Journal Index
2Q'19 Jef and Kathy's Activities 3Q 2019 4Q'19
Sep 2019

On the 1st, we continued packing for the trip tomorrow.

Dan showed and let Jef ride his $4K HP Velo - pretty nice

Kathy thinkin' "what did I forget for trip tomorrow?"

On the 2nd, finished packing and left around 10 this morning with the doggies. We took route thru Temecula, the 15, and to the 395. Jef got a couple of hot dogs at Kramer Junction to Kathy's dismay. We set up camp at Tuttle Creek, delaying putting up tent until it stopped sprinking. While checking out the creek with the doggies, Kathy tripped and fears she broke her middle toe. We dined at the Seasons this night. When Kathy couldn't find her cel phone, she drove back down to Lone Pine to the restaurant - just before Jef found it in the tent. She got there and called it from the restaurant and Jef told her he found it.

We picked our favourite campsite again

Doggies by creek

Panorama in middle of campground

Panorama of valley below

After setting up camp

Convenient place to tether doggies

Storm clouds cleared up - note there's still a little snow on the peaks

Dinner at the Seasons

On the 3rd, we broke camp, packed up and headed north. We turned at Carson City and drove to Tahoe, going clockwise around the lake and settling at the Basecamp (motel) in Tahoe City for the night. We dined at the Bridgetender getting a walk of 2 miles(round trip) in the process.

Kathy opted to not use the facilities here due to a beehive

We made coffee this morning

All packed up and ready to leave

Sunflowers with Whitney in background

About 10 miles north of Lee Vining, Jef needed to take a break & we walked doggies and Jef took this pic of rabbitbrush in bloom

Made it to Tahoe City after a scary ride from South Lake Tahoe with cliffs going down to the lake and no guard rails!

Walking to the restaurant

Unusual item in front of this store - a frisbee golf hole!

Kathy & Jef at Lake Tahoe

Interesting thing about this giant bear that Kathy is standing next to....'s made out of PENNIES!!

Geese and humans by the beach

Tahoe has an overflow (so houses along shore don't get flooded). This gate keeps the lake level fairly constant. The building atop it is "The Gatekeeper Museum"

Bridgetender has best burgers in town!

Sunset at Lake Tahoe

On the 4th, packed up and drove down to Truckee from Tahoe City, getting provisions at a store. We then drove to Reno (dealing with some city traffic) before heading north towards Susanville. We gassed up there (Jef had a great hot dog, again to Kathy's dismay) and drove thru Mt. Lassen Natl. Park - first use of Jef's senior pass and 1st time Kathy visited this park. We had another scary road (cliffs with no guard rails), but made it over. Jef chose the King's Creek Cascade trail and while the doggies waited in the car, we went on an hour hike to the cascades. We continued north and wound up in Fall River Mills, where we stayed at the Himont Motel. We had Mexican food this evening.

Took doggies for 1 last walk by the lake before heading out

We stopped at rest area near Buntingville and read about neaby salt lakes

Panorama of (probably) Honey Lake at the rest stop

Trailhead to Mt. Lassen

Panorama on north side of park - no place to take pix of more scenic south

Walked doggies by Kings Creek

Still spring at 7500' elevation

Starting on trail

We took dry part of trail on way down

Reaching bottom we found this super green meadow

Lower part of cascades

Kathy starting hike up

Panorama of lower part of cascades

Kathy & Jef

Stairs were cut in trail parallelling cascades

Fireweed blooming by cascades

Panorama taken in middle of cascades - Kathy is top right

Kathy's hair is backlit in this panaorama - again she is at top right

Taking pix using her phone

Used Kathy's new app that Stacey put on her phone (a week later) to identify this fireweed from this very picture

Ensconced at our room at the Himont

On the 5th, we packed up and headed north. We visited Lava Beds National Monument where we hike several lava tubes before settling at a crappy motel outside Klamath Falls. We had Thai food this evening.

Lava Beds National Monument

At end of lighted lava tube by visitor center - 700' in

Kathy & Jef in this lava tube

Kathy entering the Catacombs

Cave entrance

Turning on headlamp

In the cave at the furthest we went - maybe 1200' - it got too low and we weren't equipped to go all the way thru

Arriving back at the ntrance from just inside


Rabbitbrush in bloom outside

Panorama of trail to lower Sentinel Cave

Starting out in lower Sentinel

One of the longest staircases in this cave (we didn't even need to duck in this 3200' long cave)

Exiting upper Sentinel Cave

Cave entrance from above

Peanut waiting in car after this 1 hour hike thru cave

Our next cave was Skull Cave - the widest of these lava tubes

Kathy descending to depths of Skull Cave - that's not moisture, but ice coating the rails! All these caves are cold inside

This used to be solid ice, but it's disappeared over time - one theory is global warming, but probably due to opening caves up to foot traffic providing easier route for sublimation -> humid air to escape to outside

The last ice cave we checked out - again with very little ice inside

Walking to Thai place in Klamath Falls. Kathy liked their food, which we got to go and ate in hotel

On the 6th, packed up car, Kathy hobbling out of hotel due to poor bed, and drove to Crater Lake. We then drove to Salem and checked into a Motel 6. The check in guy recognized my Borrego T-shirt and we found he once lived in OB! Kathy took Jef out to a hibachi/sushi place for his B'day dinner.

Across the road from the hotel early this morning - fog!

After starting on trail by the lodge, saw this squirrel

Jef & Kathy at Crater Lake

Colourful on edges of the lake

Wizard Island

Edge of rim has these weird towers

Rabbibrush in bloom here, too

Heading up the hill

Wildflowers still blooming

This is about the only forest fire we saw on this trip - a small one

We noticed an exposed water pipe at one point of this trail, so the trail was probably just filled in over the main water supply for the lodge

Red flowers are indian paintbrush

Heading down, lodge is in background

The lodge and the viewing structure cantilevered over the edge (to right of lodge)

Panorama of trail

Kathy pointing at snow patch just above lake surface

Reaching bottom of hill

The top butterfly here looks like the same painted ladies that migrate thru Borrego

This log beside the trail reminded us of an alligator

Final pick of lake before we headed out of park

Jef at B'day dinner

Jef's chef (he had filet mignon stir fry with some sushi) making the onion volcano - btw, Jef caught one of the zuchini pieces he catapulted at him in his mouth

Volcano settle down to just steam

Kathy & her sushi

Jef got adorned with one of Kathy's orchids

Blowing out candle in the complimentary fried banana dish they gave me

On the 7th, packed up and checked out a couple of wineries just north of Salem before driving to Port Orchard and checking into the Comfort Inn.

Noticed this unusual planter at Hanson's Winery - a boot

Kathy checking out local water

We had a water view from hotel - the lights of Bremerton are across the bay

On the 8th, drove over and had breakfast at Stacey & Erik's new house. We then drove to Gig Harbor, rented 2 kayaks and went kayaking.

Eating breakfast

Our car blocking their 2 cars in front of the house

Doggies checking out the back yard

Upper vegetable garden with mostly cucumbers

Lower part of vegetable garden with mostly peppers and tomatoes

Fountain in Gig Harbor near where we launched kayaks

Eric & Stacy kayaking

Jef & Kathy kayaking

Ramming speed!

Retreat! And not just Jef's hair - is that scalp I see in the back of his head?

Monkey puzzle tree on our way from rental place after dropping off kayaks

Rainstorm hit after we arrived home

We dined at Anthony's for dinner this evening

Later that evening

Peanut checking out Marley's old bed

On the 9th, packed up and drove to Lewiston ID. Google maps took us on a route with no motels, so we drove all the way to Lewiston, where we arrived around 7pm and found all hotel rooms in the entire area were already taken by 4pm - due to combination of paper mill closing, rodeo, road construction, and other factors. We then went in search of David's house on the river. Google Maps led us on an unsuccessful route, partly due to no cell reception in the area. We had to go back to town, get a signal, and take a different route. We finally stumbled on it around 9:30pm and begged David's girfriend to let us spend the night - she gave us the room in the garage.

Stacey gave Jef this b'day card - and yes, i'm sad because people are stupid ;)

14 Hands Winery, where we did a quick wine-tasting before they closed for the day

Our resting place this night - in a garage overlooking the Clearwater River after a brutal day on the road

On the 10th, said goodbye to David & (Liz?). Then packed up and drove to Barbara's assisted living facility. We took her out to lunch at Red Lobster, showed her the cross that John made for Fred's gravesite, which she approved of and provided an inscription to be placed on it. We said goodbye and drove to Walla Walla, where we stayed at the Garden Motel, which was nice. We got supplies and ate leftovers for dinner.

View from our garage bedroom

Panorama from deck of main house, where Jef drank his coffee - Kathy was still sleeping in garage at the right

Neighbor dog at lower left

Location of stars is marked in this part of Idaho

Kathy & Barbara with doggies at the restaurant

This painting moved with Fred & Barbara to Idaho

Kathy, Barbara & Jef

Kathy drove and Jef navigated - view from passenger seat

Looking forward as we drove thru rolling hills of eastern Washington

Hay! What's that? It seems this is the dominant crop in this area

Burnt grassland

On the 11th, packed up and drove from the Garden Motel to nearby Walla Walla airport area where we wine-tasted at 2 wineries in the old military airbase there. We then drove towards the Seattle area, stopping again at L'Ecole for our 3rd winery visit this day. We drove back to Port Orchard and checked into our familiar motel there.

We started at Five Star Cellars, as Tamarack Cellars was out to lunch

Tamarack Cellars was converted from the old firehouse

A mini shuttle board was an amusement we played with there - also brought doggies in

Kathy took doggies on a little walk

They're loose!

We also stopped at L'Ecole - this is the little boys room in the basement

Hallway in the basement

Prizes we got at L'Ecole

On the 12th, not sure what all we did this day, but we did go over to Erik & Staceys this afternoon. May have had dinner this night over there.

Sitting on the deck with the new firepit

Appearances may be deceiving - no, Eric did not just turn Stacey into a zombie!... or did he ;)

On the 13th, we hiked in a local park. Later that evening, we went to Gig Harbor and dined at Domo Sushi and then saw the new Lion King movie.

Artsy pic of doggies on beach with our cartoonized hotel in background

They had a mini railroad in this park

Trails were lined with rainforest foliage

Kathy is in center of this pic in distance

Sundial is rarely useful in this climate, but sun did come out long enuff to see how inaccurate it was

Blackberries are there for the taking along the trails in this park

This flower looks like some kind of lotus

Blackberry & fern leaves

Kathy & Jef

On the 14th, met up with Eric & Stacey and went on a hike on Green Mountain. We went squidding this evening on a nearby pier.

Stacey showing off our housewarming gift

Starting the hike

At some points you can see the skyscrapers of Seattle in the distance

Ferns and tall trees

Note the moss on these trees!

Kathy took some fungus pix and put one on her phone for a while

On the way back - we had things to do, so turned around about half way to peak

Flower along trail

Nearing starting point of hike


Cool and drizzly this evening

About all we caught in nearly an hour were things like this seaweed

Relaxing with doggies back at hotel

On the 15th, went to Eric & Stacey's & hung out. Kathy went shopping for a good coat with Stacey while Jef & Eric stayed back and watched the Seahawks beat the Steelers in a good football game.

Raining this morning at the hotel

Peanut (behind Kathy) showing off her laser eyes! We had some tacos for lunch

John and Mary had us over for a nice dinner this evening

Stacey & Eric

Panorama from John and Mary's back yard

Jef looking in from the backyard - Mary & Kathy at dining room table

Another panorama

Mia and Peanut wanting to get back inside

Dessert time

On the 16th, packed up and drove to Aberdeen area. We found a condo to rent next to the beach at Ocean Shores, north of Aberdeen.

Spliced pix of both of us on sunny day (for a change) before leaving hotel

Panorama of bike path by our hotel

Kathy with a foot ferry in background

Beachcombing on the bay with wake waves coming ashore

Some duck or other bird swimming behind Kathy

Kathy found (and returned to sea) these living sea shells

Saying goodbye to Stacey

The bedroom in the 1-bedroom condo we rented at Ocean Shores

Panorama of kitchen/dining/living room in condo - view from kitchen sink is the hallway outside our room

Looking from living room to kitchen

At the beach

Mia had gone crazy and run several circles around us as we walked to the beach - here she finally slowed down

Both of them running to waves


Peanut airborn

Mia was just full of energy at this beach

Mia marking beach so she can find it later

Right outside our condo, Kathy enticed this deer with a slice of apple

On the 17th, packed up and drove south. We checked out the Westport area, as Kathy thought the Ocean Shores area was too touristy. We had lunch at the Westport Winery. We checked out a local beach & looked at a sample affordable house from the car as we drove by. Looked okay and a fairly low price, so a good investment area. Jef (again) drove to far, bypassing Astoria, and we stayed at a crappy Motel 6 in Seaside as it started raining on us. We dined on leftovers.

Taking doggies walking on road behind winery

We talked at length with an old Alaskan crab fisherman in the midst of prepping for the apocolypse around here while walking doggies near here

We dined at the Westport Winery after tasting and purchasing some wines

We checked out this sample beach in the Westport area

Panorama of this (crowded?) beach

Kathy using her new winter coat

On the 18th, packed up and headed south, checking out the Oregon coast along the way. We stopped at a decent hotel in Port Ord, where we could actually see the ocean from our room.

At Cape Perpetua, we walked down to the sea. The white behind Kathy is a very thick foam that was washing ashore here

More foam

At the Cape Perpetua visitor center

Walking thru forest back to our car

Last pic of us at Cape Perpetua

Discarded apples by a spot we pulled over for a pee break

Settling in hotel room in Port Orford

Looking thru the spider web we can see the ocean from our room

Sunset this evening

On the 19th, we checked out of Port Orford and continued south, finally entering California and settling in Willits at a hotel for the night. We had Thai food this evening.

Morning view of ocean from our hotel window - note the dew on window at right

Still in OR, we stopped and took a few pix on this pull out - note the anise in full bloom

Our selfie - looking north

Panorama - left is to the south, right to the north

Kathy, looking south

Jef drove past the black sand beaches, but stopped at this one. Here the doggies check it out, too

Kathy on beach with the parking lot we parked at behind her

Doggies running towards surf

Investigating smells

Peanut alone on her private beach

Mia scared of falling off this cliff!

Jef found a portapotty on this turnout while going thru redwoods - this is our first pic in CA on trip home

Panorama on this turnout - Jef hurried to get back on the road, as we just went thru a road construction area and wanted to be in front of the next batch headed south

We found this Willits sign was originally in Reno, and underneath said "Biggest Little City in the World"

Going south, the caption is different (we were walking back from dinner at this point)

Kathy showing scale of this tree in park next to the 101

On the 20th, packed up and headed south. As Kathy wanted to do some wine tasting in Mendocino County, we stopped at a winery in the southern part of the county, but it was too far out of the way to hit the best wine region in the area. Our 2nd winery was in northern Sonoma County. Google Maps directed us thru the SF area, and we hit nast traffic there. We made it to the 5 and stopped at the TravelLodge there. We had a great dinner at the Harris Ranch Steakhouse there in Coalinga CA.

Jef & Kathy at Mendocino's Rivino Winery

Kathy in the Rivino tasting room

Dogs sampling vinyards at Rivina

Kathy in parking lot of Trentadue Winery in Geyserville, Sonoma County

On the 21st, we packed up and drove home thru nasty traffic in LA area.

The cross we had brought up to ID for Barb's approval

On the 22nd, Jef started massive project of catching up on paperwork accumuated over past 3 weeks. Kathy mostly rested before going back to work following day.

On the 23rd, back to work - a moderately slow day at the office.

Distant T-storm to the east - we actually got rained on while we slept this night

On the 24th, a moderately busy day at the office.

On the 25th, a short day at the office, so we could take a walk this evening.

On the 26th, Kathy couldn't manage a full day, so we cancelled half the patients this day and went home early.

Building clouds

We got a little rain this afternoon, as well!

But it cleared for a nice sunset

On the 27th, drove Kathy to MD appointment in Menifee. We rendezvoused with Holley and had sushi at One Sushi in Murietta before driving home.

Holley & Kathy at sushi

On the 28th, Jef walked to/from work and continued trying to catch up at the office. Kathy rested.

Meter doesn't seem to be going up or down these days

While hiking down from spur notice this hotel just put up about 300 solar panels!

Start of hike back home

High point of hike

Kathy bar-b-qued some steaks this evening

On the 29th, did some chores at home, tried to take it easy.

On the 30th, Kathy was still not doing well, so cancelled everybody on the schedule. Jef walked in and did more catch-up work at the office.

Aug 2019

On the 1st, a fairly busy day at the office.

As tomato plants do very well in the summer, but don't produce any tomatoes, these WEEDs were removed from raised garden

Most of the garden is now bare

On the 2nd, a very busy day at the office. We went to the Morgans afterwards.

On the 3rd, did some work at the office. Kathy worked out.

Sunset this evening

On the 4th, took it easy most of the day. Jef & Kathy hiked on the California Riding & Hiking Trail in the vicinity of Ranchita going about 5 miles with 300' vertical.

Not only flies, but some birds like hanging out by the draw window where cool evaporative cooler air is forced out

We parked in this drainage cut-out on Jasper Trail

Jef & Kathy

We detoured over to a hill that was the high point of our hike to check out the view

Panorama looking towards Grapevine Canyon - Jasper Trail road is visible at right and goes down into canyon to left on its descent to Grapevine

Looking east, Salton Sea is visible behind Kathy

A little hazy, but Salton Sea can easily be seen

July rainfall has helped situation of ants, who also love the summertime. You had to be careful where you stood still, as some areas were swarming with ants

We spotted this trail branching from the Jasper - it is the continuation of the Cal. Riding & Hiking Trail going south

Kathy had some diarrhea on this hike, so is scrambling to find something like TP in her pack

We just hiked about 100 yards up the R&H trail. Here is the Jasper Trail as we looked back. We turned around and walked to the car from this point

Kathy by R&H trail marker

After we got back to the Jeep after walking about 4 to 5 miles, we drove up a little to this high point & Kathy is drinking a beer at the left of this panorama

Put camera on Jeep to capture our view site (Borrego is behind us)

Kathy then wanted to check out view to the east, so we hiked up to get a view towards Ranchita

This contrail was lit up in the setting sun

Kathy walking back to car

This is a goldenhead, or other flower, similar to the brittlebush. It might be blooming in August due to July rains

On the 5th, back to a long day at the office. Arranged for 2 tows (2nd Mazda donation & Jeep tow to Jakes to be fixed).

On the 6th, another long day at the office.

Met tow truck driver at the Mall around 6:30 in the morning, and here is the last I saw of Amanda II

I left Amanda III at the office as it was scheduled to be towed the next day, and walked home - it was overcast this morning!

The T-storms from last month carved this new channel in Tilting T Wash

Meter heading north, as A/C is in use during the hot humid days of July and August

Sunset this evening

On the 7th, after another long day at the office, Kathy & Jef visited Morgans. Kathy did some treatment and Jef installed 3 grab bars and a towel rack.

As we left the Morgans the crescent moon illuminated some high clouds. The reddish ghost is probably Kathy

On the 8th, Jef drove Kathy to MD appointment. On the way back did some shopping, dined at Pinto Thai in Ramona, and stopped at PCT, walking south 33 minutes and returned downhill in 31 for a nice hour hike.

Kathy starting up the PCT from mile marker 1

Someone volunteered to label the poison oak at several points at start of hike

PCT marker

Seep by trailside here allowed grapevines to flourish

Chaparel is turning rust colour this time of year

Panorama around turn-around point (33 minutes into hike)

Kathy heading back down into the sun

This appears to be a 100-mile marker, as southern terminus of trail at Mexico border is about 100 trail miles from here

Nice colours from the setting sun

Nearing starting point of hike

On the 9th, after a very long day at the office, Jef & Kathy dined at La Casa.

Waiting for a place at the bar at La Casa

Well into the meal at the bar

On the 10th, Jef walked to work and did catch up work at the office. He drove Amanda III home, making some use of it until salvage people pick it up next week.

Meter may be headed south due to low humidity

View of new library on hike to work

On the 11th, Jef installed a hanging chair in back patio and did major clean up of garage. Ran out of gas around 2 and took a 2 hour nap before heading up to Ranchital for a 2 hour 6.5 mile hike on the Jasper Trail.

Starting point of the hike

This boulder looks very difficult to climb onto

A level patch of road before heading down into the 2nd canyon

Kathy had never seen this plant

Similar to a sage

We turned around a few minutes after descending into this next nearly flat part of this canyon

This rock formation looks like stacked rocks, similar to a totem

Flowers still blooming - "July showers lead to August flowers"

Jef & Kathy back on "relatively" level terrain

A few Ranchita houses can be seen off in the distance

Kathy arriving back to the car

On the 12th, back to work a long day at the office.

A little hazy this afternoon

On the 13th, another long day at the office. Jef walked home, so as to leave Amanda III, his last Mazda, at the Mall for pick-up next day.

Final mileage on Amanda III

Panorama about 5 minutes into hiking up trail

Moon nearly full

Saw a flock of about 20 quail, when approaching old country club - here is about half of the group

On the 14th, Jef went to the office and arranged departure of last Mazda, and did some work. Holley arrived and we made a big batch of her mom's famous tuna salad. Holley spent the night.

Last Jef saw of his last Mazda, Amanda III, as tow truck headed east

Rosigi, Mia & Peanut on walk this evening

Holley & Kathy walking up Lightning

We saw a smoke plume to the south this evening


After Rosigi ran thru too many cholla patches, she went home, where we worked at removing dozens of chore thorns from various parts of her body

Holley opening Christmas presents 8 months late

On the 15th, Holley departed, and Jef & Kathy had a somewhat long day at the office, shortened by 2 no-shows and a last minute cancellation.

On the 16th, a long day at the office. Kathy got home too late to go out, so we had leftovers.

Speaking of Christmas, Santa visited. Karen remembers sitting on his lap when she was a child

The whole gang

Kathy's favourite pic

On the 17th, Jef worked on pictures.

Walking doggies this evening under another great sunset

Returning from last spur

We dropped doggies off at the house before continuing

We turned around just short of the old country club this evening, but sunset colours hung on the whole hour of the hike

Stars starting to come on, but still had sunset colour at 8:08 p.m.

On the 18th, Kathy got her hair done, before going on an 8 mile hike from Paroli Spring nearly up to Jasper Trail and back. Made tostadas for dinner this night.

About a mile into the hike - note the extreme erosion that occurs in these roads

Kathy believed this natural formation was a man-made rock wall

Kathy heading up near the top of the hike

Near the high point of the hike - we fell short of hitting Jasper Trail and turned around due to lack of daylight

This fuzzy insect is a wasp with a nasty sting, as Holley found out years ago

Kathy thinks this is some kind of lily, Jef thinks it's a baby yucca coming up in the middle of the road

We shall explore Wilson Trail, which we just discovered, next time

Low sun behind us casts long shadows - Kathy's goes down her rut, Jef's down his

Panorama of the Salton Sea on this fairly clear day

As we again pass the "rock wall", Kathy points it out

Kathy found this (what could be) giant "mortero" along the road

This bush reminded us of a holley with its reddish berries

Kathy found another (what could be) giant "mortero"

Never went over to water part of Cottonwood Spring, as it looks like the brush was pretty thick around it

Finally made it back to the car - Kathy is fed up with photographer taking TOO MANY FOTOS!

Kathy saying "that rock looks like a turtle"

Wonder how these small boulders weighing hundreds of pounds wound up on this big boulder?

Old road to Paroli is now closed to traffic, so bushes have prospered between the road ruts

Kathy looking at cars on Montezuma from Paroli

After hike beer at Paroli picnic table

Corpuscular rays from setting sun

On the 19th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 20th, a very busy day at the office.

On the 21st, a long day at the office despite only 3 complicated patients (5 cancellations).

On the 22nd, another very busy day at the office.

On the 23rd, walked to work over the hill in 52 minutes. Starting to get hazy, meaning humidity is rising this week. It has been drier than normal for August, so good swamp cooler weather. We packed up doggies and drove to Santee.

Meter is heading south again

Desert magnolia in bloom

A bit hazy today - still leaves on ocotillos from last month's rain

On the 24th, Jef did some shopping before taking Kathy to her MD appointment. We started working on the house & yard. Jef took Kathy out to Banbu Sushi for dinner.

Wascally Wabbit in front yard, as seen from kitchen window

Jef & Kathy at Banbu Sushi

Kathy finished with this sashimi spread

A temporary fix to myhalf of airbed losing its internal structure(exploding) is putting another (leaky) airbed beside it

On the 25th, continued cleaning up the yard after doing the 3 mile Mesa Loop up Cowles. Kathy's knee was bothering her quite a bit. We packed up and drove back to Borrego at the end of the day. One doggy threw up on trip back.

I identified the cause of the city's complaint (water entering storm drain) as seen here, is a defective anti-siphon valve

The defective valve

Jef doing some weeding - note the size of the weeds

After hitting the high point, Kathy makes her way down with her sore knee

Nearing the bottom of the trail not far from our house

On the 26th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 27th, what was supposed to be a long day at the office got cut short, as there was no running water in the building, so a moderate day at the office after cancelling most patients.

On the 28th, we all drove to SD for CPR training. We did some shopping, working at the house, and drove back to Borrego.

At CPR class in Mission Valley - Kym bottom left, Karen top right

Interesting new addition to park rules!

On the 29th, back to work a very long day at the office.

On the 30th, another very long day at the office. Had a going away party for Karen, who was going to Hawaii for a vacation before returning to college.

At Karen's going away party

On the 31st, did some work at the office. Kathy started preparing china/crystal she was going to transport up to Stacey & Eric's house the coming week.

Jef repaired a break in this irrigation line this day at Sewanee house

A requirement Kathy has with regards counters - they must have at least 62" clearance above
Jul 2019

On the 1st, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 2nd, a fairly long day at the office.

Corpuscular rays are visible to some haze in the atomosphere

On the 3rd, due to a couple cancellations, not too busy a day at the office.

Sunset this evening

On the 4th, around 10:30am, while taking it easy at home, Jef noticed the 6.4 Searle Valley earthquake and pointed out the swaying ceiling fan & hanging pictures to Kathy. Jef walked to the office(to in 54 minutes and from in 52) & Kathy worked and then worked out at the office. Jef worked while Kathy worked out. Too beat to do any bar-b-ques or anything.

Meter has gone pretty far south

Steepest section of trail going up to the right - Jef's first rough terrain hike since fractured ankle

Looking down on new library & park

"Fall colours" - even the indigo bush can turn yellow when last rains have long since ceased

On the 5th, back to work a very long day at the office. Kathy closed out a home care patient before we dined at La Casa. Besides the live band, we also experienced the effects of the 7.1 magnitude quake in Searle Valley this evening.

David found this gekko by the water cooler in our office today

Ripples in pool are artifact of earthquake 1 minute prior

Kathy & Jef dined at the Fox Den this evening

On the 6th, Jef walked to the office, making it in about 53 minutes.

Meter still heading south

View of town from near high point in hike to work

On the 7th, mostly took it easy, other than doing the usual chores.

House burning this day

Same house & party area where Kathy hosted bar at Yuridia's graduation party almost exactly a year ago

Found this out later, but this is as close as I came this day - found out owners got cut up trying, unsuccessfully, to save their dog, the only casualty

One of Kathy's plumerias in bloom

Kathy making nachos


On the 8th, back to work a very busy day at the office.

On the 9th, another medium busy day at the office.

Walking doggies around the circle this evening

On the 10th, another medium busy day at the office.

On the 11th, Jef drove Kathy to MD appointment, we could not get RX filled at CVS, so toted it back to Santee to try at that CVS.

Jef planted a couple glad bulbs in raised garden over a year ago - this is the first time they appeared

Kathy insisted on another car wash while we were in Escondido

On the 12th, Jef did some shopping and found out Santee CVS couldn't fill RX either, so Jef drove up to Escondido to orginal CVS & got enuff of RX to last weekend. Kathy got Borrego to fill an old RX for when we got home. Jef completed installing the ceiling fan at Big Rock master bedroom while Kathy did major clean up work. Jef did some landscape work. Kathy made a stir fry with fish this afternoon.

Before Jef completed installation of ceiling fan

After completing ceiling fan install

Kathy cooked a stir fry this day, here we are making sauce for stir fry with lemongrass - the first time we cooked with this plant

On the 13th, David & Jef attempted Cowles. David showed off near the top by sprinting up a couple switchbacks & wound up turning back just 100 yards from top due to heat & over-exertion. Jef made it to the top in 56 minutes. Jef helped clean and did landscaping work in preparation for poker we hosted this evening. We had 8 players at the table with Craig, Sid, Hank, Jef, Ken, Brian, Tim, Cammy. We got Pizza Hut pizzas, which were poor quality, and we had to wrest leftovers from invading ants at the end of the nite. Jef lost 2.

David about 8 minutes into hike

David still slogging uphill near summit

Jef went back looking for David and saw he had already turned around - here he is heading down

Back near bottom of hike, these sparse weeds grew over 8' tall!

Other flowers in this burn area (from 1-2 years ago)

Wild buckwheat flowers still going full throttle

Going clockwise at poker table from left: Craig, Ken, Tim, Cammy, Sid, Hank & Brian

Jef was there, too

On teh 14th, packed up and drove home to Borrego, doing last round of shopping on the way.

On the 15th, back to work with a medium busy day at the office.

Moonrise this evening

On the 16th, after a medium busy day at the office, Jef & Kathy went to a home care patient.

Sun rising thru big plume of smoke (that hung around all day - location of fire: unknown)

Kathy admiring this boojum tree at a patient house

On the 17th, Jef did 1st 2 iterations of cleaning solar panel - power spray and squeegee. After a short day at the office, we went hamburger nite at the Legion where we met Jan & (Brenda?), neighbor Jim & (Freda?), Clark, & a few others who sat by us at the bar. Jef had a double-double cheeseburger with bacon. Yummy. The we walked doggies around block as it was getting dark & then continued without them, doing our usual 4 miles in 1h 15m, but Kathy was in extreme pain the whole way.

Sun hitting haze in front of Santa Rosas this evening

First part of hike taking doggies around circle

Moon rising thru smoke haze this evening

On the 18th, Jef did next 2 iterations of cleaning solar panels (Kathy was in too much pain to go to work. 2 bodys were found in house about a mile away, looking like another murder/suicide this day - last known murder in valley was about 8 years ago.

Jef started raking beans under mesquites

After spraying with hose and squeegee-ing panels, but before wet & dry rag phase of cleaning

Black Bark exiting pool after one of many swims this day

...and diving in again

Kym & her doggie

Jef & Kathy on first visit to pool this year

Black Bark working on her tan

Yet another pool exit

The dry cycle

Jef diving

Borrego thunderhead forming

It's a monsta!

Look ma! A tennis ball!

Go git it!

Still nice & cool in the 90s

On the 19th, Kathy was still not up to coming to work, so David & Karen did some work & Jef worked most of the day at the office.

On the 20th, Jef completed cleaning the solar panels & Lupita's husband started cleaning up the yard. Jef went to the office & did a little work, including this journal.

On the 21st, mostly took it easy at home. Went on the usual 4 mile walk, except Kathy took the trike.

On the 22nd, back to work a fairly busy day at the office.

Clouds starting to form

Thunderhead did not quite get any rain in Borrego this day

On the 23rd, a busy day at the office. Late that afternoon, we got our first summer rain.

Cactus blooming outside our bedroom window

Last bloom of glad

Deluge in Hellhole Canyon

Jef got a little soaked while going to Kathy's car to close windows

Sun back out after the storm passed

Sunset this evening

On the 24th, after a medium day at the office, where we were hit with an even bigger deluge than prior day, we recovered Kathy's cushion she left at the Legion last week & we again had burgers. Afterwards, we walked into town to buy something at the store, returning in the dark.

Rain at the end of the work day

Water falling off roof at WestStar home

Meter again heading north, as it is now A/C weather

Wind in storm today blew down some plants & made a mess - here is front patio after partially cleaning up

Thot of taking pic just as we left Legion

Leaving WestStar on way to town

Sunset colour just starting to appear

On Broken Arrow

At Broken Arrow & Country Club

Panorama looking down Broken Arrow to left & Country Club to right

While Jef took pix, Kathy zoomed ahead - her head is at bottom of this pic looking towards town

Kathy saw this suitcase on a high shelf and asked Jef to get it down. We found it was full of grandma Judy's picture/letter collection that I had thot was lost in dad's move, but I took it "so it wouldn't get lost", but wound up losing it for 10 years!

Broken white line at bottom is slab of house started 10 years ago and never finished

Nice sunset this evening!

On the 25th, we took doggies around circle - Kathy on trike & Jef on foot. Then Kathy triked another 5 miles.

Again with the thunderheads forming over San Ysidros

Storms 3 days in a row!

Rain coming down at end of our workday

Kathy & Peanut

Kathy trikin' into sunset

Peanut at a crossroads

On the 26th, after a long day at the office, Jef, Kathy & David dined at Kessling's Kitchen.

On the 27th, did some work at the office & generally took it easy.

On the 28th, after taking it easy, went on a walk this evening. Took doggies around on first lap.

Dunno if Peanut is ornery & blocking Mia from getting on bed, or if this is a comfortable perch

Took doggies for walk around circle this evening

Then we took off for old country club. Kathy is walking down Tilting T in this sunset panorama

There she is again

Kathy was out of view for a minute as she wet her T-shirt (temp. is about 100°F), here she is after we re-connected

Kathy is in this one, too, just after we passed Broken Arrow

On the 29th, had a medium busy day at the office.

Kathy leaving work in her car (with lights on) as a nice little sunset forms)

Sunset over pool

Texas rangers are in bloom this evening

On the 30th, a long day at the office.

Cool clouds today

Causing a nice sunset

Panorama looking both ways down Palm Canyon Drive

On the 31st, a short day at the office. We drove to Pam's after work and made her some posole for dinner, as Jim had been life-flighted to SD after falling again and breaking more bones and getting a nasty head injury.

Pam, Doggies in background, & Kathy - Pam's brother, Jim, also joined us at the end of the visit
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