Journal Index
4Q'20 Jef and Kathy's Activities 1Q 2021 2Q'21
Mar 2021

On the 1st, Kathy was unable to go to work due to possible after effects of 2nd Covid19 vaccine shot. Jef walked to and worked at the office, cancelling a full day of patients.

Jef walked back on the lower trail over the spur this afternoon

On the 2nd, Kathy still unable to go to work, so Jef cancelled another full day of patients at the office.

On the 3rd, Kathy returned to work with a fairly busy day at the office with 3 new

Clouds forming over mountains on what started to be a clear day

We got some rain!

On the 4th, another full day at the office.

Kathy had Jef go home to find her phone - she had dropped it in the driveway as she entered the truck before driving to work

On the 5th, back to work another full day at the office.

On the 6th, drove over to see Sheldon play some tennis with Jaroslav. Jef was recruited to play a bit and Kathy joined in, as well. Afterwards, Kathy dragged Jef on a 5 mile hike up to the water tank. Jef, Kathy & doggies went over for dinner at the Morgans.

Jaroslav giving Sheldon a lesson

Sheldon had a hard time moving his feet, so often stretched to reach balls

Sheldon got a lot back - in fact he met Jaroslav's goal of him getting back 10 in a row

Even his backhand was working

Jimmy had brought Sheldon to La Casa, as Bretta was busy with work

Kathy in a feature of what was the original golf course in Borrego back in the 1940s

Kathy nearly up to the water tank - her ankle held up for the whole hike

Water tank was constructed in a cholla forrest

Jim cooking burgers

Kathy is a 2 fisted drinker

On the 7th, Jef met Miguel in Palo Verde Wash and did the Moly mine/sheep tank trail (maybe 7+ miles).

Miguel at the Moly Mine

Jef at Moly Mine

Miguel checked out 2 shafts, but never made it to the bottom on either

High up on the trail taking a water break and checking out the view

Miguel at edge of deepest sheep tank

Jef by the tinaja

Looking down on sheep tank from above

This is sheep tank #5 - it had some water in it - all others with sand just had unseen water at the bottom of the sand. This is our turnaround point

Miguel on bypass of one of the sheep tanks

Miguel dropping back down into Smoketree Wash - note puddle from last week's rain

180° panorama of Smoketree Wash as Miguel ascends Wonderstone Trail on way back to Paloverde

Panorama further up - there is some exposure to steep slope on this precarious trail

At the approx. 2000' pass - high point of the trail

Descending back down to Palo Verde Wash

Miguel spotted this leg of a small bighorn

Showing size of the leg

We decided to explore the trail on other side of wash exiting Moly Mine

We spotted hikers further up Palo Verde - solving the mystery of 2 other cars at our trailhead

Miguel starting final descent into wash

Approaching bottom - this was a much less steep trail than the one we came in on

Panorama of cool rock formation at bottom of last trail

Desert cedar growing from a rock face

Approaching the road, we saw this ocotillo buried in mud

On the 8th, back to work for a long day at the office.

On the 9th, a long day at the office.

On the 10th, a very long day at the office.

1st pic with new Olympus tough camera this morning

We got some rain in the early hours of the morning

Rainbow along Webo Peak

Raining in Palm Canyon

Cool clouds this day

Looking east to Fonts

Kathy with Peanut gripping her arm like a monkey

On the 11th, after a long day at the office, packed up and drove Kathy & doggies to Santee. We had to go over low pass, and still wound up driving about 5 miles by 2 passes with snow to edge of the road.

Got a good rain this morning

Snow below 4000' on 4000' tall Webo Peak


Deep snow on mtns. behind Indianhead Peak

Snow on San Ysidro Mtn.

San Ysidros from the Mall

Panorama this afternoon

On the 12th, drove Kathy to MD appointment in Grossmont, did some shopping. Jef started mowing front, back yards. Got Thai food for dinner.

Cool clouds all day - here at Santee Target

Panorama of back yard after Jef started mowing

Kathy sad: Udi's Soporro Sushi in OB is no more - now a sports bar, instead

Clouds to east as we stopped at Sab-E-Lee to pick up some dinner

Kathy built a nice fire at BigRock house this evening

On the 13th, Jef got eye exam, did some shopping, and drove Kathy to MD appt. in Escondido. Went back home, did some clean up before driving to Borrego.

On the 14th, took it easy at home. Jef dug about 70' of trench for guest house water heater circuit. Kathy cleaned up around the yard.

Trench Jef dug this day

On the 15th, back to work a short day at the office on this cool, very windy day with drizzle occasionally being blown from rain in the mountains.

Rain in mtns. today

Sunset looking west

Sunset looking east

On the 16th, a very busy, long day at the office.

On the 17th, another long day at the office.

Contrails getting morphed in sky to north

Corpuscular beams from clouds in late afternoon this day

We dressed up for St. Patty's Day

Without the masks

Still some clouds left at sunset

Another panorma of sunset

On the 18th, despite a long day at the office, we got home in the daylight!

On the 19th, a very, very long day at the office. TGIF!

Contrails over the Santa Rosas

On the 20th, Jef did some work at the office before coming home to join Skype meeting of Ronan's 1st birtthday party. Kathy cooked up some corn beef & cabbage.

Stacey, Ronan & Eric

Ronan's cake with Stacey helping to blow out candle

This is interesting....


Stacey's smile is fading

Going for it!

Ronan proud of himself

Last picture before Stacey swooped in, removed cake and started clean up

On the 21st, Jef did a little work at the office. Jef & Kathy drove to Glorietta & did about an hour hike. Not hardly any flowers, but cool clouds this afternoon.

Jef finished trench for Axel's new wiring of on-demand hot water heater for guest house

Meter IS heading south again

Jef looking back after starting home from office - he took the lower "cliff trail" going to work and the regular route going home

Glorietta turn-off with storm raging over badlands

A few flowers, but nothing to write home about in Glorietta

Normal panorama at this spot at this time of year has lots of flowers blooming, but brittlebush are nowhere near blooming. Kathy walking up wash at right

Kathy starting final push to pass(at left). Note all the non-blooming brittlebush

Kathy didn't want to push it, so we turned around before reaching pass. Her ankle is still recovering and this is the hardest hike she went on since having ankle problems

We saw a number of agaves sending up flower stalks, but this one was the closest to blooming

Healthy ocotillo

Some phacelias coming up inside this chuparosa

Some chuparosa blooms

Kathy just before reaching trailhead

Descending from dune leaving Glorietta

Panorama while heading north out of Glorietta

Drove over to the dinosaurs - there was a little rainbow (coming out of an ocotillo at the right in this panorama)

Blooming ocotillo with storm looming in distance

Dino with storm in distance

Baby dino

Dino at right was probably vandalized in this panorama

Note the bent jaw!

On the 22nd, a moderately busy day at the office.

Bretta completed & delivered her 2nd glass panel today

Another moderately busy day at the office.

On the 23rd, another medium long day at the office.

Something's brewing over Indianhead

Lookin' threatening

We got rain!

Out pops the sun

Sun AND rain!

On the 24th, a short day at the office, after which Kathy went to the dentist. We did 2 laps around circle this evening - 1 with doggies.

On the 25th, a busy day at the office.

Interesting clouds in this 360° panorama

We did get a smattering of rain again this evening

On the 26th, another busy day at the office.

On the 27th, Jef got up at 4:30. As he wasn't tired, decided to walk to the office. After arriving just after sunrise, did a couple hours of work before walking home. Then Kathy wanted to go for a walk and we hiked to top of ridge behind old country club and back - another 5 miles. Jef did about 1000' vertical this day.

Arriving near bottom of spur trail just before sun peeks over Fonts


Panorama at bottom of spur trail at sunrise

Took cliff trail on way home to avoid hikers on main spur, and still ran into another hiker 3 minutes later around the pass on the little used trail to the old country club

Meter still going south

After Axel completed the new conduit to guest house

Kathy near first peak by blooming ocotillo

Jef & Kathy at 2nd peak

at 3rd peak... photo snapped too early

2nd try

Barrel cactus blooming

"Fangs" protecting the bloom

Kathy coming up to final (4th peak)

4th peak overlooks the grade near Hellhole trailhead

Jef & Kathy at 4th peak

Kathy with a piece of limestone she found there

Snapped a pic of this sleeping circle on way down

We met a couple of hikers for first time on this trail!

We took the wash on the way back - here is Kathy at bottom of ramp going W from old country club with mesquite grove behind her

Blooming ocotillo with same mesquite grove

New counter in our kitchen island

Rest of kitchen

Another view of island near sunset

We took a steam shower this evening

On the 28th, took it easy. Cleaned hot tub out. Had Rickards over for wine & appetizers, opening the Five Star Cellars "SuperNova" red.

Halfway into cleaning hot tub

on the 29th, back to work a full busy day at the office. Axel had problems with water heater install today, and we came home to a water leak.

Unusual sunset this evening with clouds above and to east - vs. to the west

Could make this panorama stitching entire sky

New library with clouds to east and south

Panorama at WestStar

On the 30th, a medium busy day at the office. Axel fixed water leak and we ordered a new water heater as old "new one" didn't work.

Before Axel fixed this leak on this temporary section

Used up rest of bread in this corned beef & cheese Dagwood sandwich

Kathy at end of Lightning on our circle with doggies as sun sets on this somewhat hazy day

After dropping off doggies, we walked to the old country club, which was lit up this evening

Jef & Kathy by old country club

On the 31st, a fairly busy day at the office.

Bretta completed another panel

Jef measured his PD(Pupillary Distance) with several methods, getting 62 - 68mm. Guessed at 67mm & ordered 3 new pairs of glasses

Our new quartz countertops this night illuminated by our chili lights
Feb 2021

On the 1st, another cloudy day. Busy day at the office. Got Maxima back, but something is busted and J&T recommended we take it to a dealer.

Hydroponic garden after 3 weeks

Partly cloudy this day

On the 2nd, a very busy day at the office. Clouds increased over the day and we got enough sprinkles to wet the ground this afternoon. Lupita cooked 3 courses of some good vittles this day.

Clouds over Toro

Sunset this evening

On the 3rd, what was to be a short day turned out to be fairly long, as Kathy worked a long time on last patient and then did a homecare and didn't get home until Borrego midnite(9pm).

We've gotten a ton of contrails like this for past few months

Kathy & Jef at sunset this evening

Looking west

Looking north

Looking south with Carmelitas in the foreground

Kathy was impressed that the whole sky was on fire

On the 4th, another very busy day at the office.

Hydroponic garden today

On the 5th, a very long day at the office.

On the 6th, Jef walked to office and did some work. Then he fixed flat tires on trike, putting on a new tube and new wheels. We dined on burritos again, but this time without a full kitchen.

With nice weather, meter is going south again

Jef went over spur both ways to office

On the 7th, took it easy and did chores at home. This afternoon, we walked doggies around circle with Kathy on trike, and then after dropping them off, we did the country club loop (4 miles). Kathy went further as she rode circles around Jef.

Kathy on trike

Kathy & doggies heading up WestStar

At top of Country Club/end of road

Meth lab guys have spruced up gate

Kathy heading home (doing another circle around Jef)

Heading down Wagon

Meter definitely heading south

On the 8th, back to work a long day at the office. Before leaving,the demo guys arrived and removed 4 counters in the WestStar house and put on some plywood. Doggies went to work to smoothe things out with this.

Island counter nearly removed

Wet bar counter gone and replaced with this plywood topper

Kitchen after 1st day of demo. To be finished next week, but most plywood in place against wall. Island to remain without plywood topper for a week.

On the 9th, another long day at the office.

Cool clouds this day

Broken cooktop (demo guys messed this up, so we need to find a replacement)

On the 10th, what was to be a medium busy day turned into another long one at the office.

On the 11th, another long day at the office with Kathy being treated by David for plantar fasciitis.

On the 12th, a fairly long day at the office. One of our patients got us a nice pizza for lunch!

On the 13th, drove Kathy to MD in truck and then to Vista to look at cooktops. We ordered a KitchenAid. Drove home, stopping in Ramona to do some shopping and pick up our Valentine's Day meal - Thai food.

We arrived home to find this sunset

Sunset in back yard

Later on in the evening

On the 14th, took it easy at home all day.

Hydroponic garden this day

Panorama in back yard

Panorama in front yard

On the 15th, took it easy at home before going on a 1.5 hour hike/trike - doggies around circle & then did the Country Club loop.

Sunrise this morning

Kathy on trike

Kathy heading home

Meter seems to be holding pretty steady

Sunset this evening at the Mall

On the 16th, Jef & Kathy went down and had their 2nd Moderna Covid19 vaccine before working a full day at the office.

On the 17th, took it easy this day with nobody scheduled. Jef was down below 90% from side effects of the vaccine, but still did some work at the office. Most of the day, however, was spent sleeping in bed.

On the 18th, back to work a difficult day at the office (as David was still ill from the last shot).

On the 19th, a long day at the office.

The only desert dandelions are growing from a crack in the Mall parking lot

Cool cloud - perhaps a contrail

Panorama of possible contrail remnants

Sunset this evening

On the 20th, Jef walked to the office and did some work. Kathy got invited to Legion to meet up with Jan & Wendy.

Jef made some chorizo & eggs this morning, using camp stove in garage (kitchen under construction)

Big dust cloud coming out of Clark Valley

Panorama of valley - at left is smoke from some fire behind high skool and dust in Clark Valley. About this time Jef heard sirens, but didn't know which of these (or something else) the emergency vehicles were headed to

The mysterious dust cloud looks to be over 1000' tall at this point

Panorama at the 880' summit on the Borrego Spur. Spur trail is visible right-center, and Jef's usual trail is at the right

Started the walk home, Jef noticed this leafless ocotillo blooming

Ocotillo bloom

At the Legion - note that Jef is having progressively worse problems getting the camera to focus

Luckily a member of E Clampus vitus was there to take a picture and camera behaved for him

With a group of E Clampus Vitus visiting, Kathy got one to show her his hat. Part of the E Clampus Vitus (red shirts behind Kathy) were dining on Legion's chili this evening

Hatless E Clampus Vitus member at right

On the 21st, mostly took it easy at home. Had video call with Stacey, Eric & Ronan in WA with the purpose of opening presents left over from Xmas.

Mia & Kathy looking in on Stacey's family (they are on the upper right part of screen, as well)

Everyone in WA was dressed in PJs we sent them for Xmas

Kathy got Jef to wash truck (which she is driving now that car is having problems and Jeep is too hard to drive)

On the 22nd, back to work a fairly long day at the office.

On the 23rd, a very long day at the office.

On the 24th, after a short day at the office, Jef drove to Ramona and did some shopping.

On the 25th, another long day at the office.

A thick haze enveloped the valley this day - perhaps dust kicked up and blown from the east

On the 26th, a very long day at the office.

On the 27th, took it easy at home before going on a 1.5 hour hike with Kathy (who rode her trike), doing a double loop: Country Club/Wagon and then Broken Arrow/Wagon. We enjoyed our 2nd steam shower this evening.

Kathy can trike under the gate to the water tank

...but trike has poor traction on sand, so didn't make it up to water tank

Heading down Wagon

Meter not going up anymore

On the 28th, Jef walked to work and put up these recent pix.

Appliance guy said appliances today were of poor quality, so we plan to fix this one as soon as our kitchen is done

Went home via Kathy's favourite route today - this is looking back down trail from high point of hike

Looking down ridge to get down to wash

Passed a few hikers on way up and caught a glimpse of them as I descended down to wash

While hiking with Kathy & doggies, Kathy is stretching

People in split level on sand dune were home today!
Jan 2021

On the 1st, Stacey awoke Jef with a phone call just after midnite - just turns out she was returning a Happy NY call from her mom. Found Kathy had built a fire with Kym in back yard and was downing a huge bottle of bubbly.

Kym actually drank most of this bottle of Champagne!

Kym & Kathy

Thin clouds this afternoon

On the 2nd, Jef walked to the office and did some work while Kathy stayed home in bed with lots of pain. This evening we cooked up a couple of T-bones and baked potatoes.

Meter at 11:30am

Meter at 4pm (5 kwh lower - solar power generation)

On the 3rd, mostly took it easy and did chores around the house.

Guest house meter

Parallel clouds seem to be jet trails

Sunset this evening

On the 4th, back to work on a light day at the office due to a couple of canellations.

Lots of contrails this day

Sunset this evening

On the 5th, a medium busy day at the office - another couple of cancellations.

On the 6th, a short day at the office, except Jef & Kathy worked out into the evening.

Clouds over Indianhead this morning

Cool clouds this day

2 Jets heading to LA

Kathy stretching

On the 7th, a busy day at the office.

Nice sunset this evening

On the 8th,a medium busy day at the office due to 3 more cancellations.

On the 9th, Kathy did some homecare. Jef did chores & took it easy this Saturday. Had staff(David, Lisette, Karen & Miguel) over for year end party with lasagna, salad & brownies. We ate/drank around the fire in the "outside living room".

Kathy, Miguel, Karen & Lisette

Kym Joined us for a bit

Afterwards, Kathy threw a piece of furniture in the fire

She also threw in this mostly plastic cushion

Kathy, the pyro girl

This is what happens when it doesn't fit in the fire pit

Moving the big stuff off the carpet

On the 10th, did some chores & mostly took it easy. Kathy put on ankle brace and we did the usual lap with the doggies and then a larger lap mostly outside the circle - about an hour and 3 miles total.

Next morning before Jef cleaned it up

Near start of walk this afternoon - Kathy is wearing ankle brace

We detoured to sand dune and did a great loop around our normal loop

Kathy found this material to use to protect her brain from being scanned by aliens on the hike

On the 11th, back to work with what would have been a very busy day, but not so much with 3 cancellations and 1 no-show.

On the 12th, a busy day at the office.

Our new hydroponic unit - we already had some sprouts (This was lost by FedEx, but the grocery store mentioned they had delivered it to them, and I got it 3 weeks late)

Sunset this evening

On the 13th, a medium busy day at the office. We started process to get vaccine shots at local clinic this afternoon.

Sunset this evening

On the 14th, back to work a very long, hard day at the office. We scheduled our Covid19 vaccine shots for next week.

On the 15th, a super long day at the office.

On the 16th, drove Kathy & doggies to Escondido for Kathy's MD appointment. We shopped at TJs & Staters before camping out at Big Rock house for the night. We met Charlie and signed contract for counter installation at WestStar house.

On the 17th, did chores around Big Rock house. Jef did remainder of shopping at Walmart and then did yardwork while Kathy broke her back cleaning the insides. We talked to Danny, our neighbor, and found his mom had just passed away from Covid19, just after Christmas. We packed up and drove home, stopping at Pinto Thai for some take out.

The fiddle shape on the back of this spider in the BigRock breaker box implies a "Fiddleback" spider, AKA a "Brown Recluse", so maybe I should squash it next time - incidentally my turning off/on the circuit breaker got our heater, which wasn't working when we were freezin' our arses off this morning to suddently work

Panorama of front yard - not in too bad shape, considering no work was done on if for past 6 weeks

Green back yard (after Jef mowed it)

On the 18th, mostly took it easy at WestStar. Kathy did one homecare patient. Jef worked at the office.

Sunrise this morning

Kathy cooked us a steak and eggs breakfast this morning

At the circle, rain clouds could be seen to the east this evening

On the 19th, Kathy, Jef, David, Lisette & Miguel got the first of 2 Covid19 shots and then worked a fairly busy day at the office. Jef picked up the black Jeep from J&T, but left it at Mall parking lot for the night, as didn't have time to drive it home and walk back to pick up other car..

Threatening rain clouds this afternoon

Fonts Point is illuminated behind the Welcome to Borrego sign at the circle

On the 20th, we got a fair amount of rain in the early morning and a little later in the day. David had a sore throat (after vaccination prior day), so took off early. Lisette then came in, but soon left, as she complained of a cough. We completed a busy day at the office. Late in the day, Jef was going to drive black Jeep home and walk back to work, but Jeep wouldn't start. At the end of the day, Jef moved Jeep so it was pointing downhill.

Partial clearing in the clouds

Cloud banks blocking mountains above 3000' - note remnants of a mid-day rain

Raven with obscured Indianhead Peak in distance

We got a little sunset colour this evening!

On the 21st,Kathy was too fatigued from Covid vaccine, so stayed home in bed while Jef cancelled a very full day at the office. Before Miguel left, Jef got him to push his dead Jeep down to J&T (with the White Jeep pushing).

Forcast for next week shows some rain, cold temperatures and a small chance for snow!

Sunrise this morning

On the 22nd, back to work a long day at the office with David still out sick. Albacore tostadas for dinner (4th such dinner in a row).

Hydroponic garden this morning

Nice clouds this afternoon

After Lisette left this evening and Kathy was going to put clothes in dryer, she found soap still on them, so put the load on the floor

Kathy then put about half the clothes in the washer to rewash them

As the clothes were already wet, they were more compressed, and she found this "half load" was too much. Washer made buzzing sounds, so may have been damaged in the hyper-stuffed load. She'll have a talk with kids on proper wash loads next week! The leftover clothes comprised another full load.

On the 23rd, a cloudy day with scattered rain. Kathy & Jef took it easy, but Jef went to office to catch up on work on this cold day (some wind and high around 60°F).

Rain column to SE of WestStar house

Big rain column ENE of the Mall

Rainbow at WestStar this afternoon

Kathy squeegeeing ceiling of steam shower after we had a steam session this evening

On the 24th, Jef started driving to SD, but the Nissan broke down as he was leaving town, so he called for Kathy to pick him up so he could take the truck. Kathy managed to pick him up after 45 long minutes, but she took care of getting car towed to J&T's. Jef drove to Santee and gave Yuridia the keys to the house and gave a tour. Jef picked up some meds on way home. That evening, Jef & Kathy took down the Xmas tree, giving up on Holley every coming.

On the 25th, back to work a very long day at the office.

Rainbow this morning

We had a good rain during the night - Xmas tree hasn't be cut up yet

Panorama near Santiago Estates showing snow on both the San Ysidros and Santa Rosas down below 5000'

Midday rainbow at the Mall

More rain this afternoon

Near the end of a good rainbow day

On the 26th, after a very long day at the office, Kathy did a home care patient and came home late.

Panorama on this sunny day showing snow down to about 4000'

Snow-capped Toro massif

Light dusting of snow on 4000' Webo Peak to the left, so snow was down below 3500'!

Only 3 of the advertised businesses are still in the Mall

On the 27th, a short day at the office, but Kathy still worked til pretty late. We walked doggies around circle and then did another loop. (2.6 miles).

Some lettuce is starting to take off in hydroponic garden

Panorama of Santa Rosas. Clouds are hugging the peaks, but most of the snow has melted.

Kathy holding doggies on our walk with full moon behind her

Another day with only contrails for clouds

Moon looking thru our sheep sculpture

On our 2nd lap, Kathy started by walking backwards - this exercises your hamstrings

Kathy looks like a peg leg with her ankle brace - here the contrail clouds are getting some sunset colour

Kathy still walking backwards

We noticed these metal flowers and here's a pic with the moon in the background

Fire truck/ambulance visiting a nearby house on Wagon

When Kym passed us, Kathy grabbed door and Kym drove 1/4 mile at walking speed while they conversed

On the 28th, a long day at the office.

Panorama of clouds this morning from Borrego PT veranda

Moon as seen thru clouds this evening - forecast was for rain after midnight

Remnant of Xmas decorations

On the 29th, after a somewhat rainy night, went to the office for a very busy day. Altho sunny the first half of the day, we got some more rain in the afternoon.

Early morning at WestStar - ground is wet, but clear at this time with setting moon bright in the sky

As viewed from kitchen

The clouds came back in the afternoon and we did get some more rain

On the 30th,Kathy took it easy at home. Jef did some work at the office and started preparing spaces to do stuff when counters will be torn out at the end of the week and clearing counters.

On the 31st,Kathy continued taking it easy at home and Jef did some chores, including cutting a few branches in mesquite in front yard. Went on a 4 mile walk with Kathy - including taking doggies around circle 1 lap.

Another big contrail day

After cutting off low branch

Walking doggies - note how sky clouded up this afternoon

Jef saw people checking out lot across way, so he took panorama from where someone might build a house - great views!

Meter still going up, as winter has been cold

Guest house meter only going up about 10kw/day
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