Journal Index
1Q'22 Jef and Kathy's Activities 2Q 2022 3Q'22
Jun 2022

On the 1st, Kathy did her exercise class & Jef walked to work (56 minutes), and did a little work before Kathy picked me up. Drove to Ramona for some shopping. Tried repairing leaking adapter at Sewanee house. Success, except while installing it, another adapter started leaking, so gave up for the time being. Also noticed one of the valves was not working, while there.

Meter still heading south

Kathy with newly (re-)blooming paloverde

Fixed leaking T-joint, but this elbow broke in the process, so gave up for the day

On the 2nd, returned to work a medium busy day at the office.

Clouds this morning

Evening at the office with moon setting

On the 3rd, a slow day with cancellations & no-shows. After work took Kathy to Rams Hill for anniversary dinner. We walked around the course into the night before heading home.

Panorama at home - contrailly day

Wispy clouds this day

Jef & Kathy at Rams Hill dinner

Kathy with her pasta dinner - Jef had an excellent burger

After walking about 2 miles got back to restaurant & took this artsy pic before heading to car

On the 4th, drove Kathy to MD in Escondido, shopped at TJs & fruit stand before driving home.

Kathy cooked burgers this evening

On the 5th, mostly took it easy at home. We walked to country club & back this evening - about 3 miles in 52 minutes.

View from Weststar shows sandstorm coming out of Coyote Canyon behind bright white horizontal line(solar array by airport reflected in setting sun)

Kathy hiked at a good pace on this walk

Rabbit at research center entrance - we hike to just beyond end of parking lot

Dust behind Coyote range might be 2000' high to be visible here

Dust blown by wind past Fonts Point heading to OW

On the 6th, back to work a long day at the office.

Paloverdes with another spurt in flowers

Late afternoon

On the 7th, a very long day at the office.

On the 8th, Kathy did exercise class. Jef drove to office & worked about an hour there. Then drove Kathy to MD in Rancho Mirage, after which we had sushi, shopped & ran car thru carwash before heading home.

Sushi at Joyce's

Kathy with her greentea ice cream

On the 9th, back to work a medium day at the office.

Sunrise this morning

On the 10th, a medium busy day at the office. First day this year temp hit 110°F.

A little hazy this evening

On the 11th, Jef walked to office in 56 1/2 minutes... took it easy as temp was 100°F when arriving about 9am & didn't want to get HR up too high (tested it at top of trail in the 130s), as Jef is gettin' old enuff for worrying HR may reach maximum.

Meter still heading south

Mostly dead vegetation in this drought year at the pass(between spur ridge and church hill)

Looking down on my old hi skool

Panorama at the dragon with s small T-storm near Whale Peak

We made Pam a birthday dinner and son Rob joined us

After dinner we hung out at the pool for a while

I've seen this gecko in the pool bathroom before

Pam with cards, flowers & cake

Candles lit

blowin' 'em out

On the 12th, took it easy at home & did some packing.

Flies like the cool air blown out of house by swamper

Near full moon on walk this evening

On the 13th, back to work for a slow day at the office.

Kathy showing off her re-blooming orchid

On the 14th, a long day at the office.

On the 15th, got ready to leave - Jef closed up the office and we both packed for the trip.

On the 16th, packed up and drove to Tuttle Creek campground.

Checking out Tuttle Creek

Kathy at left of panorama at the creek

The tallest tree in the campground is actually IN THE CREEK

Looking east to our site, Alabama Hills & White Mtns

Sun getting low

Only partial sun at this time

Panorama of our section(lower) of the campground showing both outhouses and the only other camper

Panorama of lower part of our campground with Owens Lake to the right

Kathy walking Mia

Kathy & Mia by the creek

Kathy enjoying our 1st campfire

On the 17th, packed up with great difficulty this morning (30mph winds) and headed north, arriving in Susanville to spend the night.

Mia woke Jef up to go pee, and Jef took panorama of a cool sunrise

Moon setting over sierras

View from inside tent

Panorama of our campsite with the sun hitting sierras with moon above the tent

Creek this morning

Used ice chest as windbreak & cobbled together a boiler by capping a stainless steel bowl with a plate

Tent deformed by wind

Flowers blooming by creek

White thing is plastic bag that blew from our camp to other side of creek, but we managed to retrieve it on the way out

Jef needed a rest stop before June Lake and tour busses were clogging actual rest area, so this pullout worked fine

Dust blowing by Mono Lake - pic taken from moving car

Jef stopped at visitor center and snapped a few pix


Dust blowing on other side of lake with some whitecaps visible

Jef & Kathy by Walker River

Interesting clouds south of Honey Lake area

On the 18th, packed up and drove north, making it almost to Eugene - stopping in Oakridge.

Picture looking back to Susanville area as we ascended into mtns

Panoramas from same place

Kathy picked a mini-bouquet here

Flowers on turnout that Jef used as another rest area about 20 miles south of Bieber

Kathy was going to give Ronan one of these pine cones, but forgot

Pic taken from moving car of weather we were heading into just north of Bieber

Reservoir just north of Klamath Falls

Another rest stop for Jef

On the 19th, packed up and left Oakridge and met Harriet at her rest home in Eugene before heading to Seaside where we checked in and met Erik, Stacey, Ronan, & new grandson, Eli.

Harriet, Kathy & Jef by community garden

Otter in adjacent river

That log is for the birds


Nasturtiums & asparagus thrive here

Harriet, Jef & Kathy by Harriet's workspace

Harriet's back yard

More local wildlife

We were both surprised that the High Tide hotel room was so decorated, but Jef remembered he paid extra for the romantic package, as this date was just beyond our 16th anniversary

Towels on bed arranged in shape of heart with rose petals scattered around and champagne

Our view

Visiting Erik & Stacey's room above us, where we see new grandson, Elias, for 1st time

Kathy meeting Elias for 1st time

We gave Ronan these yellow trucks (got them in Lone Pine)

Tickling Ronan

We dined on take-out this and all evenings this week

On the 20th, we had a beach day out in front of the hotel.

Panorama from our deck this morning

Our beach base for a few hours this afternoon

Mia, Kathy(carrying Peanut), Ronan and Erik heading for the surf

Mia vs. Peanut

Mia makin' her move

Peanut is ready!

Mia hits the ground!

That's right... you better run!

Ronan takes a fall in the surf, but daddy to the rescue

Ronan about to start solo swim to China

Eli & Erik

Doggies resting after their beach adventure

Ronan's Castle Construction operation in progress

Foreground: Ronan, Midground: our camp, Background: our hotel

Grandpa Jef giving Ronan a ride back from an excursion down the beach

Back at hotel room looking out at the beach late this afternoon/evening

Stacey & Erik

Ronan, Kathy & Jef

Kathy reading to 2 year old Ronan

Starting the evening walk along the boardwalk

Sun about to dip into clouds in distance

Boardwalk this evening

On the 21st, drove south to Cannon Beach area and did a few hikes there.

Doggies in bed this morning

View from hotel room this morning

Flowers by parking lot of Ecola State Park

Point of historical significance

Walking to viewpoint looking south

Stacey, Erick with sons

Kathy, Jef

View looking south

Ronan, Erik, Stacey, Eli, & Kathy - Kathy got mangled stitching together this panorama looking NW

Kathy smelling a flower which may or may not be Queen Anne's lace

Some kind of dicot

Fescue & dandelion blooms

Probably wild cucumber

Cucumber flowers

Starting off on northern trail


Trail heading into forest

Mixture of flowers on forest floor

Panorama at viewpoint of trail

Stacey & Erik

Kathy & Jef

Western lily of the valley

View of arch rock

After about a half mile from viewport, trail became too muddy, so we turned around and are now back at viewport here

We drove further north to a beach access and toured this beach

Must have been quite the challenge erecting this lighthouse on such a rugged little island

Ronan & Erik heading back to the car

Kathy, Stacey & Eli

Nonni's is the best restaurant we found in Seaside

We had a glass of wine while waiting for our order to be ready

We always dine in Erik & Stacey's hotel room due to the kids

View from remnants of dinner

This is the one evening walk I didn't go on

Sunset this evening

On the 22nd,we walked the length of the beach from our Seaside hotel to the southern end of the beach....

We begin the hike on this mostly cloudy day

Sand flea

Those might be sand flee eggs

Living sand dollar


End of the sand at the south end of the beach

Rocks are covered with these creatures


Seagull in flight

Crabs get pretty big up here

Heading home

Ronon walked only the 1st few hundred yards in this 2+ mile walk

Getting back near hotel

Back in Erik & Stacey's room

Ticklin' granny

Stacey lookin' for take out food for tonight

Sunset this evening

On the 23rd, we drove a few mile north and did a 2-3 mile hike and then hung out at the beach.

Starting hike

Passing a water feature

Lots of dandelions

Pink flowers are foxgloves

Passing a scotch broom

Pretty impressive bridge for such a little-used trail

Trail getting unusual

Fence is for a military base, it seems

Trail next heads into a cow pasture

Structure to keep cows out of trail seems to be falling apart

"The name's Bull. James Bull... agent triple-O 8"

Only Jef checked out trail in pasture - looking back at others, who decided to turn around

Heading back to the car

Stacey, Ronan's head, Erik & Eli

Kathy & Jef wearing is Father's Day t-shirt gift

Fescue & dandelions lining the trail

Scotch broom is invasive to the NW

Jef & Kathy

Heading out to the beach near the park with the trail

Stacey about to relieve Kathy of Eli burden

We returned to the hotel and Erik & Stacey set up a home base on the beach there

The thing behind Ronan's head is a distant kite

Eric caught a finger when folding up the windbreak a couple of times - from the screams, it must of hurt

Doing the 1 mile boardwalk hike again this evening

Panorama of boardwalk just after turning around to go back to hotel

These beach houses rent out cheap in the off-season

No beach is in view from ground floor of beach houses here

On the 24th,another beach day. Kathy helped Stacey & Erik with swim lessons for Ronan in the hotel pool.

Morning panorama of our hotel view

Home base on beach today

Water wings = probably over protective parents - Ronan probably took nothing from this experience

Eli skipped the pool this day - possibly too young

Another perfect day at the beach

The gang is at left for the evening walk in this panorama

Heading south

Nearing the turnaround point

Berries, sweetpeas are among the grasses between boardwalk and beach in this area

Sunset this evening

On the 25th, packed up and drove to Westport, checking in to Pacific Motel.

Last panorama before leaving Seaside

Panorama of "rest stop" about 20 miles south of Westport

We parked at our property and walked to/from the beach

Blackberry blooms on our lot

Invasive Scotch broom is doing well on our lot

Our lot as viewed from our street

At beach at south end of Westhaven State Park


Doggies at the beach

Lotsa of shells on this beach

Panorama of Westhaven boardwalk - the trail to our lot is to the left of this point

Trail heading towards our lot, about 30 minutes of walking away

Wearing our Seaside T-shirts, we dined at the Aloha Alabama, but it was not as good as last time

On the 26th, spent another day at the beach.

Kathy was sure we saw buildings on this jetty, but there were none. Kathy is giving Jef the finger, as she slipped and cut her hand and Jef delayed any help before taking this panorama. He wrapped her hand in his bandana, but not before she got a blood stain in her new dress that she bought day before in Westport

Buildings were actually on other side of Gray's Harbor, in Ocean Shores

Panorama showing north end of Westhave State Park at left, the jetty, Ocean Shores (above the post), and Westport at the right

Kathy occasionally walked to surf to wash shells she had picked up

There was a fire going (it started day before) about 20 miles away - it pretty much disappeared by the end of this day, fortuneately

From this view, Kathy had been certain these buildings were on the jetty

At our base camp

We had pizza & beer at this brewery that was only 1 block from our hotel. They didn't insulate crust from toppings, and so crust was soggy, but otherwise pizza was excellent

Jef walked down to Westhaven Park to try to capture a green flash - no green flash on this entire trip, however

Panorama of condos just south of the park

Panorama of sunset

Just saw some grinding action in this building site on walk back to motel

On the 27th, we stayed home in the hotel on this rainy day, but later this evening, Kathy could not breath in the hotel room, so we kept the doors and windows wide open all night.

On the 28th, we moved to the Westport Inn for the next 4 nites, so that Kathy could breath.

Peanut & Mia taking up residence at the Westport Inn

View from our living room window

Panorama from Bennet's, which was our favourite restaurant, and we pretty much only dined on their takeout for the rest of our time in Westport

On the 29th, we took doggies and walked along bayside beach and partway down ocean beach.

Panorama view from deck outside our hotel room of downtown Westport

Walking along bayside beach, Peanut discovered this giant piece of driftwood that people were chipping away at for fires on the beach

Kathy & Mia scaring a few gulls into the air

Kathy reaching ocean beach in Westhaven State Park

Peanut vs. the ocean

Returning to our hotel via the bayside beach - Westport behind Kathy

Cutting over to north Westhaven boardwalk, we are approaching Westport - the tall green building to the right is our hotel

View of sunset tonite from our hotel room

Looking towards marina

On the 30th,Kathy & Jef walked only a couple miles along the boardwalk to the northern part of Westhaven Park. We again dined in our hotel room with Bennett's take out.

View from our room this morning

Little garden area at the Westport Inn

Kathy walking towards Cape Chehalis on northern boardwalk of Westhaven Park

Jef & Kathy

Kathy & Jef - Scotch broom is blooming practically everywhere in WestPort now

A sign one might find at a state park near the 4th of July

Panorama of Halfmoon Bay: to the the left strip of land ends in a point that is the Westport Jetty. The bumps on the horizon to the right are the city of Ocean Shores. The open Pacific Ocean is in between

Panorama looking north over Grays Harbor. To the right is Chehalis Point and the city of Westport

Sunset this evening over our hotel

May 2022

On the 1st, mostly took it easy at home, but did go to office & meet John who helped install the glass panel that Bretta finished a couple weeks ago.

John cleaning up after the install

On the 2nd, back to work a long day at the office.

Near sunset this afternoon

After artwork was installed

Moon setting over mtns. this evening

On the 3rd, after a fairly long day at the office, we got a pizza and attended get-together at the Laughlins.

Happy hour at the Laughlins


Into the evening

On the 4th, walked to the office(in about 51 minutes) while Kathy did her exercise class.

Starting final descent to office about 100' above wash

On the 5th, back to work a very long day at the office.

Paloverde blooms on a definite decline

This stump was largest paloverde at the Mall before being blown down, but it's coming back with new growth

Mural at the Mall

On the 6th, another long day at the office.

On the 7th, Jef walked to office & did some work. After walking home we dropped by the Morgans this evening with dinner & hung out at pool for a cool sunset.

Jef made a batch of fritattas this morning - this is before starting cooking things

Panorama of upper switchback of the spur trail

Looking at one of the hotels and Sun and Shadows from spur trail

As I walked home I was in partial shade - sun was behind this cloud

I couldn't believe it... the Morgans had the same "smoking toilet" problem we had

This cloud was above us for the whole sunset

Walkin' in the pool

Cloud getting some colour & sported some cloud acne

Kathy & Pam

View from underwater

Jef & Pam

Jaime & Pam in hot tub

Jef & Kathy

Wild forecast this week

On the 8th, Jef removed old rusty ladder from pool & assembled new one.

New ladder

Pool was green, so Jef started draining it

Raised garden collapsing on one side

Some plants are healthy in raised garden

Wind blew pretty strong all weekend

Flowers Stacey got her ma for mother's day - delivered to wrong address, sat out in hot sun for over a day and still held up!

On the 9th, back to work a long day at the office. Went over to Jan & Brenda this evening, as Jan was in bad shape. Kathy & Brenda managed to get Jan back in bed with great difficulty.

Last 2 cars in parking lot as usual

Very few blooms on paloverdes

The few clouds on the mountain caught some colour

On the 10th, after a very busy day at the office, Kathy went over to attend to Jan, who was getting worse fast.

Another contrailly day

Eye in the sky?

Saw a dust devil about 1/4 mile away, and watched the debris come my way. Above right from truck is one, and another good sized chunk just missed Kathy's car

Cool clouds persisted

Clouds barely visible this night as I left work, but looked impressive

On the 11th, Jef walked to office in about 51 minutes, did some work, and walked home in under 50 minutes. Kathy was too wiped out to bar-b-q the chicken we delayed cooking due to the wind.

Meter still heading south

Final descent to wash on spur trail

On the 12th, back to work a medium busy day at the office.

Planted ocotillo is doing just fine by graves of Gypsi & Tiki

Kathy cooked up some excellent chicken that had been marinating for 5 days (because it had been too windy to cook)

On the 13th, another long hard day at the office.

Kathy under only clouds this evening - a band that was in the middle of the sky

Panorama in driveway after Hector had cleaned and raked entire property

On the 14th, Jef fixed top step of stairway to above ground pool. We made tuna sandwioh fixings, grabbed the backpack, drove to Volcan Mtn Preserve & did a 3 mile 1000' vertical hike, after which we drove to Santa Isabelle Preserve & had sandwiches & beer before driving home. Stopped by Sewanee house and noted a leak by an irrigation valve.

Panorama of sunrise this morning

WestStar house

Starting out

Artsy trail entrance

Buglers(red flowers)

Kathy walking with lupines in foreground

Note the gnat in air near Kathy - bugs were moderately annoying for much of the hike

Lots of cool flowers along the way

We turned off on the Five Oaks Trail, which started out level... but fooled us a bit later


Jef & Kathy on bench - beyond Kathy's planned turn-around time - Kathy wanted to turn around at 45 minutes, but we didn't know if it was easier turning around here or continuing and having a shorter hike after reconnecting to main trail (a dirt road)... We should have turned around here!

View from bench

Spliced 2 pix taken by Jef & Kathy on the bench, but didn't take into account Kathy being so much shorter,...


Wierd flower - kinda like a lantern

View overlooking vinyard (gravel road is start of our hike)

Kathy on trail between 2 blooming chapparal bushes, perhaps chamois

Jef & Kathy in another screwed up panorama - Jef didn't get enuff overlap & Kathy was too short, but before starting this pic we were side by side on this rock bench near high point of hike

We liked this part of hike, as we were pretty exhausted after climbing 1000'... this was fairly level for about 1/4 mile

Looking down on community of Banner at the bottom of Banner Grade - Granite Peak to the left & Whale Peak on the right

Looking up a couple hundred feet above us, this may be the end of the main trail hike - we opted to not do the last 1.2 miles of this and go back to the car

Heading down the main trail towards the car

More flowers

Used the app Stacey put on Kathy's old phone to determine these to be some kind of dicot

Blowing dandelion like seeds.....

...seems to cause white beards?

Getting to where we could see valley of trailhead

Lotsa lupines near start of hike

Horseweed or "Hairy Vetch"

Cool manzanita trunks

Panorama at our lunch site (Sanya Isabela trail terminus)

Panorama at Sewanee house

Sewanee house from road

On the 15th, did some chores including moving a woodpile and finding leak at Sewanee house & then crashed until late afternoon when we packed up and drove to Morgans where we hung out at their pool and watched the total lunar eclipse shortly after moonrise.

New top step of pool stairs

Put a stake by the difficult to access T joint by these irrigation valves at Sewanee

Panorama behind Sewanee house

Location of leaky irrigation valve area

Apprently paloverde can create trees from roots, much like black acacia and tree of heaven

Back at WestStar, the next project will be to neatly stack wood pile I threw over fence... reason was Mia was barking at this woodpile and Kathy was worried a rattler might have been living under it

Our lunar eclipse viewing area, where we also did some aquatic exercises

Mostly eclipsed moon just rising over nearby houses

Getting some colour on dark side

Jim & Adam dueling with corkscrews - the 3 of us compared bottles of wine. Jim's "Bread & Butter" red was determined to be the best. Jim & Jef panned Adam's fancy French wine, & Jef's Rodney Strong Alexander Valley merlot was not deemed that great, altho Kathy probably loved it

On the 16th, back to work a long day at the office.

On the 17th, after a fairly busy day at the office, Jef & Kathy brought pizza & wine to Schusslers, who hosted this round of "Happy Hour with the Animals" group.

Panorama of group - note: people moved and so are missing part of their bodies

Cleaner panorama

2 roadrunners: Schusslers say these are parents of family living nearby - they have one offspring

Marge by her flying pigs artwork & wearing her pyrotechnic club shirt - apparently they have the most spectacular fireworks shows in the world in the northern midwest (different places each year)

On the 18th, Jef walked to work and Kathy did her exercise class. Kathy drove to her MD appt, to the car dealer & sushi. Jef drove to grocery store, carwash, yogurt place & then home.

Meter still going south

Sushi at Joyce's

On the 19th, back to work a moderately busy day at the office.

On the 20th, another busy day at the office.

Still dust in air after windy conditions this morning

Clark was showing some of his pictures to Borrego PT staff

Some neat pix

At end of day, John invited us for drinks - wound up going to La Casa


On the 21st, Jef drove Kathy to MD & did some shopping before heading home.

On the 22nd, took it easy until afternoon when we went hiking in Culp Valley.

Kathy by split rock with wild buckwheat blooming in foreground

Gate to stop traffic going into Paroli has rotted

Reaching Paroli homestead site 1/8 mile from gate

Some small pink flowers at the spring

Jef & Kathy at the spring

One of a couple dozen quail scared away by our presence was caught in this pic of Yerba Linda blooms

Yerba Linda blooms at spring

Close up of Yerba Linda flowers and seed clusters

Followed trail going south from Paroli for a bit - here is panorama around where we turned around

Paroli Spring from south trail

After spending 5 minutes clearing our socks of foxtails after we reach Culp Valley Rd (after going cross country), we resolved to not go cross country. Here is Kathy returning to the car by following road

Altho Kathy was short of breath and resolved to go to urgent care tomorrow, she wanted to go on another short hike - we went a total of 2.3 miles with 390' elevation gain - this is on 2nd little hike

We found this grafitti on the trail

Tallest desert plum tree along trail was this one (over 10' tall)

Agaves getting ready to bloom

Found this dead pholisma on the trail(desert xmas tree parasite plant)

Reaching car - we took trail opposite upper Tubb Canyon trail

Kathy got more plants

On the 23rd, Jef drove Kathy to urgent care - found it moved from grossmont to santee - saw an MD & got new meds for her asthma. Did some shopping before returning home.

Stopped for late lunch at Banbu Sushi

Sunset this evening

Kathy & Mia

on the 24th, Kathy got her 2nd booster while Jef drove to RB to pick up Julie's cake at Edelweis, which Lyn seriously undercharged for. Kathy & Miguel handled patients, but long day turned shorter with 3 cancels & a no show. Jef arrived to finish out the day at the office & also got his 2nd booster.

Hector, for some reason couldn't find this irrigation cut-off valve, and so didn't repair leak before we left on our trip

Kathy got Pam to take care of her plants while we were gone

On the 25th, packed up and drove to Flagstaff, arriving at 5:30pm. Met Dyer & Liz at their home, "Thistledown", and were given a trailer to live in for the next 2 nights..

Julie's cake just before packing in car for trip

Dyer's view of Mt. Humphreys - the highest point in AZ. Mt. Humphreys was a strato volcano that blew it's top off about 220,000 years ago, when its elevation decreased from about 15,000 to 16,000' down to a current 12,639'

We had some great tostadas with Dyer & Liz this evening - nobody likes a photographer

Dyer showing Mia & Kathy his MG

Jef "test driving" one of Dyer's projects - would have been more comfortable had it had a seat

On the 26th, Dyer gave us the nickle tour of the Lowell Observatory complex and then took us & Liz on a hike near a meadow - the "Watchable Wildlife Trail" at about 8000' elevation. We went downtown to Flagstaff this evening and dined at a great Thai place - Lotus Lounge?

Dyer & Kathy at Lowell Observatory

Outside Percival's telescope enclosure

Panorama of Percival's 24" telescope inside the dome - he used ladders to get up to view scope when stars were low in sky - note that the "dome" sat on car tires so as to rotate telescope & dome to appropriate location in sky

View of Flagstaff

Dyer had to show the "Dyer" telescope - due to its name

Dyer telescope

Dyer opening window for Dyer telescope

Kathy & Dyer again

Flowers of Russian Olive were very fragrant, & light colour of leaves made for a good contrast at the Lowell Observatory complex

Statue of Clyde Tombaugh, discoverer of Pluto, with glasses part of the sculpture

Enterring Clyde's "dome"

Clyde's 12" telescope

Touristy gimmick for restrooms

Fancy telescope shed for visitor viewing

Starting build of BIG building that will also house a planetarium and restaurant

Dyer is using this telescope for testing of his robotic telescope array system

Spaghetti of control system is reminiscent of stereo or other entertainment systems

Looking out door of this telescope, one can see a couple of telescope domes and the new construction

Leaving the telescope dome

The low-budget "Jiffy Pop" dome

Dyer no longer has access to this dome, but it has the feature of an elevating floor to be used instead of Percival's ladders

1911 Stevens Duryea owned by Percival Lowell getting ready to run in the 4th of July parade - an overheating problems was the cause of taking apart engine

Kathy & Jef in rear seat

Kathy talking cars with Dyer

Wildflowers were fading by this time of year, but still present

Big butterfly behind this iris bloom

Tail end of butterfly is very colourful

Iris bloom

42" telescope, formerly in Jiffy Pop dome, is now a lawn ornament

Old entrance to Lowell Observatory

Yellow wildflowers still going strong by this building

Russian Olive tree

California poppies

Old Monroe calculator in local museum

Cool light

Dyer & Kathy in his office

Back at Thistledown with Kathy, Liz & Dyer

Humphreys Peak

Panorama with contrail not being blended very well

Bird resembling a northern flicker

We slept in this trailer while here

At start of Watchable Trail, snow is still visible on Humphreys

Starting out on Watchable Wildlife Trail

Some unknown small flowers

Coming into an area with aspens

Impromptu snowstorm

Found this horny toad at edge of trail

Passing an area with mullein stocks

This small plant has variegated leaves!

Young green gentians - apparently these live for 80 years, bloom, and then die

Kathy & Dyer viewing the remains of an old vehicle

Fence of unknown purpose - perhaps to stop drifting snow

Back at Thistledown - doggies taking it easy

Flagstaff rail station

Hotels are no longer this cheap

Lumberyard restaurant was too noisy, so walked across tracks and dined at a great Thai place near the rail station

Trains slowed down our progress crossing tracks


Eventually made it back to Thistledown - Dyer is driving his Prius back into the garage

Mia vs. skunk... fortuneately with window between them. Mia started barking after about a minute, at which time the skunk stopped eating and ran away

On the 27th, went on hike on part of the "Arizona Trail", which goes from Mexico to Utah - 800 miles - but we only went up a mile and down a mile this morning. Packed up and drove to Socorro, did Julie's b'day cake celebration & spent night in cabin at Bob & Sue's.

Thistledown breakfast table - we got Liz the flowers at right

Dandelion-like flower

Dyer says Liz says this is some type of groundsel

Dyer & Kathy on trail

Most of these "golden peas" had faded, but a few were still blooming

Groundsel shadows

Kathy & Dyer walking up to this bird on trail

After walking a mile on Arizona trail, this was our turnaround point

Lame attempt at mimmicking this tree's arm

How many trails have not only stop signs, but stop sign warning signs?


After starting trip to Socorro, these clouds started forming before reaching NM, but this is now in NM

Clouds getting thicker

Some precipitation may have hit land

Panorama at the VLA - Kathy at left & Withington "Bear Trap" fire at right

Kathy standing by our car, and another view of Bear Trap fire - smoke is drifting to left (towards Socorro)

We entered smoke in Magdalena and a thick patch was nearing Julie's house in Socorro

M Mtn is behind antenna

Logan & Thor helped me set up Julie's cake

Julie pointing at cake - Logan & Doug in background

Julie blowing out candles


Still smokey, but intermittent "not-so-smokey" periods

Kathy & Logan at left - Julie openning up presents - Thor & Logan got mangled stitching together this panorama

Julie showing off her lower garden area - house is above

Firepit is Logans - Logan will drive to SC starting early the following morning

Kathy & Julie with Socorro contrails

M Mtn this afternoon

On the 28th, slept late, visited Bob & Susan for a while and then Bob gave us a tour of the mineral museum and then we toured the campus. We took Julie & Thor to the Owl Bar for a late lunch. Returning to Evelyth's, Julie showed how bad we were at pool, playing in the Evelyth garage.

M Mtn this morning

Panorama view from deck outside our bungalow

Susan, Kathy & doggies outside Eveleth garage & kitchen

Jef, Kathy, Thor, Bob & Julie at conclusion of Bob's tour of the exhibits

Big blue glob on bottom shelf center is Smithsonite

Front row: Thor & Julie, mid-row: Desert Maiden & Jef, back row: new Workman Center

Thor, Julie, Kathy

Kathy, Thor & Julie at Owl Bar

Jef was awarded 3 lime slices

Eating burgers & fries

Jef's burger in foreground

Flawed panorama - Julie dominating at pool in Evelyth garage

"Skelly & Tom Unplugged"

Julie was undefeated this day

Drinks served today: "Beeraritas"

Near sunset, smoke is, thankfully, way off to the east

Missiles about to take out M Mtn?

Kathy walking doggies near Julie's house

Panorama with smoke off in distance

Looking east - green belt in center is the Rio Grande

Back at Evelyths with nice sunset

Jef & Kathy - looks like street has been tagged

Julie in her front yard at sunset

Cool landscaping!

Julie & Kathy

NM sunset

4 points of the compass

Julie has this painting that we saw many a time at our grandma Johnson's homes

This painting hung over our dining room when we were kids

On the 29th, got up early, had coffee with Bob & Susan, packed up and drove to Eloy where we visited Michael & Martha. We spent the night in a guest room.

Front yard of Evelyth guesthouse this morning

Panorama with guesthouse at left & right

Photograph in guesthouse - I suspect an old pic of Bob(the man, the myth, the legend) at right

We stayed in other bedroom for 2nd night after we couldn't get TV to work in front bedroom

Susan was testing out hay as a growing medium for her vegetable garden

Kitten vs. doggie with Susan looking on

Decoration in their garden

Stopping by Julie's before heading out

Thor & Julie waving goodbye

Having drinks on back patio with Martha & Michael at their Eloy house

On the 30th, we had a nice NY breakfast, and drove home to Borrego.

Martha showing off one of her art projects this morning

We dined on English muffins with an omelet & lox & cream cheese this morning - a taste of NY

Mia's new room - at least she thinks so, as the colours match

Martha's handiwork - something fellow artist Stacey should admire

Living room

Discussing things in kitchen

Back yard

Kathy, Michael & Martha with Manhattan background - Jef had mentioned "Breaking Bad" prior night, as he just returned to NM, so Michael sported a Walter White T-shirt this morning!

Martha discovered this antique poster for this 1926 movie behind a framed picture when she went to reuse the frame! This picture, coincidentally, was recently restored and re-released on blu-ray prior month!

On the 31st, dug out around irrigation leak at Sewanee and then mostly took it easy at home.

Irrigation assembly after digging it out needs replacing
Apr 2022

On the 1st, a fairly long day at the office.

Mid day at the office

Late afternoon - we are among last cars in parking lot

Our office

Sunset this evening

We dined at Carmelitas after work

Peanut sleeping in funny position

On the 2nd, went on a hike with Kathy up Glorietta Canyon and then drove truck to Temecula for poker/dinner at Hank's. Lost 13.

Creosote & ocotillo at parking area trailhead

Arriving at first "meadow"

Panorama of "meadow" with Kathy at right

Desert lavender, chuparosa & ocotillos in bloom at the "meadow"

Fagonia blooming

Our "roller coaster restraint" ocotillo - unusual in that branches are growing down towards the ground

Panorama mid way up to pass showing beavertail & barrel blooms at left & ocotillo blooms toward top of ridge

Beavertail buds & a bloom

Kathy near pass

Kathy stretching high up in canyon

Barrel cacti blooms

Kathy at pass with one of the very few blooming brittlebushes

A jumble of ocotillo blooms

Hedgehog cactus bloom

Cholla bloom with bug that is well-camoflaged

Whispering bells blooms

Wooley daisies

Kathy pointing at chia & monkey flower in field of wooley daisies

Note the size of sand granules below these wooley daisies

Poppies with seeds (the long green extensions to some of these stems)

Micro-poppies with seed pods

These tiny flowers coming from something that might be related to a garlic or onion, have some red bugs on them


Kathy in the greenest area of the hike (with previous 2 flowers) - this is north side of hill beyond pass

Desert stars

Ocotillo bud with Kathy

Chuparosa with Kathy

Beavertail blooms with Kathy


Heading down canyon back to Jeep

Ocotillo bloom

Poppies and their shadows

Some flowers on side of road nearing Temecula

Dog attacking Hank

Will he survive?

Guess so. Poker at Hank's

On the 3rd, walked to work & did some work. Then helped Kathy with some chores the rest of the day.

Pool under hot water heater always refilled after vacuuming it up

Gilia blooming

Wispy clouds this day

Paloverde still blooming

At spur trailhead - panorama of wispy clouds

Barrel blooming high on spur trail looking east

On the 4th, back to work a medium day at the office. The Mannings arrived late afternoon & Jef showed them their digs before returning to work to finish the day.

The Mannings never saw a snake in the years they lived here and discovered this little king snake in the bedroom we prepared for them

Released snake to front yard

Paloverde blooming at work

Sunset colours were only overhead this evening - here is vertical panoram of front patio

Kym & Jeff in back patio this evening

Vertical panorama in back yard

Kathy & Jef

On the 5th, a short day at the office.

Paloverde back lit by setting sun

Ann & Jeff - Kathy cooked us a nice (leftover) lasagna dinner

On the 6th, walked to work(53 minutes), did a little work before Kathy picked me up & we took Mannings to Sheep Canyon & had a picnic lunch.

Noticed this creosote had more flowers than leaves on hike to work this day

Paloverde still blooming

Ann at rest stop at the Circle on way to Sheep Canyon

Ann, Kathy & Jeff at Desert Gardens

Ocotillos were blooming like crazy in Coyote Canyon - smoke tree with Witche's Hair in foreground

Hedgehog blooms at 3rd crossing

Some kind of wasp on burntout bloom

Old Indian trail headed towards Santa Catarina Spring in Collins Valley

Jef at right in this Collins Valley panorama - as we waited for girls to come up the bypass road

We arrived at Sheeps Canyon around 2pm

Jef spotted this chuckwalla

Original picnic site Jef chose, but we went to end of the road instead

After setting up some chairs and getting some beverages

Panorama showing Kathy & Ann viewing the dead palm on canyon wall

Ann & Kathy


Crameria plant in full bloom

Jef looking at possible cougar footprint noticed by Jeff

No water this time, but spring time for cottonwoods and a blooming brittlebush in the center of the main wash

Other plants blooming, including a white sage at top left

Sheep Canyon panorama showing about a quarter mile of the main wash

Fremont pincushion

Teddybear cholla bloom

Lounging about near the shade of the white Jeep

Lots of flowers in foreground looking at Sheep Canyon's main palm grove

Jeff spotting this desert tortoise, so Kathy went to check it out

She brought it over to shade of Jeep for a couple minutes before Jef returned it to where she found it

Desert plums with palms in background

Palms with desert plums in foreground

Trixis in bloom

Wild buckwheat in bloom

Parting view around 5pm with palms in the shade

Jef rushed to other side of creek to photograph Kathy crossing over, and ignored Jeff's pleas to stop & photograph a huge rattlesnake at edge of creek - instead Jef drove over it and we never saw it after that

Kathy approaching crossing

Going in

past midway

Ann & Kathy

Kathy had a good time

Jeff pointed out a problem this evening about a "smoking toilet"

On the 7th, back to work a long & somewhat difficult day at the office.

On the 8th, had a shortened day. Jeff cooked for us this evening: we had a chicken casserole, kale salad & baked potatoes.

Yellow snow drifts under the paloverdes

This leaf blower is less than a year old & stopped working - Jef took it apart, tested it, and found motor was getting voltage. Hooked it up & pushed on fan and it took off, so dead spot(s) on brush track, so cheap motor. Put it back together & it can still be used if you push start fan with a screwdriver, but next time get an extended warrantee for the cheap crap they sell you these days

On the 9th, Jef walked to the office & did some work, Jeff went with Todd & mom Sue to a casino, and Kathy & Ann had a girl's day and went shopping.

Kathy's never had 4 blooms on an Easter lily until now

Meter still headin' south

Jughead??? on hike to office this day at high point of hike

Ann, Kathy & Todd on patio this evening

Panorama with Jeff(2F), Ann, Kathy & Todd

2F, Kathy, Todd & Cass

Kathy was tired

On the 10th, had some breakfast(fritattas & bacon) before Todd & Sue, who had slept on the couch the night before, left for SD. Jef & Kathy did a home visit for Pam who just returned to town after getting a knee replacement. Then we all went out for a farewell dinner at the Coyote Steakhouse.

Family portrait just before Todd & Sue left for Del Mar this morning

Ann loved eating breakfast on the front patio

Panorama of contrail-ly clouds at the office this day - CPM machine is on Jeep just before Jef delivered it & helped set it up for Pam, who just returned after her TKR

Jef used this redneck fix for this loose cowling(the part bolted to frame had broken off and was lost)that was making a racket as fan kept hitting it

2F, Ann & Cass at entry to Krazy Koyote

Ann & Kathy at our table - we got Ramon for our waiter this evening

View from our table - even tho it was windy, we didn't notice as we were sheltered in this spot

Panorama with 2F, Ann & Kathy

After we got our grub

Ramon took our pics - note that 2F can't sit still!

On the 11th, back to work a fairly long day at the office after seeing Mannings off for SD.

A little hazy this day

But paloverde still blooming strong

Jef (truck with camper) & Kathy (white car), as per usual, about the last to leave

Nice pic for time when I need to sell the truck

On the 12th, a very long day at the office.

This bird must have bounced off a window & was stunned, but alive

View from work patio nearing sunset this afternoon

On the 13th, walked to work - without a few small stops, could have made it in about 50 minutes, but took nearly 52 minutes. Did some work before Kathy picked me up around noon. Drove her to MD appt in Rancho Mirage, then had sushi and dropped off a UPS package(defective printer), shopped at Staters, got a quick carwash, stopped at furniture place and spent an obsene amount on some new furniture, got gas, stopped for Kathy's yogurt, but by this time it was closed. Made it home around 8pm.

Panorama about 200' above start of spur trail

Barrel cactus with lots of blooms

Kurt is driving this car now - saw him at the bank today

At Joyce's (sushi) in Rancho Mirage

Kathy in carwash

View from intergalactic space car of the Carwashious section of our galaxy

On the 14th, back to work a long day at the office. Stacey bore her 2nd son, Elias this morning. Kym put Borrego B&S ad for any interested in our living room furniture. I was told she got 25 inquiries over the next few hours.

Moonrise this evening

On the 15th, another long day at the office. A group of people came over to haul away our livingroom furniture early this morning.

Only large pieces of our sofa just before removal

Goodbye old furniture

Wall behind hot water heater - Jim & Lee will put hardyboard on bottom of 2 walls

Jim & Lee came over to replace hot water heater this morning

Kathy arriving at work

Jef picked up Bretta's (3rd iteration) of our glass art panel we will install in gym

Panorama inside our patio at work - we are last 2 cars in lot again

Wind blowing off some paloverde flower petals & piles of these are moving across parking lot in waves

Fortuneately Laidlaw was nearby, as Jim found a leak in the wall as he was replacing drywall with hardyboard. New wall and water heater now installed

On the 16th, Kathy was ill & stayed home all day with tummy problems, so we skipped meeting Mannings in Del Mar. Jef walked to office & did some work there late this afternoon.

Empty living room before new furniture was installed(2 days hence)

Jef noticed a river coming out of new hot water heater - later found it was a defective part in new unit - it was fixed 2 days later, but we were without hot water for 2 days

Jef looking back down trail after starting home late this afternoon

On the 17th, Kathy still ill with tummy problems & stayed home all day again.

On the 18th, Kathy was feeling better, but still has some nausea, so cancelled a medium busy day at the office.

Panorama showing interesting clouds this day

Paloverde blooming at library, as well

On the 19th, Kathy returned to work for a moderately busy day. She did a home care and we both stopped at the dragon sculpture for the last meeting of Happy Hour with the Animals this season.

Jef's black Jeep of the family is last car in parking lot this evening

Happy hour at the dragon's head

Tourists taking pic at left

Front view

Shamus doing a magic trick

Panorama looking north

Careful, Shamus, if the wind catches it... it'll disappear!

Nothing up my sleeves

Shamus came in the T-bird

Kathy showed up after finishing a homecare patient 1/2 mile from this spot

"Pegleg" Jack told of a unbelievable gold strike he found

Nice sunset

About time to pack it up, Joya offered to host one additional happy hour at her trailer

Exitting the scene

On the 20th, walked to work in 50 minutes & did some work at office. Kathy did her exercise class at the Sr. Ctr. & had 7 attendees, which is pretty good.

Jef descending to office

Kathy & Jef testing out their new furniture

Nearly blind Peanut finds obstacles by bumping into them sometimes, so generally walks very slowly

On the 21st, back to work a fairly busy day at the office.

Kathy leaving work - Jef (white Jeep) will be last to leave, as usual

Paloverde still going strong

On the 22nd, a fairly light day at the office.

We got a few drops during the night, as they still remained on window early this morning

Clouds this morning lessened during the day...

...until almost gone this evening

On the 23rd, Jef drove Kathy to MD appointment, after which we shopped at Asian Market & TJs before driving to Santee where Jef got haircut & Kathy got car washed. We then worked at cleaning up Big Rock house for a few hours before doing the Mesa loop in a slow 80 minutes (normal is under 70 minutes). We then headed to Banbu Sushi. We left there after 10pm and drove to Borrego. Kathy relieved Jef for last half hour of driving.

Weeds over a foot tall in back yard at Big Rock house - took before pic, but this all got mowed before we left

After starting hike, looking back at mustard lining the trail

Crossing the creek at the start of the Mesa Trail

Kathy starting up trail with 2 hikers coming down - I think we only saw 3 hikers before reaching high point. Note the flowers

Bush monkey flowers

Kathy started ripping out witches hair parasite while Jef slowed down to take a few pix

Chamois blooming as Kathy restarts hiking uphill

Kathy by a colourful patch of flowers

Kathy higher up on trail with chamois on left & black sage blooming on right

Black sage blooms with view of western section of Santee

Kathy with view of eastern part of Santee

After peaking at the junction of Big Rock Trail, Kathy is most of the way down here with view of Big Rock neighborhood

Our neighbors at sushi bar ordered an "Inferno Roll", which was hot even if it didn't have jalapenos & habanero sauces in it, which it also had

Sushi chefs mass producing sushi

Jef & Kathy

Jef sporting a recent haircut

On the 24th, woke up in the afternoon after a long Saturday, and mostly took it easy all day. Jef made fritatas and replaced pads on swamp cooler.

On the 25th, back to work a fairly long day at the office.

Cactus flower on our front patio

Among the last cars this afternoon - paloverdes still going fairly strong

Sunset this evening

Pam checking out sunset under our sign

on the 26th, after a moderately busy day at the office, stopped by Joyas for a continuance of the Happy Hour with the Animals group.

Panorama of contrailly sky at home this afternoon

Kathy setting up our spot at Joya & Pam's trailer

More clouds joining the contrails

The spread - we contibuted the pizza

Small trailer, big sky

Kathy sitting in circle

A dove stopped by to say "Hi"

Kathy, Marilyn, Ann?, Dan at left, Jinny, Laughlins center, and Pam, Mike & Joya are at right

Panorama looking up/down Joya's street

Took lots of panoramas as clouds got better

Clouds starting to get a little colour

Ann & Mike are closest to camera here

This is about the most colour we got, as it wasn't clear to the coast

Remnants of original contrails survived to the end of the sunset

On the 27th, Jef went to Ramona & did some shopping. Kathy did her exercise class & got her teeth cleaned.

On the 28th, back to work a fairly long day at the office.

This sort of looks like Mia at a beach, but the "body of water" behind her is just a shadow in the sand

On the 29th, Kathy was having breathing problems, so did an abbreviated day at the office.

On the 30th, Jef walked to the office in under 55 minutes & uploaded some pix and did some work.

A nopal bloom in front patio

Meter definitely going south

Fork of side trail hitting switchback of spur trail... the trail beyond is where you hike should you turn right at this intersection

Still a lot of paloverde blooms, but they are now in decline
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