "diamond ring" effect with blue ring, bright at one end with reddish center

After moon was completely eclipsed, it was impossible to find it due to the haze. Here it is just before being eclipsed

On the 21st, Kathy was awoken this evening due to heavy wind - with gusts up to 70mph. One instance was a ladder being blown down and hitting the house on the way. Compounding the problem for Kathy getting back to sleep was the elimination of her background noise(the TV) due to a major blackout (2700 homes in area were without power for a couple hours). This morning, a groggy Kathy went back to work on a busy day at the office.

Full moon setting around 4am this morning - doesn't show it, but wind was very heavy when this pic was taken

The ram statue in the front yard was blown completely down for the first time

On the 22nd, a very busy day at the office.

Healthy "lawn" in front yard

Even have some grass in front of the house

Still using more electricity than we generate - final bill for entire year of 2018 was about $775

Sunset this evening

On the 23rd, a light day at the office. Kathy was too worried about catching something, so skipped walking this afternoon.

Kathy's new side-kick

On the 24th, a busy day at the office. Temperatures reached the 70s this day. Had a tech check out problems with our heat pump at WestStar (last one had set up thermostat to use gas for heating - ours is all electric).

On the 25th, a fairly busy day at the office. Jef & Kathy went out for dinner at the Red O. Kathy left her phone there.

On the 26th, after we determined Kathy left her phone at the Red O, Jef & Kathy walked there from home (45 minutes), got the phone, had a glass of wine, and then walked back.

A "lawn" in someones back yard

Ravens in their "pasture"

Midway thru hike today having some vino

On the 27th, Jef and Kathy caught up with some work and then walked to/from the old country club. Kym cooked us dinner this evening - tostadas.

On the 28th, a fairly busy day at the office.

Kathy cooked a roast today and threw in some carrots & taters & onion

On the 29th, a very busy day at the office.

Cool sunset this evening at the office

On the 30th, Rhonda joined the staff and started training. After a short day at the office, Jef & Kathy did a loop hike of about 3.5 miles over the spur trail.

Kathy near start of hike(our office) heading for the spur

Shadow of mountains engulfing new library. 3 hikes that we passed are heading down the trail

Those hikers nearing the valley floor

Panorama after achieving main elevation gain

Kathy heading for next peaklet

Kathy with Indianhead in background

Heading down towards the S curve at the bottom of Montezuma

After reaching wash, we head back on an easy hike back to the Mall

On the 31st, A busy day at the office. A sunny morning turned to rain in the early afternoon.

It rained most of the afternoon
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