Journal Index
4Q'21 Jef and Kathy's Activities 1Q 2022 2Q'22
Mar 2022

On the 1st, a very long day at the office.

On the 2nd, walked to work (in 52 minutes) and met Kathy at office after her exercise class. Then drove Kathy & Shirley to Poway for Shirley's MD appointment. Did some shopping on the way home.

Mom's hyacinth continues to bloom

Meter seems to be finally heading south

We were blacked out at home this morning as linemen worked on grid in our area - Jef took this on walk to work

Panorama of spur trail and the valley taken high up on spur trail on walk to work

Sunset taken from Village Liquor

Sunset at Shirley's place in Santiago Estates as we dropped her off after trip to SD

On the 3rd, back to work a very hard long day at the office with no aides to help.

On the 4th, a fairly busy day at the office. We had some rain early this morning and this afternoon, as well.

Clouds this morning at WestStar

Threatening clouds at work today

A bottle fell out of cupboard and broke this bowl, once of mom's - Jef still consumed the dip, but in another bowl

Kathy & Kym took a steam this evening - this is condensation on shower ceiling - TV went out(apparently temporarily due to humidity), so Jef replaced it with one in living room

On the 5th, Jef did a little work at the office, did some shopping, and spent the afternoon with Kathy making a big batch of lasagna & a salad, which we transported to the Morgans and dined with them this evening.

Storming in mtns, as seen from the library today

This hummingbird made a nest right outside our bathroom window

Driving to Morgans thru some rain - Indianhead is obscured partly from intervening rain

Approaching the circle

Kathy digging into lasagna to start the dinner

Dinner is served

On the 6th, Jef did a little work at the office and walked the 3.5 mile Country Club loop with Kathy - it was cold & windy, so Kathy had no joy in doing this.

This plant has been flowering a while - behind you might see some out of focus snow from prior day's storm around the Thimble, but most had melted when this pic was taken

Out of focus Toro Peak definitely is snow capped this morning

Guest house meter

We've had enough rain to get our front "lawn" going

Nearing high point of hike, Kathy was hurting, but smiled here. After sun went behind mtns, she was not so happy with the cold wind

No more sun on this walk

Looking east to Fonts Point from house near highest point in our walk

Kathy was now zooming, as it was downhill the rest of the way home and she was wanting to get home SOON

She stopped to check out this old car - looks to be a '52 Chevy Deluxe - on the way, tho

On the 7th, back to a very long day at the office.

On the 8th, what was to be a very long day at the office fizzled when Kathy was unable to work, so cancelled most of it. Jef & Miguel helped with gym patients, but after the last one arrived, Jef drove Kathy home and walked back to the office to work the rest of the day.

On the 9th, Jef walked to office & did some work while Kathy did her exercise class. Jef drove Kathy to MD in Rancho Mirage, after which we had sushi at Joyce's & did some shopping before returning home.

Fresias blooming out front

Another 2 hikers on the spur trail!

View from 1/3 the way down to the wash

Panorama at Joyce's sushi bar in Rancho Mirage

On the 10th, due to 6(of 10) cancellations, a slow day at the office.

Delayed putting trash out til last minute, as wind was howlin'

Creosote in full bloom

Indianhead framed with some blue sky

Sunrays near sunset

Looks like a triangular cloud over Toro

Clouds mostly disappeared by sunset - Leilani said she felt a few drops earlier

On the 11th, a medium long day at the office.

On the 12th, Jef drove to Ramona & did some shopping. Then spent afternoon helping Kathy in kitchen, making salsa, finishing balance of lasagna, making stuffed mushrooms & meatballs. We then took stuffed mushrooms over to Morgans where we drank & dined this evening.

Jef made bacon & fritattas this morning

Panorama of contrailly clouds this afternoon

At the Morgans

On the 13th, Jef continued to re-jigger new Rokus and set up new TV. Then he walked to office & did some work. Kathy stayed home on this windy day & took it easy until late when she broke her back taking care of her plants. Heard there was some crazy guy breaking windows all over downtown this day, but Borrego PT was missed, fortuneately, and suspect was apprehended.

Meter is definitely going south

More contrailly clouds this morning

Not many wildflowers so far - there are about 8 species here, tho - poppy, whisperring bells, lupine, bottlebrush, etc.

View of valley with partial moon above

Barrel cactus bloom with bee inside

Bee took a bath in the pollen

On the 14th, back to work a long, but slow day at the office.

On the 15th, another long day at the office.

Sunset this evening

On the 16th, Kathy did her exercise class. Jef did a little work at the office before driving to dentist appt in SD. Did some shopping on way back to Borrego.

Stopped by & checked house on Big Rock - water needs to be turned back on

On the 17th, back to work a moderately long day at the office.

Interesting clouds today

Meter is definately going south

Jef & Kathy wore these matching St. Patty's shirts to work this day

On the 18th, another long day at the office. Jef took Kathy out to Krazy Koyote for dinner.

Jef took pic of view from our table while Kathy drove to work for a cushion - outside seats were too hard for her

Kathy eating her Shrimp Scampi after Jef finished his filet mignon

Fenced off area of new construction for bar under pool

Moonrise over the pool

Kathy next to Joe & his bride, who were celebrating their 15th anniversary - we were the last to leave

On the 19th, took it easy until about noon when we started cooking the traditional boiled ham & cabbage St. Patty's dinner. Jim & Grace came over around 5:30 and we drank, ate & talked for a few hours.

Panorama of us in the front patio - Kathy wasn't stitched together right

Eating appetizers in kitchen

Grace, Jef & Jim

At the dinner table

On the 20th, packed up 2 Jeeps, went over to John & we drove John & 2 visiting friends to Plum Canyon where we hiked and then pic-nicked at the trailhead.

At the trailhead

Hiking up the trail - John taking pic of rock or dead plant

Girls near halfway point - there was some smattering of flowers, but not many this year

Mostly to the top, looking back from where we came

Not sure what this flower is - perhaps cliffrose

Hikers at left approaching top with Kathy at right not far behind - Kathy was dragging with back & knee pain today

I had people helping me find the geocache I had left near the top about 18 years ago and I found it! Determined location is "33° 5.765'N 116° 26.088'W" at elevation 2650', about 450' above start of this hike

Unfortuneately, water had gotten in, and the contents were ruined, so trashed contents and took mason jar home with us

As these guys took a chocolate break, Jef walked up to better viewpoint

Panorama from viewpoint overlooking Shelter Valley - Granite Peak in center, Scissors Crossing at the right, Hikers approaching at the left

Jef & Kathy

Zanty, Kai (these 2 visting from FL) & John

Some neat rock patterns

Taking a Kishu(mini-tangerine) break just after we dropped back into the wash

Ocotillo growing out of a rock

Desert plums (at left) from which the canyon gets its name & Juniper on the right

Barrel growing from a rock had to contort to grow upward

Chuparosa blooming

Kathy stretching

John liked this rock for some reason

Old road graded into side of hill to bypass this dry waterfall

Panorama of area with a lot of Bisnaga (barrel cacti)

Perhaps the densest stand of barrels in this area

Setting up a little camp

Panorma of us dining on some lunch

While waiting for white Jeep to catch up, Jef noticed they put a wave in centerline of Hwy 78 to alert drivers they're going over the center line

Angel statue in front of John's place

Dead branches at left were used as models for one of John's new sculptures (center)

John with a set of another nature inspired statues

Girls checking out roof - looking at place in wall that John allows bees to live in - he keeps pool of water by above statues for the bees

Painting above John's bed is from Brazil, and he keeps a "singer" statue by his bed, as well

Checking out John's kitchen area

On the 21st, back to work a long day at the office.

Noticed this bright contrail being made as it flew away from the sun with a

Sunset this evening - lots of contrail-like clouds again

On the 22nd, another very long day at the office.

Sunrise this morning at WestStar

On the 23rd, Jef walked to the office(in 53.5 minutes) as Kathy went to her exercise class at the Sr. Center.

Meter still heading south

Some of the desert dandelions coming up

Saw this couple of hikers on walk to work this morning

They were going same way as me

Now on same trail, but several minutes behind

Pulled out dishwasher to survey damage. Noted eaten outflow hose, so covered hole in wall at back with a piece of plywood - we had been dealing with flies that came from the now dead rodent that did this for over a week before

On the 24th, back to work a fairly slow day at the office. Internet crashed early this evening.

On the 25th, got up early & walked over to sand dune to check out wildflowers before going to a busy long day at the office made very difficult with no internet ALL DAY.

Paloverdes starting to bloom more

Another contrail day

Raven is outstanding in his field

Not a great flower year - note a few desert dandelion near base of this ocotillo

Ocotillo flowers

Desert dandelions more noticeable with cactus shadow behind them

Bee pollinating desert dandelion

Good-sized desert dandelion

More dandelions in this area

Panorama at Lapped Circle with octagonal house at left

More desert dandelions around our circle

Northern side of dune has the most flowers

A healthy desert chickory among these desert dandelions (side of road on EastStar)

Contrail clouds today

Panorama near PO

On the 26th, drove Kathy to MD appt & did some shopping.

Stopped by office to get cushion for Kathy

Panorama looking north

Wispy clouds

On the 27th, walked to office(slowly... took 57.5 minutes) & did some work.

Meter still going south

X marks the spot of another contrail day

Was passed by these 3 wheelers

Sand blazing start in middle part of steep trail

Paloverdes still going strong at the Mall

On way home, took pic and planned a future route over to church hill

On the 28th, back to work a medium busy day at the office. Wind & some sprinkles during the day (high around 70°F) and some barely measurable rain during the night.

Clouds over San Ysidros this morning

Definitely rain in them clouds


Raining in the San Ysidros

We only felt slight sporadic sprinkles during this windy day

Dark, round cloud in this panorama at the PO

Kathy called & suggested I take a pic of rainbow this afternoon

A double rainbow, but upper one is fairly faint

Enough rain to wet the parking lot

Paloverdes going strong as stormy weather clears up - Jeep is last in parking lot, except for mysterious van at right

Remnant of rainbow over towards Santa Rosas - I take several more pix as I inflate Jeep tire

Artsy close-ups of paloverde

Remnant of rainbow in this panorama showing bright rainbow segment at left and dim one on the right

Paloverde bloom close-ups

Tire still inflating... stopped it at 23psi, as it was taking too much time(started at 15psi)

Mall sign, blue sky & paloverde blooms

On the 29th, a light day at the office due to 3 cancellations.

Clouds & paloverde this morning

Miguel working on Kathy's ankle

View from our gym this afternoon

On the 30th, Jef walked to office, this time exploring new route over church hill. Taking more pix & not going best route after reaching churches, took about 58 minutes to get to library. Did some work at the office.

Meter still heading south

Panorama - left is trail coming from pass & trail heading to Church hill to the right before trail got a bit sketchy

Sketchy part of trail - wasn't that bad, however

After reaching Church hill ridge

Picked up the main church hill trail and actually passed a family hiking up before I reached the cross

The next ridge over (about 1/4 mile away) is my normal route

Panorama on the trail

Panorama as I approach the cross

The vertical part of cross is actually a utility pole - maybe 20' high

Panorama closer to the cross

Close up of cross

Nearing bottom of church hill

Library looks like a rusting barge

Peanut & Mia invited us to drinks and appetizers this evening - this is just after Rickards left

Jim came over and joined us as the Rickards left

Kym joined us for a bit. Donal & Sara arrived shortly after this

On the 31st, Kathy wasn't feeling well, so cancelled all patients this day.

Back patio this evening

Sunset reflected in pool which is down to half full

Sunset over San Ysidros
Feb 2022

On the 1st, another busy day at the office.

Mostly cloudy today

On the 2nd, Jef walked to the office, did a little work and Kathy picked him up after her exercise class and then drove to Rancho Mirage for MD appointment. We had sushi for late lunch before driving home.

View from spur trail on walk to work - didn't notice at the time, but a sandstorm is visible to the right starting behind Travelers(aka Palm) Peak

Getting closer to the edge of the sand storm

Off in the distance, OW is already engulfed

Approaching Imperial County line and still not in it

Dropping down out of the badlands and into the dust

This off-roader campsite is in the dust

Sand drifting across the Salton Seaway

Duststorm as seen on Hwy 86 at the Red Earth Casino

Whitecaps can be seen on the Salton Sea

Waves breaking on the beach of the Salton Sea

Palms being blown from the north

Billboard at Desert Shores showing Jose is alive and kicking

Kathy was stressed by whiteout conditions of the dust

Approaching 62nd Ave.

Eery sky at this railroad crossing

Southbound train with Kathy at left

Conditions were mostly clear with occasional heavy dust areas

Snow-capped mountains can be seen from intersection with 50th Ave.

Lots of billboards as we approach the 2 big casinos near the intersection of I-10

Approaching the casinos

Windblown palms with heavy truck traffic and snow-capped Mt. San Jacinto

I am reminded of I-15 going thru Salt Lake City area with heavy traffic and steep mountains nearby

Traffic slowing down - a semi had an accident a mile up and was blocking the right lane

Kathy was worried we would be late as traffic nearly stopped 10 miles from her MD appointment, but we made it on time!

After MD appt, we dined at this sushi place, which was pretty good

Sun setting into a somewhat dusty area has a different aura about it

On the 3rd, back to work a very busy day at the office.

Sunset this evening

Kathy was happy our xmas cactus was starting to bloom

On the 4th, back to work another very long day at the office.

On the 5th, Jef walked to work while Kathy did a home care. Stopped at Bretta's and picked up a piece of glass art for office. Then met John over at Krazy Koyote and had a drink & appetizers.

Jef saw this hiker heading up spur trail

Also saw this group of 4 hikers finishing up their hike

Those hikers nearing the trailhead at the Mall

Panorama of bar at Krazy Koyote with Rick at left, who we found out was waiting to get back to his home in the Philipines, John annoyed at the photographer(as usual), and Kathy

On the 6th, mostly took it easy at home and then drove to Tubb Canyon and went on a 3 mile 1 hour hike towards Glorietta.

Kathy wanted this pic of doggies - with Mia sitting on Peanut


We started our hike going up Tubb Wash

Someone's party balloon made its home in this creosote

Abandoned homestead - I once camped here about 50 years ago when the tamarisk tree was still alive - Kathy is standing on slab for east patio, where tenant probably sat and watched the sun rise

Panorama of view from this home - actual house was behind Kathy, but no trace of it remains, other than simple footings by slabs

Lots of debris scattered around this place(here is a pile of broken glass) - probably from slovenly campers - a pit for refuse was covered and probably used by builder

Looking back at old homestead from a little up the dirt road going towards canyon just north of Glorietta

We speculate some of the animal tracks might be Mtn. Lion

Jef & Kathy at turnaround point near end of road

Another view of "meth lab" encampment (center of pic)

Looking east toward Fonts

Kathy walking down the dirt road

We parked the black Jeep in the desert - just above the cactus - this taken from over 1/2 mile away

Someone tried to make sure nobody used this dirt road with posts blocking it at Tubb Canyon Rd intersection, and sand bumps, but the ravine Kathy is in here was caused by last flood and is biggest obstacle

People in Tubb Canyon want NO VISITORS

Old real estate sign

Kathy nearing the Jeep

We took black Jeep since this tire was flat on white Jeep & wouldn't fill, so jacked it up and tried filling it, and it worked

On the 7th, back to work a long day at the office.

Sunrise this morning with Venus high in the sky

On the 8th, another very long day at the office.

Contrail sunset - contrails filled the sky all day, but forgot to take a pic until sunset

On the 9th, Kathy did her exercise class at the Senior Center. Jef walked to work. Kathy drove him home & he then drove to Ramona for some shopping. Kathy went to MD visit at the clinic.

Dug this out of the recycling trash - it helped me date some parts of dad's terraces on Landa St.

2005 level is dotted yellow line. Arrow at left of this pic shows the location of the above described "rising sun" tiles build in 2005

2006 level is just above 70' bench

By 2007, about all levels that would be constructed were

On the 10th, back to work a moderately long day at the office.

On the 11th, another very long day at the office.

Kathy got annoyed at Jef for his messy desk... this is the result

On the 12th, walked to the office & did some work. Then took Kathy to dinner at the Krazy Koyote(Borrego Steakhouse).

Meter still creeping up

On way to office, took this pic at high point of trail looking towards Indianhead

On way home, took this pic at high point of trail looking at homes high up on Country Club Dr.

Valentine Day weekend - everyone got sparkling wine to start

After appetizers. Kathy got filet mignon & fat Jef got chicken caesar

In lobby, new mid-century modern furniture - Kathy rotating in chair

Kathy fiddled around on piano for about 15 minutes as staff went to and fro cleaning up in preparation of closing restaurant

Wall of fame - some of the guests at the Hoberg Resort

Kathy on piano - got videos of her playing this night, but they take up a lot of space

On the 13th, mostly took it easy at home. We subscribed to Peacock & watched winter olympics & the stuper bowl.

Holley & Alvero gave Jef this Abducted cow beef jerky - so ate it on this day: Super Bowl Sunday

on the 14th, back to work a fairly busy day at the office.

Sunset this evening

Moon had colourful rainbow halo around it this evening - a portent of rain, which did come the next night

On the 15th, a very busy day at the office.

Looking out bathroom window toward the end of a very powerful wind gust hit

Recent strong wind gust put a lot of dust in the air

Wound up being breezy most of the day

Cushions blown off patio furniture

Bougainvillea petal caught being blown by the camera

Raining in FlatCat Canyon

Sunset this evening

Surprised to see a wet parking lot at the end of this day, and we got about 1/8" rain this evening

On the 16th, walked to work and stayed for the 1 patient coming in this day, catching up on paperwork until he arrived.

Not only did cushions blow off, but many wound up in puddles caused by last night's rain

Meter may be going a little south now

Couple of hikers on spur trail walking a dog

A hiker on spur trail in flats with 2 bikers going by

On the 17th, back to work a fairly long day at the office.

On the 18th, another long day at the office.

Early morning sun shines in our bedroom

On the 19th, mostly took it easy at home. Did some grocery shopping and we cooked up a batch of fritattas for dinner this evening.

Looked at roof - Len hasn't made any progress recently

Meter definitely heading south

Kathy says this hyacinth, which bloomed for the first time, belonged to mom

Raised garden looking bleak, but glads are coming back, a couple of lettuces hanging in there, and the desert roses might come back after frost killed their leaves

Kathy sticks her tongue out to photographer on this contraily sunset panorama on our hike around the circle

Ran into a couple of neighbors walking dogs, so we had a 5 dog convention at top of circle

Some sunset colour

Xmas present for Kathy was these guys to hold her air plants

Kathy douses her fritattas with too much cheese

On the 20th, hiked the spur with Kathy & Miguel. Kathy returned on her own while Jef & Miguel continued up to the first palm grove in Hellhole - getting in an 8 mile hike with 1325' elevation gain/loss.

Kathy & Miguel at left on this 180° panorama on spur trail

Looking down from high point of trail we see a couple of hikers ahead

Miguel & Kathy with those other 2 hikers descending to the right of Kathy's head

Jef was about wiped out at this point in Hellhole, so took this vertical panorama on a long break

Miguel went a bit further and here he is descending

We can see a bit of Borrego from here

Descending trail

Vertical panorama showing mortero along trail with water in it - only water we saw, as creed was still dry down here - we booked it back to the Mall from here

On the 21st, back to work a very busy day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

Crepuscular rays thru clouds as sunset nears

Some sunset colour

On the 22nd, a very busy day at the office.

Panorama of back yard with clouds

Mom's flower again

Rain in Hellhole in mtns

Rain in Hellhole from Mall

Spur at left & Hellhole behind it - the hike we did a week before at the start of our hike

Cool clouds this day

More rain this evening

On the 23rd, Kathy did her exercise class & then took it easy. Jef did some work at the office.

Snow capped Santa Rosas

Rain-soaked parking lot with snow capped San Ysidros behind it

Snow capped Vallecitos to the south - taken at the clinic

Panorama looking west & north taken at the clinic

Snow was down to around 3500' behind the library this morning in the San Ysidros

On the 24th, a busy day turned into a medium busy day at the office due to cancellations & no-shows.

Our rain-soaked back patio

Even more snow on San Ysidros after it snowed last night

Snow capped mountains behind our house this morning

View of Toro from gas station

On the 25th, on a very busy day at the office, Kathy didn't feel good midday, so cancelled the afternoon and Kathy went home to rest.

On the 26th, drove Kathy to MD in SD and did some shopping.

Cool sunset this evening

On the 27th, did a lot of chores, including working at the office for a few hours. Drove over to see Sheldon & Bretta. Found out Bretta's 2nd go round for our glass artwork was slightly too big. Pumped up tires on Sheldon's bike and found he was unstable on bikes right now, so he should get a trike.

Sunrise this morning

Sundog as seen from Bretta & Sheldon's place in de Anza

St. Kathy

On the 28th, a long day at the office made less stressful with 4 cancellation/no shows.

Jan 2022

On the 1st, Kathy still sick, so stayed in bed while Jef walked to town. Jef passed a couple hikers on his steep ascent trail - first time ever, and saw another group of hikers on way down to town - made it in 53 minutes, a respectible time.

Just before first sunrise of 2022

Meter still heading north

Snow on Toro is more pronounced than Xmas storm - also this was a windy day & Jef walked to office with only a T-shirt with a high today of around 60°F

First time ever: Hikers going down my "private trail" to town

Another view of recent snow on Toro

Another couple hiking on main spur trail - Grand Central Station(for this trail)

Took short hike home(36 minutes) & spotted lots of broken glass on this hill sparkling in the sun

First sunset of the new year

Kathy's Oxygen is still low & she was nauseous this morning

On the 2nd, took it easy at home. Kathy was finally getting back to normal.

Coolest it's been this season (sensor tucked in trunk of big tree in front of house)

On the 3rd, back to work at the office - not many patients, but still didn't get out of there until about 8pm.

Coldest morning of the season

Sunset this evening

Sunset contrail

Xmas lites still up at the Malls

On the 4th, a fairly busy day at the office.

On the 5th, Jef drove to Ramona for some shopping. Kathy saw a couple homecare patients.

Sunset contrail by crescent moon

On the 6th, back to work a busy day at the office.

Spectacular contrail clouds this day

On the 7th, a fairly busy day at the office with 3 new patients. John R. brought us a gift of chocolates & vino - welcome, but not good for our trying to shed holiday pounds.

Contrail clouds this day - the one on the left looks across between a squirrel king, a bird, or mermaid royalty

Panorama looking north

Rainbow sheens in these "chem clouds"

Contrail clouds grew and are now shrinking in this panorama

On the 8th, Kathy had severe knee pain all day, but we took doggies over to Morgans this afternoon, Jef looked at internet set up & installed outside weather station. We had Calicos pizza this evening - not as good as before, but still better than others in town.

Len did this to our carport previous day - to eliminate the curb that Kathy tripped on and broke her knee the previous month

Decomposed granite is now up to the level of the slab

Bougainvillea petals drifting around our front patio

Anemometer after Jef installed at the Morgans

Nothing but 70s in the forcast this week

On the 9th, walked to work (51 minutes this time - getting better) and did some work at the office. Kathy took it easy at home, still in pain, so we didn't go on a planned offroad trip with John to Harper Flat.

Meter still heading north, but slowing down

On walk home today, saw a couple walking on main spur trail

On the 10th, back to work a fairly long day at the office.

Our first (non-contrail) clouds of the year

Sunset colour was only visible to the north, as it was not clear to the coast

On the 11th, another long day at the office.

On the 12th, accompanied Kathy on her trip to Indian Wells, where she got a PET scan. We had sushi for lunch, and did some shopping. We also got a carwash & looked at couches at couple of furniture stores before heading home - Jef drove after last store.

Cool clouds - Jef snapped this pic looking east over the Salton Sea as Kathy drove north towards Palm Springs

Salton Sea barely visible above this date farm, but clouds still cool

Looking north - San Jacinto and San Gorgonio are capped with snow

At the car wash

Santa Rosas in our vista from inside the car wash

Halo around moon this evening

On the 13th, another very long day at the office.

On the 14th, a fairly busy day at the office despite 4 cancellations.

Mostly cloudy this morning

Still some clouds this evening

On the 15th, a cloudy day, Jef viewed work Len did on roof before driving to office to do some work.

Looking NE along newly painted & cleaned roof

Some places need a 2nd coat still

Roof above front patio has not been painted

Looking SW on newly painted roof

Original septic vent is probably steel, as it was installed in the '40s - possible entry to rodents, which we currently have in our airspace between ceiling & roof

View of neighbor's last back yard where a raised deck and various statues have been erected

View of our back yard

Raised garden is looking pretty decrepid

Airplane flying near the Mall with lamp poster in front of our office

Nice clouds near sunset this evening

On the 16th, mom would now have been 94. Kathy not feeling well, so we stayed home all day.

On the 17th, Kathy still ill, so cancelled a full day at the office & returned home to take care of Kathy.

Panorama with very dispersed contrails this day

Sunset panorama at WestStar

On the 18th, Kathy was better and was on the fence about coming to work (sick of staying home), but opted to lay low another day, so cancelled another full day at the office.

on the 19th, Kathy was still better. Drove her to MD for consultation and more testing. Took car to dealer and found out the "check engine" light goes on if fuel cap is not properly sealed. Got the check engine light cleared without having to wait for car. Had lunch at Castenedas in Cathedral City, did some shopping at Staters and drove back to Borrego

On the 20th, back to work a full day at the office.

On the 21st, a moderately busy day at the office.

A few clouds over mtns. mid day

Looks like maybe some rain in Santa Rosas this afternoon

Nice sunset

Looking north

Late in the sunset

On the 22nd, Kathy & Jef walked about 2.5 miles around the circle - longest Kathy has walked since breaking her knee 6 weeks ago. We then drove to Morgans and we had burgers & brats. Donal came by, and we also played 5 games of Mexican Train.

Sunrise this morning

Kathy "walking" around circle

Donel, Jaime & Pam at out hamburger/brats dinner - we also played 5 games of Mexican Trail after dinner

On the 23rd, Jef walked to office (in under 53 minutes). Kathy drove Jef to Morgans where Pam gave Jef a haircut.

Meter still inching north

These guys had walked about 100' vertical from the bottom of the Spur trail for a nice view seat

Kathy on video call with Stacey, Eric & Ronan - we opened presents from them during this call and Ronan openned all we had sent them

Mia & Peanut with their holiday suits on

On the 24th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 25th, another fairly long day at the office.

Our bathroom window is in need of washing at sunrise this morning

After opening some of the presents on video call with Stacey, these are all that were left - they will be openned when Holley & Alvero come down next

On the 26th, out day off, so we prepared for Holley & Alvero to arrive this afternoon. We opened presents, made dinner an hosted Holley, Alvero, Pam & Jaime for a nice prime rib/baked potatoe/salad/string bean casserole/apple&peach pie with ice cream holiday dinner. Morgans and then Holley/Alvero all left for home sometime after Borrego midnite.

Alvero, Kym, Holley & Kathy talking in back patio after just arriving from LA

Jef, Alvero, Kym, Holley & Kathy

Cool clouds this afternoon at the Mall - as Jef went on an errand for ingredients for Kathy's casserole

Clouds have rainbow sheen this afternoon

Fair sunset tonight

Alvero & Holley viewing Ronan 1st year album (gift from Stacey to Kathy)

Kathy opening present from Holley & Alvero - an automatically inflatable air cot

Panorama of our last gift openning session

On the 27th, back to work a very long day at the office.

On the 28th, a fairly long day at the office. We got pizza for Lisette's last day (she's going to Palm Springs area to attend college).

Fair sunrise this morning

Fair amount of clouds all day

Got a pizza for Lisette's last day before she started college

Clouds mostly cleared by sunset

On the 29th, Kathy drove Jef to her MD appointment in SD. We did some shopping and returned late afternoon. We then met the Morgans at the Legion and had a nice steak dinner.

Kathy noting sticker someone put on this gas pump and many others - gas is around $4.50/gallon around here, which is highest price in a long time

Despite how menacing clouds were today, no rain

After sunset at the Legion

Cooking our steaks at the Legion this evening

Panorama at dinner table with Len, Pam, Jaime & Kathy

Close up of Jef's dinner

Still cooking as we left - Pam & Jaime at right left at same time

On the 30th, Jef worked on taking down Xmas tree. He walke to work - getting to the PO(about the same distance as to the office) in about 50 minutes.

Kym's meter

Main meter - still wandering a bit north

Noticed this couple was hiking down main trail on walk to work

On the 31st, back to work a very busy day at the office.

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