Journal Index
3Q'22 Jef and Kathy's Activities 4Q 2022 1Q'23
Dec 2022

On the 1st, a fairly busy day at the office.

Cool clouds this day

Moon was very close to a planet this evening

On the 2nd, took it easy until the afternoon when we drove to the edge of the Ant Hill ridge and did a loop hike to the summit.

A mostly cloudy day

We parked our Jeep about 2 miles upwash from the dump area

Starting out on the hike

Brown-eyed primrose

We got to a steep part, which Kathy tried to balk and not go up, but Jef dragged her up, so she's not happy as she starts up this ridge

Kathy emptying sand out of her shoes in this panorama of the ridge we are on

Heading up the ridge

Splash of colour with dune in foreground and badlands in background

Interesting sky with crepuscular rays coming from clouds

View looking down Palm Canyon Drive from a high point in ridge

We retreated to this nice easy wash to right, but instead of going down, Kathy suggested we try to find summit by going up this wash

Dune primrose

Kathy & Jef

One of the 2 cacti Jef saw on this hike


Heading upwash towards summit

Old mostly unreadable "Closed Area" sign - probably when cars we allowed up this far

Fonts Pt at left and Ant Hill summit above Kathy

Traversing "Holey ground"

Kathy hold phone on phone call to Julie while Jef took this panorama - Julie & Jef were here 25 years ago

Sand dune at base of east side of Ant Hill - looking towards Font

Fonts at left and pile of rocks denoting Ant Hill summit, 200' lower in elevation than Fonts

Taking the easy way back - this used to be a dirt road to the summit

Note the stakes at left - probably an old barrier to keep cars from going past this point

Looking south

Desert sunflowers - these are the standard kind, the ones with a dark center are called "Gray desert sunflowers"

We turned down this wash from the ridge

Walking toward the Borrego Sink

Kathy pointing out roadrunner tracks

Ripples in the sky, ripples in the sand

Another splash of colour

Stop taking pictures!

Jef & Kathy

Panorama looking both upwash and downwash

Flaxflowers in bloom

Heading over a little pass - saved the coordinates for next time, as this was the easiest route

Sahara mustard got a good start and might be a big problem in a few weeks

Made it back to Jeep

Close to 3.5 miles

About 500' elevation gain total - note final push to peak was steep, as was descent

Coordinates of this parking spot

Coordinates of Ant Hill peak, 1.36 miles away as crow flies

Coordinates of where we left main wash coming from summit

Coordinates of where we go over pass to main wash

Moonrise this evening

On the 3rd, drove Kathy to MD appt in Escondido, did some shopping, stopped by Big Rock house and discussed construction details with Rob, and then drove home to Borrego.

Sunset at Big Rock

Saying goodbye to Rob

On the 4th, took it easy until afternoon when we drove to Clark Lake and hiked around southern edge, going to and finding for the first time: a fancy campsite, Little Clark Lake, and the army targetting platform.

Kathy starting out

Kathy had to get something back at the car twice, so 0.88 miles were walked yo-yo-ing before we finally got off on our walk

Kathy heading off, now with a coat

We walked by old all-weather road, but never checked out old headquarters this day

A degraded can - with suspicious cut-outs

An informal campground with tamarisks

Perhaps this was a military base in the 1940s? Tamarisks look too young for that

Moonrise over Santa Rosas

Darker band of vegetation might be due to outflow of Rattlesnake Wash

Desert sunflowers

Sand dunes at outflow of Rattlesnake

Spotted the old bombing platform/target? out of the corner of my eye for first time

Small dunes, desert sunflowers as we near what might be Little Clark Lake

Nearing Little Clark Lake

Kathy checking out the mound in the middle of the lake

Concrete structure in in middle of this pic

Kathy & Jef on top of the mound

Starting to "Concretehenge"

Looking back at Little Clark Lake

Getting nearer...

Unknown metal parts are scattered around here... shrapnel?

Getting nearer...

...and nearer


Kathy approaching quadrapi

Kathy & Jef

Moon nestled in top left corner

As we look back after starting for Jeep, we see how easily it blends in - Villager at left is over 1 mile vertical higher than we are here

Sun dipping below mountain tops

Kathy didn't like walking on this crusty surface - Jef had no problem

Alkalai deposits resemble snow

Some sunset colour

Kathy is at right in this panorama as we near the Jeep

Found this radio antenna artifact

So we walked about 5.75 miles in 2 hours of moving(2h 22m total)

Maybe 150' up and down is exagerated, as it seemed pretty level

Where we parked the Jeep

Campground we found

Concretehenge, AKA Quadrapi coordinates

Furthest point from Jeep was the mound in Little Clark Lake

Kathy ready to leave with sunset starting

Stopped & snapped pic of sunset. After this we went down a side road and drove into the campground we discovered

On the 5th, back to work a moderately busy day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

Clouds later this morning

Afternoon clouds

This evening at the Mall

On the 6th, a fairly long day at the office.

Our Xmas cactus this morning

Looks like a spread out contrail this morning

On the 7th, Jef drove to dentist in SD and did a little shopping while Kathy mostly took it easy at home.

Moonrise over Borrego from the grade

Mars occulted the moon early this evening - this is a before picture

Photo with Canon camera

On the 8th, a long day turned into a medium busy day at the office due to 4 cancellations.

On the 9th, worked half a day before Jef drove to SD for poker - won 2 - saw Hank for last time before he headed to AZ.

More blooms on xmas cactus

Before poker at Craig & Nancy's place

On the 10th, took it easy until going on a hike this afternoon - the water tank loop. Skipped BAI due to bugs going around.

Heading up wash from old country club - backlit creosote seeds illuminated by sun

Walked by this bug trap - joint effort from SD Nat. History museum & UCI Steele Burnand Research

Further up trail

Panorama with fallen ocotillo in front of Sunset Peak at left

Looking back to Steele Burnand Research Ctr

Kathy near water tank

Panorama at water tank

At end of 4.18 mile hike

We went up/down 223' total

Someone took this pic while on a flight over Borrego around this time - added the local area captions

On the 11th, took it easy all day at home, as it was supposed to rain, but didn't. Also skipped Liesel's memorial, also due to bugs going around.

Clouds this morning


Rainbow as seen from my desk

Rainbow as seen in back yard

On the 12th, back to work a half day at the office before driving to Kathy's MD appointment in the afternoon.

Sunrise this morning

Kathy drove from doctor to Ramona, so Jef took a pic of rain

Sunset in the distance

Bought the "currently hottest peppers in the world" at Staters in Ramona

On the 13th, a long, busy day at the office.

Toro and left horn with snow - apparently eastern horn of Toro was in its snow shadow

On the 14th, took it easy at home until Jef drove Kathy to MD in Rancho Mirage. Did a little shopping before driving home.

Kathy's Xmas cactus is still doing great

On the 15th, a medium busy day at the office, as Kathy had a dentist appt to replace 2 broken crowns.

On the 16th, a very long day at the office.

On the 17th, Jef walked to the office & did some work.

Meter has had no display for past few weeks

Jet following an old contrail as seen from Jef's walk to office

Yellowhead blooms

Stepped over this tarantula going up steep part of the trail

A fairly large yellowhead plant near the pass

Bristly gilia seen along spur trail as Jef descended

On way home, Jef saw another hiker over on the spur trail

On the 18th, took it easy at home until going to Mescal Bajada for a hike.

Near start of hike we ran into the fact there are too many teddybear chollas in the Mescal Bajada

Possible cougar track

Occasionally there would be easy going for a couple hundred feet in a wash

Very unusual to see agave blooming in December! 2 agaves are blooming here

Very massive ocotillo

I think this a a rare plant that only grows in this area

Rabbit is not used to people in this area, so stayed put while I pulled out my camera

Wascally wabbit getting away

Yaqui grade as seen from Mescal Bajada

(Cute & cuddly?) teddybear cholla

Kathy in a heavy concentration of agaves

Our turnaround point. We sat & enjoyed this area with natural chairs for a few minutes

Panorama at this site

Jef & Kathy

Desert stars

Sun getting low

Found these "flowers", which must be some type of mushroom - blooms resemble charcoal

Nearing Jeep

A 2.8 mile hike - we were about 1.23 miles from Jeep at the furthest point

Track of our hike

Got about a 300' elevation gain/loss

Kathy starting out on the Bill Kenyon Overlook Trail

Overlooking the Mescal Bajada - we had just been hiking in area to right of Kathy's head

We met to hike up the wash just above the big shadow, but instead hiked into the rougher area above it

Jef recreated pose from same rock outcrop that mom took a picture of him on

Jef in 1985

Jef descending

On the 19th, back to work a long day at the office.

Sunset this evening

On the 20th, another long day at the office.

On the 21st, a short day at the office.

Jef has 2 Carolina Reaper peppers & 1 habanero cut up in bowl for tuna salad - celery & jalapeno about to be diced before added to tuna salad, followed by 12 oz can of tuna, mayo & lemon pepper salt - this is (so far) the spiciest tuna salad made to date, but wasn't too hot

On the 22nd, a long day at the office with Jef picking up one patient and doing paperwork at the last home care patient. We followed this day with a 4 day weekend.

Another very contrailly day

On the 23rd, Jef did a little work at the office, but stayed home & mostly took it easy.

Nearing sunset this afternoon

On the 24th, had a nice breakfast before heading to town(Borrego) for some chores. Went to Morgan's for a nice Xmas dinner with Rob visiting.

We had a tree at the office, but not at home this year

Luminario display at the Roadrunner

From ground level - we then drove without lights, but turned them on when we brushed by a sign in the middle of the road

Dinner at the Morgans

On the 25th, mostly took it easy at home. Kathy cooked up some steaks and bake potatoes & Jef made a salad. We dined with Kym & gave her a few presents that were under the Xmas cactus.

Kathy cooking porterhouses on the grille

Xmas dinner - Kym turns away from photographers more and more these days

On the 26th, took it easy at home until mid-afternoon when we drove to Coyote Mtn. & did a 3.5 mile (530' elevation gain) hike at the end of the day.

Kathy had to return to car for something, so we got 0.41 miles of hike in before really starting

Kathy took a lot of breaks due to back pain on this hike - here we are with backlit wooly plantains

Towards the end of the hike we passed this big cairn

Panorama - note the dust in foothills of San Ysidros probably kicked up by OW off-roaders

We didn't make it as far as this marker on last hike

Wondered where this road led, and it looks like it goes down to Henderson Canyon Rd (we had just passed the Dog Peak turnoff) - note a lone car looking at flowers down there

This marker divides the gap between Fonts(L) and Anthill(R)

Panorama on way back

Wooly plantain in setting sun - actual tiny flowers can be seen

Wolly plantain in shade

Ants had lined their anthills with white seeds resembling snow

Sun getting low

Kathy Scrooge with 3 ghosts: Ghosts of Christmas Left, Center & Right

Sun setting behind San Ysidros

Kathy with S-22, Fonts Wash & Santa Rosas illuminated by setting sun

Summary of our hike

Elevation profile of hike

On the 27th, back to work a long day at the office.

Nice sunrise this morning

At right is sunrise reflected from neighbors windows

Sunrise reflected from our window - still have xmas lasers shining on garage door

Panorama looking towards rising sun

Panorama looking away from sun

Len is starting to fix stucco in front of house

Cool lenticulars this afternoon in this panorama to the north - we did get almost 0.1" of rain this night

Looking west

On the 28th, back to work a moderately busy day at the office.

Sunset this evening

On the 29th, a long day at the office.

On the 30th, a long, hard day at the office with no aide to help us.

Cool clouds this day

On the 31st, rendezvoused with John in Glorietta & we had a little NY Eve party. We fell asleep before 8pm this evening, and so missed the coming of the NY and Borrego midnite.

Moon setting over clouds hugging mtns. very early this morning

Cool clouds this morning in the panorama at WestStar house

Kym got us these lillies which just recently opened. Kathy is about to go out to Glorietta

Dust cloud from busiest day in the OW off-road park is obscuring lower parts of mountains from Hellhole Canyon at left all the way to Sunset Peak on the right

After we arrived at the campsite, we were glad the dust was not upon us

Altho we were 20 minutes late, we were first to arrive and started setting up camp - we brought the firewood & Kathy made us bloody Marys while we waited

John arriving 45 minutes late

The other 6 people arrived shortly after John & started setting up the camp

This splice managed to get the camp set up from 2 different angles, so some doppelgangers! John is looking confused

Set up the chairs around the campfire

Overview of small camp

Virgin of Aparecida statuette gathered around the campfire early

Panorama of campsite with some getting their bodies mangled - note the dust is starting to disperse to the east

Group pose: Kathy, John, David, Charles, Kerilee, Patrick, Sara & Lee

6 of us headed out on a little hike - Kathy & John turned around early due to Kathy's back pain

Jef & Kerilee on bench rock at the juniper - Jef needs to start his diet

Kerilee & David posing on the bench rock

Jef wanted to get to the "land shark", but turned around as it was difficult & rest of group was waiting

Charles, David & Sara heading back to camp

Only a small part of this formerly healthy juniper is still alive now

Charles decided to try another area to look for his fabled "oldest ocotillo in the world"

David & Sara nearing the road

Nice array of colours


Arriving back at camp

A fire was awaiting us on our return

Kerilee, John, & others had brought appetizers

Fire going strong

David used fire to recycle his Xmas tree

Xmas trees make for high flames

Jef was here, as well

Campsite from other angle - note the storm clouds building

John preparing to sacrafice the 2022 calendar to the time gods

But first to honor the close friends and family that passed away this year - a bad year in that area

Bye-bye 2022!

Going, going...


More xmas trees to make sure! David, aka the human torch, shaking hands with Mr. Fire as he feeds him

Darkening skies show dust is still there, but shifted further to the east beyond the Santa Roses

Fire has burned down to the coals

Some remarked at the unusual colours in the eastern sky

Last car leaving before John & Johnson's - note the dusty horizon lit up - probably by offroaders on the busiest weekend of the year

Kathy & John

John stretched out fire with another log

Jef joined in around the fire

We left the fire, and Jef picked up the container the next day, removing any trace of our camp - we had a heavy rain about 6 hours after this in the following year of about half an inch
Nov 2022

On the 1st, Jef did a little work at the office. Jef & Kathy walked uphill from home, going partway up road to Tubb Canyon - walking an hour, before driving to MD in SD. Then did some shopping before driving home.

Sunrise this morning

Starting cross country just west of the circle

Old "Keep Out" sign

Near our turn-around point

On the 2nd, back to work a light day(due to cancellations) at the office.

Sunrise this morning

Rainbow with some carnage of our back patio


Nearing sunset

On the 3rd, back to work a medium busy day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

Nearing sunset

On the 4th, a busy day at the office.

Sunrise this morning


Lots of contrails

Sunbeams at sunset this evening

On the 5th, drove Kathy to MD appointment in SD. Did some shopping, including buying a turkey. Then stopped by Big Rock house, got a haircut, and met Ken, Craig, Bryan & Nancy at Craigs. We fiddled around on pickleball court before pizza and poker. Jef was big winner, winning 17. Then drove home to Borrego.

Talking with Rob about renovations

Front of house - with vegetation trimmed way back & work going on in garage

On the pickleball court

On the 6th, Jef walked to the office in about 60 minutes.

Jef walked to office in late afternoon and so long shadows at high point of hike

Some chinchweed blooms in foreground

On the 7th, back to work a long day at the office.

Cool clouds this day

Moon rising this evening - later while we slept it would go into total eclipse

On the 8th, back to work another long day at the office without Lisette.

Sunrise this morning

We had rainbows a good part of the day

At the market - spliced panorama had a couple glitches

Noticed this snake was living under the sega palm when we took blind Peanut out to pee this evening

On the 9th, Jef walked to the office in 52 minutes & did work, including working on this journal. Walking back the same way, even with 100' extra elevation gain, he still did it in 55 minutes.

Sunrise this morning

Walking up the wash towards the office

Near the top of hike

Chinchweed still blooming

Desert groundcherries & fruit (pic taken on walk home)

On the 10th, back to work a moderately short day at the office.

On the 11th, a fairly long day at the office.

Clouds today seem to be mostly contrail artifacts

Getting near sunset

Panorama from west to north to east

Looking toward setting sun

Dyer took this pic on a bird photoshoot trip

On the 12th, walked tothe office & used GPS: 2.4 miles, 51.5 minutes moving time, 2.8mph average, starting elevation about 675' ending at 615', total 298' ascent, high point 938'. Batteries were running low most of hike, but lasted to the end. Returning the flat way had only about 50' elevation gain and was 1.98 miles. Kathy took Jef to "Beach St. A-go-go" concert at the BSPAC theatre this evening, which was amazingly good.

Hector did some major cleanup at the WestStar house

Another day of contrails

Contrails moved and spread out all day

Seats filling up - a full house this evening on this PAS kick off event

MC telling us we have a really good shoe 2nite

Starting 2 hours of 1st class music & entertainment

Costume change for a Paul Revere & the Raiders song

Sonny & Cher

Nancy Sinatra

This awesome singer was full of energy all night!

Doing Secret Agent Man

Even Janis!

Crowd really enjoyed it

On the 13th, dropped by Borrego Founders Day at Old Borrego, where Kathy volunteered Jef to say something about being an old Borrite and Jef got to talk to Denny DuVall & Richard Polasik(sp?) BSH class of '69. We then tried to find a close approach to Ant Hill, but failed, so instead did a 2.4 mile hike up old road going up to Dog Peak on Coyote Mtn. We managed to ascend 470'.

Rare sighting of the "Loch Borego monster"

Backyard at old Borego during Founder's Day

Turns out it's a WD40 breathing dragon!

Looking at old Borego home from "pool"

Elementary skool kids with essays hung up before award ceremony

Kathy talking to current Miss Borrego

This is the oldest standing structure in Borrego, being originally built over 100 years ago

Some winners

Taking pix of winners

Near start of our Coyote Mtn hike

Kathy stretching - she had problems with the roughness of the hike

Looking down on PegLeg camp area

Campers across street kicking up dust

Kathy & Jef by big cairn near our turnaround point


Kathy by another cairn - this was our turn-around point, and first point where we can see valley to the west

Kathy & Jef looking west

Jef & Kathy looking east

Jef found this dried out mushroom

Saw this sleeping circle while heading down

Kathy for scale

We took this easier trail back down, and Kathy decided it was so easy that she'd want to come back

Note the white dots - backlit wooley plantains

On the 14th, a long, but easy day at the office.

On the 15th, a long, full day at the office.

On the 16th, drove Kathy to MD in Rancho Mirage where we got meds with a $2600 copay (for 1 month). Then took Kathy to sushi - Hamachi's - okay but we won't be back. Did some shopping and returned home.

On the 17th, a long, hard day at the office.

Cloudy day, but after most of a year, we have lines painted in parking lot!

On the 18th, a long day at the office.

On the 19th, Jef drove to Ramono and did some shopping. Then took it easy the rest of the day.

Drove by this ram on way up(going to Ramona), so pulled over and took a couple of pix

Fall colour in Santa Ysabelle - other places are in full fall foliage, but my life is rush, rush, rush, and don't take pix unless traffic stops me (road construction in this case)

On the 20th, took it easy until driving out the Salton Seaway and did a 2.5 mile hike around Truckhaven Trail overlooking Clark Valley.

At start of our 2.5 mile jaunt

Lots of verbena

Jef & Kathy

As we got closer to Clark Valley, started seeing desert sunflower

Someone was kicking up a lot of dust on other end of lake

Desert sunflowers in foreground and verbena covering far hills

Panorama of San Ysidros from "Bump Hill" elevation 780'

Jef & Kathy

Panorama showing large swaths of verbena with Kathy at right

Panorama of Clark Valley

Kathy descending from Bump Hill

Perils of gopher holes in sand - Kathy caved in a few, filling her shoes with sand

Kathy near top of Bump Hill

Chinchweed blooms

Nearing car - caravan of Jeeps in distance

Car is parked above Kathy's head and to the left

Verbena are starting to die off

Our Jeep is parked just above this creosote (another truck to its right is more clearly visible)

Backlit verbena

Kathy nearing sand dune shade - cool light!

Arriving back at the Jeep

Kathy by a red ocotillo

Red O with Clark Valley in background

Pegleg area campers kicking up quite the dust storm

Stopped by big flower field on Henderson Canyon Rd

On the 21st, back to work a medium busy day at the office.

Contraily cloudy day

On the 22nd, a fairly light day at the office.

Meter inching north

On the 23rd, after a moderately busy day at the office, finished thawing turkey, made the dressing, rub, and stuffed/covered the turkey in bacon, and put it in fridge. Holley showed up with Alvero with some fried chicken. They spent the night in the guest room.

On the 24th, Holley woke us up at 2a.m. and we put the turkey in the oven. Jef woke up early, but figured the turkey needed more time. Then at 7:40am, house got smokey so Jef found lid had come off turkey. Kathy was summoned, we took out turkey, which was done, but we couldn't make gravy, as it had run out of water. Jef ran to town and bought some gravy, and then cut up and boxed the turkey, stuffing, & burnt parts mostly for doggies. We all got in the Jeep and met John's group in Glorietta. We had some drinks before dinner, ate dinner, and hung around the campfire until dark, when it was decided to leave everything and come back tomorrow for leftovers & whisky eggs. Holley and Alvero had to drive back to LA, as they worked the next day.

Just before putting turkey in oven around 2:15 a.m. this morning

Nobody was home when we arrived

Jef found the madonna & set it up for a few hours as we set up camp

Camp from upwash

Setting up tables & chairs

Yikes! The viscious "Glorietta wolf"

The local bees joined us for food & drink, as well

Lee brought a battery powered blender & made us sugar-free margaritas!

Kerilee & John photographing Rusty & Patrick with their margaritas in hand

Holley & Alvero - Jef brought the mini pumpkin

Sara & Marilyn getting one of Lee's margaritas

Looking SW from camp

Starting to set out the food

Bees are interested in the food, as well

A 2nd turkey!

Starting to load plates with food

Starting to chow down

Patrick, Dave, Sara, Lee & Rusty


The madonna makes an appearance late in the meal

Desserts about to come out

Madonna travelling to her hidey-hole

Lotsa leftovers

Nice light as sun is about to sink below mtn. tops


Finishing desserts

Sun is now below mtn. tops

Starting a fire

After dinner conversation

Gathering around the fire

Alvaro & Holley snagged some good seats

Campsite viewed from hill to north

We are but a little speck in a big desert

Patrick bids adieu

Larraine has captured the dangerous "Glorietta wolf"

Panorama of backside of camp

Sara suggests "Whiskey eggs" here for breakfast tomorrow

Best campfire pic

Portable LED lanterns are set out

Looks like Holley is gettin' sleepy

Checked out the "duelling dynos" on way home

Borrego "city lights"

On the 25th, returned to Glorietta with eggs & bacon which we contributed to the breakfast and helped John with breakfast. We had a nice meal and then went on a hike - Kathy had problems, so only went about 1/2 mile at most, but Jef followed Dave, Kerilee & Charles in search of a fabled "Oldest Ocotillo in the world" that Charles claimed to have found in the area, but we were no successful in finding it. We looped down another wash that ended at the road just above the camp. We then packed up and drove home. Took Kathy on a 2.5 mile hike around our circle that afternoon.

Bees were making themselves at home in John's camping trailer

Getting ready for breakfast - campfire is already going again

Cooking bacon

John making his whisky eggs

Putting flame out before serving

Eating breakfast, while more whiskey eggs are produced

Another batch of eggs

Flame is above the steam

Now one big fireball

Dave & Kerilee observing cooking process

Many of chairs have been put away as camp breakdown commences

Setting out on hike - Kathy turns back shortly after this when her neck starts bugging her

4 of us hiked up this wash in search of Charle's fabled "Oldest Ocotillo in the World"

At this point we walked up a dry waterfall to look around from above

Charles & Kerilee in this panorama taken from nearby hilltop - Dave was below behind photographer

Dave suggested we hike west

Ultimately we never found it & returned down another wash

Starting to take down shade structures

Bagging up last one before heading out

On the 26th, met Miguel at our house and we hiked up Dry Canyon in search of wrecked car in bottom.

Finding out 1st artifact in Dry Canyon

Jef recorded location of lowest artifact

This warning sign might have been blown off the road and wound up here

Miguel discovered this length of 1" steel cable

Another artifact

Miguel found this 50 gallon barrel

Found the car

Grafitti such as "Mike and Lance were here in 2002" and "Don't drink stupid" on the car

Miguel & Jef for scale - don't think either of us could get in this car now

Found this bone by the car - which is now a planter for invasive Sahara mustard

Car part about 100' uphill from the wreck

"Don't drink and drive"

This wheel might be the driver-side rear wheel missing from the car

We determined this was a Ford - perhaps a Fiesta

Panorama of Miguel in a nice level spot in wash

Miguel found this dried out snake

A butterfly

Small tire - perhaps from a riding lawnmower?

Miguel standing on big rock sitting on a little one the the left

Close up

A tire

This hole was probably drilled when roadway was blasted and this survived in this rock at bottom of wash

Just above 1600' elevation - nearly 1000' above our starting point - we decided to turn around, as we brought no water

Miguel found this intriguing item - what was it?

The inside tells us - a newspaper dispenser!

Found another drilled rock - this one was drilled clear thru!

Another tire

Miguel walking down an easy part of the wash - the car would be around this bend


Ford wreckage from a distance

Miguel by Ford

Waiting for the towtruck?

Found a hubcap, as well

Back within site of houses in Borrego

Very healthy chinchweed

On the 27th, took it easy until late afternoon when we drove to near the dump and hiked about 5 miles in 2 hours over sand dunes to check out flowers near lower hills near Ant Hill.

Kathy found her first desert lily

Panorama of first big verbena field we found (Coyote Mtn at left, Fonts Pt. in center)

Kathy surfin' the wildflowers

Kathy at right in this panorama

Don't know what this dull orange flower plant is, but they like it here

You can follow your tracks to retrace your steps in the sand dunes

We started our hike late in the afternoon with the sun low in the western sky

Desert sunflowers

This flower was embarassed

Dune primroses (white)

Dune primroses and sand verbena office grow in same area

Kathy's back bothers her with steep hills, so this is the only one we went up

Jef & Kathy at top of only hill we scaled

Kathy descending at right in this panorama

Band of verbena is at bases of these hills

Looking north toward Coyote Mtn.

Stop taking pix, fool! We need to find the Jeep

Kathy walking up this dune

Rainbow colour in this cloud

Briefly used this wash from Ant Hill

Sun is now behind mountains

The Kath went over the sand dune, the Kath went over the sand dune, the Kath went over the sand dune, and what to you think she saw...

Nearing Jeep - we just headed for red airport lights in center of this pic

On the 28th, a moderately busy day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

Nearing sunset at the office - the Xmas lights are already up at the Mall

On the 29th, a medium busy day at the office.

On the 30th, a light day at the office.

Oct 2022

On the 1st, Jef walked to work in 59.5 minutes, taking longer to look for mystery cactus. Actually found it this time. Did some work, but Kathy was not up to working out, so she drove over and picked me up. We dined at the Red O this evening.

After the last late summer rain a couple weeks ago, many plants started blooming, including the creosote

Chinchweed blooming near the high point of the hike

Found the mystery cactus!

Mystery cactus

Crameria also started blooming

Distance thunderheads to east & south

Trees coming up will need to be removed, as they will survive to cause trip hazards

Kathy at Red O reading trivia card

On the 2nd, Jef walked to the office in 62.5 minutes, making sure cactus he found yesterday was the only one there - it was. Jef walked home short way in 44 minutes. Kathy worked out for an hour before we headed to Morgan's who had a birthday celebration, including dinner and pool exercising.

Mystery cactus has barrel about 2" in diameter (reason for dollar reference)

Area of mystery cactus - think it might be just out of sight on bottom right

Opportunistic barrel cacti taking advantage of recent rain to bloom

Walking by Catholic church, notice fountain was going - I guess they turn it on Sundays

Classic thunderheads at various stages of development, looking east

Nice sunset this evening - this is looking north from Morgan's

Looking NE

Pam surprised Kathy with an early birthday party

We spent about an hour at the pool this evening

Kathy, Pam & Jim

Jef got in pic, as well

On the 3rd, back to work a short day at the office.

Nice sunset this evening

On the 4th, a medium busy day at the office. Newest swamp cooler stopped working & Jef couldn't remove lid to check out.

Crepuscular rays at sunset this evening

Sunset at home

Chinchweeds thriving after last rain

On the 5th, mostly took it easy at home, except Jef did some work at the office. Jef also tried to check out swamp cooler, but the lid won't budge - may need to replace it. Kathy skipped walking or working out due to heat and pain. Jef will take her out for sushi this weekend for her b'day present.

Swamper leaked on sides, which wreaked havoc on the stucco

Leaking water caused these "salt-cicles" - some over 5" long!

On the 6th, towards the end of a busy day at the office, Kym calls and says to look to the east.

Haboob approaching fast from the east - here it is around the airport

Panorama showing this is covering entire valley

Looks like it enterred Clark Valley faster than the Borrego Valley

Maybe just a mile away

Approaching hi skool

Coyote Peak is in it at this point

Edge is almost due north, meaning it is almost upon us - probably passed Xmas Circle at this time

These birds might be trying to get above it - ravens or raptors

Kathy at left as edge is about to hit us

Now we're in the dust

Looking west, it is now partly obscuring the sun

Our cars in parking lot - the poor air quality lasted a couple days

Hazy, but clouds are still visible - we got a good 10 minutes of rain about 2 hours after haboob hit, but not enuff to clear the air

On the 7th, a medium busy day at the office.

Still hazy the next day

Still hazy round about sunset

On the 8th, Kathy had her first medical visit using Medicare! We picked up meds hospital forgot to give back last August, and stopped by Santee house, dropping off new garage door opener & whole house router, which Rob's son Kyle installed. Took Kathy to Pinto Thai for her belated birthday meal, we did some shopping & drove back to Borrego.

Kathy was carsick, so pulled over at Ranchita Store for a 7up, but they were closed, so just walked around a bit & snapped pic of the yeti and Kathy felt better

On the 9th, Jef walked to the office early in 63 minutes (slow, made slower by taking a number of pix) & put up some pix in this journal, but made it home the short route in only 39 minutes, which wasn't too bad. Mostly took it easy for the rest of the day.

Sunrise this morning

Meter ain't moving much at all

Near the beginning of hike, I cross this field - vegetation has erased my clearly defined path, and there's some chinchweed flowers in the foreground

Windmill flowers

Since I started early, wound up walking in shade for about 1/2 mile

Close up of windmill flower

Sphinx moth caterpiller on the trail

Mystery cactus in relation to the trail

Sphinx moth caterpiller clinging to creosote

Healthy chinchweed spotted on way home

Kathy is obsessed with cleaning her car

On the 10th, back to work at the office.

Nice clouds today

This cloud looks like a geyser

Sunset this evening

On the 11th, a moderately busy day at the office.

Just after sunrise

Bougainvillea doing good in front of house

On the 12th, Kathy took it easy at home. Jef drove to Ramona & did some shopping.

Yellowheads going crazy in Culp Valley - also a smattering of Jimson weeds blooming in shadows

All the yellow is flowers

Culp Valley is greening up early this year

On the 13th, back to work a busy day at the office.

On the 14th, a moderately busy day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

On the 15th, mostly took it easy at home this day. Took Kathy on a 1-lap walk around the circle (1.3 miles) as we watched a storm approach from the south. We got a fair dose of rain, so the party we attendended this evening that feted John R, was mostly indoors. Perhaps 70 attended in 2 homes in Rams Hill. We had some great Mexican food at the 2nd home - the Purvis's.

Clouds starting to drift in - Kathy at at right AND left in this panorama

This event on the horizon to the east looked just like another haboob

Looks like it is already raining in the Vallecitos (behind Kathy)

We put out a lot of plants to be watered by the rain later in the day

Liesel, center, seemed to have a good time at the party and Jef got to talk to her for a bit, but she was found unresponsive and with no heartbeat in her shower a couple days later, they got her pulse back and was life-flighted to Desert Regional, where she was in a coma. She passed away a couple days later.

Gathering inside for a few speaches honoring John & his apprentices

Mary P., just to the right of the chandalier got the speeches going

Kathy with our 2 dishes at the Purvis household

Mary had got this cake for John

We left the party at the Purvis house with the ground wet from rain

On the 16th, Jef walked to the office and did some work there.

Meter not changing much at all either way

A robust windmill plant on walk to work

On the 17th, a medium busy day at the office. We did a lap around the circle this evening.

Kathy found this tarantula in the garage when she got home from work and told Jef about it, so Jef took this pic with his finger for reference, and after a few tries moved it out of the garage - it was a very fast moving spider, so threw it off cardboard everytime it was about to reach my hand!

Panorama at start of walk with a couple contrails

Contrail turning red later into the sunset

Panoramas were all munged up, but contrails were actually in line with anticrepuscular rays

As the sun was almost in-line with contrail, they formed a formidable shadow, and hence these 2 anti-crepuscular rays

On the 18th, a very busy day at the office.

On the 19th, drove Kathy to MD in Rancho Mirage, and did some shopping on the way back to Borrego.

On the 20th, a light day at the office.


Cool clouds this afternoon

Nearing sunset

On the 21st, a fairly busy day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

On the 22nd, Jef walked to the Circle to try to see the brief parade, but heard the sirens 10 minutes away, as they started 15 minutes early this year. Met Kathy and we stayed at the circle for a few hours.

Meter is again trending south

Small patch of chinchweed with some spurge

Managed to get near circle in time to see 3 passes of planes down Palm Canyon

Healthy patch of puncture vines by library

Rendezvoued with Kathy in time to see 2nd pass

Some people were fooled by chamber that there would be an "actual parade"

3rd pass

Kathy by Legion's military car

Dumb bloke

Howitzer barrel is clearly rifled...

...but r-r-r-rusty

Some kind of kit car

'39 Chevy? truck

Kathy on truck looking at Ford woody

Kathy checking out inside

Checking out inside of this Ford truck


Bed has inlaid wood!

Inside this Plymouth Comet

Circa 1970 VW station wagon

Skeerd kids zooming down this slide

Other kid attractions

Kathy loved this dress, but didn't quite fit

Jef & Kathy had a beer at the beer garden

Moved over to Jan's table with Wendy and John

Jim & Ann the honorary mayors got another term as the chamber failed to elect a new one - Miss Borrego's court at right

Kathy got lession in 3D art tile making from Ginger who is moving her tile making to the BAI from the skool

On the 23rd, met John at his studio and he, Helena, Jef & Kathy took 2 Jeeps up to 3rd xing in Coyote Canyon. We hiked up and analyzed the bypass road, which was in bad shape, but we determined we could make it, but opted not to do so. When we got home, finished making a batch of canneloni that we were going to make on potluck, that we missed Friday, because Pam told us Saturday.

Walking up the sketchy bypass road

Panorama with the only 2 brittlebushy we saw blooming

We saw a couple desert hibiscus bushes blooming!

Kathy & Jef at the Collins Valley overlook

Kathy & John

Old indian trail with lots of green

Santa Catarina palms

Patch of blooming windmills

Nearly back to the Jeeps

Another patch of windmill flowers

Hung out at 3rd Xing campsite & Kathy made bloody Mary's & tuna sandwiches - Note the watermelon vine that germinated after the 3 recent rain storms in foreground

Jef thinks this to be a watermelon vine

Returning to 2nd Xing which is not wide, as dam was washed away in last storm

Jimson weed so thick as to be ground cover

Historic marker - note how green the desert is!

We let John lead in his Jeep on the way back

Even a few ocotillos were blooming!

Panorama of verbena in bloom


Chinchweed with sloth at left and dragon in background

Kathy by John's next masterpiece

Chinchweed does well at John's place

Kathy admiring this piece

Helena, John & Kathy

On the 24th, back to work a fairly easy day at the office.

On the 25th, a medium busy day at the office.

On the 26th, Jef walked to office accompanied by Kathy for half the way.

Jef & Kathy

Kathy heading back home as Jef continued up the steep part

Chinchweed still blooming

Newly discovered fishhook cactus

On the 27th, a moderately light day at the office due to cancellations.

Cool clouds this day

Falcon 9 rocket (both stages) took off just as Jef left the office

On the 28th, a moderately busy day at the office.

Sunset this evening

On the 29th, Jef walked to/from the office going the short route due to lack of time. Kathy did a homecare this afternoon.

Meter heading south

Mushrooms by the library

On the 30th, mostly took it easy at home, but did drive over and do a 1 mile hike in Glorietta Canyon. None of us were doing that well - we did the mile in 1h 20m, and we were only moving for 40 minutes.

Kathy turned around and headed back for a couple minutes before she realized she didn't need her inhaler & was only struggling due to going uphill, so she turned around and we headed back to the top

Desert ground cherry flower

Panorama at the first "meadow"

Desert wishbone plants have a lot of buds and are about to bloom

Unknown flower, AKA weed

Even some chinchweed blooming in Glorietta

Some fall colour, as some ocotillo leaves are turning yellow

A moth of some kind

Kathy by a yellow-head (or something) in bloom

Desert hibiscus

Brittlebush blooms

Jef & Kathy

Kathy near high point of hike

Those yellow-head or something flowers up close

Artsy pic near pass - the "upper meadow"

On the 31st, back to work a long day at the office on this Halloween.

Late sunset this evening
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