Journal Index
2Q'20 Jef and Kathy's Activities 3Q 2020 4Q'20
Sep 2020

On the 1st, a medium busy day at the office.

Moonrise this evening

On the 2nd, another medium busy day at the office.

Ambulance visited neighbor across street - unknown what problem was

On the 3rd, drove Kathy to MD in Escondido and did some shopping.

On the 4th, completed a medium busy day at the office, our last before the trip north.

On the 5th, Kathy did one home care, while Jef did some work at the office.

Jef caught a mouse in the house

On this 120°F day, the equipment guy from Elsinore swapped treatment tables. Here he is hauling away old one

Our new treatment table

On the 6th, had zoom meeting for dad's memorial.Worked out afterwards. 950 calories in 50 minutes on exercise bike.

Kathy went hog wild giving Jef tons of birthday presents!

Zoom meeting happened, but Jef was not too happy with the execution(a few snafus, including no recording of event)

A warm day in Borrego for my dad's 100th birthday

Kathy gave Jef a birthday cheesecake

On the 7th,packed up and drove north, camping at Tuttle Creek. We had some smoke come into Borrego this day, but it got smokier the more north we got. At one point about 20 miles south of Lone Pine, sun was so obscured that headlights came on and Kathy didn't have enough light to read her continueing education textbook.

Gassing up just west of Yucca Valley - note haze in distance(smoke) and muted orange reflexion of sun off car

Red sun in Lone Pine

Smoke obscuring Sierra Nevada at gas station in Lone Pine

Panorama of our customary camp at Tuttle Creek - Invisible Mt. Whitney is somewhere below the red sun

Hazy Alabama Hills

Someone left firewood in our camp and we managed to get it going - our only fire this trip

On the 8th, the wind picked up, but air was still so smoky that Sierra Nevada Mtns. a mile away were still not visible. We packed up and drove north. We exited the smoke 10 miles north of Bishop. We planned to camp near Reno, but found no good spot, so continued north, camping at an RV park at Honey Lake.

Still smokey this morning and windy, as well

Took Mia for a walk

Eery vistas as I search desert for things that blew away from our camp during the nite

Mt. Whitney still invisible

Bad omen? Raven haunting our camp as we leave

Reaching the end of the smoke just north of Bishop

On the 9th, packed up and headed north. We planned to camp near Crater Lake, but it was inaccessible due to fires. Camped in somewhat smoky KOA north of Medford OR, with many evacuees keeping campground fairly full.

Had visitors in my shower this morning at RV camp by Honey Lake


Our campsite

Walking around camp this morning

Honey Lake in the distance

Corralled goat and horsey

Of course, Kathy had to say "hi" to goat and horse

...and feed them

We saw tons of blooming rabbitbrush on this trip. Here is one with Honey Lake in background

Smokey sunset at KOA north of Medford

On the 10th, packed up and headed north, stopping at another KOA just east of Mt. St. Helens, WA.

Our camp at KOA near Mt. St. Helens WA

On the 11th, packed up and drove to Port Orchard, where Kathy met her grandson for the first time. Set up camp in garage, as Kathy is allergic to the cat. As with every day here, Jef & Kathy went on a walk.

Ronan & Kathy

It was smokey in Port Orchard for the first 7 or 8 days we were there

Doggies remember being here a year ago

On the 12th, Kathy went shopping with Stacey & Jef hung around the house. Jef & Kathy did afternoon walk.

Had fancy salmon dinner this evening

Stacey & Eric had belated birthday for Jef with cake & presents

On the 13th, took it easy around the house, including watching football. Jef & Kathy went for a walk.

On the 14th, joined Eric(&Ronan) and Mary on their water-side walk this morning. Jef & Kathy went to Fred Meyer. Jef joined to save $100 on bill. Got raincoat & pants for Jef, pants & some clothes for Kathy.

On the walk

End of this pier is first turn around point

Doggies DID NOT LIKE walking over the water!

Back at home

On the 15th, joined Eric(&Ronan) and Mary, who drove us to a park in a development about 20 minutes away and we went on a hike. We stopped at nursery on the way back & got Stacey an orchid. Kathy got food and cooked dinner this evening, one of Lupita's beef dishes.

Starting hike

Jef & Kathy by the "Hobbit House" in Eric & Stacey's favourite nursery

Had a nice lunch after getting back from hike

On the 16th, Eric, Stacey & Ronan showed us their new discovery of Anderson Point Park, which includes a hike thru the forest to a nice beach.

Mia and Peanut, the "cat dog"

Starting our hike to the beach

Note the strange orange light coming from an orange sun penetrating the ever-present smoke this week

Panorama of hiking trail to the beach

Eric(&Ronan) and Stacey nearing the beach

"Berry girl" licking her fingers - she HAD to stop and pick berries on way down

Kathy & Jef

Panorama at the beach

Stacey & Ronan

Stacey, Ronan & "grandma"

Kathy, Erick & Ronan

Another beach panorama - note the fog

3 generations talking on the beach

Eric skipping stones

Wake wave crashing ashore

Note orange tinted reflexion on wave

Panorama of 75' long piece of driftwood

Hanging out at the beach

Flowers still blooming

Spectacular wood fort Jef made on beach

Eric & Ronan

Orange sun peeking thru trees on walk back to car

John & Mary had us over for a nice dinner this evening

On the 17th, spent another day in Port Orchard.

Eric lit the outside fireplace for cocktails this evening

On the 18th, Erice&Ronan took Jef & Kathy on walk in local (Jackson) park. Stacey & Kathy went shopping for baby stuff.

Hiking in Jackson park (now called South Kitsap Regional Park)

Stacey showing off a bunch of homegrown tomatoes


On the 19th, hung out around the house. Not sure what we did today.

Fall has started

Stacey, Ronan, Mia

Doggies meet Ronan

Finally got some rain to clear the smoke

Jef took this pic for idea on how to landscape BigRock house

Larger house for sale near Stacey & Eric's with actual water view, listed for 495K

Pink leaves on this tree look like flowers!

Quite a trunk for such a short tree!

Berry girl at work on today's hike in Eric & Stacey's neighborhood

Fall colour

Sunflowers on house near Eric & Stacey's

Unusual sunflower colours

On the 20th, Went on hike with Eric(&Ronan) & Stacey in the Banner Forest Park. Kathy got groceries for a fancy shish-kebob dinner that Eric cooked with steak, veggies, scallops & seabass.

Kathy got this "1/2 year old" birthday cake for Ronan today

Ronan is intrigued

Starting the hike

Stacey in this "Jurasic Park" ride found along hike

Panorama of what might pass as a water feature - this is the first time any of us has hiked in this park

Stacey & Kathy in Manchester with Seattle skyline in background

Seattle skyline

"Half" birthday boy

Our kabobs

Humoring the photographer before starting dinner


It's cool!

Okay... now what?

Where did that wind come from?

Kathy reading from one of Ronan's "half-birthday" presents

On the 21st, went on one more waterside hikes with Eric(&Ronan) and Mary before packing up and heading east towards wine country. Soon after leaving, we were again back in the smoke. Did some wine tasting before settling on another KOA campground in Pasco - not a great site, but tolerable.

Approaching the final turnaround in this 3 mile hike

This bridge appears to be a popular bird hangout

Crossing it causes quite a commotion

Kathy had to take this pic of unknown significance

Stacey & Kathy testing out paddleball set Kathy brought up to give to Stacey

Made it to Red Mountain area and found this winery open(Hightower)

Sunset over vinyards in Red Mtn area

Kathy & Jef winetasting Covid style

Sign in front of of 1st wine tasting

Sunset at our Pasco KOA campsite this evening

On the 22nd, packed up and retraced our steps back to Red Mountain area where we stopped at 3 wineries(Hamilton, Fidelitas & Frichettes). We then headed south before staying at our 1st motel in John Day OR.

Kathy pointing out a flowering plant similar to a rose at Hamilton Cellars

Landscaping at Hamiltons

Doggies at Fidelitas


Kathy sampling grapes at Frichettes

Shortly after starting on the 395 South, Jef stopped for a pee break here

Panorama of wide open spaces north of Ukiah

On the 23rd, packed up and drove south. We stopped by a great nearby campground that we would have camped at, had we known about it. Then headed south, staying at a motel in Lakeview OR.

A creek went next to our motel

The motel we stayed at prior nite

Drove by lots of blooming rabbitbrush, most good scenery didn't have a turnout, but took a few pix of 2nd rate scenery. This also shows we were still driving thru smoke

Panorama at huge Lake Abert

We went on a little hike behind our Lakeview motel, going up to the water tank

Jef & Kathy

Our turnaround point

Someone fed the deer with these apples

Panorama of town of Lakeview from water tank

Lotsa rabbitbrush blooming

More deer wandering at edge of town

Sunset pic taken just outside our motel room

On the 24th,packed up and continued south on 395. Stopped in Burns OR for groceries & after passing thru Reno & Carson City NV, stopped at a nice motel in Walker CA.

Pee stop - probably giant Goose Lake in background

Kathy in our room at the Toiyabe Motel

Outside of motel

A small fire was burning nearby, but never amounted to anything

Walking a back road of Walker

On the 25th, packed up and headed south on the 395, immediately finding a great campground which we checked out for next time. I believe it is Chris Flat Campground. We headed south getting into heavier smoke around Mammoth. Stopped in Lone Pine & got souveneers for kids in office. Checked out Tuttle Creek Campground, but it was too smokey, so drove another 3 hours and stayed at a motel in Barstow.

Nice creek flows past campground

Lotsa rabbitbrush blooming and effects of prior year fire can be seen on hillsides


Sample campsite

Smoke was particulary dense near June Lake(which is to right in this pic)

Pee break in Olancha

On the 26th, packed up and drove south from Barstow, making to to Borrego. We found kitchen had been painted, but all the contents of kitchen drawer & cabinets was in giant boxes in dining room, so started getting organized at home.

On the 27th, getting settled at home. Lupita came over and helped.

Kathy getting newly painted kitchen back in order.

On the 28th, Jef continued catching up at work and Kathy on getting the house back in order.

On the 29th, Jef continued catching up at work and Kathy drove with Pam to Escondido to pick out new quartz countertops for kitchen renovation.

On the 30th, Jef drove to SD for dental appointment.

Aug 2020

On the 1st, did a few chores at home before doing some work at the office.

On the 2nd, worked on pictures, did a few chores, and worked out at the office. Exercise bike: 44 minutes and 888 calories.

On the 3rd, back to work a medium busy day at the office.

Kathy found this heart-shaped potato for dinner tomorrow

On the 4th, Lupita cooked dinners for the week while we had a fairly busy day at the office.

On the 5th, on this day off, Jef did some work at the office and then worked out with Kathy on an abbreviated work-out - only stretching, Bowflex & bike - 909 calories in 45 minutes.

Jef snapped this pic of ravens taking flight at Xmas Circle on walk back from dropping off truck (to replace battery & fix gauge)

On the 6th, back to work a busy day at the office.

On the 7th, a light day at the office.

Allepo pine very yellow from the heat this summer

On the 8th, packed up & drove Kathy (with doggies) to MD in Escondido before spending nite in Santee. Kathy swept and Jef cut up dead fallen plum tree in back yard.

Doggies went straight to the grass when arriving in Santee

After starting to cut up plum tree

On the 9th, did some more yardwork before packing up and driving back to Borrego - filling up car with groceries at Staters. Went on walk around circle with doggies - 1.3 miles to test Jef's pain level with walking.

After plum tree mostly cut up

Walking doggies around circle - note horizontal line in middle of mountains - the end of this ridge is

On the 10th, back to work a long day at the office.

Sunset this evening - western panorama

Northern panorama

On the 11th, a medium busy day at the office.

Looking south this evening, a lot of smoke from Mexican forest fire was pretty imposing

On the 12th, after working at office on day off, worked out with Kathy, doing stretching, Bowflex, Step, rubber bands, Total Gym & bike - 923 calories in 46 minutes. Jef's BP was too high after this at 120/100.

Some clouds forming over mountains

Sunset - haze means humidity has started rolling into valley this day

On the 13th, back to work a long day at the office - David was out sick, so just Jef & Kathy. Temps reached about 120°F for 3rd day this year - this is very late in year for these temps.

Sunset this evening

Jef & Kathy

Fire in the sky over the Mall

Colourful sunset this evening

On the 14th, a short day at the office due to cancellations, but Kathy wasn't doing too well, anyway.

On the 15th, Jef drove to Santee, doing some shopping, including picking up trellis material & fencing for BigRock house, as well as special caulking for steam shower. Jef & Kathy went over to pool party with Morgan's, but left early, as Kathy was being bitten too much.

Axel had finished re-installing the steam unit(at right) the week before - the other guy had screwed it up

Jim in pool in this sunset panorama

On the 16th, Kathy still under the weather with some nausea.

Thunderhead over Toro this afternoon

On the 17th, back to work a very busy day with Karen starting & David starting zoom schooling for Grossmont.

Some clouds this day...

...but not much

On the 18th, a fairly short day at the office. Jef did some stretching (which he had been neglecting past few days).

Still monsoonal weather

The rat, that Kathy had noticed in house a week or 2 prior, had cut holes in these 2 unopened dog treat boxes - only 4 treat remaining in smaller box. The rat was caught in electrocution trap a couple days later, but we don't know where his biscuit cache is yet

On the 19th, did some work at the office. Tested out zoom session with Elsa & Julie in prep for dad's memorial zoom meeting next month. Kathy interviewed another PT aide. Jef & Kathy worked out late this afternoon. Jef got up to 959 calories on exercise bike for 47 minutes.

Still getting thunderhead generation this day

Sunset this evening

On the 20th, yet another hot muggy day, Medium busy in the office. We started walking around the circle after a 2+ week hiatus. Didn't bring doggies, as too hot/muggy for them.

This looked like it might rain on us, but we never got any

Some of wildfire smoke came into Borrego from the north, but not much

On the 21st, a super muggy, but busy day at the office.

Galveston-like weather still close to 90 with close to 70% humidity at 6 am!

Very hazy this day

Weird sunset, perhaps fueled with the addition of wildfire smoke

Panorama on our circle hike this afternoon

On the 22nd, Jef worked at office while Kathy took it easy at home, except Pam did their hair in the middle of the day. They did the circle walk this afternoon before preparing food for dinner & pool party at the Morgans.

Pool party - temp of water was 94°F

Pic taken from bottom of pool looking up

Finishing dinner

On the 23rd, Jef went & did some work at the office, including updating this journal.Later worked out with Kathy - exercise bike: 961 calories in 48 minutes, again beating 20 calories/hour. Later went on a walk around circle with Kathy.

Meter has been heading north due to hot summer use of AC

Walking dogs on WestStar

On the 24th, back to work on a medium busy day.

Some clouds today

On the 25th, a very busy day at the office. Water was turned off at WestStar for partial install of new fire hydrant.

Ceviche tostadas for dinner tonight

On the 26th, Jef washed Kathy's car & went to the office to catch up on work. Stretched & did abbreviated workout. Kathy fixed a new squeak in the exercise bike, but when Jef rode it, he did considerably worse (seemed to have more resistance), so only 770 calories in 49 minutes.

Sunset panorama at the Mall this evening

Sunset at WestStar with stub installed for new fire hydrant in fron of house

On the 27th, despite 4 canacellations, a fairly busy day at the office. Another water turn-off day on WestStar, as final install of new fire hydrant was done this day.

On the 28th, another medium busy day at the office.

Sunset this evening

On the 29th, readied office for Stanley Steemer to clean carpets.

Moved stuff on top of treatment table in room 1 in prep for carpet cleaning

Everything under this table in gym was put on top for carpet cleaning

On the 30th,Jef continued toiling at the office.

On the 31st, back to work for a fairly busy day at the office.

2:30 in the morning, ran the swamp cooler as the AC wasn't working in this muggy Louisiana weather, tolerable, but very muggy

AC fixit man determined problem to be a blown circuit breaker

Meter still heading north
Jul 2020

On the 1st, a short day at the office. Axel came in and started PT after horrific accident last November.

On the 2nd, a long day at the office.

On the 3rd, we took the day off, starting a 3 day 4th of July weekend. We worked out - Jef burned 818 calories on exercise bike in 42 minutes. Had Jan & Brenda over for dinner - ceviche tostadas.

Happy hour appetizers

Kathy, Jan & Brenda

Group hung out mostly in the kitchen

On the 4th, made appetizers (stufed mushrooms, sausage, pepper & onion-filled pastry pockets, deviled eggs & salsa), and went to 4th of July pool party with Morgans & Adam+Vivien. Found out Adam & Viv lived across the street from Lyle Cocking, a manager I worked under at GD in the 80s.

At the pool with Jim, Adam, Pam & Kathy

Partial penumbral lunar eclipse or "buck moon" occured this night at this time, but this is one that can't be noticed

Adam & Vivien in the pool

Jim in his "4th of July finery" with jacuzzi behind him

On the 5th, Jef did catch up work at the office before working out with Kathy in the gym.

Interesting how at this angle that some rocks stand out(in sun) amongst the mostly shadows

On the 6th, back to work a medium day at the office.

On the 7th, a fairly slow day at the office, as half the patients cancelled.

Panorama this evening. We could smell smoke wafting from the mtns., but never found out about the source

On the 8th, after a short day at the office, Jef & Kathy worked out - abbreviated, however, as Jef had to leave before the exercise bike.

On the 9th, a busy day at the office.

George's "Bonanza"-themed house. He is just finishing a ramp that he can take his wheelchair up the the 2nd floor

Some clouds today

On the 10th, packed up and drove to Big Rock house. David & Kathy weeded in back yard while Jef slept.

Kathy found this unusual weed in the back yard with practically no leaves and over 8' tall!

Jef weeded this planter in back yard, but most of his time was weeding and trimming in the front yard

On the 11th, Jef did some shopping in the morning and then continued working on BigRock yard after taking Kathy up to MD in Escondido and doing some shopping.

On the 12th, finished up yardwork, packed up, and drove back to Borrego. Temperature was 116°F when we arrived back at WestStar - probably will be the hottest day of the year in Borrego, as high was close to 120. However, swamp coolers had worked well, as temp. was 82°F when we walked into WestStar house.

Completed front yard

Jef stopped at Crawford Overlook & took some pix

Some parts of valley were in sun, but mostly cloudy today

Outflow of Tubb Canyon

Never noticed the palm grove to right in this pic. The house at top left is, I believe, the one my mom rented for me when I was in hi skool here

Kym thought this contrail was that of a rocket, but it was just a plane

Black Bark, after a swim

On the 13th, back to work a medium long day at the office.

Sunset clouds this evening

On the 14th, a fairly long day at the office.

On the 15th, we got our blood drawn at the clinic (except Kathy, who had to come the next day, as she had drunk some juice). Jef worked at office, as Kathy enjoyed a day off. She was in no condition to work out and Jef was too tired to do so.

On the 16th, another fairly long day at the office.

On the 17th, finished the week with a fairly busy day at the office.

On the 18th, Jef worked at the office while Kathy stayed home - not recovered from prior weekend in Santee.

On the 19th, Jef did some more work at the office before doing an abbreviated workout. Kathy was in too much pain to workout again. Jef did 554 calories in 30 minutes on exercise bike.

On the 20th, a medium busy day at the office with Jef the last patient.

On the 21st, a busy day at the office.

Noticed progress on George's "Bonanza-style" home with nearly completed ramp to 2nd floor as we picked him up

On the 22nd, no patients were scheduled. Jef drove to SD, set out trash at BigRock before driving to dentist to get 2 fillings and a crown replaced.

Kathy with doggies in pool this evening

Kathy & Jef

Jef & Peanut from below

Peanut in freakshow pic in 3 pieces due to weird reflections from below the surface (note head out of water at top)


Kathy & Mia swimming

Kathy & Peanut swimming

Jef & Kathy in re-done outdoor living room

Black Bark pestering Kathy

On the 23rd, a busy day at the office with Jef the last patient again.

On the 24th, packed up and drove doggies to Santee, before taking Kathy to MD appt. at Scripps.

Behind the Shiley Pavilion of Scripps there is this walking/running track with view of ocean

Kathy & Mia at Mission Trails. We went on the short 1/2 mile loop due to Jef's back problem. Note the wild buckwheat is still blooming

On the 25th, installed completely fallen section of fence in backyard of Big Rock. Lowes did not have enough fencing to do any more. Packed up and drove to Borrego.

Jef prepped this end section and started installing fencing

After completion - last 2 boards are only temporary, until fencing becomes available

Still have 3 more sections to do - closest one is about to collapse

On the 26th, Jef did some work at the office before working out with Kathy. 769 calories on final 42 minutes (exercise bike) of the 2 1/2 hour workout.

Potted barrel cactus outside our bedroom in bloom at this time

On the 27th, back to work a medium day at the office.

On the 28th, a busy day became a light day with 5 cancellations.

Kathy went on a mission at the hottest point of a hot day(119°F) to clean off the "Patient Parking" signage outside our clinic - not too successfully, however

On the 29th, Jef did some work at the office before working out with Kathy. Exercise bike: 844 calories in 43 minutes.

On the 30th, a fairly light day at the office.

As I opened gate at George's place, his dog, DJ, jumped in driver's seat

Lupita's casserole was cooked with aluminium foil on top - the "death apple" (tomato) sauce corroded the aluminum into the casserole

Note that parts of the foil are corroded thru, and brown stains on casserole contain dissolved aluminium!

On the 31st, a fairly busy day at the office.

Some clouds over mountains on this hot day as I walked by community vegetable garden on way to pick up Kathy's car, after new front tires were installed
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