Journal Index
4Q'19 Jef and Kathy's Activities 1Q 2020 2Q'20
Mar 2020

On the 1st, went on hike up Cowles - over 4 miles, nearly getting to access road as spur in Mesa loop, and hitting some rain. Packed up and drove back to Borrego.

Another big chunk of plastic came loose from the car - this came off driving about a mile from the Walmart parking lot where this was taken

Jef waiting for Kathy to stretch before hike

On hike saw a few patches of this wierd plant with a conical leaf with flower(s) in the middle!!!

Is this "bluebeard"??

Kathy by blooming ceanothus

Wierd tiny flowers - lichen community? Dunno

Wild cucumber blooms

Wild cucumber and fern on trail

Just after a little spurt of rain high on the trail

Hiking down to Santee

Sun came out near end of hike

More cool little flowers

A field of these flowers along trail

On the 2nd back to work a very long day at the office.

Panorama of clouds this afternoon

Missed most of a cool sunset, but still a little colour

On the 3rd, another very long day at the office.

Tile dude's progress on shower this evening

On the 4th, took the day off. Jef worked at the office, and Kathy was hurting, so we only walked the doggies around the circle and did another loop - about 2.2 miles this evening.

Had to take pic when I couldn't see the mountains!!!

Note how foggy is is this morning!

Pulled out this big "probable weed" today

Found this big break in irrigation at Sewanee

Kathy by "river"

Doggies on walk this evening - note desert dandelions in background - big sand dune

On the 5th, back to work another long day at the office.

Kathy's fresias have been blooming for past week

On the 6th, back to work anothe long day at the office.

On the 7th, Jef did some work at the office. Then Kathy drove Jef & David offroad - hitting 17 Palms, 5 Palms, Pumpkin Patch, and finally stopped by the Iron Door before returning home.

Cool clouds at the Mall this morning

The tumbleweeds trapped just inside Paloverde Wash are probably the out of control Sahara mustard that is making this area much greener than normal

We stopped and had sandwiches after about 2 hours of offroading

Jef & Kathy, photo by David

At 5 Palms

David at 5 Palms - now only 4 living ones


Looking toward Salton Sea

"Dead man's fingers"

Doggies checking out the patch of dead man's fingers

Erosion caused by spring feeding palms, when "springing"

Flowers nearby

Bottle caps pounded into these posts at 17 Palms

Desert sunflower

17 Palms oasis with sunflowers in foreground

and with desert dadelions in foreground

Panorama from above

David & Kathy checking out the barrel

Panorama looking up-wash

Jeep in parking area

Close up of same

David & Kathy by barrel

Panorama from downstream

Note the recent erosion

David & Kathy at Pumpkin Patch

Pumpkin escaping from enclosure!

After trying a path from Pumpkin Patch, we found Lost Lizard Trail and Kathy was uncertain she could get thru, so her and David walked ahead to check it out. Here is David coming back

Meanwhile Jef spotted a group of Jeeps headed our way

Kathy coming back

Bristly gilia

David getting closer to Jeep

Kathy flagged first Jeep in this group and asked if road went thru - he said yeah and to follow them, which we did

Arriving at the Iron Door

End of unusual sunset with tip of clouds a bright orange

Kathy got us beers and an Iron Door tank top

Iron Door decor

David put up his first $

David & Kathy with "The Blues Brothers"

David leaving the saloon

On the 8th, Jef walked to work and did some more work. Jef & Kathy did short walk around the circle this afternoon, as Kathy wanted to restart hiking program slowly.

Meter might still be going a little north, as winter is dragging on

At the old country club

Flowers coming out in Tilting T wash

Creosote blooming as Jef descends to the Mall

Lots of Fremont pincushions blooming near Mall

Brittlebush blooming at the Mall as Jef takes easy walk home

Fountain going on by Catholic Church

On the 9th, back to work a long day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

Desert dandelions by our street address

and in front yard

across the street

On the 10th, a busy, but shortened day at the office. We walked to old country club and back (about 50 minutes - weather was too cold for doggies)

Sunrise this morning after a rainy nite

It rained while we were at work today

On the 11th, Jef drove to SD and 1) picked up some tile, 2) picked up some medical records, 3) got new truck registered except for smog certificate, 4) did a little shopping, and 5) filled up gas tank of white Jeep. Then went hiking up Hellhole with Kathy.

Our wet backyard this morning

Kathy had her plants out to get watered by mother nature - note the fog in the distance

The sun came out - Jef took this pic before heading for SD

Starting our hike to Hellhole - little flowers are Fremont pincushions

Blooming hedgehog

Kathy on trail after we start to hit brittlebush and chuparosa area

Apricot mallow with Kathy in distance

Jef lagged and got a lot of pix of Kathy's back

More variety with desert lavender, trixis and cheesebush added to brittlebush/chuparosa mix

Finally caught up to take pic of Kathy's back again

One of my favorite pix on this hike

Kathy is at left of this panorama

Hellhole palms can be seen in the distance

2 Kathys in this stitched panorama

Getting up in the larger boulders

Kathy stretching (her back was hurtin') at left of this panorama

We passed a few other hikers

First crossing of Hellhole Creek (usually dry here)

Getting closer to sycamores (the 2 mile mark where we turned around as Kathy's back was bothering her - this was over 600' above the trailhead, and sycamores are green just above her head and to the left)

Hellhole palms even closer now

Last pic taken before turning around

Heading back with Borrego Valley in distance

Kathy waited for Jef to catch up to show him

...a resting swarm of bees in this desert lavender bush

Approaching 1st creek crossing

Crossing over - we remain on other side of creek for remainder of hike

Borrego valley looming closer in this panorama

Coming back we go away from sun, so flowers are not as highlighted

Also had cool clouds this day

Was told I missed cool sunset, but got this tail end of it

On the 12th, a rainy-thunderstormy day at the office. What would have been a long hard day turned out to be fairly easy with half the patients cancelling. New tile guy took off where Mark left off & made progress on tile. Meanwhile garage got flooded, and is now a big mess.

Put trees out to catch rain on this rainy day

Puddle in front yard

Good rain, as seen in back yard

Low clouds/fog in parts of the valley

Cars had to negotiate small rivers to get into malls on Palm Canyon

Progress on shower

On the 13th, back to work a long day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

Partial rainbow towards San Ysidros

Mostly complete rainbow

Another panorama of this rainbow

Panorama at the Mall today

On the 14th, walked to work and put some more pix in this journal.

Meter still going north, as this continues to be a very chilly winter for Borrego

Brittlebush blooming at the old country club

New wet channels in the wash from rain of 2 days ago

An unusual sight - other hikers on MY trail

Progress on shower

Small rain plume over by base of mountains on our walk this afternoon

After Mia abandoned us to chase Bob in his golfcart (who was "walking" his dog), we leashed the doggies

We took doggies beyond circle and walked all the way to Country Club Dr. with them - a 45 minute hike

Brittlebush near the turn-around point

On the 15th, Jef and Kathy hiked Glorietta on a nice day.

Raised garden has sage blooming(at left) and another bell pepper harvested

Starting up Glorietta

Beavertail is blooming in this pic

Closeup of beavertail in bloom

Jef took a lot of pix going up, as sun might be permanently covered by clouds - which never came to pass - sun was out whole hike

Nearing the pass

More beavertail blooming

Beavertail bloom is to left of this panorama of the pass

Kathy following trail at the pass

Kathy stretching again as we head up 2nd wash

Looking back downwash, Sunset Peak is visible

One more stretch before we start climbing up to 2nd pass

Ladybug in cholla

Kathy by another blooming beavertail

Kathy made this arrow pointing to 2nd pass years ago

Getting close to 2nd pass

Kathy at 2nd pass

Kathy ascenting 1st view hill

Kathy & Jef of 1st view hilltop - our turnaround point this day

Looking back as we walk down 2nd wash

Someone put the virgin statue up this day

Kathy wants to get a trailer like this some day for camping

On the 16th, a light day at the office as nearly half the patients cancelled.

On the 17th, Jef & Kathy wore the new matching St. Patty's T-shirts on a fairly busy day at the office - 7 patients, 2 new.

Panorama of progress in bathroom rennovation

On the 18th, Jef went to SD to finish registering truck on a rainy day. First thing, as he headed out driveway was the truck's wipers were shot, so he got new ones at NAPA. Then a "chains required" sign at the bottom of Montezuma prompted him to go over lower Teofulio Pass (elevation 3636'). Near the top of this pass, hit some unusual snow with snowflakes nearly golfball size at the pass. Drove to Ramona and got the smog check done. Continued to Lowes in Santee and got stuff requested by Eric the latest tile guy. Went to AAA and completed registration of truck. Hit Staters on the way home noting several things on Kathy's shopping list were unavailable - canned soup, frozen veggies and hand sanitizer. Got gas, which was under $3/gallon for the first time in a long while before getting home. Kathy wasn't up to hiking on our day off, so took it easy for the rest of the day.

Kathy & Jef wearing matching St. Patty's Day T-shirts they wore to work prior day

Jef stopped here to recycle what he drank this morning on way to SD

Example of hoarding panic at markets - this is the soup aisle at Staters in Ramona

Brittlebush blooming all along Montezuma Grade - this at Crawford Overlook

Panorama at the Mall

Recent snow fell on San Ysidro Mtn. (peak elev. about 5000')

Big thunderheads about 50 miles away (the white behind the palms)

Installed sink in bathroom reno

On the 19th, a fairly busy day at the office even with 1/3 cancellations.

Snow in San Ysidros

Menacing cloud over our work

On the 20th, came to work early for Kathy to give a presentation on limiting disease spread amid fears of the Covid19 pandemic.

On the 21st, drove to Ramona, got meds, did a little shopping, and noticed many shelves were nearly cleared out at Albertsons, along with guards at door and directing traffic in the store - interesting times! Went on a 4 mile walk - the Country Club loop.

Hector & Yuridia(his translator dtr.) looking at weeding project on Sewanee

Still cool, so meter still heading north

Beavertail blooming at house high up on Country Club Dr.

Panorama at top of Country Club with clouds & interesting contrails

Is it real... or a statue???

It's REAL!!!

Lotsa contrails today

On the 22nd, did chores around house. For our hike, we took the easy walk to town and did some shopping.

On our way to town

We utilize this unused roadway - no motor traffic

Cool lighting on flowers as we head up Country Club

Wierd clouds today

On the 23rd, back to work a light day at the office. Kym hid in her cave to avoid the pandemic, so with such a light patient load, she's layed off for a while.

On the 24th, a fairly long day at the office.

Eric thought we had no more blue/green tiles and did this elaborate fix, but Kathy found more tiles and told him to rip it out and re-do it

Sink counter is now tiled. Tiles piled up at left are tiles Kathy dug up to replace pebble tiles by toilet

On the 25th, taking Wednesdays off these days. Built a fire, as it was another cool day. Mostly hung around home taking it easy, but then went on a 1h 10m walk thru Ocotillo forest.

Another day with lots of contrails

Approaching "The Johnsons", some of our neighbors on our hike this day

Desert dandelions are nearly gone, except in shady areas

I think my flower book said these were mitras, but I need to check on this

After being chased out of conglomeration of un-permitted buildings (meth labs?) by some lady, we ignored her and continued on into ocotillo forest. Here approaching a house - we avoided it and eventually got to dirt road

Some beavertails are blooming now

It was fairly windy this day

There were some nice ocotillo blooms

Close up of ocotillo bloom

Some hedgehog cacti are also blooming

Sunset this evening

On the 26th, back to work on a light day at the office, as half of the scheduled patients cancelled.

On the 27th, a medium busy day at the office.

Garden today - sage & peas blooming

Progress on bathroom

Panorama of sink/toilet area

On the 28th, drove Kathy to MD in Escondido. We stopped and got some groceries at Staters in Ramona on way back. We got home in time to go on a little walk and even took doggies around the circle.

Kathy stretching at the old country club

Panorama of clouds - Kathy started on route up Tilting T Canyon at right

Cholla blooming

Monkey flowers

We turned around at the horse trough

Kathy going down-wash

Arriving home at sunset

On the 29th, we went on a hike up a canyon behind the old country club, as it was a windy afternoon and the canyons were much less windy. We hiked about 6 miles.

Patch of monkey flowers

Kathy at mouth of canyon we ascended

Patch of yellowhead, monkey flowers, and Fremont pincushions

Kathy by a trixis in narrow part of canyon

Ascending dry waterfall

We began seeing more and more poppies

Panorama of hillside with many poppies

Poppies and Fremont pincushions

Kathy taking a pic

We'll probably call this "Poppy Canyon" now

Noticed these new rock towers for the first time - so maybe built in last couple of years

View of Borrego Sink as we exit Poppy Canyon

On the 30th, back to work a not-so-busy day at the office.

Seems like smoke from a major fire around Salton City

On the 31st, a medium busy day at the office.

Pinchushions and desert dandelions growing in crack in parking lot of the Mall

Tiling completed on new bathroom
Feb 2020

On the 1st, went over to John & Mary's and helped with Stacey's baby shower.

Panorama from our hotel shows snow in the Olympics above Bremerton

After a record number of days without sun, it came out for us Californians

Setting up Stacey's baby shower party

The desserts

The guest of honor arrives

Papa & mama

Panorama as people start going thru buffet

The opening of presents commences

Panorama of present opening attendees

Showing off one of many presents

Kathy helped by moving wrapping paper away from the activity

Late this afternoon, still some blue, but clouds are moving in

On the 2nd, went over to Eric & Stacey's and ate/drank while watching stuper bowl.

Morning view from our hotel

Eric & Jef assembled Jef & Kathy's gift, the crib

The chef, Joe?, who brought the stuper bowl food arrives and we set it up. Stacey is in her 49ers attire

More blue sky!

Let the feasting begin!

On the 3rd, went over to Eric & Stacey's and made a big pot of posole. We also opened our "Groundhog-mas presents".

Morning view from our hotel

Groundhog-mas presents ready for unwrapping

Posole chefs posing

Papa Bear & Mama Bear slippers were gifts sent up for the occasion

On the 4th, packed up and checked out of hotel. Dropped a bag at Stacey's (doubtful it would make it thru TSA), drove to airport. We checked into trying to find Kathy's lost coat, but failed. We had a beer at Dungeness at the airport, and flew to SD, arriving on time. David picked us up, dropped us in Santee and we took doggies to Borrego.

Very early morning view from our hotel

We drove thru some light snow on the way to the airport, but it stopped falling before our flight

After arriving home, we find Len has done quite a bit of demo work to our bathroom

On the 5th, back to work at what was supposed to be a very busy day at the office, but half the patients cancelled, so only a medium busy day.

On the 6th, a long day at the office.

On the 7th, a very busy day at the office which Jef & Kathy barely made it thru due to fatigue from Stacey's cold.

On the 8th, Jef & Kathy stayed home taking it easy, as both were still recovering from Stacey's cold.

On the 9th, Jef was feeling well enough to start installing the bench in the new shower. He went to work for an hour or so and did some work, as well as update this journal. Kathy decided to lie low for another day.

Start of bench - going from top down

Desert dandelions starting to bloom

Many thousands of invasive London rockets forming green "lawn" outside wall on north side

On the 10th, back to work a very long day at the office.

Mostly cloudy day, but here is sun shining on Santa Rosas

On the 11th, another very long day at the office.

On the 12th, yet another very long day at the office.

On the 13th, drove Kathy to MD appointment in Escondido. Did some shopping.

Putting dent in London Rocket weeds

Meter still going north

We dined at Pinto Thai in Ramona on way home

On the 14th, another very long day at the office.

On the 15th, started in on the new shower bench before walking to the office and doing some work.

Cut pieces for base of bench

Chuparosas are blooming

Monkey flowers are now blooming

Desert hibiscus


Starting hike back home

Panorama of Borrego as sun sinks behind mtns.

Ghost flowers in bloom

Woody bottlebrush in bloom

On the 16th, spend most of the day on the shower bench. Kathy again took it easy.

Skeleton almost complete - including what will be a drawer underneath the shower bench

On the 17th, took the day off and drove Kathy to MD in El Cajon. Did some more shopping. Picked up dinner at Greek Chicken.

On the 18th, back to work a very long day at the office.

On the 19th, a very long day at the office.

Desert dandelions coming out

Fall foliage on ocotillo

Desert dandelions among beavertail

On the 20th, another very long day at the office.

Sunset this evening

On the 21st, Kathy started work on replacing her broken off crown. Then a short day at the office followed by us hosting the Sundowner.

Judy Taylor sung for us

Warm weather, no wind, and a nice sunset

Kathy hugs Joanne as we set up

Sundowner before dinner is served

Brad organized most of the Sundowner

Dinner being served - mini sandwiches & pizza

Eating vittles

Towards end of the sunset

After champagne toast (for Kathy's 20th anniversary in Borrego and 40th as a PT)

Sundowner as seen from our lobby

360° panorama in middle of the crowd - about 60 attended (some had left by this time)

On the 22nd, a beautiful day. Remnants of clouds from small cloudburst on prior night remained, temperature reaching about 70%deg;F with moderate wind. We took doggies around block for 1st time in 3 weeks and then hiked over the sand dune to photograph flowers. This evening went to Mardi Gras at the Mall, and when not much was happening, had drinks & dinner at Carmelitas with Morgans.

Got a few drops this morning

Walking doggies

Much windier over by Fonts

Panorama on sand dune

Kathy briefly took off her coat - was getting a little warm

Kathy is at right of this panorama

Ocotillo starting to bloom

Kathy on top of dune

A lot of desert dandelions

Looking towards Sunset Peak


Crazy hat ladies at Mardi Gras

Kathy wore her Mexican costume

Former patient Rob with Sandy in Carmelitas

On the 23rd, Jef & Kathy hiked in Glorietta Canyon, going to a new viewport and hiking about 5 miles total.

Jef finished the wood part of the shower bench today

Our new tile guy arrived after the 2nd flat, he drove on rim the last mile or so

Not much left of his tire

Jef thinks this may be some kind of cliffrose

Some flowers highlited by setting sun

Chuparosa going strong, but brittlebush are a week or 2 out

Kath at the final pass

Wooly daisies with cholla ball for scale (1 1/2" diameter)

Spurge flowers?

Whole lotta cactus goin' on!

Kathy at terminus of hike - this new viewports looks over valley, and we see the shadow of mtns. advancing into valley, so we turn around, as we are an hour from the car

Fonts Point


EastStar WestStar circle with illegal encampment in foreground

Borrego Spur with diversion berm at bottom

Jef & Kathy

One last pic before we start for car at Glorietta trailhead

On the 24th, a long day at the office made longer by a long SDG&E blackout.

More & more desert dandelions popping out

Mark adjusted the replacement wheel he got to fit his truck

On the 25th, back to work a long day at the office. Mark the tile dude started on resuming bathroom renovation from Axel's start.

Mark, "the tile dude" finished covering bench with cement board

He also did a lot of cement board on walls and countertop

On the 26th, a medium busy day at the office. Kathy & Jef walked to office over the spur (Jef left the black Jeep there so they could drive home).

Meter may be slightly moving north, as Kathy is super sensitive to cold (sometimes is cold at 70°F), so uses heater a lot still

Kathy stretching at about 30% mark

Various things are blooming at the research center

..including desert lavender and creosote...

..and cholla - note the beetle inside this bloom

barrel cactus blooms just starting

Bottom of Tilting T Wash starting to bloom

Kathy at high point of our hike on the spur trail

Kathy & Jef

Looking at car headlights coming from far side of BS Road near OW

Kathy hiking with panorama of evening lights coming on in Borrego

Mark finished cement board part of countertop and walls this day

On the 27th, a fairly busy day at the office with 4 cancellations.

Cloudy day! Gotta have proof

On the 28th, a very busy day at the office. Jef drove to SD for dental appointment & stopped at tile place to resurrect an order placed in October & at AAA to register truck, but aborted due to lack of cash/check to pay fees.

On the 29th, drove Kathy to MD appointment in Escondido, did some shopping, ordered Fox pizza - which was good, and hosted poker in Santee with Jef, Kathy, Sid, Brian & Hank. Jef(&Kathy) won cumulatively 7.

Big dent in weeds behind house

Panorama of mowed back yard
Jan 2019

On the 1st, stayed home with Kathy all day. Jacked up an partly fixed raised planter. Later this evening, Pam and Jim came over and we had h'orsderves and drank some premium vino to celebrate the 1st.

Planter had collapsed all the way to the ground on this side

Started jacking up left

Then dug out and started jacking up right

Mostly jacked up, but whole planter is coming up (note pipe coming out of ground)

Hopefully this will allow one more season

On the 2nd, back to work a long day at the office. Holley dropped by this evening to celebrate a belated Xmas.

Lots of contrails making the sunset this evening

Kathy & Holley opening presents

On the 3rd, another long day at the office.

After sunrise this morning, our green front yard. Holley slept it, hers is the silver car in front of the Jeep on the right side of this panorama

Sunset this evening

On the 4th, Jef drove Kathy to MD in Escondido, did some shopping and had a late lunch on the way home.

Kathing dining at Pinto Thai in Ramona - the spring rolls are the closest thing to a salad here, and they are loaded with lettuce

On the 5th, took it easy at home. Jef worked at cutting out dead eucalyptus stump.

Looks like another $200 in electricity usage with cold weather this winter

Guest house/hot tub meter

On the 6th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 7th, another very long day at the office.

Panorama of cool clouds at the Mall

On the 8th, a shortened day at the office so Jef and Kathy could go on a hike - the first this year, as Kathy hasn't been up to any exercise up until this day.

Doggies ready for a hike

Black Bark, Kathy & Kym

Moon rising over Fonts Point

On the 9th, a long day a the office shortened by cancellations and no shows, but 8 patients still.

Car is clean after washing it on the 5th

Progress Jef made on removing the trunk of this dead eucalyptus

One big cloud in this panorama almost looks like a smoke plume

Jef spotted cool lenticulars over Toro, but in the minutes it took to get the camera & take the above panorams, clouds obscured them

Raining in the mtns., and windy (20mph) down in Borrego

Wind blew a faint mist which reached Borrego this day

On the 10th, another long day at the office, again shortened by cancellations and no shows, but still 9 patients.

On the 11th, Jef drove to Ramona & did a little shopping.

Walking doggies on 1st lap

Arriving home after 2nd lap to old country club

Took down xmas decorations and relegated tree to outside fire circle

On the 12th, Kathy & Jef visited Morgans - Kathy got her hair done and while Pam was cutting Jef's hair, Kathy took doggies for a walk. Bushre's came over and we had dinner and watched football into the evening.

Bushre's, Jim & Kathy


On the 13th, Kathy didn't feel well, so cancelled a very busy day at the office.

On the 14th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 15th, another very busy day at the office.

Panorama showing clouds this day

On the 16th, drove Kathy to MD in Escondido, then drove to OB where we picked up repaired jewelry and dined at Livingstons. Kathy broke her crown while eating a taco. Then drove back to Borrego, stopping at Staters for groceries.

Damage done to car by hitting empty 5 gallon paint pail at 70mph on the freeway

On the 17th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 18th, Kathy mostly took it easy at home while Jef walked to work, did some work, and walked back. Took doggies on 27 minute loop around circle and then walked another hour, going entire length of Wagon and back.

Meter still heading north with cool weather

Apparently someone started a fire in Palm Canyon this day

Perhaps lit some dried palm fronds

On Jef's hike home, this raven flew just below him on trail

Took the precarious low route this day

Dropping down into Tilting T wash

Possible sunset clouds when walking doggies

Clouds adorning indianhead

Kathy put on her heavy coat for the hour hike into the night

On the 19th, Jef finished eliminated eucalyptus trunk, did trial outline of shower bench, helped Kathy with chores and did short hike with doggies - about 40 minutes.

Last part of trunk to be removed

Finally completed the cuts

And then there was nothing!

Panorama of cloudy day on WestStar - kathy & doggies are at right

On the 20th, back to work a medium busy day at the office.

On the 21st, another busy day at the office made a little easier with 4 cancellations.

Wet ground and puddles on right showed we had some rain prior night

Panorama of clouds this afternoon

Nice clouds late this afternoon

On the 22nd, we cancelled eye doctor appointments in SD and Kathy went to dentist for her tooth, but only got antibiotics. We walked to the dentist, Jef did some work at the office, and then we walked home over the spur.

One of Kathy's stops to fix her highly problematic shoes

Jef & Kathy at high point of walk home

On the 23rd, back to work a busy day at the office.

Kathy was sore from hike prior day, so took her trike when we walked the doggies

On the 24th, what started as a super busy day at the office (which is maybe why Kym was 'sick'), turned into a light day, as half the patients cancelled.

Doggies, stuck at home this day, sufferred from loud work on roof - it was being deep cleaned in preparation for painting

Most of the white roof gravel was dumped in this side yard, which was also cleaned and leveled

These big helichoppers flew low over our house this afternoon

On the 25th, Roofing people made another racket on roof with 2nd deep cleaning. We took doggies on loop around the circle. Bought truck from Sonja.

Water and debris coming off roof

On the 26th, Jef made top skeleton of shower bench while Kathy saw a homecare patient.

New top of shower bench frame

New (20 year old) truck

Roof is now ready for painting

Panorama with Kathy hiking up spur behind old country club

Kathy at top of 2nd peak

An unusual sight: a barrel cactus with a branch!

Approaching top of 4th peak

Post at right is on what we term "4th peak"

Kathy & Jef at high point of hike

Fagonias starting to bloom

Berm to the right of ranch may have been part of golf course believed to be here around 70 years ago - perhaps ranch housed horses for country clubians to ride

Tilting T wash is my route when I walk to town

We dined at the Krazy Koyote this evening

On the 27th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 28th, a short day at the office.

On the 29th, back to work a long day at the office.

Meter heading north, but not as fast

Roof almost painted

On the 30th, after a medium long day at the office (lots of cancellations), we packed up and drove to SD with doggies, who David would take care of on our trip. We had Sab-E-Lee Thai food this evening.

Sunrise this morning

On the 31st, David drove us to the airport, we flew to SeaTac, and Kathy forgot her coat on the shuttle bus to the rental car facility. We rented a Pathfinder and drove to Port Orchard where we checked into the Comfort Inn. We linked up with Stacey (who just contracted a cold) and Eric and met his family at a Mexican restaurant for dinner.

The dark horizontal line in this photo from the plane got my attention when it was slanted 45° and looked the the exhaust from a missile. At that point, the shape changed, and it was clearly a tornadic funnel. Then Jef got his camera out, but it then went horizontal, as in this photo, and disappeared.

The first half of the trip was in sunlight, but the last half was clouded over

Kathy got tacos, but Jef got this steak cooked with nopal and served with these salsas. The plate with the cactus & meat retained its heat and sizzled the whole meal. Jef's dinner was excellent.

Panorama of the dinner table

After unboxing the "Groundhog-mas" presents we has shipped up here
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