Journal Index
1Q'19 Jef and Kathy's Activities 2Q 2019 3Q'19
Jun 2019

On the 1st, Jef started a couple of projects at Big Rock, did some shopping, and drove Kathy to MD.

Jackfruit is the biggest tree-born fruit in the world. This is at the cool Asian store near Kathy's MD

Kathy at our early anniversary dinner

Kathy & Jef - Kathy got this dessert on the house for our anniversary

On the 2nd, Jef finished some projects & Kathy cleaned the Big Rock house before we packed an went back to Borrego.

Project nearly completed at left is shelf for TV, and partly completed - new ceiling fan top right to be completed next visit

On the 3rd, Kathy started late this day, so Jef drove to PO to pick up new bed pump and fixed up Kathy's air bed, which was causing her back pain by going flat when she slept. Called J&T and they came and picked up car, later identifying problem as a failed starter.

On the 4th, a very busy day at the office. Jef took off and drove to MD appointment. Had a blow-out 15 minutes shy of MD office. Had no jack in car, so had to call AAA. Managed to get to MD before he left for the day, got x-rays, and fracture was essentially healed. On way back, on Montezuma Valley Rd, saw car stopped in middle of road, and noticed a cow had gotten loose and was walking along road. Then, halfway down the grade, saw a van being loaded on a tow truck. That not being enuff, noted a bumper along road near bottom of grade, followed by blinking red & blue of cop who was attending to the rest of a car(a car had probably taken curve too fast). Jef made it to work, and worked another 4 hours.

After AAA swapped the shredded tire with the spare

On the 5th, another long day at the office.

On the 6th, yet another long day at the office.

Meter still heading south

Kathy smiling as she's leaving work with a beautiful sunset

Panorama of sunset

On the 7th, after a very hectic, long day at the office, dined at El Borrego with David.

Dining at El Borrego

David had tacos, which he said were similar to those he sampled in Mexico City, Jef had steak rancheros, and Kathy had a carne asado burrito

On the 8th, Kym & Sharon drove to Slab City. Jef, David and Kathy did some work at the office. The Morgans came over for dinner and to learn how to do streaming.

Jef playing with Roku control for first time ever. Liked the lineup on Amazon

On the 9th, mostly took it easy in bed most of the day, but then made a batch of posole for dinner.

Kathy hearding doggies away from smells on the shoulder of the road, after lap with doggies, Jef & Kathy continued - 4 miles was the longest Jef walked since breaking ankle

On the 10th, Kathy was out sick, so cancelled a full day at the office, Jef caught up on paperwork.

On the 11th, Kathy was still out sick, so cancelled another full day at the office. Jef worked at office all day to try to catch up. Kathy felt well enough for a home care patient. Later that night, she noticed a leak in washing machine. She took drain off to find clog and found a way to drain it without getting too much water on floor, but apparently didn't close drain sufficiently, as when she did next load, Jef walked into kitchen and stepped in water. About 500 square feet of house was buried in a giant puddle. We worked til midnite getting rid of the water. The new shop vac Jef just got on Amazon sucked up most of the water.

On the 12th, Kathy was well enuff to do a full day at the office. That night, Kathy accidentally broke her favourite crystal glass. She shouted for Jef to help her, but he was sound asleep & woke up 15 minutes later after Kathy cut her feet up walking barefoot while cleaning it up. Jef woke up and helped with clean-up, but was still pretty tired.

Paloverdes started blooming again at the office

We dined at El Borrego this evening at the first 2 for 1 special this week - we all got tacos

Sunset at El Borrego

On the 13th, Jef drove Kathy to Escondido for MD appointment. Afterwards we shopped & washed the car. We got back to Borrego before dark, and went for a walk, but Jef was too tired to do a 2nd lap with Kathy.

At the Asian store by Kathy's MD, they sell garlic in big packages. Kathy wanted Stacey to see this, as Stacey cooks with a lot of garlic

We returned home with this clean car

On the 14th, back to work a very long day at the office.

El Borrego had a 2 for 1 deal on the last day before closing for the summe

Carlos dancing with customer - last day coincided with a graduation fiesta

David's parents dancing behind David

Graduation partiers in background

On the 15th, Jef, Kathy & David went to the office to work. Jef found the main computer didn't work, so took computer & spare home. After resting a bit, started swapping power supplies with spare, but after getting half way with this, noticed a loose wire. Tightened it up with wire nut and tried main computer. It worked, so took computer back to the office and did a little more work. Jef took it easy the rest of the day, as he was zonked.

On the 16th, took it easy until Mary called. She was to come to our house, but got lost, so Jef picked her up and brought her to Weststar so that Kathy could show her the virtues of streaming entertainment & using an Ooma. Afterwards, Jef & Kathy went to David's birthday party.

Water balloons started flying at David's party

Josue tossing a fastball(oon) at this person's back

A defense is to catch balloon and throw it back... doesn't always work

Oh, the humanity! Watch out for David's dad - he's pissed it's also father's day!

After pink balloon is released

A blue balloon in flight over the girls

David's mom apparently hit his dad, as explosion of water can be seen behind his back (at right)

Looks like a geyser erupting from his pants!

Out comes the water guns!

Kathy brings out the big gun - a hose!

Lupita's husband pulls another weapon out of the ice chest - a big bucket of water

Hey, look! Another hose!

Josue & David's dad turned off water after Kathy demonstrated how to be a pain

David attacking with a pitcher of water

Water war recess as it's time for birthday cake

David's dad demonstrates how to use a top

David & his cake

Feliz cumpleanos? Oh. Happy Birthday for us gringos.

Mom & pop with 3 sons

Photo ops by the cake

Forget about the candles - dive into the cake!

What cake?

Lupita's family with David

Josue became a cake in the face victim

Interesting contrails seen on our walk this evening

Clouds to the southeast

On the 17th, back to work a long day at the office.

Moon rising over library

Kym & Kathy lit Tiki lamps as we had drinks in back this evening

On the 18th, another long day at the office.

On the 19th, after a shortened day at the office, Jef & Kathy went on their usual 4 mile walk.

Some plants are still blooming - even this creosote which is also heavily loaded with seeds

We spotted a fire not far from Fonts Point this evening

Kathy had to herd Mia away from smells by the side of the road - here she is going back for the doggie

Light is dim, but many smoke trees like this one are in full bloom

Several emergency vehicles went to the fire, like the light to the left here

Fire (of still unknown origin - but high skool just got out) continued into the night

On the 20th, a fairly long day at the office.

The library this afternoon

On the 21st, after a long day at the office, Jef & Kathy went to dine at the Fox Den at La Casa.

Kathy with Fox Den mural in background

Jef & Kathy taken by bartender

On the 22nd, after getting a little rest, we went to Morgans, showed them how to stream, dined on Calicos pizza, and checked out the jacuzzi - windstorms earlier in the week had made the pool too dirty, and Pam & Kathy had to throw a dead mouse out of the jacuzzi before we got in.

On the 23rd, after mostly sleeping thru the day, Kathy took out her bike while Jef walked their usual 4 mile course.

Peanut & Kathy heading up WestStar

Kathy's new trike

Bob & Bernie's yucca bloom

On the 24th, back to work another long day at the office with new PT aide, Karen.

On the 25th, another long day at the office.

On the 26th, too long of a day at the office, so Kathy didn't get her desired walk in. This threw her off for the rest of the week. Jef's fault, of course.

On the 27th, another fairly long day at the office.

On the 28th, Jef took off for dentist, and then made 7 more stops (mostly at stores) before returning to Borrego. Rest of crew was still finishing up when arrived back. Jef unpacked and then went to Arches with Kathy, as we haven't went there for a long time. We both had negative reviews, but Jef thot food was okay.

Kathy pruning canna lily

Cool sunset this evening by Carlee's

Dining at the Arches

On the 29th, tried catching up on paperwork at the office.

Sunset this evening

Who is that masked doggie?

It's Black Bark!

Whatcha doin' Black Bark?


Done with her laps - she's a big lap dog

Jef & Kathy

Sunset colours lasted quit a long time this evening, so must be clear to the coast

Light is fading, but not the colours

On the 30th, mostly zoned out all day. Fixed a picture frame, Kathy's trike tail-light, and tried/failed to fix tile. Made burrito fixings for dinner in coming week. Picked grapes and then went on usual 4 mile walk (first lap with doggies). Had 2nd round of fish tacos for dinner.

Kathy picking grapes on top of the veranda

Repairing flood damage around midnite - Kym forgot to turn off water to pool
May 2019

On the 1st, back to work a full day at the office. Jef limped around, bearing weight on L ankle for first time in over a week.

On the 2nd, a very long day at the office.

On the 3rd, after seeing a few patients at the office, we packed and drove to Santee with doggies. Kathy had Thai food and Jef Mexican food, as they did take out at 2 nearby eateries.

On the 4th, Jef drove Kathy to MD and we did some shopping on the way home to Borrego.

On the 5th, Kathy was out of sorts, but we did go over to OW and bought a used trike.

Testing out Kathy's new trike in OW

Kathy drove out into the desert, even tho it was way out of adjustment for her

After the 2nd expedition, Walt & Jef got her off the trike and loaded it in the Jeep

On the 6th, Kathy was not feeling well, so cancelled out a very full day at the office.

Paloverdes still blooming strong

On the 7th, a short day at the office for Kathy, who saw the dentist this afternoon.

Miller time

These aloe-like plants were blooming good for first time in years


Kathy testing out trike at home

On the 8th, a long day at the office.

Panorama at the circle


Kathy got her flowers based on seeing them at the BAI

Looking down Borrego's main street

Jef's L leg much more swollen than R

On the 9th, a very long day at the office.

The "Sun Gold Monster"

Sunset this evening

On the 10th, a particularly long and brutal day at the office. Mexican Mother's Day celebration occurred near our office at the end of our day. Kathy was not feeling well, so we skipped going out this evening.

Mexican Mother's Day celebration near our office this afternoon

On the 11th, Kathy still not feeling well. Jef did some catch-up at the office.

On the 12th, Kym got back from wedding in WA.

Linked up with Pam & her sister at El Borrego Mother's Day buffet - Chicken Rancheros, crab & shrimp enchiladas, etc.

Jef drove Kathy's new trike around circle while Kathy & doggies walked

Fields of gilia blooms abounded in our neighborhood as the hike/trike extended all the way to the old country club

Kathy approaching old country club

Arriving home - note stormy weather in mountains

Pool needs draining & cleaning after the winter

On the 13th, a long day at the office.

Sunset panorama at the office

On the 14th, a difficult very long day at the office with Jef & Kathy, as Kym was out sick.

On the 15th, a tough medium long day at the office with just Jef & Kathy.

Lenticular cloud

Chief Rain in Face is smokin' as Kathy walks (Jef still on trike)

Clouds got some colour by the end of our walk

Arriving home

On the 16th, another long day for Jef & Kathy at the office, with Kym sick and David doing a parent/teacher thing at his college.

Rain in mountains has been common of late

On the 17th, Jef went to dermotologist for 1st time & had wart burned off with liquid nitrogen. Then packed and drove Kathy & doggies to Scripps to see ortho for her hip, did some shopping & stopped by Sid - who just happened to have returned from 2 weeks in Australia. He said he'd come to poker next day, if he wasn't sick. Jef walked 1st mile with David & Kathy who completed the Mesa loop. We had take-out Estradas Mexican fare for dinner this evening.

Poppy blooming in raised garden

Nopal cactus flower

Meter still heading south

Weed flower

Unknown yellow flower

Note grapes at top left and Texas rangers in full bloom

Kathy & David starting their Mesa loop hike going thru field of blooming mustard

Jef turned around at this point

Chamois flowers

Black sage flowers

Lotus flowers

Unknown little yellow flowers

Red variety of bush monkey flowers

Wild buckwheat is last flower that will be blooming

Close up of mustard bloom

A couple types of mustard back lighted by sun

Arriving home

On the 18th, Jef mowed lawns & weeded. Then he & David re-did floor of bedroom by garage while Daniel(David's cousin) & Kathy did further weeding & trimming in front yard. Kathy made caneloni for poker group - also had salad & corn-on-cob. Jef won 3.

After ripping out old floor, this is midway thru re-assembly

Chair behind Craig broke and collapsed - he's an invalid here

But he miraculously got better

The poker gang

On the 19th, packed up and left Santee, arriving home in Borrego with a big load of supplies & doggies.

It rained this morning - this is panorama of cleaned up front yard

Back in Borrego, time for another walk - this time Jef walked

Rain on other side of mountains was just nice clouds over Borrego

On the 20th, back to work a long day at the office.

Rainbow this morning - we did get a little rain

Enuff rain for a few puddles

On the 21st, a medium day at the office with 4 cancellations.

Sad state of pool

Raised garden features a gladiolus coming up

Sunset this evening

Cool place for some artwork - on a dishwasher

The imposing "Sun Gold Monster" this evening

On the 22nd, a fairly short day at the office. Jef & his fractured ankle walked 2 laps with Kathy & dogs (Kym did 1 lap) for a total of about 2.5 miles.

Yet another rainbow this morning

Strong winds blew down this branch at the Mall

Kym bribing doggies after our 3rd spur

Cool clouds

On the 23rd, a long, busy day at the office. Still have cool, blustery weather.

Clouds hugging mountain tops signals strong winds down in Borrego

Sunset this evening

On the 24th, another long day at the office.

Somebody takes way too many pix - somebody had 2 tacos & salad this evening at Carmelitas

On the 25th, Jef worked at office & then we bar-b-qued some ribs & had the Morgans over for dinner.

We also had baked taters & salad

Peanut showing off prized rib bone - before ignoring it and letting other dog(s) steal it

On the 26th, walked a lap with doggies around our circle before getting on trike and accompanying Kathy to old country club & back on this cool, windy day.

65°F at 2:45pm an May 26, 2019 in Borrego!!! coldest May ever

Heading out on our hike

Panorama halfway around the circle

Cool clouds today

Kathy changed gear after dropping off doggies - here is the turn-around point at the old country club

Kathy zig-zagged to extend our hike today


Kathy's Memorial weekend gear

Meter still heading south

Amarylis blooming

On the 27th, took it easy on this cool windy day.

On the 28th, back to work a very long day at the office. Wind had stopped and temperatures again started up.

A cactus flower in our front yard

Catclaw in back yard is blooming

On the 29th, a very long day at the office.

After dropping off patient, took pic of verbena still blooming on side of the road

Lazy S is too dangerous, so didn't stop to take verbena pics

Sunset this evening

On the 30th, another very long day at the office with 3 new patients.

On the 31st, after a very long day at the office, found car wouldn't start, so left there all weekend. Then packed up and drove to Santee, getting pick up at Sab-E-Lee's just before they closed.

Walked to work (to reclaim car left day before at the office) - here is one of my shortcuts where gilia are still blooming

Healthy gilia bush

Walked thru new park & library on way to office
Apr 2019

On the 1st, back to work a very long day at the office.

On the 2nd, another long day at the office.

Beavertail starting to bloom in front yard

Traced strange sounds this afternoon to this guy playing a tuba by Carmelitas

On the 3rd, despite trying to shorten the day at the office, it was pretty long. Did about an hour hike just before it got dark to/from the old country club.

Beavertails starting to explode

Unusual sight - multiple (at least 6) parallel contrails visible to east as we were 10 minutes from finishing our hike

Kathy tried cutting Mia's claws & failed after she bit Kathy - even with Jef trying to hold her still

On the 4th, another very long day at the office.

Beavertails in front

On the 5th, Kathy saw one patient in the office before we drove to Santee. We spent the night at Big Rock house after going out to Banbu Sushi.

Jef picked one of the 2 giant beets in the raised garden. The beet appeared in salads over the next 2 weeks and we cooked up the greens 2 days later

Meter still going south

Actually did clean the solar panels the following weekend

Kathy took pix of her front yard with beavertail blooms and texted them to Stacey this day

Brittlebush blooming at Big Rock house before Jef weeded & mowed

Back yard before mowing - Jef only mowed half, as this visit was only 18 hours long

On the 6th, Jef mowed/weeded around Santee house before taking Kathy & doggies to Escodido for MD appointment. We stopped & shopped at a new oriental store and at Stater's on way to Borrego after that. We stopped & did some wine tasting at new Edwards Winery on hill overlooking camel ranch. After arriving in Borrego, we dressed up and attended the final (perhaps) banquet of the Borrego Tennis Club.

Wine tasting - some of those dots in background are grazing camels

Wine tasting room is just a patio in front of this small shack

Stopped and took a few pix of flowers near lake Henshaw

Speeding car ghosts in this panorama

Close up of yellow flowers in these pix

Panorama by old stage stop on Warner Ranch

Brittlebush blooming by Crawford Overlook

View from Crawford overlook

Closeup showing where WestStar is located

The QUimbys & Linda Barnet sat at our table at the banquet

Outgoing president of the club was the emcee

Looks like attendence was about 40 at the banquet at the Palm Canyon Resort

On the 7th, stopped by to watch last matches at The Courts and say goodbye to some of the club, many of which I may never see again. Kathy & Jef hiked Glorietta Canyon this afternoon.

Tony is one of the top tennis players residing in Borrego

Al is difficult to play against, as he doesn't show where he will hit the ball, doesn't look like he'll hit it hard... and hits it VERY HARD!

Peg serving

Small turnout at the awards ceremony

Top division winners

Lower division winners

Mike won drawing for $100 for the 4 who participated in all tournaments

32 still around at end had these group photos taken by Kathy

The "Loch Tomatillo Monster"

Kathy behind some blooming cholla

Brittlebush not quite at peak yet. Flying object in this pic is a Painted Lady flutterby - there are still many in the area

Ocotillo, chuparosa, desert lavender & brittlebush blooming in this pic

Kathy is way ahead of the dawdling photographer heading up to the first pass

Beavertail is among the blooms

Creosote blooms behind this blooming barrel cactus

Getting close to the 2nd pass more brittlebush are near peak bloom

Odd shape of century plant flower just before blooming

Outside of many plants are accented by the sun behind them

Hedgehog cactus blooms in a dense grouping of desert plants

Kathy is in the background of this very colourful scene with Hedgehog cactus blooms in foreground

Kathy ascending close to 2nd pass

At 2nd pass looking into Tubb Canyon

This is our usual turnaround point, but Kathy pushed us to a further viewpoint

Looking to WestStar/EastStar, what appears to be 2 houses low in this pic, we found out to be illegal un-permitted structures - the left is made from 2 stacked shipping containers and the right is a shade for a trailer - we found this out on our next hike

Panorama at 2nd pass

Kathy cleaning out burrs from her socks

Leading the way to the 3rd pass

Beavertail blooming

Top left is road that goes up mountain to Tubb Canyon middle spring

View from this 3rd pass includes houses in Tubb Canyon - this view is blocked from 2nd pass

Kathy is pleased to find such an all-encompassing view - from Tubb Canyon to Rams Hill

On the way back. This 3+ hour hike only covered 2 miles according to Jef's GPS

On the 8th, a long, but fairly easy day at the office with some cancellations.

On the 9th, another very long day at the office.

On the 10th, our shortened day allowed us a little hike this evening.

Beavertail still going strong

We hiked the circle with the doggies - skipping any further hiking, as Kathy's back was bothering her

On the 11th, a very long day at the office.

On the 12th, another long day at the office. We had 2 no shows at the end, so got off at a reasonable time, so we got to dine at El Borrego.

Clouds building up this morning

Wound up with a fairly cloudy day

Beyond the gas station are ocotillos and paloverdes starting to bloom

On the 13th, Jef & Kathy made a giant pot of veggie chile for a dinner at the Morgans with a 3rd couple. Before that, we went on an approximately 3 mile hike to the local ocotillo forest.

Meter still heading south

Kathy's recipe is quick and dirty with mostly canned ingredients. Her new stainless steel cooking pot was used for the first time

The mesquite had recently lost all their leaves, but are starting to send out new ones

Descending from our sand dune into the ocotillo forest

Panorama from outskirts of forest

Heading on in

3 blooming century plants in the forest

We continue on, but look back towards Fonts Point

Palm trees of the remote beavertail ranch are in the distance

Kathy in the forest

We stumbled on this newly created squatter's nest

Something unexpected in the ocotillo forest

Constuction is a shaded patio over a few shipping containers

Another structure is a shaded patio covering a travel trailer

View to the north

Some cool artifacts lying about

Interesting not-to-code staircase made with small steel steps welded onto steel beam, also note the license plates

Looking at whole facility - note the elevated water tank

Angel by motocycle with antlers for handlebars

We backtracked to the main entrance - this is the fork to the place, but the main road is a locked barbed wire gate

Without being connected to the grid, we don't believe what this sign says

Back on Wagon, this indigo bush is blooming by another lot that is sometimes used as a campground by owners

We came home from the rear - to see Jef's recent cleaning job of the solar panels

We dined in the front patio of the Morgan residence

Jim is in good spirits despite having a broken foot that he doesn't yet know to be broken

On the 14th, Jef woke up on the Morgan sofa at 1:30 am, after drinking too much at the party. Kathy had been working on Jim's foot, which we later found out he had fractured earlier in the day. We took it easy most of the day, recovering.

On the 15th, a long day at the office, compounded with 3 new patients.

On the 16th, another very long day at the office.

On the 17th, after a shortened, but long day at the office, we took doggies on walk around the circle and then continued on to old country club, going about 3.5 miles altogether. Kathy was hurting the whole way, but was determined to complete the hike.

We rendezvoued with Kym at the Lapped Circle spur, completing rest of circle with her and Black Bark

These helicopters flew in and made 2 wide circles above us

Military choppers

Flying in 2nd circle

Kathy stopped to smell these indigo blooms

On the 18th, another very long day at the office.

Paloverdes are in full bloom. This is what we look out at from our office

On the 19th, after a very long day at the office, we dined at Carmelita's.

Note the drifts of yellow blossoms in the parking lot

Sunset this evening

Paloverde blooms

Jef had "wet" super burrito for dinner at Carmelita's this evening

On the 20th, we cooked our contribution to the Easter potluck in Oriflame Canyon the following day after Jef did some work at the office.

Our back yard late this afternoon

Remnants of 2 Tombstone rose blooms

Tulip tree blooming behind our swing

The outside living room

On the 21st, got up early, met John's group at Xmas Circle, and drove in a 5 vehicle caravan to Oriflame Canyon. We picked the least windy spot to set up camp. Went on a few hikes around. Before going on a longer hike, Jef broke his ankle and the trip was cut short - Kathy drove home (with a couple of detours on the way stopping at a couple of our medical frients). Kathy helped Charles get a rattle snake from under his car, and he assessed it, suggesting coming in the next day for an xray.

Lead cars in expedition to Oriflame

Fallen tree created an arch over the creek at the campsite

I would later slip on this boulder containing a mortero

Lots of water

Yet another invasive mustard - this is also doing well along Palm Canyon Drive by the Mall

This area was chosen for the potluck due to less wind - it was a breezy day

Doggies taking advantage of available grass

John (L) - expedition leader

John thought there looked like a trail in cliff in background

These 3 girls are doing a re-take of pic of 3 of 'em 20+ years ago

View from (perhaps man-made, perhaps animal) trail on cliff

We saw indian paintbrush on "trail" from below - here is close up of them and a succulent

Indian Paintbrush in full bloom

Looking down at our "dining area" by the creek

Patch of brittle bush making this hill very yellow

John walking on the "trail"

Looking back at our picnic site

To give an idea of steepness of hillside, John is upright

Kathy was not all there this day - she started this little excursion by tripping and falling in the creek

Did Kathy choose wisely in navigating the menacing vegetation?

Maybe not!

These stairs are part of the WPA project to create this (now a ghost) camp

Peanut, Mia and John

Looking north our Easter buffet is behind slope at left

John had found this geo-cache-like box 10 years ago, his note from then is still there, and we added to it

We took the box (at John's foot) to camp to have everyone sign in

Mia was most interested in Kathy's rejects of the ham

The back of John's Jeep was the "bar" where we made red beers

Easter feasters

There are morteros? Kathy: "Yeah, I'll take you to see them... Jef take the doggies, but don't follow us with the doggies, or you'll slip and break your ankle... oops, didn't hear that last part!

Jef broke his left ankle, so can still drive

Jef's scraped up knee

On the 22nd, went to the clinic, got an x-ray and found my ankle was indeed fractured. Kathy was too wiped out to work, so we cancelled all 12 patients for that day.

On the 23rd, back to work a long day at the office with Jef coming in on crutches and going home with a walker.

On the 24th, a moderate day at the office. Kathy equipped Jef with a wheelchair. A patient loaned us a wheelchair for home. Kathy walked with Kym and the doggies, but without "the gimp".

Most of flowers were gone from our yard, but paloverde and ocotillo were still blooming

Krameria erectus is purply bush in foreground - normally flowers aren't so pronounced. Paloverde in background

On the 25th, another long day at the office.

On the 26th, after a very long day at the office, we dined at El Borrego - outside for 1st time this year, as it was warm enuff.

On the 27th, mostly took it easy at home.

Jef's swollen, discoloured foot(L) beside R foot

Jef had "brat dogs" for dinner this evening

On the 28th, mostly took it easy at home. Kathy bar-b-qued some marinated chicken and carne asada.

Kathy gave doggies bones this morning

On the 29th, back to work a very long day at the office.

On the 30th, after working half a day on a busy office day, Jef drove to SD to see ortho, who said "That's a nothing fracture... stop using walker and walk". Jef returned to finish out day after last patient left.

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