Journal Index
3Q'20 Jef and Kathy's Activities 4Q 2020 1Q'21
Dec 2020

On the 1st, another long day at the office.

On the 2nd, a medium long day at the office.

Panorama of sunset this evening - note xmas lites already up at the Mall

Kathy and Jef


Panorama looking west from the Roadrunner Club(after dropping off a patient)

On the 3rd, another medium long day at the office. Kathy went to the clinic, and we started walking around the circle, but Kathy had tweeked her knee while stretching so we cut it short at less than 10 minutes on this cold evening.

On the 4th, woke up to temps in the 30s. Went to work a very hard day at the office.

On the 5th, Kathy drove Pam to SD for some medical tests, went shopping, and brought home some Pinto Thai for dinner. Jef did catch up work at the office after walking there. He walked home as well (about 4.5 miles).

Meter still going up, but after Jef got home several hours later, about 17 kwh had been kicked back to the grid, so solar is working

At about the top of the hike, looking to town

Start of trail after leaving the Mall

Looking down steep descent into wash leading to old country club

Seems like there was some haze when looking up Broken Arrow towards the west

Meter can go south

On the 6th, mostly took it easy at home. Cooked a big batch of chicken/turkey soup. Took doggies around the circle and then continued walking to old country club, stretching it out to a 3.5 mile hike.

Mia just before hiking around the circle

Panorama near old country club

Nearing WestStar with nice sunset

Kathy liked this part of the sunset

Sunset panorama as we reach home

On the 7th, had a busy day at the office, but David found out his brother tested positive for Covid19, so he drove to Temecula for the quick test. After getting a negative result, he moved into our guest room.

Sunset this evening

On the 8th, another busy day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

A cloudy day

Sunset this evening

On the 9th, after a short day at the office, did the spur loop hike during a great sunset.

Clouds this day

Starting off on spur hike with setting sun hitting Santa Rosas

Kathy(left) hiking on rim trail along spur

Starting to get good sunset colour

Kathy at left in panoramic pic of Borrego Valley

Kathy marching up to the sunset

On the 10th, a medium day at the office due to 3 cancellations.

Cool clouds this day - this panorama taken by post office

On the 11th, a very long day at the office. Took Nissan in for all the warning lights on the dash.

Lenticular cloud over Santa Rosas with phone switch in foreground

On the 12th, drove to Escondido, but MD office was closed (never warned us he wouldn't be there). We did shopping for Xmas, including buying a $218 roast! Checked out house in Santee & talked with neighbor Danny. Drove back to Borrego.

On the 13th, mostly took it easy at home.

Had a fire going to see if we'd have another great sunset

Jef & Kathy

Not a great sunset, but something

On the 14th, Kathy was not feeling well, so Jef drove to office and cancelled everyone and did some work.

On the 15th, back to work a full day at the office.

On the 16th, a short day at the office made shorter by cancellations. Took Nissan in to repair mouse damage, but picked it up after finding they'd have to order a $300 part due to ongoing rat damage.

Kept lid open to discourage rodents and put poison under car (missing the next morning)

Sunset panorama on our walk this day - we took doggies on circle loop and repeated it without them

On the 17th, Jef drove to Escondido to get RX of meds not prescribed 5 days ago when MD never showed up. Failed to find an Xmas tree. A medium day at the office after 4 cancellations.

Sunrise this morning

A cloudy morning in Borrego

Mostly cleared up this afternoon

Another lone lenticular over the Santa Rosas

On the 18th, another day of cancellations, so a short day at the office. Kathy went to MD this afternoon.

Tried photographing Jupiter/Saturn conjuction this evening, and would have on next pic, but they set before the pic that would have captured them, The bright light at left is Jupiter, but Saturn was erased when camera moved

On the 19th, drove to town to get xmas tree. Julian lot was closed, as was Ramona lot. Drove by 2 tree farms. Skipped 1st, but checked out 2nd. Nothing worthy, so drove to Carmel Mtn. Home Depot & got a nice noble fir. Noticed that Sop & Alyssa were loading a tree in front of me (attended their wedding in 2014). Drove back to Borrego, but didn't do much. Kathy made a nice brunch and we went on the 1.3 mile circle loop with doggies, but Kathy wasn't up to doing more.

Doggies walking around the circle

On the 20th, erected the tree in the living room & did some shopping in town.

Xmas tree before trimming

Kym gave us this xmas gizmo - but batteries only last 2 days

Jef & Kathy after trimming tree

Xmas bush & tree this night

On the 21th, a fairly full, but easy day at the office. Got to see Jupiter/Saturn conjunction this evening.

Jupiter/Saturn at left with cars on grade

This also has plane flying thru pic top right

On the 22nd, back to work a short day at the office.

On the 23rd, a long day at the office.

On the 24th, a medium day at the office, leaving early for xmas 3 day weekend..

This afternoon, our Jeep was alone in the parking lot and we got a good rain!

On the 25th, made calls to Julie & Elsa. Kathy called Stacey & John. We had Tom & Jerrys and opened some presents before cooking Prime Rib, baked potatoes and making a salad for dinner with Jim. Jim brought over an apple pie he made, ice cream and wine, but he fell getting into his car

Jef & Kathy by Christmas tree as we drank the Tom & Jerry's that Kathy made

Kym wrapped up in bow from her gift (plastic wine glasses) - also apple pie Jim baked for us

Jim and Kathy talking to Pam at her rehab facility

On the 26th, Jef walked to the office and did some work. Kathy took it easy recovering from prior day.

Meter has been heading north due to cold weather

View from pass on Jef's walk to office

On the 27th, continued taking it easy at home. Kathy finally with an ankle brace got back to walking and we did one circle lap with doggies and one without - about 2.5 miles total. We got some more rain this night.

Mostly cloudy day today

Kathy under cool clouds on our walk

Kathy & Lupita - we stopped to reciprocate her Xmas gift of tamales, beans and salad with a gift

On the 28th, back to work a long day at the office on this cold, rainy day.

Sunrise this morning under dark cloud - Venus is visible above the cloud


Panoramas of rainbow from WestStar looking toward house

200° panorama

Double rainbow at Borrego Springs Park

Looking south from BS Park - someone got a pic of "moonbow" this evening looking towards Glorietta from Rams Hill

On the 29th, a medium day at the office. Kathy's car wouldn't start and Jef determined some sort of electrical problem.

Snow on mtns. just to left of Indianhead, and below clouds over Toro Peak(at right)

Cool clouds all day got less and less. Note snow on Toro at left close to sunset this day

On the 30th, a long busy day at the office.

On the 31st, Kathy was informed a patient she saw this week had just tested positive for Covid19, so we and the aide who also might have been exposed drove to SD to get tested. We had to cancel all patients this day. All results came back this evening and were negative.

Holey cloud, batman! Lenticulars over Santa Rosas

Panorama of sky this afternoon

Sunset from back yard

Cool menacing cloud over San Ysidros

Panorama in front yard

Amazing clouds all day!
Nov 2020

On the 1st, made breakfast this morning - sausage, eggs & toast. Went on a 5+ mile hike in Culp Valley this afternoon.

Had to take 2 atomic clocks to clear view of eastern horizon to sync with Colorado radio station

Sunrise this mornin

Cool clouds all day this day

We parked in Culp Valley by the Paroli turnoff and this family was practicing rock climbing near us

We hiked by Cottonwood Spring

Kathy on road, had not noticed the spring... we turned off and checked it out. Kathy is standing in the cement collection pool, which has been overrun by these swamp grasses

Jef & Kathy

Kathy panting like a dog by the washed out "no dogs" sign

Kathy vrooming like a vehicle by the washed out "no vehicles" sign

Kathy in a good mood today

Panorama as we walk up Culp Valley Rd

Kathy in panorama looking both up and down the road

Kathy harvested some mistletoe off this juniper tree

Diagonal brownish lines above horizon at "anti-corpuscular" rays of sun caused by shadows of many little clouds this afternoon

Kathy below 2 bloomed out yucca flowers

Interesting colours in the fall in this chapparel - rust colour is finished flowers of wild buckwheet

Saw this yucca had fallen and split

Originally thought this to be mostly dead bush, but it actually had many (very tiny) blooming flowers on it!

There are still flowers blooming - this may be goldeneye

Cool sunset clouds starting this evening

Nearly 360° panorama of sunset at Crawford overlook

Kathy & Jef


Kathy drove the rest of the way home, as she was getting car sick

On the 2nd, back to work on a busy day at the office.

On the 3rd, a moderately busy day at the office, as we had 2 cancellations. Kathy voted after work.

On the 4th, Jef & Kathy walked up to near the end of Tilting T wash - about a 3.7 mile hike. Then a busy day at the office after a slow start.

On the 5th, a moderately busy day at the office.

On the 6th, a long day at the office. Kathy was not feeling well,

Cloudy this morning

Noticed a major lenticular over Santa Rosas

Panorama looking north to Santa Rosas

Clouds diminishing

Still looking cool

Lights coming on in valley, but still the lenticular clouds hovering over Santa Rosas for several hours

On the 7th, Kathy took it easy and was feeling better. Cool rainbow this morning as wind brought some drizzle, but still mostly sunny this morning.

Double rainbow this morning

More complete pic of double rainbow

Trees planted in pots of gold

We did get noticeable rain today, first in many months

Rainbow later this afternoon - note raindrops and birds

On the 8th, the 2nd cool day in a row with winds and highs in the low 60s. We walked dogs for about 40 minutes this afternoon.

Panorama at base of our driveway - doggies in center by our address sign

Panorama showing rainbow and Kathy with doggies

Another panorama with this rainbow

On the 9th, back to work a medium busy day at the office.

Snow on Toro Peak from weekend storm

On the 10th, a fairly busy day at the office.

On the 11th, Veterans Day. We had a half day scheduled, but most cancelled, so an extremely light day at the office. After work, we did the spur loop (about 5 miles). Kathy was having ankle problems towards the end. We arrived back at the office about half an hour after dark, after a 90 minute hike.

Kathy is at left on this panormas about 25 minutes after leaving office

360° panorama on spur trail, Kathy is right center

High part of spur hike near final summit

Kathy descending back down to wash as darkness nears

On the 12th, another busy day at the office. Yuridia called to inform us Lupita would be unavailable to clean this week due to back issues, so Kathy demanded we do it ourselves.

Caught tail end of sunset this evening

On the 13th, another busy day at the office.

On the 14th, Jef did some work at the office. Took doggies around block and then hiked an additional 4 miles going to end of canyon behind old country club, for a total of 84 minutes of hiking.

Kathy at start of hike

Walking doggies

Meter has been heading north - think because the hot tub was on even with windblown lid off

On the 15th, mostly took it easy at home, except for clean up chores. Jef jacked up & trimmed falling mesquite in front several inches.

Jacking up tree(2nd iteration this day)

Propped up tree - to be raised more another day

On the 16th, Kathy was hurtin' too much to come in, so cancelled all patients this day. Jef worked at office while getting 2 new tires on Kathy's car.

As I walked back after dropping off truck for new water pump, photographed "Mt. Bermudius" eruption

On the 17th, a very hectic day at the office.

On the 18th, a medium day at the office.

Jef & Kathy did the spur loop again after work - again returning in the dark

On the 19th, a medium busy day at the office.

Sunset this evening

On the 20th, what started as a busy day at the office turned quiet with 6 of 10 people cancelling, however other things made the day hectic. Danny called and said he was camped in OW, so we drove down there after work (after dark) and found them and spent a few hours around their campfire.

Clouds this day

Sunset this evening

Sittin' around the campfire

Neighbors were kickin' up dust this evening - to annoyance of their neighbors

Danny, Kathy, Wendy & Jef around fire - this is, I think, Holmes Camp

On the 21st, Jef drove to Ramona, did some shopping, and then stopped in Santee & mowed lawn & picked up mail.

Sunrise this morning

Jef found back door of Santee house wide open

Charles at Sewanee house - Jef turned down irrigation - note how scattered contrails are this day!

On the 22nd, Jef jacked the tree up a bit more in the front yard. Danny & Wendy stopped by and visited on their way back to Long Beach.

Kathy, Danny & Wendy at WestStar

On the 23rd, back to work a long day at the office. Day became a little windy as the start of a gradual cooling trend occurred with a high back down in the 70s.

On the 24th, another fairly busy day at the office.

On the 25th, after a medium long day at the office, we arrived home too late to walk.

On the 26th, we took Thanksgiving off & mostly took it easy. We walked doggies around circle and then walked over to the Old Desert Club, for a total of about 4 miles.

Kathy & Peanut heading home

Meter still heading north

We had posole every day this week

On the 27th, after a very long day at the office, Holley stopped by and visited for a few hours. We had posole for dinner.

Holley & Kathy in newly painted kitchen

Sitting down to dine on another posole dinner

On the 28th, mostly took it easy. Had Jan & Brenda over for posole this evening.

Propped up tree in front yard

On the 29th, Kathy got a massage and we cooked a full-blown Thanksgiving dinner with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole and gravy. We went on a little 1 hour walk - looped the circle with doggies and then did another lap.

On the 30th, back to work a long day at the office.

Sunrise this morning
Oct 2020

On the 1st, drove Kathy to MD appointment in Escondido and did some shopping.

On the 2nd, took it easy. Jef did more catch up work at the office.

On the 3rd, packed up and drove Kathy & doggies to Santee where we spent the night.

Before front yard cleanup at BigRock

on the 4th, did some yardwork and housecleaning at BigRock house before packing up and checking into OB Ocean Villa for the night. Kathy cooked cheeseburgers on our camp stove for dinner this evening after we took doggies to the beach.

Jef & Kathy at Ocean Villa

Doggies at Ocean Villa

Flowers still blooming by the beach

Dog Beach at sunset

Kathy has to take off her shoes

...and test the water

Peanut wants nothing to do with this wave

Coming back in

Dog Beach panorama with Kathy & Peanut

Sunset back in moterl room - emergency vehicles came to beach for some reason this evening

Mia & Peanut in bed

On the 5th, packed up and checked out before taking doggies to Dog Beach again, where we spent a couple hours before driving home (picked up paint at Home Depot for backyard verdanda before leaving SD). We enjoyed the rest of the day celebrating Kathy's b'day.

Doggies back at Dog Beach

Lots of activity at the beach

3 doggies chasing frisbee

The black lab retrieved it

Peanut thought all these doggies were so tiny!

People were surfin'

Fred Bassett

Action shot of tennis ball retriever

A day at the beach is Kathy's b'day present this year

Time to go

One more time in water for doggies

2 shadows for Kathy? No, one is just her reflexion

Jef had so many b'day cakes recently, he thought Kym got this for him

Nope... Kathy's

On the 6th, after a month off, back to work what turned out to be a light day at the office with 3 cancellations.

Sunset this evening

On the 7th, a medium busy day at the office, but long for Kathy, as neary every patient needed a report done after a month off.

On the 8th, a fairly busy day at the office.

Sunset panorama this evening looking west

... and looking north

On the 9th, a very busy day at the office, concluding a week with 8 new patients.

On the 10th, Jef continued catch-up at the office.

Sunrise this morning

Our new fire hydrant in from of WestStar house

Meter this day

On the 11th, drove Kathy to Ramona for our flu shots, stopping at western Santa Ysabel preserve for a 1 hour hike.

Kathy by dead tree near turnaround point of hike

Kathy & Jef

Panorama of turnaround point - Kathy at that point

Heading back to car with 3 Cuyamaca peaks on horizon

Jef got Kathy a new nice Weber camping bar-b-q grill

On the 12th, back to work a very busy day at the office.

On the 13th, another busy day at the office.

On the 14th, a day off. Jef worked at the office. Went on a 1 hour hike late this afternoon with Kathy & doggies.

On the 15th, back to work another very busy day at the office.

On the 16th, a very, very busy day at the office.

On the 17th, Jef did a little work at the office. Did an hour hike this morning, but still hot, so Kathy had a hard time, having to douse herself a couplt times along the way.

On the 18th, another hike this morning, altho left earlier than prior day, Kathy still had difficulty with the heat and had to douse herself a couple of times along the way. Total of about 4 miles in 1 h 7 m hike - Broken Arrow to start of Tubb Canyon back to Wagon loop.

For some unknown reason - Kym? - meter heading north even with no AC being run

Kathy refreshing her original douse before hike

After her 2nd dousing about 2/3 of the way thru the hike

Kathy fixed a nice Sunday brunch when we got back - here is Jef's "breakfast hot dog"

Sunset this evening

On the 19th, back to work another very busy day at the office.

Kym's meter

We killed this bug in office this day, a camel spider

On the 20th, a very busy day at the office.

On the 21st, Kathy started training new aide, Miguel, and as this week was too busy to take off this Weds, we saw 3 patients this afternoon.

Jef & Kathy went on a 4 mile walk this morning before going to the office - this is first day it wasn't too hot for Kathy

Meter should be going down, but doesn't appear to be

Kym's meter - showing she's been using about 10kwh/day

On the 22nd, a very busy day at the office.

Sunrise this morning - we still get redder sunrises due to residual smoke in the air

While picking up George, noticed water boatmen(Corixidae) were crashing into Kathy's car, as they mistook it for water (a bunch got blown to Borrego from the Salton Sea)

On the 23rd, a very busy day at the office.

A cloudy afternoon

On the 24th, made a giant batch of Kathy's tuna salad, packed up and drove to do some local shopping before driving to 3rd X-ing in Coyote Canyon where we met John's group. Kathy did her bloody Mary bartending on John's camping bar (trailer) & we snacked, drank and watched the "parade" of off-roaders drive by (as Borrego Days parade was cancelled this day, this was our substitute activity. We then packed up and drove to the Morgans where we had a few drinks and listened to the family's band give a private concert at the pool. Ann W. dragged Jef on the dance floor & he injured his calf.

Sunrise this morning

John's camping trailer at 3rd Crossing

Potluck spread

John's trailer tire blew out just before he arrived here

Charles with cool clouds behind him

Kathy on camping trailer

Puddle with little creek flowing from it is actually an accumulation of what Jeeps drip off after having forded 3rd crossing

We loaned John one of our tire inflators and Charles inflated his spare in preparation to changing tires

Getting shredded tire off trailer

Watching a "parade" of 2 Jeeps heading home over 3rd Crossing

10 of the 12 of us at this gathering - Terry sat apart, so Jef sat next to him

About 20 minutes earlier, someone mentioned Vincent was back in town & what a great guy he was... then he just happened to drive by... he had to join us for a few minutes with some vino

He had to continue on to meet another group in Sheep Canyon

Panorama of campsite

Jef had black chair next to Terry - some of group envied it and had to get it for themselves

Panorama of sky as Jef walked up canyon

Bypass road at high point looking towards Collins Valley

Panorama of bypass road at the top - dust to right is from Jeep descending at the left

Jef saw this trail fork from bypass road & theorizes it to be an old indian trail that the bypass road erased in most parts

Jef's shadow at bottom descending bypass road back to camp with this cool sky

Kathy had to stop at home for pants so she wouldn't be too cold at Morgans, Jef took this sunset pic from speeding car

Sunset colours fading about 1 minute from home

At home, panorama shows sunset colours faded even more

The band at poolside

Some dancers in the crowd (of about 15)


Gibous moon lit up some really cool clouds, but camera too week to pick this up

Good music - mostly 70s

On the 25th, mostly took it easy on this cool/windy day, but did a little work at the office.

Panorama at Tilting T & Broken Arrow showing cool clouds this afternoon

Panorama at home - this and next pic show drizzle in the mountains. The wind blew some drops to WestStar where Jef felt the sprinkles, the closest thing to rain in many months

On the 26th, back to work a fairly busy day at the office.

On the 27th, a slow day at the office due to cancellations.

Meter still not heading south, but Jef found out Kathy had turned on hot tub a few days before this

On the 28th, Kathy was ill, so cancelled a busy day at the office. Jef stayed and worked at the office.

On the 29th, droved Kathy to MD appointment in SD. Stopped by and checked out the Big Rock house and did a ton of shopping before driving back to Borrego.

On the 30th, back to work a long day at the office.

Axel re-doing shower

He had to cut out ceiling, find pipe that Maverick had not soldered correctly, fix it, and put everything back - including re-setting tiles

Pre-Halloween revelers at Carmalitas

On the 31st, went on a 1 hour walk with Kathy up Tilting T Wash & back before working at the office (on this Halloween Saturday).

Kathy in Tilting T wash

Pam & Kathy had Jef come out to see sunset

Jef & Kathy

Fading sunset panorama
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