Journal Index
1Q'21 Jef and Kathy's Activities 2Q 2021 3Q'21
Jun 2021

On the 1st, Kathy was ill, so cancelled a full day at the office. Lupita prepared a big batch of posole for us.

Panorama of contrails today

On the 2nd, back to work a full day at the office.

On the 3rd, another full day at the office. Agreed to bid to replace our heat pump at WestStar with a new mini-split system.

White Jeep overheated today - here is smoke coming from engine, so switched to the Black Jeep of the family

Made a bouquet for Kathy for our 15th anniversary

On the 4th, a very long day at the office. David's last day, so we had pizza & beer at end of the day. Calicos was sold & gone, so had to get Carlee's pizza.

David spotted this rat with its nose in a corner on walk back from Carlees

On the 5th, drove Kathy & doggies to MD in Escondido. Almost ran out of gas, but made it to gas station in the La Jolla reservation. After MD, met Flaco in RB where we dined at Ginza Sushi. Started yardwork in Santee.

Gas station at La Jolla reservation

With an actual PHONE BOOTH!!!!

Relaxing in Santee this evening

On the 6th, Jef did some early shopping and then continued doing yardwork along with Kathy. Jef & Kathy went shopping, getting paint samples & swimsuits, and stopped to get Jef a haircut & Thai pick-up for dinner.

On the 7th, packed up and drove to Poway for MD appt. Found out this was the wrong place, but found MD would take us in Escondido, so we went there. Afterwords we did some shopping on way home, arriving in Borrego in the mid-afternoon.

Cleaned up front yard with Peanut exitting on way to the truck

Drove truck to Tito's to find state of the car - dropped off other key for Maxima to be programmed for new engine & took pic of cool clouds this day

Cool clouds at Tito's

Stopped by Roadrunner to get pic of tail end of sand storm near downtown

Took doggies on walk around circle, as it was nice & cool - about 80 with some wind

Bee in one of our cactus flowers in front yard this afternoon

On the 8th, back to work a long day at the office.

Setting sun at the Mall as we left work

Delicate wispy clouds this evening

We avoided being eaten by these dinos on our evening walk

On Lightning spur

Back on EastStar

Finishing our walk arriving home on WestStar

These ravens overflew me as I reached our driveway

Meter this day shows we have been pumping elec back into the grid

On the 9th, after a moderately long day at the office, we went & played some tennis at BS Park - Jef vs. Kathy & Forrest.

Cool clouds this day!

On the court

Nice sunset forming

Very colourful by the time we got home

Vertical panorama (on its side) by house

On the 10th, worked a medium day at the office due to cancellations.

On the 11th, back to work a very long day at the office.

Steam from coffee in front of weather station showing our last cool morning before summer starts tomorrow

Sunset this evening showing paloverdes still throwing out some blooms

We dined at Carmelitas this evening

On the 12th, took it easy at home.

On the 13th, continued taking it easy at home.

Kathy pulled out "Sorry" and we played 3 games, each winning one

Kickin' back in back yard

Kym got a new umbrella for the back patio

On the 14th, back to work what turned out to be a light day at the office.

Cool lighting near sunset this afternoon

Sunset at our pool this evening

Kym also got these solar powered flowers

On the 15th, a fairly busy day at the office, after which we played a little tennis with Forrest at BS Park in about 110°F temperatures, but with low humidity, tolerable. Sky was tinted yellowish, perhaps from some smoke from fires about 50 miles away.

Walking to tennis this afternoon

On the court

On the 16th, we took a day off. Found out that the white Jeep had a blown head gasket, so we exchanged it with Maxima, which still has a glitch, but Tito suggested driving it for a couple hundred miles to see if the check engine light clears itself. Jef did some work at the office.

Walking around the circle this evening, noticed another nice sunset

On the 17th, back to work a fairly busy day at the office. Temperatures on this and adjacent days of this week reached 120°F in Borrego.

A few clouds this day

Corpuscular rays at sunset

Above our pool

An idea of how hot it is at night lately

On the 18th, a medium busy day at the office.

On the 19th, after mostly taking it easy at home, including some siesta time, went over to the Morgans and hung out in their pool this evening.

Happy hour at the Morgans

Jim getting ready to go in for some pool exercising

Girls chillin' in the pool. Outside temperature was probably over 105°F, but pool temp, only about 90°F

On the 20th, took it easy most of the day, but took Peanut around the circle. One of neighbors big dogs was on the loose, so carried Peanut for the last half. Then did another lap & Daniel mentioned his dog made it home, but to tell our neighbors in Elsa's old house not to worry. We wound up talking with them for a good part of an hour and had to tour their home to see their improvements.

On the 21st, back to work for a very light day at the office. Karen came by as she begins working at Borrego PT for the summer. Temps. have cooled 10°F from prior week and will continue to cool - maybe down to 105°F by mid week, before going up again. Headed over to Morgans for another pool visit this evening.

Jim taking his pool stuff & headed home - Kathy & Pam still in pool

On the 22nd, a short day at the office. Kathy then did a couple of home cares. Jef drove to Ramona, did some shopping & checked out progress at Sewanee on way home. After Forrest's treatment was completed, Karen, who never played tennis before, Kathy & Jef met Forrest an played some tennis at the park.

Jef didn't have key, but since flashing is on all edges, probably roofing is installed

Hector is still stripping old paint

Jef & Kathy have been driving Maxima for past few days after being in the shop for 4 months, to see if check engine lite would clear itself - it hasn't so far. Here is (supposedly transplanted) engine with cover off

Sunbeams shining thru clouds at park - desert willows in bloom near beach volleyball court. Tennis court is beyond that

Kathy & Forrest on court with cool clouds

Panorama at sunset - note: Forrest is disembodied from his feet

Forrest about to return a shot from Kathy

Forrest returning a shot to Kathy & Karen

Panorama outside of tennis court

Church row panorama at sunset, tennis court at right

Final panorama looking towards library

On the 23rd, Jef drove Kathy to Palm Desert for fitting her orthotics. We washed the car by the mall and Kathy bought a couple dresses as we walked thru the mall for exercise waiting for the car. We got a little rain in a few places on this trip, but not much. When we got back, the whole valley was blacked out, so we went over and stayed at Morgan's pool until evening when power came back on.

Kathy at the mall!

Jef took a pic of all the beans to rake up and didn't notice the lights were out on the front patio

Faint rainbow with bird flying by

At the pool

Panorama of sunset - pool is on the right

Disjointed panorama from pool Adam, Jaime & Pam are visible, but Kathy is not - but part of her noodle is

Adam at pool level

Kathy & Pam's legs seem to be extremely magnified

View from underwater

On the 24th, after a fairly long day at the office, Kathy & Jef played with Forrest at the tennis court. Forrest injured himself about the time we were going to quit anyway (getting dark).

Full moon rising as we left the park's parking lot

On the 25th, a medium day at the office.

Previously healthy kale has been anhilated by...

...these caterpillars

On the 26th, Jef drove to office and did some work, but otherwise took it easy this day before heading over to Morgans to hang out at their pool.

Jef made some breakfast burritoes this morning - this is before adding eggs

Jim in the pool

On the 27th, took it easy this Sunday.

On the 28th, back to work a fairly light day at the office.

Light-weight thunderhead over IndianHead

On the 29th, a moderately busy day at the office.

Kathy heading home at left - ruffly clouds this afternoon in this panorama

On the 30th, Kathy started volunteering at Senior Center to teach an exercise class. She saw a home care patient this afternoon and we hung out at the Morgan's pool this evening.

Kathy & Pam walking in

Kathy & Pam talking at left in this panorama with some wispy clouds this evening

View from underwater
May 2021

On the 1st, Jef constructed late arriving chair for back patio set and then did some work at the office. Stopped by Rickards and had special happy hour in Buster, as Buster was sold to Escondido man who will take him away this week.

Contail clouds this morning

Paloverde petals - these are cleaned up every few days

Cactus flower in our front yard

Happy hour in Buster (upper deck)

Grace, Jim & Kathy in Buster taken from outside with Santa Rosas and badlands in distance

Buster, bus stop and phone booth in this panorma

Bus entrance

Bus seats scattered in desert

Lower deck

Stairs to upper deck

Jim & Grace will keep these mementos after Buster leaves

Kathy, Grace & Jim

Cube in center is the heater

Grace showing how low the ceiling is - this is one of only about 30 made with such low ceilings which were needed to duck under London railway tressles

Hey, buddy, there's us blokes who might want some vino!

Jim, Jef, Kathy

Grace, Jim, Jef

Jef had left his camera case upstairs and here is Jim returning it to him with nice sunset in background

This is detail in above panorama

Panorama with above pic on right side

Goodbye, Buster, we will miss you!

Grace in bus 10 years ago

March 17, 2011

On the 2nd, we did a lot of cleanup and then had the Morgans over for vino, appetizers & burgers. A good time was had by all.

On the 3rd, after Kathy decided she needed a day off, Jef went to office & cancelled 3 patients on schedule, did some work, and uploaded pix into this journal.

On the 4th, a very busy day at the office.

Paloverdes still blooming, but starting to fade

On the 5th, another fairly busy day at the office.

Kurt's fancy tricycle. His neighbor re-worked the seat to be a patio chair, He can't peddle, but has a place to put his feet

Had some clouds this day

Paloverdes still going fairly strong

On the 6th, antoher busy day at the office.

On the 7th, a medium busy day at the office.

On the 8th, walked to Rickards and saw Buster off. On way home photographed him riding by on BS road at the top of the stable sand dune at the edge of Rudyville. After walking home, photographed him going up grade. Then drove Kathy to see MD in Escondido, did some shopping, came home, and we both slept til nightfall.

Arrived 20 minutes late, but Buster was still there

Buster ready to be towed

Scheuesslers were among to send-off gallery

Grace pointing out the shredded front tires - these are the newest on the bus, and both shredded on from driveway to road

Grace talking to new owner

Bus parking is now available!

8 Busters heading N on BS Rd

Heading into S-curve

12 Busters going up the grade

On the 9th, made Kathy some breakfast for Mother's Day and drove to office to upload these pix.

Catclaws in full bloom

Bee harvesting nectar from catclaw bloom

Meter still heading south

We did abbreviated hike today as one of doggies was limping - maybe 1/4 mile or so


We made shish-ka-bobs this evening in the back patio

On the 10th, took the day off (MD trip weekend) spending a lot of time at home in bed.

On the 11th, back to work for a fairly long day at the office.

Paloverde still blooming, but fading fast

On the 12th,after a medium busy day at the office, we drove home and Holley eventually came down. We exchanged gifts - Holley brought a Mother's Day gift box and Jef & Kathy gave Holley her Xmas gifts 5 months late.

Holley opening gifts

Kathy with her gift box from Holley

Rosy and Kym joined us, as well

On the 13th, back to work a very long day at the office. Jef visited Sylvia for a chiro visit for his recent onset of back pain radiating down his left LE.

Still some paloverde blooms

On the 14th, Kathy was too sore to come in on time, so cancelled morning visits and Kathy came in around noon. After a short day, Kathy visited MD at clinic.

On the 15th, Jef drove over and checked out damaged carport roof to evaluate how to fix it. Axel already submitted a $3900 bid to replace it. Jef determined a cheaper fix is easily possible.

Panorama of carport roof mess

Checked out inside of Sewanee house - not a bad layout by Charles

The kitchen

Ironwood trees are in full bloom on WestStar

On the 16th, a cool windy day - temperature at 1pm: 70°F!!!

Clouds over mountains generally mean wind down here in Borrego

Pool this day

Our firepit patio with furniture moved from jacuzzi area

Furniture in jacuzzi area has been tossed about in the wind

No wind at the airport!

Met John at the newly opened Propellar Restaurant at the airport

Kathy and John sampling whisky sours

Panorama - sign over bar says "When the mountains turn pink, it's time to drink"

Jef ordered caesar salad, but they were out of lettuce, so he got this vegetable platter, which was great!

Kathy ordered lobster, but tools were woefully inadequate for breaking into this claw. Patrick(owner) and his son stopped by and talked about putting in a live lobster tank

Hal Hawkins, a former military pilot, was the artist who painted all the planes on the walls - he just passed away recently at the age of 98. Eric, who installed the last of the tile in our new bathroom, assisted Hal in his final paintings done in 2020

Kathy showing off her lobster

Another panorama

Starting to get dark when we left - note there is still no wind at the airport, but in the background, a howling duststorm out of Rockhouse Canyon!

John dragged us to the Red O and we had a drink with the owners (Dave & Cindy - Cindy shown here). The guy in the far background was looking at us, and recognized me - it was Steve Fausset, my old hiking buddy who I hadn't seen in about 12 years. He had just done what he called the trifecta: Mile-high, Rosa, and Pyramid Peaks. I had recommended when I saw him last to dine at the Krazy Koyote and he has become friends with the owners of that and the Red O(Dave and Cindy)

Took panorama of Red O and the Circle before driving home

Mia was cute sleeping on dirty laundry in new bathroom, but by the time Jef trained a camera on her, she was heading to me

On the 17th, Kathy missed a full day at the office due to Kathy's trial of new sleep medication being way too strong. She slept most of the day and Jef cancelled all patients for the remainder of the day.

Jef got Kathy another orchid for Mother's Day

Jef aborted last hydroponic project - apparently Miracle Gro messes it up, and started again

On the 18th, drove Kathy to MD in Poway, but we left late and missed it. We did some shopping and met Shimon for lunch at Akai Hana in RB - Kathy's first restaurant experience and first sushi in over a year. Good food and company.

Jef & Kathy at Akai Hana after dining there

Kathy with her booty from shopping at Target - note the living wall in background composed of live succulents!

Jef had to stop to miss running over this small bighorn sheep family blocking the road, so he snapped a few quick pix

Mother & father


On the 19th, back to work a fairly long day at the office with 2 new patients.

Decomposing rat I caught in electrocution trap - this rat had been living in our house for past 2 weeks

Paloverdes now only have a few blooms

Kathy with her Mother's Day flowers - newest is from Lupita

On the 20th, a fairly easy day at the office except for having 2 new patients. Tremendous lenticular clouds this afternoon stretching from Santa Rosas all the way to the Vallecitos.

Cool lenticular clouds over Santa Rosas

Panorama in Roadrunner parking lot

Kathy after doing a homecare visit at the Roadrunner

Panorama at the BS park

Windy day - one trash can was blown about 75' across the road

Panorama - leftmost lenticular cloud is over Toro Peak in Santa Rosas and rightmost is about 50 miles south over the Vallecitos

Starting to get sunset colours




Colours faded shortly after this panorama

On the 21st, back to work a very long day at the office on this cool day with some wind and a high in the mid 70s - very unusual for this time of year in Borrego.

On the 22nd, took it easy at home until going to office to do some work this afternoon. Kathy broke into one of the gifts Stacey sent her and shampooed the doggies with cucumber melon soft soap while taking his shower this afternoon.

On the 23rd, mostly took it easy at home. Jef did some chores in back yard while Kathy went to Pam's to get her hair done.

We took doggies around the block this afternoon

One small chore Jef did was help install this decorative windbreak for the guesthouse

On the 24th, Jef drove Kathy to MD in Escondido. On way back, had lunch again at the Akai Hana.

Roadrunner crossing our front yard

Stopped at road construction in Valley Center by this sunflower field

Kathy at sushi

Original sign for sushi restaurant was Shien of Osaka - they just turned it around and slapped on "Akai Hana" on other side

On the 25th, back to work a very long day at the office. Jef got treated at the end of the day.

Clouds late morning this day

Near sunset

Walking around the block (looking for Kathy) Jef noticed some sunset colour starting

Getting pretty good

Arriving home

On the 26th, after a short day at the office, Kathy, Jef, & Miguel played a little tennis at the new park with patient Forrest, who hadn't played in 12 years.

Clouds this morning

Getting ready to play on new court at new Borrego Springs Park for 1st time

Forrest giving Miguel (who has never played tennis) tips on how to warm up


Kathy returning ball

Kathy flubbing return - conditions were difficult due to the wind

Forrest & Miguel leaving

Kathy found an abandonned blanket that she took home and also the only trashcan we found in the park next to the playground

On the 27th, a moderately long day at the office. Jef got treated at the end of the day.

On the 28th, after a long day at the office, Kathy took Jef to Carmelitas for dinner --- but Carmelitas closed early (they said open 'til 8 and when we walked in at 7:50, they already put up the closed sign -- so then we went across the street and dined at Pablitos.

Panorama of clouds this afternoon

Starting to get some sunset colour

David & Kathy leaving - David walking into the sunset as he had tendered his resignation (after next week)

Kathy at Pablitos

We sat by the fountain

Our dinner

On the 29th, took it easy at home all day.

Irises blooming in raised garden this morning with kale doing good

On the 30th, Jef worked on pix, & uploaded them after doing some work at the office.

Sewanee carport roof after Hector peeled it off reveals some rotten plywood

Yuridia did translation as we mapped out a plan to fix roof

Hector will be painting, as well as roofing

On the 31st, took it easy again most of this Memorial Day. Jef started looking for pix for the occasion in dad's album. Went over to Morgans and hung out at their pool this afternoon, staying until almost midnite.

Walked doggies around circle this afternoon - Kathy checking for seeds for this Baja yellow paloverde

Panorama at pool of building sunset

Adam joined us in the pool

Sunset colours starting

Jef & Kathy from underwater

Sunset pic

Adam took this pic

Pam got in this pic

Weird underwater pic

Underwater pic with some sunset colour

Sunset at its peak

Adam in animated conversation with Kathy

Vivien came by and swam laps. Adam did as well, but used flippers

Jef tried with flippers, but his legs are so messed up, he got a cramp within 10' and gave up

Kathy & Pam this night
Apr 2021

On the 1st, a busy day at the office.

Interesting clouds this morning

Clouds really cool late this afternoon

Sunset this evening

Kathy driving home (in truck) after work today

Panorama of remaining sunset at WestStar

On the 2nd, back to work another long day at the office.

On the 3rd, got up early & met Miguel at Calcite trailhead. We first drove in search of Howlew Gulch. After making a lucky gues as to where it was, we hiked to the slot canyon containing Hidden Palm and then we found the Howlew geocache placed there by Grace & Jef on 4/15/2003 - about 18 years ago! We met a couple of hikers coming up as we walked back down to the Jeep. We decided to explore up the fork to find the sheep tanks, but as we didn't know exactly where they were and the road was getty very rough, aborted that exploration and decided to explore another triburary to Palm Wash, which we did - the 2 hikes of about 3 hours maybe covered about 5 miles. Then dropped Miguel back at the road and drove home - sleeping much of the rest of the day.

We didn't know we were in the right wash until we spotted this

Miguel at Hidden Palm

Jef at Hidden Palm

Miguel entering narrow section

Taking a pic

Holding up this boulder so we could continue

Turning around, this panorams shows Miguel coming from upwash at bottom and downwash at top

Miguel hitting Hidden Palm on way down

Panorama: Hidden Palm at bottom looking upwash and Miguel hiking down from it down-wash (Note: he appears upside down at top of pic

Note the palm fronds caught in bush from earlier flood

Mud stalagmites below this sandstone wall

Panorama of area that Jef thought was where geo-cache might be - failed to find geocache on way up

On way back, Jef stopped at where GPS said cache was (same place on way up) and thought maybe terrain was throwing off the GPS, so Miguel volunteered to check area about 50' away on other side of wash... and FOUND IT!

He let Jef climb up and open it

There were several entries in it in 2003, a couple in 2004, one in 2005 & 2009, and the last was 2014. TR Violin had 2 entries

The palm that had just died in 2003 was no longer there. I believe this is part of its trunk that was washed down about 1/4 mile

Near start of our 2nd hike near bottom of main Palm Wash slot canyon but a tributary to the north, we found seams of calcite all over the place in the sandstone

Borrego Aster bloom

Entire Borrego Aster plant

Miguel heading up wash - we had already bypassed the 15 dry waterfall near the head of this canyon

This canyon also had slot features

We noticed a few of these steep dry waterfalls on canyon walls

As with our first hiking adventure last month, we again found a leg of a bighorn

Surprised to see these colourful aphids on this coachwhip plant

2" wide seam of calcite

This is about a 9" seam of calcite

Jef at turnaround point - as going on looked too dangerous

A number of plants seem to do well growing in the seams of this sandstone

There were a lot of healthy plants in this canyon, including these verdant desert cedars and desert tobacco(in foreground)

Almost back to the Jeep

On the 4th, Jef did a bunch of chores around the house.

Clouds this afternoon

After Jef did some shopping we had ingredients for Kathy's meat & potato burritos

On the 5th, Kathy wasn't feeling well, so cancelled another full day of patients at the office. She was well enough to walk the circle with the doggies around sunset, however.

This lenticular cloud this morning grew and lasted all day!

Weird contrails mixed with clouds

Paloverdes are starting to bloom

Kathy starting out on walk around circle with lenticular still there and larger

Bob stopped his golf cart at the start of our driveway & we talked some. Got him to take a couple of pix of Kathy & I

The lenticular started shrinking as the sunset colours developed

Kathy talked to Bob as we walked

Lenticulars over Sunset Peak

It suddenly got cold and....

With a mysterious snowfall blanketting intersection at Lapped Circle & EastStar, Bob had to race home while he still had traction

On the 6th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 7th, another long day at the office.

Interesting clouds this morning

Bretta brought in another panel - now we have 4

On the 8th, another long busy day at the office. Brad came by to calibrate after work, so Jef put up these pix.

Sunrise this morning

Clouds this morning

Tito said all avenues were done outside the Maxima engine, so the alternative is replace it - a calculated risk, but we gave the OK for this $4K fix

Panorama showing the large number of contrails visible mid-day today

Whole sky contrail

The chief is shootin' lasers out of his eyes?

On the 9th, another long busy day at the office.

Paloverdes in bloom

Mall parking lot this morning

Little hazy this afternoon

On the 10th, packed up and drove Kathy & doggies to MD and then to Big Rock house. Started clean up work - Kathy attacked indoors and Jef the front & back yards.

Meter is heading south

While walking to work to pick up truck, stopped at BS Park & took panorama of contrails this day

Paloverde & ocotillo blooming in neighbor's lot

The gang together again for poker at Big Rock house

On the 11th, Jef did some shopping and yardwork and then collapsed alongside exhausted Kathy. Later Jef got up and just then Yuridia & family arrived. They shared a pizza and Jef & Hector attacked back yard. Jef & Kathy packed up & left as Hector continued working.

After getting home from Walmart this morning, started working on front yard - note: Cowles is in the clouds

Iris in front yard

Daffodils in front yard

After starting to mow foxtails in back yard

Stopped by stage stop on S2 & took this panorama

Lots of yellow flowers

On the 12th, a short day at the office.

Haze visible in mtns.

On the 13th, a long day at the office.

Not sure if these clouds were originally contrails

On the 14th, a very long day at the office.

Caught sight of these military choppers on their usual afternoon run around the valley

A lot of these clouds seem to be contrails

Colourful sunset this evening

On the 15th, a long day at the office with David out sick.

Panorama at Old Borego - note: maybe all clouds today are contrails

Panoramas at the Mall late afternoon

We had really cool clouds before sunset, but with clouds to the coast, no sunset colour

On the 16th, another long day at the office.

Clouds this afternoon

Paloverde still going crazy with blooms

On the 17th, walked to office to upload 10 pix(above). Then

Meter definitely still going down

View from high point of my route to the office today

Kathy walking dogs

Doing final spur of hike around circle - we only did 1 1.3 mile lap, as we planned to go on a longer hike tomorrow

On the 18th, we got going early and started hiking in Glorietta around 10 am this morning. After doing the 2.5 hour hike, Kathy

Several minutes into the hike - note the fall colours in the ocotillo

Reaching the first flat area, this is normally much more colourful this time of year, but no brittlebush flowers this year

This is same area March 12, 2016

More subtle, but cool colours this year

Creosote flowers look like propellors


Wild buckwheat bloom

Trail has 2 blooming agaves on each side

Same 2 agaves, different angle

Little Kathy walking amid big flowers

Nearing 1st pass

Looking back down trail we came up

Kathy sitting by blooming beavertail cacti

One of the few blooming brittlebush we saw

Close up of a brittlebush flower

Bugs pollinating this cholla flower

Ocotillo bloom with non-blooming brittlebush

At 1st pass before heading down into the next wash

Chuparosa & sweetbush occupying same space

Kathy by blooming cholla

Close up of a couple of cholla blooms

Trixis bloom

Saw these agave blooms as soon as we reached the wash

This wash sported some monkey flowers

Chuparosa with a lot of blooms

Kathy grabbed this dead agave stalk and hauled it about a mile up-wash. Note monkey flowers in foreground

Kathy bringing her jousting stick up a dry waterfall

Cluster of barrels

Kathy dropped her load shortly after this

Heading up to 2nd pass

Looking back down trail we came up on near top of 2nd pass

Kathy & Jef at 2nd pass

Took this panorama from nearby hill & had a cold beer after this

Our WestStar house is green patch to left of middle ocotillo branch

300° panorama

Back down on 2nd pass we noticed this stunted juniper tree

Another pic of beavertail blooms

Posing at our "roller coaster restraint" ocotillo

After reaching the car, Kathy wanted to push up the big wash - here she is posing by ocotillos with fall foliage

Lots of monkey flowers in this wash

Kathy behind a massive barrel cactus

On the 19th, back to work a moderate day at the office.

On the 20th, a busy day turned into a medium day after 3 cancellations.

Paloverdes still in full bloom

On the 21st, a difficulty day with only Miguel. Jef drove to Ramona on an errand, but it wasn't ready, so did some shopping instead.

Stitched together panorama of below photo of interesting clouds

On the 22nd, another long day at the office. Jef drove to Ramona at end of the day and got the stuff that was s'posed to be there prior day.

Replacement engine for Maxima

Clouds nearly stopped by mountains on my way to Ramona this afternoon

On the 23rd, Kathy wasn't feeling well, so cancelled a packed day at the office. Jef worked on catching up at the office.

On the 24th, we had appetizers and wine at lunch time over at the Morgans.

Kathy working with Pam in pool

Sun passing thru multiple contrails causing multiple sun dogs (see below)

Sun dog with shaded sun

Sun dog looking at sun directly

Triple sundog with sun behind palm tree

We downed this fancy WA red this day - it was good!

Desert Shadows neighborhood where we were

Panorama of contrails on this day after getting home

Despite Kathy being a zombie and in extreme pain, we installed a waterbed

On the 25th, after taking it easy on our newly installed water bed, Jef added more water and Jef & Kathy took doggies around circle before going on hike to ocotillo forest to view blooming agaves.

Amarylis in bloom in front patio

Walking doggies this afternoon

Noticed cirio growing in neighbors yard - judging by its height, the tall one could be 100 years old (they grow 3' every 20 years)

Cardon across street ready to bloom

Panorama from a high point in sand dune on way to ocotillo forest

Kathy by a blooming ocotillo

Methlab compound as seen from sand dune

Kathy by blooming agave with Sunset Peak in background

Size of agave bloom with Kathy for reference

3 living and 1 dead agave bloom

Panorama with Kathy at left

Tubb Canyon in background

Don't pull too hard


Oh, well.... now what do we do?

Leave it for critters & take home a bouquet

Methlab keep out sign - we assume they mean the govm't

Bouquet at home

Sunset this evening

Kym & Kathy having a cocktail this evening

Meter still heading south - SDG&E paid us $100 back this month!

Moon rising out of cloud

Axel was sloppy painting roof

On the 26th, back to work a long day at the office. Only had one aid for half the day, as Lisette was out sick.

Clouds this morning

Turned into a cloudy day

Even rained at the base of the mountains

Desert dandelions in our parking lot

Paloverde still blooming wildly - this is late afternoon

Sunset this evening

Santa Rosas

Full moon rising over Borrego PT

On the 27th, a full day at the office with only 1 aide. Felt a few drops as it rained in foothills.

More clouds this day

Even rained at the base of the mountains

On the 28th, a short, but difficult day at the office with 3 new patients. The new patio furniture arrived and we started assembling it this evening.

On the 29th, a long day at the office. Hector came by this morning and offered to finish assembling our new furniture.

Our Maxima being prepped to swap out engines

Parking lot late this afternoon

New furniture this evening

On the 30th,we had our first day this year over 100°F. Probably the latest day int the year that this has occurred. A medium busy day at the office. We had the final piece of our furniture set arrive.

New furniture this morning

Paloverde still going strong
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