Journal Index
1Q'20 Jef and Kathy's Activities 2Q 2020 3Q'20
Jun 2020

On the 1st, back to work a moderately busy day at the office.

Panorama of sunset at the office this evening

Kathy called Jef after seeing whole sky light up, but by the time she called Jef, only the low western sky was ablaze

On the 2nd, another medium busy day at the office.

On the 3rd, Jef walked to office in 108°F heat midday and updated this journal.

On the 4th, after a short day, went home to celebrate Holley's b'day. While we were at work, glas people installed glass around new shower.

Shower with glass

Sunset this evening

Holley brought a friend

Birthday cake

Holley blowing out candles

On the 5th, a fairly busy day at the office.

Band of clouds to the east - note Jim is re-jiggering his parking lot in the Mall

Clouds nestled to west of Toro Peak

Like a blanket

On the 6th, did some resting & chores. Then went on a 4+ loop mile hike to water tank.

Kathy on trail

Getting close to the water tank

Walking from tank to road, this gate can be "limbo'd under" by hikers

Kathy was thirsty to drank some water at this house

Can you find the "FLOWERS" in this pic? If not, perhaps Waldo?

We had appetizers and vino at the Morgans this evening in celebration of our anniversary

On the 7th, took it easy after another long day. Jef had a sore throat, worrying Kathy.

On the 8th, Kathy needed to take a day off to make sure Jef hadn't caught anything, so all patients were cancelled for this day.

Kathy bar-b-qued some filet mignons. We had this with baked potatoes for dinner, and Had a couple leftovers for steak sandwiches

Bathroom next needs painting

On the 9th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 10th, Jef walked to office and did some work. Kathy saw a homecare patient and picked him up on way home. Then we went on a 3.5 mile hike.

Meter still heading south

This cactus a the mall has fruit that resemble pineapples

Did one lap with doggies

A blooming smoke tree

Another blooming smoke tree

On the 11th, back to work a medium long day at the office.

On the 12th, Kathy was too sore & had nausea, so cancelled a full load of patients. Jef worked at the office.

On the 13th, Jef drove Kathy to Escondido for MD appt, and we did some shopping before returning home.

On the 14th, Jef walked to/from the office, doing some work there.

Gilias are still blooming, but much fewer than at peak

Another blooming smoke tree

On the 15th, Kathy was unable to wake up to see chiro, so Jef cancelled any patients while working at the office.

On the 16th, back to work a fairly long day at the office. Jef had to take David's place, as he was out of town.

On the 17th, Jef drove to SD - doing some shopping, checking out Big Rock house, and getting a cleaning/examp at dentist. Stopped by office on way home and did a little work.

Big Rock house yard is a mess

On the 18th, back to work for a fairly busy day at the office.

Len painted the ceilings in the master bedroom & bathroom today

Finished bathroom ceiling

Bedroom ceiling

Jef is usually the last to leave

On the 19th,a busy day at the office.

Interesting clouds today

On the 20th, Jef found the work computer, which had crashed previous 2 nites had crashed again, and Jef was unable to get it going, but since he did a fairly extensive back up 2 days prior, not much was lost. Jef & Kathy went on a walk around the circle with doggies, but Kathy was having pain issues and Jef was having back issues, so stopped there and stopped walking for a over a week.

On the 21st, mostly took it easy at home, but dropped off a birthday present to Pam late afternoon.

On the 22nd, back to work for a short day at the office. Jef started working out with Kathy in gym after work. Jef did 550 calaries on exercise bike in 30 minutes

Jef on Bowflex

On the 23rd, another fairly short day at the office.

On the 24th, mostly took it easy. Kathy at home and Jef catching up on recovering from computer crash at the office. Kathy met Jef at office late in afternoon, and they worked out again. This time Jef was slower on bike, but after adding 5 minutes time, he was able to burn 618 calories on exercise bike in 35 minutes.

On the 25th, back to work a medium long day at the office.

Cool clouds today

Jef glanced outside and just managed to catch tail end of a nice sunset

Kym had emptied the pool recently

On the 26th, a busy day at the office.

On the 27th, Jef & Kathy worked out at the office. Jef burned 749 calories in 40 minutes on the exercise bike.

Meter still heading south

On the 28th, Jef did some work at the office.

Vino time on the wind-protected east patio

360° panorama from middle of our driveway - Kathy can be seen coming AND going

Cool sunset reminds me of sand dunes over Indianhead

On the 29th, a freak cool (windy) day where temperature never exceeded the mid-80s (about 20 - 30 degrees F cooler than normal). Druing a medium long day at the office, Jef went to the chiropractor to determine back problems. Found out one leg was an inch longer than the other due to left side being very stiff, so started working on this problem. Axel returned to PT 7 months after his near fatal accident.

On the 30th, a medium long day at the office. Lupita made us a big batch of ceviche & whe had ceviche tostadas for dinner.

May 2020

On the 1st, a very long day at the office. About midday, power supply arrived and Jef modified it to fit old PC and got the office computer working again.

Took pic of how power cables were connected in case I got lost in installing new power supply

On the 2nd, took it easy at home. We took doggies around circle, but don't think Kathy was up to going further.

Kathy on walk

Peanut casts long shadows!

Coachwhip plant is growing out of this other bush along the road

Brown eyed primrose - late for them and not much representation this year in the wildflowers

On the 3rd, we slept most of the day. Kathy was in too much pain and we only walked about 10 minutes around the circle.

Kathy went overboard by making a champagne breakfast this morning!

On the 4th, back to work a medium short day at the office.

Colour at the new library due to paloverdes planted around it

Paloverdes in our parking lot at the Mall

On the 5th, a very long day at the office.

On the 6th, took it easy, doing a lot of sleeping again. We took doggies around the circle and then walked another 45 minutes, but Kathy still in a lot of pain.

Nearly done walking doggies around circle

On the 7th, a fairly long day at the office.

Paloverde at sunset

Nice little sunset this evening

On the 8th, a medium long day at the office.

Maverick had built a stand for new steam unit

Paloverde starting to come out at the Mall

New landscaping along Palm Canyon is mostly paloverde

Late afternoon

On the 9th, Jef walked to the office and did some work before walking back.

Meter still heading south

Catclaw blooms with bees buzzing around them

Clump of gilia

Fields of gilia

Field of gilia with brittle bush still blooming

Close up of edge of one of the gilia fields

Panorama at mouth of Tilting T wash

Desert hibiscus

Yellowhead still blooming

Panorama of Mall & library with lots of paloverde in bloom

Trail heading up to spur trail

View of library - little trees in foreground are small fagonia bushes

View of library from high point in hike

Barrel cactus blooms alongside trail

Building clouds at the Mall

Paloverde blooming at the library

180 degree view in Borrego Park - at left looking towards Sunset Peak is south, and to right, looking towards library is north

Gilia fields just east of Church Hill

Some brittlebush still going strong

Panorama looking down abandoned road with gilia fields to west

Panorama of gilia fields between blooming brittlebush

Gilia fields even going up onto hill

Panorama of gilia fields and hills

While walking the 1 block long Rocking Chair Rd, got a few raindrops, but as it was hot, none showed on the ground

Lotsa flowers blooming at this neighbor house

Peanut shaking off excess water after Kathy soaked the doggies on this hot afternoon

Weststar house taken from neighbor's driveway - Kym is in front of garage as she just got home

Ground is coloured yellow from falling mesquite blooms

Pool party at Morgan's this evening

On the 10th, Mother's Day - Stacey called. Holley not to be heard from. Kathy picked an unusual dinner for her day - cheeseburgers!

This rabbit was perched inside a big pot because there was another pot full of water in it

Jef picked Kathy about 8 different local flowers

Dinner tonight

On the 11th, back to work a medium long day at the office.

On the 12th, a very long day at the office.

Sunset this evening

On the 13th, mostly took it easy at home, but did wash Kathy's car belatedly for Mother's Day.

On the 14th, back to work a long day at the office.

Jef left work as sun went behind mountains

Kathy smelling a yucca bloom on neighbor's yard

On the 15th, a medium long day at the office.

On the 16th, drove Kathy to Escondido for MD appointment. We then did some shopping and got home early enough to hike, but were wiped out and napped the rest of the day.

Jef & Kathy in shopping gear

Checking out landscaping at this store

On the 17th, mostly took it easy around the house. Did a walk around the circle with doggies, but Kathy's back pain prevented going any further.

Walking around circle - this day was warm enough to wet doggies about halfway

On the 18th, a fairly light day at the office. Jef did a quick shopping trip to Ramona. We got home in time to walk doggies around the circle - Kathy was chilly, so had to wear a coat. Lupita had made 4 gallons of posole for us while we were at work.

Panorama, looking SW, of mustard fields in Ranchita - not the best mustard field views on trip to Ramona this afternoon

Looking north in Ranchita

Panorama looking west from Post Office this afternoon

Doggies on start of walk around circle this afternoon - wind chill made Kathy uncomfortably cold on the whole 30 minute walk

On the 19th, another moderately busy day at the office. The last cool blustery day of the spring (probably).

On the 20th, wound up taking it easy all day, other than a few chores and working on pix. Kathy decided not to walk due to back pain.

On the 21st, back to work a moderately busy day at the office.

On the 22nd, after a medium busy day at the office, Kathy went to get her crown fitted and found out that, besided her doctor, Borrego Med had also fired her dentist, so she came back with all her dental records and impressions.

On the 23rd, Jef hung around the house doing chores, until the chain in the chainsaw became too loose.

Before cutting deadwood on this oleander

After cutting

After clean up


On the 24th, Jef walked to/from the office, doing work at the office.

Meter still heading south

Gilias still blooming strong

Coming up to the Mall, some gilias here, too

Bigelow Monkey flower still blooming, but starting to fade

Gate by road next to old country club has been moved and built with new materials

On the 25th, back to work a medium busy day at the office.

Americal Legion showing the colours, as we were working on Memorial Day

On the 26th, a fairly busy day at the office.

On the 27th, drove Charles to La Quinta to pick up replacement swamp cooler for Sewanee house. Pam gave me a haircut this afternoon, and Jef and Kathy skipped walking - too tired.

Charles had already removed old swamp cooler

New swamp cooler

On the 28th, back to work a medium day at the office.

On the 29th, another medium day at the office.

Dad's obit came out in the local paper this week

Panorama of clouds over the library this afternoon

Sunset this evening on WestStar

On the 30th, Jef walked to the office, did some work there and added to this journal. Walked doggies around circle this evening.

Panorama at pass. Borrego is to the right. Cool clouds

Gilia still blooming, but starting to fade

Meter going south at good pace now

Panorama at home

One of Kathy's cacti blooming in front yard

Bee in flower

Kathy pointing

Same pic, only panorama with other Kathy walking up Lightning spur

Panorama of cool clouds this evening

Arriving home

Some colour in clouds with pool in foreground

On the 31st, mostly took it easy at home, except doing some chores, such as cutting a big dead mesquite branch in back yard. Did another walk around circle this evening.

Coachwhip bloom in front of EastStar house
Apr 2020

On the 1st, Kathy took the day off. Took doggies on walk around the circle this afternoon before walking to the old country club & back - about 4 miles total.

Kathy & doggies

Kathy by weather station by Steele-Burnand Research Center

Jack rabbit in sun courting another jack in the shade in this pic

Meter might be heading south

On the 2nd, back to work a medium busy day at the office.

On the 3rd, completed week with a light day at the office.

On the 4th, Kathy took it easy at home while Jef walked to work to catch up on paperwork.

Yep... heading south

Gilia in bloom

Dudleya monkey flower behind chia

Desert groundcherry in bloom

When I was around these red arrows, I noticed a guy descending mountain above me. When I was nearly at top of trail, I looked back and saw the guy and his dog(arrows)

On my walk I heard 3 instances of sirens. Here is one - a ranger - probably heading to kick out someone out of the park (photo taken from inside park property)

Arriving at the Mall

On the 5th, Jef did some weeding. Jef, Kathy & doggies did a lap around circle - Kathy was hurtin' too much to go any further. After that, we got on a zoom conference video call with Kathy's relatives, including Stacey, Eric & Ronan. We happened to have internet problems, so we could not communicate ourselves, but listened in.

Desert dandelions making a comeback in our yard

Kathy & doggies

Desert dandelions making a comeback by sand dune after recent rains

This non-native plant growing by side of the road, was not known to jef, other than obviously in the legume family. The Seek app on Kathy's phone was equally unable to identify it.

Mia examining desert dandelion growing from crack in road

Kevin & Donna in NY

Sharon in NY

Martha & Michael in AZ

John & Mitch in NY

Holley in CA

On the 6th, back to work for another Covid-19 shortened day at the office.

Rainbow this morning

A patient came in and gave us these masks - we were wearing bandanas, as SD County now requires everyone wear face coverings in places the public can go

Pretending to set up Kathy on the Bowflex

Raining in Flat Cat & Hellhole Canyons

Looking east from house this afternoon

On the 7th, a short, but rainy, day at the office.

Rainy day

Rain stopped late in the afternoon

Some colour in sunset this evening

On the 8th, Jef did a some weeding & Eric came by to improve toilet, did some carpentry, and installed the final piece of the solo-tube (the steam shower skylite).

Growing grass for Peanut

Big clouds this afternoon

On the 9th, back to work another fairly short mostly cloudy day at the office.

Flowers making a comeback in front yard

Panorama of cool clouds this afternoon

On the 10th, a fairly busy day at the office.

A very rainy day

Low clouds

Looks like Palm Canyon is sucking in these clouds

Kathy rejoicing at the wet weather

David came over this friday night - Jef must have drunk too much, as he doesn't remember all the stupid things Kathy said he did

On the 11th, did a few chores around house, including weeding. Took doggies around circle and then went another 2+ miles - 3.5 miles total. Mostly took it easy.

Plants under the solar panels are doing great! Waste basket to right in background was filled up with weeds(London Rockets), as Jef finally reached weeding to solar panels from the south and east.

Kathy by the driveway entrance to Weststar house

Storm from prior day had dumped a bunch of snow on Toro, as well as some on Rabbit

On the 12th, Kathy made breakfast and built a fire this morning. We did a few chores and mostly took it easy on this Easter Sunday. Jef did a little work at the office.

Kathy made this easter breakfast

...and built this fire

Testing new shower - blue means cool or warm

Green means hot

Kathy testing water

Kathy in shower

New sink & faucet

On the 13th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 14th, a light day at the office.

Still got a lot of desert dandelions in our area

On the 15th, took it easy most of the day. Jef went to office and tried doing some taxes. Lots of horns blowing at Phil's house at top of circle, and we wondered if Phil had passed away.

Some of Kathy's amarylis blooming

Kathy near top of circle

Kathy stepped on a cholla ball as we enter the ocotillo forest

Decaying cholla

Panorama of sand dune in ocotillo forest - also in stand of chollas

Artsy ocotillo forest pic

Left side of panorama above

Ocotillo bloom

Cholla & ocotillos

Kathy walking down closed section of Country Club Drive

Dry Canyon behind Kathy

Indianhead behind sand dune

Kathy walking over sand dune

Beavertail Ranch & "meth lab"

Kathy's hair blowing in wind

Green Borrego (on sand dune)

Cactus bloom at Phil's place

On the 16th, back to work a moderately light day at the office. Jef walked to office and back, taking pix of flowers on the way.

Relapse, as weather is still on cool side, but meter doesn't go much higher than this and starts going down significantly about a week later

Micropoppies with gilia in background


Fagonia in full bloom

Poppies at base of fast ascent out of wash - other poppies on hillside

Also monkey flowers at low point in wash

Desert chickory & lupine

Ghost flower with sun behind

Monkey flowers

On the 17th, a fairly busy day at the office.

Panorama of clouds from office

On the 18th, mostly took it easy at home this day. Walked doggies around block.

One of the doggies killed this rat in backyard - probably picked up by raven later

Sage flowers

Took doggies on walk around circle this evening

On the 19th, along with taking it easy at home, went on a 4 mile loop hike into Tubb Canyon and over to water tank. Jef brought GPS to know this. High point of hike was about 215' higher than start at house.

Still have tons of desert dandelions in our front yard

Kathy by cactus blooms

One of our neighbor's front yard - also the Johnsons

Kathy thought the desert dandelions below the starting-to-bloom paloverde was pretty

At the end of Lightning

Blue phacelia were not so common this spring (as compared to last spring)

Kathy having problems with something in her shoe

Heading towards Tubb Canyon

Went by this stand of ocotillos and barrel cacti around high point of hike

Barrels seem very healthy up here

View of Dry Canyon from water tank

Kathy tried to walk on sand the rest of the way home - here is a little zigzag on Country Club Drive

Meter heading south

On the 20th, back to work for a long day at the office that was shortened by 3 cancellations. Elsa called about dad's condition heading south. Talked to dad, but he didn't express any hope or desire of pulling out of it -- didn't want to go back to ER(he was there 2 weeks ago).

On the 21st, back to work a fairly busy day at the office. Weather warmed up into the 90s. Tried talking to dad again, but he knew he was at the end and said "I'm dead... goodbye"

Desert dandelions with occasional cactus blooms

Ocotillos still blooming, too

Planted ocotillo branch by Tiki/Gypsi graves a few years back and it survived and is now blooming!

On the 22nd, Jef drove to Ramona do do some shopping - took truck in case he picked up some lumber. Wound up being towed home when the alarm armed itself and Jef didn't have the right key/fob to dis-arm it and no way to start the car. Due to Covid19, AAA said I couldn't drive with towtruck driver, so arranged to have David pick me up. Shortly after David arrived, towtruck guy came by and said he could take me, so David went back to Santee - just a 2 hour hiccup in his day. Tried talking to dad, but he was on Atavan and don't know if he heard me.

Patch of California Poppies at the start of S2

Waited about 1 1/2 hours by truck for towtruck driver

On the 23rd, a fairly short day at the office. Got call from David at the end of the day in Arkansas that dad just passed away. So young... he was only 99 5/8. At least Julie and Doug got there just before the end, but he had been comatose for a few days - with the only sign of life being to pull off the oxygen mask. Elsa thinks it was drying out his throat and making him even more uncomfortable.

Us Johnson kids are without any parent now :(

RAJ 1920 - 2020
Marian 1921 - 1999
Bob has joined his sister as the last of the generation before the Johnson & Rupp kids

Kathy started walking doggies before Jef got home, and he is rendezvousing with her here

On the 24th, back to work a fairly busy day at the office.

SD County is requiring facemasks at all busienesses - here is Dennis with his matching tie-dye shirt and mask

Paloverdes are starting to bloom

Treatment table Kathy wants another of

On the 25th, Jef drove Kathy to MD in Escondido on this warm day - going over 100°F in Borrego for first time this year and 90s on other side of mountains. We got groceries/supplies at Target & Staters in Escondio. Drove home via 76. Lots of flowers the whole way. That evening we had a 'social distancing' pool party with Morgans.

Kathy wanted a bouquet from flowers along road

Kathy & Jef

On her way back

Panorama of this meadow near Lake Henshaw

Taking pic of flowers by old stage station on Warner Ranch


Kathy with her travelling facemask

Fields of yellow flowers are composed of these small flowers (about 1/2" diameter)

We were invited to this "social distancing" pool party with the Morgans after returning home

On the 26th, Jef made deviled eggs to return John's tupperware to him (he gave us tupperware filled with deviled eggs about a month before). walked to work with GPS: 2.45 miles, ascent 280', descent 355' in about 52 minutes, moving average of 2.8mph.

Kathy's bouquet picked the day before

This is the most desert hibiscus blooms Jef has ever seen

Yellowhead also still blooming

Poppies & monkey flowers still blooming

Kathy is envious of John's new greenhouse, complete with his own home-made brushed stainless steel raised planters

This little landscape project is new

Peanut does NOT like following us to the end of a spur on our hikes

Nice sunset forming

We wound up taking doggies a bit farther, going all the way to Wagon & back

On the 27th, back to work a fairly long day at the office.

More beavertail blooms amongst the desert dandelions at our house

Paloverdes are blooming, as well

Paloverde blooms

On the 28th, another long day at the office.

On the 29th, Jef walked to the office with GPS, taking Kathy's favourite spur route: 2.61 miles 2.6mph in 1 hr, 405' ascending. Found computer was dead, so ordered a new power supply. Walked home on lowest spur route, 2.43 miles. Later we took doggies around circle and then lit out to sand dune an walked up to Country Club and looped back via Wagon. So Kathy walked about 5 miles this day and Jef about 10.

Maverick had the steam generator nearly hooked up today with new electrical circuit

Beavertail at a new maximum bloom - the last rain of about a month ago caused this

Desert dandelions are winding down, but still hanging on

Meter clearly heading south again

Many fields of blue gilia flowers are going full bloom now

Panorama at bottom of "Kathy's Trail" up the spur - Jef's normal route is at the right

Halfway up the steep trail, brittlebush and cacti are still blooming

Looking back towards starting point of hike - our house

Sand blazing stars seem less common now than ghost flowers

Looking down spur trail

Destination now in sight

Final approach to the Mall

Back home and now for 2nd hike with Kathy around circle - here is paloverde tree next to Phil's place

Took doggies once around circle - here we are arriving home

After dropping doggies off, Kathy is hiking up sand dune towards Tubb Canyon

On the 30th, returned to a moderately long day at the office. Jef used google docs with a recent backup thumbdrive to keep office running.

Even more beavertail blooms

Paloverde at house starting to go into over-bloom
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